The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-11-08, Page 4THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1934 THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE
—— —B
SERVICE I Bumper to Bumper
Have us go over your car from bumper to bumper, serviceing it
wherever needed. It may save you dollars.
Have the motor tuned, up; oil changed, the transmission and rear-
end filled with grease for cold weather use; the sparki-plugs, brakes
andi battery tested.
You will need at once, Prestone Anti-Freeze; Frost Cop Anti-Freeze
Vulcan Anti-Freeze and Alcohol
We have a full line of accessories such as Monarch Batteries,
’ Heaters, Defrosters, Winter Oils, Tires, Tubes, etc.
"Why not speak for winter storage for your car and get special
.SLAVIN—In Scott Memorial Hos
pital, Seaforth, on October 24th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Slavin, of
Kippen, a daughter.
TURNBULL—On the Blue Water
Highway, Hay 'Township, on Oc
tober 24 th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fer
gus Turnbull, a son.
McOLELLAN—At Stratford General
Hospital, on Monday, November
I5lth, to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mc
Clellan (nee Marguerite Aid
worth) a daughter (Shirley Anne)
CULBERT—'In Centralia, on Friday,
November 2nd, 1934, Sarah Ann
Ward, widow of the late John
Culbert, aged 63 years1, 9 months,
and 11 days.
TAYLOR—In Detroit, on Tuesday,
November 6th, Elizabeth Harrison
widow of the late Robert Taylor,
aged 81 years. The funeral will be
held Thursday from the home of
her daughter Mrs. Morley Wass,
•Granton, service at 2 p.m. with in
terment in the Exeter cemetery.
The A.Y.P.A held their regular
weekly meeting on Monday evening
in the parish hall. The meeting
opened with the singing of a favor
ite hymn ‘We love the place O God’
followed by prayers and the scrip
ture re'ad by Miss Jessie Jennings.
The minutes of the previous meet
ing were read and approved and the
roll called, after which the business
was discussed. Anothelr favorite
hymn was sung “Fight the Good
Fight” followed by the program con
sisting of a violin and piano duet by
Miss Luella and Mr. Wm. S-tanlake;
Reading by Miss Carrie Davis,
“The Dentist and the Gas”; musical
and vocal selections by Mr. Cyril
Strange, contest and community
singing. Rev. M. A. Hunt closed
the meeting with .the benediction.
The Boy Scouts of Exeter neld a
social evening in the Town Hall on
Friday last when they entertained theta fathers and lo’caj commission
ers. About 45 persons, were present.
The Scouts put on some of their
work each patrol giving their yell
and providing a. -stunt. (Some games
were entered into heartily, At the
conclusion of the game# 'seated
around an improvised campfire the
gathering listened to a splendid ad
dress given by 1MT. W. G. Medd. It
was in the light of the camp fire that
the patrols presented -their stunts.
Refreshments were served at the
close. IThe Honor -patrol flag was
won by the “Panthers” and was pre
sented .to the patrol leader, Percy
Atkinson by Rev. Mr. tStainton.
Reeve W. D. Sanders moved a vote,
of thanks to the Scouts for the invi
tation extended to the visitors. 1-Ie
stated that he was not very familiar
with the work -of the Scouts but was
strongly 'impressed with- t'he program
of t'he evening. Mr. J, AV. Bats'on
seconded the motion.
Mrs. Eunice Stone wishes to an
nounce the engagement of her eld-
-est daughter, Ruby Evelyn, to Mr.
Roy James Bell, youngest son of
Mr. and Mrs. James’A. Bell, of Hen-
sall, the marriage to take place the
latter part of the month.
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Harris, Chis
elhurst, announce the engagement of
their eldest daughter Lorena Pearl,
to Mr. Wilbert Carlos Passmore,
eldest son of Mr. and M'rs. John
Passmore, Hensail, the marriage to
take place the latter part of Novem
The women of Caven Presbyterian
Church held their monthly meeting
at the home of Mrs. Stanbury on
Tuesday afternoon. There was a
large attendance. The busniess was
conducted under the chairmanship
of the President Mrs. Rodd Ellis
and 'the devotional exercises were
led by Miss Minnie Weekes. It was
decided to hold a sale of 'home cook
ing a week from Saturday. The beau
tiful quilt of Dresden China design
which was made on order by the
ladies was on display before it was
turned over to 'the piroud purchaser.
