The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-07-09, Page 5TOE mTCB
{Telephone 10G Street
T. C- Joy nt spent
the week in Toron-
Ben KuifcOL of De-
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dayman
epent Sunday in Exeter,
Our Hensall Firemen attended the
0elebration at Clinton on July 1st.
Mr. and Mrs,
the first part, of
Mr.1 and Mrs.
troit, visited friends In town on Sun
Mr. and Mrs, E. Butt, Of Toronto,
nre spending a few days with friends
in town.
Mr, and Mrs, John Passmore
spent the week-end with friends
Mr. and Mrs.
Tuesday for a
the West.
Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Poster left
nextended trip
John Westcott,
-Sunday for
Visit f-or a
at the
meeting of
was held
Hamilton, visited friends in town
last week,
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hess are this
week camping at their cottage in
tpe pinery.
Miss Thelma Hudson, of London,
spent a few days last week at. her
home here.
• Mr. John Zuefle left
Detroit where he will
couple of weeks.
Miss Marie Bell and
of London, spent a few
former’s home here.
The regular monthly
local hydro commission
' on -Monday evening.
Mrs. Robert Paterson and
Rossie Broadfoot spent a few
this week in Toronto.
.Miss Flossie Foss- who . has
visiting for a couple of weeks
town has returned home.
Weed Inspector, Nelson Blatch-
ford, has started this week to have
the weeds cut on the village streets.
The girls belonging to the Sewing
Circle, mf the Presbyterian church
are camping at the Bend this week.
Mr. and Mrs Oliver Geiger and
family, of Ripley, visited at the'
liOme of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger.
Mrs. Maddaugh and daughter, of
Flint, spent a few days-visiting the
former’s sister, Mrs. John Znefle.
The public Library opened agajn
Tuesday after being -closed for two,
weeks by Mrs. Robt. Cameron, lib
Mr. Wm. Simpson, accompanied
by his mother and sister, of Detroit, I
were week-end visitors with rela
tives here.
Mrs. Lloyd Hudson underwent an
operation for the removal of her
tonsils on Thursday last and is now
•doing nicely.
The many friends of Mrs. Annie
Logan are pleased to see lie?’out
agaih after her recent severe attack
*>f rheumatism. , ■
The many friends of Mrs. (Dr.)
Collyer will be sorry to hear that
she had the misfortune to slij) and
sprain her ankle.
A number from here attended the
Strawberry festival at Chiselhurst
on Friday evening last and all
ported a good time. *
Mr. and Mrs. A. J Sweitzer, of
troit, spent the week-end at
home of the latter’s parents,
and Mrs, Robert Higgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blatchford
liave returned home after a pleas
ant visit with friends m Exeter,
Parkhill and -Prospect Hill.
.Mr, and Mrs. Batson, Mr. Charles
JButts, Miss Flossie Batson and
mother, pf Michigan visited tor a
few days with friends in town.
Mr. and
Thivid and
.of Toronto,
of Mr. and
Mr. and
daughter, Helen, of .Streetsville and
son, Jack, of\ Landon, spent the
week-end visiting relatives in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLean, who
have' been visiting the latter’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore
have returned to their home in
The engagement is announced of
Isabelle Jeah Russell, youngest
daughter of Mrs. A. Hodgert, of
Hensall to John Gibson Madge, only
-son of Mr. and Mrs. Watler Madge,
-of Tuckersmith, the marriage to
take place the middle of July.
Mr. and ‘Mrs-. Alex McIntyre and
family left on Friday for Toronto
where they will visit for a time, also
■at PeterbOro and Twin Lakes. They
resided in the village for about two
years, Mr
to the firm of
' dale. After a
Ml*. McIntyre
employment at
•formerly resided.
The annual ortwein picnic and
re-union was held at Bayfield on
Wednesday, July 1st, ^Ir. and
Alonzo Ortwein, of Detroit, Mr,
Mrs. J. Brenkliolt and soil; of
chener; Miss Lin Ortwein, of
onto; Mr. Milton Ortwein and
of London; were tlio out of town
guests. Those from town being Mr,
and Mrs. J., W Ortwein, Mr. and'
Mrs. M Drysdale and family and Mr,
and Mrs. Jas- Paterson.
