The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-04-02, Page 8XHVRSDAYi APRIL gnd, 1031 HONORED BEFORE LEAVING ENETER- 5555SH* On Fxiday evening of last week about one hundred neighbors and friends gathered as a surprise at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Yule to spend a pleasant evening prior to the departure of Mr. Yule for Lon­ don where he has taken a position with the Coleman Packing Co, Dur­ ing the course of the evening Mr. and Mrs. Yule were presented with a beautiful mantle clock and Miss Marybelle Yule was also remember- Cards and dancing were enjoy- served. job on daugh* ed. ed and refreshments were Mr. Yule took over his new Monday and Mrs, Yule and ter will follow later, ATTENDED funeral Among those who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Edwin Dyer, Whose remains were brought to Ex­ eter from Brantford on Wednesday of last week were; Mrs. Edith Wal­ ter; Mr. William Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vanstone, Mrs. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. E. Matthews and son Al­ bert, all of Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. Graydon, of Hamilton; Mr. Fitzger­ ald and son Lome, of -London; Mr. Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac -Statham and two sons, of Strathroy; Mi’, and Mrs. Geo. Clipson, of Ingersoll; Mr, and Mrs. Frank Irwin and son Grant of Putman; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walk­ er and daughter Helen, of Staffa. They were guests at the lwme Daniel Davis, who deceased. Mr, and Mrs. a sister of the CANON REV. > of is D. W. COLLINS IN ACCIDENT Exeter Markets Wheat 65c. Oats 30c. Barley, 30c. Bran $1.15 Shorts $1.10; $20.00 a ton Low Grade Flour $1.2$ Welcome Flour $2.40. Model Flour $2.60 Manitoba Flour $2.70 Creamery Butter, 36c. Dairy Butter 27 and 28c. Eggs, extras 17 c. Eggs, firsts 14c, • Eggs, seconds lie. *—v Jiocals COOKING SALE—Saturday after­ noon beginning at three o’clock at Grigg’s Stationery Store by the Ladies* Guild of Trivitt Memorial Church. Mr. Alvin Brintnell is confined to his home through illness. Mr. Gerald Skinner who has been ill with the flu is improving nicely. Mrs. John Luther, of Grand Bend, spent a few days with her -daughter Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gettner. M’rs. AV. T. Goodison an‘d daught­ er Marjorie, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. AV. W, Taman. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson ily, of Goderich, visited former’s sister, Mrs. Eliza Sunday. Mrs. N. S. Eaton has and fam- with the Willis on Exeter friends will regret to learn of the- ’serious accient which befell Rev. Canon D. W. Collins of Sarnia, a former rector of the- Trivitt Mem­ orial Church, on Thursday evening when his car was mixed up in an ac­ cident on Cromwell Street, Sarnia. Reports say that he was cut about the face and head and badly shaken, and was resting easily at the Gener­ al Hospital. returned home after visiting for a few days at Burks’ Falls with her mother, has been ill. Friday will be Good Friday a public holiday. The schools close Thursday for the East'ei’ ation re-opening on the 13tli. Mr. and Mrs. James Jewell re­ turned to Exeter last -week after spending the winter with’ their*chil­ dren at Mt. Brydges and London. Mr. A. J. Pearson and daughters Mrs. Boney and Mrs. Armstrong, of London, s-pent a day last week with 'Miss Taylor and Mr. C. T. Brooks. Miss Ida Blatchford, R. N., retu.rn- i ed to Detroit on Friday having been who and will vac- Flowers for Easter fer Mrs. W. R. GOULDINGDIEDIN LONDON few days with her sis-1 Prebble in Ilderton. Mr. Robt, Horney, of London, vis-1 ited in town on Tuesday. Miss Agnes Hamilton is visiting for a S. R. “j'Powell’s Variety Store RECORD BARGAINS Edison Disc Records Songs, dance music and comic num­ bers while they last 3 for $1.00. We must sell them. Cylinder Records ............... 10c., each 3 INSTRUMENTS AT BARGAIN PRICES Wo repair phonographs THE EXETER TIMEJi-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, M. A, Minister e Miss Rena Coates, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—“The Immortal Life” 7 pan.—“The power of the Resur­ rection” Easter music and messages Mid-week service as usual. JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.'M, Organist and Choir-Leader Special Good Friday and Easter Services 11 a.m.