The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-03-05, Page 1E,TE,, QNT,, THURSDAY RN.INQ. MARCH 4th, i9a1 ES.' ai.id RING COATS New Styles!New Shades Lower Price's!Lo_ Complets showing of women's coats for Spring, including in :addition to all the regular sizes, a good selection of 0. S. si4es. Misses' and girls' coats in a great variety of styles and colours and at prices to suit every- one. The coats are made with very attractive collars of silver, muskrat,. mole and galadene. We invite;you to inspect.our range of coats and com- pare our prices. AAAAAAIMAAOW New Hosiery and Gloves for easter • SERVICE WEIGHT, SEMI -SERVICE WEIGHT AND CHIFFON• HOSIERY IN ALL THE LATEST SHADES. ALSO SILK AND . KID • GLOVES TO MATCH. New Silk Crepe: at $1.50 a yd. • A NEW SHIPMENT OF PURE SILK CREPE REGULAR $2.00 YARD' • FOR $1.50 A YARD, HAS JUST ARRIVED, IN PINK, GREEN, WHITE,. BLUE, BLACK, NAVY AND SAND. f • Men's Shirts at 98c. Nice Light Calors sizes 14 to' 16 GET YOUR SUPPLY AT 98c. MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS FOR MEN $24;50 • Fit Guaranteed Overcoat Sale Don't forget our sale of 'winter over- coats for Men, Greys $10.;. Navys $15. and Barrymore Coats 'at $24. RUBBER BOOTS Buy your1Rubber Boots here'at new low prices. •, •It:.pays to keep your feet dry. BUY STAUNTON'S SEMI -TRIMMED WALLPAPERS. 10c. a roll up to 75c New Low Prices on Groceries Small' Large Maple Leaf Salmon' 22c 38c.. Golden Net Salmon ...:. , , 15c. 28c. Cascade Salmon lOc: '164.; Pare Lard, per lb. 15c Pure Lard' per 20 'lb. pail $2;460• Very Large Grape Fruit ... , ..: , 3 for 25c. Nice Juicy Oranges per. dozen .... 20c.. Gold Soap, 5 bars for .. 25c, Ir o::. ea , • Ila.-•bl .c .tir�tn x i4' l d � :1.. a k. red: tea andF. 4. ���h'itia: So ,1C up ;Plate: all for. =49c. Bulk Wheatlei. ........ 5 lbs. for 25c. Phone 32 • Jrnws :& • a-y°hone 32 StockReducing Sale WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED STOCK -TAKING AND MUST MAKE ROOM FOR NEW SPRING GOODS LOOK OVER •THESE SPECIALS All • Scotch Grey Graniteware at lessthan present cost.". We are discontinuing this line: SPECIAL PRICE ON ALL ALUMINUM WARE Men's Lined . Mitts at cost price and less. Galvanized Coal Hods to clear at , 69c. " Black Iron. Coal, Hods to clear at 38c. A Real. Good Food Chopper at only 98c. 1 pint•size Thermos Bottle only 39c. No. 2 Galanized Wash Tubs only .. .... , 98c.°' No. 9 Galvanized Wash Boilers only' ........ ... ; 98c. Champion PoultryTonic, $ re ular $1.00 for .,. , . • 50c. / P, Champion Poultry Tonic, regular 50c. for . 25c. Just arrived 1931 Royal Purple Seeds , , . 6 pkgs. for 25c. MANY OTHER SPECIAL VALUES GET YOUR SAP. PANS •MADE EARLY TRAQUAIRLINDENFIELD Phone your' hardware necessities to 07 BIRTHS • a,oH1.1, STIi u-ln Ottawa, on"Thtirsclay February 26th,„to Mr. and Hers. J. A, Christie, ;it •da,tighter (Dorothy jean), .1.EWX$ -in Centralia on 'Wednes- day, February 25th, to 'Mr. aiid > I're, Prank Lewis, a sole. • V 1 PARD--• In 15xeter, on lgon- day, hrar'eh sire)•, to. Mr, and Mrs; Russet Leopard, h daughter, les- sica Laurene.) . "WIritDSbII---At Clztn•deboye, on Feb, 3. 2+,, 19.31, to Mr, and Mrs, Clsaar. B. Windsor ,(tree Iola: I,iloyd); soh (Robert 4snies). OOR In Frot't 1liemoriall `Idents) •Soitforth, to Mr, ilial Mrs, Norman Coals, of Honsali,• a.son. SKIIVIV'11113-•-In Daborne, on Wednes- day, I+"elbruary 25th to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner, a son (Rex Samuel.) DEATHS PENI•SAL E -In Exeter, on Friday, February 274,' 1931, Freda Eliza beth penhitle, youngest daughter. of Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Penhale. t.',`SrLE In. 