The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-12-27, Page 4THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1931 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
Christmas in the Churches
Compliments of the Season
More than you perhaps realize we are thankful
for the opportunities you have given its to serve
you,. Our only wish and hope is that our pleasant
business relations shall continue in 1935 as in the
2 Embalmer & Funeral Director
Phone 20w
Main St. Entertainment
Friday night the school room was
packed with scholars and parents for
the grand annual event a Christmas
Tree and the appearance of Santa
Claus. A fine progrm was put on
by the children who did exceptional
ly well. The flag drill put on by the
girls under the direction of Miss J.
Murray came in for
After a program of tw
rival of Santa Claus
After reading several
him telling the wants
older scholars Santa began dis
ing the gifts from the tree,
the gifts were all given out.
child belonging to the. Sunday
was given a package of candies, nuts
and pop corn. The proceeds will qp
used for “others.”
special praise,
o hours the ar-
was announced
letters written
of some of the
Jiunes St. Entertainment
f "!■ L-.p!”1-1""1 yi.LI!...'.. I " . J-P—,1
ship of Miss Huston furnished special
music. At the morning service' a
duet was sung by Misses Hilda and
Merna Sims and in the evening Miss
Fpnsythe sang a solo “The Star of
Bethlehem.” At the morning ser
vice the pastor MT. Eliott took for
his subject “Nazareth and Bethle
hem” or “Romance of Small Places.”
We tliink of cities as being great
because of their size, the buildings
and its activities. However they
are not necessarily great because of
these things. Many of God’s great
est. gifts in the way of personality
have come through small placeis.
Small places have become immortal
ized because they were associated
with some noble life. Christ was
born in Bethlehem and raised iat
Nazareth. 1-Ie told the story of M.
Luther, John Wesley, Bunyan, Abra
ham Lincoln, Joan of Arc, all
whom were born in email places
made great contributions 'bo the
man race. In the evening Mr.
lott spoke on “Following the Star
The Wise Men from the East who
followed the star followed faithful
ly over a weary and hazardous jour
ney, They however experienced great
joy and in following the star it led
them to Jesus. The birth of Jesus
has been the theme of the greatest
painters and poets down through the
ages. There are other stars in life
to guide us. The star of ideals
which visualize our highest moments.
The star of noble literature. Some
hooks taint the mind (but the Bible
is the gem of all literature. The
church is a guiding star. We may
criticize it but it still remains the;
greatest institution in 'the world for"
redeeming, reclaiming and standard
izing human life.
Mr, and Mrs. John Willis1 and
family, of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. L.
El- !>
DOWN—In London, on Friday, De
cember 21st to Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Down i.nee Jennie Dearing)
Mr. Wm. Oke wishes to thank
who sent cards and flowers during
his recent illness. He extends to them
best wishes for a Happy New Year.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ward wish
thank all those who assisted in win
ning for Ross the sixth prize in
■contest at C'ole’is Drugstore.
The family of the late Nicholas
Beaver wish to thank the many
friends and neighbors for the kind
ness shown them on their recent
bereavement also to those who
kindly loaned cars and to Rev.
ofDUNSFORD—In loving memory
Charles A. Dunsford, who depart
ed this earth December 28, 1933.
Till memory fades and life departs,
You live forever in our hearts.
Mother and Dad Guise and Family
DUNSFORD—In loving memory of
my dear husband, Charles A.
Dunsford, who passed away Dec.
28th, 19'3l3.
Time cannot change them its true
Years that may come cannot .sever
My loving remembrance of you.
Sweet memories will linger forever,
Sadly missed by his wife,
Friday of last week was tli,e short
est day of the year.
Miss K. MacFaul is confined to
her bed through illness.
Mr. Ted Taman, of Seaforth, un
der the parental roof.
Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Medd, of Nap-
anee, with the former’s parents,
and Mrs. WT. G. Medd.
Mr. and Mrs; Garnet Ford
family, of Flint, Mich., with
former’s father, Mr. Geo. Ford.
Donald Lindsay, son of Dr.
and Mrs. Lindsay, of Woodstock, is
seriously 'ill in the hospital with
pieuro pneumonia.
Mr. Ted Sims, who has been in a
mining camp on. Great Bear Lake in
the north counltry, returned to his
home here on Christmas Dai”.
