The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-03-05, Page 2.ritial$041C.. MACH Mil. 1001. • TOE EXETER TIMESADVOCATE •qco 'YEARS AGO . N. D. residence on Wil- liam Street sold by auction on Sat- urclay last, WitSt purchased by M. Jelin Willie eer $740.00. Ole Moil(lay, Mr. R. Maiming, of / Exeter, took a, large load to Centre - lie to ship to his sons 111. Manitoba anionget .which was ellentitY of Wire (fencing. A. shooting match at 10 birde each Vas 'held on, Saturday efternoonast between five eentestants. The to1 10Wing is the result: J. Westcott, 6; •John Weod, 6; J. HeYweed, 6; T. aissett, 5; P. Curtain, 7, Mr. (leo. %Tay, o Usborne, has solcl his term of 50 acres to M. N. McTaggart for the handsome sum ,of $3,000, .141r. Themes Pepper Las al- so Seld his farm •centainiug 50 acres to Mr. Duncan McLean for $3,500. Mr. Pepper leas purchased a farm e near Brussels where, lie purposes moving, Mr. Henry Cud:more, an enterpris- ing and -well to do young man of Us - borne, was married on Wednesday to Miss Harriett Johns, In the evening they took 4r. Tlio:e. Greene way's exeursion train to illanitoba where they will settle down in Cryfie tat City. Marrison-Christy-At the Manse in Hibbert, on the end inst., by lieV. Peter Seott, Mr, Peter Morrison, efi Hibbert, to TssSarele Christy, of Usborue. Snen-13alsdon-On •the 2nel inst. at ,the residence ef the bid' ther, by Rev. P. M. Whitieeir, i%Tr, Obets. Snell, ef Cavalier, Dakota, U.$.A., to Olin Wale Ann Ealsden. ot Ilsborne. Mr, Thomas Ashford, of Cbisel- lutrst has sad •his cottage to Mr. .Nichol, prior to going to Dakota where lie has taken up a tarn. Badness is good on the L. H. a B. at Hensall, Mr. R. Blatchferd, one of the first business men et the place, has sold out and intends 'returning to, Manitoba, 25 YEARS AGO Mr. W. C. Huston met with a very painful accident, en Monday lest by having two ,of his fingers badly jam- med under a window. 5 • CIA•11% ?UMW. ••••• • KIDNEY Pus, •••••••1...0,....0•10.1111•1•••• 1 Continual Backaches . was en Terrible Condition Mrs. E. Berget, Medicine Hat, Alta., writes:•-"13efore using Doan's Kidney Pills I was in a terrible .condition with a continua,' backache, tired feeling and completely run down. "I used six boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills and I am now relieved of my backaches, and that 'horrid, tired feeling which I had all the time. T ani certainly thankful for what these Pills did for me." Price, 50 cents. a box at all drug or general tores or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milbueri Ltd„ Toronto, Ont. 1.1.11•111111••• Mr. Samuel leorirs farm. near, Elenville which evae said by public auction On .1VeinleY W5591.1rehas51 by Mr. dohn Johns, of gitnlyille . • . A. , very pleasant .gatherin to -o place et the home ofMaki= on Tuesday night last the .eeetteleil being the gathering or .aennIliber friends of Miss Muir for the, perleeSC ot presenting her with a 1010101 Shower prior to her marriage to Mie Swan uext week. 1\U:ears, ToPleston* -Darainer. who 'haere, been carrying on a gener- al store hisiness here for over three Years, yesterday elosed the store hay- ing in December 'lest purchased business in BlYth. " • e Mr. T. T. Lieott, of Sparta, ,on Set- erday purchased, Mr, Gee, D., Crew - lays residence on Aeulrew Street. Iliss Edna McCallum, whois en- gaged in the Sovereign Bank here, has :accepted a position with e the, Gordon Mackay Co., at ToroAto; for which place she lefty* in about two weeks. ' We understand that )Jr. I), An„ dersoe has disposed -of his dental practice .and also his fine dwelling on Albert Street to a elentiet of Kin- tardine and the latter to Mr, . James Welters, of town. „ e A :great many of the refeldents, of' Exeter anl neighborhood will great- ly regret to hear oe the sudden .death of Rev. Dr. Willoughby, only a few years since a respected and mule loved yastor of the.' Exeter James' Street Methodist Church. , On the evening of February tlie 14th Mr. and Mrs. !las, Hill, who reside a short distance ,south o the 'village, celebrated the fortieth an- niversary of their wedging day., an Alciau If ;3-20 1.3 44111X5 n tette, to Jilt uick owners , 0,5 10" eefe\- 'tees te P.S1 09‘ 141.1t CeP•T'P. of leg a to ve.ele. e e.tec • lee° s ce t,Ig•y'1111;0141." .e, 1.0 ,015,,twav ck... ous ....400•..