The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-12-27, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1931 HENSALL Subscriptions received at the Hen­ sail Post Office for all leading Daily and Weekly Papers. Kindly patron­ ize your Postmaster who handles your papers and endeavors to give you good service. Rents of Post Of­fice Lock Boxes are due and pay­able in this month and during the -first week of January. Those in ar­rears please settle —G, J. Sutherland 12-20-3t.c is spending parents at Scrutoii', of a man of 40 and his many friends wish him many happy returns of the day, 'Mr. and Mt's. Leslie Knight and two children, of Kitchener; Mr. and { Mrs. Bert. North and daughter Audrey, of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and two children of the Boach-O-Pines; Miss Alice Hig­ gins, of Woodstock, and M.r. and Mrs. Orval Beavers, of Farquhar, spent Christmas here with Mr. and Mrs. R-obt. Higgins. In the United church special Christmas services were held both morning and evening. The pastor Rev. A. Sinclair preaching at both services and a very interesting mu­ sical program was given by the choir. The Mission Band of the United Church are giving a concert in the Church Thursday evening of this week which will be very interesting All are invited, A big crowd was in town on Sat­ urday afternoon taking in the Christmas tree put on by the Chamb­ er of Commerce. 'The (lafrge tree was beautifully decorated. Santa Claus arrived at three o’clock and was given a great welcome by the kiddies. Reeve Jones was chairman and gave a splendid address of wel­ come. Rev Mr. Young, Rev, Mr. Sin­ clair and Rev. Mr. Parker all gave addresses and then came the pres­ ents and parcels, every child receiv­ ing a parcel. The Rev. M. B. Parker will give his farewell address as rector of St. Paul’s Anglican Church here, next Sunday and M'r. and Mrs. Parker | The following address and presen­ tation was made to Miss Olive Work­ man, who for several years has been the very efficient school teacher for [school section No. 10, Tuckersmith, by the parents, scholars and other friends of the section, man hag, resigned her teacher of that school married on Christmas Miss Workman, we have gathered for this social evening in recogni­ tion of your faithful services while you were our teacher, your con­ scientious efforts not only on be­ half of our children, but in every community .activity are predated by every one you have only kindly your association with derstand Christmas this year is go­ ing to be a very special celebration for you and we’d like to share in it. While we are sorry you are leaving the district, we rejoice in your hap­ piness and as .a token of our esteem and -continued good wishes, -ask you to accept this ■ table and caserole. May you be blessed with many happy years Mies Work­ position at and is to be Day. Dear sincerely ap- and we hope memories of us. We un- i to enjoy them. Your friends in S. S. No. 10, Tuckersmith Britton-Wojrlanaii • quiet but pretty wedding took Mrs. James of London, with her Lyle Cassidy and Woods, are spend- with Otterville re- L. Ortwein, of De- the Stanley Township spent here with their mother, McMurtrie, Sr. Mrs. Colin Hudson their daughter Myrna Mrs. Muir spent Christmas with friends at Zurich. Mr. Joe Hogan spent Christmas with .friends in Zurich. • Mr. William Simpson, of Detroit, spent Christmas with relatives here, Miss May Coward spent the holi­ days with her parents at Farquhar. Mr. Roy Webber spent Christmas at Zurich with his parents and chil­ dren. Mr. T. C. Joynt and son Donald spent Christinas with relatives at Lucknow. Mrs. Roy Parlmer is spending a few days visiting her husband at Windsor. Christmas passed quietly in the village a grea-t number entertaining friends. Mies Beulah Glanville 'the holidays with her Farquhar. Mr. .and Mrs. Harold Port Dover, spent the holidays with relatives here. Miss Ada Gram, of Detroit, spent Christmas here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gram, Mr. Arthur Dick, of London, visit­ ed his parents Mr. and Dick here last week. Mrs. M. W. Ortwein, spent Christmas here mother. Mrs. Peter Munn. Mr. and Mrs. Nat. Batters-by -and two sons Lawrence and Frank spent Christmas with .Stratford relatives. Miss 'Muriel Brock, of London, is spending .a few days this week visit­ ing at the home of Mrs. Workman. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. parlmer are spending the holidays with their son Earl and Mrs. Parlmer in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren and Mr. W. A. McLaren spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett, of Hay. Mr. and Mrs. their aunt, Mrs. ing the holidays latives.’ Mr. and Mrs. troit, spent Christmas here with former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dayman spent Christmas with Mrs. Dayman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Smith and chil­ dren, of St. Marys, were Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty. The Chamber of Commerce are having the skating rink flooded this week and hope to have good ice for New Year’s Day. Miss Violet Miller, of Winnipeg, is spending the Christmas holidays with her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Dayman. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mloffat and daughter, of Br.ucefield, spent Christ mas here with M|rs. Peter Fisher and' Mies Eleanor Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. John McMurtrie and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie and family, of Christmas Mrs. Alox. ‘Mr. and son Harvey and spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Abray, of London-. A severe snowstorm swept over this district on- Wednesday making ■some of the roads almost impassable and for those who had to return to their homes by motor ion Wednesday the driving was both difficult and dangerous. Alt St. Paul’s Anglican Church special Christmas services were held iSpecial music was given iby the choir and the rector Rev. M. B. Parker oc­ cupied his own pulpit. A well -attend­ ed. confirmation service was held in the church on Christmas morning. The merchants of the town report a splendid Christmas trade. Large crowds doing their shopping in Hen- sall this year. The stores and win­ dows were well decorated and visit­ ors to the village were remarking how well the business section look­ ed. St. Paul’s Anglican church Sun­ day school held their Christmas tree entertainment on Wednesday even­ program was given. A scholars, parents -and were present to enjoy Rev. Mr. Parker acted ing. A good Big crowd of other friends the evening, as chairman. Three, -two-pound boxes of choc­ olates were given away ion Monday evening at Battersby’s Store to those holding the lucky tickets. The draw was made at 10 o’clock, the winners of ITensall Kippen Zurich, Village r.r’ R.R. cer- with being Wm. Otterbein, Mrs, Glonn Broadfoot, No. 1 and Harry Smith, No. 2. The children of the itainly had a ibig time last week the Christmas tree entertainments in the three churches, in the public and continuation schools, ion. Friday af­ ternoon and the big Christmas tree put on /by Mie Chamber of Commerce on 'Saturday afternoon. Mr. J. W. Ortwein. celebrated his 85th birthday oh Christmas Day sur­ rounded by the members of his fam­ ily. Few men of his age are as, active as Mr, Ortwein, who carries on hie Real Estate and Insurance Business and who enjoys his wiork as well ae I ™ RED & WHITE store g »...."... . •—— With genuine appreciation for your past patronage, we extend A place on Christinas afternoon .at 4 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Hannah Workman, when her eldest daugh­ ter Olive was united in marriage to Herbert John Britton, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Britton, of Dublin. The ceremony was periloirmed by the i Rev. W. A. Young. At the strains ; march played byare leaving next week, tor Morpeth ot ,t)ie weM, __ where Mr. Parker has received the .M,rs. ,Y thc le unat. appointment as Rector ot the Angli- teDdetl t00][ theh. lafcce InP(1,ont ot non flrmvAn rnova mid it /r xcan Church there. Mr. and Mrs. Parker will be very much missed here and his congregation are very sorry to have him go. He will oc­ cupy his pulpit -at Morpeth the first Sunday in January. The United church Sunday school held their Christmas tree entertain­ ment on Friday evening in the base­ ment of the church, a large crowd was present. Rdv. Arthur Sinclair acted as chairman and a splendid program of readings, recitations, drills, dialogues and other numbers were given. The Christmas tree was loaded with presents for the schol­ ars and others, Santa Claus was present and was quite a feature of the entertainment. The scholars of the Public and Continuation schools held their Christmas tree entertainments on Friday afternoon. The Continuation school rooms and the three rooms of the ____ _______„,Public school in Mr. Blowes room J Kerr, of Toronto; Mr. Royal Haist Quite a number of the parents of and Miss Velma Guettinger, of Chi-, ■the village and .others attended, cago. Splendid programs were given and I Promotion Day will be Santa Claus’was present to help dis-jin the United Church next tribute the presents. The schools ■are closed for the holidays and will re-open on Thursday, January 3rd. The scholars of the Carmel Pres­ byterian Sunday school put on a isplendid Christmas tree entertain­ ment in the church Thursday even­ ing last. A good crowd attended and the Rev. M'r. Young acted as chairman.. A splendid program was given by the scholars of the school, consisting of son-gs, readings, drills, dialogues and were greatly enjoyed by all present. Santa Claus came in during the evening and was a source of a great deal of amusement and helped with the distribution of presents. Very interesting, services was held in the Presbyterian church on Sun­ day. The Rev. Mr. Young occupy­ ing his own pulpit both, morning and evening. In the morning the choir two anthemis “Arise, Shine “There were Shepherds and a solo was In was organ the beautiful decorated Christmas Tree. The bride carried a. bouquet of lillies and mainden-hair fern. The gowned'1 in After