The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1936-03-05, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
Miss Tiernan, of Dashwood, was a
recent visitor with friends in town,
Mrs. Lorne Scott, of
visiting here with her
and Mrs. G. C. Petty.
'Mr, Lyle Cassidy and
lan, of Otterville, spent
days in town last week.
tMiss Mary Buchanan Reg. N., of
St. Thomas, spent the week-end here
with her mother, Mrs. Alex Buch
anan, Sr.
•Mrs. William B. MdLean, of Eg-
Toronto, is
parents Mr,
Mr. McMul-
a couple of
mondville, a former well
resident of Hensall, spent
days last week visiting friends
Mrs. .Gillespie and Miss Garry
have been holding Evangelistic meet
ings in 'part of the Murdock Block,
north side of King St., for several
Mr. Claude Blowes, principal of
the Hensall Publ'ic 'School was away
on Thursday and Friday writing on
examinations, His room .at the
school was closed for the two days.
Miss Katilwyn Drysdale, of Alma
Ladies’ College, St. Thomas, spent
the week-end here with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Drysdale.
Word has been received here that
Mr. Archibald Bell, formerly of this
vicinity, passed away at Carrizo
Springs, Texas, recently. His funeral
was held at a former home, North
Adams, Mich. Mr. Bell has been en
gaged for several years as Superin
tendent of. Markets at Pontiac were
he has been residing for some years.
Chiselhurst Store Burns
The old store at the Chiselhurst
Corner, one of the land marks of the
nearly days was burned to the ground
early Sunday morning. The building
was shut up for several years till last
fall when Harry Lippert of near
Dashwood opened up a general store
and chopping mill. The building was
all a blaze when the family, who liv
ed at tike ‘back of the store, awoke
and they barely escaped in their
night clothes,
and there was no insurance.
The Hensall Junior Farmers’ As
sociation was organized last Friday
at the closing of the Short Courses,
that have been held here in the
Town Hall during the past four
months. 'The. Association will hold
regular monthly meetings here in
the village. The following are the
officers: President, Clarence Smil-
lie; Vice-President, James Mustard;
Secretary-Treasurer, Lome
Directors, John Farquhar, Bill
Everything was
loss. The fire is supposed
started from a defective stove
The building was owned by
Frank Ry(ckman, of Usborne,
Organize Societies
young ladies attending the
organized the Ladies Junior
Institute and will also (hold regular
meetings here. The following are
the officers: Hon. president, Mrs.
M. G. Drysdale; President, Maud Mc
Lean; 1st Vice-President, Mildred
Smillie; 2nd Vice-President, Beryl
Drummond; Secretary-Treasurer, G.
Passmore; Directors, Mary Coleman,
Laureen Martin, Margaret Jones, 01-
go Bell; District Director, Mary
Coleman; pianist, Louise Drummond
Assist, pianist, Miabeh, Alexander;
Club Editor, Minnie Sangster; Ass.
Editor, Dorothy Drummond; Com
mittee for project work, Mrs. Jas.
Paterson, Mrs. E. K. Hutton, Mrs.
The Y. P. iS. of the United church
held their regular weekly meeting
on Monday evening .with a good
attendance and with. Miss Mildred
Smillie presiding. The meeting open
ed by singing hymn 99 prayer by
Mildred Smillie. The Scripture les
son was read 'by Miss Vera Decker,
after wlhich hymn 9 7 was sung.
Minutes of the previous meeting
were read and adopted land other
business taken up. A reading by
Lorne Elder; instrumental by Miss
Greta Lamimie; an interesting topic
‘5On Japan” was very ably taken by
Miss Mildred iScruton. After singing
hymn 98 the meeting closed with
the Lord’s Prayer.
Siuidhy in the Churches
Owing to the illness of Rev. Mr.
Sinclair there was no service in the
United 'Church on Sunday morning.
Rev. Mr. Chandler, of Kip pen, took
the evening -service. At the Presby
terian, church Rev. W. A. Young,
occupied his own pulpit at both ser
vices with good congregations both
morning and evening. At the An
glican church the morning service
commenced at 11.30 instead of 11
o’clock to -give tihe members a chance
to hear the Kinig-’is- .address at their
homes. Rev. Mr. Farr, rector was
in charge botlhf morning and evening.