'Osborne, on Thtirsday, February 26, 1981, Herman iIyle, aged 52 year's and 6 riiOntlie, tttai'EME'i~lL''It-At Dassmoad, Fridaty, 1 ebruary 27t11, Louis Iles- temeyer, Sr., aged 79 years, 9 months and 4 days. • Plan to attend the supper at the Thames Road church on March 24t1i Progiam by Huronia ) ala ,Chorus. • Mr. Gordon VICDonald, of the Highway south of Exeter, who re- cently underwent an ,operation in Victories Hospital, London, returned to his home the latter part Of the Week accompanied by Mrs. McDon- ald who was -in London with him during his illness: The' letter's mother, Mrs. H. Collins, of Clande- b.oye, cared for the children' while Mr .and Mrs. McDonald were in Lon - den. Mr, Orby Kestle, of 'Detr tit, ,re- ceutly had the misfortune to frac- ture a: bone in his arm but not real- izing tile'extent of his injuries the arm was bandaged. While• visiting in Exeter last week he consulted Dr. Fletcher who. advised him to have an X-ray which revealed. the frac- ture. The bone .was again broken and reset and Mr. Kestle is now carrying his• arni in a sling.' Mrs. Kestle has, been in Exeter waiting on her father, Mr. H. Elw'orthy, who continues: to improve. Mr. ;as. Grieve rias. disposed of his chicken farm in Exeter to Mr,' Frank Taylor.'Mr: Taylor has re- signed his position with the Exeter Lumber Co, and will go extensively into chicken raising. SHORT -111 Exeter, on Tuesday, March 3, 1931, Edmund John Short. PRIOIt,'--in London. on Tuesday,' u't-lareh 3rd, Susan Prior, widow of the late Thomas Prior. Inter- ment in the Exeter cemetery Fri- day afternoon at 3 p.ni. CARD o1' 7')EttX i Mrs. H. Kyte'•, of tisbOrne and Mrs. .Tables Byre, of Eiteter, 1i+iSlt to ex- tend their sincere thanks to the many friends',and neighbours for the kindness and symOttthy extended' during theirs recent bereavement, al- ;lor the floral tributes and to tiro io who offered t* tlBpor'ation and ospccia1lly ta' 11ev, and Mrs, White. Exeter, EXETER CQUNC11. • ltiouday, March. 2, 7.9:31 d, regular tneeti.ng of the Muni- sepal Council.cOnvened at 7'..30' pan, in the 'own Hall. Absent Council 'Or Grieve, The !!dentes of the meeting held February )6th were taken. as read and passed., The Auditor's report for 71'ebruat'y was read and accepted on notion of Rowcliffe and Bierliitg. Carried,. The following accounts were read and passed; 'teasel' Moore, labor $4,'50 Pet- er Coleman, team labor $1.50; Wm. J,ohlts snowplowing $.8.00; William Collingwood, Library ,Ifirexnan and labor at Town Hall $12.75; • Fr.ed Bloomfield, snowplowing $12.00; Boss -Taylor .Co., lumber 75c.; R. D, Mousseau supplies and labor at Bell $2.10; W. W. Tainan, snit for Mr. N'orr'y $40.00; Times -.Advocate, supplies and printing $89.23; The Municipal World, supplies $13.72; Rivers Meat Market, charity sup- plies Brooks .$2,40, Stere, $2.75,. ,Moore $2,16, total $7.30; Southcott Bros., suppliea eharrty, Haggit $2.