The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-12-27, Page 8Thursday, becewer 27, idbi THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE (Smiuigja Our Sincere Good Wishes For Your Happiness in the New Year Specials continued for tlie Holiday Season Phone 23lj H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Markets Wheat 93c. Oat? 34c. Barley 65c. Buckwheat 47c. Manitoba's Best $2.50 Model Flour $2.50 Welcome*flour $2.60 Dow Grade Flour $32,010' a. ton Bran $27.00 a ton Shorts $28,00 a ton. Creamery Butter 26cDairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, B.A., B.D. Minister organistMrs. J. G. Cochrane, 10 a.m,—Sunday School •“A New Creature”11 aan.-- 7 p.m.—•‘Christ in the Day of Lord,” our theis E. ROSS, be pub- LQCAL NEWS Miss Rjoss, .of Toronto, guest of her sister, Miss M. The Times-Advocate will lis'hed on Thursday of next week ow­ ing to the holiday. Mr. Howard Dignan, science teach­ er, at Thorold H. fi. is home for the holidays. Murray Madge, of London, is spend­ ing the holidays with his aunt, Mrs. G. Williams. Mr. Thoe. Tapp, of Detroit, is spending the holidays with her sis­ ter Miss Mary. Mr. Eugene Howey, of Mt. Forest High School staff, is holidaying with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. S. How­ ey. Miss Bonis, of the Exeter High School staff is spending the holidays at her'home in St. Marys and Miss Brown in Parkhill. v The schools of Exeter will re-open January third following the holidays Before the school closed several of the rooms 'held Christmas concerts. Mrs. R. Welsh returned the latter part of the week from Hamilton where she visited for a couple of weeks with her sister Mrs. F. A. Brimacombe. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Snell, and daughter, of Dondon, spent Christ­ mas at a family gathering at home of the former’s parents and Mrs. Wm. Snell, of town. Mr. Jack Dorrizzie, of Golden Valley, New Ontario, visited with Franklin Delbridge, Thursday -of* last week and took- part in a rabbit drive. About 25 men bagged between 60 and ,70' rabbits in the afternoon. At one time eighteen rabbits were seen in action running in all directions. Mr. Delbridge and Mr. S. Reid, of town, were with Mr. O’Dorrizzie, while on their deer hunting trip in the north a short time ago and this was the latter’is first experience in hunting jack rabbits. Butter 19-2 2c. A, large 26c. A, medium 19c. A, pullets 17c. B, 16c. C, 15 m $7.25 ♦ Q11— II —I H> fl II IMH II —i II ■■ II. — tl n i—.»«—<0 I i j LOCALS 1 i_____________________i The Times-Advocate are this week announcing that they will again give away sixteen prizes to subscribers who renew their subscriptions be­ tween now and the 2nd of February. See advt. LOCALS MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E* Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—“Christianity” Third in the series of the names of the followers of Jesus. p. m.—Sunday School p.m.—The Minister 3 7 Monday—Y. P. S. Wednesday, Jan. 2.—Men’s Union Thursday—Prayer Meeting JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA the MT. LOST—Two weeks ago right shoe Ladies’ Oxford, black, either in Exe­ ter or in Hensail. Kindly leave at Times-Advocate. , The annual meeting of the Exeter branch of the Canadian Legion will be held Friday evening. Election of officers will be held. All members are urged to be present. USED, TIRE CHAINS FOR SALE —We have several sets of used pas­ senger tire chains and one set of truck chains which we will sell very cheap. All sizes tof new chains in stock.—W. J. Beer. NOTICE Owing to uncertain road tions we will take in pigs Thursday at R. G. Seldon’s scales. For further particulars and prices call 171r6. A. W. Eth erington & Son. Bring in your hogs and get the highest price. condi- every weigh We do not anticipate purchas­ ing poultry after December 31st. Persons having poultry for sale kindly communicate with this office after that date. Phone 28, Night 36- Canadian Canners. Cutter and bells for sale at the Ford Garage. HO'RSES FOR SALE—A number of good big drivers suitablt for work: or driving. Some other good farm geldings and fillies; also some cheap work horses.—G. J. Dow. STRAYED—Onto Lot 7, Stephen Township, a roan steer two years old has no mark on ears. Owner may have same by paying expenses.