„„, •tre„3. la 0 • g,a.t.'"' . ve.,,,Nowc.e.•',0 .0.''s, "'"„0/"0.000' .3,6 oe ',yrs 0 N/55 ' .. N,50 p,5t__,t,t2.% apote ,:no '' • ' ' '; .- tee: eeeteee. e° • es leej..t 5,,G.D .9"v,:,c, %.10 000' S9 IP ••41.3% ' ,•1.0. cts' „0.0 AO' t‘ttcr-0 ° 5.1' • : ..1.71;:AA.7%,014:;• colSter..;1..r :::1.1."7'''''°, suf.\-'1'''VIO 4•k. '3°) ' V::::00,:::,„010es:„.st.0:").1.,46' te... ,,,,,ist.to:1,701....6 ..4° .0.061.%.:17:14;AlAt''' 7' s• 651.•.°V.'.1.1 1 ,.,e ,--, ..N) 0 15 -vi OA- se 04 v 1,-.r....30 08f ' _. OP—n. PO 10.5 . t 1.„.t. t,:fr:Seal.° t ,,. . 1% ttlecelt1 5ric$5:05 015t`s ot.11%- 0.0' , sit ea - 0 Ot6c:14°°!=a(e':V8V1)'et veleet:y0 e't esel%140'3"' ..see°- ttate 016 .-1e-rcioae,, N It°6,..1:0-c. 06? 1% 'et' ,11,"‘13Y-tt• . 4.101' 1 0 .011 c 0 ...et 1 ee se 0 e ees-1 Die "ec'e.... • e eTel,e .ereeve,..0 'et ens ' tete '3*-areo."'‘. low eeo• - is° . exese. ottese eeesese see30.09,0* v., • , esee ea ,,, eeee 0a 1 04.1°' 10,yr% 4% u•PV'S‘ 0%1° 014 „, de t.r 0°1'. F G ETTER A1121391441011ILES ARE dIAUG • 4 GENERAL MOTORS VALUE UICK. WILL BUILD THEM 1.5 )(VARS., AGO Min McDowell, of Teterboro,is. the uew trimener lu Jones 4; Mare. Departineut for the iSpring seasen, Mr. E. IL Q41ey, of Duluth, Min., en old Exeter beyhas just left the hospital in that place after tour weelete atie with diplitheeta. Mr. .Ancl (Mrs. Harley Sanders., Ex-, eter North, entertained a number ,ot friends en Friday night: to a pregres- sive euchre party in honor of their guest, Mrs. Thos. Brow, ot Detroit. The .Canada,.Ceeany recently, sold 100 'acres In the 5th etincession of :Stelier to. r, John Toner ee that township. Be lies .also sold 100 acres in HAY, being. lot 7, con. 5, -to A. mcFalls, of neer Exeter. Mr. Garnet Heywood has purchas- ed Mr. Geo, Snell's residende and thirty acres ozi Huron street and Mr. Snell has purchased 'the residence of Mrs. JhnSnell ,en Andrew Street. Rev. D, W.Collins, who has had charge .of the Trivia' Memorial Cheirele Exeter, during the past ten years, has reeigned es rector 9 this parish and ha e accepted a, .cell ex tended him ber the Church 'of,Ascen- sloe at Windsor. We. understand that efe, A. J. Ford MAK made a deal by 'which he gets the- term of. /1Y1r. John Laing, London Reed Nortli and Al, Laing .gets MI% Fortis residence on Andrew Street, Mr. John M. Broderick has reeev- erect from his recent illness and left on ,Monday ..to, spend. a .few days in London .and Detroit prior to, leavieg. for his home in Regina. WEED, SEED AND rislisMIZER i‘iFigTING A special ineetin.g dealing with weeds,. -weed control measures, better eeed, ceminerCial fertilizer and sole ii fertility with e held ii the Town Hall, Exeter on Tuesday, Mexeli lOtle at 2.0.0 'elock in the afternoon, The deecossion on weed control, bat- ter seed andbest varieties of teem .crops 'will be dealt with by iNere Jas., McLean, of Richmond Hill, Ont, Mr. McLean is a former champion plow- man of Ontario. :and is an authority on better fanning nTactieea. 'The subject of soil fertility and commer- cial fertilizers will be dealt with by. Ian MacLeod, Agricultural ' Repre- sentative. Every farmer in the dis- trict is invited to attend ;kip meet- ing. 'The subjects under discus- sion are Of immediate interest and we can promise you. an interesting and profitable afternoon. The meet- ing is under the direction off the Ieurim. Branch .of the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture. . • REPORT $. S. S. NO. 2, STEPHEN Tho lc:Mowing is the report of, S. S, No. 2, Stephen, for the month of February. . . Rollings 83, Sr. IV—Audrey Yearley 80; Roy •Lamport 78. ° Jr. IV -.--Mary Lampert 80; Nelson. Lampert 79. Sr. Yearley 75. • Jr. Rollings, 74;. Dor- een Baker 66. '2nd class--eBurma Morlocie 80; .Ruby King 75. • ist class—,Le Rey Railinge 70; Grace Hill absent. Pr.