A delicious tea was served by the
committee in charge.
'The November meeting of the
South Huron Ministerial Association
was held on Monday last in the “his
toric manse” Thames Road, home of
Rev. Hugh Taylor. A majority of
the members were present and evid
enced a deep interest in the session.
Rev. S. M. Gordon, of Caven church,
delivered a remarkably inspiring
and instructive address on “The De
velopment of the Christian Church
in 'China". After a timely and earn
est discussion a hearty vote of
thanks was -tendered the speaker.
On the invitation of Rev. J. R. Pet
ers the next meeting will be held at
•the Elimville parsonage. At the
close of the session Mrs. Rev. Taylor
served a dainty lunch and on motion
of Revs. Chandlier and Parker she
was voted the thanks of the guests,
to which Mrs. Taylor made a happy
reply. On motion, Rev. R. N. Stew
art, of Centralia, was requested to
deliver the address at the Decem
ber meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Middle
ton wish to thank the many friends
for the kindness shown to Mr. Mid
dleton while a patient in the hos
pital at London.
The Exeter School report and the
report of the Sunday School conven
tion at Centralia have been crowded
out this week.
'Mir. and. Mrs. A. H. Lindsay, of
Norwich, have returned home after1
•spending the week-end with 'their
daughter Mrs. K. J. Lampman.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam’l Jor.y and Mr.
end Mrs. Leslie Thomson were in
London on Friday last where they
visited with Miss Harriett Corbett.
Miss Hattie Handford, Mrs. Jen
nings and daughter, of Woodstock,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
James Handford.
Mrs. Richard E. Armstrong, who
has been a guest of Dr. and Mrs, J.
H. Brownnig for the past month has
returned to her home in New York
Mr. Earl Christie, of Western Uni
versity London, and Mr. Eli CliJristie,
of Birr, spent the week-end with
■their parents Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
The large bridge on Road 9 just
east of Con. 4, is again open for
traffic after being closed for three
months undergoing extensive re
pairs. A new cement flo'or has
been laid as well as reinforcing the
abutments and new steel supports
added.. The bridge has also been
The regular monthly meeting of
the Main St. Women’s Association
was held in tfae basement of the
church Thursday afternoon. Mirs.
Howey, the president, presided.
After the opening exercises Mrs.
Powell read the scripture lesson.
Plans were made to banquet the
choir in November. The quarterly
tea of the association will be held
on tihe 6'th of December. The meet
ing closed with the Mizpath bene
The regular meeting of the James
Street Mission Circle was1 held at
the home of ‘M'rs. E. Lindenfield and
Miss Lulu on Monday evening. The
president Miss Celia Christie, con
ducted the opening exercises after
which Miss Flossie Hunter took the
chair. Devotional reading was tak
en by Miss Gertrude Francis after
which Mrs. Amy led in prayer fol
lowed by sentence prayers. Miss El
ia Link read a chapter from the
study book and Miss Flossie Hunter
gave a very interesting reading. A
delightful solo was rendered by Mrs.
Elliot and Mieses Pearl Wood and
Margaret Johns played a duet which
was much appreciated. Following
the benediction a social time was
The semi-monthly meeting of the
Margaret Strang Young Women’s
Auxiliary of Caven Presbyterian
church was ‘held at the home of Miss
Patsy Russell .on Thursday evening,
November 1st. Tea was served by
the hostesses, Mies Alma. B'rown,
Miss Helen Grieve and Miss Russell
at six o’clock after which a very en
joyable and profitable evening was
spent in social intercourse and work
on the sewing assignment. This new
ly former organization is -proving
very popular with the young ladies.