Rev. Arthur Sinclair was in Lon
don several days* last week and while
there had an X-ray taken. He is
showing some improvement in his
eggs, carefully in
cth year,
ars and.
ig Stock
Our hatchery pr.ogranlj
Government Approved, i
Bloodtesting for five
Special feeding of Bree
for vitality in the chicks
It includes the*, setting
World’s pay of X’rayer
The ladies of the congregations of
the United, Presbyterian and Angli
can churches of Hensall observed
the World’s Duy of prayer by a
united meeting in the United Churcih
on Friday afternoon. There was a
splendid attendance from all the three churches Mrs. Cross, presi
dent of the W. M. S. of the United
church and Mrs, Qolin Hudson* of
Carmel church and Miss Mary Fee, of st, Paul’s Anglican 'church had
chairs on the platform. The meeting
opened with singing hymn "Lord
of our Life”; -call to worship by Mrs,
Cross; Psalm 100; prayer in unison;
Scripture lesson 35 chapter of Isa
iah was read by Mrs. Drummond!
prayer of general thanksgiving in
unison; hymn "Jesus Shall Reign”;
prayer fdr the League of Nations,
Mrs. W, O, Goodwin; prayer for the
Efmpire and King, Mrs. Simpson;
Prayer for the Church, Miss Mary'
McGregor; prayer for youth every
where, Mrs. Workman; reading on
the World’s Day of Prayer, Mrs.
Lavander; hymn "Our Blessed Re
deemer”; solo, by Mrs. W. A. Mc
Laren; prayer for Temperance, Mrs.
Merner; Prayer for missions, Mrs.
Chas. MeDonell; hymn, “O God, of
Love!’; address, by Miss J. Murray;
offering; closed by prayer in unison.
Death of Mrs. John Tinney
Mrs. John Tinney, a former resi
dent of Hensall and district -passed
away on Wednesday, February 26,
in the Woodstock General Hospital,
after a lengthy illness. She was suf
fering' from cancer. Her maiden
name was Sarah Elizabeth Colclough
and she was horn in Goderich Town
ship 60 years ago. About 20 years
ago Mr. and Mrs. Tinney and family
moved from Hensall to Woodstock
where they have resided since. She
is survived by her husband and two
daughters, Mrs. John Campbell, of
Ingersoll and iMrs. Frank Parkes of
Woodstock. '‘One brother Robert
Colclough, of Goderich also survives.
Also three sisters, Mrs. A. J. Can-
telon, of Bayfield; Mrs. A. Black-
well, of Woodstock and Mrs. Alfred
Granger, of Brandon, Man. The fun
eral took place on Friday afternoon
with interment at Woodstock. Among
those who attended the funeral from
here were, Robert, Matthew and Ben
Tinney of the Blind Line. Hay.
Short Course Ended
The Short Course in Agriculture
and Home Economics being held in
the Town Hall 'here for the last
four weeks came to an end on Fri
day evening with a program and
dance. Rev. W. A. Young acted as
chairman for the entertainment and
gave a splendid' address after which
the following program was given.
The class orchestra favored with two
numbers and the students attending
the classes sang a welcome chorus.
A duet was given by Misses Beryl
Drummond and Minnie Sangster en
titled "School Days”, both young
ladies 'being in costume. A reading
was given by Isabelle Alexander; a
a solo “Aweary-in’ for you” by Miss
Bela S-male; a dialogue was
John Farquhar, Gladys
Mildred Smillie and Bill
This dialogue was one of the big
features of the evening. Percy
Wright gave a guitar selection
“There’s a Tavern in the Town” and
as an encore "Silver Haired Daddy
of Mine”; Mrs. E. K. Hutton favor
ed with a solo- "Smilin’ Through”.
A class paper called the Class Ga
zette was read by Lorne Elder and
Was very, amusing. James Mustard
g(ive a well rendered piano instru
mental and Mrs. James Paterson,
who was in costume sang "My Wild
Irish Rose’ whistling the chorus.
