The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1931-01-29, Page 1700114.BLISH137D 1373 Airommormormummoe ~:t'NDEit.\r.._ OPSIT' T1(AN E:RTT Mrs. Charles Isaac, of London, £oralerly or Stephen Twp., was taken. ill with appendicitis last week :and. underwent an -operation. at St. Joseph's. hospital, We understand she is getting aloilg aaieely. EXETER, ONT.,, THURSDAY .MORNING, JANVARY 29t4, 1931 • . FIFTY -mum YEAR WO. 29 4 • New Summer Prints and :..rQadcloths ' ',The new printed materials for sumtner are ready for your inspection The new printed broadcloths 36 inches wide, fast colours ar 25c. 29c. and. 5c, a yd are splendid values . • 'Pillow Cases and Sheets on Sale 5 dozen heavy quality 42 inch bleached pillow cases on sale at 50e a pair. Large size heavy bleached hemstitched sheets on sale at 98c. each. , Mid -Winter Sale Many lines of underwear, sweaters, hosiery, fur coats, ladies' and , Missee' and Children's winter cloth coats, flannelettes, factory cotton, etc., on sale •at real bargain prices. WOOLEN BLANKETS -Beautiful quality in .colored checks and plain white stripes, on sale at $7.95 a pair. IERIMMI•11-30•1•11111•••••ROINIFIC MOM Specials:- Rubbers, Mitts. etc. Goodrich 'Lumberman's Rubbers $2.50 'a pair; Boy' $1.98; Youths $1.75 Women's Overshoes at $1.49 and $1.75; Rubber Zippers $2.75; Domes $2. Men's heavy Corduroy Sheep -lined coats at cost $8.50 each. , Men's Leather Windbreakers at $7.50; Leather coats at cost $11.00. Men's Winter Caps at 90c. to $1.00; Horsehide Mitts at $1.00. Men's Blue or, Black Overalls on sale at $1.50 a pair. •_ Men's High Leather top Rubbers at $3.95; 15 inch high rubbers at cost 5.09 Men's an d Boy's Overcoats Extra Special! One rack Men's Overcoats at $15.00 each; Blues at cost $17.00; Men's $35 Barrymore Overcoats at $24.50; Odd size Overcoats at $5.00 each. BOY'S HEAVY OVERCOATS PLUSH -LINED FOR AGES 10 TO 15 YEARS -$8.00 each. MEN'S FUR COATS ON SALE AT COST $19. TO $45. New ,Wallpapers 10,000 Rolls Walt Papers' jilst received. New Tow prices at 10c. a roll up. See our new papers. Grocery Specials for this Week -end' Only 1,4 • ir„e.: 'Toilet Soap ' �" Tor 3c. Bar Wheaflet 5 lbs. for 25c. Canned Peas, No. 4 seive Canned Peas, small tin Sc. Folie ,kr.". 'Beans, (Libbsi's) for 2,5C.,, ' grange Marmalade ,43er 40 oz. jar) . 25c, Sockeye Salmon 1-2 lb. tin I9c. Phone 32 ones & 3tay Phone 32 } *AAAAAAAAAA0§0e40%ftwswvottA0~.AAA/40%0J Reduced Prices We have reduced the paices on a large range of Hard- ware and Kitchen Supplies. Some of the specials are listed below. General Purpose Shovels. A snap at 5 gallon Galvanized Coal Oil Cans 1 gallon Galvanized Coal Oil Cans No. 2 Galvanized Wash Tubs - Cast Iron Frying Pans White Enamelled Dippers White Enamelled Wash Dish Enamelled Dish Pans Colored Bread Boxes Ivory and Green Potato Pots Ivory and Green Pudding Dishes, 2 for .. . .... - . 49c. Galvanized Chamber Pails in Colors Colored Cookie Tins 59c. 98c. 59c. 98c. 89c. 98c. 29c. 59c. 98c. $1.49 Don't miss these Values. TRAQUAIR LINDENFIELD Phone your hardware neceSsities to 27 BIRTHS • *uar3r 15th, tO Mr, and! Mas, John I. alland, a daughter. Ilespital, Hensel], on !Sunday, January 25th, to Ma. and MI% Stanley Mitchell, a !daughter, *A'AVLBAN-In Hamilton, on. Sanday Jantlary 18th; to Mr, and afra, W. J. N. McLean, (nee Zetta Pass - /mire) danghter, (Jeraldine Pearl DEATHS ',0,,trrIT-411 London at the home of hor daughter, Mrs, A. Cursleyr 584 Maitland St., on Friday, Jen- narY 24ed, 1.031, Mrs. Mary Smith widow of tho 'Tato George Smith, in her 99th year„ SCHWARTZ-in .Crediton, on Wed- Schavartz, aged, 60 years, 5 months and '7 days. Vaneral SattardaY from his late residence at 1 pan. Internient ill tho Crediton ceme- clay, January 21, 1981, Maria , Ewald, widow or the late August Ewald, aged '71 years, 8 months and 18 days. MeFALLS-In