Remembrance Day will be observ
ed by the Veterans of this commun
ity in a special service which they
will attend at Caven Plresbyterian
next Sunday m-orning. Rev. A. W.
Hare, B. A., of Knox Church, St.
Marys, is the special preacher tor t'he
occasion. All friends of the men of
the -Great War are invited to join
them in remembering 'those who
made-the supreme sacrifice.
■The 99th Anniversary lof the Eg-
mondville United Church was held
with capacity congregations. Rev.
A. E. Elliot, of Exeter, of floated at
the morning service and Rev. Geo,
Keres-y, of Mitchell, in the evening.
The choir, under the leadership of
Mrs. R. E. McKenzie, was ably as
sisted by Dr. I. Smillie, of Hensall,
and James A. Stewart; oif Seaforth.
The neighboring churches, North
side United and First Presbyterian
also the Brucefield United Churches
withdrew their evening services in
order that their members might have
an opportunity of participating in
the anniversary service.
Friday, NOV. 16 from EXETER
To TORONTO, Chatham, Sarnia, London, Ingersoll, Woodstock, Paris,
Brantford, Hamilton, St Catharines, Niagara Falls, And all
Intermediate Points.
To Whitby, Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton, Belleville, Kingston, Gananoque,
Brookville, PreBcOtt, Morrisburg, Cornwall, Agincourt, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro,
Campbellford, Newmarket, AHandale, Collingwood, Meaford, Barrio, Orillia,
Midland, Gravenhurst, Bracdbridge, Huntsville, North Bay and all intermediate points.
ALSO TO All Towns in Nevf Ontario On lines of Temiskaming & Northern Ontario
Rly.. NipiBBing Central Rly. and On C.N. Rlya. to Kapuskasingand Hearst.
. ' - —■ — ■ - —■ - — ■
Fares, Tickets, Return Limits, and Train Information from Agents
TRAVEL RY TRAIN—SAFETY—SPEEE^COMFORT rm&—i— -----———.—.—.—.—.—.— -------—.—.—.—.—.—
N. J* DORE, Agent Phone 46w
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Lovegrove
son Wm. left last Thursday -to
North country on their annual hunt
ing trip. (Several others from this
district will follow this -week.
A great numer from around here
attended the anniversary services at
Kirkton United church last Sunday.
Our church remained closed owing
to services held 'there.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Pridham who
were recently. married are moving
into the house vacated by
Mrs. Howard Blac’ki. We
them to our community.
The W. M. S. meets this
Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Arthur Rundle.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pfaff took in
the fowl supper at Credi'ton on Tues
day of last week.
’Miss Violet (Squire is spending this
week -with her sister -Mrs. Howard
Anderson at Washington.
M'rs. G. Brethour, of Stratford, vis
ited for a few days last week with
her (Sister-in-law, Mrs. (Mary Blre-
A bale of second hand clothing
will be packed this week -and sent to
the needy in- the west.
Mr. and
week on
Alex Wild visited with
Frank Statton on
Quite a numer took in the Sunday
School convention at Centralia last
(Mr. and Mrs. ‘ Lloyd Brophy, of
Greenway visited with Mr. and' Mrs.
Gordon Ulens on Sunday.
Rev. R. N. Stewart of Centralia,
gave a most excellent address Sun
day morning to the Sunday school.
It was1 enjoyed -by both young and
old ,
IMIss Irene Gill, of London, also
Miss Reta Pfaff visited at their
homes here over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Oliver spent
a few days in St. Marys last week.
The service next Sunday in, the
United church, will be in keeping
with Remembrance Day, The morn
ing service’s subject w'lll he “Our
Great Heroes’’ and in the evening
“Is War Christian?’ You would do
well to hear Rev. Mr, Moore on
these subjects.
Mr. T. Wilkie moved his family
to Forest last week where they in
tend' to remain*
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Tiederman
entertained their neighbors ahd
friends to a birthday party last Mon
day evening in honor of IMa Alfred
Tiederman, it toeing his 75th birth
day. Mr, Tiederman is a smart man
and hale and hearty for hie age.