Miss Margaret Bell gave a splendid
violin selection; quartette by Gladys
Passmore, Dorothy Drummond, Min
nie Sangster and Dorothy Daters.
Mr. Jefferson, of Clinton, gave a
s'plendid address taking as his sub
ject Rudyard Ki'pilng. The presenta
tion to the prize winners then took
General Proficiency', Mildred Smil
lie; Home Cooking and> Nutrition,
Maud McLean; Serving, Olga Bell;
Best Scrap Book and Note Book, M.
Bell; Best Judging, Donald Walker;
Highest Standing, • Clarence Smillie,
Richard Etherington A presenta
tion to the Instruction staff by the
Short Course classes also took place,
at the close of this part of the even-
ing’is entertainment a dainty lunch
was served and a social time spent.
Dancing then took place till the wee
hours. Music was furnished iby Geo.
Grant and his orchestra of Exeter.
The staff who were in charge of
the Short Courses were well pleased
with the attendance and the work
done by the students during the four
weeks that the courses were held.
The attending students have form
ed a Junior Institute and the boys a
Junior Farmers’ Club.
entitled "Uncle Hiram’s Cold”
taking part were Ed. Corbett,
M'c|Lean, 'Beryl Drummond,
. We are glad to report that Mrs^
Sarah Qdiser is improving after recent illness,
A delightful and interesting
ture at the close of the morning
vice in tihe Evangelical Church
the listening to the broadcast of the
message of King Edward VIII. AU
listened in rapt silence to the King's
gracious message and joined in sing
ing the National Anthem with mil
lions of British subjects.Thanks go
to Mr. Everett Fahrner tor install
ing a radio which was enjoyed by all,
Mr, Jolhn Lovie, of Btephen, is at
tending the funeral of his uncle, Os
car Wade, of Wilson, New York on
Wednesday, Mr. Wade was a form
er resident of Grand Bend district
and the last survivor of the Wade
Mr. Oscar Wolfe, of Detroit, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. L.
Gaiser and friends in town.
The Sunday School session of the
United Church on Sunday morning
was made very interesting, owing
to tihe fact that a radio had been in
stalled to enable all present to hear
the message broadcast by His Ma
jesty. King Edward VIII. A large
.number were present and were very
appreciative of the kindness of Mt.
Clinton Morlock and Ken. Lillow
who so kindly loaned and installed
the radio. It being Missionary Sun
day, Mrs. Samuel King gave a very
interesting reading, "A Visit to a
Chinese Home”; Little Miss Bernice
Finkbeiner sang a solo in pleasing
voice. Both, numbers were well
rendered and enjoyed by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stevens, of
Detroit, Miss 'Susie Dayman, Mr.
Fred Kilbearth, of Sarnia, spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John
The ladies of the Evangelical
W. M. S. me't with the W. M, S. of
the United 'Church on Friday even
ing. A„good attendance was pres
ent and tihe spirit was felt in the
meeting as all over the world. Pray
er went up from millions ef Christian
women of all denominations that the
Prince of Peace might reign in the
hearts of all men and women and
that world peace desired by nations
might be established. Mrs. J. W.
Johnson .presided at the meeting. A
splendid paper on "Prayer” was giv
en by Mrs. Emery Rahner and a vo-
val duet was rendered by Mrs. E.
Wenzel and Mrs. H. F. Eilber.
The meeting of the Evangelical
Ladies’ Aid1 and the W. M. S. was
held in tllie church recently. The
Vice-President, Mrs. A. E. Pletch,
took the chair. After the devotional
exercises the roll was called when 15
responded. The Society, reported
10 calls, 6 sick calls and 7 treats.
The business of the meeting was then
transacted. Mrs. Mary Haist tqok ..
the clhair fer the program which
opened with a hymn. Reading by
Mrs. Leonard Wein, "Home Sweet
Home”; another hymn "What a
Wonderful .Saviour”; the chapter of
our iS'tudy Book was given by Mrs..
Everett Fahner after which the,
meeting closed with song and the
Lord’s Prayer.
