The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-07-09, Page 4W*' ■ THURSDAY, W# Ohi, 1031 The fourth annual McTaggart Ro- Xlulon picnic was held July 4th ht Bayfield, whprsx 60 membei’s of tiw Ifamliy onjoyed a successful picnic. "The following officers appointed in ^charge of the picnic to be held nt jPoint Edward, on the last Saturday of June 1932; President, Dr. J. A. f, . Fern YVeishf Program Com.,''Mrs, Thus. Gherritt, Mrs, A. L. Bell and Mrs, John Dingwall. Members of the Mc- Taggart family were present from yontiao, Detroit, Broadnew, Saline, Eemidje, Whtlon, streetsville, Lon­ don Camp Borden, Watford, Hensall JCippen, seafoTth and Exeter. McTaggart; Sec-Treas., Miss Eherrttt, Mrs, A, L. Bell wul THE EXETER TIME^ADVOCATE wm, ENTRANCE: RESVRW We have received word that the Entrance results for West Huron will not be available until Tuesday of next week. EXETER WINS FROM LONDON The London C. N. R. men’s ten- iris team visited in Exeter Saturday .and played a schedule match with the Exeter players, the home team twinning four out Of five events. The 4ay was exceedingly warm and the .games while keenly contested were much enjoyed. Following the games the visitors were entertained at Grieve’s Sandwich Shoppe. Follow­ ing were W. E. FI. Rath, J, W. G. Jones, H, Creech, Sutherland, 6 Rath and . won from Quinn and Batson, 4-6, 6- 4 and 6-2. Creech and Southcott, Exeter, won from Jones and Allison, 6-2, 3-6, MAIN ST* W» A- The Women’s Association of the Main St, United church held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs, J. Elston on Thursday afternoon, The president, Mrs. H, W. Doerr, was. in the chair* The devotional exercises were in charge of Mrs. Moorhouse, The business meetjng then followed and it was decided that all members raise talent mon­ ey during July and August. After­ noon” teas were suggested1 as one “ means of raising the money. A picnic supper was then served OU the ■ lawn and games followed which everyone enjoyed, Mr. and Mrs. Elston were very Kindly thanked for s their Kind hospitality. FARMER’S ATTENTIONS fob saw Crediu Cream Cream Cream Separators Separator Separators Separators ;3 Melotte J Viking 2 Magnet 2 Simplex 1 Anchorholth Cream Separator I Massey-Harris Cream Separator YOUR CHOICE OF THE LOT AT $10.00 Wm. J. Smith4 McCormich’Dearing Sales & Service CENTRALIA, ONT. MRS.OTIS STRONG PASSES IN CALGARY Saturday, June Wesley Welsh, of a telegram from 27tli, Mrs, London, re­ Calgary the scores; Quinn, Exeter, won from 7-5, 6-2 Batson, Exeter, won from 6-2 6-3. Exeter, won from J. 2, 7-5, Sutherland, London, FELL FROM LOAD OF STAY BONES FRACTURED Mr. John R, Duncan, of Usborne, met with a nasty accident on Sat­ urday when he and his son Percy were thrown from a load of hay While taking it up the gangway into the barn. In making a turn the wagon cramped throwing Mr, Dun- caxx and his son off their balance to the ground. , Mr, Duncan suffered a fractured pelvis bone and a frac­ tured rib and was otherwise shaken up while his son Percy suffered a sprained knee. 'They were attend­ ed by Dr. Fletcher. \ KHIVA A numbei’ from here attended the horse races in Strathxxxy on July 1st. Mrs. J. Hanover has returned to her home having spent the past couple of weeks in Buffalo. Miss Meta Sararas, of Toronto, .spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Willert. Mr. and Mrs. William Schroeder end family, ot Detroit, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilfong. We are sorry to report that Mel­ vin Lamport is laid up this last couple of weeks with blood poison. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hu'tchinsoxx and family, of London, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. William Ma­ son and oihex’ relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. Tilley spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. R. Davey, of the Goshen Line. Master Harvey Neeb is visiting his sister Mrs. Si Thompson, of Kip- jpen. DIED IN MONTREAL There passed away in Montreal on June 25th Margaret Jamieson eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Jamieson of 3(534 Marlowe Ave., in that city. She was in her twenty- first year and had been confined to the hospital only a. few weeks acute pulmonary tuberculosis, is survived by her sorrowing ents and one sister, Beth, two thers Manning and