The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-10-10, Page 5'P'M.
' t
aunt Mrs. Alda
past few weeks
home in Santa
on Sunday
of Ethel,
Sinclair in
Mfes Minnie Reid visited for a day
in London last week.
Mies Olive Walker has been visit
ing for the past week with relatives
in Toronto.
Miss Emily Morrison left on Sat
urday to spend a few weeks with her
aunt in Toronto.
Miss Evelyn Hunkin and friend,
of Farquhar, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell.
Mrs. John Murdock and Mrs. Alda
Simmons and sop jack visited
friends at Kippen on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Harris and son
Max, of Ailsa Craig, visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs, W, Fee.
Mr. Wm. Blackwell, of Lansing,
Mich., spent the week-end at the
home of Mrs. Blackwell, Hay Twp.
Mrs. Hannah Taylor, who has
spent the past year in Fillmore, Sask
has returned to her home in Hensall.
Mrs. E. K. Hutton and babe have
returned from Wingham where they
were visiting relatives for a couple
of weeks.
Mrs. Jas. A. Paterson has been
confined to her room through illness
for the past weak. Her many friends
hope to soon see her around again.
Mr. Albert Passmore, who is at
tending college at Hamilton spent
the week-end at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pass-
m ore.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Sheffer have re
turned home after a very pleasant
visit with their daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Reid, of
Port Rowan.
Mr. and Mrs, (Lyle Cassidy visited
over the week-end in Otterville. Miss
I. McMullen, who has spent the past
week with her sister Mrs. Cassidy
returned with them to her home in
Misses Bernice and Adella Butt,
of Saskatoon, Sask., have been visit
ing for the past two iweeks with
their 'relatives Mrs. John Murdock
and Mrs. John Dinsdale.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Woods who
have been visiting with Mr. Woods’
grandmother Mrs. John Dinsdale,
also with his
mo ns for the
left for their
ba.ra, Calif.
The tea which was held in
council chambers Friday evening
sponsored by the Library Board was
fairly well attended and much credit
is due the members for the tasteful
way the tables were decorated and
the manner in which the tea was
The South Huron Junior Farmers
Club intend putting on a play and
Old Time Dance in the Town Hall
on Thursday evening, October 10th.
The play is entitled “Light House
Nan” and promises to be good.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Vair and little
son Douglas, of St. Thomas and Mrs.
Ed. Douglas and Mr. Allen Douglas,
of Hyde Park, we’re Sunday visitors
at the home of Mrs. John Johnston.
Rev. Arthur Sinclair took the an
niversary service at Ethel
last. Rev. Mr. Penrose,
taking the service for Mr.
the United church here.
The Chamber of Commerce held
their first meeting for the coming
season on Wednesday evening of last
week in the Council Chambers with
a good attendance. A number of
important matters were discussed
and election of officers took place.
Mr. Walter Spencer was elected
president in the place of Mr."J. W.
Bonthron who was named as the
honorary president and who has
been the president for the past two
years; vice-president, Garnet Case;
treasurer, W.‘B. Cross; secretary, G.
M. Drysdale; auditors, A. W. E.
Hemphill and W. O. Goodwin. The
striking committee, E. L. Mickle, J.
E. Drummond and A. W. E. Hemp
The sacred band concert put on
iby the Hensall Band and assisted by
the local church choirs in the Town
Hall on Sunday evening was well at
tended the hall being fairly well
filled. The band under the direction
of Mr. H. Battersby is certainly mak
ing splendid progress. Rev. Mr. Farr
rector of .St. Paul’s Anglican church,
acted as chairman and in his address
spoke of the pleasure it was to him
to be .present and was glad to as
sist the band in any way he could.
Tne band put on a splendid program
and were assisted by the following
talent: vocal quartettes by the Four
Smillers, of Stratford; A. Robb, Ed.
Eglington, G. Verner and Launce
Battersby, vocal duet by Launce
and Frank Battersby; quartette by
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Young and Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. McLaren with Mrs.
A. Dougall as accompanist; violin
solo, Miss Greta Lammie; vocal sole
by Mrs. Geo. Hess.
Council Meeting
Hensall, October 7th, 1935
Regular meeting of the village
Council held this evening at 8 p.m.
in the Counci Chaftiber with all
members present except Councillor
Petty. Minutes of the last meeting
read.Robison and Shepherd that the
minutes be adopted as read. Car
ried.Reeve Jones reported re the fil
ling of the cracks in the pavement.
