The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-06-11, Page 7Huron County Council To .make I CEO.TEA - Brew tea as usual- strain off ledves*allow toa>pi*addrk!n<y’aiM? sugar to taste* pour into glasses naiT toll of cradled ice Fresh from the Garden! Reduction of taxation in rural dis- •Tricts was the keynote of many of -.the resolutions submitted to Huron -’■County Council at the opening ses- .sion on Tuesday afterpfoop. A heavy budget of corresplomdence was reqd ..and sent on to committees. ' In his address to the council War- -den Beattie welcomed back Coun­ cillor Ritchie, who was ill during ••the December session, ■••ed th© loss sustained of Ex-Warden A. E. Judge E. M. Lewis, congratulations to Judge Holmes and welcomed Judge Cos- Tello to the county. The warden delved into the- sal­ ary cut and the situation In4 which •It was left; when all but seven coun- -cillors accepted full pay after the council passed a resolution adopt­ ing the five per cent, reduction which it was- thoroughly tmderstood was tbl include the sessional pay of members o>f the council. In view •,of the uncertainty as to what coun­ cil really meant no reductions were made the first three months of this year ,but since April 1st 5 -per ipent. had been deducted from the salar­ ies of the clerk and treasurer. One of the duties wbluld be .to clear up ■the uncertainty existing, declared the warden. Personally, he was op­ posed-to the cut in sessional pay of members. The warden told the council that after some hesitancy and investiga­ tion, he had given his ‘assent ’'to hhilding Huron County Home Com­ ing Week, July 1 to 8, He had not committed the county to any ex­ pense- in connection therewith. He had communicated with Thos. McMillan and George- Spotton, mem­ bers Rom North and Sou,th Huron, who had interviewed Premier Ben­ nett, regarding the return of $17,- ■000', the residue of all the estate of the late William Scott, which he had bequeathed to the- Minister of Fi­ nance of Canada to be used for the relief of destitute widows and or-, phans! and -soldiers. The Minister said he had no power to change the will’but would have tlie money ear- and mention- in the death Baeker tand He extended U, E. NEURALGIA A coed application of Min­ ard’s, according to directions, just, "hits the spot”. You’ll find that you Catch them with Aeroxon—• clean, convenient, hygienic— the fly catcher with the push pin and wider and longer ribA bon. The glue on Aeroxon is' fragrant and sweet. Good for 3 weeks’ service—it will not dry. get wonderful relief! I)rat those Pesky Flies" i At drug, grocrey & hardware stores. _ So le A/fcnts ~ ‘ Nau w TON A. HILL ’ > 56 Front Street E., Toronto AEROXON fLV CATCHER Gets the fly every time 6 T I THg EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE imarked for Huron Cpunty purposes, The warden then asked the coun­ cil to keep in mind next yeai’ the equalization of assessment, when the county would be revised, is done every five years. Wednesday being the King’s birth­ day, the warden suggested that the council take, a half holiday and visit all the institutions. This a4New Judge Speaks Judge Costellbi said he believed Huron County is one of the best and he was more than pleased that he was appointed to the bench here. The county is composed of a num­ ber fcif thriving towns and’villages and Goderich was a beauty spot. He expressed his pleasure in the wel­ come he had received at the hands of the officials • of the county, His. Honor said he hoped to move his family ttoi Goderich in'a week or two, and expressed his appreciation of the renovation of the judge’s room.The- ^Varden explained that the tobtok's of the ;late Judge Holt had been removed to .make room for those of Judge Costello. Mr, Holman read some corres- P'ondence of 1900 relating to the system of -appointing the warden. .ConumuucatjLons ‘ A letter from Wilfred I. Wilson bounty cleyk, Napanee, enclosed the following resolution: . “That the Ckimmissioner 'ot. Provincial Police of Ontario be requested by this