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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1935-01-17, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, JANUARY 17th ,1935 HENSALL HensaJU council (The Chamber of Commerce are sponsoring a monster skating carni val Tuesday, January 2'2, in the Hen sall rink. Prizes for ladies’ and girls’ fancy costumes; gent’s and boys’ comic, Races for boys over and un der 14 and for girls under 15. This is for a good cause. will be a Sco/tch the Town Hall on January 25th. Sunday morning Concert Friday a com- Smillie and Miss left Monday for Mr. Laird Mickle made a business trip to Toronto this week. Miss Verda Watson spent the week end at her home at Londesboro. Miss Helen Thiel, of Zurich, has taken a position with Mrs. N. Cook, Mr. Orville Twitehell is in Toron to this week taking in the Motor Shoiw. Mrs. Muir was in Port Rowan, last week visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Reid. Mr. Nathan Peck has been confin ed to hi© room for several days through illness. Mr. Joseph Hogan visited with friends in Port Rowan for a couple of days last week. There given in evening, Next munion service will be held in Car mel Presbyterian church. Mr. Milton Ortwein, of London, spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mr. J. W. Ortwein. Mr. Robert Varley took charge o'f the services at St. Paul’s Anglican church and also at Staffa on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren and jMx. William L. McLaren, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mi's. Alfred Hun kin, of Farquhar. Miss Mildred Mildred Forrest London to enter Victoria Hospital to train for nurses. Mrs. Frank Farquhar is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane, Hillsgreen, (Mrs. Cochrane is in very poor health at present. The Huron Presbyterial of the Women’s Missionary Society met in Clinton on Tuesday. Quite a num ber of the ladies from Carmel church attended. Miss Clarisa Mitchell was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday for treatment, chell has been some time. Mr. and Mrs. were in Toronto the funeral of a friend, Mr. Cleve land who died suddenly in Toronto last week. Rev. A. Gi'bson, of Mitchell, oc cupied the pulpit of Carmel Presby terian church at both services on Sunday, Rev. W. A. Young taking Mr. Gibson’s pulpit at Mitchell. At the council meeting held on Monday evening all oil’ the 1934 of ficers were re-appointed except Mr. Colin Hudson 1934 Assessor, Mr. J. Sangster being appointed for 193'5. GeO'. Grant and his orchestra of Exeter will be in attendance and furnish splendid music at the con cert and play of “Silas Smidge from Turnip Ridge” on Friday evening, January 18th in the town hall. The annual meeting of the South Huron Agricultural Society will be held in the Commercial Hotel, Hen sall. on Friday afternoon, January 18th at two o’clock. Directors and Auditor’s reports will be given and election oif officers and directors. While coming home from Toronto late Saturday night one of Ezra Wil lard’s large transport trucks was run The and ed. London, . Miss Mit in poor health for James A. Patterson last week! attending trucks into by a. car near Stratford, •car was almost a total wreck the big truck was badly damag- IMr. Hum Willard was driving the truck. The Chamber of Commerce have already sent out over 1000 invita tions to the Old Boy’s Reunion to be held on June 30' and July 1, 2 and 3rd. There are still a number of names and addresses to come in, and when received Invitations will be immediately sent. The Reunon is being well advertised and a big crowd is expected to. be home for the event. The town is being well canvassed for the ©ale. of tickets 'for the play which is being put on by the Hensall Chamber of Commerce on Friday ev ening, January 18 in the town hall. The play “Silas Smidge from Turnip Ridge” promises to be one of the best ever put on in Hensall, so if you want a big evening, be sure you secure your ticket in time. A very pleasant time was spent on Wednesday evening last at the manse, when. Mrs. Young very pleas antly entertained the Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian church to a