The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-06-11, Page 8iHURWi 4FIW lltb, 1031 FARMERS ATTENTION I WE HAVE FOR SALE AT BARGAIN PRICES THE FOLLOWING: 1600 lb. Mellotte -Cream. Separator at ................................... $1.5.00 '500 lb. Viking Cream Separator at ............ WLQQ 600 lb. Anchor*HoltU Cream Separator at $10.00 Massey-Harris Manure Spreader $15'. Frost & Wood Scuffler ............ $7.00 7 ft. Massey-Harris. Binder Truck and Carrier .......... $67.00 These goods are all in good working condition and will go guickly. * GRINDING AND ROLLING, TLES- JX1Y, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY during June, July and. August at prices in keeping with the times. Exeter Markets Wheat, 6 Sc. Oats, 26c» Barley, 28 c. Bran* $X,QQ Shorts, $l.V0 Low Grade Flohr, $1.15 Welcome Flour $2.30 Model Flour ?2.’5Q Manitoba Flour $2»6Q; Creamery Butter, 25c. Dairy Butter, iTfl. and 18c« Eggs Extras, 15 c. Eggs, firsts 12c, Eggs, seconds 10c, £ocals ( THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCAT1 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev* .<» Bernard Rhodes, M. A« Minister ............. Miss Lena Coates, A.L>O*M.( Organist IP a.m.—Bunday School II a.m.-—“The Ultimate Authority in Religion, » 7 p.m.—“A Shadow of Things to Come.** WILLIAM J. SMITH Proprietor and McCormick-D,eering Agent, Centralia, Ontario The new pavement south ter was and will weeks. completed Monday be open for traffic of Exe- evening in three held at Bunday, Decoration Day will be the Exeter Cemetery on June 21st by the Exeter Lodge- of Oddfellows. Members of the I.O.O.F, Will meet at the cemetery at 2.30 p.m. Addressses by the local clergy Dashwood Band in attendance. Everybody welcome. C. A. Heywood N.G-, E, A. Howald, secretary. * ——• '■ FEMALE HELP WANTED Women to do plain sewing home. Good pay. necessary. 353 St, Nicholas St,, Montreal. at Sewing machine Lafayette Corporation, As we intend leaving Exeter all accounts are now due and must be settled on or ’before Saturday, June 20th. After that date they will be placed for collection with all costs added.—.John S tantour y, Butcher. HONEY FOR SALE—80c. for 10 pound pail.—W. F. Abbott a FOR SALE—Coal oil stove, three burner.—Apply to Times-Advocate. WORK WANTED—toy a thor­ oughly experienced farm hand cap­ able of taking charge. Canadian and -single, Apply box 280m, Exeter NOTICE—My office , will be clos­ ed from June 16 to July 2nd, inclu­ sive.—Dr. W. E. Weekes 3tp. elec-I oven, FOR SALE—Westinghouse, trie range, four units, upright . in good condition. For sale at half price. Apply at Times-Advoiaate. The Thames Road Farmers’ Club ' are booking 'orders for coke, Alberta coal and soft coal. All orders to be in toy more, Juue the 15 th.—Percy Pass- Secretary, EAMERS* NOTICE would like to talk farmers interested in the- of asparagus. Signed B. R, Manager Canadian Ganners We to *any growing Bartioav, Ltd. 2 tic. WANTED Married man at once, for farm work, small familjs man and wife, healthy, experience, at present or .recently engaged at farm work, and satisfied with farming. Honest cheerful, absolutely dependable, hard worker, willing to- assume responsi­ bility to make farm pay. Careful, not slow, satisfied with usual ’ irregular farm hours. Write- or call Dr. Mof­ fatt, Varna, Ont., any Saturday, or London, Ontario, any time. 6-4-2tc. general If you wish to buy or sell a farm or house see R, E. Pickard, Exeter. TRACTOR PLOWING AND DISC- ING-*7*Distance no object for reason­ able amount of work.—Wm.- Brad- . Shaw, Elimville. 4-2-tfn. C, Mrs. Anderson -and son, spent the week-end in Sarnia, Miss Marjorie Broderick has been an the sick list during week. Mr. and to, visited Sunday. Mr. Ed. ___ _ ■to his pome for a few days through illness-. Miss Mildred Murphy, Of the Can­ adian Bank of Commerce staff is holidaying in Toronto. Mrs. ------- 'jis visiting at thejiome of Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Harvey. Mrs. Wareing, who recently un- ; derwent an operation in a London ' hospital is getting along nicely. Miss Ada Miflehell R. N., of Byron Sanitorium, -attended the Hobbs- Mitchell wddding on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Rice, of Wy­ oming, spent the -week-end^ with Reeve B. M. and Mrs. Francis. Mrs. M. Heywood