Exeter, on Saturday, January 24, 1031, Robert McPalls in his 90th year. The average office Atill needs*one bare to , year feet '0 the desk. The results of the Christmas ex, aminations of the Ontario Law. School, Toronto, are announced and the friends .of Mr. Kenneth Stanbury congratulate him on passing with honors, his standing being near the top of the list. IN MEMORIAM ROBINSON-In loving memory of Mrs. Edith Robinson, who passed away, 5 yeaas ago, January 25th, 1926. We sadly mias an absent one, Yet strive to say, Thy. will be done; Oh Father, though • it rends the heart, For our belove'd one to part. !Sadly missed by her Husband and ral' MEMORIAM COULTIS-In loving memory of Coultis, who died January 25th, 1923. A precious one from us _has gone. A voice we loved is still A place is vacant in our hQuse Which neVer can be filled. tut God is good, He gives us strength To bear our heavy cross Re is. the only One that knows Hew bitter IS our loSS. Sadly missed by wife and soh& CARD OF 'IHANKS The family of the late Robt. Xers4,. lake wish to eapress their sincere thanks to friends and. neighbours for tho kindness and sympathy express- ed during their recent bereavement also tor the floral tributes and the loan of cars. Mr. and Mrs. John Willis wish to =press their appreciation to tha many friends for the acts or kind - am and floral tributes whih? their daughter Iva was a patient at Vic. Ur. Win. Rivers is ill M. the Hants ilton Hospital and his son, Mi. Harn- er C. Rivers went down ta see him on Wednesday. Mr. • Rivers waS taken ill while visiting with hie daughter, airs, ,L Routlad„ge. Rev. Es 14. Vivian, Mrs. Vivian and sea .arrived in Exeter Tuesday evening, where air, Vivian will take over his new duties as Rector ot the Trivatt :Memorial Mira, Mr. Viv- ian comes to Exeter tram Woodstock where he was .rector of All 'Saints' Church in. eanjanction with Beach, ville. We welcome them to -our' ,'IN ' CRITICAL CONDITION Considerable interest has ' been manifest in the condition _of Mlia Amy Shantou, who on Wednesday of last week underwent aa. operation. in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. time has been such as t6 cause a great deal :of anxiety.' Her many friends are hoping for,the best. . INJURED IN FALL Misfortune has visitea the home of Mr. and Mra. B, .a. phillips during the past week. Early last week. Mr. Phillips had the, misfoituae to fall from a laddet While assisting his. son-in-law, Mr. Wellington Hern in demolishing the old Spicer residence On the corner of Sanders aad Wil- liam streets. ' Mr. 'Phillips seffered the fraeture of one of his, ribs and a sprained ankle and has been ernifined to his bed. On Friday ,ev- enng cvhile Mrs: Phillips was des.. tending the stairs she missed *the bottom stea and in falling dislocated her shoulder. The injured member was put fa Place by Dr. Dunlop. • Mr. and Masa Fred. Hunkin cele- brated. their .diamond wedding an- niversary oa Monday when about forty relatives and faiendea were pleasantly entertained in honor of the occasion. Dinner was served at o'clock ahd the , tables were tastefully deeorated for the occasion. .A. heaulsome wedding cake adorned :the centre. After dinner, the even- ang was spent in a social way during :which iMr. and Mrs. Hankie were each presented with a half :dozen silVer knives and forks and an ad- dress by the brother and sisters of Mrs. Hunkin. They were' also made ahe recipients of. many beautiful gifts and received a number of con- Aratulatory cards. The family con- sists of two sons and two daughters, :several grandchildren and one great grandchild who were present for the .occasion. They are:. John, of Exe- ter; Mrs. Amos Darling, of Ailsa Craig; Alfred, on the homesteadain Usborne and Mrs. John Selves, Jr., of rsborne. . Mr. Hunkin was born on Lot '13, Con. 7, Usborne, wliere he lived un- til he