The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-03-05, Page 71.4 4 0 NM' Saiada Orange Pekoe hois a most fascinating flavour ED": TORIAL • ORANGE PEKOE - sk BLEND A TVA. ',Fresh from the gardenst 183 • 47he Junciay .khool .Cesson By (WARMS G. THIMIGVIAL, MO. D. TEE GOOD SAMARITAN •SundaY, March 8,—Leite 1025-37 Golden Text Thou' shalt love thy neighbor as -thyself. (titv. i9 18,) . Can the law of 'God save 4ny man? dCall it a:sure life to a man? -When , a aawyer, tempting or testing the • Lord Jesus Christ, asked, "Master, what shall • do •to inherit eternal :Me?" He said onto 'him, "What is 'written in. the law? How readest lhou.?" The lawyer replied by quot- ing the heart of the ten cemmand- , :meats, and Christ's reply was: `Thou bast answered. •right; this do, and -thou shalt live." Yes, anyone wo IteePS the whole law of 'God is as- sured of life. • Bat has any man, .since Adam felt, 'been able of liimself to•keep the jaw • of God? This was the. lawyer's summary, commended by Christ: .4,Thou Shalt love the Lord thy God • with all thy heart, and withall thy ..s•oul, and with all thy strength, and . -with 'all thy mind; and thy neighbor thyself." Can..any one do all this „jtst by deciding to Far tfrom it! To love •God with one's whole heart', ..soul,• strength, and mind is, utterly, :33bopelessly irepoasible for the natur- %al man. 'TO. love his neighbor as lhimselt is equally impassible. "The law , is holy and. the commandment Ifoly, and just, and good," said Paul by inspiration •(Rom. 7:12). But Paul had to confeas that "the coin.- mandment, whfch was orialned to life, I found to be unto death" (7: 10:) Therefore " "what. the. laay could not do ht that it was weak •throngh the flesh. God sending His own Son in the likeness of sioful 'flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in • the flesh that the. righteousneskifl -the law :might he, fulfilled in • us" (Rom. 8: 4) , who receive Christ as Saviour and yield wholly to. Him. • But this lawyer, try.ing,..to justify Ifimself, went on 'questioning,' the The „Lord anawdied with the immor, tal parable of the good ,Sarnaritan, The peculiar beauty of the parable of, our Lord. Is, first, that they al- ways have an obvious meaning ap- parent •frorn the familiarity of their everY-day detaile, and front the les- sons and applications that are clear to all hearers; and also that hidden perhaps deep beneatli their obvious mealog, are other spiritu41 or dis- penaltional, lessona, impossible, for, ally hearer to understand apart fi•om the light of the Lord Himself or the Holy .Spirit. The parables were told. not only to teacli truth; but also to conceal truth. TO those who really trusted Christ, believed. •Hirn, and followed Him obediently, He said: "Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the Kiagdoin of God; but to others in parables; that see - Ing they night not see, and hear- ing they might not understand" Luke 8:10, The penalty for refusing to trust Christ, was unability to under- stand Him. The reward for trust- ing Himrwas..a greater understand- ing, of Ifle teachings. „To the lawyer's question as to who is 'One's neighbor, the Lord told of a certain man attackerl'and robbed by thieves, and left by the roadside half dead. He was in plain sight of the , passeirs-by; the first two of these ' mentioned are a priest and a Levite; bothaoc whom, when they saw him, "passed ,by Oh the 'other Aide." It was much easier to do that; it would have been ,decidedly awkward, and considerable cf a harden, to try to help the poor man. He was an en- tire stranger, anyway; what claim cauld he have on their time or Money or strength? They had other impor- tant duties and 'responsibilities, .The priest and the: Levite were, of course, of God's chosen and proud people, the Jews. Then a -Samaria cameoain& along the same' road, one of .thoSe whom the ..Jos sleR)113e(4. and with