returned Wed­ nesday after -visiting With friends in Toronto for the past two weeks. Inspector R. J. Eacrett, of Wood- stock was a caller on his sister Mrs. B. W- F, Beavers during the week. Mr. arid Mrs. Geo. Jaques and daughter -Ina, of London, spent Sun­ day, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Dobson, of Kirkton. « > Mr. F. M. Boyle, who has been conducting a barber shop in Hensall has been engaged by Mr. E> O. Har­ ness of town. 1 Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Currie, of Wingham, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hopper, the two ladies being sisters. Miss M. L. Horney, R.N., is in Chi­ cago attending graduation exercises f of -the nurses and the lion^e-coming' of the Alumni members. •Mrs. J. S. Harvey intends leaving next week for Alsask, Sask,, where she will visit with her son Dr. Maur­ ice Harvey and other relatives. Flan to attend tne Strawberry Festival t’a be held in Janies Street : Church on June 23rd., Good sup­ per and program. Admission 40 and 25c. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wallace, of London,, and friends from Chicago, were visitors with Mrs. Wallace’s aunt Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers on Wed­ nesday. Friends of Mrs. George Southcott will regret to learn that she is ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. R, E. Pickard. The latter has’ also ■ been ill but is improving. Mr. and Mrs. 'Carman Cann were, made the recipients of a beautiful end table and fernery by the young people who-rahai’ivaried them follow­ ing their marriage.. Mr. and Mrs. HeralcJ Lawrence, of McKillop, and the latter’s father Mr. Henry Francis, of Seaforth, were visitors at the home of Mr. B. M. Francis on Monday. Mrs. John McCann, of Toronto, has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Rowe. Mrs. Rowe has return­ ed to Toronto; with her on a visit the two ladies being sisters. Messrs. Thos. Coates, Wm. Baker • and Gordon Appleton were called to • Goderich Tuesday to serve, on the ■ jury, the former on the grand jury . and the latter two on the petit, jury. Mrs. Fred Hill, with friends in th® Ja’ck past of Toron* Exeter on Lindenfield was confined Mabel McIntosh, of Preston, ng at the home of M Tudhope Electric Ranges & Rangettes $ew finishes New designs Don’t fail to see the 1931 models of these Electric Rangettes. YOUR OLD OIL STOVE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE PRICES FROM $22.00 TO $44.00 Fully approve^by the Hydro Electric Power Com, of Ontario JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist apd Chpii’-Leader a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—“A Song in the Night” -“Ezekiel by the River” 10 11 7 p.m.— Thursday at 3 p.m. the W .M. S, are entertaining the Baby Baud and their mothers and the Assoc. Help­ ers. MAIN ST* UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m,—Church School -“Speak to the People That “ >1 10 11 a.m - 'They Go' Forward' 7 p.m.—“Have Faith in God” Thursday at 8 p,m.—Prayer Service, TRIVITT MEMORIAE CHURCH Rector, Rev, E, L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacEaul Choir-Leader, Mi'. Middlemiss 2nd Sunday after Trinity 9.30 a.m.—Confirmation Class 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.-—'Morning' Prayer Subject: “Christian Perfection.” 7 p.m,—Evensong Subject; “Christian- Theism” ■ The Woman’s Association of Main St. United Church will hold their annual Strawberry Festival on the Church lawn on Friday, June 26tli. Remember the date. ^Full .particu­ lars later. 'The blacksmith shop of Mr. Jt S. Dignan & Son will be closed on Wed­ nesday, Thursday and Friday, June 17th, 18th and 19th. • You can get new tires and bat­ teries for the prilce of used ones at "The Home 'of the Ford.”.—Sandy Elliott. BffT■e New Peter Pan Voile Dresses * i Southcott Brosi at per pair 25c, This store will be closed Wednesday afternoons during the months 4 June, Jyly, and August ■'■''W'.'l W ■ '' I'. I| .*■■»! !■.. I W'l WR1"— ■■■■ .........’