council to ask traffic Officers to desist from the practice of de- .manding production of driver’s per­ mits and licenses from automobile drivers jn this, county unless by some occurrence or accident the pro­ duction >of the same seems necessary or advisable, as the present prac­ tice is an annoyance and unneces­ sary interference with the residents of this county, and that a clo’py of this be forwarded to other counties ih Ontario1—-.Referred to .Legisla­ tive Committee. A letter from the Deputy Provin­ cial Secretary respecting1 county sal­ aries stated, the only, items ■ the Govs ernmeiit would be interested. Ri were those affecting gaol salaries Without consent .of the department. The department ifeels, speaking in general terms, that1 gaol officials are The salaries to any H, L. Cumminga, secretary of the Select Committee pn Municipal Act Revision, wrote, inviting counpils and their officials to send sugges­ tions for the proposed revision of the Municipal ‘ Act.*--Referred , to Legislatives Committee. The auditor’s report shjotwfng re­ ceipts of $326,604.66 and payments of $'3'27,718.-5D nvas referred to the Finance committee, ** Letters from Mrs, A, E. Baeker, Brussels and Mrs, J, A, Irwin apd Dr. A, W- Irwin, acknowledging let­ ters of condolence were received and filed, A, H« IL Colquhoun, Deputy Min­ ister of Education wrote informing jeounfei) Ithftt the legislative, granjt apportioned to rural and pvfbiic schools for 1931 in, the bounty pt Huron f or ’equipment to which, un­ der the schools Act the county council is required ,to raise an equiv­ alent, is for the public schools $1,- 342. 89/and for separate schools $137.50. Filed. The Western Ontario Chamber of Commerce wrote announcing their next nieeting in Owen Sound June 18, 19, and 20 and asking presentation This was filed. Wofuia Rntrol Highway The following resolutions enclosed in a letter from ■ Chas. C, Pilgrim, Clerk of Varna; Moved by Jno. Ehue, seconded by Fenwick Stewart; ‘’That the speed cop be asked ,to patijoi the BIjie Water Highway between Bayfield and Grand Bend on Saturdays and Sun­ days,” Referred to Good Roads Committee. A communication from the coun­ ty clerk advised that the foll/p'.wing bequests had been made to the coun­ty,- and the Children’s Aid Societjh. Col., Hoare, $200; W, McDougall $500; The. MicKay estate, $1,000, Sent’to the executive eommittee. The gaoler, J, B. Reynolds, re­ ported for the past 6- months showed 37 prisoners; theft, 6; intoxicated, 6; vagrant, 4; insane, 3; fraud, 3; selling liquor, 3; v robbery while armed, 2; carnal 1 Knowledge, 2; forgery, 2; assault, 1; 'breaking and entering, 1; false pretences, 1; rape, 1; highways act, 1; escaped from Bowmanville, 1. Cost of daily rations 122-c. There are six pris- lainers in custody at present. .Filed. A letter from W. MbGhie, director of the Globe Indemnity Co., of Canr ada, sumitted renewal of policy re­ newing publifci liability and proper­ ty damage insurance on roads and advised that'“due to yjolur good ex­ perience the rate, this year has been reuced this year from $lt90 per mile to. $1.70 per mile, a total premium of $613.17. Referred to Good Roads Committee. 'Also a letter from W. McGhie, director of A. E. Wilson & Co,, Limited, regarding insurance was referred to same com- inittee., ‘ Mothers Allowance Report on Mothers’ Allowance on re- was .returned to the counties In which it is. collected, same to be applied In reducing the tax on farm lands which are now becoming ppibear- able. Referred, to legislation com­ mittee. A letter from Robert McEwen, of .Stratford, asking to submit prices tor vault fittings fpr Registry of­ fice if council intends buying same, was sent to Rdoperty Committee- The financial statement of the $‘20o county1'grdnt received from the County of Huron was submitted I by Jan MacLeod, agricultural re* I presentative. The total receipts I from all sources was $345*83, the ; total expenditure being $267,73/ A letter from j. T. .Simpson, conn- I ty clerk of Simcoe County, enclosed j a ’copy