Walter iSpencer appeared re Spen
cer & Son as to the damage done to
their poof during the Old Boys Re
union asking for damages. No
action taken.
Communications read as follows:
County Treasurer, Canadian Per
forming Rights .Society, Minister of
Labor, Ontario Hospital, ’Woodstock;
Amusements, Revenue Branch;
same filed.Robinson and Sangster that we
advertise in the Exeter Times the
intention of the Council to purchase
the several properties remaining un
sold at the first tax sale held by
the county at the adjurned sale to
be held in November. Carried.
Keeve Jones reported the conver
sation he had with the county En
gineer re the Wm. Harvey and the
gravel affair.
Robinson and Shepherd that the
clerk write the McColl-Frontinac Oil
Co. as to the catch basins in front of
their property. Carried.
Bills and accounts read as fol
lows: A. Smith, layor on street
$3.80; J. Priest, labor on street $4;
N. Blatchford, cutting weeds $7.75;
Alf. Clark, supplies, streets $6.75;
T. Welsh, wood, Hall $6.00; J. Pat
erson, express and postage $2.31;
Hensail Hydro, Hydro, Hall $5.20;
G. M. Case, relief, $3.0'0; A. B. Row-
cliffe, relief $3.00; J. W. Ortwein,
relief $6.‘00; Hensail Hydro, relief
$6.72; total $54.53,
Gangster and Shepherd
accounts as read be paid.
Robinson and Shepherd
adjourn. Carried.
James Paterson,
that the
that we
Harry Luckner, of Windsor,Mr.
is visiting with his Bister, Mrs. Geo.
Baynham Jr.
Mrs. Julia Scandrett and daugh
ter Miss Corinne Scandrett, of Bel
grave, visited for a tew days this
week with Mr. and Mrs, Arthur
Mr, and Mrs. Chris. Pink, their
son Kenneth, and his lady friend, of
London, were vii&itors with Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Hicks on Friday of
last week.
Mr. George Baynham Sr. has been
confined to his home owing to ill
ness for the past week.
Mr. C. J. O’Brien was in Toronto
over the week-end.
A number of the members of the
Women’s Missionary Society attend
ed the W. M. S. Convention held
in the Elimville United Church on
Thursday of last week.
Mr. Sid. Henry, creamery mana
ger, is on vacation for two weeks.
He left on Saturday for his home in
The opening meeting of the Young
Peoples’ Society was a social evening
held in the basement of the church
on Tuesday of last week. A very
pleasant evening was spent in games
and contests followed by a weiner
Mr. 'Cecil Hodgson, of Toronto,
spent a few days last week with his
parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgson.
He left on Sunday for Chatham to
visit with his brother, Mr. E. Hodg
son and they planned to attend the
World Series- baseball game in De
troit on Monday.
Miss Olive Lee, of Brinsley visit
ed with her sister Mrs. Richard
Parker for a few days last week.
Misses >Gwen. Hicks and
O’Brien, o'f London, spent the
end at their homes.
Mies Ua Schroeder spent the
end at her -home near Clandeboye.
Mr. and Mrs. Huxtable and Marie
of Exeter, spent. Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills were
in (London on .Saturday of last week
attending the Mills-Spence wedding.
Mr. Kenneth Hodgins spent the
week-end at his home near Green
A successful evening of entertain
ment was put on in the church here
on- .Friday of last week. A good pro
gram consisting of readings, dialo
gues and musical numbers was put
on by Thames Road United church
members' and lunch was served by
the ladies of Group NO'. 1 of the W.
A. of this Church.
Plan to attend the Thank-Offering
services in the Church here on Sun
day, October 13th. Services at 10:
30 a.m. and 7 p.m.
The anniversary services on
day were a splendid success
Rev. H. J. Livingstone, of Welburn,
preaching two very fine sermons to
large congregations. Special music
was furnished by the choir.
The W. M. S. celebrated their
25th anniversary on Tuesday after
noon by entertaining the auxiliaries
from Elimville and Whalen as well
as a number of former members.
