The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-10-22, Page 5%
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE thi-ksda,. ..■mseober set.
{telephone |Q6 Main Street
f i V
0 4
£ t.I M,
•1 1
'■ f (
Canadian canners are contemplat
ing shipping pea ensilage into
Hensail in car load jots. Anyone
Interested please get in touch with
Archie Rowcliffe, phone 851’17,
Mr. Donald McKinnon spent
flay in London,
bliss Mattie Ellis visited
week with friends ir| Guelph.
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Hess
Monday visiting friends in Zurich.
Mr, Milton Boyle, oi London,
spent the week-end at his home
'Mrs. F., of Gneplh,
is .visiting with her sistor, Miss* M.
Mr. Milton Dove spent the first
part of the week with friends in
Quite a number from here attend
ed the anniversary services at Kip
pen on (Sunday,
'Mrs. H, Little has returned home
after spending several months in
Mr, and Mrs, Ross pick, of Tor
onto, visited last week with IMr. and
Mrs. Jas. Dick.
Mrs. Thos. Murdock and daughter
Miss Ethel visited last week with
friends in Lucan.
Mrs. J. E. Short, of Windsor was
a recent visitor with the Misses M,
and E. Jonhston.
Mrs. Lop Simpson, Of Detroit, is
visiting at the home of lier mother,
Mrs. Rolit. Bontliron.
Mr. Wm, Harding, of .London, Js
visiting at the home of Mr, and
Mrs Fred Coi’bett, of Hay.
Mrs. Andrew Lovie is visiting for
a few days with her daughter /Mrs,
•Clifford Moir, of Usborne.
The many friends of Mr, Thos.
Parlmer will be sorry to hear he is
confined to his room through-illness
Mr and,Mrs. Allan Soldan visited
.last week at the home of the for
mer’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. Sol
flan. e
Quite a number from the village
' are planning to attend the Passion
1 Flay to be given at London and
Quite a number from here attend
ed the anniversary services at the
aCflven Presbyterian Church, Exeter
on Sunday last,-
Mrs. Fred Bengough is confined
to her home with a severe attack
of neuritis. Her .many friends hope
for a speedy recovery.
■ Mrs. Laird Mickle 'accompanied
by her mother and sister, Mrs. Thos.
Welsh and Miss Florence Welsh
spent . Monday in London. , •
(Mr. Thos. Consitt has purchased
■the fine brick residence on King St.
at the east end of the village from
Mr. J. W. Ortwein.
Mrs. Roy McLaren and Miss Ruay
McLaren entertained tjie
Circle on Tuesday and a
evening was enjoyed by all.
Miss Mae Simpson, of
underwent an operation for appen
dicitis in the Seaforth Hospital on
Saturday last and is now doing nice
A Boy’s Conference will be held
in 'the United Church, Hensail, on
Friday afternoon and evening. At
6 o’clock the ladies of the church
are serving a hot bean supper.
Everybody come.
..Misses Mary and Emma Johnson
accompanied by the Misses Helen
-Swan, Hattie Sutherland and Ethel
.Murdock attended the Passion Play
•pt London on Saturday.
Quite a lot of interest is being
taken here in the newspaper circu
lation contest being put on by the
Exeter Times-Advocate. Two Hen-
saR ladies have entered the contest
and will no doubt work hard to win
•one of the prizes.
An address on the Passion Play
was given in the United Church On
Friday evening last by Miss A. Con-
sitt under the auspices of the Miss
ion Circle and Miss Ellis’s Sunday
-School class. Miss Consitt’s address
•proved most interesting and profit
able and was illustrated by lantern
The Y.P.b. of the United Church
lield their regular meeting on Mon-
. flay evening with the president, Mr.
Walter Spencer, presiding. After the
opening exercises the Scripture
(reading was read by Miss Margaret
iiobkirk, after which an instru
mental duet was given by Misses
.Gladys Passmore and Grace Brock.
The topic given on “Short Cuts” by
Rev. M, Sinclair and a pleasing so
lo was rendered by -Mr. Claude
Rlowes accompanied by Miss Greta
Lammie, after which the meeting
closed witli the Mizpah Benediction,
The Young People of tho (Carmel
first meeting
The occasion
fleers for the
imsiness was
■officers took
2Lst vice pres.