Ronald, younger. Her grandmother, John Mannnig died at their home just recently. with •She par- bro- all Mrs. ENGLAND FAMILY RE-UNION A delightful % summer day with a somewhat lower temperature, a Tine bathing beach, a happy crowd with joyous expectations shining from every eye, combined to make the third annual re-union of the England family a splendid success. fTlxe date was July 2nd and the place Grand Bend on the good old Lake Huron shore. The hour of meeting was 11 a.nx. and soon after the •gathering assembled ample jus­ tice was done to the sumptuous ■dinner provided by the ladies, after which an interesting program was carried out with the president, W. H. Johnston, in the chairt. The se­ cretary, Dr. W. V. Johnston, read the report of last year’s picnic and also letters of regret because of in­ ability to be present from Mrs. Ger­ trude Fox, of Toronto, and Oliver White, of Montreal and a wire from Freeborn Johnston, of Washington, D.C. Dr. Russell Woods, of Arkona led the sing-song, providing much -pleasure and amusement by intro­ ducing many names of those pres­ ent into many*of the songs. Inter­ esting addresses were given by Dr. W. H. Woods, of Mount Brydges; Dr. Herbert Woods, cf Detroit and Mrs. (Dr.) Russell Woods, of Ar- Rona . A pleasing feature 'of the re­ union was the reception given Dr. Hexibert Woods and his son Austin, aiehvcomers from Detroit, and the two bridal couples married since last July, viz: Mr. and Mrs. H. Mof­ fatt, of Sarnia and Rev. and Mrs. Norval Woods, of Dawn Mills. Base- Iball and bathing were enjoyed by old and young during the afternoon. •Tea. was served about six o'clock after which an address by Austin Woods, of Detroit, was ^enjoyed by all. The election of officers result­ ed as follows: President, Johnston, Exeter Dr. W. H. Woods, Sec’y.-Treas., Dr. Lucknow; Sports otliy Delmadge, Watford; Woods, WMtford; ^Lucknow; prograni Committee, Dr. Russel Woods, Arkoha; Mrs, Hiram Moffatt, Sarixia; Mrs, Howard Camp­ bell, Belgrave; Luncheon committee Mrs. T. A. Woods, Watford; Mrs. A, P. Johnston, Auburn; Mrs. Angus Oalbraith, Appin; Courtesy commit­ tee, W. H. Woods, Mount Brydges; Mi'S. R, Johnstoxx, Lucknow. Mem­ bers of the family wete present from Lucknow, Anibixrn, -Belgrave, Strat- iord, Exeter* Sarnia, Watford, Mt Brydges, Abpin, Arkoha, Detroif, .Strathroy and Dawn Mills, The sing­ ing of “Auld Lang Syne” and the TJatioxidl Anthem brought a most en­ joyable gathering to ' a close after ■which all departed for their respec­ tive homes scattered over a territory joxore than ioo miles in extent from -luiorth to south. >r W. C. T. U. ANNUAL MEETING At -the meeting of the W.C.T.U. held in James Street church on June 22nd the annual election of officers took place, the officers ;for the coming year are: President Miss Murray; Vice Presidents, Mrs.' Min­ ers, Mrs. McTavish and Mrs. Moor­ house; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Christie; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Moorhouse; Treasurer, Miss E. Shapton; assistant, Mrs. JG. IS. Ho­ ward; Evangelistic, Mrs. Pearce and Mrs. Heywood; Fruits and Flowers, Mrs. Kerslake and Mrs.. Mawson; Temperance in Sunday Schools, Miss Murray; 'Anti-Norcotics, Mrs B. W- F. Beavers; Scientific Temperance, Mrs. Miners; Little White Ribbon­ ers, Miss Hunter and Mrs. Skinner; Press, Mrs. Moorhouse; Travellers’ Aid, Mrs. J. W. Down; Parlor Meet­ ings, Mesdaines . Medd, Howard, Pearce, Amy, Sutton and Bell; Law Enforcement & Peace and Arbitra­ tion, Mr. W. H. Johnston; Medal ■Contest Superintendent, Mrs. Geo. Layton. t The reports of the different de­ partments were presented and ac­ cepted. The treasurer reported that §145.27 had been raised during the year and that there are forty nine members on the roll, besides several honorary members. On Chas, ceived stating Mrs, Otis Strong, her daugh­ ter (Viola May Welsh) would be op­ erated on as soon as she could ar­ rive in Calgary. Mrs, Welsh left on Monday, arrived in Calgary on Thursday morning, only to be in­ formed at the depot that her daugh- tex* had passed away on Wednesday, a -few hours .previous. It is a very serious shock to Mrs, Welsh, who lias not enjoyed the best of health and strength for some time. In 19 3p Mrs. Welsh went to Cal­ gary to assist her daughter in the home, but could not endure the al­ titude -and