Whomthey had no' dealings. But when he., saw the poor .fellotar, Lord; "And who is my neighbor?" bruised and robbed,. his heart went . .0 1.1 t to him. He had more than sym- ' . ' apathy for him too; he. "went to him, and bound 'up his wounds, pouring :• ill oil and wiale, ad set him on his own „beast and brought him to an inn, and took care of him:" The next day he aetually told the innkeeper • to continue' oaring for him, and-pro- -mised to repay whatever he might ' .P• spend • on the. needy man, whilet at •• , , 5. „ a; : • .1z the sanie time he lett money with the keeper for this purpose. For 111 All Digestive a Troubles • The Stomach and • Liver Tonic • Price 75 cants PUTS AN END TO : Indigestion, Flatulence Biliousness,Heartburn Acidity, Stomach Flu •C,ram.p in -the Stomach Heat and Travel • • Sickness BROWNING'S DRUGSTORE • Exeter, Ontario, • USRORNE& RIME= 31"KTUAL PHIS INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar Ont. „President FRANK lkictroNNELL 1/ice-Pres. , ANGUS.1 SINCLAIR DIRECTORS , T..ALLISON, P5OBT. NORRIS, X/OW, WILLIAM BItOCIC. AGEXTS ESSERY, Centralia,. Agent for Usborne and Biddulph ./or.,Ivnp. HARRIS, MunAo, Agent or Hibert, Fullerton and Logan ' W. A. TURNBULL Secretary -Treasurer Box 205, Exeter, Ontario GI;ADaLIN STAXBUKE 1 . Solicitors, Exeter The Lord concludes the story with this ,direct word to the lawyer: "Which ,now of these three, pink- est 'thou', was neighbor unto him -that • Loll among thieves? And lie said,, He that showed mercy on him. Then' Jesus said unto him,sgo, and do like- wise," It was an unexpected turn. The lawyeehed asked: "And who is My n9ighbor?" The Lord asked, iustead, what sort of man proved himself to be a real neighbor. Not "Who is My neighbor?" but "To 'whom 'can be neighborly?" The answer .is plaint to the man in need whom- I can help. The, late, aliss Ada .1.Iabershon,k boOk on the Parables brings out. seine of the rich spiritual meanings. of this parable. "In the .parable of the good Samaritan, the incartation is tagain implied. The thieves had robbed and strippect the man travel- ling- from ,Jerusalem to Jericho Mom, the city of blessing to the city Or a cursdy, and wounded him, leav- ing him half dead, and he thus re- presents man's Condition since the Fall—helpless and dying. The priest and Levite 'pass by on the other side; they can do nothing' for him, any more than the law and ceremonies can avail to save a lost tinn er. . Re- ligion cannot help him; it is a Sa- viour he Maeda." TO tap )DU DON'T WATCH OUT A little slash, a little rain, A little• cold, a little pain; :chill. Po little l'hat's 'bout all we'll hear el you. re . -!!••••••••••4r,rm,r'-',1,er,,,s or not to tap is tlie :question,- * * * 'The cloaca hand never receiVa. _ A - * * Maainery give poor results once the power Is off, ..0 ok A stiff day In the sugar bush will put Own to any :old • .0 Prices- would dome down more- rapidly were less 4reflit asked for. Retail Merchants. frequently are between the ,devil and tile - deep sea, * # * 5 * Big Bill is again MeV' to be mayor of Chicago, 'Mere's' a reason; the.lnajority of 'Chicagoans voted that way. Chicago haa photographer' herself. •* * *•* a SO SAY GEN. ralsanco, BIM ASK lall.TCH IIRPRURN "Nothing gives me rnore'happiness than that I have never been drawn into political life.," •• IP , .0 # PI • • The banker says that now we've got the harness wired up that would be a good Idea to keep Dobbin ;going ifor the rest of the summer, Oats are plentiful and. gasoline is dear, • . • 0 0 so 11., • • Folk looking to the Old Age Pension todielp them out in dis- honest practices had better leek well to whatthey have done, The day of investigation may, be nearer than they dream, , a 5 AND WHAT ABOU:10, PAT! 0 • Bridget, after a semen by the Archhishrip on the beauties and joys of married life: "Ah, 'two a fine sermon his riv'rince is ai- ,terctellin' us; an.' I wish I knew at little about it as he, does,!"