dinner, after which the regular meet ing was held. During the evening (Mto. Herbert Britton was presented with a Life Membership Certificate and a beautiful raw fruit <boWI, A very pleasant evening was spent by all attending. On Friday evening last Miss Kath- ryne Drysdale very pleasantly enter tained at her home, eighteen of Edith Hill Adam’s Hawaian orches tra members. The evening Was spent in games and contest© and selections by the orchestra after which lunbh was served from five tables gaily decorated with red tapers, crackers and favours, After partaking of a dainty lunch the young folks left for London, all ©pending a most en joyable evening. as 77 Hensall, January 14, 1935 The first regular meeting of the 1935 village council was held Mon day evening at 8 pm. in the council chamber with all members of coun cil being present. Minutes of previous meeting read. Petty and Robinson that the minutes be adopted a© read. Carried. F. G. Bonthron, tax collector, re ported the collection of $200 since last meeting. Dr. G. Collyer, IM.O.JI., appeared re Miss C. Mitchell as needing hospital •..are. Petty and Sangster that Miss Mitehell receive hospital care suggested by the M.O.H. Carried, Geo. Hudson reported giving meals to transients so far this year cr since last paid, Mrs. R. Cameron and Mr©. (Dr.) A. R. Campbell appeared asking for a room, for the # Cub© to hold their regular weekly meetings. Robinson and Sangster that the Cubs be grant ed the use of the Council Chambers each Thursday evening from 7 to 8 pan. free of charge. Carried. Petty and Shepherd that we pay 35 cents a meal for transients and apply to the Department of Relief for assistance. Carried. Communications were read as fol lows,—From Municipal World, Jas. Sangster, A. Solden, Dalgarno & Dal- garno, J. M. Roberts, County Clerk; "Scott Memorial Hospital, Huron Ex positor, Treasury Department, Hos pital Sick Children, Salvation Army, Dept, of Agriculture, A. H, Erskine, County Treasurer. Same were dealt with and filed. Bills and accounts were read as follows: J. Elligsen, 2 meals tran sients 80’C.; G. Hudson, 77 meals transients $26,9'5; G. Hudson, re poll taxes $4-iOiO; L. Rands, labor, streets 60c.; Geo, Smale, ditto $8.00; Hen sall hydro, hydro hall $6.46; School Board, current expenses $'1,0'00.00; total $1046.81. Petty and Shepherd, that accounts as read, be paid. Car. •F. Manns appeared re the pool room license same. Petty and No. 14, 1933, $15.00 for first table; $10 for second and $5.00 for each succeeding table. Carried. Ro'binson and Petty that by-law No. 1, 1935, be given first1 reading, appointing municipal officers. Car. Robinson and Sangster that we ad vertise for tenders for the caretak ing of the Town Hall same to Include the caretaking of ‘the Fire Hall and ringing town bell. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk on or before 3 p.m. January 19, 1935. Carried. Petty and Shepherd that by-law No. 1 receive second reading. Carried Petty and Sangster that -by-law No. 1 be given third and final read jag and finally passed. Carried. ■Sangster and Shepherd that by law No. 2-, 1935 borrowing money ’be given first reading. Carried.. Petty and Robinson that by-law No. 2 be given second and third reading and finally passed. Carried. Robinson, and Petty that the reeve and treasurer ’be in power to sign all cheques etc., and that a resolution be forwarded to> the Bank of Mont real confirming the same. Carried. Robinson and Sangster that the Clerk order nine copies of the (Muni cipal World. Carried. Robinson and Petty .that we now adjourn to meet again Saturday, Jan. 19th at 4 p.m. Jias. Paterson. Clerk asking a reduction of Shepherd that By-law be changed to read; Erst Nomination 50 Years Ago The first municipal nominations for Hens.ail was held in the school house on Monday, January 5, 1885, fifty years ago. Hensall had recently been made into a police village and the nominations had been called to nominate police trustees: William Moir, Geo. C. Petty and William B. MlcLean were elected by acclama tion and were its first police trus tee board. Mr. Moir and Mr. McLean have passed away but Mr. Petty is Still on the job. He has served the people