—Jean. Jones 92; Rhona Year- ley absent; Bryce Mack 82; Matthew litorlock 80. Nuneber on roll 16; average at- tendance 14.2. - Helen L. Hayter, teacher "My razor's awfully dull, dear, can scarcely shave with it." ' • "Why, Charles, you don't mean to telI nie that your beard is tougher than the linoleum!" Ilt• 10P The sat= enterprising, forward-looking spirit which has been responsible for Canada's rise td greatpess finds expression in.the progressive policy that for more than 100 years has kept the Bank of Montreal in the forefront of Canadian ftnanee. ieeeef 'Ic-ee.e1c14(1 111111enellielleflifeitelei141 1.0040 IJ II ji 111111111111111110 111011001111111ilim ONTREAL j A \ Established 18i7" ATOtAlt., ,ASSBTS x xcEss or ssoo,000,o6o; Exeter Braileht T. S. WOODS, Malinger , 1 1111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111101111110111111111111011011111111011111111011 e 11111 11111111111111111111111111111111111 w, C. 'i. i. • The regular iueetiug of the W. C. T. li. was held at the hone Ot MrS. J. W. DownethiS Mao 'being .the Mid- winter parlOr meeting. There was large :attendance Ana. twenty-three Members. answered to the roll cell, Miss Murray presided, several hynInti, were sung, prayere. were offered and the leeeon taken train 1 Kings 19. A short 'businees seesion was held and a musical program was. given, Alre. Miners sang a solo uecompanied Mise Hunter; Miss' Violet Qembrill. sang and Played o the. guitar and• Miss Hunter gave a plane ,selectiene Little M'ise Melina Hockey sang Very eVeetlY, "Little Bare Feet.'! Iter. Mr. Down, in a, .short speech told of the great pleasure it gave Mrs. Down and himsele to welcome the ladies to their home and peke of his syre- pathy with the Temperance work., He .also Introduced 'the speaker Of the .afternoon, Mrs. .Gardiner,, ot"ReirXton, wh�. gee? a wonderful. appealing message, which touched the hearts of these present. At the ()lose of her address a hearty vote of thanks was tendered her and Mrs, 13. W. F. Beairers..came. forward and pinned. on lier the White Ribbon Badge and read the motto .and, \What it stands for, The, meeting closed with the singing of "Blest be the tie: that binds" and Mr. Down premium - ed the. benediction. A. very•bountie 'eul lunch was served aad, sodal time. spent and Rev. and Mrs. Down were, very -warmly thanked for their spieu did hospitality. Lummy (Crowded out Nest week) Mrs. ,johni Selves Sr. 114 been visiting her ,daughter and. son-in-laW Mr, ,and Mrs. J. Jaques, of Wood- eam, for a few days this week, Mumps are still lingering on the Boundary, Miss Edna Brintnell and Jim Broadeoot ark both quite sick with them just now, Mr. Donald McKa,ig, of Hensel', has beea visiting at his aunt's Mrs, N. Horton for alfen days this week, Water is very scarce is this neigh- borhood different farmers having to draw water from the :river for their stock, which is an unusual thing at this time of the year. • BACON LITTER COMPETITION FOR 1031 Huron County" had six contestants Inthe 1931 Bacon Liter Compete. tion and 'results recently published show that Russell 13oitot, of Me -KU - lop Township was first: prize winner in the 'dietriet, comprising Huron, Perth, Grey and Bruce. Mr. Bolton .also steed second in the competition in the whole Province. The coilipetiteen will be conducted again this year and has as its ,object the est011ehment of a standard of excellende for grade brood sews kept by farmers. It is recognized that sows, which are profilic and. rear large litters of select hogs, are ,val- uable and are improvers of the stand- ard of our „commercial hogs. Any bona fide farmer may make entry he this scampetition. The date of farrowing must be between Feb- ruary 14th'and April 30th, acrd en- try must be made within seven days. after the dateeof farrowing. In or- der to qualify there must be nine pigs in the litter raised to market- ing age, -and at least 30 per cent. of the litter must grade as select ba- con. The awards will be based on the °weight, size, quality and. weifermitY of the litter. The Federal Live Stock