The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-03-26, Page 8the on cut and on the de- tlie Exeter Markets Wheat 65c. Oats 30e. Barley, 30c. Brun $1,15 Shorts $.1.10; $20.00 a ton Low Grade Flour $1.26 Welcome Flour §2-40 Model Flour $2.60 Manitoba Flour $2.70 Creamery Butter, 36c, Dairy Butter 26 and 27c. Eggs, extras 16c. Eggs, firts 15 e. Eggs, seconds 10c. ----Q—■ £ocals Cr——- Ladies and gents clothes, cleaned, repaired1 and pressed. Get your wor-In done in Exeter.-—W. Sangster T'MI KSDAY, MARCH 2Gth* 1020 W* CL MEDD WOULD LIMIT LIQUOR LICENSE Refusal of liquor permits to any person, pner the age wf 25 years was tuged in the legislature Thursday evening of last week by Mr. W. G. Medd* Progressive, south Huron, when he spoke in continuation of the budget debate. Mr. Medd. also would limit amount of liquor purchasable any individual permit would down the number of stores, would place greater emphasis temperance education in both primary and secondary schools, “How much of the present pression in Ontario is du© to drink bill?” Mi'. Medd wanted to know. “How much of the money due to grocers and other business m’en has gone into the coffers of the liquor manufacturer and to the cof­ fers of the Government?” Mi*. Medd insisted that the House should be given details as to the volume of business done by each I their regular meeting individual liquor store, and as to the volume of liquor consumed by of Mrs, E. Rowcliffe. the tourist traffic. 1 .. . “If this is a resectable business a good attendance is requested, then no locality should be ashamed i ■ of what it is doing, in conectionn | with it,” he argued. ‘ 1. . name of common sense shouldn’t ‘ the people know what is going on?”,hi^ The only good feature of the Liq-'zie, of Kintail. nor Control Act, he said, were its I restrictive and prohibitive clauses. I Mr. Medd supported the want of confidence amendments moved by S. C. Tweed, Liberal, Waterloo North. • He recalled, that Hon. J. D. Mon­ teith in the present debate had said: “This Government does, not under­ stand the meaning of the word ex­ travagance.” “It seems to me that this accounts for the Government’s unparalleled spending,” the South Huron mem-■ her observed. “It accounts for the hugest provincial debt in Ontario’s history. It accounts for that lack of rigid e'eonomy on the part of the Government, that the people of this’ province are looking for. Farmers, business men, all classes, have had to 'economize rigidly, but the Gov­ ernment continues to spend in an unprecedented manner.” He challenged the Government to practice rigid economy and live within its income instead of seeking new sources of taxation for revenue. At the same time, he insistd, there were some departments, such as • that of 'health, which were doing valuable work and which should not suffer by reason of retrench­ ment. Mr. Medd complained that agri­ culture, the basic industry of the nation, had to accept heavier loss-’ bringing home a new Oldsmobile for es than any other industry, and yet -Snell Bros, it was given no relief in the way of tariff concessions. “It has always been the case, that Detroit and spent the when agriculture suffers depression, I manufacturing is similiarly depress­ ed,” he gave warning. “If those re­ sponsible for the direction of nation­ al affairs would bring their first business should be to see that farm- ers ar© able to command better prices for their products.” The Women’s Institute- will hold on Monday, March 30 th at 8 o’clock at the home ~ “ '■'"i. A splendid program of travel talk will be given­ M'iss Grace Chambers is confined “Why in the'to her, home through illness, . Mrs. (Rev.) J. B. Rhodes is visit- ,g her mother, Mrs. M. C. McKen- , • ' Vi® Mr. and Mrs. E. Tuckey and little son, of London, visited their parents in town on Sunday. Mrs. G. A. Hawkins is ill with pneumonia at the home of her father Dr. J. W. Browning. Mrs, C. L. Wilson visited with Mr. and Mrs. H, Dayman, of Hen­ sail, on Thursday last. Mrs. I-I. F. McDonald, of Hollan­ dale, Wis., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Davis on Sunday. Miss Margaret Johns, of Victoria Hospital, London, is spending her holidays at her home here. Mrs. O. M. Skelton returned to Exeter on Friday last after spend­ ing the- winter in the States. Mr. Tlios. Harton, of London, has been visiting for several days with relatives in this community. A car load motored to Windsor Tuesday to bring back four new Ford cars .for Mr. Sandy Elliot. Mr. -Stewart Moorhouse, of Toron­ to, spent the week-end with his par­ ents at the Main St. pasonage. Mr. John Trevethick and son Jack, ot Brinsley, visited