Hannah Murray; i
Mrs. Roy McLaren;
MeLarmi; Roll Call,
XiSSiStaftt roll call,
•bkOcutve, M. Dougal
Services in our
were well attended on Sunday last. | his remarks with instructive slides,
Tn the United* chttrch, Rev, Arthur The large audience greatly enjoyed
Sinclair occupiml bls own pulpit and
the music was well rendered by the
choir. In tho St. Raul’s Anglican
Church a children’s Day was held
The Sunday School leading the sei”
vice of song and Rev. Parker
having charge of the services. jNext
Siunday Rev, Mr. Richart
cupy the pillpit, In the
Presbyterian Church Rev,
Illroy delivered a very
address in the morning and in the
evening the service was withdrawn
owing to the anniversary services at
Caven Presbyterian church, Exeter.
JlensalJ Council
Special meeting of Council held
Tuesday evening at 8 p.m., all mem*
bers of Council being present. Moore
Smale and Drummond appeared as
delegates from the Firemen re the
renting of the'Hall, Council with
held their decision. Miss C, IMitchell
appeared re drainage of her proper
ty, Councillors Midkle and Consitt,
that Geiger and Cameron be appoint
ed to look after outlet for Miss Mit
chell. , Carried. Bills and accounts
read as follows: Spencer & Son,
supplies $13.61; C. Volland, team
ing $3,00; W. W- Cooper, wood for
hall $17.00>; G. Taylor, labor’side
walks $34,150; J. Priest, ditto $8.75;
J, Fisher, labor streets $1,50;
Hildebrandt, labor streets 40c.;
Pfaff, removing rubbish $1.00'; C.
S. Hudson, selecting juroTs $1.50;
O. Geiger, selecting jurors $l.'5O;
J, A. Paterson, selecting jurors $1.-
50; D. A. Cantelon, balance of coal
account $11.00; Expositor, printing
cards $l.|5O; total $96.76. By-law
No. 5, 1931, was prepared striking
the'tax rate as follows: That the
rate for County Purposes be 5 6-10
mills; That the rate for Village Pur
poses (be 12 1-10 mills; That the rate
for Library Purposes be 5-10 mills;
That the rate for Debenture Pur
pose be 10- 1-10 mills; That the rate
for School Purposes be 7 7-10 mills;
total 36 mills. (Cameron and Spen
cer that By-law. No. 5 for setting
the rate for Taxes receive first and
second .reading. Carried. Mickle)
an,d -Consitt that By-law No. 5 be
given third and final reading. Car
ried. 'Consitt and Mickle that we
adjourn to meet at our next regular
meeting. Carried.
will oc-
Mr- Me*
are sorry to hear' of the ill-
this educative treat, The HvangeL.
leal Orchestra played while the
people assembled and their music
was much enjoyed by all and many
remarks of appreciation were heard.
The meeting opened with a short devotional period. After the lec
ture the audience was favored with
a duett by Miss Colquhonn and
Mrs. L- Craven and an instrumental trio by the Mi'ssea Lu (Smith, A.
Qaiser and Clara Morlock, After
the meeting the young people went
‘ ’ where they enjoyed
in games and light re-
were served
freshmen ts
Dont* forget the next
Friday evening at Main
Church, Exeter. Prof. J, H. Crock
er, will give an illustrated lecture on
’’China”, Oome and bring your
friends. A freewill offering Will be
taken to defray expenses.
Mr. Eldon Becker, of Elmira, call
ed on friends in town last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Sweitzer and
daughter Ruth, of Kitchener, spent
Sunday with Mrs, Charlotte Brown.
She returned home . with them
Where she will visit for some time,
Mr. Fred Qaiser, had the misfor
tune to haye his leg broken above
the ankle last Friday afternoon at
the home' of his son, Lloyd Gaiser,
He was trying to close the 'bank
barn door of which he lost control
caused by a heavy wind. We hope
that he will soon be able to be
about again,
(Mrs. Joseph Finkbeiner, who was
operated on last week at St. Joseph’s
Hospital, London, is improving.
On Monday evening of last week
thirty-five friends and relatives sur
prised Mrs. A. Holtzmann in honor
of her birthday. At’ 6.30 o’clock a
sumptuous (chicken supper was serv
ed. The remainder of the evening
was spent in games and music. All
reported a 'good time.