of Hensall a great many times, during the '50 years as coun cillor or reeve and also served as County Warden for one year. Altho’ in poor health he was again in contest this year for a seat on Council and was ele.cted. the the Young People’s Meeting The Young People of the United church held their regular weekly meeting on Monday evening. The meeting opened by singing hymn 48 and Rev. Arthur Sinclair leading in prayer. The Scripture lesson was read ‘by Miss 'Mildred Scruton. The election o'f officers for this year then took placet President, Mr. Claude Slowest Vice President, Lome Elder Departments: Missionary and Devo tional, Greta Lammie, Gladys pass- more; Music and Dramatic, Dr. Smillie, Clarenoe Smilliei; CJLtizen- ship, Robert Passmore, Launce Bat- tersby; Social, Gladys LUkter, Maude Hedden, Verda Watson, and Mildred Scruton; Secretary, Gladys Saunder- eock; Treasurer, Ray Paterson; Pianists, Bella (Smale, Mildred Fol lick. A solo and violin obligato was given by Belle Smale and. Greta Lammie; reading biy Ray (Lammie; instrumental by Gladys Luker, The topic “New Year’s Resolutions,” was taken by Rev, Mr, Sinclair, who gave a very able talk to the youiig people. The meeting closed by singing hymn 12-0 And ail repeating the Mizpah benediction. School Board Meeting The first meeting of the School Trustee Board for 1935 was held on Wednesday evening January 9th AH the members were present ex cept Rev. W. A. Young, Those pres- l ent were Fred Manns, 1934 Chair man; Geo, Hess, Alf. Clark, John Shepperd, W, O. Goodwin and Sec’y.- Treasurer, A. L. Case .Mr. W. O. (Goodwin was elected chairman for 1193=5. Reports were read from the j Inspectors of 'both the public and continuation schools, and showed the schools in a very flourishing condi- j tion and also the splendid done good I by the teachers. There is attendance in each room. Cannel W. M. S. work a The Woman’s Missionary Society [ j of Carmel Presbyterian Church held 1 • their firet meeting in 1935 in the school rooms of the church on Thurs day afternoon January l'Oth. There was a good attendance at this the special prayer service. The president j had charge and cipened with a call to worship and the ©inging of Psalm selection No. 86, followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison, part of the 6th chapter of the 2nd Cor. was 'read by the leader and Miss Mc Gregor led in prayer. Mrs. R. Y. Mc Laren read the Bible lesson after which hymn number 554. “Oh! Je sus I Have Promised” wa© sung and the roill call followed, answered with a suggestion, “How may we improve our society” and many good sug gestions were offered. The offering was then received and the minutes of the previous meeting read and ap proved. The business period fol lowed taken by the president. Mrs. J W. Bonthron sang a beautiful so lo which was enjoyed very much and Mrs. Arnold led in prayer. The ad dress which was truly, a wonderful message was ably given by (Mrs. Rev. Young and the closing hymn 697 “Standing at the portal of the opening year” was then sung and the meeting closed \vith the benedic tion. !T7 ( I mLil m ™b RED & WHITE store SPECIAL Grocery Specials f 1 LB. TIN RED AND WHITE COFFEE 1 LB. LOAF SUGAR, ALL FOR...........40c. FRESH DATES.......................................................4 lbs. fPr 25c. SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE.........................each 10c, AYLMER FRENCH PEA SOUP, large tin.................... 10c, GOOD COOKING RICE......................................3 lbs. for 14c. GOLDEN WAX BEANS.............................. per tin 10c- WONDERFUL LAUNDRY SOAP..................10 bars for 25c. EGG PLUMS—Large Delicious Yellow Plums , 16 oz. jtin.......................................each 10c. DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS, assorted flavors.........................................................6 for 25c. Falcon No, 4, Peas..................., . 2 tins 19c. Choice Quality Corn...........3 tins for 25c. Choice Quality Tomatoes .... per tin 10c- Fresh Broken Sodas............. 3 lbs. 25c. Peanut Butter in bulk.........2 lbs. for 25c. Schneider’s Pure Lard in bulk . .2 lbs. 25c. Grapefruit ............ 