with MT. and Mrs. M, Amy on Friday last. Mr. Gordon Hunter was in Oshawa the forepart of the week FOR SALE—A. commodious brick • cottage on the west side of Main Street, Village of Exeter, frame stable, good orchard, about one acre of land; also a frame house on the east side of William Street and % acre of land. For further particu­ lars apply to Carling & Morley, So­ licitors, Exeter, Ont. 3-25-3 tc FOR SALE—S young Shorthorn Bulls about one year old and up; al­ so a quantity of White Blossom Sweet Clover. Apply to Wililam H. Morloek, Crediton, R. R, No. 2 3-26-4tp SEED OATS FOR SALE—A limit­ ed quantity each of Banner and O. A. -C. 144, well cleaned, guaranteed free from wild oats, test 40,’ price ■50c a bushel.—Irving C. Stahl, Cre­ diton; phone 36 r 23. Itp . FOR SALE—One verandah 6 ft. 6in, wide by 14 feet long; good as new. W. A. Balkwill. Itp The regular meeting of the Exe­ ter Branch of the Canadian Legion will be held in the Club Rooms at , 8 p.m., Thursday, April 2nd. This is the Annual Meeting and Election of Officers and every memlTer is re­ quested to be present. Comrade Harry Wray, Zone- Representative, will address the meeting in the- in­ terests of a Province-Wide Member­ ship Campaign. All former mem­ bers of the C. E. F. are especially in­ vited to attend.—-M. W. Pfaff, Sec’y. THE EXETER T1ME1-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. d, Bernardi Rhodes, A. Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.CtM,, Organist 10 a.m,—Sunday School 11 a.m.—‘The Finality of the Cross’ 'A Matter of Taste” JU a r 7 pan Thursday evening at 8 p’clock the mid-week service in the1 church. » JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavIshi Pastor W, R. Gould^ng, A.T.C.’M, Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—“On the Cross.” 4th in the series of Lenten Messages, p.m.—Special Catechumen Class. Our last meeting. Cards of De­ cision to be gathered in. p.m.-r-‘The Challenge of the Cross’ A beautiful pageant presented- by members ot the Mission Circle* Come see and hear this wonderful mes­ sage in pantomine am} song. 11 3 7 MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn' Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a. m.—Rev. David Moir, of Ham­ ilton. p.m.—Our church school. p. m,—Rev. D Moir Prayer service withdrawn Thurs­ day evening. « 11 3 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. ,E. L. Vivian, L. Th. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middleiniss Really Men, These Clothes are wonderful value for the money. They are made to your measure, must fit well or we do not want you to accept them. We can show you a splendid range of the newest patterns for Easter. Order your suit to-day nSILK BLOOMERS 3 dozen only Silk Bloomers in maize, nile, while, orchid and peach. This is an extra special at per pair 59c. 300 YARDS OF PRINTS These are mill ends and range in length from 1 to 4 yards. Some are worth 35c. a yard. You will do well to secure some of these at PER YARD 20c. NEW CHINTZ 5 only new patterns splendid for Com­ forters, Curtains and Draperies* Good col­ ors and patterns PER YARD 25c. TWO YARD WIDE SHEETING Ypu will need some of this now and bleach it during the frosty weather. The lowest price we have had in years VERY SPECIAL AT PER YARD 45?. New Coats for Misses and Women New numbers are beirg added each week. The prices too are much lower than other years. We are showing some love­ ly numbers in tweeds that are very reasonably priced. Come in and look them over. BOYS’ ALL WOOL JERSEY SUITS . These are lovely little suits for boys for Spring. They are all wool and come in 2-3-4 year sizes PRICED AT $1.50 MEN’S ALL WOOL CHEVIOT COAT A nice fine weight, all wool Men’s Sweater Coats good for this season of the year. Sizes 36 to 44. GOOD VALUE AT EACH $2.50 Miner Rubber Boots Are all reduced in price,. Triumph, Ace High and Miner Invincibles. Every pair is guaranteed to give satisfactory wear. $3.75 and $4.25 New Prints These are mill ends mostly short ends of 1-2 yard to 2 yards* Splendid for quilt­ ing and children’s dresses. While they last, regular 25c. for 15c. palm Sunday a.m.-^Morning Prayer “The Man” ■Sunday School and Rector’s Bible Class p.m.—-Evensong and Litany •Subject: “The Holy City” 11 .Subject: p.m.