of report by*the standing , committee* tm. Roads and Bridges, •'That we have very carefully cion- sidered the resolution passed by the counfeii of the County of Huron at their December, 1930, session in connection with the- request of the City of Guelph and' other cities for relief from all suburban road as­ sessment, Also the last clause of the resolu­ tion relating to the increased sub­ sidy on ciolunty roads has been con­ sidered and we would strongly re- comemnd that the principles of the above resolution should receive the hearty approval and endorsation of this icounty council. Council adjourned about a p.m, to meet at nine o’clock Wednesday morning. (Continued next week,) Liberal Meeting *>Dr. J. W, Shay/ of Clinton was re­ elected president of the South Huron Federal Liberal Association at the annual meeting held in Clinton, on Wednesday, June 3rd. More than 500 persons, many of them women, /crowded into the hall, many having to remain standing. The speakers of the day were Mit­ chell Hepburn, >M.P., provincial Lib­ eral leader and Thomas McMillan, M.P., for South Huron. The meet­ ing was the largest and mlost enthus­ iastic in years. t . Both speakers declared that* the agriculturists of Canada are learn­ ing what protection means. Both de­ clared that Premier Bennett’s experi­ ments with the tariff can only mean added distress for the agricdltural communities. Mr. Hepburn examined the features of Monday’s budget and condemned them. He was unsparing in his at­ tacks on those parts of it whijeh, he said, relieve the^burden op the mil­ lionaires and add it to the backs of. the farmers and workers. S. Huron Liberals Elect Officers • In addition to Dr.. Shaw1, other of­ ficers named were: Vice-Presidents,, O. Geiger, Hen­ sail; Mrs. C- Zwicker, Crediton; Wan. ■Seaforth; treasurer, Chas.Report on Mothers’ Allowance Gilding, -Seaforth; treasurer, Chas, matters was submitted l^y Mr. Hol- Fritz, Zurich;-secretary, John A. Mc- man for the past five months: The,<eWen, Brucefield. Of the provin- totai receiving the mother’s allow- * cial riding association, J. G. ’Stan- ance, the last payment, was. 55 and,bury, Exeter, was re-elected presi- the payments were aS follows.: one I dent; J. M. Govenlock,'Seaforth, re­ received per rnjointh $15; four at'mains as secretary and Mr. .Fritz‘is far from overpaid, have not been increased great extent in recent years of high prices. The gaol officials of' the County of Huron • receive: Gaoler, with residence, fu.el, light, etc., $1,000;: matron, '$225.; gaol physi­ cian, $120;\ turnkey, without resi­ dence, fpel, etc., $9)50.—Sent1 to the Executive Committee. ; Frblm the clerk of Town of- God­ erich enclosing assessment, to the county of $25 8.86, on local improve- menit 'Construction of sidewalk at Children’s Shelter and on Napier and Anglesea streets between Vic­ toria and Nloirth Streets, $227.64— County Property Committee willCounty Property Committee deal with this. D. 1 Jamifeson, chairman of Age Pensions Commission of partment, of Public Welfare, letter, stated it is not the policy of the’Commission to have lists of pen­ sioners furnished to any person or to have them public in any way.— Filed. Old De­ in a Road Expenditures- • total amount of , the state- for good roads construction The meat was, $139,543.70; among the items are: county roads superintendents, ------- -* - • $1.5,- $11,- pits, ' $2,- repair,. $87,318.4 8 •; machinery,.. $12,85 7.6 9. Amount of grai.it,. 50 per cent, or $67,946.27; expenses to roads sup­ erintendents’ |c}op.fetence, $33.95; amount of grafit 50-per cent. $16.- 97p receipts, $3,1521.60; disallowed, $95.61; total amount of grant, $67,- 953.24. The. following items are- disal­ lowed: Auditor’s deductions, super­ intendence, $48.95;' auditor’s de­ ductions, maintenance, $46.66,— Referred to Good Hoads Committee. $5,297. 