The W. M- S. of the United church
held their July hieeting at the home
of Mi’s Archie Rowcliffe. • After the
opening and devotional exercises
Mrs. Milton Love gave a very inter-
osting reading entitled “A parable”
after which Miss Irene Douglass
i in
Mrs Fleming and sons,
Robert and Miss Doris,
are visiting at the home
Mrs" Harry Harmon.
Mrs. J. Dingwall and
McIntyre being tinsmith
Bonthron and Drys-
few weeks vacation
expects to secure
peterfooro where he
gave an instrumental while the off-
ering was being taken and an ad
dress was given by Mrs.. ,0. A» Mt-
DonneU to Mrs. Wm. Buchanan and
Mrs. Henry as both had just reach
ed their 87 th birthday and who had
been, such a help through their pray*-
ers and attendance at the W. M, S-
meetings and a beautiful bouquet
of roses was presented by Mrs, Jno.
Elder and Mrs. Ed* McQueen. Al
though taken very much by surprise
both thanked the .Society for their
gift. A Temperance reading was
given by Mrs. Dougal and Miss G.
Lammie favoured the meeting with
an instrumental. Mrs,
and Mrs. Spencer reported
14 calls on the sick and
Prayer was offered by Mrs,
and the Devotional Leaflet
“We Would See Jesus” was
Mrs, Dougall
given by Miss Annie Smith
which the study was taken
Sinclair, Miss.
McDonald, the
iental Work
meeting closed
Benediction after which a daipty
lunch was served on the lawn. v
The funeral of the late Daviid
Turnbull, who passed away at the
home of liis brother, James Turn
bull, jqst East of Hensall on Sat
urday, took place on .Monday after
noon interment in the Exeter cem
etery. Mr, Turnbull who lives in
Exeter was spending a fe-w days vis
iting his brother in Tuckersmith
when he was overcome with
heat and took a stroke.
Died From Injuries
A sad accident happened at
home of Mr. Harvey Turner, Tuck-
ersmith on Saturday evening last.
Mr, Turner was drying a load of
hay into the barn when his youngest
son, Melvin, 11 years old,* who was
riding on top of the load, fell off,
striking his head on an iron posit
and so seriously injuring him that
he died
-He is
er. The
day afternoon interment in the Bay-
| field cemetery.
read by
A pleasing soJq was
by Mrs.
Mrs. A<
‘The Qr-
Moore and
topic being 1
in Japan’
with a hymn and
Sunday morning.
survived- by his father and
two sisters and one broth
funeral took .place on Tues-
regular meeting of the.The
Ladie’s Aid will be held this Thurs
day evening, July 9th at 8 o’clock
p.m at the home of Mrs, Frank Ad
•Mr. and Mrs. Grover Keys and
family, of Detroit, visited over the
week-end. -with relatives here. Mrs.
Keys and family remaining for a
Mr. Matthew Guenther and family
of Kitchener, visited Dominion Day
at the home of Mr. and Mr§. Wm.
Miss Violet Sharpe, teacher of
Thwaites, Ont., is' leaving this week
to take a month’s course in Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs. Rojbt,. Richtar, of
Sarnia, visited friends here over
■Mi’. Edward Lamport who
'been ill in- Victoria Hospital for
past month returned home last week
much improved.
Mrs. Peter McKenzie, Mr. Jack
and Jim McKenzie, or Windsor are
at present holidaying at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. Finkbiener.
McEaclien, Mrs. R. iMc-
Misses K. and C. Mc-
Port Huron, called
on Saturday last
Mr Sandy
Eachen and
Eachen, of
friends here
Byron Brown left Monday
morning to attend the university at’
Mr. and Mrs. Miller, »of Detroit,
visited over the week-end with the.
latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Mr. Wm, Brown is sporting a new
Mrs. Wm. Hayter has gone to De
troit to spend a few weeks with her
Ed. Vallett and
and Mrs, Ira
daughter Barbara
Dr, H» H. CpwtPt L.D.S., D.D.5.
At office In Hartlelb Bloclc, Dash-
wood, fIrat three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, 1ft
Zurich, last three days of week.
Mr. and Mrs. Rosendahl, of Kit
chener, are spending a few weeks with her father Mr. I, Waitin.
