The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-03-05, Page 5V
AENS4 Till, QN3'.
oepbene 100 lgaiat Street
hfr. Thos. P;:lrimer spent Friday
3n Londo,a,
Mx', Albert Wliitesides, of Godericlb,.
yvas• in town, .or, Friday.
Miss Isabelle 'Meir is visiting for
Yew days. with ;friends in l xettm
Miss. Alice . Higgins spent the
+xveelf-end visiting friends at Exeter,
Miss ,beau' I3oaithron, of •Guelphr,
;'spent the week -end et her home
Mr. W. 1.7. Sanders, of Exeter,. was
41iz tonvn • Friday attending the .Seed
Mrs, Fred Boahtlhrou pleasantly en-
tertained the euchre clilb on Friday
Mts. Wait.. Cousin has returned
Berne after a weeks visit with frienda'
9n Kincardine.
• Mr, :Colin Ritchie'', the village as-
senor, is on his: rounds malting this
x.931 assessments,
Quite a ',timber from here attend -
fel the mauci,ueratle dance at Kipper,
.0 Friday night,
. •Miss, Doris Cha.Dman, of Palmer-
eaten is visiting tor a few days with
friends in town.
Mr. Frank Peart; and Miss Myrtle
Peart visited friends and relatives
Dublin last week.
Miss Dorothy Corbett visited over
the week -end with Miss Agnes Fair-.
bairn in Tuekersmith. ,
Mrs. Wm, Foster has been con-
fined to her hdine 'for the past two
weeks through illnese.
Master Harry Armstrong visited
over the weekend with his father
leer. Geo. Armstrong, of Hay..
' Mr. J. W. Good is iii Westminis-
>ter Hospital, London, receiving
:treatment from overseas• injuries.
The many friends of Mrs. Nathan
Peck will be sorry to hear .she is con-
fined to her home through illness.
Mrs. Jas. Ebby, of Collingwood,
,spent the week -end here visiting tier
arents Mr. and Mrs. W. J: ,Whi£e'
Spar'.ke has returned hoine
after spending some' months visiting
tits eons Neil and Archie in Detreit.
Mr. Milton, Johnson Irvin NeW
laiio, a former resident of Hensall
as renewing acquaintances in town.
Mr. Jas. Sangster is this week en-
gaged in painting and redecorating
the home of Post Master Sutherland.
Miss Myrtle Peart, .of Staffa, in-
tends spending a ,few weeks in town
I eeping house for her cousin Mr.
Frank Peart,
Mr. and • Mrs. T. Lindenfielcl, of
lz+on•don, spent the week -end visiting
with 'Mr. Lindenfield's mother Mrs.
Jacob Lindenfield. `
Mr, 1enry F.file is this week mov-
ing- the bar•ri he recently purchased
from Mr. Harry Howard down:to his
hand at Rogerville.• .
114r. and Mrs. C. ,Sieinan are this
*Week ''loving into the house on King
Street that they recently rented
tram Mr. John ,Stewart.
Mr. Keith iVieLean, 'of Seaforth,
Secretary of the South Duron Agri-
cultural Society was in town Thurs-
ttending tho Seed Show.
Misses. Mary and Emma Johnson
are having the intekor of their home
surely ,decorated.. The work is be-
ang done by. Mr, Jas. •t angster.
Mr. Harry Abbott has secured a
position with Kingsmills stare at
• 3.ond,on. Mr. and Mrs, Abbott will
move to London: about the first of
The regular monthly meeting of
the village council will be held on
Friday evening of this week, being
postponed on account 0.f the Chau -
aa aqua .
Firs. Jas. A. Bell was called to
'Toronto last week owing to the ser
.1011131 illness of her sot Elliott Bell
who is suffering !rem a• :serious at-
tack cf pneumonia. •
The pulpit in ins united Church
Thi Sunday last was occupied by ivir.