We are in receipt this week of a
communc'iation for publication from
Crediton but as the communication
was not signed, we are withholding .
same. We require tilie signature of
all communications not necessarily '
for .publication but as an evidence ,
of good faitlb. s , ■
ser -
The stewards of the United church
are holding a social evening in the
church on March 13th. The even
ing will be spent with a 'program
and contest after which lunch will
be served. 'Everybody welcome.
Last Sunday being Missionary
Sunday in the Sunday School a paper
was .given by Mrs, E. Keys and a
piano solo by Miss Leila Mollard.
Mrs. Wm. Lovie spent last week
visiting with friends in Parkhill.
The Y. P. Society., will meet at the
home of Miss Lorraine Baker
Thursday evening.
ed to preserve tl^ir vil^ity.
a poeticalIt also include
tation program
That’s why they
That’s why they
That’s1 why they
For further inf
phone, or write.
The hatdliery is on t
V better!
■ better!
e Goshen Line,
Stanley, Township
The phone number is 97rll, Hensall
The address is Zurich, Ontario
We appreciate your inquiries and ?
iSunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
John Prance were Mr. and Mrs. Mer
vin Pym and family, of Hlimville;
Mr, add Mrs. Garnet
Mr. Peter Whitlock,
Road, called on his daughter, Mrs.
Freeman Horne on Saturday.
is r
Murray and
of Thames
, Henman Foster spent a few
this'week with Mr. and Mrs.
Foster at Granton.
. Henry Delbrldge, of Exeter,
n Itu ; a few’ days with Mr
Loraee Delblrdge.
. aiiu Mrs. George Davis
>ily visited on Sunday witili
and Mrs. Jas, Kirkland at Elimville
Owing to condition of roads
weather the regular meeting of
__ _ the
W. M. S. was cancelled until Friday
last wlhfen a goodly number were
present. The meeting opened with
singing and prayer. Roll call was
well responded to being a verse on
"Faith.” Minutes of the -last meet
ing were read and adopted and the
correspondence was read by Mrs. py-
bus. Mrs. Cudmore read the Scrip
ture lesson. There were responsive
reading. First Mrs. Glen gave a
short talk on the "Size of Africa”
Mrs. Joe Fergusoh On "Languages
and Dialects of Africa”; Mrs. Turn
bull on "People of, Africa”; Mrs. Bu
chanan sang "A Little Black Sheep”
in negro dialect. Mrs. Cudmore
gave tihe topic 'on fourth chapter of
the- New Africa. Meeting closed by
singing and prayer.
The Congregational meeting has
been cancelled from time- to time so
they had it following the W. M. S.
and owing to a number of resigna
tions it was necessary to appoint new
officers in their places.Chise.hurst lost, one of its. old
landmarks in an early Bunday blaze
which totally destroyed tihe store.
The occupants barely escaped with
just their night clothing. It is also
believed there was no insurance on
the building.
W. R. Kinsman intends having a
horse sale on the 13th of March, He
hopes to have real nice weather, as
lie has quite a number of horses
to dispose mf and would no doubt be
pleased to see a large crowd there.
E,„ •^piock, Dash-
of week and
Office, in Zu-
Dr, W, D. Byrce, L.Q.
»ent/l surj"
At office infeartlftjB
wood, first t/retmJKys
at office .overtMFpost
rich, last thiwMays of week.
Mr. Gordon Keeler spent the week
end at his home in Mitehell.
Miss Leila McFalls, of Exeter,
is visiting her mother at present.
•Mr. and Mrs. J. C Reia and Mr.
and Mrs. // '
Tuesday afternoon in
Mrs. Mary Neeb, wn:
the sick list, and has
at the home of her di
I. Tetreau on the 141.1
returned to her heme
We are pleased to say
The Ladies- Aid of th*1*
cal church are holding a Si
supper in the basement
church on Tuesday/ evenm
Follow ing the suppe;
Alvin Kellerman spent . Thedford.
bar. been on
heei staying
mghter, Mrs.
cn Tuesday,
•she is much
st. Patrick
; of the
17th. Following the supper lantern
slides will 'be given by Rev. H. E.
