The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-04-30, Page 8p * ‘1 V aw «otu. iom SAFE DRIVING WILL SAVE MONEY ©M •- YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE A now plan pf Automobile Insur­ ance introduced by two. Canadian companies, and now offered to IndK victual motorists in Ontario for the first time. 20 per cent, reduction for fouy years’ driving without accident. If not eligible for above reduction, W& are agents for The Pilot Co. MRS. W. K. FUKE J. A, STEWART Agents Phone 2IS, Exeter i ■' , € . I * Exeter Markets Wheat 66e, Gats 28c, Barley 28c. ,Wa $1.10 Shorts $1.05 Low grade'flour $1.20 Welcome Flour $2.30 Model Flour $2.50 Manitoba Flour $2.00; Creamery Butter 30c, Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Butter 25 and 26c. extras X4c. firsts 1,2c. seconds 10c. THE EWER TIMES-ADVOCATX CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. <, Rhode«, A* Mfes IdW Coates, 4.LAM.. Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.-—“What is the Purpose of Scripture?” 3rd in series pf sermons on Church Principles. 7 p.m.—“A Race and its Goal,” Thursday, S p.m.—Our Mid-week service in the church. Two cars came together on the Main St. Saturday morning in front of Jones & May’s store. One of the cars •when it was struck by anothei* ear. Neither of the cars were badly dam­ aged. __ Mr. Walter McNicoI, of Farquhar, was heard over the radio from CJGC, London,, during the Monday Night Club Hour when he played three numbers) on the violin accompanied on the piano by his daughter, Miss Loreen. —-- ---jfc-—------O ■ Zocofe i I Mr. G. J. Dow shipped a car load of horses’to Toronto on Monday. Miss Leila Stackouse spent the week-end in Guelph and Kitchener. I Mrs, F. Rabethge is confined to I T-v 1 + Il U A11 ill — 11 s was pulling out from the curb; Di\ Fletcher's hospital through ill-3 ness, ., Rev- R. E. Southcott, of Morpeth, visited with his mother in» town on Monday. The home of Mrs. Mollard was fumigated this week by Constable Norry, Mr. Harry Cole is in Toronto tak­ ing a short course at the Canada Radio College. Mrs. Bruce Johnston and sou Bruce, of Montreal, are- visiting with Mrs. H. K. Hyndman. Mrs. J. Aimer Stewart, and. little son, of Usborne, have returned from Victoria Hospital in Loudon. Mr. and Mrs. T, O. Southcott spent the forepart of the week visit­ ing in Toronto and Brantford. The large sign in front of the Erie .gas station was blown down during the storm Sunday evening. Mrs. Wm. Frayne, of Exeter, vis­ ited dirring .the past week with her sister, Mrs. Melville Hern of Zion. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Beaver and daughter Edna, of Credit-on visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank! Taylor on .Sunday. , Mr. Harold. Wood, of Chatham, spent the week-end visiting with bis parents, Mr and Mrs. W. H. Wood, of Usborne. Mrs. Clarence Robertson, of Gode­ rich, spent a few 'days, last week with her aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Willis, who is indisposed. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” was- played to a fa'irly well filled house on Wed­ nesday evening of last week by a travelling company. Mr. Harold Jeffery, of Usborne, had the misfortune to run the tine of an old fork into the left foot the latter part of the week. A new back verandah and. sleep­ ing porch Overhead is being erected by Mrs, C. H. Sanders, the work be­ ing done by Mr.. Balkwill. Miss Julia Rivers, of Cburchill, N. Y., is here, visiting with her bro­ ther, Mr. Wm- Riverg and expects to _ , , , . remain for several weeks.Get your dressmaking and furs, fixed early. Furs remodelled to: > 3Ir- Eldon Hading is improving latest styles. Fur scarfs are in style' P'Oni llis recent operation’ for a,ppen- this year. Look up your old-furs ’ at Victoria Hospital, London, and get them -remodelled for little aud ?s expected home this^week. cost. Work satisfactory, charges. Mrs. Norman Main. Street, Exeter. All members of the Canadian Le­ gion are requested to meet in front of the Club Room at 1.115 p.m. Fri­ day, May 1st for the purpose of at­ tending the funeral of our late Com­ rade Charles Dobbs at Clandeboye, Cars will be provide^.