The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-08-20, Page 8IHURSDAY, AVGUST aOtb, 1031 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE JUNIOR FARMERS TO PICNIC AT RAYFJRW ■The Huron County Junior Farm­ ers and Juior Girls purpose holding their Annual Field Day and Picnic at Bayfield Park on Wednesday af­ ternoon, August 26th, 1931. Games and sports will commence at 1.30 o’clock, standard time. The program will include inter-club competition in the various sport events and gam­ es, for the possession of the Assoc­ iations’ Silver Cup for the coming year. Boys and Girls soft-ball, races, novelty races and horseshoe pitching are among the most impor­ tant items on the program. The Junior Girls have very kindly Icon- sented to bring a basket lunch with them to provide refreshments the picnic supper at 6 p.m. Exeter Markets Wheat, 40c. Feed Barley, 30!e, Malting Barley, 35c. Oats, 20c. Bran and Shorts 9Qc. Low Grade Flour, $1.05. Welcome Flour $2.30 Model Flour $2.50 Manitoba Flour $2.60; Creamery Butter 26c, Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Butter, 17c. and 18c. Extras, 21c, Firsts 18c, Seconds, 13 c. ■v CORRECTION for thelast week of bell in Knox Pres- Bayfield, made of In our report dedication of the byterian church, should have been Elgin Stanbury as well as ard Stanbury as among whose memory the .bell was ed. , mention Mrs. Jane Dr. Ri-ch- those in present- JAMES ST. W. M. S. The monthly meeting James Street W- M* S.. was of the .. held on Thursday August 13th. It had been arranged to have the meeting in pisinc form in the church lawn but ovring to the frequent showers it •was held in the church parlours. The attendance was not as large as had been hoped for; there was, how­ ever a fair number of members present, also two visitors. A good ■program w-as presented. Devotional exercises were led by Mrs. N. Og­ den while the business session was ■conducted by the president, Mrs. C. W. Christie, during which the- ways and means of raising funds were ■discussed.Temperance was the theme of the program for the month with Mrs. (Rev.) McTavis-h as con­ venor. A good, temperance reading was given by Miss M. Horton. Four young ladies of the Mission Band, Misses Stone, Elliott, Sitewart and Cox. took their parrs well in the singing of two choruses, while Miss Edith- Brooks- gave a splendid reci­ tation, all pf which was much en­ joyed and appreciated. At the close of the programe the sports, commit­ tee took charge and a number of contests and stunts were enjoyed. Home-made candy was served. or R. WANTED—-Work by the day needlework. Mrs. Seymour, R. 1, Centralia. Word may be left with iWilson’s Grocery.ltrp 4e. locals J Tractors for sale or hire, do your plowing. Phone 64. Elliott. Let us .Sandy 2tc FOR SALE—Ten- weeks old ,ron strain of White Leghorns Barred Rocks. Wm. Haddock, tralia. Bay- also Cen- 8-20-2tc. FOR. RENT—Comfortable farm home with furnace, bath and water in the house, on Highway,. 2 miles south of Exeter. Apply to Victor Snell, Box 15 6, Lucan, phone 87j. 8-13-2tc. LOST—A round sterling silver brooch set with diamonds and pearls Reward. Finder please lpave at Times-Advoicate. FOR SALE—Potatoes, tomatoes, beets and carrots. Canadian Canners phone 28. 8-13-2tc I am prepared to take threshing by the- day at reasonable prices for farmers. Wes. Hackney; Centralia. 8-13-2tp. HONEY FOR SALE—Choice clover honey 7c. per lb. in customer’s containers, also in our own contain­ ers if so desired. Hubert Heywood, . R. R. No. 1, Woodham. 