Miss Zeta Nadiger, nurse in train
ing at. Victoria Hospital, London,
underwent an operation for the re
moval of her lonsilfe" and adenoids
last Saturday. Her condition is not
improving as fast as her friend*.
would desire.
Miss Margaget Willert, of Lon
don. is visiting at her home here.
Miss Verna Kratt, of London,
spent the week end .with her moth
er. Mrs. T. Kraft.
Miss Hilda Snell, Gf Detroit, is
spending a few weeks with her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell.
The Ladies’ of the W. M. S, of the
Evangelical church bowed their
heads on Friday afternoon in ob
servance of the Women’s World Day
of Prayer at. the home, of Mrs. D.
Tieman and in fellowship with many,
other women the world over offered
prayers for n-:ace on earth.
Mr. and Mrs. P„obert Hayter at
tended the funeral of his brother the
late William Hayter, of Parkhill on
•Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wildfong,
of near London, spent the week-end
with her mother Mrs. Hamacher.
Mr. Hartman Elsie who spent the winter in Sarnia has returned heme. 1
Misses Jean and1 Mary Mclsaac,
Maxine Bishop and Melville Vernon
all of Detroit spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaac.
Mr. Harry Hoftoan assisted the
band concert in Exeter on Sunday
The W. A. intend having a supper
followed by a play on March' 17 th.
Watch for adv. next .week.
Miss Margaret Johns, of Clinton
spent the week-end at her home
here.The World’s Day of Prayer was
observed in this church on Friday
afternoon of last week.
Mr. Fred Long, of Milverton, spent
the week-end visiting in this com
munity,Mr. and Mrs. Louis Johns and
family, of Stephen, are moving to
Mr. Clarise Snell’s farm this week.
•Mr. and' Mrs. Chas. Johns who oc
cupied the farm for the past year
have moved to the ihiome of their
son Mr. Kenneth Johns.
Misses Mary and Gladys Johns at
tended the Short Course in Home
Economics which has been held at
Hensall during tine month of Feb
ruary.The Y. P. Union met on Sunday
evening. The president opened the
meeting with hymn 132 and prayer
bv Rev. J. R. Peters. The Christian
Fellowship, Convenor, Allen. Johns
had charge of the Worship period.
Hvmn 56 was sung. The Scripture
Lesson Genesis 1-10 'by Dorothy Johns, John 14:5-11 by Harold
Clarke and Genesis 2:1-10 by Hazel
Johns. The talk on the lesson was
read, by Harold, Davis. Lloyd Bell
read a poem “Canada to England”
and Allen Johns read a poem ‘Doc’
Delmar Skinner led in prayer. The
topic was given in two parts the
first part “The passing of King
George V’ was given by Lorne El
ford and the second part “Long Live
our King” was .given by Elarl Coul-
tis. The meeting was closed with
the National Anthem and the Miz
pah benediction.
Mrs. Will Routlyi spent a few days
this week with friends near Kirk
week with friend#' near Kirk-
Mrs. Golling has returned
after spending a week .with
daughter Mrs. Edgar Kennedy in
London.After the severe and steady win
ter we all appreciate a break in the
temperature. The Thames Road is
still closed to motor traffic for some
of us it is a problem "shank’s pony”
is no good for a long trip. However-
we hope the corner that spring is
around is not far away.At the time of .writing Mr. John
Hodgert is very poorly. We hope he
will soon be better.
(From another source)
The King’s voice was heard at the
service last Sunday morning.
The skating rink has been more of
a "job’'' than- a "pleasure” this
winter. Better luck next winter.
The road question has been a ser
ious one this winter and it looked at
times as? if flying would be the only
way to get around.
Tihe W. M. .S. met for the Day of
Prayer at the Manse. The weather
kept some away.
The Y. P. S. met Tuesday night
and a good time was the report.
Mrs. Simale, of Farquhar, had a
stroke on Sunday morning.
Miss Mary Gardiner was home for
the week-end.
Miss Lillian Miller and Marjorie
Etlierington returned home after
School at
attending Short Course
Hensall this last month.
Mrs. L.. Ballantyne
daughter are doing fine.