• Jolhnstou of Exeter owing to the
si>ess of Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, off •Ex-
•titer who exchanged pulpits
Mr. Allen McDonald, of Toronto,.
as•:spending a week at his home here,
recovering from a recent 'attack o•f
i;ghe flu. Allah is taking a course
au aviation at the Taranto Air fort.
Mr. J. R. McDonald, of the Lon -
idol" Road, spent a 'few days last
:week hi 'Toronto with Mrs, MoDon-
Alrl who is a patient at the Toronto
Meneral Hospital where she .is .ser-
iously 111.
M;r, Ed. Sheffer 'received' word
last week advising him of the death
eaf his brother Noah Sheffer, of Tor-
onto, (Mr•. Sheffer was 84 years of
gage and has been an invalid for a
•mummer of years.
The Canadian Ghatitaugba Play-
ers opened their series of conderts
'lore' on Saturday evening and are
;giving afternoon and evening con -,
until Wednesday evening. They.
,are playing to: large appreciative
'While Mr. Stone agent for
11-1e1V. T. Rawleigh 'Co. was making.
,na trip through the country last week
With his sleigh and oivtngito the bad,
,condition of the 'roads the. sleigh was•.
!upset •and rte was thrown out cutting,
sone, of his hands. badly.
Stirs, Sas. 13ontltron mot witliNa Sev-
ere accident at her home on Wed-
tesday 'last. Mrs. I3:anthron was
taking a bottle of acid 'down from
the shelf, the cork flew out and the
:contents strikng. her iii the face,.
WeieVereiy burning her face and arras.
The firm lot Both= .4 Drysdale
are this week celebrating their .20th
anniversary in business in Hausa,
Twenty years ago after` the big fire
which destroyed most .of the busi-
ness houses en the north, side ..of
King Street, JaMes D.ontbron and
Mark I ysclale organized the firm
off l3onth ion & prysdale Hardware,
Furniture and Uxidertekers, 13y
st'u'ng close to business the fire,
has prospered and now the business
1s one ,of the largest of its, kind in
The aaaival meeting of the Hen-
Sall Library Assooiatiou, was held in
the Town Hall, on Friday evening.
with Owen Geiger presiding. The
Treasurer's report showed the sum
of $1:57,57 spent for books during
1430, with a balance ad 3126,49. on
hand. There were 195 booles'added
during the year. Tne• Librarian re -
parted a circulation of 7.400 and a
membership of 450. Board members
for 193.1 are 14rs. Arnold, Mrs, J. W.
Peck, Mrs. A. W. B, Hemphill, Owen
Geiger, G Follicle,. G. W. Davis, Rey
McElrtur, . Librarian and !Secretary.
Treasurer Miss G, McNaughton.
*Ca Friday evening last when Mr.
Foster Pepper and This sister Miss
Grace Pepner were returning home
from the Babylon Line where Miss
Pepper is teaching school, their
horse got ,frightened while crossing
the road from one side to another,
owing to the poor sleighing, ran
away and upset the young couple
and made a dash for home, While
passing through Hensall it got' tree
from the cutter and ran back the
goad as far as the Sherritt farm,
when it ran ,into .a ear driven by Mr.
1VIat. Clark with suoh force that it
broke its neck and damaged the car.
IVIr, •and Mrs, Clark were badly shak-..
eu up, but escaeped serious •injury.
IThe horse was a, faun year old and
valuable and will be quite a loss. to
Mr. Pepper,
Bone Stuck in Throat
While .having dinner on Thursday
Mr. Harry Haward had the mister -
tune to get a piece of bone stuck in
This; throat, Dr. Moir was called and
failing to locate the trouble took him
to a London H'o'spital for an X -Ray
where the bone was removed from
his, throat. Mr. Howard will stay
in the hospital a few days until he
is fully :recovered. ,
Hensall Seed Show
The annual Seed show .put on by
the South Huron Agricultural So-
ciety was held here on Friday after-
noon. Sortie, 200 farmers taking in
the show. There was a splendid
showing of ,grains 'and . seeds; some
classes having as many as twelve
entries. After the judging was over
Dr. Campbell, 'President of the As-
sociation took the chair and atter a
short adress called on W. D. Sand-
ers, ol. Exeter for an address lair.