retired and came to Exeter 13 years ago. He spent a ntunber years. in municipal life being both councillor and reeve. Mrs. Hunkin's maiden name was Ellen Anderson. She was born aboitt a mile north of the Thainea Road church. They were married at the Thames Road church. Mr. Hunkin has two brothers and. two sisters living, Mri. Samuel Pasamore, Mrs. John Westlake, Wil- liam II. Hunkin, of Mitchell and Thomas!, of town. Mrs. Hunkin has three sisters and one •brother, Miss aiargaret Anderson, Mrs. Geo, Ferg- uson, Mas. Jessie Hobkirk and Jas. Mr. and airs. Hunkin are bOth ea- joying excellent health and the wish was freely expressed that they may .live to see their 'diamond jubilee. The address to Mr. and Mrs. Hun- kia was abed by Mr. Jas. Anderson and was as follows: Dear Ellen and Fred: We have Met here tonight to ex-: tend to yoa our heartiest congratu- sations on this Your fiftieth wedding anniversary, We hope that you may both be spared to enjoy each. other's. company for Many years .te We, your brothers and sisters ask amt to accept this, gift, not for Its Int Haste value, but as a token of our love and aespeet for you both. 'With kind regards Probably' no one daring the Whole eight got more appialtSe than Isler- 'tan Polluter, the one -legged. ,skaler Torouto. His Work Was held - sally (*vet an'd he rernained ob. the ice for a remarkably long Montreal Star. 'See 'hint pertain On he rink on .danuary tilt% ,7. W, i3E 4.TTIE, SHA. +,oll7'H BARD• i3IF 10.1:it..'y Rd4RCTED 1FAiiDEN Qi,' urii!fi'.1?iT1Xt41Oki'13lt) XIV IA O. D, At the January seSsion Of the Hila gouety !Colleen, which opened Tuesday afternooa, J. W. Beattie, Reeve Seaforth, .was chosen as waraen for the year 1931. There were four aspirants for the warden - ship, M. Armstrong, of Hullett Town- ship; W. J. Henderson, oa Morris Township and Isaac J. Wright, of Turnberry Township, being the other candidates. This was the Iaslseralss' tura .for appointing the: warden and Mr. 13eattie„ who has !sat at the council table for eight year% Was elected by ballot by the. Liberal eau- Mts. Armatrong was the run- ner-up. In the absence Of the ex -Warden A. C. Baeker thiough the newly elected warden Nast escorted to the chair by Owen Geiger of Hen - sail. In his address Mr, Beattie stressed the importance, ef practic- ing ea0nOnlY during the year and asked for the hearty co-operation of his fellow councillors. At this session several appoint, Ments were made. Mr. Armstrong and County Clerk George Hola man were appointed to the criminal, justice audit lahard for 1931. Al- fred Erwin, Bayfield, and John Cain- eron, Astfield, were, named auditors Other appointments were; Good Roads cawmission, Reeves J. Bat- lantyne, John McKenzie, R. H. Reeves•IL A, Goetz, John McNabb, P. Keyes were named the striking committee to bring in their report. at Wednesday's :session. Twenty-zeven of the 29 members on the council were presents The absentees were A. O. Baeket, Brus- sels and james E. Ritchie, of Ash- field, who were- reported 111:' DIED LN LONDON 4211rs, Mary .Smith, widow of the late George •Saaith, died at the home 684 Maitland St., Loacona on Friday, January 23rd, after a, sbort • illneSs in her 68th year. Coming front England about •eighteen years ago with her husband and, reality they .settled at Elimville .where her hus- don making her home. With „her 'datightet, Mrs. -A, Coasley. She leaves. toimourn her loss, one daugh- ter and two sons, of London; one ville, and two brothers and two sis- ters in England. The remains were laid to rest in sthe: Woodland ceme- tery mausoleum, later to be remov- ed to the Elimville cemetery for burial. PASSE AT RIPE OLD AGE Mr. Robert 111'01%111s, who for the past fivo years has been .an esteemed resideat of Exeter, died early Sat- urday morning after . an illness of only a few days. The decaased .was in his. 90th