Rev. Mr. Mair spoke’
Lodge Monday evening at Exeter,
A lone Fold card dared the
Thames Road a week a o and ac-
ftorulng to reports it pulled through.
Farmers going to water have a
difficult job in kooy ' their horses
upon four feet.
and baby
at Masonic
Mrs. lA. Tufts returned home on
. month
visiting with her bro'
Pridham of Mitchell. ,
At time of writing it is impossible
to get in or out of hhe village by car
as the roads are again filled with
Mr, E. Waterton, of London, spent
the week-end1 at his home here.
Mr. Roy .Switzer, of Whalen,
moving to old home recently va
cated by, his father, Mr. E. ,Switzer,
We welcome Mr. and Mrs. .Switzer
back hem® again,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Hammond spent
Sunday witlh friends in Woodham.
Day of Prayer Sei'vice
Over fifty ladie.E met in the Unit
ed Church Friday to hold their day
of 'prayer service. The ladies from
Woodham and St. Paul’s Anglican
joined Kirkton United ladies. The
three presidents, presided, Mrs. W.
Switzer, Woodham; Mrs. Oliver Mc
Curdy, St. Paul’s and Mrs. J, More,
Kirkton. Mrs. Emerson Gunning sang
a solo “The Beautiful Garden of (
Prayer; Mrs. C. Wynn gave a read
ing and Mrs. Wesley Batten gave the
address of the afternoon which was
very interesting; also* prayers were
given by- a number of ladies. These
united prayer services are very im
pressive and inspiring. u
Women’s Institute
The regular monthly meeting
the Women’s Institute was held
the home of Dr. C. A. Campbell. Fin
al arrangements for the annual con
cert were made,
an interesting address
Fads and Fancies of
lunch was served and
spent at the close of
There were twenty members present.
having spent the past
with her son Harold in Tor-
Harry Burgan and son re
home on Wednesday after
r Dr. ®.
THUWPAX, MWH 5, 1030
ue and
heir in-
1,000 MILES IN
Yet 96 per cent are living
and thriving at 4 weeks old
In January, 800 Bray chicly
were shipped from our hatch-'
ery at St. Catherines, Ont., to
Mr. C. N. G. ’Wild, of Digby,
N.S.—-a distance of approxi
mately 1,000 miles, Mr. Wild
writes that 96 per cent, of them
are living and thriving at 4
week*. old.
. That’s .another pretty good
indication that Bray chicks
should do well in YOUR brood
er house. They are strong and
vigorous as they come from
the incubator, and they are
packed right for shipment.
With reasonable jpar.e, they li
grow and thrijj
Get a copy
trated catal
see the RJ
born vigo
ery. P:
Feed or cash discount on or
ders booked NOW for later delivery.
Fred W. BRAY Limited
Dr. Campbell gave
on "Fashions,
Medicine.” A
■a social hour
the meeting.
aunt, Mr.
all smiles
arrived at
'Miss Gladys Schenk, of north of
town, spent last week with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
P-faff Sr,
Master Allen Pfaff, of Sharon,
spent the week-end with his grand
parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Mrs. Walter MagPherson
the week-end in Glencoe and
Mr. L. Fahner, of Chauvin,
is visiting uncle and
and Mrs. S. Baynham. .
iMr. Kenneth Kuhn is
these days; a Ibaiby girl
his (home on Tuesday.
A jolly time was spent at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims
when the school children and parents
gathered there to show their appre
ciation to Mr. Sam. Lawson, who 'has
been so 'kind to the children during
the cold weather by taking them to
and from school in a sleigh load. The
_ children put on a program of songs
and recitations after wihicih some
useful gifts were I presented to Mr.
Lawson to which he made a very
suitable reply. A dainty lunch was
then servc'd.
•Last week the Times-Advocate re
ported a race with death over snow-
filled roads when a lady from Grand
Bend .was brought to Exeter in a
sleigh and taken to London for an
operation.operation. A similar experience
took place Tuesday -of last week
when Mr. Allan Jaques was rushed
to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, al
so for an operation for appendicitis.