The president, Mrs. Warren Brock,
.presided and extended a hearty wel
come to the visitors. The devotion
al exercises consisted of .the scrip
ture lesson read by Mrs. M. Hern
and prayer by Rev. Mr. Peters.
Seven charter members answered to
the roll call. A memorial service
for thirteen members wh'o have pas
sed away since the society was or
ganized was conducted by Mrs. H.
Kyle. Mrs. J. Hern, Sr., read the
list of names; a poem by Geo. Whit
tier was read 'by Mrs. Kyle .and a
duett “Shadows” was sung by Rev.
and (Mrs. Peters. Addresses were
given by four members of the Exet
er auxiliary who were present at the
recent leaders conference at Alma
College, St. Thomas. They were
Mrs. C. W^ Christie, Mrs. J. M.
Southcott, Mrs. A. Page and Mrs. J.
H. Jones. The addresses were much
appreciated by those present and
were interspersed with musical num
bers Comprising a duet by Mrs. Ed.
Johns and Miss Ella Murch, of Elim
ville; duet by Mrs. F. Squire and
Mrs. John Hazelwood, of Whalen;
instrumental by Mrs. H. Ford, of
Elimville and reading by Miss Ruth
Hodgson, .of Whalen. About one
hundred, ladies were present and
after the program all repaired to the
church shed where a sumptuous
Chicken supper was served/, ^ith a
birthday cake adorning the tables.
Votes of thanks were tendered „to
those taking part in the pr'ogrhm
and also to the Zion auxiliary for
their splendid hospitality.
Mrs. Ray Lavigne, Mrs. Manley
• Winters, of Windsor, Mrs. Floes,
i Beggs, of Detroit, visited with Mr,
and Mrs. Albert King last week.
* Miss Lulu Kerr, of Toronto, spent
the week-end at her hiome here,
Mr. Elmer Wilson, Miss Sells, Mr
and Mrs. Robinson, of Lobo, visited
on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Rich,
Hill. Mrs. Richard Hill returned
with them to visit her mother for
a few days.
The weekly meeting of the EvarT-
gelical Senior League was under the
convenorship of Marguerite Amy.
The Scripture was read by Cuthbert
Carr, and the topic discussed by Gor
don Ratz. Mr. Murray Mlorton and
Mr. Emmery Fahner contributed a
much appreciated cornet duet. An
other pleasant part of the evening’s
jrogram .was the induction by the
pastor, Mr. Pletch of eleven graduate
members qf the Junior League,
Special anniversary services were
held in the United Church on Sun
day, October ,'6tli. .Rev. J. B. Mo'ore,
of Grand Bend was the guest epeak
er and delivered two very inspiring
sermons. In the morning Mr. Moore
chose as his subject, “The Church’s
Foundation” and in the evening ‘Life
as a Voyage." The choir rendered
two anthems at each service, they
were assisted by Mr. Clayton Sims
and Mr. Frank Taylor, of
who sang a very acceptable
the morning, Mr. Taylor
with a solo in the evening,
crowds were present at both ser
vices, Rev. M,r. Pletch and members
of his congregation were present at
the evening session, service being
withdrawn in the Evangelical church
Don’t forget the Fowl Supper at
the Evangelical Church on Thursday
Orediton’s Women's Institute
The regular meeting of the W. I.
was held October 1st with a very
go|od attendance. The vice-president
Mrs. Amy wag in charge of the meet
ing which opened with singing the
“Ode” followed by the Lord’s Pray
er. The roll call was answered by
“How we can improve our Institute”
Two members were appointed to at
tend the annual convention at Lon
don. After the business and dis-
cussi/ons, Mrs. Mclsaac took, the ch.*ir
for the following program. Song, “O
Canada”; instrumental duet by Miss
L. Smith and Miss A. Gaiser; the to
pic on education, was very ably giv
en by Miss; Kirkland of the mental
health clinic London, her subject be
ing “Home Training of
A vocal duett entitled,
Glen’” was given by Mrs. C. Misener
and Mrs. G. Morlock.
brought the program to a close after
which lunch was served by Mrs. Mc
lsaac, Miss L. Smith, Miss A. Gaiser
and Mrs. L. England.
Redpath Granulated Sugar . .. . . 10 lbs. for 52c
FRESH SODA BISCUITS .....................
GOOD COOKING RICE.......................
LARGE MEATY PRUNES ..................