Mrs. E, '
ed at Mr.
* ‘week-end*
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks visited
with relatives In Ripley on Sunday.
Mr. George Raynham Sr
fined to his
Mr. Chas,
visited with,
on Sunday.
Mr. Fred
visited w’ith his father,
Fairhall and his sister Mrs; E. Ab
bott for a few days this week,
(Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Skelton visited
with friends in Windsor, Toronto
and 'Sarnia, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Maltby and
family visited with friends: in Galt
on Sunday.
Mr. Wm. Parsons, who 'has been
taking treatments in London for sev
eral months was brought home on
Thursday of last week.
The Late Mrs. Culbert
The death took place in Centralia
on Friday, November '2nd, of Sarah
Ann Ward, widow of the late John
Culbert, aged 63 years, 9 months
and 11 days. The deceased had been
ailing for about a month and a half.
She was a daughter of -the late Benj-
amen and Elizabeth Ward and was
born on the eight'll concession of
Stephen- and lived in this community
all her life. -For a- number of years
the family resided at Creditor hav
ing resided in (Centralia for 33 years
Mr. Culbert passed away on April
l'5t'h, 1926. One son, Wilson, paid
the supreme sacrifice in the World
War. Two sons and' one daughter
survive, Gordon, of Lucan, Clarence
at home and Mrs. Roy Laughton, of
Appin; also one brother Thomas
Ward, of Hartle, Manitoba, and one
sister, Mrs. Wesley Winer, Marlette,
The funeral of the late Mrs. Cul
bert was held from her residence on
Monday afternoon of this week with
interment in 'the St. James’ cemetery
conducted by
p'astor of the
bearers were
and Richard
William, Cecil and (Thomas Light
foot. Those who attended the fun
eral from a distance were: Mrs. W.
er. and
is con-
home owing to Illness.
McQuillan, of Lucknow,
All* CrHVfiold Thompson
Fairhall, of
Mr. Chas.
The services were
Rev. R. N. Sitewart,
church here. The pall-
Messrs. John, William
‘Tweedie and Messi's.
■of Marlette, Mich, and Thos.
Hartle Station, Man,, broth
sister of 'the deceased.
Women’s Associate
regular monthly meeting .ofThe
the Women’s Association was held
in the schoolroom of the church on
Thursday afternoon November the
1st. (Mrs. John Essery had charge
of the devotional exercises. The
meeting was opened by the use of
hymn 25.5 after which, the Lord’s
Prayer was repeated in unison. ‘The
I ams of Christ” were read respon
sively. Hymn- 341. Miss Kleinfeldt
then favored with an ’instrumental.
This was followed by a story of
“Bible Time Women’,’ showing that
they were the same as today in re
gards to their labors- for Christ. It
was given -by Mrs. J. Essery, Mrs.
Boyes and Mrs. Buswell. Hymn 143
was sung and Mrs. A. Isaac took the
chair for the business. After the var
ious reports were given plans were
made to send a -bale of clothing to
the Western relief.
packed on Tuesday, November 13th.
There will also be quilting on that
date, the quilts also to be sent West.
Hymn 254 was sung and Rev. Ste
wart closed the meeting. A dainty
lunch was served by Mrs. D. Hodgson
The bale to be
Brooks, Mrs. Ed. Walker
M. Elliott.
M. Doyle visited with friends
at London for a few days last week.
Misses Clara Glavin Of St. Marys
and Madeline Glavin, 'of Colgan- spent
the week-end at their house here.
Miss Katie MoCaffery, of London,
spent a few days at the home of her
uncle Mr. P. Sullivan.
Miss Winnie Madden, of Toronto,
spent a -few days ait his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Corie Regan and
family, of Lucan, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dietrich.
the date open,
returned from
an Ilderton.
of the United
Luther, of Cfediton, Visit-
John Luthers over the
1933 Ford Coach
1933 Ford Coupe
1932 Reo Truck, V/g ton
1929 Chevrolet Truck, l1/^
1926 Ford Coach
1926 Chevrolet Coach
Bargains now in Anti-Freeze,
Batteries, Heaters and Winter
All Cars Serviced at
Mrs. E. Mason.