—--“In the Second Garden.” An Easter message. The Sacrament of the Lord’s.Sup­ per will be -observed. Let every member try and be present. 3 7 p.m.-—Sunday School p.m.—An Easter Cantata. “From Olivet to Calvary’’ by Maunders will be given by the choir. Don't fail to heai; this. NOTE.—A special Good Friday Service will be held Friday evening at S o’clock. The pastor will preach subject: “Who Crucified' Christ’’ af­ ter which a Reception -Service fpr new members will be held. The ses­ sion will meet at 7.3 0 to receive the candidates. MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Eyelyn Huston Organist "and Choir-Leader 11 DRESS UP FOR EASTER New Dresses and Coats We are showing a fine new range of dresses and coats for Easter, New Styles, New materials, Lower- Prices NEW FULL-FASHIONED SILK HOSE Ip the season’s newest shades, A fine quality, full-fashioned, silk hose' thatiis ex­ tra value at per pair $1.00 NEW GLOVES IN SILK AND KID We are showing some new styles in the popular slip-ons. PRICED AT $1.00 TO $2.75 Murray and Empress Shoes for Women For those tired aching feet. They have the appearance as well as give you the comfort. It pays to buy good shoes. These heel hugger shoes come in widths A A A, A A, A,B & C NEW COLLAR AND CUFF SETS Just a'new shipment in some very smart styles/in fine net effects. PRICED AT 50c. to $1.25 SILK VESTS AND BLOOMERS This is a real special. They will go out quickly at the low price. VESTS 50c. BLOOMERS 59c. Smart Clothing for Men The materials for this Season are much better than last season’s and the prices are considerably lower. We are show­ ing the newest cloths which are very smartly tailored: $15.00, $20.00, $22.00 to $27.50 BILTMORE HATS FOR MEN Look at you,r hat, every one else does. We are showing the new shapes. Prices are lower and quality better. $3.95 . ARROW AND FORSYTHE SHIRTS It pays to buy shirts you know will wear well and are fast colors. We are showing a fine new range with separate or attached collars $1.50 $1.95 $2.50 NEW NECKWEAR Showing the new colors to be worn with the new shirts in green, blue, brown and mauve EACH $1.00 MEN’S OXFORDS Men’s - Black Calf Oxfords. You will want a pair for Easter. We are showing some good valdes at $5.00 and $6.00 . a.m.—Our Easter Service. Reception service for members Communion Service pan,—The church .school are hav­ ing a special Easter program pan.—The service will open with a song service of old familiar 'hymns. The ladies’ orchestra will assist with favorite numbers. Rev. D. Moir, of Hamilton, will assist at all services. , We welcome all our visitors and home-coming friends at these ser­ vices. 3 7 DROWNED AT GODERICH Two young men of Goderich, Wil­ liam Mallough, aged 21 and Leonard( McDonald, aged 17, were drowned called home owing to the death of her mother Mrs. Francis Blatchford. The Exeter . Lumber Company ( have been renovating and fixing over the interior of the planing mill and are brightening it up with a coat of whitewash. M’rs. Geo. Geddes-, of London, has returned to her home after visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Snell. Her little granddaughter, Jean -Snell returned with her on' a visit. A" splendid shower of rain visited this section cn Saturday. Most, of 'tho snow disappeared. On Sunday the ground was again covered with snow which lasted only a few days. Mr. and Mrs. W~ C. Pearbe were in St. Thomas- on Wednesday of last week attending the funeral >of a cousin of Mr. Pearce, Miss Isabelle Waters. Intermeht took place at Fingal. Mr. Ted Tam’an returned to Exe­ ter last week after visiting for sev­ eral days in Toronto. He left Sun­ day for Forest having- been, ferred t-o that branch of the dian Bank of Commerce. The 'run of sap for maple syrup has been fairly good this season and considerable (syrup has been offered at the stores. The price this year is slightly lower, the better grades -selling around $2.00 a /gallon. A very jolly birthday party Master Geo. Doerr, six-year-old of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Doerr, given at their home Saturday after-! noon when ’ a number of boys and] girls were pleasantly entertained. | In our report last week of the death of Mr. A. J. Holloway, of Clin­ ton, brother of Mrs. R. N. Rowe, of