was compelled to return to Ontario. Mrs. Strong leaves a husband, a small family, two girls and a boy, to miss and mourn a dutiful wife and a loving mother, ■She was a neice of Mr. Richard Welsh,' Mrs. Th-os. Jones and late Mrs. Win. Sanders, Mrs. John Smell and Mrs. S. A. Poplestone, Blyth. She went to Balgoum, 'Sask., with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wesley Welsh, about 1907 and since hex’ marriage had lived in Regina, Vancouver, Peace River and Calgary, . ' Mrs. Strong was the possessox' -of a fine contralto voice and a capable pianist. Before her marriage she was on the Grain Exchange and was a very efficient employee. Upon several occasions since hex’ marriage she has been called upon to assist when the season was busy. lOui' sympathy goes out to Mrs. Welsh, who is now left alone, Mr. Wel^'h having died in Regina some years ago. HURONDALE The Hurondale Women’s Insti­ tute with the members of tlieir fam* Hies, spent a very pleasant even­ ing on Tuesday* June 30th en Mr. F. Down’s lawn. There wag < good crowd. It wag the social time of, the ending up of a contest that had been running for the year just end* ded. The captains Rowcliffe and •Miss side provided the Qther the program,, the .contest is to get sible to attend the meetings, to answer to the roll call as called for on our printed program and to get new members, a- certain number of marks given for each. Miss N, Keddy occupied the chair. The pro­ gram consisted of addresses by Mrs, R, Keslte and Mr. H. Strang; a trio in song by three little'boys, Law­ rence punn, Bobiby Jeffery and Gor­ don .Squire; readings by Mrs, W. Etherlngton; piano instrumental by Miss Fern Welsh and Miss Lila Pym, Mr. G. Bolton and Mr. Melvin Moir gave several selections on the violin and banjo. Solos were sung by Mrs, W. Wood, Mr, T, Woodward and Mr, C. Down, Community sing­ ing was indulged in with Miss Reta Oke as pianist. ‘ The captains for Moses were Della lunch The as many as pos- Mrs. L. Oke. One •and the object of this coming yeax’ are Mrs. Bechler and Mrs. Ben Case, and Mr. . ZION Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Hern daughters Laurene and Hazel, Hy, Hern and Mrs. Herman Kyle spent the First of July with friends near Arkona. Mr. and Mrs. J. T, Hern and fam­ ily spent the First of July at Grand Bend. Mrs. Wilbert Batten attended the wedding of a cousin, Mr. E. Millei' in Cromarty church last Thursday. The remains of the late Mrs. Gun­ ning, of Whalen, wqfe laid to rest in Zion Cemetery on Saturday. The many friends of Mr. Ray Brook's will be sorry to hear that he is not improving very rapidly, • Miss Ellen Grieves, of near Clan- deboye, has accepted the of teacher of Zion school coming year. Zion W.M.S. EXECUTOR'S SALE — (Of™ . RESIDENCE PROPERTY AND ■ household effects AT HENSALL The undersigned have been in­ structed to sell the following valu­ able property, the estate of the late Magdalena Cook, on FRIDAYS aVDX 24, 1P3* at two p.m, on the premises HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Clothes Cabinet, sideboard, kitchen table, 6 chairs, 3 bedsteads and springs, 1 dresser, I bureau, 1 sewing machine; 2 wash stands, 1 wheelbarrow und garden tools, I large garden bench, dishes, lamps and miscellaneous tides. REAL ESTATE—L the cornei' of North and Nelson Street in Hensall. On this property is one and a half-storey frame dwell­ ing with stone foundation, contain­ ing six rooms and pantry. There is a good well and cistern, on the prem­ ises, cated Hensall, and is a property. TERMS Chattels, cash. of purchase money on day of sale, and balance within thirty days there­ after. Possession upon completion of purchase. For further particulars and con­ ditions of sale apply to OSCAR F, KLOPP, Zurich, Ont., Au­ ctioneer H. ARNOLD, Executor, GLADMAN & STANBURY, and Exeter, Solicitors for the tate. MORTGAGE SALE 1 «« by -*> l’UBLIG AUCTION real estate SEAFORTH WINS FROM EXETER RIED IN SASKATCHEWAN • ar* on St. Lot No. 10 Richmond the Village of a comfortable This property is centrally lo­ in the thriving village of desirable residence OF SALE Real Estate 10% position for the regular, W. H. Vice-President, Mount Brydges;. W> V. Johnston, Committee, Dor- Graham Elmer Johnston, Mr. Charles Harris, a former resi­ dent of this community, died at South Carievale, Sask., on June 6th in his 73 