Mrs, Adeiia Fisher and daughter
Edna, left last week for Ipperwash Beach where they will spend the
Mr. and Mrs. Meerburg and fam
ily, of Port Frank, visited in t-own
on Friday.
Mr, and Mrs. G. Oqllfas, of Sarnia,
Spent a few days with relatives
Mr, and Mrs,
daughter Hewa, Mr
Campbell -and
Ann and Mr. Willie Voelker, all of
Flint, Mich., visited with Mr.
Mrs, Hy. Hoffman on Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Siemon
Mrs. Nicholson,, of London and
and Mrs. Daniel Hartleib. of Dako
ta visited with Mr, Jonas Hartlieb
and Lavadu on Friday,
Mr, Jack Raschfce and Miss Marr
garet Merner, of Detroit, spent a few
days-with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Merner,
Dashwood * Blind attended the
sports in Clinton on July 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid.
Rev. Ness and Mr, Louis Schu
macher are attending Synod in Ot
tawa this week.
Mrs. Ness and children are visit
ing her parents in Tavistosik during
Mr, Ness’ absence.
Mr, and Mrs. Zimmer and Miss
Tlieada Hayter, of Windsor, spent
the week-end with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Schulze, of Detroit,
spent the week-end with her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. "Louis Rader.
Mrs. Allen Bills -and family, of
Detroit, are. visiting her parents Mr.
and Mrs, Henry Rader.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder
have returned home after attend
ing camp-meeting in London for a
few weeks.
-Mrs. T. Wats'on, of Detroit, spent
the 4th with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Snell. Mrs. Snell return
ed to Detroit with her and will vis
it a few days.
* Mr. Leonard Birk, of Guelph, is
visiting his father, Mr. A. Birk. .
Misses Jean and Mary Mclsaac,
of Detroit, are spending their vaca
tion with their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. P. Mclsaac.
Dr. and Mrs, E. Broughton and
Miss Grace Kellerman, of Toronto,
are visiting with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs, J. Kellerman.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder and
days with Rev. and
(Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Martin, of
Detroit, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. O. Restemeyer.
A special Missionary service will
be held in the Lutheran church on
Sunday, July 2, when three out
side speakers will be present.
Don’t forget the Evangelical Sun-
. J. C. Reid spent Thursday
his sister in Lucknow.
and Mrs. Strothers, of New
and Miss Constance Strothers,
of Ottawa, spent the 1st with
of Detroit, were week-end
with Mrs Hamacher.
and Mrs. Whitehouse and
of Stratford,, spent a few
‘,:rs. Sauer.
Miss Thelma lviarsnall has return
ed home from Ipperwash Beach
where she spent the past week.
WilbUr ‘ Williams, of Toronto,
spent the week-end at his home here.
Mr. Ira Shier, of Huston, Texas,
is visiting,his parents Mr., and Mrs.
Silas Shier,
Mr. Richard Ross received word
on. Saturday that his son Howard, of
Essex, lias received a sun stroke and
has gone to join him.
(Mr. Walter Hazelwood and Silas
Shier were in Toronto on Thursday
attending the funeral of the late
Wm. Brown, formerly of .Kirkton.
Miss Lizzie Collie hhs gone to re
side at Ipperwash Beach for the
Among those who visited Ipper-
wash Bea-ch this week are: Mr. and
Mrs. E. N. Shier, H. Burgin, JVal-
ter Hazelwood, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
BiCkle and Mr and Mrs. George Hall
Mr. and Mrs. John Williams and Mr.
and Mrs. Wilber Williams,
Quite a number from here motor
ed to Grand fiend on .Sunday,
Haying is the Order of the
and is a real good crop.
bur baseball team won
day School picnic to 'oe held
Grand Bend on Ju'ly 15th.
Dashwcjod Horse. Races
The races held last Tuesday
ening attracted the largest crowd
as yet indicating their increasing
popularity. The results were as fol
lows-: , ’
2.40 Class-Butcher Boy 1-2;
Harry Widower 2-1; Mike Wilkes,
3-3. Time 2.(5 93.
■ 2.30 ’ Class—Pat
Peter Malto, 2-3; I
3-2. Time 3.01%
Free For All Class—'Grey
1-1; Col. Davenport, 1-1;
Wesside, 1-1. Time 2.383
The baseball game between
son Line and the 14th Concession
resulted in the score of 9-12 in
favor of the Bronson.