Sanders was.followed by Owen Geig-
er. Mr. H. B. Jeffs, •of Toronto who
was the judge of the seeds was then
Called on. Mr. Jeffs is a splendid
speaker and in a very entertaining
manner spoke .for an hour and a half
on seeds and weeds. He had photo-
graphs of the different kinds of
'weeds and told of the best Methods
to destroy them. 1Vri'. Jetts said that
owing to the splendid showing of
the seeds shown and the great num-
ber of exhibitors rn each class that
it was very difficult to make a de-
cision and that in .making his report
to the department .lie }would mention
the splendid quality 92 the grain and
seeds grown in the Hensall district.
Quite a number of questions vers
asked and: answered ^satisfactorily,
showing the deep interest of the
farmers in the problems.confronting
them. • At the close of Mr. lefts ad-
dress a vote of thanks was tendered
The following is the prize winners:
Tw8 bushels •of fall wheat -W. R.
Dougall, Wm. Tupper, H. C. Selden.
Two bushels Spring Wheat --John
Robinson, M. Traquair, H. Truemner.
1 bushel of Early Oats --Alex 13a -
champ., Earl Kinsman, H. Truemiler..
1. Bushel Late Oats --Allan Betties
W. R. Dodgall, John Ingram, John
1 lei: het 6 ''lowed Barley --Reward
Wright, John Robinson, Owen Geig-
er, John Ingram. •
Bushel of Field Peas --•Alex Buch-
anan, H. Truemner, Owen Geiger,
Bushels a Field Beans -john In-
gram, W. R. Dougall, H. Truemner.
' Timothy Seed -Alex Buchanan.
Red Clover Seed ---Owen Geiger,
H. Tx'uemrier.
Bushel Alfalfa Seeds--WSn, Alex-
ander; %I. C. Soldarl.
Bushel Btickwheitt-4Vn1, Alexin,.
der, M. Traquair, Harry Saldan,
Potatoes, bushel -W. 11. Dougall,
H. Truemner.
.Sweepstake Badge for the best
showing of grains and sods by one
e5chi;bitor, H. Truemner,
Owing to ,tile -weed menace to the
.fanners• today, it is a Wender the
more fanners• don't take advantage
of the Seed 'Show put oh by the S.
Huron Agricultural, ,Society.
Fr. Glavin„ of 'Watfor'd, called on
friends• hare on .Saturday,
Little Miss 1Vi"adellne Rowland who
hasbeen seriously 111 from an at-
tack of bronchitis, we are pleased
to say, is: improving under Dr. Tay-
ay1•or's treatments.
Miss. Gertie Mulligan Tett last week
far her. home it Dublin after spend-
ing several weeks with friends here.
Mr. Otto. Pfaff is spending a few
weeks: with his sister Mrs. N. Shenk.
•Oyster supper In the .Crediton.'
United Church, on friday, March'
.0th. Supper troll 0 to 8. Also'
ham and potatoes. Good pr•ogranl.:
Admission 50c, and 85c..
Mr, Thomas Trevethick recently
disposed of his property west of tits
village to•lVir. Joseph Woodall,
A. 'meeting was held in •tlte 'Tewin
faa11 •on .IVIoiiday evening when it
was decided to go ahead with the
well at -the skating rink to 'obtain
water. There was. a good turnout,
at the meeting.
Miss. Erma Falmer bee retained
Thome from Ridgeville,.
A meeting ,of the E. L. C. Ea last'
Friday evening ewas iii charge •of Alm
vin Finkbiener and after the open -,
lug devotion, of song and brayer lie
presented an Interesting missionary
address on the '[Position and work
of the Africa I,1iland,iM'ission' Eldon.