-------------'-------------------------------------------------------‘---------’ Boys’ Hatchway Underwear The kind the boys like, with no buttons to button or come off. Old price $1.00 Now selling at 75c. Fully Fashioned Hosiery Full fashioned Hosiery in the dull fin­ ish chiffon, comes in Weldrest quality and retails at Men’s Hatchway Underwear The popular summer underwear for men with no buttons. Last year’s price $1.25. Children’s Ankle Sox A new shipment of smart ankle sox, in all sizes for children and girls, Another shipment of new Peter Pan Voile dresses for the hot weather, Made in very smart styles in colours that are guaranteed fast. Note this low price $2.95 New Voiles & Batiste Showing many new and neat patterns in fast colors. These will make beautiful Summer Dresses et per yard 45 and 50c. Turkish Towels In better qualities and new designs. We ere showing some wonderful values at these prices. 29c, 390, 49c and 59c Silk and,Wool Jersey Suits Lovely for sport wear, in white and yellow, white and pink and black and white also sand. These are just the thing for outing. Special at $11.95 and $12.95. China and Glassware for the June Bride , -VOur counters are full of new China and Coloured glass, cut glass and novelties suitable for showers for the June bride*. New Perfection and Ovens TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD £ Phone your hardware necessities to Wicks* arid alt other till stove repairs In the final draft of stations^ by the London Conference Rev. B^E.- Southcott goes to Richmond instead of Trowbridge. Miss Margaret Hoggarth has ■ re­ signed' her position as stenographer with the Exeter Rural Hydro Com­ mission her resignation to.take place next week, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Halliday avnd two children, Mr. and Mrs.' Fred .Mc­ Donald and two children, of Galt, visited at the home Of Mr. and Mrs., Thos. Harvey -and other relatives, on Sunday. ' The Ladies’ stringed orchestra of the Main Street United church as­ sisted by Mr. Francis Abbott, read­ er, will give a program at the Zion United church on June 16th under the auspices of the W. M. S. . , Miss Leil-a Stackhouse is in Blyth' today (Wednesday) attending the funeral of her grandmother, Mrs, Jas. Anderson, of Blyth,' who passed away mains Man., Mr. position at Howey’s Drug Store and has taken a position with the Fuller Brush Co. working out of Stratford., Mr. Frank Strange has also taken a position with the Fuller Brush Co. working out of Stratford. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Weekes and son Billy intend leaving on June 16th for Vancouver, B. C., where the doctor will 'attend- the annual convention Association during the Weekes, who v^ill visit at her home, intends remaining for some weeks. Mr. A. M. Robertson, B. A., of Goderich, has been appointed to preside at thg Departmental examin­ ations -beginning in Exeter on Mon­ day next. Mr. Rolbertson will -be as­ sisted toy Mr., Hill another member of the Goderilch staff. Principal E. J, Wethey will assist Inspector Bea- com at the Goderich Collegiate. During the entrarice examinations Miss Gaiser of Creditor, will assist Principal E. J. Wethey at Exeter as there will be more than forty can­ didates writing tlioir examinations herd. . iSttnday being Conference Sunday in the United ichurch union services weru held by Main -Street and James Street churches, Service was held^ hi the James street church in the mornlhg; Rev. A. W. Hagelstein, of Credltoh occupied the pulpit and, preached a very adeeptaibie sermon. Mjps Penji'l Wood sang a very pleas* ing solo. At Main Street Church Jn •the evening Rev. D. McTavish con­ ducted -the servile® and the choir rendered two anthems. Good chn* gregations were present at both ser­ vices in spite of the inclement weather* < , ...... . Tuesday morning. The re- are being taken to Plumas, for interment. W, E. Quinn has resigned his of the’ Canadian Medical ■being held in that city week of June 22rd. Mrs. Dairy Butter, good- .for baking 17c. a lb. Southcott Brc$. Miss A. Wilson, of London, is vis­ iting with Mrs. H. K. Hyndman. Mr. -S. J. Elliott was in, London Tuesday taking .radium treatment. Mr Herman Gower .agent for the Fuller Brush C'o., has been trans,- ferred to Wingham. Mrs. J. H. Jones accompanied by her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Neil, of London, ar.e> in Albion, Mich.,' at­ tending graduation exercises of a neice of Mrs. Jones, Miss Jessie Neil. Rev. Neil LeJckie, B.A., D.D., of Motherwell, was elected president of the London Conference in session at