Mr. Bob Brunswick has bought
a car. Bob will he more popular
with the ladies than ever.
•The young people’s meeting last
week took the form of a Hallowe’en
Masquerade at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. D. Shepherd. The young people
dressed in various costumes assemb
led in a darkened room ana told
ghost stories, (Later in the evening
each one told his name. Among them
were Premier Bennett, Agnes Mc
Phail and IM'r. Jiggs, Maggie was not
present. We expect she was una
ware of Jiggs’ absence from home.
The latter .part of the evening was
spent in games and contests. Home
made candy, jelly beans and pop
corn were served by Lois Brown, D.
Belling and Thelma Shepherd.
HOGARTH, Bankrupt.
L. Victor Hogarth, of the Village of
Exeter, in the County of Huron,
Poultryman, has made an- authorized
assignment of aji his property for the
benefit of his creditors and that Ed
mund Weld, Official Receiver, has
appointed me to be Custodian of the
Estate of the debtor until the first
weeing of the creditors.
the .first meeting of the creditors in
the above estate will be held at the
offices of Messrs. Gladman & Stan
bury, at Exeter, on Wednesday, the
Fourteenth day of November, A. D.
19'34 at 10 o’clock a.m. All persons
having any claims against the said-
estate must file their proof with me
or with a Trustee when, appointed.
Otherwise the proceeds of the es
tate will be distributed among the
parties entitled thereto without re
gard to such claims.
DATED at Goderich, this- Sixth
day of November A.D., 1934.
dian’s .Solicitors
— of —
The undersigned has received in
structions from the executors of the
estate of the late Samuel George
Lawson to sell by public auction, on
the premises on
fowl supper which was
church ion Tuesday
decided' success. The weather
in the
was a
was favorable and -a large crowd
turned out. Between four and five
hundred were served. On ,the Sab
bath the services were conducted by
our -own minister Mr. Reid who
preached two very inspiring sermons
A good crowd was present both in
■the morning -and at night. In the
morning the choir was assisted by a
ladies quartette from Goderich. The
quartette gave a number of very ac
ceptable selections. In the evening
Mrs. John Hodgert sang very-nicely.
The program Tuesday evening was
put on by the Brunswick! Trio from
Mr. -and Mrs. Reid Jr. visited in
Toronto over the week-end.
Mrs. S. A. Miller received the sad
news last week -of 'the death of her
sister-in-law in Calgary, Mrs. J. D.
Walker. Mrs. Walker's maiden name
was Joanna Miller. -She was a native
of 'Cromarty, being born on the farm
just east of Cromarty now occupied
by Mr. Russell Scott. She was the
eldest -of the family of the late Jas.
Miiss Rhode, of the Thames Road
visited -a few -days with her brother
in 'the village.
M-'rs. Colwell o-f the village attend
ed t'he funeral on Tuesday of her
brother |Mir. Robert Washburn, of
One of Harriston’s most highly
esteemed residents passed away on
Sunday at his home on Webb St.,
after an illness of seven years in the
person of Robert Washburn aged 77
years. Mr. Washburn came t'o Har
riston nearly forty years ago and' en
tered into partnership with Mr. J.
Inel, besides h'is widow Jemima
Case. 'He leaves a family of one
daughter and four sons: 'Mrs. Ham
ilton, Wingham; (Charles, Clarence,
of Toronto; Elmer -and Fred at Ham
ilton, the latter being confined to
his home through illness. Mr. Wash
burn was a life-long member of the
Anglican Church and a member of
the Canadian 'Order of Forresters.
T'he following are the sisters and
brothers, Allan, of Essex; Frank, of
Guelph; Torn, at Kirkton and the
sisters being iSarah, of Toronto and
Mrs. Colwell of Cromarty. Mr. Wash
burn resided at one time on a farm
near Kirkton, his father and mother
have predeceased him a number' of
years ago.
at 2 p.m. the following valuable
.property, viz:
Lot 13, concession 4 of the Town
ship of stephen, containing 100 acres
of land more or less.