Wilkes, 1-1;
Harry Highgate,
Room II
Sr. Ill to Jr. IV—Myrtle Gaiser,
Paul Ness, Murray Wolfe, Eileen
Willert, Irina Wein
Garnet Wetb’erg
Murray Wolfe,
Alvin. Willert,
Leonard Shenck.
Jr. Ill to Sr. Ill—Herbert
Hilda Maier,Douglas Shench
Kraft, Erma Kellar.
II to Jr. Ill—Dorothy Kraft,
aid Restemeyer
Harry Hayter,
Fisher, Harold Maier,
RoSs Guenther, Verda
Recommended oft
Baynham and Francis
Lorne KleipStiveT,
Lois Gaiser, Leona
Jean Moulton
trial Evelyn
Marie Allemang,
Room III?
Jr. IV to Sr. IV—Maida.
(hon.); Albert Goetz, 76
Reta Fassold 75 (Hott.);
Kraft, 70; William Ness, 69,
garet Restemeyer 63; Morvyn Will
ett and Lome Gentther on trial.
Wein 78
II to sr. II—Willis Mclsaac.
G. M. Keeler, Teacher
FANCY PINK SALMON, Wt pound tm *. .-.----------------------------3 for 25c.
VERY SPECIAL—RINSO—LARGE PACKAGE ..,........... each 19c.
SPECIAL—SULTANA RAISIN BISCUITS ............... per lb. 25c,
TRY SCHNEIDER’S ECONOMY MEAT LOAF ........................... per lb, 19c.
Kellogg’s Pep
2 package for 23c
Sweet Mixed Pickles
quart jar each 35c. .
Best Quality Corn Beef
Pound tin each 17c.
Sweet Mixed Pickles
8 oz. bottle each 15c.
New Apricots for pies ,,,,,, per lb. 16c.
Picnic Plates, 9 inch ....... per dozen 9c,
’ Molasses Snaps 2 lbs. for 22c.
Pure Cocoa, 1 pound tin ........... 25c.
Kellogg’s Bran Flakes
2 packages for 23c.
Sweet Mixed Pickles
12 os. jar each 19c.
Salted Jumbo Peanuts.............per lb. 15c.
Marsh’s Grape Juice bottle 30c.
Canada Dry Ginger Ale .... qt.’bottle 25c.
Sweet Juicy Oranges per dozen 25c,
We Deliver
III III llhr
Richardson Challenge Cup on Tues
day,. they ’being- the champions of tile
Junior t South Perth League which
Was played off ill St. Marys. The
contesting teams were Kirkton, An
derson, Woodham and St,
Junction. .
Messrs, Austin Hey
i Haist, of Detroit, spent
I July with Mr, and Airs.
. Mr
Marys’and Mrs. Rink and Mr
the 4th of
Lloyd Hey.
and Mrs. J. McDonald, Mt.
P. Trask
spent the week-end With Mrs, Mar-
garet Wenzel and’ Mr, and 'Mrs. H.
Messrs. Lester Mclsaac and El
gin Woodall, of Detroit, spent the
week-end with their respective par
Mr. and Mrs. Murray I-Ioltzrnann,
of Detroit, are visiting with the
former’s mother, Mrs. Leah Holtz
Mr. and Mrs. Dietz and family, of
Detroit, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Emmery Fahrner. "
Mr. Elgin Becker, of Elmira call
ed on friends in town last week.
.Misses -Lydia, and Clara Oestrich-
er, of Windsor, are spending their
vacation with their parents.
Mr. Royal Haist, of Qhicago, is
spending his vacation with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Haist.
Mr. and Mrs. Moir and daughter,
Of Detroit, spent the 4th, of July with
Mr. and Mrs. George Eiliber.
Mrs. Ella Holtzmann and Miss
Pearl Holtzmann, of Cleveland, O.,
visited with relatives in town last
iVSbk,: -■ .
Mr^and Mrs. Geo. Mawhinney vis-r
ited. in Alvinston last week.
Miss. M, Watson, of Thedford, is
visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. !
Mary Haist. *
Mr. and Mrs. Hallman .and daugh
ter, of Toronto, and Mrs. Valentine
Ratz, of New Hamburg, are spend
ing a few- days with Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Zwicker.