-3 7 Get your suits and dresses also top coats and hats cleaned, for East­ er, C. L. Wilson, Agent. Mr. and Mrsw W. G. Stewart and little daughter motored over from week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. iStewart. Some very timely articles have been contributed to the Tiines-Advo- cate and appear in another column under the heading “By the Way.” These articles should be read with interest. Mrs. Dave Rowcliffe has been a 'patient at Dr. Fle-scher’s Hospital for several days following an oper­ ation for the She returned day. Mrs. P. G. Edwards, of London; Mr. H. L. Dav­ idson and daughter Carman, of West Virginia and Mr. A. J. David­ son, of Petosky, Mich., visited in j town on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Strobie and daugh­ ter spent the weekf-end visiting rela­ tives and friends in Guelph. Alex Stewart accompanied far as Stratford where he nephew who js quite ill, Mr. Wm. Yule, who has ployed as local drayman for Mr. W. T. Gillespie, has secured a position in London and will leave for that city the beginning of the week.. His wife and family will follow in a short time. Mr. J. G- Dow has been finding a ready market for horses in Mon­ treal and during the past few week's has shipped a number of car loads to that city. Some of shipped have been very mens of horse flesh. Rev. Jas. Anthony, of Road, conducted the services in the James St. United chjitch on Sunday preaching two splendid* The pastor, Rev. D. McTavisli, ducted special services for Mr. thony at Thames Road. Florence, daughter of Mr. Mrs. J, M. Southcott, was takieri removal of her tonsils, to her home on Tues- Edwards, Miss June Mr. them as visited a been em- PHILCO. RADIO—We have two machines that luave been slightly used as demonstrators. Big reduc­ tions. Long easy terms.—SANDY ELLIOT, Ford and Pliilco. FOR SALE--Colossal white man­ gel -seed, government test 100 per cent germination, Wm. Brickwood, Hay P. O. 3-19-3tp. Place your order with J. S* Dig- stan <& Son for invincible Wire Fenc­ ing and gates. Bring your harrows in early. 2-19-tfc. If you Wish to buy dr sell it farm Of house see ft. 13. Pickard, Exeter. POULTRY WANTED Wo are in the market for all kinds of poultry paying the highest prices. Trucks will call. Phone SO, Dash-* wood, 0. Anderson. Mr. W. T. Gillespie is confined 'to his home- through illness. [ Mr. and Mrs. J. Elston visited over the week-end with friends' in St Marys. Mr. John Taylor, of the Taylor Tire Shop.-.who has been ill at his home for several days has again re­ sumed his duties. Rev. C. J. Moorhouse,.of Main St. United church, who was in Montreal receiving hospital treatment return­ ed to his home on Thursday of last week and his many friends will be pleased to know that he is gaining in strength every day. Tuesday night he spent the best night he has had since his illness. Mr. and Mrs. Orby Nestle and Reta Elworthy, of Detroit, Miss Mary Elworthy, of Lon- spent the week-end with Mr. Mrs. Hy. Elworthy. Mr, El- ride on Flowers for Easter —-Lilies in Pots —Carnations —Tulips —Daffodils- —Sweet Peas -—Roses; Let us have your order early. Prices wilj be- lower Reduction Sale on all store merchandise •A ! WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR: HERE IS THE BIG NEWS! EXTRA PANTS WITH EVERY SUIT AT NO ADDITIONAL COST! One Day Only; Thursday, April 2nd the- horses fine speci- the Thames sermons, oon- An- Miss and don, and worthy enjoyed a motor Sunday this being the first time he has. been out since returning from the hospital in. London-. The service in Main Street United church on Sunday morning last whs conducted by Rev. Mr. Storey, a re­ turned missionary from South Amer­ ica. Mr. Storey delivered a very in­ teresting message telling of the con­ ditions ■ and the opportunities for missionary work in that great con­ tinent to the south. Mr. Storey took the service in Centralia church on Sunday evening and- Rev. Mr. Robb, of Centralia, occupied tile pulpit in Main street church. This was Mr. Robb’s first appearance in Main Street cliui'ch and his sermon, was greatly appreciated. On Tues­ day evening Mr. Sto're'y gave an il­ lustrated lecture in the church to an appreciative-, audience. There was a splendid turnout and the pic­ tures and lecture were instructive and entertaining. Powell’s Variety Store LAID TO REST UpSuits, Topcoats $24.00 aii • (Tailored to measure) Mr. M. R. Park, he'ad office representative and Style Authority will bei at my store on Thursday, April 2nd, one day only, and will personally measure every man ordering a suit or topcoa-C. He will also give you expert advice on choice of fabrics*, shades and styles. A “Clothes of Quality” suit at our regular price represents outstand­ ing value, with an extra pair of trousers at no additional cost it is an Opportunity you cannot afford to miss. Fit and satisfaction are positively guaranteed. Save money by taking advantage of this offer. Remember the date, Thursday, April 2nd. . ' The funeral of the late Mrs. Fran­ cis Blatchford was held