Mrs. M. A. Ortwein, of Great Falls
Man., and a former resident of
ter is at present visiting with
sister, Mrs. John Shannon, of
City, Mich. Mrs. Ortwein will
relatives and friends in Exeter
Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Luker spent
Christmas with their daughter, Mrs.
J. W. Kent, of Woodstock. On Tues
day, January 1st Mr. and Mrs. Luk
er will celebrate their fiftieth wed
ding anniversary.
A drill,
James Street Sunday School held
their Christmas entertainment
Thursday evening of last week,
large decorated tree adorned
platform in the auditorium. The pro
gram consisted of about forty num
bers principally from the Primary
department and the youngsters cer
tainly carried off their parts
A pantomine, with Miss P.
singing “Silent Night” was
by Miss C. Christie’s class,
by the pupils of Miss G.
from S. S. No; 3, Stephen, was well
given and much appreciated. A vio
lin selection by Catherine Armstrong
with Mr. G. Grant as accompanist,
was heartily encored. The pupils of
S> S. No. 5, Usborne, Mr. J. Creech,
teacher, presented a splendid operet
ta that received
much favorable
At the close Santa Claus
and distributed Christmas
to the little tots.
Trivitt Memorial Entertainment
Memorial Sunday School
More letters have ibeen received
ofThe annual Christmas concert
Winchelsea school was held on Fri
day last in the school, when the rate-
payeis of the section were entertain
ed by the pupils under the direction
of the teachers, Miss McCulloch and
Miss McGregor, to whom much cred
it is due. After the program every
one was treated bo candy.
M;ies Grace Collier, of Kirkton,
spent the week-end wiith her grand
parents, Mir. and Mrs. H. Bailey.
Visitors on Tuesday of last week
with Mr. and M'rs. Clarence Fletcher
were Mr. and Mrs. George Godbolt,
of Centralia; Mr.
HJodgins, M(ps. W. Jb
James Turner and Iran Davis,
Miss Lila Pym spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hunter.
Mr. R. E. Pooley delivered two
•truck loads of poultry to Toronto
during the week-end.
Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thomas
spent the week-end with Mir.
Mrs. Freeman Horne.
Mr. and Mrs. George Davis
family visited with Mr. and
Leslie Thomson at Lumley on
day evening last.
and Mrs. Henry
Davis, M|rs.
at the home of Mr. John Turner at
Miss Ila Sweitzer, of London, Johns. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Johne, Mr.
spent Christmas day at the home of and Mrs. Clarence Smith, Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Sweitzer. ; Mrs. Ashley Smith, Mr, and Mrs. L..
Miss Louise Ball, of London, call- Davey and families were Christmas ed on relatives here last week (visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Richard
The school concert which was held, Davey.
on the 21st and the Sunday School
concert on the 24th were very suc
cessful, There was a good atten
dance and the programs were well
given by the pupils.
Miss Violet Sharpe; teacher at Au
burn school is spending the Christ
mas vacation at her home here.
Mr. and IMrs, Milford Dietrich
son, of Windsor, are spending t
vacation at the home of Mrs.
trich and family.
Mr, Milford Mason, of Dashwood,
is spending the holidays at the home
of Mr. Ernest Keyes.
Mrs, Ezra Lamport from Crediton
returned to her home after spending
a few days with her sister Mrs. Alf.
Tilley. <
Miss (A’lma Ratz, of Normal Col
lege, Straitford, spent the holiday
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Misses Evelyn and Olive Sweitzer,
Edith and Laurene Ball, of London,
and Mildred Lamport, of Stratford,
spent the holidays at their respective
•Holiday visitors at .the home of
Mr. William Sweitzer were Mr, Geo.
Clarke, of ‘Tliedifora, Mr. Elmer
Moore, of Sarnia, Frank Casacelli,
Roy Fitzgerald and Doris Palmer,
of London.
Mr. Chas. (Lechner, of Prince Ed
ward Island and Mr. Wm. Galligher,
of Detroit, are visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lochner.
The Ladies’ Aid packed boxes of
fruit and candy for the sick and
shut-ins for Christmas.