5 for 25c. Juicy Oranges 25c. and 39c. dozen Lettuce ................. .. 2 for 25c. Celery Hearts .......... each 15c- ... 2 heads 15c. . . . per doz. 29c. Fresh Sweet Head Fresh Cabbage ........................ Large Size Lemons . . . FRESH FISH—B. C. SALMON, HALIBUT, FRESH FILLETS, SMOKED FILLETS, OYSTERS, ETC. ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver CREDITON NOTICE—Owing to the condition of the roads we are withdrawing our trucks. The price of bread at the store will be 7c. a loaf or 4 loaves for 25c. Carry your bread and save a copper.-England’s Bakery l-3-4te. Bid Farewell to Rector The Warden’s of St. Paul’s Ang lican Church, called a meeting of the congregation .recently to do> honor to Rev. and Mrs. Parker and to bid them farewell on the eve of their departure to their new field of la bor. There was a good number present but owing to> the inclement weather a number-of country, mem bers were unable to attend. A very enjoyable time was spent in music and games and a dainty lunch was served at the close of which Mr. L. Clark spoke on behalf of the War den’s and expressed regret that the _____________ _ Bishop had taken ‘Mr. Parker from commission sending in this parish but recognized the need , pjow jagt week and of the parish to whiich he was go-1 Ing. He thanked Mr. Parker for his loyal and faithful ministry while he was permitted to> remain here and it is, with great reluctance that the church is called upon to sever its connection with him as miusiter. Mr. Parker responded by thanking the Wardens for calling the meet ing and giving him the opportunity of bidding farewell to 'the congrega tion as he lias not been able to get around to see them all owing large ly to the storms of the last weeks. Mr. Parker thanked people for their loyal support and trusted that the continuity of support would be exended to successor. At the close all hands and sang followed by three rousing and two the this his joined “Auld Lang’ Syne” •cheers Parker.a tiger for Mr. and Mrs. DASHWOOD Lovie in the chair. Plans were made for the congregational meeting to be held on January 22nd. Sev eral items of new business were dis cussed. Miss Audrey Yearleiy fav ored with a piano tsolo which was enjoyed by all. The meeting was closed by the president after which lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Trevethijck and Mrs. Zwicker. Week of Prayer Services The week of prayer services of the last two weeks in the Evangelical and United churches are well attend ed, The ministers Rev. J. Johnson of the United church and Rev. A. E. Pletch of the Evangelical church are in charge. Inspiring messages are given to’ the inspiration of all who attend. Members of both churches show a fine .spirit of union and co operation and -are very responsive in the participation of the services. On (Monday evening Rev. Mr. Elliott, of Exeter gave a very inspiring address on “Success and failures of life.” On Wednesday evening Rev. J. B. Moore of Grand Bend is expected to bring the message. On Friday evening the the service will be in charge of the Young People of both churches. Rev Mr. Stewart of Centralia will be the special speaker. A blessed meeting is KHIVA Friends of Mrs. Emery Fahner are glad to learn that she is getting al ong nicely after her attack of ap pendicitis. |M‘rs. Brown has moved into her new home on Main St. We welcome her to our midst. We are pleased to see Chas. Roesz- ler around again after being confin ed to his house as a result of an at tack of lum'bago. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz have re turned after two. months’ residence at West Palm Beach, Florida. They were accompanied by |M'r. Gerald Zwicker who visited them since Christmas. On New Year’s Day they were in Havana, Cuba, where they ‘saw many interesting sights. I The action of the County Road a the ■opening was much ap- fchis will be the winter as a great inc'on- anticipated, the roads not The reguiar meeting of the Cred- iton W. I. was held on January Sth. Misener. The man- in on in snow thp Mr. Alex Neeb who has been Regis trar in Goderich for the past couple of years moved last week back] to his farm and, Mr. Russell Baynham, who1 has been working Mr. Neeb’s farm moved back to his home Dashwood. Miss Leona McCann was rushed Sunday to St. Joseph’s Hospital London where she underwent an op eration for appendicitis and is get ting along a© well as can be expect ed. Mr. William Kes tie, of Lashburn, Sask., is visiting his brothers Messrs. Jona© and Thomas Kes tie and, also his sister iMrs. J, Brown for a couple of months. Miss Lorna Kraft visited a few days last week with friends in Wind sor. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lippert visit ed with relatives in Melbourne last Thursday. A number from here attended the dance at Mr. J. White’s at Brinsley on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mason, of Grand Bend, spent Wednesday evening witn Mr. and Mrs. W. (Maison. Attention Farmers ! road to the highway predated. We trust continued throughout our people are put to venfence by reason of being opened. The Township Council held their at the home of Mrs. C. C. first meeting of the year on Mon- There was a good attendance, day. A number .of officials were ap- ’ meeting opened in the usual pointed. More particulars of which ner. Our motto for January is “Pre will be seen in the minutes publish- ' pare to make the coming year the ed elsewhere. We understand our j best, because of nobler work and Reeve, Mr. Sweitzer, is in the run- sweeter rest.” A number of letters ning for Warden of the County this j of thanks and appreciation were year. His many friends hope he i read from pilose who received boxes will succeed in, obtaining the appoint- r of cheer at 'Christmas. Roll call was ment, as we feel he has the ability to , answered by a conundrum. It was do credit to this office. ! decided to have our social evening Mrs. Arthur Benedict | on January 29th. Mrs. G. Morlock News reached here of the death of j took the chair and conducted the fol lowing program. Community sing ing, instrumental duet 'by Mrs. Mis ener and Miss Laura Clark. Current events by Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Mor lock sang a solo. The topic “Histor ical Research” was taken by Mrs. Misener taking the Niagara Penin sula for her subject, pointing out the many beauty spots and improve ments made in the past few years. Miss Laura Clark gave a very inter esting talk on the work! and the dif ferent subjects taken at the Mac Donald Institute at Guelph. O.A.’C. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Mrs. Having contracted for a quantity -of cheap “Diesel Oil” fuel, ' this mill will operate at 5 c. per bag, cash, and give the farmers the benefit of' the sav ing. Centralia Chopping 3l!iU W. J. Smith, Proprietor* CENTRALIA Mrs. Richard Parker is spending a few days this week with Mrs. Cook. Mr. Chas. (McQuillan spent the week-end with Mr. Donald Hicks. Miss Estella Cook, of London, is visiting with her aunt IMrs. B. D. Cook. Mrs. Alex. McGowan, of Blyth, Mrs. James Taylor, Mrs. Scanclrett and Miss Corinne of Belgrave; Miss Myrtle Webster and Miss Lilia Tay lor, of Wellsley, were guests with ]M'r. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Smith are moving this week to Thames Road/ where they have rented a farm. iMr. Chas Fairhall had the misfor tune to fall on Tuesday of last week. He was taken to London on Wednes day for an X-ray and he was found to~be suffering from a fractured hip. His many friends wish him a speedy, recovery. Mr. Fred Penwarden was in Tor onto the beginning of the week at tending the motor show. Mr. Kenneth Hodgins spent the week-end at his home near Green-* way. Mrs. N. Pollard who has been Ser iously ill at her home here fbr the' past couple of weeks remains about the same, Mrs. Wm. Bowden is helping to1 take care of Mr. Chas. Fairhali. (Mrs. Arthur Benedict, nee Jennie Hoffman in the Kitchener Hospital on Saturday evening, January 5th. She leaves to mourn her loss her bereaved husband who is in poor health and seven children and one brother William Hoffman of Zurich. Mrs. Benedict was born and raised in this community moving to Kit chener about twenty years ago. The funeral was held in Kitchener on Tuesday. The members of the Young Ladies’ class met at the home of Miss Laura Clark on Wednesday evening last for the purpose