young trip to points. bride was beautifully transparent scan due velvet, ■the wedding dinner the couple left for a honeymoon London, Detroit and Other The bride travelled in a black dress trimmed with pink. IA black Hudson seal coat and (black hat and access­ ories to match. On their return they will reside on the groom’s farm near Dublin. Mrs. Britton was one of Heneall’s most popular young ladies and for several*years taught at No, 10, Tuckersmith. held theirs in their own sang Forth” and Abiding in the Fields” “The Fii^t Christmas- Morning” given by Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. the evening a choral service held commencing with an Prelude .besides special music by the choir, a quartet Ireen ad Dorothy Daters, James Bengo-ugh and Harry Miller sang “-Silent Night.” A male chorus, James Mustard, James Ben- gough, W. A. McLaren, Rev. Young, R. Y. McLaren^ Harry- Mfiller and Ralph Newton sang “Let us go Even unto Bethlehem” than a quartette, Rev. W. A. Young, R. Y. McLaren, W. A. McLaren and James Bengough sang, “Pilgrims .of the Night.” Large congregations were present to enjoy both services. of at Address and Presentation The Welfare of Yo’uth Club Carmel Presbyterian church met the home of Miss Beryl Pfaff on Sat­ urday evening in honor of Miss Olive Workman, a member of the Club and bride-elect of this week. Dur­ ing the evening Miss Workman was presented with the following address and presentation: Dear Olive:- We feel that we cannot let thie opportunity pass without saying a few words of appreciation tor your untiring efforts in the work of our young people’s society, the sincerity and earnestness which you have brought to this phase of our church work have shown us that you re­ garded it >as a privilege rather a duty. We shall miss you much from our meetings, but is our loss is some one elses As a token of our respect and esteem we ask you to accept these goblets and with them the best wishes for a long, happy married life. iSigned by the members of the Welfare of Youth Club of Carmel church, Mre. Roy McLaren, Miss Hannah Murray A very enjoyable evening was spent by <the young people. than very what gain. our sincere good wishes for a Happy New Year. ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver at the Sunday spirit of Christ- happy experience CREDITON Pc Holiday visitors in the village are Miss Lulu Gaiser, >of McMaster Uni­ versity, Hamilton; Mr. H. Johnson, of Toronto University; Miss Lulu observed Sunday Arbor, mother C. Pletch, R.N., of Brow Sanatorium, of a visitor in the home Rev. A. E. Pletch on the play. The pupils gave their teacher Miss Margaret MIcMaster many gifts. his usual visit. Special Christmas services were held services with the mas prevailing. An unusual and came to a group of young people of the Evangelical Church numbering about twenty-six on Chriistmas- Eve, when they visited the homes -of the sick and shut-ins, bringing joy and Christmas cheer. The singing was- led by Freeman Morlocn and Emmery Fahner with hie -cornet. The pastor, Rev. A. E. Pletch offered prayers for the shut-ins. The real old-time Christmas spirit was^ manifest by the group in their joyful and happy participation in this Christmas ser- ice which was given in the Christ­ mas spirit and (brought real Christ­ mas cheer and joy to many through­ out the town. Wishing all a very Merry Christmas. The Christmas Festival held on Christmas night, December 25th bro.ught out a large audience. The church auditorium was suitably dec­ orated for the occasion. Rev. A. E. Pletch acted as chairman. The program iby the beginners, primar­ ies and juniors was of the usual stamp with many specially interest­ ing productions. The closing part was a captivating cantata entitled “Good Will to Men” presented by a number of members of the Sunday school. Irvine parts, gave much time and effort towards ite completion. T.he following was its personal: Mrs. Albert Gaiser, Misis Lavina Smith, Mrs. Emmery Fahrner, Mrs. Mabel Ewald, Mrs. Albert Wolf, Arthur Amy, Freeman Morlock and -other assistants. Miss Clara Gaiser and Finkbeiner took leading The program committee Annual School Meeting The annual meeting of the morning. Miss Pearl Haist, of Ann spent Christmas with her Mrs. Mary Haist. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kestle and Janet, of Exeter, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. -Clark. Mr. John Ollezzy and Mr. Edward Dickson, of North Bay, visited last week with Gordon Ratz and other 'friends. Miss Mildred Schroeder, R.' N., of Detroit, Mich., -spent the week-end with her parents -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schroeder. Mr. .and Mrs. Daniel Schwartz, Loretta, George, Jack, Mary and Jean Schwartz spent Christmas with Mrs. Leah Holtzman. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Scriven and son Ross, of Toronto, spent the Christ­ mas holidays with ML and Mrs. C. Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. E. French, of Toron­ to, Miss Matilda Oe.stricher, Wind­ sor, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Herman -Oestricher. ' M(T. and Mrs. Wm. Benninger and Miss Marguerite Lamport, of De­ troit, -spent the hoilday at the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. Sam Lamport. Miss Myrtle the Mountain Hamilton, was of her parents Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Holtzman, Eleanor, Junior and Delores Holtz­ man, of Bald Eagle Lake, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Murry Holtzman, Mr. H. Holtzman, Mrs. Mary Goodwin and children; Mrs. Lally and -son, of De­ troit spent Christmas with Mrs. L. Holtzman. Mr. Gerald Zwicker left on -Sun­ day morning from Detroit for Palm Beach, Florida, where he will spend a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Matt. England are spending the holiday at St. Thomas. Miss Gerturde Haist spent Christ­ mas -at her home here. Mr. George Miniely, of Kingston, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morlock. Miss Lulu Morlock, of Windsor, is spending a week with her. parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morlock. Miss Beatrice Schenk of Seforing- vllle, visited her parents over the holidays. Mr. Gerald Smith, who lia-s been confined to- his home through ill­ ness is improving. The -Christmas entertainment which was held in the United -Church on Friday evening proved ai success un­ der the leadership of Mrs. J» woodal] Everyone doing their part well. Songs -recitations, drills and pantomines were given by the Juniors and Inter­ mediates. A drill entitled “Grand­ parents” presented by six primary children proved, very entertaining. | Ajldene Eagleson A pageant Cred- i-ton Public School was held in the school house on Wednesday, the 2 6 day. of December. E. K. Fahner was -appointed chairman of the meeting and H. K. Eilber secretary. “ .treasurer's report was read’ showed the finance-s of the in excellent condition with a of $1,387.83 in the bank. Gaise-r was elected Trustee term of -three years in the place of Henry C. Beaver, who had been a trustee for the past sixteen yeans and asked to1 be excused of further duties. F. W. Morlock was appoint­ ed auditor on behalf of the section for the ensuing year. 'Some disucs- -sion took place as to improving the water supply,- as the present method of supplying water is very unsatis­ factory. This was left with the trus­ tees to -take -such action as they saw fit. At the close of the annual meeting the trustees re-engaged E. Guettinger as caretaker of the school. The which section balance Lloyd for a .Sharon School Concert The annual Christmas concert of the Sharon School, No. 4, Stephen, was held at the Crediton Town Hall which wae crowded with an attend­ ance of well over 250 people. Arthur Amy was the chairman. The frst part of the program was an operetta en­ titled “The Go1 Do It Club’s Christ­ mas” which was ably presented by the pupils' under the direction of W. R. Goulding of Exeter. Scotch songs by Charles Hoffman were well re­ ceived. The second part consisted of a four act play entitled “Dot the Miner’s Daughter”. plause and laughter of the audience’ indicated that the play and players had met with approval. The players were Margaret McMaster, Marguer­ ite Amy, Gertrude Amy, Laurence Wein, Lloyd Wein, Eldon Smith, JI___ t____ __ _ ’ i, Charlie Mhrtene, A pageant ’“The Story Beautifuf” | Donothy Amy, Arnold Becker, Wail­ given by the Young people complet- tor Weber, Ray MoHockf Edith We- , ed the program. Santa Claus made ber. IMhleeta Wein was director of i CREDITON EAST and Mre. Leonard Wein J and his father sister ’Mrs. of London, from his a ring friends of the •a. box of Ethel Dunn who United Chris t- Mr. son Marvin and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein and two children spent Christ­ mas with Mr. and Mrs. G. Wein- near Sharon. Mr. Howard Truemner, of Espen- ol>a, is holidaying with Mr, Dan. Truemner and Aaron Wein. Miiss Lottie Waghorn, spent Christmas with her parents Mr. •uni Mrs. Fred Waghorn. Mr. Melvin Halls, of Artland, Sask., spent the week-end with his grandmother Mrs. John Lawson and aunt and uncle Mrs. and Mr. E. Law- son. Miss V. Baker, of Grand Bend, is visiting her cousin Miss Jean Bayn­ ham. Mr. Lome Baynham, of Exeter, spent Christmas 'at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Baynham. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kelly, all of Lon­ don, and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz and two children, Exeter spent the Christmas holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. M>r. 'Mark Mitchell, of London, spent Christmas with her sister Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Mrs. Alex Hamilton, Grand Bend, spent last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis. Mr. Ham­ ilton spent Christmas there and Mr. Hamilton returned with her. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird and daughter, Grand Bend, spent Christ­ mas with Mr. and Mrs. J. Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Walter MacPherson and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clarke near Mt. Carmel. Mr. and Mirs. Henry Pfaff spent Christmas with their son Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff Jr. near Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. D. Sturgeon and son Russel, of Grand Bend, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mbs. S. Mern- er and Mr. and Mrs. David Baird. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon M’erner and three children spent Christmas with Mrs. Merner’s parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Rooky, of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bullock and daughter Helen spent Christmas with M'r. and Mrs. Ike Gower near Elim- ville. resigned. Mr. Jas. Geromette has been re­ modelling the interior of his house. Last Monday evening the young people of the community met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown in honor of Mr. Stanley Hart who is ’ leaving for his home in England. During the evening Russell Brown read and address and Gerald Car­ ruthers presented him with as a remembrance here. The Unity Class church. S. S. sent mas cheer to M’jss has been ill for some time. When Rev. ,J. B. Moore, B.A., was in London last Tuesday he broad­ casted the morning devotional ser­ vice over the radio. Mr. Moore has a good .radio voice and his work re­ ceived much favorable comment. Among the Christmas visitors in the neighborhood we note the fol­ lowing: Miss Viola Curts, London, with ’Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Curts; Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Goodhand, of De­ troit, with Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Good­ hand; Miss Ruby Pollock, of Ham­ ilton, with Mrs. Andrew' Pollock; Mr. Dawson Woodiburn, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Woodburn; Miss L. Ulens, Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ulens; 'Mr. .Selbourne English, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shepperd London, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Eng­ lish; Mr. and Mrs. Byron Brown, of Toronto with Mir. W. J. Brown and Mrs. J. Brown; Misses Ellen and is Hicks, of Parkhill with M.r. Mrs. Wm. Hicks. Dor- and and Mrs. KIRKTON Harold Tufts Toronto, are spend- at -the home of Mrs. and Gordon Hazelwood, Mr. Carmen Hazel- Mr. son Norman, of ing the. holidays A. Tufts. Mr. and Mrs. of Toronto, and wood, of Walton, are visting their parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Hazelwood. McDonald, 'spent and and and GREENWAY A very impressive Christmas vice was held in the United Church on Sunday afternoon. Special music was given by the choir and a Christ­ mas message on the subject of “Giv­ ing” by -the pastor were supplement­ ed by the White Gift service. This year the gfts were received by Ella Bropliey and Lorraine Curts who placed them at the foot of a white cross. The gifts are being eent to Friendship House, the mission con­ ducted by the United Church in Lon­ don. Mr, Dean Brown has1 been very ill during the past week. Mrs. J. Romphf has returned from a visit with relatives in Arfcona. A very successful concert was held at S. S. No. 10, Stephen, lae't Thurs­ day eyeding. Irj-nte young folk have beeh enjoy­ ing the skating at Corbett Saturday in London. Miss Olive English spent Satur­ day in (London. M|r. and Mrs. ,J. Romphf and Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Romphf visited Mrs. Hewing recently. The pupils at the West school spent a social hour the last day of school ahd said good-bye to their teacher, Mies Helen Hayten, who has ser- Mr. and Mrs. Christmas at the home of Mr. Mrs. R. Humphreys. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Marshall family spent Christmas at Mr. Mrs. Fred Lankin at Granton. We are sorry to report the death of Mrs. H. White especially at this season of the year, the community extends sympathy. On Sunday morning our congrega­ tion was favoured with a joint i from Anderson, Mt. Pleasant Kirkton which opened by the ing of Christmas numbers which Rev. Lewis gave a very Christina^ service. choir and sing- after ' fine was The The hearty ap-. pflg the Bleating at Corbett Saturday A# A A vi 14 IA tSn <•> l.* _•» jl.- ZION Special Christmas services held in the church on Sunday, choir rendered special Christmas music and Rev. J. R. Peters deliver­ ed a very inspiring Christmas mes­ sage. On Friday evening the Sunday School held their Christmas enter­ tainment. A Very interesting pro­ gram of music, recitations, dialogues etc. was followed by a visit from Santa Claus. A lunch and social -time was enjoyed at the close. Mrs. Ross Hern and babe return­ ed home from London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gunning, of Whal­ en, spent Christmas with their niece Mr. and Mirs. Ross- Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern, Mar­ garet and Gerald spent with the latter's brother Mrs. Arthur Kerslafoe, Mr. and Mrs. famly -and Mr. Christmas with Culbert, Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jaques and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. P. .Passmore, Thames Raod, Christmas Mr. and Ephriam Henry Hern spent Mt. and Mrs. Myron Hern and