-' 5 * * 5 * * • According to R. G. Dun & 'Co. as reported an the New York Times, business conditions are not impl oving. rapidly in the "United States. Folks in Canada, and the United States..will do well to give a good deal o attention to Overhead. Foolish spending aids no one.• / • * * 5 5 . * 5 • Keen, indeed, is tbe race between Great Britain and the Unit- ed. States for the capture of the South American •Trade. The Prince of Waleswas sent down- to • that region to create the good will necessary for happy merchandising, The United States • is sending Lindebergh on a ,similiar mission:• * * * * * * JUST' SO: • i Riidyard Kipling, addressing a boys' school in England: "You niay have noticed there' is not much justice in our present world. There iskrather /less outside. 'This will save you all thestime, and trouble looking for it. Most injustice is not afflicted deliberateln but because people,do not take the trouble to think things out." • • . * 5 5 * * • Great Britain is having‘her difficultieswith her public finances • Her Chancellor' Snowden. promised his country a surplus of $10,- 000,000 and is winding up the:year with a deficit of 2150,000,0.00. The government of the United States is in the same boat as that of Great Britain. Both. nations have cultivated tastes and wedded themselves to business . practices that are very difficult to control So with the government ,so it is with The people. Easy borrowing a national curse as it is a curse :for the individual „Pay day . comes. • • * .. * • • TRUE:. WE WERE OXE OURSELF • Herbert Hoover,as a father rather than ad:President: "A bo - s complex of cells teeming with affection; filled with eariousity - as to every mortal thing; radiatingsunlight to all the -world; en - clawed with dynamic energy and the impelling desire •to take eXer- :cise on all occasions. He is a perpetual problem to hiS parents, and the wisdom in his upbringing consists -mors often the determin- ation of what to do with him next rather than in' what he shall do • when he goes out into, the cold world," • * * 5 5 1: 4' "JUST THE THING. • • This story of the .schOol cai.s in Northern Ontario makes geed., reading. It runs something like this; • It teems that the Department .of Education of the province ,--aheard 'that the Bolshevists and the -Communists were seating all sorts of nasty stuff in the minds Of the Non -Anglo Saxon popula- tion, of those remote regions. The Department resolved to *show the peOple who could not get to school in those lonesome places that the.people of this country are friendly to all folk who wish to help themselves and to be orderly. • Accordingly school cars were sent in where schoole could not well 'be 'established and all who wished to avail themselves of the opportunity were given the chance to aequire the rudiments of a goOd. education. This, was not all the folk in those cars -did, for they helped the lonely people y..hoin they met in any way that a friendly. soul :can help another who may be in need. trice 50c a box Could Scarcely Do Housework Was So Weak and Run Down Mrs. Edward. A, Allen, Bezanson, Alta„ writes:— "I would like to tell yott of the great benefit 1 have received front your Mdburrea Ileart and Nerve:Pills, "I was feeling very Much run down in health, arid was so weak 1 ould scarcely -do my tousework, iu fact, I would have to lie .downin the afternoon for an hour or to, X AIM your Pills itt the dr,t4 store and .took a box borne with nie,. and 1 was delighted. with my retteWed .strength. I have redoninletuled them, to a neighbor and feel sure they Will help her 00.11 - Sold at all drug' and 'general stores or Mailed direct on receipt of pried Tho Milburn Co., Ltd., , TOrootor Oat. • Well, the folk who were doing what they could to poison the minds of the. settlers were sent to the right about, Light conquer- ed. darkness. Information