Mr. Jaques was wrapped comfort
ably in a sleigh and the journey of
about seven miles to Centralia took
about three hours. Owing to the
conditions of the roads six men ac
companied the sleigh to keep it from
sliding off the beaten track and tip
ping. At Centralia Mr. Jaques was-
transferred to the car of Rev. Mr.
Stewart and was taken to London.
Dr. Kipp, of Granton, was the at
tending physician. Mr. Jaques is
how getting along favorably.
The Senior Bible Class held their
February social evening on Friday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wel
lington Brock. The evening was
spent with a program, contests and
games. Alt the close lunch was
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern spent
the week-end in St. Marys at the
home of their cousin, Mr. Rd. Lin-
Mrs. Alfred Brock returned Satur
day from Centralia where she had
been for some time .with Mr. and
Mrs. John Brock. Mr, Mervin
Brock has opened up a barber shop- in Centralia.
Mr. Jas. McKay, who .has been
employed with Mr. Warren Brock,
is leaving this week for Owen Sound
where he has secured employment.
Mr. Warren Brock had one of his
show teams at Granton last week
where they were used for judging at
the Agricultural Short Course. Mr.
house is installing hydro in
and barn.
On Friday evening last the mem
bers of the Young Men’s Sunday
School class and their teachers as
sembled at the parsonage to do hon
or to the newly-wedded groom, Mr.
Lorne McNaughton, a member of, the
I class, and presented (him'with a love
ly carving set. The address Was read
by Herb Hunter and the presenta
tion made by John Bowers. A pro
gram was put on by the boys of the
class which consisted of reading*,
mouth-organ selections: a vocal
qui”tettc by four of the members;
.V’d Wri. Hunter played the hems.
Games were also enjoyed aftei’
which a dainty' lunch was served.
Phone 246
The Mission Band meet next Sun
day, March Sth, at one o’clock p.m.
in the Sunday School room.
Rev. Mr. Lovegrove had his radio
installed in the church Sunday morn
ing and all present had the oppor
tunity of hearing His Majesty the
King deliver his ten minute speech
from England at the hour of eleven
Mr. Harold Thompson spent the
week-end at the home of his mother,
Mrs. (Rev.) Thompson, of Parkhill.
Miss Beatrice Doupe, of Kirkton,
visited Sunday with the Misses •
Amanda and Sarah Bhier.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gunning
and family sipent Sunday last with
the former’s mother, Mrs. Gunning.
The W. M. iS. meet Wednesday af
ternoon of this week at the home of
Mrs.C. Carnm.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Skelton and Mr.
and Mrs. D. Maltby, of Clinton, were
Sunday, visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
Arthur Brooks.
Mr. and .Mrs. John Willis and
family, of Exeter, visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davey.
Mr. and Davies and son, of
London visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. E. Knight.
Mr. and Mrs. IS. Davis, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Thompson and daughter, of
London, were Sunday' visitors wfbh
Mr. and Mrs. W. Parsons and Mrs.
Miss Gwen. Hicks, London, spent
Sunday with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Hicks.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Simpson, of
Ailsa Graig spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. P. Simpson.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huxtable: and
Marie, of Exeter, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith.
of the
on Fri-
The Interantional Day of
was observed by the ladies
congregation of tlhas church
day last. There was a good
ance and a very inspiring meeting
was held.
On Sunday last a radio was install
ed in the church by Mr. Colby for
the purpose of hearing the King
speak others availed themselves of
the oportunityi of nearby radios to
listen in. Tihie message came thro’
very clearly. We are certainly liv
ing in an advanced age when we
can sit in our own home and enjoy
the great privilege of hearing our
King’s, voice from across the seas.
Miss Helen and jack Norris and
friends spent last Sunday under the
parental roof.
Mrs. Willby, of Stratford visited
last week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Colbyi in the village.
Mr. John Robinson of tihe village
has received, the salesmanship for
travelling for the Rawleigh Company
and starts ;his duties on the first of
March. We wish joihn success.
A very nice time was spent at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Colby Tues
day night last, dames and dancing
whiled away the time. All enjoyed
themselves to t;h>e utmost. Mr. and
Mrs. Colby' make very congenial
host and hostess.
■V—, ■, ..........
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