—M. W. Pfaff, Secretary. ' - HONEY FOR SALE—Pure clover honey, Sc. per lb. Hubert Heywood Elim vi lie. NOTICE TO PUBUO Having! been appointed .by Thames Road Farmers’ Club Cattle Shipper, anyone having cattle to ship, please notify me, not neces­ sary to be club members.—Benson Williams, phone 44-9, Kirkton. the as ‘TO RENT—1% storey brick house situate on the north side of Gidl.ey Street. For further particular’s ap­ ply to CARLING & MORLEY or to P. GREB, R. R. Zurich 4-30-2tp. SIMON ber left No. on, SALE—I still have a hum- pure-bred Hereford calves quick sale; also some good -J. Hir-tzel, R. l, Credit- 4-30-2tp. FOR of fOT 1 hay.- phone 66r3. FOR SALE—Big carriage horse for sale icheai) or will exchange for a small pacer. H. Bierliiig, Hay P.O. FOR SALE—1927 Essex Coach in first-class running order. A'pply to Box 280B, Exeter 4-30-2tc JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH QF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R, Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a,m,—“The Ascending Lord.” p.m.—Sunday School ■p.m.—“The Passion Play” The story of that greatest of all religious dramas told, by one who has seep it. Mr. J. F. Maine, of London, will tell the story illustrat­ ed by slides thrown on a screen. Don’t miss this service. 7 11 MAIN ST* UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m,—“The Messagje to the Church at Philadelphia” 3 p.m.—Church School 7 p.m.—“There is Life for a Look” Thursday at 8 p.m.—Prayei’ Service The Young- People’s Anniversary has been postponed from the 3rd to the 10 th of May. The Men’s Union will meet We'd- nesday evening, May 6th at 8 p.m. sharp. # Moderate' , Mr. and Mrs. Gordan Peacock, Mr. Hockey,1 Ale.x Crockett and friend, all of ' Prospect Hill, visited at the home . ( ■< of .Mrs. David Russell Sr., ’ Sunday’ Fertilizer for all crops. Get your , last­ flower fertilizer at Traquair .& Lin-; '..Margaret, the infant daughter of denfields or G. a. Hawkins,-r-Nel- ” * “'■ ' ” - - son -Stanlake. . WANTED—A few head of cattle, for the .season, to run with my own cattle. Ed. , Broderick, Exeter, phone 83rl3, Hensall. * Think! i PHONE 81w < EXETER, ONT* Smashing reductions-for the next six days , • Everything must go Come looking for real bargains 3 EDISON DISC RECORDS FOR $1.00 .3 NEEDLE RECORDS FOR? $1.00 AND HUNDREDS OF LIKfc SAV­ INGS EVERY DAY AT POWELL’S BIG SALE. ig nicely and is expect- this week. FURNISHINGS Curtains & Curtain Nets i] You will be needing some of these materials now that house cleaning time is here. We are showing many new patterns and materials all at lower prices. SUN-FAST CURTAIN MATERIALS For side curtains. We offer some new materials in plain shad.es and mixed color­ ings at a yard, 50c, $1.00 $1.25 . PURE LINEN BLINDS Perhaps you are in need' pf new blirids. If your old rollers are all right we can sup­ ply you with any color with lace&or fringe. Priced according to size. Wallpapers! Wallpapers! Brighten up the interior of your home. The new Sunfast papers are inexpensive. We are showing some good colorings and patterns at per roll 25c., 30c., 35c. to 50c. 5 DOZEN BEDROOM CURTAINS 2 1-4 yards long. A good quality cur­ tain for this low price and trimmed with green, gold, pink or blue frilled edge SPECIAL AT PER PAIR 69c. FRILLED CURTAINS ' Beautiful , frilled curtains for bedrooms in fine quality scrim with scalloped borders in green, blue, rose and gold AT PER PAIR $1.50 . Axminster Rugs at Low Prices We are showing the newest patterns that have been produc­ ed for this season. Sixe 27 in. x 54 in. $4.00, 9 ft. x 10 1-2 ft. $39.50, 9 ft. x 9 ft. $35.00, 9 ft. x 12 ft. $42.50. 10 DOZEN GREEN BLINDS 37 inches by 72 inches. These are se­ conds but you. can hardly tell them from first quality WHILE THEY LAST EACH 75c. CURTAIN RODS For doors, bedrooms, kitchens, etc. We offer a neat extensionrcurtain rod ' TO RETAIL AT 10c., 15c. and 25c. Linoleums and Congoleijm Rugs We carry a large slock of the best selling patterns. The rew designs and colourings are* very pleasing.' Bring in the size of the room and get our prices. , TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L, Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFauI Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlciniss 4th Sunday after Easter ■ . a.m.