The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-01-29, Page 8•
WHICESDA17, J4 4J1 29th t 4.94
Ma. Harry Elwerthy, who has been
seriously ill in VietOria
Lonclousuffering from gaugerine
getting along eery nice although
laris not yet -out of danger;
The regular meeting Of the James.
Street Yowler People's Sosiety was
bold o alondea evening alae Mc-
Tavish presided over the devotional
;exercises after which Mr. -Garnet
Hicks took. vaarge. 'Thar eddress of
the evening was given by M. (lenge
Maw= which was wry interesting
and much .appreciated by the young
people. Messrs. Garret Mae with
the mouth organ aud with his, own'
aecompananent on the piano ali.
Frank trange on the banjo gave a
rousing number which was eacoreth
hearty vote of thanks was tender- a
ed to Mr. Maws= by the president
.a.riss Celia Christie .and seconded by'
Miss. ,Gertrude Francis bringing the
Meeting to a clue.
Thanks are offeredfor a good
many various; reasons. This time it
is being extended to the good •Cane-
clian ladies of Exeter who, have prov-
en' to be true ancaloyal to the inter-
est of their town and mantra, The
Canadian Home Journal Boys wish
to thank each and all for their kind.'
support: We also thank those who
did not find it possible to credit
us with their names, because. they
at least gave a courteous refusal.
Signed F. J. McDonald. and, B. A.
Exeter Markets
Wheat 05c.
Oats 30e.
Berley, 3(a),
Bran $1.15
Shorts .a1.05; $20.0.0 a ton,
Low (Weiler Flour $1,25.
Welcome Flour 4,50
:Model Flour a2,70,
Slanitobe rioter
Creamery Butter 35c,
Dairy autter, 24-25e.
Eggs, exalts gie..
Eggs, first 17e.
Eggs, seconds 140..
Hogs $,9,00
. _
Because of his 'handicap and his
uncanny skill Norman Falltuer,
Toronto, drew tile greatest applause
r3r his. act, His was. a remarkable
exhibition of figure skating despite
the fact of his right leg which was
lost in the war. He cut a dazzling
array of .intricate figures which
brought Earth thunderous applause
from the aseemblage.-Providence,
R. L This isyour chance to see
him en Friday night. •
I Wish to Wane the public twat
I have changed my place of business .
and have ;gone in with ela, Milo,
Snell with Chevrolet Sales and Ser-
vice. Ulric' Snell.
Where a man secures a life, in-
surance policy he does not, "take
a chance," he escapes a risk. E,
C. Ilarvey, Life Underwriter.
A good dealer is wanted by the
Cockshutt Plow Co. to handle com-
plete line of farm implements
chiding tractors and threshers, a
good proposition to right man.
Apply Coeleshutt Plow Co, Brant-,
ford, Ontario. 1-29-2tp.
Don't forget the play to be put ma
by James Street Youeg People on
'ay, February 13th.
FO SALE -A number of Hereford
calves., aure bred from 9 months up
Apply John Hirtzel, R. R. No. 1,
PIGS FOB. SALE -25 ehurike. Ap-
ply F. L. Preeter, Dashwood, It. R.
No. 2,
''OR SPL]--Chcace lot of Hol-
stein epringers. Apply W. N. Glenn
Mr. Frank Wildfong is attending
a Training Sehoal in Stratford this
Mrs. Nelson Kestle' who is •confin-
eel to Iter bed is not improving very
Mrs. M. Heywood has returned af-
ter visiting for a month in Windsor
and London.
Mrs. Newcombe is cenfined to her
bed. at the home of .her daughter,
Mrs. E. Howald.
Mr, Walter Wash,' of the West,
visited for a few days with 131a. and
Mrs. George Andersen.
Mr. 'atanley 'Weed, of London,
spent the week -end with his parents,
air.and Mrs. John War&
Mrs. George, Anderson •aed Miss
Seel= Booth gave returned home
after a mentb's visit in Detroit.