During the Sunday School con- yen are spending the holidays with
cert which was held Monday night her parents ’
thieves entered the church shed and , in Usborne.
stole the spare tires off the cars of
Verne Sharpe and Reeve W. Sweitzer
l aud
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood. first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, jd
Zurich, last .three days of week.
and Rachel Wilson
with Mr. and Mrs.
George Johnston
with relatives in
Mr. and Mris. Elmer Reeder, Mi',
and Mrs. Cooper McCurdy and fam-
1 ilies, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reeder,
Mr. Jack Reeder and Mr. and Mrs. illoulden were Christmas visitors with
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Huxtable.
Misses Jennie
spent Christmas
Gordon Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs.
spent Christmas
j Exeter.
| Mr. and Mrs. William Essery, Mrs.
Byron Hicks and families spent the
j Christmas holiday with Mr. and Mrs.
‘John Essery.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Davis, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Thompson and daughter
of London, spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. W. Parsons.
Mr. Trueman Mills, of Toronto,
spent the. week-end with his parents
Mr. • and Mrs. Harry Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parker
spent Christmas with (MT. and Mrs.
Thos. Lee in Brinsley.
Mr. Kenneth Hodgins spent, Christ
mas at his home near Greenway.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert
Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs.
and Jean spent
and Mrs. Thomas Willis.
Mr. Clarence Culbert spent Christ
mas with his sister M(rs. Ray Laugh
ton in Appin.
Miss Evelyn Clarke is
the holidays at her home
Mrs. Margaret Fletcher
Neil spent
in Talibot-
Christmas with Mr.
in G-oder-
and cliild-
Mr. and Mrs. W. Moodie-
Mrs. Ewart Powe and
and Mrs. Andrew PrOc-
| Mr. and
Teddy, Mr.
ter and children, of S't. Marys, Mrs.
Scandrett and Miss Corinne Scan-
drett, of Belgrave were Christmas
visitors with MT. and Mrs. Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. M, Mitchell and fam
ily spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. George Baynham Sr.
Mr. and Mrs Delmer Maltby and
family spent Christmas with rela-
' tives in Galt.
| Mr. Gordon McDonald, o.f Clinton,
was a guest with Mr. Donald Hicks
over the week-end.
Mr. and M'rs. Lome Hicks, Misses
Helen and Margaret Hicks, of Lon
don, and Miss Kathleen Hicks, New
York, spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Hicks.
Mr. and Mrs- Stephen and family,
of Woodham, spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden.
I The Christmas services held in the
' ’ - ’--r last were
j largely attended both morning and
‘___Special music was provid-
* art iiv tho /ihimV, The story of “The
held a successful Xmias concert in
the parish Hall Thursday evening.
A Christmas cantata “What Happen
ed to Santa” was put on with prac
tically ithe whole school taking part.
A play “Little Angers'” was put on
by the members of the U-Go-I-GO
class. The program was greatly en
joyed by the large crpwd that pack
ed the hall. At the conclusion of
the program Santa appeared and dis
tributed presents for the children.
A service was held Christmas' morn-
during the pa&t week from Exeter’s ing at MbOiO a.m. and. ither-e wias a Old Boys and Old Girls. Mi\ B„ W. (fair turn-out. Holy communion was
F. Beavers, Chairman of the Invi- served,
tion Committee, has received replies ■
from Mrs. E. J. Miners, Kingsville;
Mrs. William E. Haigh (Muriel
Luker) of Newdale,,, and Mr.
W. J. Folland, of Royal Oak, Mich.
Word has also been received from1
Dr. and Mrs. M. G. Graham and boys I
of far away Formosa that they will
. be here and one from Mrs. Fred Um-
», jberfield (nee Sutton) of Detroit. A
.letter of special interest to the older,
.citizens is one from Robert B. Tay-!
Io.r, of Paw Paw, Mich. He says,— 1
“I was a little surprised and very
much pleased to receive your kind;
’ invitation to your Exeter Home Com-;
ing. It is somewhat early to state 1
just whether I can be with you bu'tl., , _T. Tit would please me very much It is , a'"d M?“ Iecl e11
fifty years since I left Exeter. It isidri?e'1 Id addltl°"
likely I would need an introduction | and recltatfons by the smaller
Caven S. S. Entertainment
to a
The Girls’ and Boys’ Voting
test at Cole’s Drugstore came
close at ten o’clock Christmas
The first prize, for girls an English
perambulator was won by Marion
Webber, while Helen White won the
wicker baby buggy as second prize.