LIBBY’S PORK & BEANS, large tin .
KETA SALMON, fancy quality...........
1 lb. pkg. 2 for 25c.
...................4 for 25c.
.........3 lbs. for 14c.
....... 2 lbs. for 25c.
........ 2 tins for 19c.
......................... 10c,
...............per tin 10c,
........3 lbs. for 25c.
Wonderful Laundry Soap ........... 8 for 25c.
Palmolive Soap.....................3 cakes for 14c.
Pitted Dates................................2 lb. for 25c
Golden Spray Cheese... 1-2 lb. pkg. 2 25c.
Peanut Butter in bulk...........2 lbs. for 25c.
Ready Cu tMacaroni ................... per lb. 5c.
Vanilla Large bottle ..................... each 15c.
Fancy Assorted Biscuits...........per lb. 15c.
Good Cooking Onions ...... 50 lb. bag 59c.
Good Cooking Apples .......per basket 35c.
Large Fresh Celery.............per bunch 10c.
Fresh Grapefruit ......................... 4 for 25c.
Sweet Potatoes ..................... 5 lbs. for 25c.
New Cabbage ..................................2 for 15c.
duet in
A contest
Mr. T. Yuli and Mr. and Mrs. F.
Seheiding, all of London, spent Sat
urday with the latter’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Motz.
Mrs. Eli Lawson, has returned
home after a few days visit in Ex
eter with her ’Sister, Mrs. Parsons
and brother Mr. Esli Heywood, who’
was taken to Victoria Hospital on
Wednesday last.
Mr. Charles Anderson, of Sarnia,
spent the week-end wit/h his mother,
Mrs. Wilson Anderson.
Mrs. John Lawson, celebrated her
ninety-first birthday on Wednesday
of last week at the home of her son
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. George Law-
son in Exeter. The Canadian Cow
boys played a piece over C.F.P.L. on
Wednesday at noon. Mrs. Lawson
is remarkably smart for her age and1
we wish her many more birthdays.
The regular meeting of the Ladies’
Aid was held 'October 2nd on Wed
nesday evening at the home of Mrs.
Arthur Finkbeiner. The president
Mrs, Wm. Sweitzer presiding. Meet
ing, opened by singing hymn “He
Leadeth Me” after which Mrs. Jac
ob Ratz led in prayer. Roll call was
1 answered and nine members were
present and five visitors. After re
ports were given interesting papers
Were given by Rev. J. Johnson and
Miss Pearl Keyes. After discussion
we decided to make a box of cloth
ing including a quilt to be sent to
the needy in Northern Ontario. Four
letters of thanks were read flor the
treats sent to the sick. The meeting
was closed by singing hymn “Take
time to be Holy” and prayer by Rev.
Mr. Johhson. A dainty lunch was
served by the hostess.
Sunday S'chtool and preaching ser
vice will be held next Sunday at the
regular hour with communion at the
close of the preaching service.
Quite a number from here attend
ed the anniversary service in Cred
iton on Sunday.
Miss Jean McKenzie entertained a
number of her friends to a birthday
party on Friday evening last.
Jack Ratz Jr. had an operation on
Monday for the removal of his ton
sils in Dr. Taylor’s Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McNair,
Elaine and Jimmie spent Sunday at
the home Of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lam
Miss Mildred Lamport and Miss
Ethel Taylor, of Stratford, spent the
■veek-end at the home of the form
er’s parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Lam
Last Sunday was Missionary Sun-
lay in the Sunday School. Mrs. WM.
Sweitzer’s class sang, “Dear to the
Heart of a shepherd.**
About thirty young people gather-
ered at the home of Warden W. II.
and Mrs, Sweitzer last Friday even
ing and presented Mrs. Glen Bren
ner (Evelyn Sweitzer, with an elec
tric floor lamp.
Miss Mildred Lamport and girt
friend, of Stratford, spent the week
end at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. ,
Phone 102
“Quality always higher than price.”
'Anniversary services will be held
at Woodham United Church on Sun
day, October li3th at 11 a.m. and 7
Rev. Mr. .Gardiner, of Lon-
be the guest speaker
Special music will
desboro will
for the day.
Mrs. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas Simpson attend
ed Markham Fair the paet week.
Rev. Mr. Mair addressed annivers
ary congregations at Zion (Wood-
’ ; and
Stewart and son,
Niagara Falls, have been visiting
the neighborhood for a few days.