8-13-2tp. AGENTS WANTED ap- old-established Man pi’ woman to travel and point agents for house in business in Toronto over forty years. For terms and person­ al interview with one er our travel­ lers write Dept. W-S, Winston Toronto. Co., AGENTS WANTED z Miss E. M. Bowey is holidaying, this week at Grand Bend. Miss Feme Short, of London, is holidaying with her mother, Mr. Harold Wood, of Chatham, spent the week-end at his home in Usiborne. Mrs. W. W. Taman is holidaying with her sister, Mrs. W. T. Goodison of Sarnia. Miss Ruby Davis has returned home after holidaying for a week at Ingersoll. Mr, Edward Wilson, of London, is visiting with’ Mr. and Mrs. Christie. Mr. Jack Paisley, of the way Stores, is holidaying home in Orillia Miss June Gordon, .of Toronto, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott. Miss Bud Brothers, of Stratford, was the -guest -of Miss Jeanette Ta­ man over the week-end. Misses Hazel and Grace Snell have returned home after holiday­ ing for a week at Dungannon. Miss Florence West, of the Post Office staff, . is holidaying! with friends in Windsor and London. Mrs. Hugh Perry and Mrs. Guy Scott, of Detroit, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech. Mr. J. G. Acheson, of St. Thomas visited on Friday last with his par­ ents, Mr. and Sirs. W. T. Acheson. Misses Edith and Reta Clipson, of Ingersoll, are visiting with grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. E. Howald Miss Muriel have returned after holidaying for a week in Kit­ chener and Chatham. Mr. W. A. Patrick, of Toronto, and Miss Dorothy Snell, of -St. Thomas, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Snell. Mrs. Mary Gillard, of town, and her sister, Mrs. A. Hocking, of Mit­ chell, are holidaying with relatives at Stony Creek and Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. G. Quantz, of London, and son Goldwin, of Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding ion Saturday. Mr. Stuart Smillie, -of St Cather­ ines, and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Smillie, of Toronto, visited with Miss ^Murray last week. Miss Carolyn Davis has -returned, to her duties at the Exeter Offipe .weeks Mr. three Saturday Lundy’s Sheere. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Rowe and Miss Mildred and the former’s sisters, Mrs. Hoskins and Mrs. Snell motor­ ed to Toronto Tuesday, the latter two remaning for a few days. Miss Rubie A. Creech has been successful in passing the primary part 1, Kindergarten-summer course examinations for teachers held at Stratford centre-. Miss AViS L-indenfield has return­ ed to her duties at Victoria Hospit­ al in London a-fter holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lin­ denfield. Dr. M. C. and Mrs. Fletcher are holidaying for a couple of weeks at Jackson’s Pc-int. Dr. Wilson, of New Hamburg, is relieving during the former’s absence. Mr. W. C. Davis, of the Times- Advocate staff is on vacation this week. He spent the week-end at Niagara-on-the-lake and left there for the Muskoka District. * Mr. Ed. Taylor has returned to c. w. Chain- at his their Dan. and home Post after holidaying for two at Port Stanley and Ingersoll and Mrs. Isaac Lundy and children, of Brantford, spent and Sunday with Mrs. grand-mother, Mrs.A. $3, $3.50 or $4 per day guaran­ teed for sixty, seventy-five or hun­ dred days* agency work in your lo­ cality representing old-established house in business in Toronto over forty years. For terms and personal interview with one of oui’ travellers write Dept. W-G, Winston Co., Tor­ onto. FOR jerkins, sizes, phone 91 r 8, Hensail, a.m.- MAIN ST, AND JAMES ST. UNITED SERVICES p.m.—“What are you doing with what you’ve got?” In Main St, chur-ch. Beautiful Summer Dresses GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE STRIPED DIMITY 0 . . . at 2 yards for 35c. <4, A of- London, is visiting of Mr. and This store will be closed Wednesday afternoons during the months of June, July, and August PURE LINEN HAND TOWELING A regular 20c. line; good strong weave and all linen. Special GOTHAM ADJUSTABLE HOSIERY Seven inches of adjustment space—to fit every length of leg. -Each a run-stop and when folded a picot top at Priced at...............................