Eileen Hodgins daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Hlodgins R.R. No. 1, Ailsa
Craig won the big doll as third prize.
Jean Hennessey, Atmelia Fisher, Mlar-
ion Mousseau, Gloria Appleton, Don
na. MacIntyre, Isobel Snell, Lois
Hunter, Doris Tuffin and Audrey
•Moir won dolls in the order named.
Because of their splendid showing in
the contest, Nancy Ann Tieman, of
Dashwood, , Joyce Willard, Donna
Cornish and Hazel Dodge of town
also won dolls.Donald Brintnell, son of Mr. and J
Mrs. Cliff Brintnell, of town, won j
the first prize for bloys, a wrist watch
Douglas Thomson and Gordon Stone
won wagons as second and third
prizes. Ross Coates won the boxing
gloves, Robert E. Russell a Meccano
set and Ross Ward a skooter. John
W. Partlo, Gerald Lawson and Bartie
Motz wion* shooters as c dp solation
All through the contest the
was very close and exciting.
C. L. Jackson, of Milverton
sang Christmas
with friends.
Miss A. Fish left last week !to visit
in Detroit.
The Sunday School room of Caven
Presbyterian Church was filled to
capacity on Thursday evening for
the annual Christmas Entertainment
A beautiful evergreen, tastefully de-
, corated with Christmas emblems
land illuminated by colored lights
' gave the auditorium a festive ap-
' j pearance and made a fitting back-
_ ground for the program and for the
“‘later visit of Santa Claus. The var
ious numbers were well rendered
and reflected great credit, not only
on the scholars taking part but also
on the untiring labors of Mrs. Ellis, t
olderlincij X WWlUU 11UCL1 CblJ. IHU’UUUUU.UU i i 1 X-Uto even my old school mates. Whetli-I"'5 se,vel’al ”“n'»eJs Iby the
A-nm-i’ d ac avva monrinn Airer I come or not I thank you and wish
success and a grand time.” We as
sure Bob that the Old Boys and par
ticularly the Old Girls both at home
and adrift rememiber him kindly ana
will be ready to welcome him and
introduce him to the new generation
of Exeterites.
Another distinguisher Old Boy in
the person of Dr. Luther T. Gill,
of Gibsonburg, Ohio, writes: “I am
■ delighted to receive a letter about
I the Old Boys and Girls Reunion.
You can depend on myself and my
sister Mae being there. Will
you the names of a few I would
to see—Dr. Arnold Bowerman
wife, Menomonie, Wis., Luther
Edmolnd Braund, Blrantford, (
Russel Manning, Clinton, Ont.,
S. Smith, Kenmore, N.Y., Sam Rowe,
Paris, Ontario; John White and
Percy Verity. It will be forty-five
year next summer since I left my
native town. We wish you splendid
success -and many thanks for giving
us the opportunity of seeing our boy
hood friends.”
L like
, H.
We will announce our 1935 VS and show them on
Saturday, December 29th
Also it is entirely probable that some of the prices will
be lower.
We Want them lower because we expect to build a million
cars next year.
Read the whole announcement in the Daily Papers of
Monday, December 17th and see the new caVs ip Cur shew
rooms oil Saturday, December 29th.
*l ♦ ■< »■ < ♦ * *
Phone 64 Exeter* Ont.
It tahes a V8 to give V8 performance
ones deserve mention. Mr. Pryde’s
boys .and girls pu-t on a skit entitled
“Manner’s Class” in darkly costume,
that was side-splitting. Mrs, Mason’s
class of boys sang well. Miss Jetk-
ell’s girls also did especially - well
with their choruses. Even the wee
tots of Miss Jean Stanbury’s primary
class and those of Miss Strang’s and
Miss Hyde’s juniors displayed mark
ed ability to entertain. The outstand-
ng number of. the program, how
ever, was a play entitled “The Old
Girls’ Reunion” and presented by
the Young Ladies of the .Margaret
Strang Auxiliary. The play was writ
ten by Miss Margaret E. Ross of the
Exeter High School staff,, to whom
also goes the credit for the training
of the girls. The prizes for effic
iency in 'the classes were presented
by the minister, Rev. S. Moore Gor
don after which (Santa Claus distri
buted oranges and 'boxes of candy.