Exeter, it- was stated that lie was in his 7 6th year whereas- it should have read he was in his. 67th year. Mr. H. G. Steinberg, of the Cana-1 dian Bank of Commerce staff, who' came to Exeter from New Hamburg- a few months ago, has- been trans-' ferred to the Welland branch .leav- j ing for his new position on Satur­ day. The Exeter High School will hold ( address was filled with humor, their Commencement exercises in the school on Thursday afternoon of this week when the medals, schol­ arships and graduation diplomas awarded at the June 'examinations will be presented. The Young People’s (Society of ion season it is about the best'time Caven -church were treated to an of the year to visit that city, interesting evening with lantern] Mrs. Richard Welsh returned on Mo.1V' Tuesday from Hamilton where she ... — gpent the Jaat &<x weeks owing to ....................- ..............r, Mrs. F. A. Brimacombe, who has been seriously ill in the hospital there following an operation. Mrs. Brimacombe has The nsuaj March recovered sufficiently to be removed to her 'home and is improving slow­ ly. The services in the Main St. Unit* on Sunday when the row boat from which they we.\e lifting their fishing nets capsized in a heavy sea. Both are members of well-known Gode­ rich families. For a considerable time they clung to their upturned boat while a valiant effort was made to rescue them but they were forced to give up and .sink to a watery grave. So far the bodies have not been recovered. FOR SALE—Two colony houses, complete with stoves. R. E. will, Exeter Baik- ltp. DISC-TR ACTOR PLOWING AND ING—-Distance no object for reason­ able amount of work.—Wm. Brad­ shaw, Elimville. 4-2-tfn. TO RENT'—-IS storey brick house situate on the north side of Gidley Street. For further . particulars ap­ ply to CARLING & MORLEY or to SIMON P. GREB, R. R. Zurich 4-2-2tc. FOR SALE—Seed barley, to Hedley May, telephone 1751'5. Pea factory Canners. Apply Exeter at theseed now available- for contractors.—Canadian ltc. FOUND—Crank for an old style Chevrolet. Apply at Times-Advo- cate. SALE—A commodious brick on the west side of Main Village of Exeter, frame FOR cottage Street, stable, good orchard, about one acre of land; also a frame house on the east side of AVilliam .Street and % acre of land. For further particu­ lars apply to Carling & Morley, So­ licitors, Exeter, Ont. 3-25-3tc FOR SALE—8 young Shorthorn Bulls about one year old and up; al­ so a quantity of White Blossom Sweet Clover. Apply to Wililam II. Morlock, Crediton, R. R. No. 2 3-26-4tp The regular meeting of the Exe­ ter Branch of the Canadian Legion will be held in the Club Rooms at 8 p.m., Thursday, April 2nd. This is -the Annual Meeting and Election of Officers and every member is re­ quested to be present. Comrade Harry Wray, Zone Representative, will address the meeting in the in­ terests of a Province-Wide Member­ ship Campaign. All former mem­ bers of the C. E. F, are especially in­ vited to attend.—M. W. Pfaff, Sec’y. “FOR SALK—Colossal white man­ gel -seed, government test 100 per cent germination. Wm. Brickwood, Hay P. 0. 3-19-3tp. Place your order with J. S. Dig- nan & Son for Invincible Wire Fenc­ ing and gates. Bring your harrows in early. MD-tfc. if yon wish to buy or sell a farm or house see R. E. Pickard* Exeter. POULTRY WANTED We are in the market for all kinds of poultry paying the highest prices. Trucks will call, Phone 30, Dash­ wood, Anderson* i trans- Cana- f oi- son was TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th., ] Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Good Fvday p.m.-—Divine Service ' Subject: “The Seven Words From the Cross” . *' Easter Sunday 8.3 0 a.m.—Holy Communion 11 a.m.—Holy Communion a-nd mon Anthem—“Angels of Easter” by J. Lincoln Hall’ 7 p.m.—Evensong 8.15 p.m.—Holy Communion Anthem—“Songs of Victory” By Herbert Lacey Solo—(Special) Miss Gray, Lon­ don. •Subject all day: The Resurrection Sunday School at -three. S Ser-Easter Lilies, best grade, 25^. bloom Carnations, best ........... $2.00 dozen Daffodils, best ........... $1.00 dozen Sweet Peas ........