Mrs. Wesley Hodgins, of London,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. John
Willis for a few:days last week,
(Mrs. N, .aeraire was called to Tar -
onto aluringatlea past week owing
to the illneatesdaelser mother, Mrs
Schwegler. .
Mr. and ales.., Stable, who have
been visiting for a couple of months
near Chatham, have returned to Ex-
eter North.
OitActi• • _
, Rev, liernard Ithodest
• • ' ,i‘Itaister
Uiss Lena Caatea'Aaeo,114, Orgunis
a.121.--Fenday Sei)
11 eem.---"The Beauty of Simplicity"
7 parieee"Unrestiug but Unlasting"
'Thursday, 8. p.m., -our Mid -Week
Service in the Chureli,
Rev. I, McTavish, raster
W, Goulding,
Organist and .0hair-aeader
11 aeu.----"When the Brook Dries
Up." If you are tired, of your let'
• in life, hear this inessage.
3 pau.-Sunday Scbool,
7 pau,--,-"Tired of Home." Another
lnessage to young folk.
Bev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor
Miss Evelyn Huston
' Organist and Choir -Leader
11, a.m.-he Church of Pergaraos,'
,Pourta in the series ori the First
.Century Churches, •
3 pane -Our church .gclioca. '
7 pan,---arWinning the Young" •
Prayer iSeraice, Wednesday a
7.30 pee,
Itcv. E. L. Vivian, Rector
Miss K. M. MacPaul, Organist
Septuagesima Sunday
11 ;a.m.-Holy ;Communion
3 p.m -Sunday- School and Bible
Pan. -Evensong
On Friday evening, January 30th
t 6.30 a Congregatioriel Tea and
reception for Rev. E. L. and Mrs.
Vivian will be held in the Parish
On Friday of last week a number
of young ladies from town armed
with snowshoes boarded. the 5.40
The annual congregational meet -
train for Hensall and then proceed-
ing of the James Street United
to walk the six miles back to Exeter.
church is ;being held' this (Wednes-
It was a merry bunch that started
day) evening.
back along the highway for 'home.
liars. Maurice Long was taken to Laughter and giggles were araftaal
Victoria Hospital, London, onMon-
•day where she underwent an srpera evening
on the breeze but as t4e Eihach:S
'fen and the drifts, and *holes
tion. -She is doing nicely. I were lese discernable and the fells
Rensall, 4. R. No. 1.
• 1te Mr. Leo Hennessey will this week and •tumbles became more) frequent
t tl •
be beaten and completed the trip on
Short Hills, N. J., are visiting with
pullets, laying at $1 each; also 12
Rock pullets at $1 and a number of their father Mr. E. J. Wethey, . I foot,
!move n 1Q residency of Ma Silas it was. a tired but happy bunch that
Canadian Canners are offering a Johns on Albert „Street recently va- straggled back to town several hours
lee catea by Mrs. Chas. Pilon. after leaving home. Some of the
fear cabbages for sale.
1'Mrs. Jas. R. Yeager, of Orange, erle euecumbed to tee
FOR SALE -20 White Leghorn temptation
N. J., and Mrs. R. T. Stremenger, of of a ride but the others were not to
Rock roosters. Apply to box 280, Messrs. Allied. Wildfong and. Chas.
Times-Adrocate. ltp Aldworth attended the funeral. eaf......AXETER WOMEN'S INSTITUTE
rthe latteral uncle Rev. Wei. Hincle,
. The Thames Road Farmers chili in tayfield, en Tuesday of last week.
have ordered another car of •eake Mr. Gordon Oke, who recently un
and, can handle a few more' orders, dement an operation for appendici-
We have a few itquiries for West- tis at Dr. Pletchees hospital, was
ern Oata. Anyone • wanting either able to return to' his home on Sun -
coke et oats phone their order to day.