Branch and the Provincial Live Stoek Branch offer $275,00 'en prize Money which is :divided as follows: 1st, $25.0.0; '2na, e24.00;. ,trd, $23.00; 4th, 622.00; 5th, 521.00; 6th, 520.00; 7th, 220.00; and eight more prizeS of 515.00 each. In view of the substantial prizes offered and the fact that there is no expetse -in connection with entering the cempetitien, there should -be a „good entry from Huron County this year. ` For further information and ap- plication feints apply to the Depart - Ment of ,Agriculture, Clinton., Ont. WHALEN Mrs, D. llotinsore of St, Marys, is visiting her 'sisters Mrs. Geo. Mill - son and Miss Lacy Gunning for a few days, Mr. and 1\4r5, leenneth, .Stevoison, of Thorndale, spent a couple of 'days last week at the home of Mr, F. Perkiedon, Miss Edna. squire Was/visiting Mee. Herman Foster, Winchelsea, for several days last week. Miss Bessie Morley spent a few days with her friend Mrs, C. Switzer near Kirklton last -creek. Mrs. Wilson Morley and Miss' Bes- sie: Morley, !spent Wednesday with Mrs. John Morley, of Weedharn. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gtinnin.g and Mr. and Mrs, Mervin johneet spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs,. Earl Jobeistin, Two mierobee sat on t pantry shelf, Arid Watched, With expreesiori Pained, The milkman's stenfee and they both said et oiiee, "Our relations are gettieg attain- Exot*r 41Invo-Abootstig. Established 1.872 and 18$7 Published every Thusclay montSigt at Zip*, Ontario SOBS011RTION,--;2.0 0 per ,yeat ffrij. advance. RATES—Farm or Real )11atate sale 500, each insertion for OM Our insertions. 250, eaoh suhaof (Mont Insertion. Miscellaneous sr. ticles, To Rent, „Wauted, 1.40S, at Found 1,00. per nue at An word*. Reading notices 1.90. Per Huse Card et Tlianka 00o, Legal fertiaIng 3,2 and 8e, per line. DO Memoriam, with pne verse 111061, extra verses 25c. eci..\ Momper Of The Canadian Waokiiit Newspaper ,Association, Professional Cards GLADMAN & .STANBUR10 DADDIsTEDs, soLicacEs,. Money to Loan, Inveatinent11.114000. Xtunoance • Sae-Peposit Vault .for use •t .01110 Clients without charge EXETER LONDON .HErrstsit 411t. CARLING & MOFtLEY, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Mit LOANS, INVESTMENTS. • INSURANCE Office:klarling Block, Main Streak • ; EXETER!, ONT. At Liman Monday and Thursday: Dr. G. S. Atkinson; L.D.S.,D.DA. - DENTAL SURGEON Office opposite new Post Office Main St., Exeter Telephonea Office 84w House 21.42 ' Closed Wednesday Afternoons Dr. G. F. RouIston, bEraiST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed 1Vednesday Afternoon Dr. D. A. ANDERSON DENTIST " formerly of Exeter has located at 205 'Wortley Road, London, where he will practice, . Dentistry ?.• • Phone: Metcalf 4290 e • E. S. STEINER VETERINARY suaGgiori .Graduate'of the Ontario Veterhoott College DAY AND NIGHT .! CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TD1 CorrAr of Main and Ann Strada ,Offfee In C. B. Snell'o Block EXETER, ONT. JOHN WARD CIIIIROPRACTiO, OSTEOPATH'S ELECTRO-TBEERAPY & ULTRA,;e VIOLET TREATMENTS PHONE 70 MAIN ST., EXETINE ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES spEcIALTr. PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEllin ' Phone $7-13 Dashwood R. R. NO. 1, DASHWOOD • FRANK TAYLOR IJOENSAD- ATTOMNEER. rOrIiinron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY ?ries Reasonable o1• Satinfactinei Guaranteed EXETER P. 0. or RJ1G 18* OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AIJOTIOXEER. Honor GI;adtiate Carey Jbnea' Altekv• Sehoel. Special course Weenie In Registered Live Stonk. (all br6m104 Merchentlise, Real Estate. Pelmet . Sales, Etc. Rates in keeping WE% prevailing • prices. ' Satisfaction as Mired, write -Oscar Kipple Zurfeke or libelee 18-93, Zerieh, Ont. 1 • • e CONSULTING 'ENGINEER W. Arellibaldo (Ter4e, 0.t.., Registered Prefesidonal Av. gftieor 'and Land 8urveyor, AssOciater Member Engineering Institute efi dattada.. Office, Seaferth, itintaribe, Have you renewed your subscrip- tieli to the t xeter Imes-cidvocativ e 12