$1.35 and $1.95 THE BEST; .TRY THEM FOR YOUR PICKLES THIS SEASON A beautiful fine woven cloth, suitable for underwear, etc. .A regular,35c. quality Special at per yard....................................19c. Genuine French Limoge Dinner Set One of the best values we have ever seen in Dinner Ware.. .A fujll 97 piece of French Limoge China in a beautiful pattern. You will surely like it J A REAL BARGAIN AT $37.50 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, M. A, . Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.I^C.M., Organist JO a.m.-—Sunday Schoo) 7 p.m.—"The Stopg of Unity” No morning serviice during August Rev. D« McTayish in charge James St. Ch-oir win have charge of the music, * 10 a,m.—Our Church Schools 11 a.m.—-‘'The Law of the Harvest” In James St. church, 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th. 10 11 Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middleuiiss 12th Sunday After Trinity -Sunday School a.m.—Rev. C. H. James, B. A., of St. Luke’s Church, St. Thomas; 7. p.m.—Mr. James, of Walkerton. Members of the Exeter Lodge of Oddfellows will join with the lod­ ges of the district in* holding a pic­ nic at'.'Bayfield on Wednesday after­ noon, August 26th. C, Heywood, N. G. Miss Nellie Carmichael is visiting for a few days with friends in Hen­ sail. Miss May Jones, of the Jones and May staff, is holidaying at Grand Bend this week. Mrs. J. W. Powell and daughter, Marion, returned home after visit­ ing in St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis and fam­ ily, of Waterford, are holidaying with their -parents in town. Miss Lucy Grab has returned after spending a week with her brother, Leonard, in Detroit. Miss Gracie Strange has returned to her home after spending the holi­ days in the country. Miss Barbara Dinney in London at the home Mrs. Austin Bickell. Master Robert Gillies, is visiting with his uncle and aunt; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Harvey Miss Pearl. Love accompanied by friends from Toronto is taking a trip through Georgian Bay this week. ** Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oke and ily, of Seaforth, visited Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter. Mr. J. A. Stewart has some fine specimens of dahalias which are particularly large and attractive this season. Mr. and Mrs Nathan Hooper, of Tara, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Davis. The two ladies are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. O.' R. Francis and daughter, Miss Beth, of Bright, spent Sunday with Reeve B. M. and Mrs. Francis. Mr and Mrs..Oliver Davis and two children, of Ft. Erie, are holidaying with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Davis. Mr. Beverly Acheson has joined his wife and babe and is holidaying at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. ^Acheson. Miss Edna .Wright, of Sarnia, Mr. Cecil Kindall, of Inwood, Mr.1 Al­ bert Dick, of London, visited with Miss Irene Bierling the past week. Mr. and Mrs-. George Hunter and Miss Lily Hunter and Miss Alice Handford are leaving Thursday to > visit with relatives at Broklyn, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. S- Webber, Houston Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Foster and son, Tdm, of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. B.‘ W. F. on Sunday ‘last. Mrs. W. Higgins, Mrs. T. Clinton; Mr. Clayton Martin, of En- glehart, New Ontario; visited fam- witli very Berger, visited Beavers McNeil, We place on sale all summer dresses on our racks. Every dress will be reduced in price. See our values in House Dresses at each 89c HEMMED SHEETS Size 2 yds. by 2 1-2 yards;. these are seconds, but will wear just as well as firsts Get a> supply at each ...........................$1.29 OUR VINEGAR AND SPICES ARE HATCHWAY UNDERWEAR You will come back for it again. .No buttons to come off. Cool and comfortable Now selling at per garment. $1.00 MEN’S SAILOR HATS Every hat must go. We offer your choice of any sailor hat in the store. 