P. Passmore, Secretary. etc. IM. Elmer Weido, Crediton,
who has been ill at. Dr. Fletcher's
NOTICE hospital, is recovering nicely and ex-
Netice is hereby given that the. An- peed to return to her home in a few
lima Meeting, o! the members days.
of the Ustorne and Ribbert Mutual
Mr. Ted Taman, of the Bank of
Fire Insurance Company. will be held Commerce staff at Arkona, who has
in the Town Hall, Farquhar, on efon-
been relieving at .Forest, spent a
day, February 2nd, 1931, at 2 p.m..
couple of days last week, at his home
for the purpose of receiving the re- iee,e.
ports of the Directors and Auditors,
for the pest year, and for the elec-
Mr. E. C. Harvey was In Strat-
tion of two Directors, for a three ford on Monday of last week, at -
year term and two Auditors, and for tending a district meeting ea the
Any other business in the interests- Mutual Life Aesuranee Co., •of
of the Company. eCanada.
The Directors, whose term of of Iva, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Tice expires, but who are eligible for John Willis, who underwent an op-
ee-eleetion are; Robert Norris and J. eration in Victoria Hospital, Lon -
T. Allison. don, for appendicitis, returned home
W. A. Turn.bull, Secaa last week.
Dated at Exeter, Januar' 7th, 19-31.1 Mr. Win. Hattea returned ,Satur-
. day evening after visiting for a
Majority rules, Phila) is the couple oe weeks in Montreal. Mr.
world's fastest selling radio. Hear and arra G. S. Dow and Mrs. Hatter
the new Philo° at "The Rome of the will return later by auto.
Foc.l." or in your own home, Phone
'al. -Sandy Elliot lar. and Mrs. Enoch RowclifSe left
Monday for Flint, Mich., tovisit for
a week with their daughter, arr. and
Honey for Salo --10 pound pail of Mrs. W. L. Edmunds. This is Mr.
choiee clover honey 80c. Wesley Rowclirfe's first holiday In many
Dearing. Phone Crediton 17r14.
Mee MeTavish, who has been ill
FOR sALE-Brick house with at her home for several weeks, is
eight rooms and over one acre of• slowly 'reproving. Mr. John arc -
land On William Street, Woodshed, Tnvish was taken in Sunday and was
hard and soft water, stable, fruit confined to his home the forepart of
trees. Apply at Times-Adeocate,I the week, •
1 -15 -tic
Mr. George Grant has had the
PARM POR SALE -Choice 100- cottage which he recently purchased
tiet6 farm with good buildings, North from the estate of the lath Miss Par -
Thames Road, 'convenient to marketkinsen, remodelled aiid redecorated
school and church. For further inty.-! oil the inside and he expectsto
ticluars apply to Carling •& aloriee, man in next Week.
Rarristens atc., Elder, Ont.
If you Wish to buY et sell a WM
Or. bouSe See It. 4. Plekard, Exeter,
We are in the market for all kinds
Of lioultrY" Paying the highest pricea.
Trucks 1011 etll, Phone gtti Dash*
Weed, C. AndertOli.
Word. was receded on TireeclaY of
the death of Mr. H. IL /tallier, of
Rochester, Minn., son of the late Ity.
Itahler, former harnessmalter at
Itirkton. the deceased was torn
near Zurich 0/ years ago and was a
•prominent, citizen of Rochester.
"Sias is simply. won :by the prac-
tice •of ordinary virtues." .tIcialpit
The regular meeting of the Exeter
Women's Institute- was held at the
home of Miss L. M. jeckell with an
attendance of 23 members and 'ten
visitme. The meeting opened in the
lusual manlier,. was in charge of the
president, Mrs. Etherington, the roil
call being well eesponded to by a
health hint A vary fine and edu-
cational halt, hour talk was given
iby Dr. G. P. Roulston on "Care or
' the Teeth." A general review of the
care of the teeth from early stage
of life to adult was given. One
Point strongly emphasized. in par-
iticular was the importance of saving
1 feat perntanent molar, In closing,
. the speaker told a humorous story.
A piano selection entitled "Satan-
ella" was ably rendered by Miss K.