Snaith gave a paper on the "Life of
one of the Converts.' Duett by Clara
111,orlock and Lloyd 14rein entitled.
the •"African Call," The aneetin:o
was 'full of interest and the spirit'
of missi•pns we trust may have been
enhanced through it,
The "Live 'Wires" and ''Living
Links" two, Sv S. classes of the Evan-
giloal tenet for a social • evening at
the home of Mr, and Mrs, 'Albert
Palmer last Friday evening. A pro-
grani of interesting numbers was
first entered into. Mrs. EnImery
F.ahner the teacher of the Live
Wires, took the chair and conducted
a singsong• which 'was enthusiastic-
ally supported by these young .people
Reading by Maurice Hirtzel, piano
tluett by Laving and Gerald Smith,,
reading by Arthur Hoist, reading by
Gertrude Amy, piano duet by Elva
Wuerth and Maur+gi'ette Gettinger;
harmonica solo by Carl Kuhn. con-
tests 'and games was the next enter -
twining feature, The refreshments
consisted o:2 sandwiches, and Adam's
ale, cake and ice eream and home,
made candy. Raton Telfer tender-
ed a vote of thanks .to the host and
hostess, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Palmer
for their liberality in giving their
hone Lor the social evening and be --
sides this tarnishing the abundant
treat of ice-cream.
Protracted meetings at the Evan-
gelical 'church every evening except
Saturday, Rev, J. P. Hauch,- of
Stratford willl have charge Thurs-
day evening. Next week Rev.: W. F.
Beese of Tavistock will assist, The
public is cordially invited. Meet
Mr. and Mr. David Baird ,and Mrs,
John Sims spent Sunday with rela-
tives in Grand Bend.
Mfrs. J•olut. Baird who has been
visiting in Grand Bend for a feW
weeks is now visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Sante .Sims. •
Mr, Delton Lewis,.of Erinaley, and
Mr. Lloyd. Fraser, el Exeter, spent
Sunday with air. and Mrs. Harry
MV1'r, and Mrs. Rcs'land Metz and
slaughter, Shirley and Mrs, Henry
Motz spent Sunay with Mr and Mrs.
Wm. Heatherly in London. ,
A jolly time was spent on Tuesday
evening at the haute of 'Vii•. and Mrs.
Sani Sims when the "6w1 Club" held
their weekly dance and euchre par-
ty. After refreshments •were ser-
ved all wended their way' home in
the early hours of the morn.
On Fi;iday e.ening of the past
weelc,a dance And euchre party was
held at the home of .hir. and Mrs,
Norman Heama,n en the 4th concess-
ion of Stephen, a 7o1Iy time was
spent considering the large crowd'
that was present.
Mr. Herman Hodgson, of Guelph
spent the week -enol with his parents
1Vlr, and Mrs, Daniel Hodgson.
Mrs. Thomas Willis and ,laughter
Miss Wanda Willis were confined to
their home owing to i11i1ess for a
few clays lost Week.
The oyster supper put on in the
'basement of the church on Friday
evening of last .week under the
aus-pices of the . Women's Association
was largely attended. A splendid
program , consisting of readings,
solos, duetts and instrumentals was
put on by localrtalent. •
Mr. Clayton Smith has purchased
the lot at "plug Town" from the
estate off the late Mss: D, Hawkey
and will make his home there. Mr.
Cooper, of Chlsoihurst, Is moving eli-
te the tarn). vacated by Mr. ,Smith.
A (i iie.t wedding was solemnized
on Saturday afternoon, February 28
at St, Paul's Rectory, Stratford,;
when Mrs. Ruith Remnant and Mr,
A. Y: Campbell were united in vier-..
riage. We extend Congratulations.
Peva Wm. Watlaee officiated.
Una Deuce>
On 'Wednesday evening last the
hatters held a dente to close the
season. There was a 'good atten-
dance. The ladies provided lunch
and a pleasant time was spent by
IVir. W. McNichol spent the week-
end in Stratford.