—Ap­ ply to Edward W. Gill, Phone 38r4. STRAYED—From tot 10, S. B. Hay a wan heifer, two-year-old, cilft in left ear. Information received by Wm. Bowden, 18r5, Creditor. STRAYED—(From two miles south of Elimville a 2-year-old red Here­ ford steer, red spot on bottom of face, weight about 900 lb. Infor­ mation will be gladly received by W. T. Colwill, of Centralia, VISITORS in town Among the Christmas visitors in Exeter were: Dr. under Mr. uncle, Mr. the home of Mr. J>os. Senior. Mrs. Thornton, of Hamilton, with her sister, Miss Alllie Handford. Dr. and Mrs. George Hind, Walk­ erton, with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hind. Mr. Grant Sanders, of Camden, N. J., with Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Sanders. Rev. R. E. and Mrs. Southcott and son Jack, with Mrs. C. A. Southcott. Mr. -and Mrs. Walter Dearing, of London, at the home of Mrs. T. G. Creech. ■Mr. Marvin Howey, of Aylmer, with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Howey. Mr. and Mrs. JOs. Davis and two children, of St. Marys, with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Robertson and •son, Peter, of Stratford, visited with relatives. Miss Pearl Sanders, of Detroit, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Sanders. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Patrick, Tor­ onto, with the latter’s mother M'rs. J. C. Snell. , Mr. Albert W. Johnston, of Tor­ onto, with his parents', W. H. Johnston. Miss Edith Brooks, ■ and Mr. Tom Brooks, . their home here, Mr. and 'M'rs. F. H. don, with their daughter Mr. Mrs. J. H. Jones. Mr. J. Edgar Thomson, of Toron­ to, with his parents, Mr. an<J Mrs. ' Wm. H. Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. ,M. F. Gladman and children, of London, with MT. and Mrs. C. V. Pickard. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Davis,, of Tor­ onto, with the former’s parents, and 'Mrs. S. Davis. Mr. and Mi’s. D. F. Glass daughters, of London, with Dr. Mrs. G. S. Atkinson. Messrs. Harry West, end Sydney, of Fergus, mother, Mrs. S. West. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Miss Florfence Norry, of London, with (Mi-, and Mrs. John Norry% Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard and Mr. Charles Gladman, of London, with Mi. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman. Mr. Ellis Tapp, of Wellesley and Mr. Earl Tapp, of Toronto, with -their parents Mt. and Mrs. Rd. Tapp. Mr. and Mrs. George Ferguson, of London, and Mr. Eli Christie, -of Birr, with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Chris­ tie. Mr. and Mi's. Norman Keddy and daughter Lois, of Detroit, with Mr. W. C. and the Misses Keddy, of Us- borne. I3 Mr. and MU'S. R. Downie and fam­ ily, of London, with Rev. and Mrs. J. I-I. Stainton at the James St. par- i sonage. Mr. Kenneth S. Stanbury, B.A., Barrister of Toronto, and IMiss Hel­ en Stanbury, of Hamilton, at their home here. Miss Hazel Clarke, of Guelph and Mr. Merrill Dunlop, Of Seaforth, with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs> H. C. Clark. Mr. Keith Westlake, of the Blue Water Highway was the guest of Mr, Jack iStanbu-ry over the week-end and Christmas. Mr. Stanley Ward, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. fcarl Weido and daugh­ ter Dorothy, of Zurich, with Mr. and Mrs. John Ward. Miss Annie Simmons and Eva Cope- Rev. J. H. Stainton, B. A., B.D. Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader SEASON’S GREETINGS /a Wm. Lawson, of LIstowel, the parental roof. F, Weekes at the home of his Mr. Janies Weekes. R. A. Chartie, of Detroit, at 11 a.m.—-Rev. of St, Joseph's 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—“The Fool” An illustrated sermon on Channing Pollock’s famous drama and mov­ ing pictures of the same name. Special New Year’s music by ehoir. Everybody Welcome Donald Gladman, Isle, will preach, the TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFauI Clioir-Leader, Mr. Middleuiiss Mr. and Mrs. of Hamilton, of Forest, at Neil, Oif Lon- and Mr. and and of Sarnia, with their Black, and 10 11 First Sunday After Christinas am.—U-Go-I-Go- Class a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon 3 p.m.—Sunday School and Rector’s Bible Class. p.m.—-Evensong and 'Sermon.7 ♦ 45c SPECIAL NEW YEAR DINNER Dinner and Supper Cream Tomato Soup Roast Turkey & Cranberry Sauce Mashed Potatoes, Green Peas, Celery Heart Mince Pie Plum Pudding Christmas Cake Fruit on the table WONG’S CAFE 1 With genuine appreciation past patronage we extend sincere good wishes for a HAPPY NEW YEAR for our Let D. & H. Anthracite keep you} warm during 1935 Jas. P. Bowey “Insurance of all Kinds” trappy Nriu $rar We extend our heartiest greetings for a BRIGHT AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR to all our friends and patrons D. SALTER (S^rritugs anil hot lutsljes fur 1935 We also wish to thank our cus­ tomers for their patronage and we hope to be of realz service to you during the year to come. Wards’ Ladies’ Wear STRAYED—Onto the premises of the undersigned, tot 18, Con. 8, Tp. of Stephen, a roan yearling Durham heifer, Owner may have same by proving property and paying expen­ ses, Herbert Mortock, Crediton*. 12*13-3tc, STRAYED—Fi’Om lot 13, COh. 4, Hay Township, on or about the first of November one Hereford steer ris­ ing three-year-old, without horns. Finder please notify Geo. W. Arm­ strong, R. R. 1, Exeter, Phone i5 on 92 Zurich. 12-13-3tc STRAYED—Onto pasture farm In Hay ’township a 2-year-old fed steer, owner may have same by proving property and paying expens­ es.