Strang, also a Violin' selection "Spir-
it of America" was given by one of
otir youthful artists, Miss Marion
Powell, accompanied on the plane
by MSe. G. Cochrane. Mrs. (Dr.)
M. C. Ga' Fletcher gave an inetrue-
Itive address on "Food for the Fan)-
, ily." ,Splendid suggestions were
'realized by the ladies on food values
Ifrom Walley to adult, A brief out-
line of the origin, growth, as wen as
lactivities of. the Women's Institutes
theoughout) Canada was given by
Miss L. llf„Jeakell. The citizen's re-
lief comniittee were votery a de -
nation, of $25.00 by the ' Institute
members towards relief work in our
tommunity. The members •deelded
to hold combined simmer meeting
with the Hurondale Institute at
Which a speaker from the depart-
' wIll be present. r angements
are also being made for the needle
Icraft course as well as the anneal
story telling contest. Roth of these
Interesting features will take place
In rebrua,ry. The meeting closed
by singing the Natienal Anthm at -
ter which a social half hour was
spent over the tea. Mips. A. vote of
thanks was attended to all theme
taking at le the program alga the
hostess -arid. lunch celernittee Vlach
was TeSpetidea to by a hearty Ap-
Rev. tr. Sonithan Goforth, veto -
an iMissionary in China of the Pree-
byterian ,Clitati), recently underwent
an operatfh in Toronto General Hos-
pita! for eye trouble, Mr. Goforth
is improving nicely,
r -r• rr• ••• •• 1••• •••• ••• '•-•1 ••••• "r•Ir -,1,•'/Irr. • 71. • .v• • •
New Silk Crepe and ,
Georgette Dresses
A new shipment has arrived this week; priced at P"
$11.95, $12..95, $18.50, e'
Turkish Towels
These are slightly soiled from hand-
ling at Christmas. These are 50 and 75c.
values.' Reduced for quick selling to
35c. Ott 3 FOR $1.00
5 pair of
Cotton Plaid Blankets
These are large size Blankets in grey,
fawn and blue plaids, Regular price per
pair $2.75.
Silk Knit Crepe
In colors of orey,'bloo brown and navy.
These were and $3,00 a yardt
did forr children's dresses and slips to
CLEAR AT 35c. &. 45c. YARD
10 dozen
Men's Grey Top Shirts
Made full and roomy of good quality
grey Flannelette, .sizes 14 1-2 to 17 1-2.
Regtilarvrice $1.25.
• New Chintz for Comforters
A nti*nber of new patterns are here for your inspection.
You will the new designs and colourings. They are 36 in.
wide. Priced at per yard 25C.
Coloured Prints
4 only patterns to choose frozn. These
are regular 25c, lines and are'splendid for
quilt covering.
42 in. Pillow Cotton
This is a special value and is away be-
low the regular price. Comes in one width
Pure Linen Toweling
A splendid drying linen. 18 inches
wide for hand toweling with blue, yellow
or green border. ,
5 YARDS FOR 98c.
-Coates 200 yd. Cotton Spools
About 20 dozen. In white Nos. 12,
16, 20 and 24. Black Nos. 12, 16, 24.
These won't last long. Regular price 9c.
a spool.
4 FOR 25c.
Room ,Lots of Wallpapers
For Bedrooms - Kitchens - Dining Rooms - Living Rooms
98c. $1.29 $1.49, $1.98 ,
Southcatic Bros.
, „ale
se gas
.00Maaatagiaa.",,- •A'
The town bell tools a 'tunable from,
its high perch it the belfry of the
Town Hall while being rung at seven
o'clock Monday morning, and drop_
ped over 'onto tile near of the tower.
It has been put back into place by
,Tr. W. A. Balkwill.