James st. Church Services
Christmas services in James S’t.
United church were, largely attend-
pulpit rostrum was attraC-
evergreens and flqral dec-
A. large Christmas tree
the attraction. The choir
splendid music at both
At the morning service
ed. The
five with
added to
Mrs. Stainton sang a solo and the
choir provided two anthems with
Miss Gladys Stone singing a solo in
one. At the evening service the
first part consisted of several Christ
mas Carols by the choir, with solo
parts being taken by Miss Jean
Sheere, Mrs. Stainton and Mrs, Lind
enfield, iSolos were sung by Miss
Pearl Wood and Miss E. Link.
A quartette was Sung by Miss L.
Lindenfield, Mrs. R. Goulding, Mrs.
E. Lindenfield and Mrs. A. O. Elliott
The second part of the service con
sisted of the Christmas Story with
illustrated pictures that left a most
favorable impression on the congre
gation, ,
Main St« Cliiii’ch Services
We are sorry to know that Mir. J.
Jaques has been, laic up with an at
tack of the shingles. We hope he will
soon be around again.
’’ M)rs. Blight, of near London,
been visting her parents Mr.
Mrs. Swallow for a raw ‘days.
Mr. and Mrs. (Rev.) Lovegrove at
tended the concert given in Zion
Church on Wednesday evening last.
Nearly 2 Q.Oi attended the annual
Christmas Tree and Concert at the
Orange Hall which was most encour
aging for the teachers and commit
tees, who spent much time in pre
paration. The iprogram opened with
a chorus “Christmas Welcome” by
the smaller boys and girls of file
Sunday 'School. Several recitations
were given by the younger folks, a
shoti’t dialogue was given (by the
Sunshine line; a rooster drill given
by a number of the primary boys
brought great applause and laughter
a vocal trie by three small girls’ was
much appreciated; a. pleasing guitar
and mouth organ solo by the Misses
Verna and Audrey Scott; solo by
Audrey Murray; recitation by Mar
ion Mills; flower drill by a number
of young ladies; pantomine by Lor-
een Kirk; monologue by Loreeir Ja
ques; solo by- Marion Parkinson, ac
companied by Miss 'Merlyn Wynn on
the piano. A splendid dialogue
“Money and Mud” which brought
roars of laughtersi in which Olive
Lankford,, James ISIqU/ire, Kenneth
Lankford and Violet Squire took 'the
leading parts. This was followed by
a chOvus. Santa -Claus arrived soon
after and unloaded the tree and this
brought the jolly evening to a clpse.
Evans and Miss
Kitchener, spent
with Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tiernan, of Ham
ilton, spent Christmas with his par
ents Mr. aud Mrs. E. Tieman.
Mrs. Geo. Link’s Sunday School
Class visited the shuts-ins on Sun
day afternoon and
Mr. and Mrs. N.
Fanny Preeter, of
Christmas holidays
Mrs. Hy. Hoffman.
A progressive euchre party will be
held in D. Tieman’s furniture store on January 3rd. Ladies to provide ! church here on Sunday
lunch.. j
Miss Zeta Nadiger, nurse-in-train-‘ evening.
ing in Victoria Hospital, London ed by the choir.
spent a few days with her parents, Other Wise Man” was illustrated by
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Routledge, of
Kintore, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Fassold, of London, spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold.
'Mr. Eugene Tieman, of London,
spent the holidays with his parents.
Miss Theda Hayter, of Windsor,
spent the week-end with her parents.
Miss Margaret Cunningham, of
Kitchener, spent Christmas with her on Gie
sister, Mr. and Mrs. L. Morenz.
colored slides.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Murdy, of Lucan,
visited on (Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
John Eissery.
pupils of Miss Thompson’s
put on their Christmas con-
tlie basement of the church
19th o(f December. The storm
weather probably prevented some of
cert in
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hilled, of Sarnia, frTends from being present. The
Mr. Walter Henrich, of Toronto, and first part of the program was an op-
Mr. Car.1 Henriclh, spent Christmas'.pere,tta «Toy]and” under the direc-
with their parents, Rev and Mrs.! tion of Ml._ GOulding. The second.