.Mrs. N. Rankin spent a few days
with her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ham-
ilton, df Cromarty.
Mr. and Mrs. Pollen and. family
were Week-erid•visitprs with Mr. and
Mrs. W. I•'pssett of Mitchell,
I I 1#
� I illi 11111 II II I 1 I I I Ii ! i I'i III iii i (Ii(II ' I I 1 � , , !
IIII i 1 it i i I IIIIILI(III l 1111.111.1 iL l ,11 J .1111 11 l l 11111 1:11111111 il�ll 111 i i 1.11 111.11
Ill � 11 1111 .1.111111.1.11 illll� lll1
cum R ED
FINEST' RED SOCKEY E 'SALMON, (Red Beauty Brand) , , , , lb, ti» 133c.
FINEST FANCY PINK SALMON (Cascade Brand) ....... 2 large trxts 2Erc.
?lbs. for 23c,
3 Ills, for 21c.
Red Cohoe
1-2 lb. tin each 15c.
Per tin .19e,
2 lbs. for 23c..
Fancy pink
1-2 lb.. tin each 10e..
KOLONA COFFEE (Fresh and Fragrant) .... , , , , , , , , , , Pound. pkg. 29c,
PURE LARD, (Very best Quality) , , , , , , . , , ..-, ..., , Ib. cartons 2 for 25c.
• MAPLE LEAF SALMON , , , , .. , , , . , . ,. , ..... , , 1-2 lb. tins each 20c.
CROWN BRAND TEA (black .or mixed) , , , . , , , . ... , , .. , lb. pkg. 39c.
' OGILIVE'S MINUTE OATS (Large package) 23c. each
per .pkg. 33c.
Soap Chips ..., ,
• ,.., per tin 5c.
. , , ... 5 for 25c.
per ib. 23c.
▪ 2 tins for 15c.
3 lbs. for 2Qc. •
Big Five Cleanser , , , , .,
De Luxe Jelly Powders ,
Choice Apricots
Essex No. 4 Peas , , , , ,
Sunkist Oranges .. , ...
Gold Medal Peanut Butter
Golden Wax Beans , . ,•,
Good Quality Prunes , , ; ,.
Huron .Corn
per dozen 23c.
,per Ib. 19c..
, , per tin 14c.
. 3 lbs. for 2$c.
2 tins for 23e.
i111111Ulllli1111'lllllllll(1111111iilIIIIIIIlllllllilllll(IIIIIiIli!lllil(ill111IIIllllllll(illililill(IIIli1l11illi1111'lilliillllllili`III11li1liiliNhi� ;;
DASHWOOD ' resulting 2-0 in favour of Iiirkton,
There have been some splendid
games played this winter and much
interest has been taken by many
wlio have attended.
Mrs. Murch returned home on
Monday evening atter `spending
nearly three months assisting at the
home of Mr. Chas. Jeffrey, Thames
Sympathy°is extended to Mrs. H.
Henderson in the loss of her mother
last week. Mr .and Mrs. Henders-
son attended the funeral on Sunday
The play ".Spite Fence" put on in
the. church here last Friday evening
by Woodham people drew a good
crowd and was much enjoyed. Those
who attened peak highly of It'the
players performing their parts well.
The total proceeds amounted to $35.
This 'play was put on in the inter-
este'of the local W. M.S.
Wedding 'bells Will be ringing in
this neighbourhood next Saturday..
Mr. Chas. Upshall and This sister
Miss Upshall are leaving' Mr. Clarise
Snell's farm this week for their new
home on Con. 6 Blanshard recently
purchased from Mr;. John Pringle.
Mrs. George Hern and son Frank.
of Rannock visited at ail`. C. Johns
on Monday of this week.
Cars are running again on .quite
a few roads although it could he
much smoother travelling than it is.
Nies. Frecl Delbridge held an auc-
tion sale •of farm stock and imple-
ments last Thursday afternoon. The
weather was fine and the atendance
was extra large. Prices' realized
were very good considering the de-
pressi•an .of the present time. Mrs.