on Friday last, the service being conducted by­ Rev. D. McTavisli assisted by Rev. | C. W. Hawke, of Clinton. Among! those from a distance who attended the funeral were: Dr. F. A. Blatch­ ford, Fort William; Mr. and Mrs. R, Linklater and family, Goderich; Mr. Harold Wood, Chatham; Miss Olive Wood, R. N., Toronto; Mr. John Cowan, Miss Ida Blatchford, R. N., Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Buchanan and son and daughter, Mrs. Alexander Buchanan and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jinks, Mr. and and Mrs. Miss Maud Blatchford, of Prospect Hill; Mrs. John Blatchford, Sheddon; Mr. Victor Blatchford, Simcoe; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Welsh, Miss Lcilla 'Vyelsh, Mrs. D, L. Thompson, all of Toron­ to; Mr. and Mrs. Charles I Hawke, Clinton; Mr. Wellington Blatchford and son, of London, The pall bear-- ers were Messrs. Roy Linklater, W. IL Wood, William..Bticlianan, Wil- Hard Buchanan-'and James. Smillie. Interment' took place in the Exeter cemptery, ---------------------------- ... .......................... '..... The now reduced premium rates combined with the dividends in the L'-M'-C, World’s Greatest Automobile Mutual, makes a saving of 35 to 45 per cent, on last year’s rates, on private ears.—-Ernest C. Harvey, in­ surance Office, -Main styeet. 1 Mrs. James Smillie, Mr. John Elder, all of Hensail; . W. TAMAN PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT. BROTHER DIES Mrs. R. N. Rowe received word Friday evening last of the death of her brother. Mr. A., J. Holloway, a well known and highly respected resident of Clinton, who passed away in his 76th year, The engagement is announced of Miss Sa-die Elizabeth Colling R. N., daughter of Mrs. Joseph Colling, of Ripley, to Mr, Calvert W. Finlay, son of Mr. John B. Finlay, of cardihe, the marriage to, takeup-lite© Saturday, Apr-jl 4th. Mf.ss..Colling, is a sister of Mrs. P* <SlcTavish, of Exeter. DOROTHY E* GRASSICK A. L. C. M. (Honor Graduate) London, England i Instruction in Piano, Violin, Harmony, Theory Studio N. Albert Street. Box IGO . EXETER, ONTARIO and . . - _____, __ __ sor- ......... ...... „ —, lously ill on Monday but at present,His health '.had been failing for a her condition is imp,-roving!. Miss I year or more-, but the news of hjs Brooks, R.N., is in attendance. Mrs,I death came as a distinct shock to his friends. He retired from blood-poisoning in her. business as a coal dealer about 1> I years ago. Tie was a popular mem­ ber of Clinton Lodge No. 84, A.F, & A. M., and had acted as a grand lodge officer, Mr. Holloway was a prominent Liberal attendant at -St. Church and was for many years a ’memlber of the choir. Surviving him are his widow, one i Siouthcott is just recovering from an mahy attack of right ankle. Mr. Earl and Miss Mossley, Ont. motored to Toronto last week-end to visit their brother Clifford, who underwent a very ser­ ious operation in -St. Michael’s Hos­ pital. • He is now getting along as well a*s can be expected. The Young People of James St.' son, Dodds Holloway, of Fleming, United church, presented their play "Paying the Fiddler” at Brinsley United church on Wednesday even­ ing of last week. There was a splen­ did turnout ami the play “was well received. Following the v presenting of the play the visitors were treat­ ed to refreshments by he Brinsley Young People* Hutchinson of Detroit, Gladys Hutchinson, of , and a regular Paul’s Anglican W. R. GOULDING Hogarth Hatchery WE HAVE A CONTEST ON THIS YEAR— $15*00 first prize; $10,00 second prize; one hundred df Purity Flour third prize Ask for information and entry form when you buy feed or chicks li Sask,, brother, Dr* W, Holloway, ’of Peterborough, and a sister, Mrs. R. bt, Rowe, of Exeter. The funeral is being held this Wednesday afternoon under Mason- is auspices from St. Paul’s Anglican church to Clinton cemetery and Mr. and Mrs, Rowe and family are in at- (tondance. A. T. O. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Plano Vocal s Organ Theory Supervisor of Mttsic in Schools Studio, Main St Box 57, phone 161 EXEtEHk ONT We have for sale in baby chicks: Barrod Rockfij White Wyandottes, Minorcas, White Leghorns, Jersey Black Giants. Place your order in advance if you do not want to be disap­ pointed. We are sold out till March 30* April orders are .coming in fast. Custom hatching 4c. per egg. Phene us and reserve space if you desire same. Pioneer Chick Mash (starter) $3.25. Chick Feed $2.50; Cod Liver Oil $1.25 per gallop; Oyster Shell $1*35 per cwt.; Grit $1*25 per cwt.; Semi-Solid Buttermilk; Buttermilk Pow­ der; Alfalfa Meal; Bone Meat; Charcoal arid Lay Mash. r i