- 97,, Brooks $2,51, Moore $6,01, tot- al $11.49; ,Tones & May, supplier charity,i Brook's. 0.0c,, Moore $4.18, total $4.78; A, E. Moore, supplies charity, Haggit 5 1, Town Hall 7c., ;total .5 go.; Grants Bakery, supplies 'charity, Broolts , 04c. ' Cemetery .accounts -.Ross -Taylor Co. luinber $25.30; F, W. Bawden, 'labor account of 1930 $50.40. Passed on motion. of Bierling and Rivers. Carried. Adjourned by Rivers. Jos. Senior, Clerk 'SUDDEN DE.4.TH OF . NIB! NORMAN NILE A shadow of glooiit. was cast over the community on Thursday of last week owing ;to the: sudden death of i\rr. Herman Kyle, an esteemed farm- er of Zion, in Usborne . Township, :;who passed) away while' attending the auction sale on the farm of Mrs. ;Fred Delbridge.' The sale was just ,about to .start when Mr. ICyle, who, rjras mingling with the large crowd, collapsed and passed .away soon ef- .teir. He was immediately removed to his home and Coroner Wtsek'es was ,summoned ,and declared .titan an inquest was unnecessary. For sev- eral years Mr. Kyle had not' enjoy- e;k'tlie <J est' of health and •his faianm lead Fbeen grassed out for pasture. ierhe'cleceisd was 'held iii the higli- etit'esteeni. in the community where he had spent all his fife. He eras actively associated with the Zion, United .ch{irc1i and ova's, interested in all branches of the work. Besides his bereaved widow, Whose maiden name was Louisa Hern, he is surviv- ed by his aged mother, Mrs. J. I•?:yle, of town, ;and to them the news of his death came' as: a great stack. They will have the sympathy f Many friends. The 'funeral was held from his hone on the. 9th con- cession Saturday afternoon conduct- ed by Rev, E. L. White, of Eliniville. CHAU'TAUQUA IS M 10 G • BIG HIT The Canadian Chautautiva four- day festival opened 'in the Opera House Monday evening with a thrill- ing, sparkling comedy '"Turn to the Right." The play was presented by a brilliant group of players who kept the ,audience Iii high spirits thr:otigli- out the evening. The sale of tickets has been very successful and the hall is being well filled for the var- ious programs. Miss :tolls, of Win- nipeg, is the director in charge and site is making many friends in Exe- ter; On Tuesday the„ Lowell Patton artists presented two brilliant• musi- Cal' programs, one in the afternoon and the other in the evening, The artists, and particularly the leader Mr, Patton, have simply captivated their audiences and few programs have been presented in Exeter that have met with greater approval. TO - day (Wednesday) 'the- Elias Tainbttr- itza Serenaders; of Jugo-Slavia, are presei'ting a double program to- gether with Mr. Julius Cadger Nay- phe, who lectures on "The Peaceful Pastures of Palestine." The festiv- al will conclude Thursday evening With another• plays. Mrs, (Rev,) D. McTavish Is in Victoria Hospital, London, where slie is undergoing special treatment for a, few days. Rev, C, J, ltloorhouse, who has been ill ter the :past couple of weeks vas taken to Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Monday :for treatment. His many friends will hope for his speedy recovery. While playing hockey on the Flxs elr rink Monday afternoon itoland :Williams, of Usborne, was struck hi the eye • with tiro )luck lacerating •tliG lid. Shortly afterwards William Stephen wag struck iby the !luck Un- derneath the r. o receiving a shall' tut, 'l'1re boys 'belong to. the l l•t,ni-. vide team and were i)1'aotisiitg THROE i1 C'1 -I I?.?tJMJNO Na?'EDInI PSSSES Tlillorext BOJW .e Massy strange. things have 'been, recorded :about the human body and one of extraordinary interest leap petted to an Exeter man last week When a :three-inch darning needle was taken from the body of Mr. S. J. Elliott, of town, •by Dr. Dtin1PV. The needle is now on exhibition in Dr, Dunlop's office. How Such a lengthy and