The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-10-22, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES-AJWOCATB
Below Is a List Of Candidates Nominated to Date
In which $1,000 in prize awards is offered by the Times-Advocate to candidates securing the great
est number of votes for subscriptions. Votes will be given on all subscriptions, <
ions of subscription accounts. If you were considering entering your name or that of a friend you
are advised to do so now as the early Start in a Short Campaign of this kind is a great advantage.
Owing to lack of newspaper space this week we are unable to illustrate Prizes properly; however
watch next week’s paper for full details of Prizes, and in the meantime why not phone 3
ceipt books and full information and go out and Win one of the big prizes. Remember there
. . . 9 .. . * . . ’ '
no losers; every active candidate will receive a prize or cash commission according to th
do. This is not a Popularity Contest but a straight business Proposition. Watch next1
for the standing of Candidates to Friday, October 23rd.
d or hew or collect
work i
:’s paper
List of Candidates to Date
............................ Hensall
........,............... Dashwood
.............................. Exeter
........................... Crediton
.............................. Exeter
...... Kirkton, R. R. No. 1
.............................. Exeter
•............................ Hensall
........ Exeter, R. R. No. 3
...................... Winchelsea
,. Dashwood, R. R. No. 2
............................. Kippen
............. Clandeboyo
Drummond ......
Alice Hoffman
O. L, Wilson ....
Win/ IVIotz .......
Connie Jennings
F. Collings ........
W. H. Harness
F. Bowden .......
Alice Higgins ..
H.v. Ford ...........
Geo. Davis .......
Leia Mollard ....
Agnes Fairbairn
Beta Giavin .....
Watch next week’s paper for their standing
to October 23rd
Please enter the following name as a candidate in your
Subscription Drive
Who is your Favouirte Candidate?
Use this Coupon in sending Subsctiptions
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Name of Subscriber
. years
.Subscription Rate, $2.00 per year
You may save your favorite candidate time by mailing this
coupon with .'remittance to The Exeter Times-Advocate. The
candidate you name will receive full credit. Look over the
list of and write in the name of the one you wish to
A strong appeal is hereby made
to the generous public in and
.around the village of Exeter for fall
and winter apples, as well as all
Kinds of vegetables for much need
ed relief during the winter months.
Messrs.' Jones ft May have kindly
placed the basement of their store
at the service of the community as
a safe and central store room for all
supplies brought or gent in. Should
you desire some one to call for your
gifts kindly advise either of the un
dersigned committee. If • help is
needed to gather in the supplies
such will be provided by the com
mittee. Some supplies are already
an and we feel sure there will be no
lack when the people who Lave
. plenty, sense the need of those who
-are in want. Supply committee:
D. McTavlsh, W. D. Sanders, J. W.
23rd, 3031
THE PURPOSE: To enlist new
mien as teachers of boys in the local
Sunday School. To give help to
present leaders and teachers and to
srwaken the manhood of our church
to the needs of our. boys.
^Sunday School .Superintendents,
Leaders of older boys, Elders,
Church Officials, Influential and in
terested laymen and Prospective
THE TlkfE: Friday, October the
23rd; Afternoon at 2.30; Supper at
5.(50 (30 cents); Evening at 7.30.
D. D., Toronto, Secretary of Relig
ious Education, will give leadership
■in this conference, assisted by
.Other leaders pf Boys’ groups.
KINDLY SEND number of
gates expected to go from
oliurch (there is no limit) to
Jt. R, Conner, Kippen, or to Rev. A.
^Sinclair, Hensail, not later than
Oh tab er 20th.
There will be
An Offering will
expenses. Plan
'The regular meeting of the coun
cil of the Township of Hay was held
in the Town Hall, ■Zurich, on Sat
urday, October 10, with all the mem
bers present. The minutes of the
previous meeting were adopted as
read. After disposing of the com-
nkmications, the following resolu
tion were passed: The accounts cov
ering payments on township roads,,
telephone and general accounts be
passed as per vouchers: Township
Roads—Burlington Steel Co., .steel
for road 3, $17.94; C. N. R. freight
on steel $3.00; fi. Martin, .pay list,
Road 6, $6.75; P. Slchade, pay list,
road 13, $9,115; Wm. Ducharme, 'pay
list, road 16, $3.85; Elmore Datars,
pay list, Road 10, $6.70; A. L.