Delbrillge will occupy the house for
sometime although Mr. Will Johns,
who purchased the farm last £21,11 re-
ceived possession this week.
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash-
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, in
Zurich, last three days of week.
A meeting dealing with Weeds,
Seeds and Fertilizers will be held in
Pfile's. Hall, Dashwood, the after-
noon of Monday, March Oth, com-
inencing, at 2.00 o'clock. This
meeting is ui cher the direction of
the Ontario, Department of Aigricul-
ture and sliecial •speakers will he in
attendance. All +farmers of the ',dis-
trict are invited to ibe present. ' .
Eugene Tiernan, who is attending
University in London, spent the
week -end with lits parents,
Mr. P. Schroeder, of Moncton, is
visiting in this community.
• Miss Sadie Held underwent an
operation on Friday for the remov-
al of her tonsils ih • Dr, Taylor's hos-
An Easter Cantata entitled "Christ
Victorious" will be given ,by the
choir in the Evangelical ,church on
Easter Sunday, April 15th, at the ev-
ening service. This cantata, writ-
ten by Roy Nolte, is entirely musical
.and is one of the best he has writ`
ten. A six -piece orchestra will also
assist with the program,
,The teaching staff and members.
of the school board are to be con-
gratulated on purchasing a piano
fcr the use in • the school. This is
indeed a greet help to the children
Nivho are reaping a real benefit from
the hire of the instrument.
1Vlessrs. Mervin aaa Addison Tie-
rnan were in London Monday on
Death of Louis' ltestenl('yer Sr.
The reaper of death •claimed an-
other of the outstanding elderly men
of the community when Mr. Louis
restemyer, Sr., was called to his
eternal reward on Friday, February
27113. His age was 79 years, 9
rponths and 4 days. About a week
ago the deceased suffered a paraly-
tic stroke from which effects lie
never recovered and the end came
only to relieve his 'suffering. He is •
survived by three sons, Henry and
Louis on the 14 con. of Hay Twp.,
and Otto of town, His wife prede-
ceased him about a year ago. The
funeral was held 11 1'onday afternoon
With interment in the Branson cem-
The "Live Oak" Mission Circle
niet for their regular monthly meet-
ing last week at the lhorlie of Miss
ltuth Skinner. The vice-president
Miss Cooper had' charge.
The sheeting opened by singing
hymn No. 30 lolloavecl by 1,r•ayer by
Mies Mae Coward. The Scripture
lesson was read from Luke 10 clialr.
1-21 versos reaponslVely. A devot-
ional Leaflet entitled, "Give us Our
Daily Bread' was given by Miss M.
Delbridge, Roll Call was answered
by a verse on Promise, Readings;
were given by' Misses Elva Elorne
and Mary Herdman. Heralds read
'short items on Japan, Africa and
Eorea. Some items :of business were
dealt with also. Study on Japan was
token by Misses Dorothy Delbridge;
Dorothy Bacon and Bernice Murch.
Meeting closed by singing Hyrnit No.
9 and prayer by Mrs. (Ttev.) White.
Tire final Hockey geb:e for this
Season was played on :Monday night
between IClrlcton Srs. and Elimville
The 'funeral of the late Robt. Nor-
ris was held from This ;Thome on Fri-
day, last. A private service was held
at the home, after which the re-
mains 'were taken to the United
church,' Staffa, where a service was
held for his many friends and neigQh-
Members of the different organ-
izations of which the late ?r. Nor-
ris was a respected member attend-,
ed this service, naval tributes from
the Logan, Hibbert and Fnllartori
Agricultural Society; the Usborne
and Hibbert Insurance Co.; 'Execu-
tive of Conservative Asociation of
South Perth; Session of the United
church, also from the family and
friends of the .deceased. ' Irl recog-
nition of this faithful service in
churelr work the honour of life
member as .Elder was given him.