The funeral of the ,late Robert
Kerslake was held from his. home
on Huron St. on Thursday of last
*Week with interment in the Exeter •
cemetery. The service was conduct-
ed by Rev. D. MdTavish. The
Thees-Advocate wa.s in error last
week in stating that Mr. Kerslake
had been found in an unconscious
conaltion. He had been 111 only ,a
few days. Messrs. John and Jades
Sherbrooke, of Blythe were present
for the funeral. The pall -bearers
were Messrs. Milo and Clarise Snell;
John Sherbrooke, 'Charles Kerslake,
'Walter • and Wellington Kerslake,
•W. C. T. r.
The W.C.T.V. held their regular
meeting on Monday, January 26th
at the Jamee St. United church. Mrs.
Pearce took charge of the devotional
exercises aided by Mesdames 'Miners.
Beavers and Skinner. In the ab-
sence of alre. ;Moorhouse, Mrs.
Christie was aPpeieted secretary pro
tem. The President took( charge of
the eemainaer of the program. It
was decided to hold a parlor meet-
ing on Wedneethia, February 25th at
the hone of Mrs, J. W. Down who
was present and invited the Union
to meet there. The following was
!gleaned from the Clip Sheet "Con-
trol?" In the two years after pro-
lithition abateleued, consiema
Hon of liquor in Ottavio doubled. In
the seven years between 1922 and
1.929 the consumption of wines In
Canada increased 6/8 per cent, rivg
and three. Quarters, nearly six times,
as much wine is consemed, and this
Under the protettion of the coat of.
arms qf Ontario on the window 'of
tho liquor store =kin the traffic
writ respectable. The old saloon
with its 'taints arta disorders and
fumes .0f beer was'better than this.
Then under prohibition it was out -
hayed, with the brand of public dis-
approval upon it. Making tho caller
a goveretneet agent or elvll :fervent
is only making a great and evil thing
appear respectable.
Three historical ovents The pass-
ing of buffalo; the passing of the
ellt;; the passing of the beek.
High Class
Gen'ts Furnishings.
-- at -
Prior to Stock -Taking
Agent for Jacksons, tleaners and Dyers.
oommIN•INONIMMI•er •110••••••
The Young Ladies' and Young
Classes of James Street
Senday School held a social evening
on Tuesday in the church parlors.
A large 'am -thee were present and
j-oined, heartily in a variety of games
and contests, Mrs. C. Welker, the
teacher of the Young Ladies' Class
gave A reading which was much en-
edyed. After several stunts had
beon performed the young people
gathered into groups and a bountiful
lunch - was served.
The Comrtfdol ,Class, Jr, Adult,
Bible Class or the James St. Sunday
School held a social evening in the
church parlors on Prida.y evening of
last week. The teachers and (Arica
'era ot the school together With the
members of the choir were invited
and there war a eplenard turn out. A
short program was enjoyed presided
over by the president of the ciaira.
Mr. Chester Rowe. A reading was.
given by Mrs. Cecil Walker; ,addresa
by the pastor, Rev, 1), McTavish; ad_
dress of welcome by ,Mr. W. !Welsh;
piano duett by Mrs, Reed and Mrs,
Stone; solos by Chas. Godbelt and
Prank Taylor and a ft* remarks by
J, M. South:colt. Rev -J. W. Down
=Vett a Vete of thanks 10 the class
and this was No. con del by S.11. Jones
and mr. rt, Gonlding, Following the
program refreshments vela limed
and a soda! flour 'enjoyed.
A, L. C. M.
(Honor Graduate) London, England
Instruction in
Piano, Violin, Harmony, Theory;
Studio N. Albert Street Box VW
Phone 29 , Exeter,' Out.
W. R. G0111. -DING
A. T.
Organist an ChOtrnineter
James St. 'United (Unite!"
Inetrgetion itt
Piano Vocal Organ Theory
Supervisor of Music in Scheel&
Studio, Main: Box51, 'hona 192
tiktITEn, ONT
• Tnternledinte SerieN
San. 23-Seatorth a1 Clinton
Inn. 2/---Exctcr at goaforth
4'an. 40 -Clinton. at Oodorlott
Poly. 8---Ctrnton. at. Btotor