Sreenan, pay list road 16, $11.80;
Joseph Oescli, pay list, road 8, $2.-
40; C. Aidworth, pay list, roads 2,
3, 13, $19.35; W. Grenier, pay list,
road 6, $12.80; J. M. Richardson,
pay list, road 5, $8.5o; M. Corriveau
88; M.
road 8,
road 10,
pay list, road 10, $6.60; Johnston
& Kalibfleisch, cement, road 3, $70.-
02; ’S. McArthuir, pay list, road 1,
$11.40; Urban A. Pfile, .pay list. rd.
14, $14.50; S. Ropp, pay list, road
2; $10.00; W. J. jarrott on Super
intendent salary $50.00. Telephone
Accounts, Bell Telephone Co., tolls,
July to -August, $3 41.47; C.N.R.,
freight on directories, $5.00;"North
ern Electric Company, material,
$31,154; E. Guenther, cartage, $4.21;
Zurich Central switching five weeks,
$4.21; P. Mclsaac, salary, labor and
postage, $1520.60; H. G. Hess, labor,
etc., $210.39. General Accounts, J.
Meidinger, fence viewers award, $20
Zurich Agricultural Society, grant,
Zuhich School Fair, grant,
cleaning Zurich
Weed Inspector,
13, Con.
work, culvert, road >3, $62.-
M. Russell, pay list, road 1,
Simon Hoffman, pay list,
$12.40; E. J. Stive, pay list,
$8.00; F. E. Denomme,
The Fourth Annual Public
Speaking Contest will he held in the’
auditorium of the Clinton Collegiate
Institute on Saturday, October the
24th, at 1.30 p.m.
This contest is being held in con
junction with the annual conven
tion of the Huron County Educa
tional Association of Trustees and
Ratepayers, for which an interest
ing program has been arranged.'
All first prize winners at the
Public Speaking Contest; conduct-,
ed at each School Fair in the
County this year are eligible to
compete and are expected to take
part in this contest. Splendid book;
prizes will be awarded and Mr. Geo.
Spotton, M. P„ is donating a silver'
cup to be awarded to the winning
pupil. In addition to the public
speaking, the Educational Associa
tion is conducting a championship
Spelling Match in which the "winner,
from each fair is eligible to com
pete. Book prizes for the contest-'
ants have been arranged for the
The entire program is interesting
and educational and as many as
possible should take advantage of
(Crowded out .-last week.)
Miss 'Marguerite Knight attended
the Teachers' Convention at Exeter
and Guelph last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Mason and family'
and Mr. and Mrs. H. Eagleson spent
•last Sunday with friends in London.
Mr. Edward Wilds, of Edmonton,
is visiting relatives in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Kraft and fam
ily spent Sunday in London.
Mr. Wm. Witzel visited with his
friends in London, last Sunday.
iMr. and Mrs. Art Willert spent
Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wil
lert, of Hay.
Miss Helen Hayter visited over the
holiday, in Detroit.
Mr. Edward C'ox, of Toronto, call
ed on friends in the vicinity
opportunity to attend.
(Crowded out last week)
the home
and Mrs.
with her
and son
no registration fee.
be taken to defray
to be present.
Bayfield, Srucefield
Clinton (Ontario St.
Lorth, '
$20; J. Galster,
drain south, $9;‘
cutting weeds, Lot
80; C. L. Smith,
$159.70; Municipal World,
$1.24; Township Clerk, re
Drain, $40.00; Grand Bend School
Fair, grant $15; R. Miller, for post
age on tax notices, JY0.00. r.
Council adjourned to meet again
1, $43.-
and Wesley-
(James st, and Main St.)
Bend, Hensail, Kippen, Sea'
Thames Road and Varna,
, November 2nd, at
in the afternoon.
A. iF» Hess, Clerk
i on
'Cyclesepidemic of motor
be treated early and often
Miss Martha Lamport, of London,
visited Thursday evening at her
home there.
Mr. and Mrs. C. McPherson and
family, of Parkhill, visited Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. iM,
Miss Thomson spent Thanksgiv
ing at her home in Stratliroy.
There was no preaching service
in the United Church on Sunday ow
ing to anniversary services at Brins
ley. Services next Sunday will be as
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer spent
Sunday with relatives in Melbourne,
Mrs. Chas. Lockner and Lucille,
have returned home after a weeks’
visit with relatives in InWood.
A number from here attended An
niversary services at Greenway on
Sunday to hear Rev, J. W. Maines,
a former pastor.