—Morning Prayer and Hf0,ly Communion. Subject: “The Gifts of God” p.m.—Sunday School and Confirm­ ation Class, p.m.—Evensong Subject: “The Storm” 11 n U 7 Thursday, April 30th, Confirma-. tion Class at the Rectory at, 8 p.m.Southcott Bros NEW SPRING HATS A WONDERFUL DISPLAY $2.75 <leal- York and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle, of Us- 4-23-3tc.i borne, who was seriously ill with pleuro-pneumonia, [s making a splen­ did recovery. Hfrs, Prang, of Stratford, sister of Mrs. Samuel Preszcator, of town, suffered, a paralytic stroke on’Sun­ day and at present she is in a crit­ ical condition, Mr. James Brintnell is- puttdng a verandah and othenwise 'enlarging the •’ front room of one of his houses on Ann St., which will make quite an. improvement. On Thursday evening ofi this week Mr. Tiros. Pryde, D.D.G.M., of sonic District South Huron, will his- official visit to dfaig’JjQdige sa‘Craig..’* ;■ ' Mr., and Mrs. Morley Wilson t^ib*' children, of Dresden, motored over, attd spent Wednesday and Thursday vwith Mrs. -Walker on Gidley Street,. . . .. . Mr.. M. R. Complin, manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, has been indisposed, at his home for the past veek suffering frorm' -the effects of the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Shaw, Mrs^F. J, Gillies, Maxi lie i Bob and Jo-ffi^of London and. Miss Nora Richards, of Toronto, motored up, aftd spent a few hours with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Harvey on Sunday. ■ ‘ ; Mr. James Morley was taken ill While on his- way to his office Satur­ day morning/and. was removed to Dr, Fletcher’s ^Hospital* He'was able, to return, to his home on Sunday and) is around, agalu as usual, ' Mr, Earl Tapp, we has completed, his first year at Pharmafcy in To* Tontib, is visiting for a couple of Weeks at his home here, He Ck* pacts to return to Toronto to resume his. old position in a ■drugstore. and Mrs, J. Fpittroy# of Lon* don| spent" the week-end with the tatteFs father/ Mr. and Mts. W. D. Sanders. Mf. and Mrs" Pomroy ex­ pect to leave the 4th of May for a j trip to the Pacific coast and possibly to cailforuia. »tfn WARNING—All owners' of dogs who'have not paid their dog tax1 must do so before May 1st or sum-; moils will be issued and extra costs; Imposed, Rd. Hunter, Assessor. Anyone wanting cattle pasture for season apply to Fred A. Elleriiigton, Exeter. Prices reduced this year. ' FOR RENT-—100 /acres grass pas^ wture. Apply W. H. Penhale, phone 193 Exeter ., BOARDERS WANTED--Can ac­ commodate two or three young meh Mrs. E. Taylor, Andrew Street.. • : NOTICE TO DRAIN CONTRACTORS, Tenders will be received, by. tlie; undersigned up to 3 p.m., May 2nd, 1931, for the Repair of Branch B; of the Elimville Drain in Vsborne. Township requiring the removal of- 2180 cubic yards open work. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Flans and specifications can be seen at the office of John Roger, 0. L. S-, Mitchell or the. Clerk’s Office, Usborne. 4"'i6-3tc Henry Strang, Clerk, Usborne, R. R. 1, Hensall .EARS! FOR MNT—75 acres pas- tore farm in Stephen township, Pro­ perty of Mrs, Geo, Snell, Exeter* 7 ., ’ TRACTOR PLOWING ANO DISC­ ING—-^Distance no object for reason-, able amount of work.-*—wm. Brad* sliaw, Elimville. 4*2--tfn. Place your order with J. S. Dig- nan & Sort tor invincible Wire Rene* Ing and gates, Bring your harrow In early. 2-19-tfc. It you wish to buy or sell a farm' or house see R. & Pickard, Exeter, been Ma- pay Ail- and Mr. Thos. Bissett spent Sunday in London. Mrs. T. G. Creech and family spent Sunday in London. Mrs. Paul Coates is confined to her bed through illness. Dr. Wm. Abbott, of Seattle, Wash., is visiting his nephew ' Mr. W. F. Abbott this week. Mrs. "W. E. Winer returned horn,? Sunday after visiting her daughters at the home of Dr. and Mrs. O. G- Truemner, Strathroy. Messrs. W. J. Beer and E. Russell are in Toronto attending a, conven­ tion of DeForest-Crosley radio ers being held at the Royal hotel. ’Mr. Ed. Heideman, who has ill for some time 'continues in a crit­ ical condition. Members