The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-08-20, Page 2THURSDAY, AUGUST 20th, 1031 f,THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE HE COULDN'T READ FOR INDIGESTION *For some years previous to 1022 I was subject to indigestion, with head­ aches and thousands of stars sparkimg in my eyes, which prevented me from reading. 1 decided to try Krusehen- Salts. That was August, 1922, and I have taken a litt le in my first mommg cup of tea ever since. I now eat any­ thing, and am entirely free from indigestion or ’stars.*”—Now let it be said mute definitely, that what Kruschen did for hum jt will do for everybody else.who supers, from indigestion as lie did. The met is that “ the little daily dose ’. stimulates the How of gastric juices to aid digestion, and then ensures complete, regular* and unfailing elimination of all waste matter every ^Soon after you start on Kruschen ypu will* begin to feel the _ benefat.^ You will find to your satisfaction that you are able to enjoy your food without any distressing after-effects.. And, as you persevere, you wnlsee that the relief which Kruschen brings is lasting relief. HIBBERT COUNCIL The Municipal Council of Hibbert met At the Township Hall, Staffs, with all members present and the reeve preSidiii'g’. The minutes of th®?la4t:jtueetluu and of a special meeting Were read and on motion of William Kay and Frank Allen were approved. , Russell Scott was paid the sum of $30 for sheep killed and damages to flock, and the clerk instructed to notify the owners of the dogs mortified by the sheep valuators to have been responsible, to pay the damages to the council. A delegation from Stratford Gen­ eral Hospital was present soliciting a grant to their hospital. The usual amount of $50 was promised. Resolutions were passed instruict- Ing the clerk to forward the account of putting lights on a bridge on the west boundary, to John Empey county engineer, for payment; also to issue an order of $5 for weed cutting on the Dominon Hotel prop­ erty and enter the amount of the Collector’s Roll against said prop­ erty. The treasurer submitted his tjmates for general township penditnre and road and bridge peqditure. By-law No. 370 authorizing confirming the levying of rates for the current year was passed and signed by the reeve and, clerk:— County rate, 6.72823 mills; general township rate, .875 mills; road ex­ penditure rate, 1.165 mills. A communication was read from the clerk of Tuckersmith advising the council of Hibbert that a reso­ lution had been forwarded to the drainage referee at Ottawa request­ ing. permission to vary the assess­ ment schedule on the Shepherd Creek Drain. The clerk was instructed to com­ municate with the township solicit­ or, E. G. Thompson, to meet the council at a special meeting with regard to the ommission of the Scott drain levy in 1929 anc the Walker drain levy in 1930. Orders for approximately $470 road exp'",,''’1!i'ures and $128 general expend _s were issued. meeting adjourned to meet OL-m on Monday, September 14th. Pub other quan- Packet of WILSONS FLY PADS WILL KILL MORE FLIES THAN .SEVERAL DOLLARS WORTH, k\OF ANY OTHER FLY KILLERZj Best of all fly killers. Clean* quick, sure, cheap. Ask your Drug­ gist, Grocer or General Store. THE WILSON FLY PAD CO., HAMILTON. ONT lOc WHY PAY MORE es- ex- ex- and Sunday School lesson A GOSPEL FOR ALL MEN*. Sunday, Aug. 23—'Acts ICG I to iX:18; 1 Cor. 1:23-25. Golden Text ' 15 YEARS AGO Mr. Robt. Korslake has purchased Mr. Thos, Collingwood’s house in town. Mr. Peart) who recently' moved to town from Usboxmo, has purchas­ ed Rev, Mr. Yelland’s house on Car­ ling St. and MT. Yelland has bought Mr. Maxwell's house Mr. Jas. Lawson engaged putting his shape for occupation strong as millinery rooms and him­ self as jewellry store and Central Telephone office, The McDonnell, Dickson and Car­ ling three-story block last year un­ derwent a thorough renovation of the interior. James, the little sixteen months old son, of Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Brintnell, of Centralia, who are vis­ iting with Mr, Brintpell’s parents was rather painfully burned on Mon­ day last. The little chap was play­ ing around and got hold of a 'bottle containing ammonia and had taken a quantity of the contents into his mouth before discovered. Br, R. 8. Crocker, of Toronto, in­ stalled the officers of Exeter Lodge of Oddfellows on T L16S day evening last. The following were installed C. L. Wilson, G. T. McLoed, F. Triebner, R. N. Creech, W. Johns, E. M. Dignan, E, Treble, C. Fisher, W. Fuke, E, Howald, J. A. MacDon­ ald, M. Quance, V. Snell, W. Hern, T. W. Walper and R. Brand. Miss Hilda Phillips, who has been visiting here for two weeks, leaves with her mother to-day for Detroit, where they will make their home. Mr, Wm Bwington, who. some months ago left on a visit to Eng­ land, returned to town on Thursday last accompanied 'by his sister, Nel­ lie. W Sxrtrr ®tatw-.Xawintf» JCitablbhed