The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1932-10-13, Page 6'THURSDAY, OCTOBER I?, 1032 THE EXETER TIMESADVOCATE 4 S’ •7/ie J^ouse of breams J rue c INSURANCE - ■ LIFE, ACCIDENT & HEALTH When. Studying your future Rife, Income or pension program, copsuit ARCHIE T, STERLING ■ ‘ Representing - METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY EXETER, BOX 277 " W £xt trr ®tmw-Mnonrtf Established 187/3 and 1887 Published every Thursday mornlnt at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—12.00 per yea* in advance. SYNOPSIS Glyn Peterson and his twenty-year old daughter Jean pre dining to­ gether in their home in Beirnfels, Austria, Rlyn was ‘of a noble Eng­ lish family and against the wishes of his family had married Jacquel­ ine Mavory, the beautiful half­ French opera singer. They had liv­ ed very happily together travelling around when they so desired but always returning to Beirnfels, One year ago Jacqueline had died and Glyn can stand it no longer, he is going away somewhere just wandering, and has made arrange-1 ments for Jean to visit his old friend Lady Anne Brennan, in England. Jean remains at Mon- tavan awaiting a reply from Lady Anne. She meets an Englishman and spends the day at his cabin on the side of, the mountain in the pine woods. When she goes to visit England this Englishman meets her at the station and proves to be a son of Lady Anne. CHAPTER XX Claire, her face ashen, turned to face when he, together with Lady Nick in mute appeal. Anne, rejoined the rest of the party "Sir Adrian? I thought he left for did not help to lighten her heart. London this morning?” j "I’m so sorry, Nick/’ she Whisper- Nick shot the question fiercely at ed compassionately, when persently opportunity of a few words alone with him occurred. He glared at her. "Are you?” he said shortly, "I’m not. J think I’m glad. This ends It. the chauffeur, but the man’s face re- * the mained respectfully blank, I "No, sir. Sir Adrian drove as far as Exeter and then returned. After­ wards we drove on here, sir, and they told us in the village we should find you at Shelston Tors,” . Menawhile the other members of the party were becoming aware that some contretemps had occurred. Claire’s white s tricken face was evidence enough that something was amiss, and simultaneously Lady An­ ne and Jean hurried forward, filled j unexpected appearance. "What is- it, Claire?” "A, peany for ypur thoughts!” | 1 . Jeap camo opt .of her reverie with . a st^rt. Gho smiled. "Don’t get conceited, t woe think-* iug About you.” % "Nice thoughts, I hope, then?” suggested Burke "It’s bett©r”-*-an- daciously—'"ta think' well q£ your future husband,”' The old gypsy’s words Hashed in* to Jean’s mind; "You’re bound to­ gether as fast and firm as weddip’- ring pould bind ’ee,” and her face flamed, scarlet. . I yyas Juit at this inauspicious mo­ lt was true—at least as' far as meat timt’the drover, having lit his she was concerned—that no wedding to his satifaetjon, looked up ring c~-ij v’-'’ ------ . .. to Blaise than her own heart had already bound her, The instinct to flirt? with Burke ’ was in obeyance. It was ap ip/tinct newly born of headache and unhap­ piness, and now that Blaise’s mood was so much less cool and distant than it had been, the temptation to play with unexplpded bombs had cor­responding lost much of its charm/ | "Don’t be' so tiresome, Geoffery,” ’.‘Round ’em, you half-trained like a creature possessed, full copl^hin^ hei^inc re '• % ». {ju|lty (jcmgcience not only t makes ! coWards; but is als-o prolific in the creation of fools, and lhe drover, stung intu^belated action by’the con- consciousnqss of previous remiss: ness, promptly did the most foolish thing he could, He let off a yell that tore its way through every quivering nerve in the mare’s body, and with a -shout of, lad!” sent his dog—a youngster — barking tilt in RATES—Farm or Real Estate for hale 50c, each Insertion for firm four insertions. 25c. each subse­ quent insertion. Miscenaneoiia ar­ ticles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, or Found 10c. per line of six word*. Reading notices Card, of Thanks vertising 12 and Meinoriam. With- extra vqrses 25p. Member of The Canadian Weekly • Newspaper Association ;10c, par lipa, 50 c. Legal ad- 8c. per line, in one verse 50c. ? ■each. she .said vexedly, "If only Professional Cards GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, - SOLICITORS, Ac. Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance Safe-deposit Vault for use of our Clients without charge EXETER J LONDON HENSALL . V ■ No woman can be expected to put up ( would make up your mind to be with public humiliation of that sort, just jjals, I should think much bet- pursuit of the sheep. "Nick!” There was a sharp note ter of you.” ' 1 —* '■ ’ *' of fear in Jean’s voice. "Nick, what) "Then I’m afraid you’ll\have to tj^nk w{,rse>» he retorted. Just at that moment they encoun­ tered a flock of sheep, ambling lei­ surely along towards thepi and blocking the narrow roadway, and Jean was spared the necessity of re­ plying by .the fact that Burke Im­ mediately found his hands full, manoeurvin^ a path for the mare be­ tween the broad, curly backs of the bleating' multitude. The drover of. the flock was, of course, a hundred yards or more be­ hind his charges, negligently occup- ied in relighting his pipe, so that I ‘That settled it a far as the chest­ nut was concerned. With- a she leapt forward, scattering- two or three remaining sheep still blocked her patl), and the moment the light, high cart rocking like a cockle-shell j bound the » that i next was in a choppy sea, as she tore along, utter­ ly out of hand. Luckily, for a couple of miles the road ran straight as a dart, and af­ ter the $st gasp of alarm Jean found., herself curiously collected and able to calculate chances. At the ’end of the two miles, she knew, there came a steep declivity—a typical __ __ __„___w __ r __ _ Devonshire hill, like the side of a no assistance was to be looked for- house, which the British workmen in that direction, and as the sheep had repaired in his usual crude and i aei bumped against the mare’s legs and inefficient manner, : rL' crowded- up against the wheels , of stones and inequalities of surface I the trap in tlieir characteristically' added tp the dangers- of negotiations maddening fashion, it required all At the ’foot of this descent was "a buL, . , Qisiinissea | Burke’s skill and detxerity to make sharp double turn—a veritable death do you merip? What are you going to do?” There was an ugly expression on the handsome boyish-looking face. "You’ll soon find out,” was all he , vouchsafed. And swung away from asked Lady her, - Anne, suspecting bid news of some, Jean felt troubled, She had never kind. “What has happened.?” Re- ‘ seen betore with that ‘set, still cognizing the Charnwood livery, she look on his face-—a kind of bitter turned to the chauffeur and contin-' concentration which reminded ued quickly: "Has Sir Adrian met with an accident?” She would con­ ceive of no other cause for the man’s unerpected appearance. “Nc, my lady. Sir Adrian is wait­ ing in the car for her ladyship.” "Waiting in the car?” (repeated Jean and Lady Anne in chprus. The little group of friends drew closer together. "Don’t you see what it means?” broke out Claire in a loW\voice of intense anger. "It’s been all a trick —a trick! He never meant to go to London at all. He only pretend­ ed to me that he was going, so that her I should think that I was free and fit*, he could trap me.” -She looked at - /...................... “He i must have .overheard us—that day in of Charnwood—you both nodded. to humiliate me _______ _____ __ county.” "But y-cu won’t go back with him?' exclaimed Nick, hotly. k He swung round and addressed the chauffeur stormily.- *“^ou can damn well tell your master that her ladyship will return this evening with the rest . of the party.”. I The man’s face twitched. • As far as it is possible for,,a well-drilled servant’s face to express the human emotion of compassion, his did so. "It would do no good, sir,” he said in a low voice. ."He means her . ‘Go and. fetch : her away, Langton/ was his actual ’we '"ords to me. I didn’t want the job, sir, as you may guess.” “Well,, she’s not coming, that’s all,” declared. Nick determinedly. “Oh, I must, Nick—I must "I—I Jean’s face fell a little. Through­ out the drive up to the Moor Blaise had .seemed less remote and more like his old self than at any time since their quarrel, and she could guess that Burke’s was duce towards new