Mrs. Gordon Dykeman, of Galt,
spent a few days last week at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank McNaughton .
( Mr. and Mrs. James Squire visited
oh Sunday last at Washington at
the home of their daughter, Mrs.
Howard Anderson. They also took in
the seventy-fifth anniversary of the
church there.
Mr. and Mrs. Talbot, of Bruce-
field, has been visiting for a
days with the former’s aunt,
J. Routly.
-■ 'Mrs. Jesse Jaques has been
fined to her room with an attack of
neuritis. We hope it will not be of
long duration,
'Mrs. J. Anurew and Miss Violet
Gambrill, of Exeter, were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rundle on
Wednesday evening of last week.
Several from here attended the
Missionary Rally at Tavistock’ on
Friday of last week.
There were no church services held
here last Sunday on account of the
anniversary services held at Zion, on
the Mitchell Road.
Wedding bells are ringing.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gunning
and Hazel attended anniversary ser
vices at Zion last Sunday evening.
Several from here attended Anni
versary services at Kirkton Anglican
Church on Sunday last.
Miss Violet Squires was the guest
of her cousins the Misses Edith and
Mary Earl of Zion on Sunday last.
Last Wednesday evening Rev. J.
B. Moore and his mother, Mrs. Moore
entertained the members of Green
way United Church t?o a musical and
social evening at the Manse. The
program consisted or musical selec
tions and readings given by the
young people of the church. Read
ings were alslo given by Mrs. Sher-
ritt and Mrs. Goodhand Sr. A real
treat was a selection given by a jun
ior male quartette consisting of C.
Brophey, Morley Pollock, Dorman
Ulens and Earl Steeper. A pleasant
recreational period was then held fol
lowed by lunch. There were over for
ty .present. Many thanks were ex
tended ho the hostess.
The Rally Day service was held
in the Sunday School last Sunday
with a decided increase in attend
ance. The Jr. Dept, joined with the
Sr. Dept, in the auditorium. Miss L.
B-rown told the worship story and
the Scripture lessens were read by
Eunice Curts and Clarence Brophey.
At 2.45 a re-dedication service was
held with Rev. J. W. Johnson, of
Crediton as the speaker, taking as
hie subject 'Our Debt to God.’ Special
music was given by the .choir, assist-
by the male quartette.
Next Sunday the sixtieth anniver
sary services will be held at
2.45 and 7.30 With Rev. Harold Wil-
lane, of London, a former minister,
as speaker. The annual fjowl supper
will be held the following Thursday.
■Greenway L. O. L. joined with the
district lodges in presenting a pro
gram at Mooresville last Friday.ev
ening. A dance followed.
Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia,
spent the week-end with her sister
Mrs. Lloyd Brophey.
Mr, Seibourne English, of Detroit,
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R<
English on Sunday.
About forty members of the Har
mony class of the United Church met
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elton
Curts and presented Mr.
Milton Woodburn whose
destroyed by fire, with a
eons Blfower.
and Mrs.
home was
ham church) Sunday evening
at Varna in the morning.
The groups of the W. A.
presented a varied program at
tralia ' ' “ “
church on Friday evening
the auspices of the W. A.
'October meeting of the W. M.The
S. met on Thursday at the home of
Mrs. W. E. McLaren, although the
weather was rather unsettled there,
was a good attendance. Mrs. D. A.
Miller acted as president fOT the
meeting. The roll call topic being
thanksgiving was responded by suit
able texts. Excellent papers were
given by Mrs. Reidie and. Mrs. Wm.
Hamilton. The 103 Psalm was read
by Mrs. Edgar Allen, those taking
devotional part was Mrs. Reidie,
Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Scott. Miss
Chalmers favored the meeting with
a pleasing solo. The meeting clos
ed with hymn 170 and the Lord’s
Prayer in unison.
Mr. Richard
was a visitor in
nesday last.
Mr. Reid who
ness to Mr. Colby, of Stratford, mov
ed on Friday to his new home
Maple, near Brampton.
Mrs. Robinson of the village
confined to her bed for a couple
weeks. She has not enjoyed the
best of health of late.
Mrs. Donald M. Kellar is at pres
ent visiting with her daughter, Mrs.