Rev. Geo.
visiting his
.•(Crowded out last week)
'Mr. Gordon Merner, who has been
visiting his parents in Buffalo for a
few weeks has returned to
of his grandparents Mr.
Samuel Merner.
Mrs. Ann Collingwood
and Mrs. Mervin Collingwood and
three children and Mrs. Le Blanc
and son Albert, all of Hamilton, vis
ited over the holiday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Motz,
iMrs. George Wright, of
visited over the week-end
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli
Mr. and Mrs, Edwards
Heiib, of Ingersoll, spent the week
end with relatives here. Mrs. Ed
wards remained for a visit.
Mr. Jos. Motz, of London, spent
the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Jac
ob Sims.
Mrs. M. J. Graham and Mr, F. S.
Cater, of London, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson.
(Crowded out tlast week)
The United Church was packed
to capacity on Sunday afternoon
and evening when Rev. W. J. Maines
B.A., a former ipastor conducted the
anniversary services. "Weather and
roads, tasteful decorations and the
special music iby the choir made a
happy combination that marked an
other successful milestone in the
history of the church. And now
everyone is welcome to the annual
fowl supper on Thursday night.
Don’t miss the treat of the season.
Thanksgiving visitors in the
neighborhood were:
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sheppard, of
London, and Mrs. S. English, of De
troit, with Mr. and Mrs. R. English.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Curts and Miss
Viola Curts, of •London, with Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Curts.
Mr. and Mrs. Rob. McPherson and
family, of Buffalo with :M.r. and Mrs.
E; McPherson,
Mr. Byron Brown and Miss Car
lotta Wilson, of Toronto with Mrs.
J. Brown.
Mr. Dawson Woodburn and Miss
Reece, of Toronto, with Mr. and
Mrs. C. Woodburn.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthews, of De
troit, witli 'Mr. and Mrs. Ulens.
Mr, and Mrs. E. H. McPherson
and family, Of Toronto and Miss;
Ruby Pollock, of Hamilton, with
Mrs. Andrew Pollock.
Mr. and Mrs. Darling, of Byron,
With Mr. and Mrs. W. Hicks.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Eagleson, of
Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ma-
Miss Laura Leask.
at her home in
Goderich and Miss
Mrs. Goo. Oliver, of St. (Marys,
with Mrs. George Bullock.
Miss Adah McGregor, of-London,
with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McGregor.
Miss Ruiby .Brown, of Parkjiill,
with Mr. and Mrs. D. Brown.
Mrs. Leask, Miss W. Leask and
Mr. Thompson, of Oshawa with Mr.
John Lavine and
Miss Topping
Miss Hardy in
Corbett at Fordwich.
Miss Olive' Armstrong with her
aunt Mrs. p.urdy at Hensall.
The members of the choir of the
United Church and the young people
to the number of twenty-five met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Isaac on Monday night and had a
splendid social evening together. A
special part of the evening’s pro
gram was the reading "of an address
to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac, who were
married and the presentation of sil
ver spoons by Mr. Kenneth Smith
ers. They each replied in a few
grateful words expressing their ap
preciation of the gift. Lunch was
served, Auld Lang Syne was sung’
and a happy evening ended.
Use Dr. Carter’s famous Little
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25c &, 75c red packages
Ask your druggist for
RIERS m pills;
Flnkbclnof Is this week
brother MA Christian
(Crowded out last week)
;Mr. Byron Brown, of Toronto,
visited over the holiday at his home
Mrs. Hugh Love spent the week
end in Petrolia.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Murray and fam
ily, of Thedford, visited on Sunday
with 'Mr, Robert Murray.
We extend congratlations to the
bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph Hodgins and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Hodgins, nee th® Misses Leone and
Olive Eagleson.
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Curts, of Lon
don, spent the holiday with the lat
ter’s mother Mrs. George Lovis.'
A Mother of
Nervous and Tired at Night
Mrs. Isaac Shanks, Show, Road, Ont., writes:—
“I am the mother of five children and have a lot of
work to do. My heart would get very weak, and I
Was very nervous and tired out at night. I always
keep Milburn’s Heart and Nerve Tills on hand and
find by taking thorn occasionally they make me rest
comfortably and sleep well at night, and make me
feel like a new person, Really, these Pills have iw
equal.” •
Sold by all drug and general stores, or mailed direct
on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Ltd.,
Toronto, Ont.