I87S and 1SST Published frery Thursday moral** at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—-12.00 per jty K advance. i! SQ YEARS AGO Holidays being over Exeter Ho school will open to-day, We were shown a stone the day which -contained & large tity of mica of good quality, Jt was picked up cn the farm of Mr. R, Leathorn, of Stephen* Oxi Monday while a young son of Mr. Wm, Fenwick was riding a horse around the corner near the Market the animal stumbled tossing the’lit­ tle fellow ovei’ its head, He escap­ ed uninjured* however. Mr. John Spaceman, of this place, is visiting friends in New Brunswick Mr. H. R. Abbott, who has been op a trip up the lakes, has returned, He visited and other A large was being Port Blake, by Mr. John Willis, of this place, was lost on lake Huron during the squall on Saturday last.' Rev. D. Rogers,, of St. Thomas, Ont., sends us the following which apeared in the local press ovei’ fif­ ty years ago. As it will not reflect on anyone now living, it is worth reproducing for the humor it con­ tains. “A gentleman residing in a village not many miles from Exeter finding that the diminution of his' stock of wood continued aftei' his fires went out, lay awake one night in order to obtain, if possible, some clew to .the mystery, At an hour when all hon­ est folk should be in bed, hearing an operator at work in the yard, he cautiously raisecj the window and saw a lazy neighbour endeavouring to get a large log into his wheel-bar­ row. “You’re a pretty fellow,” said the owner, “to come here and steal my wood while I was asleep.” Yes replied the thief, “and I suppose you would stay up there and see me break my back with lifting, before you would offer' to come down and help me. prince Arthur’s Landing, places of interest, quantity of wood, which shipped to Detroit, from on Andrew st. has workmen Store front in by Miss Arm- There is no difference between.the Jew and the Greek: ter the same Lord over all is rich unto- all that call upon Him,—-Romans 10 12 and it It was :15 , in told the this time horn RATES—Farm or Real Estate IHf Bale 50c. each insertion fox ttrof four insertions, 25 c, each «w»00*' quent insertion. Miscellaneous jnh tides, To Rent, Wanted, Lost* O* Found 10c. per line of six wort* Reading notices Card of Thanks vertislng 12 and „ Memoriam, with extra verses 25c, Member of The Canadian WeiW® Newspaper Association. 10c. per HMk 60c. Legal M* 8c. per line, St one versa each. There is only one Gospel, has always been fox' men, first announced in Genesis 3 the garden of Eden, when God the serpent that the seed of woman would bruise his head: looked down the ages to the when the .Son of God should be of a virgin in order to die here on earth for men’s sins, and thereby destroy Satan, who has the power of death and destroy Satan’s works, But the Gospel was determined long before the Garden of Eden, in “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev. 13;8). When God called Abram He announced the Gos­ pel again in the words; In thee shall ajl families of the earth be blessed” (Gen, 12:<3)—the Gospel for all men. It has not “a” Gospel, for there is no -other; it is “the” Gospel, “for there is none other name under the Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12), But the Jews had forgotten that the “oracles -of God” were entrusted to them as -a scared stewardship, not to be held selfishly by them, but to be shared with the whole world. Now the .time had come when Is­ rael’s Messiah, who is the Saviour of all men, was to teach Israel her true mission ization. A Roman was longing Professional Cards GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS* Mt Money to Loan, Investment* Insurance Safe-Deposit Vault for use *f edf Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HENSAW i USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMP^INY Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President FRANK McCONNELL Vice-Pres*. ANGUS SINCLAIR DIRECTORS J. T. ALLISON, SAM’L NORRIS SIMON DOW, WILLIAM BROCK. AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Biddulph OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent ' for Hibert, Fullarton and Logan W. A. TURNBULL Secretary-Treasurer Box 295, Exeter, Ontario GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter ZURICH and Mrs. Norwood Deichert, of world-wide evangel- 25 YEARS AGO re- TRAILER WENT THROUGH WINDOW A peculiar accident happened cently in Goderich. Sandy Bawden was driving a round the Square witr R. Wilson’s trailer, attached, moving, same material, when the bolt broke and the trailer continued on its way unhampered drove through one of the windows of Miss Hogan’s con­ fectionary store. The plate glass was shattered and the frame work of the bottom of the window was driven ‘back against the- counter. Fortun­ ately no one was in the way or there might have been a casuality to re­ port also. CARLING & MORLEY ’BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS* LOANS, INVESTMENT^ INSURANCE Office: Carling Block, Main EXETER, ONT. At Lucan Monday and Thoratfajr Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D*DJL DENTAL SURGEON Office opposite new Post Offtaft Main St., Exeter Telephones Office 34w House KVf. Closed all” day Wednesday until September 9th. centurion, .Cornelius, for God. He and his family feared God; he was living up to his own best, standards of righteousness; he was a man of rayer, God appeared’to him in pray­ er and told him to send for a man named Simon Peter. While Cornelius’s messengers were on their way from Caesara to find Peter at Joppa, God spake to Peter by letting him fall into a trance, and showing him a vision: something like a great sheet was let down from Heaven containing all manner of beasts and creeping things and fowls A voice spoke to Peter, “Rise, Petei’ kill and eat.” Was it.right o'r wrong for Peter to hesitate to do this? Was Peter nar­ row-minded and mistaken in sup­ posing that some meats were unclean and therefore not to be eaten, while others were clean and could ibe eat­ en? Petei' was not mistaken in think­ ing this, for God had ordtained it as part of His perfect law of righteous­ ness, plainly set forth in the Old Testament (Lev. 11) . But, as Dr. Graham Scroggie has pointed out, Peter was wrong in say­ ing ,“Not so, Lord.” It was right for him to be able to say, “I have never eaten anything that is common 'or unclean,’ but wrong for him to say, “Not so, Lord,” When the Lord com­ mands, we must never say, “Not so.” We are denying His Lordship when we say “Not” to Him. / Then name the new and great les­ son to Peter and Israel: “What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.” It was Peter’s supernat­ ural prepartion for the great fact that God could cleanse the Gentiles by faith alone, even as the Jews. The story is a thrilling and dra­ matic and beautiful one. Poter went with the messengers cf Cornelius back to Caesarea, the centurion told him of the message that had come from God, and then Cornelius and his assembled household waited for what Peter might say. The universal Gospel was pro­ claimed in Peter’s opening sentence: “Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons,” Then, he went; on and told what the Gospel is: that Jesus of Nazareth had died on the cross and been raised again the third day; and that this Jesus “was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead,” nevertheless “who­ soever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.’ Cornelius and all who were pre­ sent believed while Peter wo,s speaking, and in the midst of the message “the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the Word.” Dr. Scofield calls attention to' the fact that Acts 10:44 is one of the pivotal points of Scripture. “Hereto­ fore the Gospel has been offered to Jews only, and the Holy Spirit be­ stowed upon believing Jews through' apostolic mediation. But now the normal order, for this age is reached: the Holy Spirit is given without de­ lay, meditation, or other condition than simple faith in Jesus Christ.” Let us remember, this when we< see the- mistaken teaching, so prevalent that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a “second blessing,” a “second work of grace,’ to be sought, prayed for and waited for iby those wlw have accepted Christ as Saviour. This is not so and is a misleading teaching, fox* by the Holy of believing “For tized Jews and are spending home of Mrs. J.Mrs. Wm. Barrows was taken sick at Hensall oh Saturday when on a visit in that town and as yet is un­ able to return to her home here. iMr. J. W. Broderick this week purchased the shoe stock of Mr. G. House for a rate on the dollar. Mr. House having decided to go out of the boot and shoe trade and devote his time to the harness business. Neil Bellwod, while playing on Monday, had the index ringer of the right hand put out of practical use by a swift thrown ball coming jn contact with it and-smashing it bad­ ly- Mr. E. J. Eacrett, who is now in Kincardine, passed the examination in French for Matriculation Which he recently tried in Goderich after only one month’s study. On, Monday Mr. Jos. Cobbledick' sold his warehouses at Exeter, Cen­ tralia and Clandeboye and his grain business to Mr. Richard Seldon, a prosperous young farmer of London Road South. Mr. S. L. Fear, who has been at­ tending Science holidays with his parents at Maiu Street parsongae. Mr. Fear has been engaged as teacher in the Tor­ onto schoof. iMr. Jas. have moved occupied by street. electrical engineer Electric Co., Tor- Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.jm DENTIST Office: .Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoon f T'. L. Wurm> of Toronto, call­ friends in the village on Tues- F. Bossenberry, of Waterloo, a few days last week with re­ DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario VeterfiBatq^ College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED W Office in the old McDonell Barn; Behind Jones & May ..Store EXETER, ONT. Mr. of New Haven, Mich., visited with relatives here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Schwartz daughter, of Detroit, this week at the Fuss, Mt. J. E. Hess, with the General onto, visited relatives here last Fri­ day. Rev. and Mrs A. Datars, of Des- boro, are spending their holidays at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Datars. Mr. ed on day. Mr. spent latives here. Rev. and Mrs. ’ F. L. Howaid'and two children, of Elmwood, are spending the week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Truemner and children, of Toronto, are spend­ ing the week at the home of ithe for­ mer’s mother, Mrs. A. Truemner. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Aulerich, of Detroit, spent the week-end at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and .Mrs. L. A. Prang. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gettus, of Detroit, are holidaying -at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Weseloh. Mr. Fl. G. Hess has recovered from severe attack of quinsy. Mr. Edward Datars, Sr., who un­ went a serious operation at -a Lon­ don hospital a few days ago, - is on the road to recovery. While driving down main street on Monday afternoon with a load of fish which he had. procured at Bay- field, Mr. H. Klopp had the unpleas­ ant experience -of having the box slide off the rear of liis truck and the fish and ice were strewn along the street. JOHN WARD THE VICE-REGAL FAMILY Lambrook and family to the residence recent- Mrs. Bowerman, Gidley the school of practical Toronto, is spending the a Mr. P. Bapchuk, 405-7th. Ave. E., Calgary, Alta., writes:—"Some time ago I was troubled with short­ ness of breath and dizziness.O I tried doctor's medicine, and other remedies, but could not get any Telief. I was then advised to take Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, which I did, and found them of great help to me. 1 only took two boxes, and since then. I have not had any of these attacks. ’ ’ Price 50c. a box at all druggists and dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. CHIROPRAOTIC, OSTEOPAT®W ELECTRO-THERAPY & VIOLET TREATMENTS PHONE 70 MAIN -ST., EXETKK I’D efore they stepped ashore from the^Cdnadian Pacific 1 JO liner Duchess of Bedford at Halifax on Saturday I April 4th, Their Excellencies and their children posed 1 for their first Canadian photograph. - Shown above aS they waited in the Writing Room Of the Duchess of Bedford for; the Prime Minister togreet them? the party from left to right is: Eady parts ott th .Moyra Ponsonby, The Earl of Bessborough, the respectively. Countess of Bessborough and Viscount Duncannon, follow passengers on the liner Said the Vice-regal party took part very democratically in the ordinary shipboard life; His Excellency presiding at the concert in aid of Seamen’s Charities and Viscount Duncannon and his 13 year old sister, Lady Moyra, taking their parts on the programme as elocutionist and pianist V ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEES^ Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. NO. .1, DASHWOOD t: V FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex ‘v FARM SALES' A SPECIALTY i Prices Reasonable and SatitfaetSciP Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING IfflS Whenever I e the driv­ er of a motor car beat a rail­ way train to the crossing by few feet, I can’t help thinking of the pitcher that went to the well once too often—and broke. for just five min- every driver of a motor car believe there would ever be railway crosing accident, the things I’ve seen when If I could talk utes to I don’t another Gee! drivers tried to beat trains have cost me many a sleepless, night. Take my word for it, there are enough unavoidable perils attached to driving a car without tempting Providence where the railway and highway meet. Well, I’ll be seeing you* ’ every one is Spirit at the. oil Christ as Spirit we are baptized moment Saviour, all hop­by on® into one body, Whether we he or Gentiles,” (I Cor. 12:13). OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jose«* tlo.u School. Special course finked' in Registered Live Stock (all breezy; Merchandise, Real Estate, Fariaf Sales, Etc. Rates in keeping prevailing prices. Satisfaction K®* shred, write Oscar Klopp, or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. /i CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. Archibald, B.A.Sc., (Tor.y« O.L.S., Registered Professional En­ gineer and Land Surveyor. Associatr Member Engineering Institute 0$ Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ontario. Sicit ill That Direction sis in ?ani lady passenger inquired df A Mi stopped ■tary An the captain the cause of the delay* st: old “Car; laconic lippi river steamboat was? the mouth of the tribti- owing to a dense fogu 't ace up the river,” was tli# reply, ’ !, ma’am,” came back the cap— but unless the boilers bust-