23; road construction 68S.92; urban improvement, 275.00; purchase of gravel $672.75; bridge construction 78/1.37; maintenance and S0FFE1E9 FROM BACKACHES When Doing rler Housework Mrs. Gbb. Dennis, I/eask, Sask., writes:—at suffered, for four years, from baekatilies when I vas doing my house­ work, A friend told mo about Doan’s Kidney Rills. I have taken five’ boxes and am now feeling fine Again; ' lots of ambition to d<> my own Work, wasliing, etc. The pains ift my back are completely gone, and the puffiness under my eyes has disappeared, I recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills to all suffering women.” Price, 50 cents a box At fill drug And general stores, or mailed direct on receipt of price by Th* T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. -. 420; 10 at $25; 10 at $30'; 10 at $315; seven at $40; one at $45; one aL $50;’ two at $55'; 55 at $1750 from County . and Province, each bearing 50* per cent. or. $87'5, or an average of $32 per month to each mkther in all. The total numbers who have received the allowance from the county since the act was put in force 11 years ago is 145, ninety of whom ^having ceased to be claims. ’Of the first 33 granted the allowance, only ottie, No. 26, is left. The graduation of the grants is' based on . several matters. The number of children under 16 years,, general circumstances of the mother as toi a home or no home paying rents and amounts. Attempts have been made by de­ putations from urban ..centres to have the basis of grant reduced to one child instead of twloi, tout this has been refused, chiefly owin increased pension involved the majority, of cases one has been ascertained, was a spur than a hindrance. This report concluded with words of praise ' for1 the servik.es rendered to th© county by Mrs. R. M. 'Gra­ ham, inspector of the district, who suffered a nervous breakdown and after a rest has been transferred to Sioiuth Western Ontario, has been taekn by Mrs. Toronto, who has won and esteem. This report Thomas H. Renner of the Gener­ al Accident Assurance Company of Canada reported court house in Filed, The icounty Of port of a resolution to. have the pro­ vincial government pay 50 per cent, of the salaries o”f weed inspectors in the various municipalities. Referr­ ed to Legislative committee. Anotliei4 resolution from Lincoln expressed opposition to ,rfhe prill- i ciples laid down in the amendment | to the Highway Improvement Act whereby the powers ,of the council are delegated to; a committee, the personnel of which committee may be composed of other than mem­ bers-of the county council. Referr­ ed td Legislative committee, A receipt Acknowledging grant of $250 for the Salvation Aptiy res­ cue Home at London was filed. A resolution was received from the county of Victoria urging that the government assume a mulch, larger proportion of the cost of ail roads and put the gasoline tax at a rate which will adequately finance the undertaking. Referred to legis­ lative committee. A resolution was received from the 'County of Norfolk urging that the government be asked to increase gasoline tax- by three cents a gallon the monies derived therefrom to “be ,g to the , ’and child, more m it of Her place Telfer, of confidence was filed. the boiler in the good .condition.—• Lincoln asked sup- treasurer. The following executive members for each municipality were named: Clinton,' Dr. McInnis, Mrs. F. Ax- ton; Exeter, R. G. Seldon, Miss Jec- kell; Hensall, R McLaren, Mrs. T. Befry; Seaforth, W. Beattie, Miss J. Smith; Goderich Twp., J. Sterling; Bayfield, Mrs. Eldon Yeo; Hay Twp. F. KaUbfleisch, Mrs. Gideon Koehler; Hullett Township, William Mason, Miss S. Brigham; McKillcp Township A. Av Cuthill, Mrs. J. Murray; Stan­ ley Township, R. Lam’ont, Mrs. S. Love; Stephen Township, T. Collins, M. England, Mrs. F. Young,-Mrs. F. Kerf; Tuckersmith Township, D. F. McGregor, Mrs. A. Broadfoot; Us- boriie, iA. Morgan, Mrs. R. Kydd. Mr. McMillan was the first speak­ er. ...He declared that ‘ “ Government doesn’t which way it is going, changes announced on not set the people, and ularly the agriculturists. McMillan said, he was guess. The whole national economic structure, he said, is threatened by the decline in the farmer’s buying power, but Mr. Bennett is now in­ creasing the menace by boosting thd tariff on what the farmer must buy. Tariff Disastrous ^Opening his address Mr. Hepburn said it must be admitted that Canadian people are now getting for; whijoh they voted last July, ricultural interests demanded tection and they are getting it in such large doses that they cannot easily be taken. The principle.' of •tariff protection applied to what the farmers.