Triose acting as 'bearer were Messrs
T. D. Oliver, G. G. Wilson 'Tares
•Scott, Jno Leary, H. W. Templeman
and Win. ,Sadler. The sympathy of
the Community is extended to the.
bereaved farriily,
`The Women's Institute will pre-;
sent two one -act oomedies, "Those
I-iusbands' ours," and "The Fam-
ily Failing" in tlie. hall On Friday
evening, March 6th.
Perth ('oaple Celebrntt4 AliniVorStkrY
Mr, and 'Mfrs. II. Golding quietly
celebrated their •04th wedding anni-
versary. Mr. an bVtrs, Golding came
to Canada: from England '56 years
ag'o and: settled in Hibbert where
they have. since resided, Mr. Gold-
ing was born in March 28t1h 1841,.
tthcl will celebrate. his 90th birthday
on the 28th of next month, while
Mrs. Golding was born in 1838 and
celebrated her, birthday' .on.
Thursday last, 'Tiff their seem child
ren five are living .as. follows:- Mrs.
James .Silist Cleveland, Mrs, J. F;
Turnbull and George, ,of .St. Marys,
Frank, of Stratford and William of
Seaforth. 1MIr. and Mrs, Golding are
in possession of all their faculties
and are enjoying splendid health.
Miss Virginia Moore, of London,
spent the week -end with her parents
Miss Edith Ball has returned to
her home after spending a couple
of weeks in London. •
Mrs. Hotson, of London, is visit-
`ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.
Mr. Roy Rats has engaged Nor-
man Devine, of Grand Bend, to work
for the summer months.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Switzer spent
Monday in London.
Mr.. Roy Rate, who bas been sick
the past week is able to be out again
Mr. and. Mrs. Elgin Web and fam-
ily, of Grand Bend, spent ,Sunday
with`Mi• .and Mrs. A. Fink'beiner.
Mr.' John Roeszler and Rev. Mr.
Sippell, 'of Crediton, spent last
Thursday with Mr. C. Finkbiener.
The Ladies. Aid held a quilting
bee on Wednesday aifternoon at the
hone of Mrs. Wm..Ratz.
We are glad to know that Miss
Alma Rotz who had a very Critical
operation in St. Joseph'se Hospital,
London, is getting along nicely and.
will soon be able to come Dome.
Mr. apd IMrs. Jack Ryan, of Mount
Carmel spent Sunday with Mrs.
Ryan's parents, Mr ,and 1Vir•s. John.
• Mr. 'Earl Baiter spent a few days'
with Mr. E. Gill of Grand Bend.
The "Play" which etas given by
the Young People of the United
church Tuesday evening • was well
enjoyed by all present.
Mrs. Hudson, of London, is visit-
ing for a few week's with her -dangle.
er, Mrs. Lorne Finkbiener.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Schroeder from
Steam''' called 'on friends Sunday.
)ilr. Roy Sheppard, of London,
spent last week with her rnother
who has beensuffering with a cold.
Miss Mary Pollock had a fall last•
week and sprained tier knee quite
badly but elle is somewhat improved
Miss Topping visited friends at
Grand I3end over the week -end.
.Miss McCorbett, of 1vordwich, ha4
been visiting with her sister Miss
Corbett and • Miss Lois Brown.
Mr, Geo. Schenk who has been ill:
for some weeks at the borne of his
sister, Mrs. R. •Car1', passed
away on Sunday afternoon. Ftirthe
or details of his life will be given
next week.
Several of our residents have been,
suffering from bad colds.
1VIrs. Will hicks is visiting Loa
Tire oyster supper at the Itrnited
church last Wednesday was a very
successful event. The weather watt
ideal but the bad roads prevented
great many from attending. The
program chairman was W. T. Diens
and a good program of innate and
readings were given by local talent
ably assisted by Miss Noble and. the
Whale Quartette, of Grand fiend.
This was followed by a very interest-
ing address by the Pastor, Rev. S.
J. Mathers who gave a vivid picture
Of lite in Newfoundland. Proceeds