Crciliton Women’s Institute
The Olctober meeting of the Wo
men’s Institute was held in the In
stitute rooms with the president
Mrs. M. Teller, in the chair. The
meeting was opened by singing the
Institute Ode, after which the Lord’s
Prayer was repeated in unison. The
roll call was answered Tiy, “An ex
hibition of Old-Time Handiwork”
, which was very interesting. A very
interesting and educational paper
which was prepared by Mrs. Elliott
was read by Miss Beryl Hill, on
“Immigration of Foreign Women in
fo Saskatchewan,” She also show
ed a specimen of handiwork made
by a Doukabour woman, An inter
esting feature of the program was
“the old-fashioned hat parade.” One
of the hats was 26 years old. We
were also favored with an instru
mental solo by Miss Clara Morlock.
At the close of the meeting refresh
ments were, served by the committee
during a
jecture on
St. United
™ RED & WHITE «»«
1 lb. tin, 2 for 23c.4: I st- 4-FANCY PINK SALMON (CASCADE)
Finest Hallowi Dates
2 lb. for lD<c.
Golden Spray Cheese
per lb, 25c.
Altai Jemima Pancake
Flour per package 18c.
.... SPECIAL--ROLlJEh OATS ..... X.',.»'lb».' fw 2,Sc.....
Jewel Shortening
2 lbs. for 22c.
Fray Bentos Com Beef
No. 1 tins each 16c.
Schneider’s Pure Lard
2 lbs. for 2I(p..
PALMTR.EE SOAP—pure palm and plive oil 5 cakes foy 17c.
SSi 1
SURE POP. POPPING CORN ..............................................
FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS......................
..., per lb. 15c.
8 oz. bottle 19c.
. . 1 lb. tin 24c.
Hazelwood spent the
holiday in London.
received here of the
C. C. (Sweitzer in Bri-
Chateaii Cheese ......
De Luxe Jelly Powders
Challenge Cornstarch , ,
Iodized Salt.............
Sweet Juicy Oranges .........per doz. 25c.
Large Juicy Grapefruit , 3 for 25c.
Jumbo Salted Peanuts ...... per lb. 15c.
Assorted Chocolates................per lb. 37c.
“Quality Goods at Lowest Prices”
Phone 102
We Deliver
with Mrs. Samuel
Marshall and E.
week-end in St.
and son Andrew
ness of Mrs. John Moore and hope
for her a speedy recovery.
Rev. Peter Strang and Mrs. Sitr’ang,
of Regina, were visitors on Monday
with Mrs. J. C. Gardiner.
Mrs. Charles Milliner, of fit. Marys
is visitin/ with Mrs. Geo. Kemp.
The choir of the United church
had charge of the music at Zion on
Sunday morning.
3 Mrs. (Rev.) Veal, qf Dorchester,•
is visiting with Mrs. Walter iiazoi-
Mr. David
Word was
death of Mr,
tish Columbia. ‘ Deceased * at
time lived on the 14th concession of
Usborne and was in his 89th year.
Mrs. Minnie Thacker, of Teeswa-
ter, is visiting
Mr, and Mrs.
N. Shiei' spent
Mrs. Wm. Stewart
of Niagara Falls called on friends
here this week.
■ Mrs. Laughlin, of Melbourne and
Mrs. Stanley, of St. Catherines are
visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Bickle.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Myers and fam
ily, of Stratford, were 'Sunday visit
ors with 'Mr. and Mrs. Silas Shier.
There will be no service in the
to the
and Mrs. Sturgeon and
ily, of Bayfield, spent Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Sara. 'Merner.
Mrs. Elmore Weido and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Jasney spent Saturday in
Mr. Sam Sims is all smiles a baby
girl arriving at his home on Thurs
Mr. Herb Truemner, of Flint,
Mich., is visiting his father Mr. Dan
Truemner and sister Mrs. Aaron
Mr. Herb Tmemner, of Flint,
Mich., and Mr. Dan Truemner spent
the week-end with Dr. and Mrs.
Truemner in Chesley.
soli, is
Helen Kenney, of Khiva is
with Mr. and Mrs. J. Silins’.
Thomas Edwards, of Inger-
visiting with relatives here.
Mr. Isaac Sims, of Exeter, spent
Sunday with his parents Mr.
Mrs. Joab Sims.