year. The cause of his Fall& w.as born on the and c•onces- sion of Biddulph ou the farm on which he resided until he came tr.. Exeter five years ago to live with his alaughtea-in-law, the late Mrs. Wilbert McFalls. Since the death of afrs. Manilla about two, years ago the deceased made his home with his granddaughter, Mrs. Garnet Flynn. The d•eceased was the last of a fam- ily of seven children, the parents the' late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Mc - Falls, having ,aome out from Ireland about 1840. The family experienc- ed all the headships 'of pioneer life. The deceased was united hi marriage with Janet McLeod, who predeceas- ed him 16 years. Of a family of 7 children three survive, Mrs. Andrew Maguire, of McGillivray; James Mc - Falls, of Bryanston and Marshall, of Lump, Mr. Mcasalis, was a member of the Orange Order and .,111 politics was a Conservative. The funeral was held Monday afternoan conduct- ed by Rev. J. B. Rhoiles with inter- ment in the Mooresville cemetery. AN APPEAL FOIL THE NEEDY A. meeting at the executive of the Exeter Chamber of Commerce to- gether with Reeve It M. Francis and the .rommittee who had tharge 'of the Santa Claus Fund met hi the parlors of the Can:mita:1a .13ank of Commerce cn Saturday evening to deal with. the question of relief for several needy families of town. The Monies of the Santa Claus. Pend has now been expeaded and there are sevaal roses of need Ci`h the cent- munity, For 'the sake of the !chil- dren in those kettles It was decided to make an appeal to the citizens of Meter Ana thosot of the surrounding community for funds and previsions to carry on relief work during this winter, 'Contributions are needed and may be left at the Canadian 1151111 of Commerce, or the Times- Advacate. Contributions of pota. toes, turnips, fruits raw or perserv, el, honey, maple sytup, etc. will be gladly accepted. A. most. senjoyabie time was spent' by 1ti guests at the Ochre .aed "hard. -time". social held by.the 1-4, ball. There was a 'fine for wearluK new clothes atid. the prizes for .luir(1* time :costumes were wcoa 1)y Mrs, R, Taylor and Titordas Appleton. Tito euchre, :prizes were, -wOn .by bert Traquair and Walter Cunning-, ham,. the consolatioi prises going, to • Mrs. Mamie& Qualms and Arthur Jones. .01datime pingo Was turnish,,, ea by Misa"DorothyaGrassick A.L.Da lalte,, violin; Silas Stantake; piano; The women.served refreshments. ars Theatre Saturday and Monday January 3ist, and. February 2nd RICHARD TA1JMADGE - "The Cavalier' A. !glorlous, romantia cavalier, laughing at !aeath, loving' danger, mocking fear. Action,- thrills and romance, stunts and beauty run riot. • USU;AL COMEDY Grand Hockey Carnival Dome Rink, Exeter 011 FrIday, Jan. 30th . Pour Telma Grand Bend Canadiens - Dash.wood Flying Dutchmen .Creallion Blue and WhiteS Games start at 7 p.m. aharta, 15 minute periods Outside !officials 12 meta from each team admitted Hockey critiesaare asked to pick ,an all star 'team who will play the Exeter Intermediates son Thursday, February 5th. Hand your picked team 'to this, committee. SPECIAL A'rTRACTION NORMAN PALKNER, war aretera an. The worla's greatest one -leg- ged skater. Fest, Fancy, Marvel- ous. Admission.: Adults azic. 'Children 250 MASQUERADE' CARNIVAL A. THREE -ACT PLAY "The Winning of Joy" 'Will be prosent,d hy the ZION YOUNG PEOPLE, in. ELESIV1LIX UNITI411) CHURCH, 011. Friday, Jan. 300. Under the auspices ef the Live Oak 44 Music by' the Ellinvillrs !Orchestra between aCtS. Adinissit. 3Sic.; Children .13e. If yOu 'Want to have a good latigh come and see this play. Valentine Supper will be held in - James Street United Church ruder the auspices of the Wonten'a Association Thursday Feb. 5 Commencing at. 5,30 o'clock C400d program is being Provided, Consisting of numbers from the Mt - Of readings. :Admission 40e. end :23N