-'75c. & $1.00 bunch LET US HAVE 'FOUR ORDER EARLY Mr. Leonard Pfaff and lady friend of London spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm: Pfaff. Sunday, April 5th, will be East­ er. Speciaj Easter services are. be­ ing planned for in * the various churches. Mrs. AV. D. Sanders returned home from Detroit Monday evening where she has been owing to the’ illness of her mother, Mrs. Wareing, who re­ cently underwent an operation in a Detroit hospital for inward goiter. Mrs. Wareing is getting along as ■ i well as can be expected. Mr. Thomas Pryde gave a very in­ teresting traveltalk on his recent trip to the British Isles at the Young People’s league in James -Sit, United church Monday evening. Mr. Pryde has an interesting way of telling of the many places he visited and his I Misses Mildred Rowe and Gert­ rude Francis are leaving Thursday for New York where they will spend several days on a 'conducted tour of that great Metropolitan city.I Easter being the centre of the fash- Mrs. Richard Welsh returned on day evening, The title- of the pic- i - - uies was Going In being scenes illness of her sister taken from the late war. March came in like a lamb and has gone out the same *way contrary to the old adage. ’ winds have not been in evidence. The Girl Guides which meets in the Trivitt Parish Hall under the, leadership>of Miss Marion Woods,™ church on Sunday last were con- have added the „BrownIes to their' ducted by Rev. Mr. Moir, of Ham- includes girls ■ OtOn* who preached two very splen- sermons. The congregation pleased to have tlieir pastor, C. J. Moorhouse present at the Mr, Moorhouse is'able to organization which lu^iuues gins > **•"' from seven to eleven years of age. ^id These will be under the direction'Of were Miss- Ruble Creech LOST— On Sunday evening near James Street church a ladies neck­ lace, ’consisting of a white chain with crystal and black bead also dtoju reward. Hinder leave at Tlmes-Advocatc, setting 'pieaac Rev, services, be around following his recent ill* ness. Mrs>. Edna Hearts sang a so­ lo at the morning service and Mrs. Hearts and Miss M. rollick sang a duett in the evening. The Men’s chorus also sang, A former resident of Exeter pass­ ed away in London on Monday in the person of Mrs. Dinah I-Iooper widow of the late Henry I-Iooper, in her 82nd year. The deceased had been ailiu-g for about three months. She was born in England her maiden name being Dinah Elston. She came to Canada with her parents at about four years of aige and settled in Exeter. As a young lady the de­ ceased taught school. She was unit­ ed in marriage with the Hooper who predeceased 1923. late Mr. her in At one time they lived on the property now occupied- by Har­ vey Bros. mill. They built and -oc­ cupied the- residence now owned by Mr. Thos; Pryde. While here tne deceased was a valued member of the Main St. Church and was- an ar­ dent temperance worker. At one time -she was county president of the W.C.T.U. -She is survived by two sons and one daughter, Edward G., Vancouver Ruth, London, held from the College Ave., afternoon -conducted by Brown, of Robinson United church the remains were brought to and a short .service was held lindertakinig parlors of Mr. Rowe, With interment in the cemetery. Miss Elston and Elston, of town are neico and lie- phew. Percy • C. and Miss Funeral service was family residence, 19? London, Wednesday Rev. Dr, Exeter at the R. N. Exeter Mr. JT. A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James ,St. United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Supervisor of Music in Studio, Main St. Box 57, EXETER, ONT Theorj Schools Phone 195 DOROTHY E. GRASSICK A. L. C. M. (Honor Graduate) London, England Instruction in Piano, Violin, Harmony, Theory Studio N. Albert Street. Box 166 EXETER, ONTARIO . Hogarth Hatchery WE HAVE A CONTEST ON THIS YEAR-- $15.00 first prize; $10.00 second prize; one hundred of Purity Flour third prize Ask for information And entry form when you buy feed or chicks - We have for sale in baby chicks: Barred Rocks, White Wyaridottes, Minorcas, White Leghorns, Jersey Black Giants. Place your order in advance if you do not want to he disap­ pointed. We ai e sold out till Match 30. April orders are coming in fast. Custom hatching 4c. per egg. Phone us and -reserve space if you desire same. Pioneer Chick Mash (starter) $3.25. Chick Feed $2.50; Cod Liver Oil $1.25 per gallon; Oyster Shell $1.35 per cwt.; Grit $1.25 per cwt.: Semi-Solid Buttermilk; Buttermilk Pow­ der; Alfalfa Meal; Bone Meal; Charcoal and Lay Mash. -