Church next Sunday owing
anniversary services at An-
— of —
The undersigned has received
structioh to sell by public auction
at Iley’s Garage, Credit on on
at 2 p.m.
lA Ford Model T. Coupe (1.9215)
serial number Nq. C 518524, 19;3ii;
license number KR.608.
This sale is held to pay and sat
isfy a mechanics Jean on chattel
for labor and repairs, bestowed by
Lloyd Hey on the above mentioned
automobile owned by Leonard
owned by
of Zurich, amounting
TAYLOR, Auctioneer
Church held their
on Monday evening,
being to elect new of-
coming year. After the
discussed election of
place resulting as fol-
President, Blanche Mustard;
Ruby McLaren; 2nd
pres., M. Workman; secretary
assistant sec’y,
; treasurer, Roy
, Donald Walker
Thos. Dottgall; I People's
i, J. Mustard
For a few cents a day you may
provide protection for your family.
The Qreat'West
Minimum Cost Policy
offers the maximum amount of
protection for your dependents at
a minimum outlay. Make sure
today !
Premium rates for $1000 of protection
Age Premium ’ Age Premium
25 .......... $13.80 40 .......... $22.35
30 .......... 15.80 45 .......... 27.50
35 .......... 18.55 50 .......... 34.40
Ask for full particulars from:
London, were recent visitors at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Chas Johns.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Routly return
ed from their honeymoon on Tues
day of last week. They were given
a rousing charivari the same even
ing. The fcoys have since presented
them with a mantel clock as a token
of their best wishes.
The sympathy of many friends
is extended to Mrs. Chas. Johns in
the loss of her sister Mrs. D. S.
Whaley with whom snh lias spent
considerable time during the last
three months while Mrs. Whaley
has been confined to her toed.
Friends of Mrs. Will Routly num
bering about seventy met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen
on Wednesday evening of last week
to express their good wishes to her
in her wedded life in a tangible
fqrm. Mrs. (Rev.) White read the
following address:
Dear Elva,—
• A few of your host of friends, we
have gathered here tonight to cele
brate the beginning of your wedded
life. Great days and great friend
ships are few in the lives of most of
us. Last Saturday was a great
for you and you have ever been
of our best friends so We feel
occasion merits an evening of
fellowship together. We would
to congrtulate your huband and we
extend to you our best wishes for
the many years you will be cook
ing and sewing for him.
We wish you happiness—
Not just the kind that bubbles up,
but happiness that is a quiet peace
within your heart.
(Trials will come—
They always do—but somehow they
will go away (because that peace of
happiness is there..
We wish you faith-—
Not the fair weather
faith tout faith that faces the black
est sky and says “I trust.”
We wish you understanding—
So many dreams are- shattered, pe
tal-like because we do not try to see
the other side. If we would open
our self blinded eyes we would see
what they see and seeing, we would
Our three wishes to you. We do
not wish you fame or power or gold,
but we think tho share of these that
come your way will be the bright
er and the dearer and still more
sweet because the other things be
long to you.
As a token of these our wishes
we give you this cabinet. We trust
it ■ will always remind you Of our
love and keep your china clean.
Mrs. Routly made a very fitting
reply expressing her gratitude to
those present for the lovely cabinet,
also table 'and magazine rack to
match. She was liberally showered
with confetti. After this ordeal for
the bride was over, several amusing
and interesting contests were enjoy
ed games and social chat filled in
a most enjoyable evening. A bounti
ful and delicious lunch was served
and all dispersed to their homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Will, Routly were
also presented with a silver tray
and sum of money by friends and
relatives from Zion one evening last
of the
WINCHELSEArenewed old acquaintances.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchinson
entertained a few relatives and
friends on Saturday in honor of
their daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Scott, who had returned
from tlieir honeymoon. The rooms
were decorated in blue and white
•and a very pleasant social hour was
enjoyed. The members of this
community extend best Wishes to
Mr. and Mrs, Scott for a happy
Mr. John Shank’s sale was Well
attended last Wednesday.
Mrs. J. (Snowden, of Parkhill vis
ited Mrs. Dean Brown.
Mr. and Mi’s. Robt. I-Iutchinson,
of Parkhill and Mrs. C. M. Wilson,
and daughter Grace, of . Niagara
Falls called on friends last week.
Mrs. Marjorie (Noble) White, of
Detroit, called on Miss Mae Wilson
last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs,. Arthur Finkbeiner,
Mr, dncl Mrs. Elgin Webb and Mrs.