rd yeai’ after an illness of several months. Mr. Harris wag born in Devonshire, England, on May 19 1859, and came to Canada at the age of ten with his parents, settling on the Lake Road west of Exeter, He went West in 1889 and, home­ steaded. Some years later for sev­ eral years he conducted a ranch on the Mouse River near Grene, N, D., but selling out there in 1900 lie re­ turned to his homestead in the South Carievale district where he has resided since. A few years ago he visited with relatives in this com­ munity. The deceased is mourned by his wife, seven children, two grand­ children, three brothers and three sisters. The brothers and sisters are Wm. of Carnduff; Fred, south of Carnduff; Wilbur, of Drayton Valley, Alta,, Mrs. John Thompson and Mrs. Albert Wells, south of Carnduff; and Mrs. A, E, Pym, of Cdrievale. Exeter lost their of the' season on when the Seaforth outscored them 8 to 5 •Exeter’s first defeat in six starts-.? The gape should have been pliayed in Exeter but owing to a mix-up in the schedule it was necessary to play it in Seaforth. .Sweetlove and Bar­ bel’ opposed each other on the mound Sweetlove pitched a good game hav­ ing twelve strikeouts.,' Biarber pitch­ ed a good steady game and was giv­ en excellent support by his infield. McCully, at third for Seaforth play­ ed a great game making two neat ‘.catches of flies buck of third. Pol­ len,splaying second for the losers had to retire ip tlie third inning when he was struck on the nose by the ball. iSeaforth started the scoring in the third innings. They added two more in the fourth, two in the sixth, one in the seventh and two in the eighth. Exeter scored one in each of the fifth, sixth and ninth, and two in next game is with Lucan in Exeter on Monday night, and on Tuesday night they wind up the first half by playing in Clinton/ The line-ups: Seaforth—McCully 3rd; Muir ss; Rennie rf; Brownlee 1st; Burgess c; McGregor cf; Wright rf; Nicol 2nd; Barber p. Exeter—Pollen 2nd; Boyle 3rd; Pryde rf and 2nd; dreecli sS; Sweep­ love p;. J. Taylor rf; D. Harness c; V. Harness If; Ford 1st; Sanders rf. first softball tilt Tuesday night aggregation This was The W. 1VI. S. held their meeting oix Thurday afternoon, on July 2nd, at the home of Mrs. J. T. ‘ Hern. Mrs. (Rev.) White the 1st Vice President took charge of« the; meeting. The meeting opened' ibyj singing the Doxology and repeating the Watchword in unison. Scrip-, ture lesson, John 12 chap.ft verses .22-3'3 was read by Mrs. Harold Hern. After singing hymn 2 69 short pray­ ers were offered by several mem­ bers. The minutes of the last meet­ ing were read 'and approved. De­ votional leaflet ‘‘We Would See Je­ sus” was read' by Mrs. Warren Brock. We were favored with a solo by Mrs. M. Doibson, which we all enjoyed. Oriental work in Can­ ada, leader Mrs. (Rev.) White. 1st speaker, Mrs. Myrtle Earl; 2nd speaker, Mrs. Wellington Brock; 3rd speaker, Mrs. R. E. Pooley. Af­ ter singing hymn 164 Mrs. Pooley Offered prayer for the.work among the Orientals. Our August meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Warren Brock. After singing hymn 109 the meeting was brought to a close by repeating the Mizpali bene­ diction in unison. Our president, Mrs. Melville Hern was unable to be present on account qf the illness of her sister Mrs. Wm. Frayne. I the eignth. Exeter’s WHALEN Mrs. James Ogden and daughter Miss Jean Ogden, of London Mrs. S. Wilson visited with John Ogden one day last week. Mrs. Wm Ogden visited With Jas. Ogden at the home of Mrs. Wilson, Elimville on Monday last and Mrs. Elimville week. THAMES ROAD, L to BRUISES 1 Thire’i nothing to equal ■ I Minard's. It ’'take j hold". II Antiseptic, soothing, heatinr, jB W 24 Gives quick relief i LINimeNT Mrs. S. of EXETER AVINS IN BASE BAI J, In a game that produced all kinds of baseball and some heavy batting Exeter won tlieir first baseball game of the season when they defeated the Centralia boys 21 to‘8 on the lo­ cal diamond Monday evening. Boyle did the mound duties, for the win­ ners. A. Willard started for Cen­ tralia but was replaced by his bro­ ther Pete in the third, who in turn was replaced bV Ted Bowden fifth. The winners went on ting rampage in the fifth and twelve runs. The game was in the fifth with one man out when Hy. Bowden catching for Centralia was hurt after being hit with a pitch­ ed