peace. "How will asked. ‘They can car, Judy says. _ . . _ . but he can cling on by his eyelashes Jean, and Nick significantly, somehow.” "I think it would be a better ar­ rangement if you drove Blaise and I ,7 went back in the car with your sis­ ter,” suggested Jean. "There’s certainly not room for two extra in the car. .There isn’t really room for one.” “There wouldn’t be two. would drive Blaise.” "Pardon me. I should do noth­ ing of the sort,” "Do you mean”—incredulously— "that you would refuse?” "Oh, I should invent an armour^ plated reason, the dog-cart or something. But do mean that if I donT drive you, drive no one.” Jean looked at him vexedly. “Well, she said uncertainly, can’t have a fuss at a picnic.” "No,” agreed Burke. "So afraid you'll have to give in.” iJean rather thought so, too. There' didn't seem any way out of it. She eried Claire in distress, si Xi. _ l « ■ t. ._ _ _______ _ n nf at a v Lady Anne- nodded "Yes, I think she must go, dear,” she said persuasively. WGUld be—wiser.” fe' "But it’s damnable!” ejaculated Nick furiously. "It’s done only to# ■insult her—to humiliate, her!” Claire smiled a little wistfully. "I ought to be used -to that now,” she said a trifle shakily. /'But Lady Anne is right—-I must go.” She turndd to the chauffeur, dismiss­ ing him with a little air/of dignity that, in the circumstances, was not without it’s flavour of heroism. "You can go on ahead, Langton, and tell Sir Adrian that I am coming.” The man touched his hat and mov-. ed off obediently, "Nick and * I will walk down to the car with you,” said Lady Anne. She was fully alive to the fact that her escort might contribute towards ameliorating the kind of reception this arrangement of hardly likely to con- the continuance of the Blaise get' home?” squeeze him into It’ll be a tight she her she pro­ CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, LOANS, INVESTMENTS insurance Office: Chrling Block. Main Street. EXETER, ONT. At Lucan Monday and Thursdaj : forcibly of his brother—and ■ rather dreaded what it might • tend. i Her thoughts were still preoccup- ■ ied with the afternoon’s unpleasant episode, and with the' possible con- . sequence which might accrue, as she- climbed into Burke’s high dog-car ’ She had had a fleeting notion of claiming Claire’s vacant seat for the • homeward run, 1 ! it since actually Claire’s absence ; merely ’ served tp provide comfort- , able room for Blaise in the Willow . Ferry car, which had held its full ■ complement of passengers on the outward journey. Moreover, she re- ; fleeted that any change of plan, now i that she had agreed to drive back ; with Burke, might only lead to more ■ trouble. He was not in the mood to , br.ook being thwarted; ' . A big, raking chestnut, on .wires to be -off, danced between the shafts of the dog-cart, irritably pawing the ground and jerking her handsome satin-skinned head up and down with a restless jingle of bit and curb­ chain. She showed considerably more of tile white of a wicked-look­ ing eye than was altogether 'reassur­ ing as she fought impatiently against the compulsion of the’steady hand which gripped the reins and kept her against her will, at a. standstill. The instant she felt Jean’s light foot on the step her excitement rose . to . fever 'heat. Surely this must mean that at last a start was immi­ nent and that that firm, masterful pressure on the bit would be releas­ ed! But Burke had leaned forward to tuck the light dust-rug round Jean’s knees, and regarding their further . delay as beyond bearing the chestnut ; created a diversion by going straight up in the air and pirouetting gaily on her hind legs. "Steady now ” Burke's calm tones fell rebuklng- ly on the quivering, sensitive, ears ■ and down came two shining hoofs In response, as the mare condescend­ ed to resume, a more normal pose. The next moment she was off at a swinging trot, breaking every now ' and then, out of pure exuberance of spirits, into canter, sternly repressed by those dominating hands whose quite mastery seemed conveyed along the reins as an electric current is carried by wire. "You needn’t be afraid,” remark­ ed Burke. “She’ll settle down in a few minutes. It’s only a 'stable ahead' feeling she’s suffering from. Thefe’s not an ounce of v|ce in 'her . composition. i "I’m