What might have been a serious
accident happened at the the Main
corner last .Sunday afternoon about
five o’clock when cars driven by Mr.
James Mawhinney and Mr. J. Flynn
collided. Neither saw the other
-coming and each was going slow
and very little damage was done
with nobody hurt.
Miss- Melinda Edwards, London,
visited with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. John Edwards one day last
Mr. and Mrs. Hqrman Oestricher
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Lydia Elia>beth, to Mr.
Reginald H. Abell, of Montreal; Que.
The marriage to take place- at Cred
it on.
The Evangelical Sr. E.L.C.E. held
a picnic at Turn-bull’s grove at the
close of. a contest. -Some went in
battling, after which several games
were enjoyed. A bonfire was built
while all indulged in a sing-song
and several readings were given-
Weiners and buns Were served
all reported a very good time.
Musical Success
Mr. Arthur H. Howell, Esq., F. C.
C. M-, (Montreal) was in town last
Tuesday and examined the pupils o'f
Addileen Gaiser, A. C. C. M, with
the following results: Associate Di
ploma, Ruby Finkbeiner 86; Intro
ductory Grade, Austin Fahrner 85;
Gerald England 85. The .pupils are
to be congratulated, all having ob
tained first class honors. Miss Ruby
Finkbeiner Is to be especially con
gratulated having obtained her A.
C. C. M. at the age of eighteen
Death of! Mrs. Jacob Schweitzer
year. ' Funeral services were held
Sunday afternoon with Rev. W. M.
Sippell officiating. The pall bear
ers were: Harry Motz, Chas. Roesz-
ler, Jack Appleton, Dan' Truemner,
Eli Lawson and Sam Baynham. Two
-brothers Mr. Conrad Kuhn, Credit-
on and Mr. David Kuhn, of Sebewa-
ing and a sister Mrs. Hannah Barth,
of Elkton, Mich were present and are
the only three remaining members of
that pioneer family. Others who
were present from a distance .includ
ed Mr. and -Mrs. Wm. Yackle; of Se
bewaing; Mr, and Mrs. Fred Jen
nings and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Elliot,
both families from Thedford; Ray
mond- English, of New Hamburg'and
Mr. and -Mrs. A. -Schweitzer and fam
ily, of Detroit. The nearest rela
tives remaining are one son, Edward
Schweitzer; eight -grandchildren and
eight great grandchildren. The fun
eral was conducted from the home
of Mr. and "Mrs. Wm. Fisher, where
she was being cared for the last few
days of her life. Interment at
Crediton cemetery. -
don, Mr. and Mrs. R. .Springette, of
Hyde Park were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Horton
Mrs c. Woodburn and' Miss Ag
nes McIntosh were in London on
(Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Webb, of De
troit, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. S.
W. Webb.
Miss Topping, of London and Miss
Lorraine Eagleson, of (Sarnia, were
guests of Mr and Mrs. E. Mason.
The members of the United church
congratulate Rev. S. J. and Mrs.
I Mathers on the birth of a son, John
Edmund on Saturday, July 4th.
and Mrs. Moody, of Calgary,
Mrs. Jacob -Schweitzer was born
near Hespeler, Ontario on March 8,
1849, the daughter of an early Ger
man settler John Kuhn and his wife
Evangelical Church of Crediton. Ed
ward Schweitzer, of East Crediton is
the Ohly one of the children re
maining, Two married daughters
Mrs. John English and Mrs, William
Wether died years ago, The- hus
band died lh 1926 and the widow
died Friday afternoon in her 83rd
The family moved to
township and ill. 1869 she
Jacob Schweitzer of this lo
in 18V 2 they joined the
-#• ,‘h
afternoon when
preached an in
i L. O. L. worshipped at
Church on .Sunday
Rev. L. L. Lewin
spiring sermon.
The Anniversary
United Church will
day, October lltli.
We .congratulate- our ball team on
their splendid record this season.
Miss Gladys McLean and Mr. Al
lan Johnston visited with Mr. and
Mrs. E. Mason recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McPherson,
of Buffalo, spent a week-end with
his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. McPher
Mrs. Ethel Boston, of, London,
visited her sister Mrs. Joseph Gero-
mette, for a few days.
Miss Evelyn Harlton visited Miss
Sherritt over the week-end.