ball, Scotty Colbert .and William Lutman did the umpiring, The line­ ups : Centralia—-A. Willard p*; F. Bow­ den ss; P. Willard 3rd; Hy. Bowden c; IC Mitchell rf; Parker 2hd Willert If; Jos. White 1st CL Exeter—-Poilen If; Creech c; N. Dearing ss 3rd; Ed. Dearing 2nd; V» Hamess rf; B. Ford 1st; BOyle p. in tli6 a bat- scored •called Ed. H. Godbolt Fry de cf; ; J. Taylor trao: HOT DAYS—Work with a _ tor. New and used tractors', sandy Elliot, phone \64, Exeter, 0. Brown, Mr. Jim McKellarMt. and T. Austin made a trip to Clies- ley 011 the 1st. Mr. and Mrs, John Turnbull and family and Mr. Harold Turnbull, of Otterville attended the funeral of Mr. ■ Turnbull's brother,. Mr, David Turnbull, who died at the home of his brothei’ Jim. Mr. John R. Duncan liad the mis­ fortune to fall -o,ff .a. load of hay on Saturday, morning and .was Severely injured. ‘ Mr. J. C. Downie, governor of Winnipeg goal, accompanied Mrs. Downie, was present at Jubilee and brought greetings from Winnipeg friends and gave a short address on what constitutes suc­ cess in life, Mr. left Thursday to erines, Port Hope Mrs. Campbell, Miss Nellie Russell) daughtei' of the late Thomas Russell, wag a visitoi’ of the Thames Road Ju'bilee and in speaking of the service" said that she would.’just loved to have told the young people of Thames Road how much they have to be thankful for, Early environment counts fof su mu6h. Had it not 'been for her early traiXiing at Thames Road she doubted if she would have been able to keep straight fix the wicked city of Montreal. the by the and Mrs. Dowilie visit in ,St. Cath* and Port Huron, of Montreal, (nee Ender and by-virtue of the Power, of Sale contained in a certain Mort* gage which will be produced on the- day of sale, there will be offered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION on. the premises on FRIDAY* JULY loth, 1931 at 2 Q’elock the following Real Estate; Lot number 6 in the S. ThamesD Road concession of the Township of Usbome, in the County of Huron, ; containing 100 acres of land mor^* or less, TERMS OF SALE The property will be put up-sub* ject to a reserve bid, 10 per cent, of the purchase money shall be paid! on the day of sale; and the balance- shall be paid in 30 days thereafter. For further particulars apply to- CARLING & MORLEY, Solicitors.- for Mortgagee, Exeter, Ontario or to FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer* Exeter, Ontario. Hensail Es- VOTERS’ LISTS, 1931 Municipality of .Village, of Exeter County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of the Vot­ ers’ List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Exeter on the 3rd day of July 1931 the lipt of all per­ sons entitled to vote in Muncipality at jnunicipal and that such list remains 'inspection. AND I hereby call upon to take immediate proceedings to have any errors ox’ omissions cor­ rected according to law, tho last day for appeal being the 24th of July 1931. Dated at Exeter this 3rd day of July, NOTICE TO CREDITORS , Re WILLIAM DONALD BRINT- NELL, Into of the Township or Hibbert, Coiuity of Berth, Fanner, deceased. CREDITORS AND OTHERS hav­ ing claims against the estate of the- above deceased are required to send’ full particulars of such claims to then undersigned on or before the 18th day of July, 19'3:1, after which da,te* the Executors will proceed to dis- • tribute the assets of tlxe said estate- having regard only' to the claims o£' which notice shall then have beem. given. Dated this 7th day of July, 1931. CARLING & MORLEY Solicitors for Executors Exeter, Ontario'- the said elections there for all voters 1931. JOS. SENIOR, Clerk Exeter, Ontario ELIMVILLE Among those visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Wilson on the holiday were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Og­ den and daughters Aleatlia and Jean Ogden, Miss Gladys Weber, Miss Me­ linda Edwards and Mr. G. Bailing- all, all ’of London. Mrs. Janies Ogden and daughter Miss Jean Ogden, who have been visiting with friends and relatives here for the past two weeks returned home to London Saturday night ac­ companied by Mrs. Ogden’s brother, Mr. Garnet Wilsoft. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Ford and two children Joan and Margaret, of Flint, Michigan, visitea at the home of the former’s brother 'Mr. Harry Ford last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elford and family, visited relatives in Welborn last Sunday. Mrs. Noble of Wiarton and Mr. and Mrs. J. Peart and Miss Della, of Exeter, visited at the home of Mrs. Wm. Sk'inner recently. ’ The regular monthly meeting of the Live Oak Mission Cirlce was held at the home of the president Miss Florence Herdman on /Wednesday, June 24tli( At the opening of the meeting some scrap books were made. Miss Dorothy Bacon had Charge of the meeting and opened by Singing “A Better Day is Coming” The Scripture Lesson Philippians 4: 4-14 was read by Miss Florence Herdman after which we all repeat­ ed the Lord’s, prayer in unison. They then joined in singing “Whosoever Will may come” (Minutes were read ■and approved. The roll call was re­ sponded to by a verse of a favorite hymn. Eleven members responded and one visitor was present, some business was dealt with. The*' De­ votional Leaflet “Choosing Our Ideals” was read by Mrs. (Rev.) White. The study “A Visit iby Ae­ roplane to' ouf W. M. S. Mission Centre through Canada” were given by Misses Dora Brooks, Bernice MUrch and Audrey Prance. The watch tower was given by Miss t>o- l’Othy Delbridge on India, A lug “Love .W'lilch Never Fails1 given by Mrs. J. Kirkland, then sang the. hymn “We [Heard the Joyful Sound, with the benedictioxx, Mr. and Mrs. ley, visited in day, Mrs. visited : (Mr. daughter Margaret, of Detroit, Mrs, Jack son and son Mr, Harry Jack* soil, of Windsor, are visitors at the home of- Rev, and Mts, White this Week, t . ; {. ■ read* ’ wall They Have Closing Albert Nell, Of Lum- the village last Sun- Harris, of Fullarton,Maggie at Mr. Will Johns last week, and Mrs, G. Jackson and NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims-- against the estate of FREDINAND GRATTON, late of the Townsnip of Stephen, in the County of Hutoh, Farmer, who died on the 26tli day of March A. D„ 1931, are required, to forward their claims duly proven to H. Eiliber & Son, Creditor) Ont., or or before the 18th day of July, A. D., 1931. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS GIV­ EN that after the Said date the Exe­ cutor will proceed to distribute the- estate having regard only to the- claims of which he then shall have-' notice. DATED tliis 30th day of June A. D. 1931. FREDERICK' GRATTON, Executor Grand Bend, Ont.. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an creditors and others having, claims against the estate of MAR­ GARET ANDERSON, late of the Vil­ lage of Exeter, in the County of Hu­ ron, Spinster, who died oix the 21st day of June A.D., 1931, are requir­ ed ito forward theix* cl'aixns duly prov­ en to the undersigned oix ox* before the twentieth day of July A.D., 1931. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV­ EN that attex’ the said date the Exe-. cutor will proceed to distribute the estate having regal’d only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. DATED at EXETER, Ont., this 29th day of June,. A.D.,.. 1931. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Executor’s Solicitors- NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having, claims against the estate of LYMAN GRANGER GRANVILLE, late of the’ Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on the fifteenth day of June, A.D., 1931, are required to forwiard their claims-* duly proven to the undersigned on ot before the twentieth day of July A.D., 1931. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV; EN that after the said date the Exe^- cutor will proceed to distribute the- estate having regard * only to the ■ Claims' of which he then shall have- notice. DATED at EXETER, Ont., 1 29th day of June, A.D., 1931. GLADMAN & STANBURY , Exeter and Hensall Executor’s Solicitors.- this* NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re GALES HEYWOOD, late of the Village ot Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. CREDITORS AND OTHERS hav­ ing .claims against tile estate of the' said deeeased are required to send full particulars of such claims to the Undersigned on or before the 11th day of July, 1931, after which date the Executor will proceed to' distribute the assets of the said es­ tate, having “regard only to the- claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated this Both, day of Juno, 1OT CARLING & MORLEY Solicitors for Executor ; Exeter, Ontario