not afraid,” replied Jean . composedly1. ■ She did not tell him why. But 'Jean dean, look after every- Within herself she khew that no wo­ man would ever be afraid with Geof- fery Burke. Afraid of him, possibly but never afraid that he would not he entire master of any situation Wherein physical strength and cour­ age were the paramount necessities. She reflected a ’ ’ herself ..that it was fulness which gave questionable power There is always a tion in sheer, ruthless strength saviour of magnificance about it, something tentatively heroic', which appeals irresistibly to that primitive instinct somewhere hidden in the temperamental make-up of even the most ultra-twentieth-century femin­ ine product, t - And Jean, was quite aware that she herself was not altogether aloof •against the attraction of Burke’s dy­ namic Vitality, I Theta was another kind of strength which appealed to knew this, too. force that was and unfathomable, spirit as well as of the body, con­ trasted with the savage power she recognized in Burke, it was like the fine, tempered steel of a rapier com-i pared1 with & heavy bludgeon. ’ the shrubbery at remember?” They “And then planned .in front of half the You A broken spring in I ?ladyship to come. I’m go,” dare kt? U.K*A VA I . * ..................r so that those I Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S, ... Gould Burke possibly get the mare in hand before they reached the brow rif’ the hill?- Jean doubt;, ed it. (Continued next week) a way through the four-footed crowd trap. The chestnut’s own idea of dealing with the difficulty was to charge full speed ahead, an idea which by no means falicitated matters and she fought her bit and fairly danced with fury as Burke checked her at almost every yard. They had nearly reached the open ( road again, and Jean, looking down on the sea of woolly backs, with the United Church, Apsley, of Helen Ber- hovering cloud of hoof-driven dust nice, only daughter of Mr. and -Mrs, above, them, thought she could fully W. Lean, Apsley, to Mr. R. Gordon appreciate' the probable feeling of Hazelwood, of Stratford, son of 'Mr. the Israelites as they approached the arid Mrs. R. E. Hazelwood of further shore of the Red Sea. And Marys. HAZELWOOD—LEAN The marriage took place at the DENTAL SURGEON Office opposite the New Post Office Main St.. Exeter Telephones Office 34w \ House 84j Closed every Wednesday (all day) until further notice. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.S. DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoon knew that Burke was perfectly cap- n°t stay.’ able, under cover of some supposed mishap to his trap, of throwing the whole party into confusion and dif­ ficulty, rather than relinquish his in­ tention. “Oh, very well,” she yielded at last, resilgnedHy. "Have your Own way, you obstinate man.” "I intend to,” he replied "Now—and always” cpolly. CHAPTER XXI Divers Happenings Claire, smilingly, as glass and handed it to utterly free like this same effect. I feel -drunk with happiness. Nick “It FOR YOUR OLD LAMP or LANTERN DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College x DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Office in the old McDonell Barn < Behind Jones & May’s Store EXETER, ONT. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHY, ELECTRO-THERAPY & 'ULTRA- , VIOLET TREATMENTS PHONE 7,0 MAIN ST., - / EXETER "I don’t think I want any cham­ pagne,” said Nick filled a her. "Being produces the drunk, Nick- Oh, why can’t I be always free—” She broke off abruptly in her speech, her face whitening, and star­ ed past Nick with dilated eyes. Her^ lips remained parted, just as when J Claire would obtain from her hits-' she had ceased speaking, and the .band. "Jeri" de?y, leek eve-»‘y- breath came .between them unevenly.) body for me for a few,minutes,.Will Nick followed the direction of her you? And,” raising her voice a glance. But he could see nothing»little "explain that Claire lias been to account for her suddenly stricken J called home suddenly as Sir Adrian expression of dismay, A man in’was not well enough to make the chauffeur’s livery, vaguely familiar journey to town, after al.” to him, was approaching, and it was) But Lady Anne’s well-meant en-' upon him that Claire’s eyes were deavohr to throw