The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-06-11, Page 1*) r 7 < •w IWTABI^ISHED 1873 \ ✓I c <<i *-i Ml t 1 I / fi * V EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 11th, 1931 - ' . ............m-» STORE CLOSES AT 12 O’CLOCK NOON ON WEDNESDAYS. * ► w FIFTY’FIFTR YEAR, NO, 2W JONES & MAY %if .PARSES EXAMINATIONS Mr. D- Howey has been success­ ful in passing fols third year exam­ inations in Philosophy, English and History at the University of Toron­ to. Mr, Newell Geiger, Of Zurich, who is in his third year, has been granted his aegrotat standing, RACER SOLD “Jimmy D” owned by Mr. ^Russel Hedden h&s been sold to a man at Winchester, about forty miles south­ east of Ottawa. Mr. Ira -Moir left Monday afternoon to deliver the ani­ mal by truck -and at the same time took a team of horses as tar as Tor­ onto for Mr. J. G. Dow. Mr. Eber Hedden, of London accompanied him. WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE JOINED THE SUPERIOR CHAIN < STORES—THE LARGEST AND STRONGEST GROpP OF INDEPENDANT GROCERS < IN ONTARIO, THROUGH THIS MAMMOTH ORGANIZATION OF NEARLY SEVEN HUN- DRED STORES WE ARE ABLE TO BRING TO THIS COMMUNITY ALL THE AD- * VANTAGES OF MASSED BUYING POWER. YOU WILL BE SERVED WITH THE j SAME FAMILIAR BRANDS AN THE USUAL HIGH QUALITY GROCERIES YOU ARE ACCUSTOMED TO EXPECT AT THIS STORE. < YOU HAVE OUR PERSONAL GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION IN ALL 1 YOUR DEALINGS HERE. EACH WEEK WE WILL OFFER MANY WELL CHOSEN < SPECIALS AND OUR REGULAR PRICES WILL ALWAYS BE COMPETITIVE. QUAL- ◄ ALITY IS NEVER SACRIFICED FOR PRICE. J NOTE OUR SPECIAL GROCERY OFFERINGS FOR THIS SALE GOOD UNTIL NEXT WEEK'S ISSUE OF THIS PAPER. 4 OXYDOL Pure Castile Kellogg’s Brunswick * Large Package SOAP CORN FLAKES SARDINES 18c.10 bars for 25c.2 for 17c.3 for 16c. Raspberry, Strawberry, Black Currant Jam, per 40 oz. jar ...............................39c. McLaren’s Jelly Powders, all flavors 5 25c. Hawe’s Floor Wax, 1 lb. size................43<J. Arm & Hammer Washing Soda 2 for 15c. Golden Bantam Corn, choice quality 2-25c. Minute Tapioca............. P. & G. Soap........... Lifebuoy Soap............ .Cascade Salmon, lb. tins Pure Lard, lb. package 2 pkgs. 25c. 4 .. 7 for 25c. < . 3 for 21c. . 2 for 25c. * ...... 10 c,. . TEA—A WONDERFUL BUY IN CHEAP TEA—BLACK OR MIXED, 1 lb. 35c.; 3 lbs. FOR $1.00. GUARANTEED TO PLEASE OR MONEY REFUNDED. FREE SCRIBBLERS FOR THE CHILDREN, WHILVTHEY LAST Superior Chain Chain-Store Prices on Shoes .? Men’s Farm Boots, plain toe at . . Farm Boots,* with toe cap at........... Men’s Black Oxfords per pair . . • Boys’ Black Oxfords, per pair . . . Youths’ Black Oxfords, per1 pair . . Men’s Running Shoes at................ Boys’ Running Shoes at............... . $2.19 .. $2.49 ;.. $2.85 ’.. 2.45 .. $2.25 . . 98c. . .K 89c. Women’s Cushion Sole Oxfords or Straps, Built hl arch at per pair ........ $2.50 Women’s Canvas Slippers, with -leather Soles, at .......................................$1.10 a pr. Child’s Running Shoes, per pair.........59c. Youth’s Running Shoes, per pair .... 