—-Hiram Shapton. land, of Victoia Hospital staff, Lon-*^ don, with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Simmons. Rev. Borden and (Mrs. Cunningham and daughter, Betty, of Millbank, With the former’s parents, Mr. -and Mrs, W. Cunningham, Mr, and M'rs. Robt. Gambrill, of Palmerston, and Mr. land vMrs. Jack Gainbrill, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Gambrill. Mrs. A. A. Ferguson, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sweet, Mrs, Egan and Christmas Visitors Mrs. Wm. and Mrs. from Putnam and Miss Bota Clipson i rfeton, with the former’s patents from Ingersoll.- ' Mr, and Mrs. J. Fisher. Mr. Jas, Sweet spent in the parental home, with Mrs. Dan Lavis were Smith, of Brantford, Mr. Frank Erwin and family, Phorte 56w TRUCKING Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisher, Rar* Farm Products and Live Stock t Special (C) LieenSe Today, it is but fitting that we voice our appreciation and ex­ tend , to you sincerest good wishesthat Happiness and Good Fortune abide with you at this Season and all throughout the coming New Year. a Southcott Bros. OUT OF TOWN VISITORS Francis a,t his home in Woods and daughter, Woods in Toronto1, Among those who spent tihe holi­ day out of town were: Mr James Bright. Mr. T. S. Miss Marion j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coates visited I in Lucan on Christmas Day. I Mrs. H. Elworthy and Miss Mary are spending the Christmas holidays !in Detroit. I Mr. and Mrs. G. iS. Howard and i Miss Evelyn at Mr of Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Hennessey and family, with Mrs. Hennessey's par­ ents at (Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. W. E? Middleton with the latter’s father Mr. Thus. Wash­ burn at Kirk ton. Miss L. M. Jeckell is spending the Christmas holidays with her brother at Youngstown, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carey .spent Christmas with the former’s mother Mrs. Nancy Carey, Goderich. Miss W. A. Fra in and A. S. Winer at the home of the former’s sister, Mrs. P. Tyerman, of Brussels. Dr. and Mrs. G. F. Roulston and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. How-aid with Mr.1 and Mrs. V. L. Roulston in Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Lampman with Mr, and Mrs. A, H. Lindsay and Mr. Itatm Ntiu Irar.. *i r r % as xione Middle^ A SPECl\ . Robert Allen's We take pleasure in this opportunity to wish you all a very HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. and Mrs. F. Dampman of Norwich. . Mrs. H. Cudmo.re, of Seaforth, is Mr, and Mrs. G. M. Grant and sons Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo. Grant and two. visiting with her niece Mfrs. J. C. Don and Mac spent Christmas weeki- sons with Mrs. Grant’s grandmother | gnell and other relatives. end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant of Glencoe. Miiss Olive Wood R.N., Toronto, is holidaying with her parents Ml’, and Mrs. Wm. H. Wood, Mr. and { up from i. and Mrs. J. R. Chlvert, Ste- Ka-tlUeen and Telfer, of Ilder- M'r. Drew Swan, Audrey and Mr. and Mrs. J. a. Grainger, and Evelyn, Mre Mrs. Elizabeth Clarke in Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Perkins spent Christmas afternoon and even­ ing visiting with relatives in Hen­ sail, Mr. .and Mrs. W. E. Wilier and Mr, and Mrs. C, F. Chambers with] Dr. O. G. and Mrs. Truemner, k,- f Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs, daughter Miss Ina with Mr. -and Mrs. son ait Birr. Mr. and Mrs. E, R. Hopper and little daughter Joan with relatives in Wingham. Mrs. Hopper and Joan are remaining for the week, Mr, and Mm. Chas, Rersiake, Ho­ ward and Josie and Mrs. H. Kyle, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, Myrdn Cnlbert at Lttcaii. Geo, Jaques and spent Christmas Samuel Steven- Mr. Ray Creech, of Dondon. Nor­ mal College, is spending this week with his mother Mrs T. G. Creech. Mr. Stanley Walter, of Hanover, visited with his father in town on Monday. On Tuesday, Mr. H. S. Walter, Stanley and Tom and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blpwes, of Hens'all, spent Christmas with Mr Jos. Grant in London. The following ners in a beam Coates’ Grocery, jar 3011. Mirs. 1st prizte, a teapot, 301'5 Hunter, Sleeping doll, 3'003 Olarise Snell, water pitcher, and Mrs prize-win- contest a;t were the ■guessing Number of beans in Morris Coates won Miss Ila Mrs, 3002; Wellington Brock, a doll, 3020; N. Keetlo add L Hunter wore tie fifth prize, 10 pounds of sugar. Mrs. Harold Wood were London for Christmas. Mi- wart, ton; Glen; Ross Thomson and son Alex, Mr. and Mrs. A. McQueen and daughter Margaret, and Miss E, M. Bowey, Brucefield, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. P. Bowey. Bara'bel f-or LOST—-Ono bad temper' sore feet. Cross Corn or Salvos avoid this, Sold iby Ws Drugstore, Exeter. duo to bunion Brown-