Wm. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Kay and young
est daughter left for a trip to Ham
ilton on Friday last.
We are glad to mention Mrs. Alex
McKellar is nicely improving after
her long illness.
Quance, of Exeter,
the village on Wed-
disposed of his busi-
York,Rev. Fr. Fogerty, of New
spent the past week with his broth
er Fr. J. M. Fogerty here.
Mrs. Andrew Morrissey was rush
ed to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London,
last week where she underwent an
operation for appendicitis.
Miss Eileen Boland, of Detroit,
spent the week-end at her home.
Mrs. Joseph Mahoney and Miss
Mary Mahoney attended the C. W.
League Convention held at Windsor
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, of
Detroit, spent the
friends here.
Misses Ellis and
of Chatham, spent
the latter’s brother
and other friends.
Mr. Joseph Regan, of Simcoe,
epent the week-end at his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Deitrich spent Sun
day with friends at Kitchener.
Miss Madeline Coughlin is visit
ing friends at Windeor.
We are pleased to report Mr. and
Mrs. Geromette are improving after
their recent accident.
week-end with
Mary Houlahan,
a few days with
J. Houlahan
Farmers Attention
Why Feed Non-Laying Hens?
Have yours flock culled by Mr.
Vahey, a poultry expert.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Phone 216
Swift Canadian Co.
The members of the W. M. S. of
this church were entertained by the
Zion Auxiliary on Tuesday after
noon of this week, the occasion be
ing the twenty-fifth anniversary of
their organization.
Miss Onan Williams underwent
an operation for the ramoval of her
tonsils on Tuesday.
The W. M. S. South Huron Sec
tional Convention was held in this
church on Thursday of last week. A
good number, was present. The
principal speaker, Miss Caroline
Wellwood, a missionary on furlough
from China, gave an excellent ad
dress at the afternoon session. Miss
Wellwood also displayed a large col
lection of beautiful embroidery done
by the Chinese.
The Y. P. S. held a weiner roast
at the home of the president, Mr.
Horace Delbridge o« Monday night.
Quite a number from here attend
ed anniversary services at Zion on
Sunday last. They were very pleas
ed to have the opportunity of hear
ing a former pastor, Rev. Mr. Liv
ingstone now of Welburn.
Next Sunday the preaching ser
vice in this church will be held at
a.m. and Sunday school at 2
and Mrs. Frank Parkinson
Alma attended the Woods-
at Tho-rndale on
Blight wedding
Mrs. Westlake and family,
eter were Sunday visitors
home of Geo. Squire.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millson
I in Lucan on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Waterton and
family also Mr. E. Switzer, Kirkton,
were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Switzer.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Hilton Ogden and
family were in Wingham on Mon
day attending the funeral of
late Mrs. Taylor, grandmother
Mrs. Ogden.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgson
ited recently with Mrs. John Mor
ley of Woodham.
Miss Norma Finkbeiner, who has
been staying at the home of Mr. F.
Gunning for the pstst month lias re
turned to her home in Crediton on
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley and
family Mr. and Mrs. Mervin John
son and Mr. and Mrs. John Hazel
wood and Dorothy attended Zion an
niversary on Sunday and spent the
day with friends.
Mrs. Beer, of Exeter, who has
been visiting with Mrs. Melville
Hern for several weeks returned to
her home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire and Shir
ley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
N. Ogden also attended James St.
Mission Band
The Daisy Mission Band
Saturday afternoon at
Squire’s home with a good
hnce. Ruth Hodgson was
chair. Call to worship and prayer
in unison opened the meeting. A
number of readings were given by
Velma Squire and Ruth Hodgson.
Mary Motley offered prayer. After
the business part of the meeting
Merle Squire favored with a song.
Women’s Association
The W. A. met on Tuesday after
noon at Mrs. Walter Gunning’s home
with 17 members and 3 visitors
in attendance. Mrs. W. Morley was
in the chair. Following the devo
tional exercises several business
items were discussed. Readings were
enjoyed by several of the girls. Sing
ing and the benediction by Mrs.
Hazelwood closed the meeting. Re
freshments were served by the host
ess and her assistants.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Laverne Morley were: Mrs. A. Fos
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Web. Foster and
Hillis, of Granton and Mr. and Mrs.
O’Neil, of prospect Hill.
met on
in the