75c. Women’s Running Shoes, per pair . . $1.00 r* A NARROW ESCAPE An accident took place at the gravel pit of Mr. Russel Skinner in Usborne where the gravel is being taken -out for the paving of the Highway, when one of the men near­ ly lost his life, Mr. Wm. Parsons, who has been with the paving com­ pany for eleven years was struck op the head by a wire cable, He was rendered unconscious and fell into a reservoir of water* about five feet deep, th' water being quite mud­ dy. When he did not cohie to the top. some of the men jumped into the pool and succeeded in rescuing him. Dy. F'lefoher was called to the scene and found that no water had ent4red the lungs and that Mr. Parsons was suffering from a slight concussion. This was. Mr. Parsons’ first adeident during the years he has been employed by Boss- & Braz­ ier. SHOWERS FOR IJRIDES-TO-BE A miscellaneous shower was held on Tuesday evening in honour of Miss Margaret Hoggarth, at Miss Stackhouse’s apartment. ^About twenty girl friends gathered at the room and surprised Miss Hoggarth by presenting her with many 'beau-, tiful.and useful gifts. Miss Hoggarth thanked the girls very kindly after which lunch was served. On Monday evening members of the Ladies Auxiliary and A.Y.P.A of Trivtt Memorial church held, a shower at the home pf Miss Mildred Murphy, the guest of the- evening be­ ing Miss Florence Walter, bride­ elect who was presented with a beautiful occasional chair. The gift was brought info; the room by Master Jimmy Whyte. The evening was pleasantly spent in games fol­ lowed by refreshments. DAMAGE REWA11D OF ¥8,700.00 SETTLED The atetion for damages growing? out. of an. automobile accident f< which Hugh Carroll, of Rlddulplfr ran into another car early in then year has been -settled by the Pilot; Insurance Company paying ipver t<* the injured members of the party* an award >of $8,700 and.the case wajs closed. Mr. John Essery, of Centra-- Jia, was the agent placing the policy^ COOKING SALE, AFTERNOON * RUMMAGE SALE in the Town Hall, at 2 TEA & Will be held o’clock on Saturday, June 13th. Un­ der auspices of ladies of Caven Pres­ byterian Church. * REPLAY Football Game TROUSSEAU TEAS On Wednesday the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchell, of Centralia, was the scene of ar very pretty event when Mrs. Mitchell entertained .to a trousseau tea in the honour of her daughter, Mildred, a bride-elect of this month, Little Alma Skinner ushered to the door where Mrs. Mit­ chell and Miss Mildred welcomed the many guests. Miss Pearl Sceli dis­ played the trousseau and Miss Flor­ ence Mitchell, the linens. In, the’ dinning-room Mrs. D. Riowcliffe'and 'Mrs. D. Hodgson poured tea at an attractive table, with centre- of cluny lace, valley lilies and yellow candles Assisting with the'liinch were Mrs. ! H. Haskett, Mrs. L. Hodgson, Mrs. N Mitchell and Mrs J. Blair. Mrh* H. S, Walter entertained on Wednesday afternofo-n of last week to a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter Miss Florence Walter, bride-elect. Mrs. Walter and her daughter received at the door, Mrs. Amelia Dale, aunt .of Miss Walter displayed the linens while Miss Edith Walter showed her trousseau. Tea was pioured in the dining-room by Mrs. N. J. Dore assisted by Mrs. H. C. Carey and Miss Mary Grant R. N. The ta.bl.e was prettily decorated with, hand painted table cover on which was a silver basket containing tu­ lips. Miss Walter’s marriage takes place tomorrow to Mi/ Jos. Grant, of J. SCOTLAND VS. ENGLAND on Thurs. Night, June 11 AT FAIR GROUNDS, EXETER Kick-off at 7 o’clock sharp '■ Players meet at 6.45 IV CELEBRATES FIFTY ■ YEARS IN MINISTRY Rev. J. Wesley Dow is celebrating: Jubilee at Conference in Bbllc- ville.x (Cohourg Sentinel) “Rev, J. Wesley Down, who, with his wife ahd\ daughter, Florence, are visiting the Manse, Grafton, is cele­ brating his jubilee in the lhinistry this month. Received in IS81 by the Bible Christian church, he served a year in Prince Edward Island and spent two years as a probatiioher in the Bethany and