o.f the family have visited -.him during thp week'. '■ Mr. Latimer Grieve, who conducts'] a drugstore at Grand Bend during, the summer, had season last year intends enlarging also purchased a leading to the lake and is making preparations- f-pr the installation of a miniature golf course. ■ Mr. and MTs. Mervin Camin, oif Bridgeburg called on friends in Exe­ ter on Monday on their way home after visiting with relatives in Blyt'hV Mrs-. Camm is a licensed airplane pit­ lot and both Mr. and Mrs. Camm ett-.; joy flying. The former’-s parents) Mr. and Mi's. Albert Camm, of St,- Catherines, formerly of Exeter are enjoying good health. .. Miss Winnifrbd Huston returned home Saturday after visting for d. month with her brother, Mr. Harry Huston, of New York. She was al­ so the guest of Mr, and Mrs, c. R, Howard while there. Miss Huston enjoyed immensely* her stay in the great metropolitan city visiting many of the points of interest both withlii the city and, the nearby placed A severe snow storm visited this, Section on Sunday and almost assum­ ed the proportions of a blizzard in? the evening, The ground was blank*; eted with a covering of snow» The* wet snow weighted down the trees almost to’ a breaking point and hy* dfo and telephone lines were cover-; ed but fortunately the frost was light pbd very little damage was,: done, The hydro power was cat Of/ twice during the even Ing,' Highway No, 4 between Centralia and Hensall was blocked In several places during; the night making it impossible for cars to get th rough early Mnnday niorning. They were opened up laU er in the day. Considerable .moisture has fallen and water is lying In; many of the fields. Powell’s Big Sale COME IN EVERY DAY up 'a very successful abd “this year he the store. He has lot on , the street Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Sanders and son Aljoe spent Sunday in London. Miss B. Andrew, who recently underwent an operation for append­ icitis in Victoria Hospital, London, is getting along ed home J. Cornish, of St. Thomas, week called to the bedside Mr. J. was last of his father Mr, John Cornish of town, who has been seriously ill. Mr. Cornish returned to his home on Tuesday, liis father, we are pleased to say, is somewhat improved. 1.... Do You Know ■ ‘‘While the financial responsibil­ ity law with its accident reporting, provision only has been in effect since September 1, 1930, you may be surprised to know that already 1,031 pefs-oifs have brought themselves under its provisions and have had their licenses to drive and permits’ for their vehicles suspended. Of these 855. have apparently exiper- fenced difficulty in securing insur­ ance or the necessary bond or secur­ ities to relieve the suspension and they are still off the road.”1 •Then why take the chance when you can bd* protected for $15.oo for 12 long months by one of our com* patties. We make all small adjustments Ottr own office. * . * >' : We specialise in truck Insurance. W. R. Goulding DOROTHY E. GR/?SSICK (Honor Piano, Studio A. L.C. M. : Graduate ) London, < England Instruction in . Violin, Harmony, Theory N- Albert Street. Box 1«G EXETER, ONTARIO » Plano * Suitervfsdr of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 57', Phone 193 EXETER, ONT A. T. C, M* . . Organist and Choirmaster James St. Uiiited Church Instruction In ' Vocal . Organ’ Theory Hogarth Hatchery 1 WE HAVE A CONTEST ON THIS YEAR $15.00 first prize; $10.0,0 second prize; one hundred of Purity Fldur third prize ' Ask for information and entry form when you buy feed or chicks B. M. FRANCIS , “The insiitdftce Mari’* Officer Mttiii Street, Exeter Phones: Office 44 Bes» 1^- We have for sale in baby chicks: Barred Rocks,«White Wyandottes, Minorca*, White Leghorns, Jersey Black Giants* Place your order in advance if yetido not want to be disap­ pointed. April orders are edming in fast. Custom hatching 4c. per egg. JPhone us aWreserve spate if yeti desire kame* Pieueer ^(startet)', $3.25. Chick Feed $2.50; Cod ONTARIO ieWdit; Oyster Shell $1.35 per cwt; Gr^ ^*UW4 -IAKIU "olid Buttermilk; Buttermillc Pow- 11; Charcoal and Lay Mash. .................... ... , z....................... ■ . . . ... . T ,< II