sharp lustrurueet could' pass through tile stomach and .other. organs of the body evidently with- out doing .any injury is a mystery. Mr. Elliott for .several days' last weeki did not feel well and .consult- ed the (looter wile after: giving him' a thorough examination discovered and dislodged the darning needle, Mr, Elliott.' does not remeuiber of even leaving swallowed the needle and jokingly remarked. that it might have gone down semmetiine when he was drinking i:rotn a bottle. Tile needle must have been in the sys- tem for years. About five years ago he .suffered similiarly to what he did last week and he now • thinks that the darning needle was the cause. At any rate he is mighty. glad to get rid of the needle. SE13.IOUSL3" IT.Ji Mrs -William Flynn, Ann Street, who has been confined to her !bed at the home of her dranddaughter, Mrs. Wareing, Is in a very critical condition and during the week mem- bers of the family have visited at her bedside, Those who have visit-, ed her- were Andrew, of..Thedford;'. Thomas, of Forest; Gordon and. Joe, of London and ars. Rollins, of Airy- Giilivray. WINS.HIT OF TOOLS . Messrs. Harold :Skinner and Wm.. Balkwill, 'Jr., returned home Satur- day last' after taking a .two -months' course in Technical School the ferni- er .at Windsor and the latter at Hamilton. Mr, Skinner took a course in :plumbing at• the Windsor -Walk- erville TeChuiical .School .and was winner ,of the third prize in the ev- amin.ations conducted at the close of the .course. He ayes awarded a; kit of .tools. While there Mr.' Skin- ner also took a night cotirse in draugh•ting, IAmr. •BalkWill took, .a carpen'ter's '.critii'se at tree` EIainiltoei� Technical : School. -' DIED IN E.IETEER ' The death took place in Exeter on Friday of last week of Miss Freda Elizabeth Penhal'e, youngest daugh- ter. of Mr, and Mrs. W. H., Penhale. The deceased had been. en invalid all her lite and had been tenderly car- ed for by loving and devoted parents to whom the sympathy of the com- munity is extended. Besides her parents, two.brothers and three ee sir ters Outlive, Luther 3., Asa J,•and Mrs. Wm. Smith, of this -community, Mrs. Claydon, of Vancouver and Mrs. Hannam, of Prince Albert, Sask. The funeral, private, was held San day afternoon conducted by Rev. D: McTavish, interment in the' Exeter cemetery. IN AUTO ACCIDENT On Sunay evening .while nir. and Mrs. M. W. Pfaff and little daught- er. Helen were returning to Exeter frtiorn London accompanied by Miss E. itt. Itow'ey and Mrs. Taylor they were bumped into by another car On the Main St. in Lucan. Mr. Pfaff was meeting 'another car when the latter skidded and the rear end swerving around struck the front :of 1',fi. Pfaff's car.. The driver of the other car was thrown out Of the ear onto the pavement batt was not ser- iously hurt. Mrs. Pfaff received an abraison above the eye. The frOnt of Mr. Pfaff's car was badly ,damag- ed, the lights and: radiator being broken. A ear was sent out from Exeter to bring the passengers home The driver of the other ear was a Mitchell man. FIFTY-FIFTH YEA R, N 1,: U2011,, O1'l /RAMON 013, 4l.'PEN/Neem. Airs, J. W. McIntyre Was. removal to St, JoSepk'a• Hospital', London, ul* Monday and on Tuesday uaderwen.'Z•. an operation for a chran•ic case, orf appendicitis, 1te is ;getting along!. as well as ,can be .expected, ALMOST „LSPHY.NT, TEI) Oapt,. Jordan and Lieut, Snaith, OK the Salvation .Army, had a .close: c41- Monday night from