Hampton districts. He ^Vas- ordained in Port Hope -in 1885 ^at the first conference of the Metho­ dist Chu-tch in Canada, after the un­ ion of the . Bible Christian church with the Methodist body. He travelled the Haliburton, New- tonville, Camborne, Trenton, Bayxof Quinte, Omemee, Yarker and ’Tyrone circuits, retiring from the active a given by London Salvation Army Silver Band ; ■— in — James St. United Churcht . — on — Tuesday, June 16th London, son of- .Mr, and Mrs, Grant-.s. at S p.m. . i Silver Collection EVERYBODY IS. INVITED SOFTBADD LOOP DATES At a softball meeting in Exeter, the Huron-Middlesex Softball Lea­ gue- was formed, comprising five teams: Clinton, Seaforth, Grand. Bend, Lucan and Exeter. H. Gower o’f Exeter was elected president and H. 0. Sweetlove of Exeter, secretary­ treasurer, also one member of each team to be- selected for executive. The schedule will be in halves, the winners playing off for the trophy donated 'by the late George Eccleston of Grand Bend. The schedule is as follows: 8— Seaforth at Clinton. 9— Exeter at Lucan 10—Lucan at Seaforth 15—Grand Bend at Lu’can 15—Exeter at Seaforth 18—Clinton at Exeter •28—Grand Bend at Clinton 26—Clinton at Seaforth 29—Grand Bend at Exeter . 3 0-—Lucan 1—Exeter 3—.Seaforth 7—Clinton 7- to3eaforth at Exeter 8— -Lucan at Grand Bend 10—Clinton at Grand Bend 10—Seaforth at Lucan 14—Exeter at Clinton SUPPER AT ZION Will be held in the 8. • ) z „l r SHED ADJOINING CHURCH Three Large Tables of Women’s Slippers LAID OUT IN SIZES. . YOU CAN FIT YOURSELF REGULAR $4.00 AND $5.00 SLIPPERS :' SOME GREAT BARGAINS TABLE NO. I TABLE NO. II . TABLE NO. Ill AT PER PAIR $1.50 AT PER PAIR $1.98 PER PAIR $2.50 Sale of Red-Back Overall 5 DOZEN PAIR BIG B RED-BACK OVERALLS AT $1.19 A PAIR Men’s and Boys’Clothing , / MEN’S SUITS UP.TO SIZE FORTY—SALE PRICE $10.00 i MEN’S LARGE SIZE, FINE ENGLISH WORSTEDS AT $15.00 , —‘------ -—~~— ------------------------------------- •--------—— ; Bargains in Dry Goods Department : SPACE WILL ONLY PERMIT MENTION OF A FEW ITEMS. THERE ARE MANY MORE REAL BARGAINS 42 inch pillow cases 49c. a pair. ' _ .. . Ladies’ Silk-Knit slips 9Sc. each. Bed-spreads, good value at $1.79 each. ' ■ Check Ginghams on sale at 17c. a yard. *• ' ; ; 36 inch White Flannelette at 19c. a yard. 5 pieces of good quality print 19c. a yard. Terry Towelling 15c. a yard or 7 yards for $1. Mell’s Fine Shirts,'* collars attached at 98c. ea?h. 27 inch White Flannelette 15c. a yard or 7 yards for $1X0. Ladies’ Silk-Knit lion-fun bobette bloomers 79c. a pair. 6 only full 97-piece Dinner Sets to clear at $21.00 per set. 3 pieces all linen roller Towelling 20c. yard, 5 yard for 95c. Men’s Big B brand work shirts $1.00 quality for 85c. each. 1 ALL room sizes of Axminster and Wilton Rugat bargain prices. 5 only Tapestry bed-room tugs 2 1-4 by 3 yds. to ctear at $9.85* Men’s fancy Socks 18c. a pair, 2 pairs fot 35c. or 3 pair for $1 JOO. Ladies* good quality Silk Rayon Hosiery 49c. pair, 2 pair for 95c. Ladies’ Silk-Knit bloomers and vests, popular colors at 49c. a garment Ladies’ sample over-blouses values Up to $5.03 all at one price $2.95 each . Extra qualityj Silk Crepes, good range of colors, values to $2 a yd, od sale at $1.39 a yd. Phone 32 ! ministry in 1927, supplying for year the Centreton appointment. He was a member of the Bay of Quinte Conference throughout its whole existence and was chairman of the Whitby district conferen'ce. Entering Union he was Commission­ er to the General Council at Mont­ real. He is highly esteemed in the Coboqrg district and