Russell Macintosh were
Mrs1. J.
Church last Thursday was a splen
did success. v The bountiful supper
was served efficiently by the young
folk and the program which follow
ed was heartily applauded. The- ar
tists were the Orpheus Concert
Company, of Exeter, which through
some mistake had been announced
as the Orphan’s* Concert Company.
The chairman Rev. &. J. Mathers,
made the error the basis of somo
witty remarks. The program left
nothing to be desired as the music
was varied and well rendered and
the old songs especially enjoyed.
Proceeds were $220.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Curts
spent the week-end in Mtclugan,
Horace Delbridge had the
misfortune to fall out of ian apple
tree one day last week giving him
self a bad shaking up but luckily no
bones were broken. We hope to
see him out again soon.
Miss Clive Prance spent the week!
end at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym, of Exe
ter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G.
Davis on Sunday.
Mrs. Fred Delbridge and Missr *
Jessie Brooks visited with friends
in Exeter one day last week.
Maud Heywood, of Exeter
with, friends here the first
the week.
and .Mrs, Alex Sinclair and
of Sarnia, visited the form-
. . part of
in", Mr.
I child, ler’s sister, Mrs. *J. Johns recently. '
I Miss Violet Westlake visited.her
K 5.cousin Miss Florence Herdman last
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hanna, of Sea
forth; Miss Ruby Hanna, of Port
Huron, visited with the former’s
sister, Mrs. Thos. Bell last Friday.
Quite a few from here attended
the Zion anniversary /services last
Sunday, there being' no service in
this church.
Messrs, B. Williams ' and Rich.
Johns were in Toronto the first part
of the week.
Mrs. Jas, Beer, or Dxeter,
a week with het neice Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Rice,
Morris and Grant Rice and Miss Le
na Moore, of London, were Thanks
giving visitors with Mr. and. Mrs.
■C, Johns,
Wedding bells are (being tuned to
ring hero again next week. Cupid
is very busy these times.
Mr, and Mrs. Stephen Pyne were
presented with a fernery, eloctrie
■table lamp and an occasional chair
by their friends on Tuesday even*
ing of this week. They were also
presented with a mantel clock from
the boys who gave them a charivari
as Mrs. Pyne has not been very
well the affair was very quiet.
Mrs, S. Young and son Bill, of
guests of
McGregor last Weunes-
theThe Women’s ‘'’Association of
their regular
2(5th. Mrs. F,
a supper to be
United church hbld
meeting on October
W« Clarke presided,
were completed for
served on Nov. 11th after which a
social time was spent. The hostess
es were Mrs. Garnet Hill, Mrs. Law
rence Hili, Mrs. Ell King.
The lecture at the United Church
on Friday evening was very well at
tended. There was a good repre-
sentatlon from all of the six young
! People's societies. Dr. Kingston
{gave an interesting address on the
churches' eclipses of the sun and illustrated
Fowl .Supper at the United
J. Wilson is visiting her
These events speak highly
esteem in which this young
are Held.
Services in the United Church
will be withdrawn next Sunday on
account of the anniversary services
at Grand Bend,
Rev. E. A. poulter, of Varna,
preached a thoughtful sermon *n
the United church last Sunday and
visit the former's
Mrs. Wm. Elsie and son Percy
left Saturday by motor for NeW!
Brunswick to
daughter, Mrs. Gladys Broderick.
Miss Lillian pollock, of Detroit,
spent -Sunday with her parents, Mr*
and Mrs. Robt. pollock.
Two most excellent sermons were;
preached in the United church oil
Sunday when Rev. E. A. Potter, of}
Varna, exchanged pulpits with Mh
Mathers. Mr. polter spent some of}
his boyhood days around here some
years ago and has always been Wel
come in our midst.
Mr. Harmon Gill lias & iittftv*
her of men working on the dock.
Mr. Wm, Raker had a real good
sale on Thursday last and is thisi
week starting to build a now house
in the village.
I^eep in mind the Anniversary
Services next Sunday. Rev. b.
Guest, of Arkoha will be the preach
er. -On Tuesday night there will ba
a hot fowl supper with plenty fot
all, There will be room for 120 afc
a sitting. Program, to follow,
I Mrs. S. Dewey, of -St. Marys, visit*
1 ed friends for & week in the village