Chatham last week. Dr. Lei'ckie was elected by 218 Of 273. Messrs, Reg. and Mr. C. A. are here for a lieving at Commerce, the staff is Mr. and Onaway. aunts, 5 Shapton, while on their honeymoon They and their votes cut of a total Beavers, of Ilderton Taylor, -of Wiarton, Couple of weeks! re-t the ’ Canadian Bank of Miss Mildred Murphy of on vacation, Mrs. Cemil Chowan, of , Mich.’, are visiting With Mrs. A. Hicks and -Mrs, H! will also . visit in Byranston London before returning home. Shirts and Ties to match in W. W. TAMA N PHONE Slw . < EXETER* ONT Now is the time to order to at greatly reduced prices Knicker Trousers from $3.50 up Green, Tan and Blue.a ' » NEW JUDGE WELCOMED His Honour Judge Thbihas Costello, the new judge of Huron County held his first County Court • at Goderich on Tuesday. The only I case proceeded with was the trial of the McNeil Brothers acfcused of holding up the' Bank of Novia Scotia <at Brussels, two jurymen from Exeter district, Mr, Roy Par­ sons and Mr. Charles Huffman are helping to decide- their fate. Before the cases were called addresses of welcome were given the new judge and a beautiful bouquet* of roses placed on his desk. Mr, L. E. Dau- cey, President of the Law Associa­ tion, of Huron, gave the address on behalf of the GC’deri’iCfi par and, Mr, J, G. Stanbury, of Exeter, on behalf of. the^ outside members of the pro­ fession, M. Lower school examinations are be­ ing written'this week with the local- high school teachers in charge. Last week it was mentioned that Mr. G-, H. C. Joynt, of Hensall, had still a couple of subjects to rewrite in his third year at the Toronto Medical College. This was an error as Mr. Joynt was successful in pass­ ing his examinations. / Mr. Ed. Aidworth, who is supply­ ing a circuit of the United Church jii the Muskoka district and who* at­ tended .conference in Toronto last week called on his parents, Mr. apd Mrs. Chas. Aidworth Friday evening, returning to his field on Saturday. His cousin, little Ross Sutherland, of Toronto, accompanied him to Ex­ eter. - • W. R. Goulding A. ». O. Mi."' Orgd-niat and Choirmaster James St. United Church instruction in Plano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music In Schools Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 191 EXETER, ONT HURON DEANERY MET IN EXETER McTAGGART VS. DANNIE The action of Miss Annie McTng* gart, of tlsborne, against Samuel Rannie, of Hensall, far damages caused to her when the defendant ran into a cutter driven by her brother, Martin McTaggart, was tried at London, on Thursday last- before his Honour, Judge Waring.- Judgment was given Miss McTag­ gart for $250 and costs, half of which the judge decided should be paid by Martin McTaggart as he had no light on his cutter, J G. Stanbury acted for the Plaintiff and j, W. Motley for the defendant. About 150 delegate® from various parishes of the Huron Deanery met in TWivitt Memorial Church, Thurs­ day of last week. Clergy, laymen and delegates frVnn the Women’s Auxiliary attended from Hensall, Clinton, Bayfield, Seaforth, Goderich Gorrie, Wingham, Dungannon, Brus­ sels and Blyth, In the morning holy communion was celeorated, Rev, R» g. Jones, rural dean, officiating, as­ sisted by Revs. Messrs. Vivian, Park­ er and Pauli. The deanery chapter met'in the. rectory, R. S. Jones in the ehair* At the same time the Women’s Auxiliary met In the ehurch The president is Mrs. H, Pauli, Bay- field; vice-president,,Mrs. J. m, Mills of Goderich; secretary*treasurer Mrs. William Deem, of Seaforth, Annual report® were gratifying. In; the afternoon a general mooting of the deanery took place. Rev. K» McGowan read the Litany and this, was followed by an address by J. el Hartman, lay ’Commissioner of the diocese, A devotional address wa® delivered by the Ven. Archdeacon? J. A. J. Andrew of Trinity church, St. ‘Thomas, who chose f<Prayoi,u ah his subject. The ladies of the par­ ish served meals at noon and at 5 p.m. A laymen’s meeting was held in the church, Sheriff Middleton, of Goderich, presiding. In the evening a service was held, with Rev. CunOiA Warner, of Crdnyn Memorial church London, as special speaker. Th® massed choirs of the deanery sang' at the service. Rev. Mr. Jones, for­ mer rector of the church, now at Ridgetown, was among the visitors.