remembered as the builder of Camborne church. Re­ tiring to Exeter in 1927 he transfer­ red to the London Conference, but returned to be with old friends at Belleville, on the fiftieth anniversary of his reception into the ministry. Mrs. McLaughlin, of the Manse, Grafton, is his eldest daughter and accompanied him to Conference.” Mr. and Mrs. Down are meeting with many old' friends at the Belle­ ville Conference and are enjoying every minute of their holiday. STEWART—WILSON NUPTIALS The home of Mr. Mrs. George G. Wilson, Staffa, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednes­ day, June 3, when theii* only daugh­ ter, Norma Lenfore, was yjjiied in marriage to Mr. Cecil JameS Stewart of Exeter, son of Mrs. Stewart and the late Frederick C. Stewart, of Exeter. ■ The loeremony was perform­ ed by 'the Rev. R. ,N. Stewart. Miss Margaret Wilson R. N., of Seaforth, played the wedding music. The brj.de was given in marriage by her father and she wore u gown of rose point lace D’esprit with large hat in matching shades and carried a show­ er* bouquet of Sweetheart roses and Maidenhair fern. Miss Doris Rowe, of Guelph as bridesmaid wore a'blue chiffon dress with large white hat and carried a bouquet of Sunset roses. Mr. Charles Stewart of Exe­ ter, assisted the groom. For tra­ velling the bride wore a blue silk suit and accessories to match and a fox fur the gift of the grobm. Mr. and Mrs* Stewart left for -a trip' to- New York and Boston. On their re­ turn they will reside in Exeter* Their many friends will join with Times-Advocate in extending wishes for future happiness prosperity. at at at at ■Clinton Grand Bend Grand Bend Luton June ' -June' June June * June June June June June June July July July July July July July July ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Dr. and Mrs. J. H. C. Willoughby of Cobourg, Ont*, announce the en­ gagement of their daughter, Helen, to Mr. Stuart Stanbury, B. A., M. D. son of Mr. and* Mrs. J. G. Stanbury, of Exeter. The marriage will j;ake ■place at Saranac,-Lake, New’York, on June 26th. the host and on GREAT CLEARING SALE OF LADIES’, MISSES’ AND GIRLS’ SPRING COATS BARGAINS IN GIRLS’ SUMMER DRESSES "Mr* N. «S. Eaton f who for the past three- years has been manager of the Canadian National Express Offfee here has received word that he is being transferred to, Engiehart in, Northern Ontario*, Yhe change Will take place at the end of .the month when Mr/ R. W. Rybet, of Chmpbell- ford> N\ S., will take over the Exe­ ter branch. Mr. Eaton will spend a eoinpie of weeks holidays before go­ ing to his new' position. TUESDAY, JUNE 16th Under the auspices of the W. M. S. Supper to commence at 6.30 o’clock: Program by Main Street Ladies’ -Stringed' orchestra assisted by Mr. Francis Abbott, readei’ -of Exeter. Admission: adults 50c. children 25c DANCE ' Saturday, June 13 Music by A Brantford 8-piece Orchestra 1 Pic Holtze and his Peppers- Crediton Minstrels Are Coming To Exeter — ON — . Thursday, June 11th — ’IN THE — EXETER OPERA HOUSE I , THE MINSTRELS ARE COMING UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE EXETER TENNIS CLUB i Amos and Andy, Bro. Crawford and the Kingfish will be re­ presented and keep the audience in an uproar of laughter with their jokes and witty sayings. CHORUS or THIRTY-FIVE MEN M. W. feller, Interlocutor; H, K. Silber, Accompanist Just one laugh which lasts throughout the whole program» ADMISSION: 25c.> RESERVED SEATS 35c. Plan Open at XV. 8. Howey’s Drugstore, Monday, June Sth at 8.80' a.m. Tickets ou sale at F, w. Moriock’s, Creditoh