Henri'ch a't the Evangelical parson- yart was a varied program and very
aSe- ' interesting and amusing. At the closeMr. r ■’ .
Thedford, spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. 'J. C. Reid.
Miss Rose Guenther, of Windsor,
and M'rs. ^Gordon: Elliott,^ of fjie pupils presented their 'teacher
| (Miss Hazel Thompson) with a
(handsome purse, much to her sur
prise and pleasure, replying and ex
spent the holiday with her parents, pressing her appreciation- and ex
| tended season’s greetings to all. San
ta was then due to arrive which he
did in a few minutes and distribut
ed gifts from a. prettily decorated
tree. The certificates were -then
given by Mr. Moody to the success
ful entrants in the temperance pap-
• ers, 2 8 in all being successful. Candy
Miltord and Ervin Me- w,as passed and a -few minutes chait
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther.
Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Taylor spent
Christmas in London.
Miss Verna Kraft, of London,
spent Christmas at her home here.
Mrs. Wright and little Dorothy, of
London, are visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. Guenther.
Isaac, of Detroit, spent Saturday' enjoyed,
with their parents, Mr. and IMrs. P. |
Mr. and Mrs, Schultz, of Detroit, |
sjient Christmas with the latter’s
parents, Mr, and Mrs. L. Rader.
During the recent snow storm
one night last week a number
thieves entered the barn of Jacob
Querin and stole a quantity of grain
Lotsbuckwheat, bafley, and oats,
of sporit. for Christmas boys.
Mi’, and Mrs, W. Baker and daugh
ter Doreen spent Christmas with re
latives at Ethel.
Mr. Cecil Hodgson', of Toronto,
spent the week-end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodiglson.
Miss Mary O’Brien epent Christ
mas with her patents, Mr. and (Mr®.
C. O’Brien.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Br.uce Mitchell
and Walter, spent Christmas, with
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foster, of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, Mr.
and Mrs. R. Schroeder and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Bowden and family were Xmas
viSitoriS1 with Mr. and M'rs.
Mr, and
Cecil and
Rev, and Mrs. R, N. S'teWart
Lorraihe, spent Christmas with
former’s parents in Chatham,
Mr. and Mfs. Alvin Brintnell
family of Exeter1,
Mies Kathleen Wiseman, London,
is- home for the holidays.
Miss B. Gollings, of Exieter, spent
Christmas .Sunday with her parents.
A meeting was held Friday even
ing a,t the Chu.rch to arrange and
plan for the making of an outdoor
skating rink on the park grounds
and quite a. few were busy on Satur
day. Any one interested in hockey
or skating, we understand, their as
sistance is welcomed by the boys.
Here’s wishing them every success.
At Main Street united Church
services were held with splendid con
gregations both morning and even
ing. The church was nicely decor
ated with two illuminated Christmas
trees. The choir under the leader*
The tegular meeting of the Radies’
Aid will be held on January 2nd at
the home of Mrs, Ed. Lamport.
Mr. and Mrs, Bucke and Miss Bea
trice Baynham, of London, visited
Sunday at the home of Mr. iG. Bayn
iM'iSs Lillian Thomson is spending
the holidays at her home In Strath*
The Christmas Concerts in the
church and school Were well attend
ed each taking 'their part teal well.
Mt. Claytoni tbvie silent last week with ML and Mrs, J. C. Smith,
iMrs. D. Hodgson, Messrs.
Herman Hodgeon Spent
with Mr. and Mrs. Albert
sjent Christmas
notice to Creditors
RE: THOMAS BROCK, late of the
Township of Usborne, in the Coun
ty of Huron, Gonltleinan, deceased.
ALL PERSONS having claims
against the estate of the said deceas
ed ate required ito send full particu
lars of their claims duly proven to
the undersigned Solicitor for the
Executory of ithe Will of the said de
ceased not later than the Twelfth
day of January, 19135, after which
date ithe said Executors will pro
ceed to distribute the assets of the
said estate having tegard only to the
claims of which notice has been re
DATEit) this 26th day of Decem
ber <1934.
Solicitor for Exouctors
Exeter, Ont.