WO extend congratulations to the
successful entrance pupils, ■ Helen.
McLinchey honors; Nathalie Hutch
inson, Nola Isaac, Adah Shenk hon.,
W. Gooding lion., Mary McGregor,
Elaine Steeper, Ula
don Young.
Mr. and Mrs. R.
Parkhill, called on __
neighborhood on Thursday.
Miss Lois Brown visited Miss Cor
bett, at FordWich last week and re
turned. on Sunday with Mr. Byron
Mr, G, Ulens and Mr. and Kirs.
Jelfs and family, of Windsor, visit
ed Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Ulens.
Mr, and Mi's Elton Curts spent
Sunday with her parents in Arkona
. The following are taking Summer
Courses: Mr. Ted McPherson at To
ronto Technical School; Mr. Byron
Brown and Mr. Da^vson Woodiburn
at Western University; Mr/ George
Kirkby at Normal School, London;
MiSs Violet Sharp at O.A,C„ Guelph;
Ula, ahirley, Rayburn and Dorman
Uiens spent a few days with their
grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Hill, of
London. *
Allan Barry, of Hamilton, is Spend
ing his vacation with his uncle Mr.
John Lewrie.
1 Mr. John Shank entertained a few
friends to an ice cream party July
Mr. Jas. Morrow, Ex-’M.P., of Win
nipeg, and
visited Mr.
Tuesday. ’
Mr and
Miss Grace,
relatives here last week,
accompanied' by Mrs. W. J* Wilson,
who will return later a visit
Ml S» Gratton and. Lloyd,' of Loiii*
Services of the
be held on .Sun-
Ulens and Gor-
Hutchinson, of
friends in the
W. Fee,
Mrs. R
C. M.
are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. By
ron Hicks.
-Mr. H. Mills was called to St.
Catherines on Friday owing to the'
serious illness of her son Mr. True
man Mills. We are glad to ■ hear
1 he is somewhat1 impiAved.
Miss Verna Pollock, of Ripley, is
a guest with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pen
warden. .
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baynham Sr.,
spent several days with their son in
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Neil and
son and Mr. Garfield Neil, of De
troit, visited over the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. James Neil.
'The church bell which, has been
purchased by the Young Peoples
Association -wag placed in the church,
tower, last week by Wm. Balkwill &
Son. The Dedication Services that
were to be held on Siunday, July 12,
are postponed until September.
Mr and Mrs. M. Baynham, of To
ronto, spent the holiday with the
former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mr. .and Mrs. M. Sleamon, Mr. and
Mrs, Robert Smith and Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Wilson spent Sunday at Ip-
perwasli Beach.
Rev. and Mrs. Kitely and family,,
of London, spent July 1st with Mr.
and Mrs, Andrew Hicks.
Miss Agnes Anderson
Mildred Elliott spent a
days at Grand Bend last
Miss Mary O’Brien, of
spending her holidays at her home
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Essery, of
Winnipeg, are Visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. J. parsons.
Mrs. Jas. Ogden and daughter'
Jean, of London, visited for a few
days, last week with Mt. and Mrs.
Joe Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgson and son
Cecil visited with their son in Chat
ham for a few days last week.
Miss M. Jones and Mr, Layton, of
Detroit, and Mrs. M. Jones, of Lon
don, were guests at the home of Mr-
Byron Hicks for the week-end.
•Mr. and Mrs. Norman Moody, of
Calgary, are guests, df Mrs. Moody’s
brother, Mr. Byron. E. Hicks, of
and (Miss
couple of
London, is
of Hensall,
English on
Wilson and'1Mrs,
of Niagara Kalis, visited
They were
Charles Kenyon, of ElmwoodMr,
London, visited friends on the boun
dary and in Hensail for a few days
last week.
Mr. Donald McKaig, of Hensall,
hag- engaged with Mr. Stewart Mc
ed an
for the- summer months and
Little With T. BrlhthelL
Grant Ryckman has purchase
Essex car.
__ Misses Jackson, of Listowell,
ahd‘ their (brother 'Glenn visited
with their uncle W. N.
a tew days last week.
Miss Mineretta Hotkey R. N»» of
Exeter visited! over the weekend
with her friend Mrs, Wm. Kerslake,
Glenii fol*