59C. MEN’S FINE SHIRTS A special purchase of fine shirts with at­ tached collars. .You will want two or three M this low price each. 89C. HEM-STITCHED LINEN TABLE CLOTHS 52 in. by 67. .A beautiful al! linen table cloth. .Well worth the money. EACH $1.59 Grocery Specials for REDPATH GRANULATED SUGAR LUX FLAKES.......... 3 for 25c. GOOD MUSTARD (bulk) .... 49c. a lb. Thurs., Fri. and Sat. LIPTON’S TEA (black or mixed) ........... CASCADE SALMON .... 1 lb. 2 for 25c. CASCADE SALMON .... 1-2 lb. 3 for 25c. < Southcott Bros. * Mr. Clarence Simmons, of Wind-' sor, motored up and spent the week-end here and was accompan­ ied home- by Mrs. Simmons and babe who have been, holidaying here for a couple of weeks. Misses Reta Rowe, Mildred Rowe, Pearl Wood, of town; Olive- Wood, R. N., of Toronto, Mary Horney and Janie Hogarth, of London, are .vis­ iting this week at “Robinhood’ cot­ tage, Grand Bend. Master Murray Madge of London, who has been visiting with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Will­ iams, underwent an operation for the removal of his tonsils and ade­ noids on Thursday last at the office Browning. Spitler, head chief o-p- Bell Telephone Co., De­ Mr. Percy Luxton and of Dr. J. H. Mrs. Mary erator of the troit, Mich., Mr. J. W. Taylor, wife and son, of South Bend, Ind., called on Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, of the Taylor Tire Shop one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Dixon and family, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davis and son, of Detroit, with Mrs. George Southwick, of Mt. Clemens, Mich., were- the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marten e and also- of Mr. and Mrs. Peter" Martene, of Crediton for a few days. Mr. and Mrs, Harry^Boehmer and their daughter, Miss Beatrice Boe­ hmer and son, their friend, Miss Thorne, Kitchener, were visitors and Mrs. Hilliary Horton on Sun- da.y Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buswell mo­ tored down form Lucknow on Thursday last bringing with them Mrs. T. Harvey, who had been vis­ iting, were Ddris Mr. two children motored up from Tor­ onto, Saturday. Mr. Johns spent the week-end while Mrs. Johns and children weeks, children with her i Mon- his duties on the staff of the Bank day with Mr. and Ml’S. George Hun- of Montreal at Dutton, after recup­ erating d^t his home here following an operation for appendicitis. *' Little Misses Frances and Erno ter. Mrs.Mr. Maurice Senior and Helen Billings, of Toronto, visited _____ ______ __ ___ over the week-end at the home of Irwin, of Putnam, have returned to | his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sen­ holidaying for their grandpar D. Davis, til oil4 (three ents, home after weeks with Mr and Mrs. and Mrs1. R.G-. Gillies and T Summer Furnishings AT REDUCED PRICES ♦ MID-SUMMER CLEAN-UP SALE OF SOME SMART LINES IN Hats and Caps — Shirts and Ties Summer Underwear and Socks Sweaters and Golf Knickers TIP TOP Tailors are conducting a $1,000 guessing con­ test, open to the general public, in connection with the Air Derby at the Canadian National Exhibition. Register your guess at this store. PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT. c Carl Boehmer and all of with Mr. SALE-—Fresh cucumbers, t 9-day dill pickles and table Prices moderate. W. Sherritt 8-6^tc. July and August is the time to get from your flocks those non lay­ ers. we are now in the position to Cull your flocks. Culling done by an expert culler. Also whitewash­ ing done at a reasonable price with forced spray. The Hatchery will be open on Tuesday and Saturday nights only. The Hogarth Baby Chick Hatch- eryv phone i84w, Exeter, Ontario Mr. son, Rofbt., of Hamilton, who- spent their holidays at Niagara Falls and in the Muskoka district, spent the week-end with Mrs. Gillies* parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sweet, Of