being :aaphyxiat- ed«by escaping coal gas, They awl Tuesday morning with lila a.ir in their bedroom heavy with ga,e Audi they were suffering front headache and with a very sickly feeling. They` :were ill mast.of the day. ca ti irNEl: FIIlp7 During the opening day of the* Chautauqua in the Opera Houser Monday ,evening the fire aiarnii sounded immediately across thea street and a, great uneasiness 'wast" manifest among the audience, number got up and left. A chimneys in the Chinese laundry caught fire• but the fire was brought uudey con- trol before the fire brigade arrived. DIED IN LONDON Word has been received that Mrs. Thomas Prior, ae former resident of Exeter, had• passed away in London on Tuesday. The remains are being brought to Exeter for interment.. Service will be held in London anct interment will take place at .the. Ex- eter cemetery Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. • DIED IN 'SIR iT'HR.OY The death took place near -Strath- roy on Saturday last of Mr. • John Wilson at 'the a:ge of 79 years and 2. months. tt1r. Wilson was •born on the second) concession of Stephen: and farmed, fore number of year in Mc , GiIlivray, u'p to the ;;tittle .of his.retirement to Centralia where he resided until three years ago. Short- ly after the death of his wife he went to live, with his daughter, Mrs. E. Grosvenor, near Strathroy. Another' `danght.ea resides in Kitchener. The Misses Jennie and Rachael Wilson., of Centralia :are .slaters. Mr. Fred Kerr, of Crediton, is a nephew The £uneral was held Tuesday with, in to au:ent:,ht;Stratihtoy DEATH 0P ED\IIIND JOHN SHORE.' The death., took place in Exeter on , Tuesday of, Mr. Edmund. John Shorty who foil the past 14 years had been an esteemed resident of this, com- munity. Mr. and ' Mrs. Short and family before coming to Exeter were residents of Crediton. Besides his bereaved widow, whose maiden name. Was Mary. E. McTaggart, the deceas- ed is survived by three daughters, .Mrs. Wm. E. Welsh, of Usborne; Mrs, G. W. Myers, of San Diego, Cal - 'if., and 1Iiss Fern ,Short; of - London; also five sisters, Mrs. Beverley, of London; Mrs. Hy,. Welsh, of Exeter; Mrs. Tookley, Mrs. Abercrombie and urs. Ingram, of British Columbia_ The deceased was a member of the James Street United. Church. The funeral, private, will be held Thurs,-a, dayp afternoon, at 2.30 with inter- ment in the Exeter cemetery. Mr. Wm. Somerville is seriously ill in, his room in the Snell Wool*. it.larch came in like a lamb but on, Tuesday the lion beganto show its teeth. It did not last long, however~ and beautiful weather has since pre- vailed. The weather during Fembrii- ary was the mildest in 25 ybars. The mercury did not once drop to then zero mark. • Rev. Bordeu and Mrs. Cunning- -ham and daughter ;Betty, of Mill- bank, visited, with relatives in Exe- ter last week. While here little Betty was taken .ill for a few days. Mr; Cunningham returned to Mill -- bank for his Sunday services and again came to Exeter taking lrfrs. Cluininghant and Betty home with, : • hint on Tuesday. Hard -Time Bargains All :Balloon Casings sold at Taylor's Tire Shop gc)taranteed for one year against cuts, stone bruises, blisters, nmaterials and Woriattanlriip. All vulcanized free of cost. ,, REPAIR PRICES -All balloon casings, 29x4.40 to 30x 50, $2.00 for inside job and $2.50 for outside and inside.. BATTERY REPAIR -11 plate battery $2.50; 13 plate battery $3000. DOMINION TIRE SHOP . , y - Joh n Taylor ,