dust in the eyes fixed in a sick gaze of apprehension.1 of the rest of the party was of com- It reminded Nick of the look of a putatively little use. * Although to wounded bird/ incapable of flight, as many of them Claire was personally it watches the approach of a hun- ap entire stranger—since Sir Adrian gry cat. i intervened whenever possible to pre- "What is it?" he asked quickly,1 Vent her from forming new friend- "What’s the matter? For* God’s sake ships—the story of her unhappy don’t took tike that, Claire!” * Slowly, with difficulty, she tore her eyes away from that sleek, con­ ventional figurb in the dark green livery. “Dont you see who it is?” asked in a harsh, dry whisper. Before Nick could answer, the had made his way to Claire’S and paused respectfully, "Beg pardon, my lady,” he touching his hat, "sir Adrian me to say that he’s waiting for you in the rar iust Jong the road thfare/* He pointed tn where, on the white ribbon of road: which crossed the Moor not far from the base of the tor, n stationary car was visible, | i Bring in your old lamp dr lantern and walk out with a brand' new, latest model Coleman! For a limited time you get $1.50 trade-in allowance on your old lamp or. lantern. Take your choice of the stand ard Quick-Lites (match generat­ ing) the new Roto-Types (instant lighting). Either .model assures? you the finest kind of lighting service at low cost. All i Coleman Lamps and Lanterns ' make and bum their own gas from regtilar untreated motor fuel. Quick- Lite Model C329, Regular Price $10.75 ... NOW SA25ONLY U with your old lamp or lantern. ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex . FARM SALES A SPECIALTY 0 PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-18 Dashwood R. R. NQ. I,' DASHWOOD FRANK TAILOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed - fiXETER P. O. or RING 13» l! little grimly to this very fofce- the man his un- of 'attraction, certain fascina* ■a OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONEER H.onor Graduate Carey Jones’ Auc­ tion School. Special Course taken in Registered Live Stock (all breeds) Merchandise, Real Estate, Fam Sales, Etc. Rates in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as­ sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. SEE YOUR LOCAL THE COLEMAN LAMP AND STOVE CO., Ltd. Queen St., East &• Davies Ave., TORONTO, 8, ONTARIO (LT18X) DEALER r i married life was practically public property in the neighborhood, and it was quite evident that to all In* tents and purposes* the detestable {husband had actually insisted on her returning home, exactly as a naughty I child might be swept off home by man an irate parent in the middle of a side jolly party. I It was impossible to stem the the flood of gossip, and though most mer, Jean’s cheeks burned with in- of it was- kindly enough, and whole­ heartedly sympathetic to Lady Lati- dignation that Claire's dignity should be thrift outraged. The remainder * of the afternoon was spoilt for her, and Nick’s stormy she said, Sriht her far more. She The still, quiet Tormarin’s—deep, and silent, of the I \ Dr. Wood’s . , i Noftvay Mrie Syrup J ■i Long Standing Cough Was Completely Relieved Mr. J. E. Russell, Dominion No. 4, N.S., writes:— "I have on several occasions, each Fall and Winter, had severe Colds arid coughs,* rind used to have a hard time getting rid of them. z I had tried many cough reihedies, until several years ago a fnend tecomtnoharid Dr; Wood’s Nori^iay Pine Sytrip. After1 the first brittle I felt an improvement,' and the- second bottle completely relieved me of thy long standing cough.”. ' .Price 35c. a bottle; Urge family size 65c.; at all drug and general Stores; put Up only by The T. Milburn Co., .Limited, Toronto, Ont. t <■ OSBORNE & HUBBERT MUTUAL EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President FRANK McCONNELL Vlce-PreA * • ANGUS SINCLAIR DIRECTORS J. T, ALLISON, SAM’L NORRIS SIMON DOW, WM. H. COATES. AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for usborne and Biddulph ALVIN L. HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Ftillrirtrin and Logan THOMAS SCOTT, Cromarty, Agent for Hibbert f > W. A» TURNBULL Secretary-Treasurer Box 296, Exeter, Ontario GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors. Exeter !