of electing their of ficers for the coming year. After the D.D.S.H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., DENTzlL surgeon At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood. first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Mr, and Mrs. T. Hopcroft enter tained a number of their friends to a euchre party on Thursday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Peter McTsaac, Mrs. Hy. Zimmer, George Merner and Wm. Stade. After which a dainty lunch was served. Messrs. Kenneth and. Sheldon Wein and Robt. Hopcroft spent the week end in Toronto. The Ladies’ Aid of the Lutheran Church held a quilting in the base ment of the church on Wednesday afternoon. (Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smuggler and Mrs. J. RaiSchke and son Bobbie of Detroit spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Merner. Dashwood O. B. Band Annual The Christian Endeavor Band of Dashwood held their reorganization recently in the hall over Tieman’s furniture store. The newly elected officers are; Conductor, Rev. W. S. Heinrich; Assistants Harry I-Ioffman and Maurice Klumpp; r- President, Mrs. T. Klumpp; Presi dent, Addison Tieman; 1st Vice-Pres Kenneth Wein; 2nd Vice Pres., Mer- vyn Tiernan; Secretary, Miss Ger trude Hoffman; Treasurer, Miss P. Reid; Managing Committee, Thomas Klumpp, Wesley Wolfe, Sidney Bik er, Wm. Kldinstiver, Garner Wild-1 fong. Rev. >W. S. Heinrich presid ed for the election of officers. At the close a social hour was enjoyed after which hamburgers and coffee were served. Dr. election a social time was spent and a dainty lunch served after which a vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. I and Miss Clark. The election of of- { ficers resulted as. follows: Teacher, | Mrs. J. Woodall; Assistants, Misses L. Clark, C. Douglas and E. Kinney; President, Edna Beaver; Vice-Pres., Dorothy Hill; Secretary, Audrey Yearley; Assistant Secretary, Evelyn Heainan; Treasurer, Ila Lamport; Convenor of Social Com., Helen Mathers.The union service of the United and Evangelical Young people’s So cieties last Friday evening in the Evangelical church was well attend ed. The meeting was led by Melvin Lamport with Norma Finlcbeiner at the piano. Harold Fahrner read the lesson and three members of each 1 . '. Inspiring topics were* given by Helen Finkbeiner and Addie Gaiser, vocal duets were rend ered by Melvin Lamport, jack Gallo way, Marguerite Amy and Earl I-iaist. Rev. J. Johnson gave the address of the evening. The meeting was clos ed by a consecration meeting led by Rev. A. E. Fletch. The Woman’s Association of the Creditor United church held their first meeting of the new year in the basement of the church on January XOtli, The new president, Mrie. J. Telfer, Mrs. C. C Misener and G. Morlock. THAMES ROAD Honorary I group led in prayer, Wedding bells. Mrs. Cameron is making her home with Mr. and Mrs. T. Allen. Mrs, Cameron has been in indifferent health for some time. The boys have been able- to> enjoy the rink the last two Saturday af ternoons practising hockey. Shareholder's* Meeting The shareholders of the hall met on Saturday afternoon to dispense their annual business. For the com ing year Mr. Alex Hackney is pres ident; Mr. N. Passmore, Sec’y-Treas., Mr. N. Hunk’in, caretaker W. M. S. The January meeting of the Society met at ‘Mrs. Millet’s. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Kydd, Mrs. Selves first vice president took the chair. After the devotional period and business discussion Mrs. Wise man gave an interesting reading fol lowed by a hymn. Mrs. Taylor gave a very comprehensive summary of several chapters of the study book which was deeply interesting. After singing a hymn and followed by the Lord's Prayer, a collection was taken and the meeting closed. Tea was serv ed. The February meeting will be held at the manse. KIRKTON Miss Procter, of Sarnia, is visiting} her sister Mbs. MIcHardy. Miss Thelma Marshall visited part of last week with her grandmother Mrs. Win. Lankin, of Granton. Mrs. TIios. Washhurn is visiting* Iler daughter Mrs* Wm. Middleton of Exeter, Dr, Campbell ehtertftified SOtaO Of the choir members to a. social last Friday evening.