and kindness routed ignorance and hatred. The achool-ma.ster again proved himself the bulwark civilization. As the school -master is today, Ontario will' be 'twenty years froin, no*. • ilemirsateommiiiimalwatoim COLON DOES NOT EGOrun There is no diffelence in toed between eggs with light or dark yolks or brown or wkfte shells. The color of the egg shell is determined by the breed of the ehicken, while that of thevolk depnds upon the diet of the hen and,, in fresh eggs, re- flects a PetSible difference only in vitamin A. content which is likely to he higher in rileh,yellOw 'yolks. The color of the yolk depends on the feed which the hens- have had. Highly colored foods. such 48 green lettuce, cabbage, grass and. yelloW cern, produce, rich, yellow Yolks which ordain a great deal of yel- low piginent, Pale yolks are produe- ed by rations of Whita dere, Wheat, oats, barley, etc., and milk, all Of which contain little or no pigment, One is just' 148 nutritious es the other except that the light-colered yolk os- ually contains less vitalnin A, Egg yolks grow darker With age„ so that color alone IS net an indekt. to the 'content of "Mamie Eggs can be tested for freshness by ,cand- ling and Measuring the er cell which small at flrat and grOWS large* with age. REPOT S. 5, NO. 4, stRPREN The following is, the report et Sharon School, S.S. No, 4, Stephen, for the Month of ',February, Sr, TV—Joe Martene 72; 'Walter Weber 66. Jr. 1V—torothy Becker 8; Ger-. trade Amy 72; Aldene Eagleson 6• Dorothy Schroeder 64. • ',Sr, Morlock 79; Ruth Becker 721 Ralph Weber 61; Dor- Othy Aniy 60; Bertha Becker ,58' Kathleen Wilds 45. Jr. Schroeder 70. and class—Gerald Wein 76; Gor- don. Eagleson 71; Bernice Pahner 70; Henry Wilds 66; 'Mildred Mar - One 51; Donald Keetle 41. • 1St class—Wallace Becker 96; Keith Weber 77; Norma Schroeder • U; Verna Wein 47. •Sr, Pr,—Anthony Martene 84. •;Ir. Pr.—Shirley Schroeder. Margaret 1.14. McMaster, teather CLAR I1 UP NOV that sore throat, tOnallitiscatarrh, feign', hay colds, Whoopi'ng-cough, erwap, dough and tonsil troubles With BYbilla .Spahr's rentedy. Good results quickly,. Try it, Exeter and Herisall Druggists. 'How did you get breakfast so quickly?" "Why, I'm serving Shredded Wheat, of course. 1 just take the biscuits from the package and serve them with cream or milk; sometimes I add fresh or stewed fruits. If you'd like a hot breakfast I can prepare it in a jiffy: Shredded Wheat crisped in the oven while Iiheat some -milk to pour over it. Oh, I'm a blend of Shredded Wheat! It's ready cooked, ready to serve; and it's just as. delicious and nourishing for lunch as for breakfast." 'THE CANADIAN SHRGDDPD COMPANY, LTA WITH ALL THE BRAN Of THE WHOLE WHEAT grliaot �t Monnuerre •• CLINTON, •ONTARIO Offers you a, Practical Business Training that has made it possible for our scores of students to obtain and hold positions demandng a ,high standard of °Menu: COURSES Stenographic,• Commercial, Secretarial, General Office, Civil Service, Commercial Teachers Course and Special Courses arranged. a , You cannot attend a, better School. - WHY NOT ATTEND THIS? „ • „a' STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY TREE. or particulars • Ma A. Stone, • ' B. F. Ward, B.A. Com. Specialist, Vice-Prin., Principal , Phone 198 - /1•••••••11110.11.1111 1)1:413e-' et ec.1 r-rmS famous book contains ap-, proximately 200 economical re- cipes chosen from. 75:00 received , frern women in all parts of Canada.: It 'took many months to prepare,' and each recipe has been thoroughly I tested by a famous CanadladDietitian (name on request), who thoroughly endorses every recipe. --Send the cou- pon today -- enclose 10c in stamps. Or tOin to cover mailing. The CANADA STARCH CO. Limited • 1110141111hAl. Ask your grocer for ' 1 1•••••1. 0.14 raeOANAtias•raacii Limitcd, M.5fltrca send IV you* Recipe not& Onetime to tover,thaiiIng tbst. g!••