- grow is always disastrous, he said, and he instanced the Elgin bean industry. The tariff was boost­ ed. Protection was doubled, and now beans afe only worth their val­ ue as hog feed. * “\Ve cannot consume opv beans. We cannot export them. I will see many mortgages and 'bankruptcy sales in- Elgin County because the farmers have been led up a blind al­ ley."* V DIES SUDDENLY Syprae Says Mm WiS "My mother lets me get breakfast" “I can dp it easily, too, because we always have Shredded Wheat. Of course, Mother makes the toast ana Daddy’s coffee —they’re much, harder to get than Shredded Wheat She lets me put straw- h berries on the bisepits now, and you should see how all of us clean up our cereal dishes!” THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY,LTD. * wi' Onadw $hredded Wheat is 100% Canadian grain. Eat TWO Shredded Wheat Biscuits a duty and help Canada’s Prosperity SHREDDED WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT « MRS. EDWIDGE DENOMME There passed away at her home on the Blue Water Highway, Hay Township, Mrs, E. Denomme, wid­ ow of the late Edward Denomme. Deceased was born in this ’commun­ ity and for the past fifty years has been a resident of the same farm. The late Mrs. Denomme contracted pneumonia which, quickly weakened her and-' she finally sucaumbed. She was 73 years old. Two sons, Phil­ ip . and Edward. both -residents of Hay Township, survive. The fun­ eral tojck place to St. Peter’s ceme­ tery, Drysdale. Mrs? Hisliop Wood, of Biddulpl^ Township, died suddenly on Juno* 1st. Mrs. Wood, whose husband. 1st- a market gardener, had been in the garden during thie1 afternoon? and about six o’clock went to the houses While preparing supper she collap­ sed and died. Mrs. Wood, who was* thirty-eight years' of age is surviv­ ed by her husiband and three small children. Every railroad crossing is a po-r tential distributing point. the Bennett know just If the tariff Monday do more- partic­ on fire, Mr. missing... his A DREAM COME TRUE Not so many years agio a man had dream. It was considered only a •an. impractical dream-—4or But today that dream lives With It ts fi dream* some time, is aii integral part o* our busy —A means of keeping In touch events and’ people everywhere, the telephone. PRESENTATION Before. leaving Seaforth sume his new duties in the ion Bank, Brantford, Mi% Faulkner wits’ presented with ‘beautiful writing set in leather ca&e, by the members of St. James1 choir. to as- Domin- a to I KEEP OUT” the that Ag- pr.o- a CJ ? Fireproof „ Wall board Fire9 Draughts Modents GYPROC Wallboard that does not burn is the way of least expense when you desire to make alterations in your home, store, fac­ tory or on the farm. Use it for all walls, ceilings and partitions. Gyproc is made from gypsum rock into sheets 4 to 10 feet long, 4 feet wide and of an inch thick. It nails and cuts as easily as lumber with a minimum of waste or muss. Gyproc is fire-resistant, easily and quickly erected, structurally strong and has insulation value. It is draught and vermin-proof as well as fire-safe. Because it is ivory-coloured, it does not require decoration (when panelled) yet .it is also a suit­ able base for Alabastine, Gyptex or wallpaper. Consult ydur nearest dealer to-day^ He Will gladly supply you with a direction sheet on Gyproc. Or Write for the interesting, free booklet, “Building and Remodelling with GYPROC”. m GYPSUM, LIME and ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITEQ Paris Ontario Sale By Exeter Lumber Company, Limited - Exeter, Ont A. Spencer & Son * Uensall, Ont