Cleveland, spent the week-end with the f Sweet, s-cr, is weeks Mr, Jory, Mrs. Sam Jory, Mrs. J. Russell and Master Leonard Harvey motor­ ed to Burford Friday last and vis­ ited with Mrs, Jory's daughter, Mrs, Amy. former’s sister, Miss Hettie Mr. Harry Sweet, of Wind-, holidaying for a couple of here. and Mrs. Eli King, Mrs. E. ’ior ------- ----------------- I ’ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wallace son, Bobby, of Dayton, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs, ester, N. Y., and Mrs. Steiner. Mr, Milton Bissett Myrta and two sons, Austin, of Brantford) few 'days last week Mrs. wm. Snell, Main street, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Southcott family, who have spent the five weeks at their summer cottage at Grand Bend loft Monday by for their home in California, Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Forest, and Mrs. Leonard Ottignon have been visiting the Eatcrott neictions here and Sarnia, left for their home in Now Jersey last week. with them for a week. They accompanied home by Misses and Alta Harvey on a. visit. and Mrs, Frank Johns and and and ;. J. Williams, of Roch- have been guests of Dr. and daughter, Mervin and visited for a With Mr and. and past auto Mr. who Gotl­ Will visit for a couple of Mrs. Wm. street and four returned to Bartonville brother after visiting with her mother in town. Mr. and Mrs, Will companied by Mrs, and daughter, Irene, Ryckmari, ac- Allce Mooney have returned after two weeks motor trip Canadian and American Soo, covered over 1300 miles and 'numerous places of interest, at the American iSoo they with Mrs. Ryckman's brother Albert Passmore, who has been ill for the past year but is now recov­ ering. Mrs. Mooney and Irena visit­ ed at Kaiansky and Patosky, Mich. Miss Helen Salter is holidaying in London. Mr. T'hos. McMillan, M. P., of Sea­ forth, was in town last Saturday. The members of the Exeter Wo­ men’s Institute are holding a pic­ nic at the Stratford Park to-day (Wednesday.) The HurOnia Male Chorus, under the leadership of Mr. W. R. Gould- Ing, with Mr. Francis Abbott, as reader provided a program at Bay­ field Monday evening. Mr. George Grant played a couple of numbers on the violin. Chas. Godbolt sang a couple of Scotch songs and piano duets were played by Mr. Grant and Mr. Goulding, Mr. J. J. Hunter, editor and pro­ prietor of the Kincardine Review Reporter and a former Grand Mas­ ter of the Orahge Lodge of Ontario West, died at of last week, energetic and man, beloved wide circle of W. R. Goulding A. T. O. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in School® Studio, Main St, Box 57, Phone 19» EXETER, ONT 3 t Betty De jean, of Newbury, Mrs. H- his home on Tuesday Mr. Hunter was ah popular newspaper- and esteemed by a friends. to the They visited When Visited Mr. The Exeter High S'chool has had another successful year and while the candidates in common With those from a number of neighboring schools found the results in English Literature disappointing, there- was a liigh percentage of passes in the subjects, Physics, Algebra, French Composition, French Authors and the results in the other subjects were satisfactory. Mbs is visiting this week with K. Hyndman. Miss Margaret Lumley, Thomas, is visiting a-t the Mr. W. C. Pearce, Mr. John Stanbury, who left Exeter for Kincardine, Visited' in town during the past week. of St, home of recently WiH'l OF REV. J. E. HOGG DIES IN TORONTO The death occurred in Toronto on. Sunday cf Mina Wylia, wife of Rev*. J. E. H United c oral Hos ill for T-otont ago. Rev. tor of for 14 of July this roy •with his pastorate of ci ■egg, pastor of strathroy liurch, at the Toronto Gen- 'pibal. Mrs, ome and hospital Hogg had been was taken to the- about four 4 week£ Mr. Hogg the United years, and at the beginning: year, moved to Sitratb- familyto take Over the- the United church* was formerly pas- church at Clinton 0