There are situate on the said
property a brick house, bank barn
and straw shed wired for hydro also
an implement shed and garage.
Splendid supply of water from an
overflowing well. Conveniently lo
cated to church and school,
TERMS'— Ten per cent, on day .of
sale. Balance in thirty days.
Land will be sold subject to a re
served bid.
FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer
iSANDERiS, Executors.
--- of ---
Under and by virtue of the powers
contained in a .certain
which will be produced at the time
of sale, there will be offered for sale
by public auction subject to a re
served bid, on
1934, at the hour of 2.30 o’clock in
the afternoon, at the
Office of Messrs. Carling & Morley
solicitors in the Village of Exeter,
by Frank Taylor, Auctioneer, the
following property, namely:
Lot Number Seven, South Thames
Road in the Township of Usborne,
in -the County of Huron containing
100 acres more or less, upon which
is said to be situated, house, barn
and usual farm buildings.
TERMS'—10% of the purchase
money to be paid do-wn at the time
of sale, balance to be paid in thirty
For further particulars and, con
ditions of .sale apply to
FRASER & MOORE, Solicitors, Lon
don, Ont., or
FRANK TAYLOR, Exeter, Ont.
Notice is hereby given that a Court
will he held pursuant to the Ontar
io Voters’ List Act at the Town H-all,-
Exeter on Monday, the 12th day of
November at 10 o’clock a.m., for
hearing all complaints made against
the first and second parts of the
Voters’ List for the Municipality
•the Village of Exeter for’ 1934.
Dated this 6th day of November,
T'he W M. S. of the United church
will have an -old time .concert on No
vember 14 th. Keep
Miss Hedden has
a visit with friends
The young people
Church met at the home of 'Mr. and
Mrs. Dean Brown last Tuesday ev
ening and enjoyed a social time of
games, contests and music. Later
Miss Olive Brown read an address
to Mr. and M(rs. . MouSseau (Miss M.
Brown) and Mr. Roy Eagleson pre
sented them with an electric floor
lamp from the Greenway Y. People
Both Mr. and' Mrs. Motisseau ex
pressed their gratitude. After lunch
a jolly sing-song brought the even*
ing to a close with many expressions
of good wishes to the happy couple
who were recently married.
Mrs. Roy Shepherd spent the past
week With, her parents |M.r, and Mrs,
R. English.
Miss Jean Russell R.N., of Toron-
i to, is a guest with her cousin Miss
Mae W'ilson.
Mr. ahd Mrs. Byron BrOwn visited
at Mr. W, J. Brown’s last Week! and
attended the golden wedding of Mrs.
Byron Brown’s
Mr, and Mrs.
visited with Mr.
Mr, and Mrs.
Whalen, visited.
Mr. and Mrs, S.
friends for a few days.
Miss Lorraine Eaglesoh, of Sarnia,
Visited het grandparents Mr. and Friday, November 2nd.
parents at Seaforth.
Doupe, of IldertOh,
, and Mrs. Fraser.
Thomae’ (Sunning, of
■vrith het parents
W. Webb and other
Mr. Henry Hern returned home on
.Saturday from London where he has
•been visiting for .the past week.
IM'r. and Mrs. J, T. Hern and
and Mrs. James Earl andi family
ited on Sunday with t'heir niece
and Mrs. H. Anderson, of Wash
ington, Ont,
Mr, arid Mrs. Melville Hern and
family spent Sunday in St. Marys
with their cousins Mr, and Mrs. R.
Ungar d,
Mr. and' Mrs. Allan Jaques and
family visited with the former’s
brother Mr. and (Mrs. George Jaques
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bro'ck and
daughter Jean and Mr, and Mrs. E,
Johnston and family attended the
James St, United Church Annivsrs-
s.ary services id Exeter on Sunday.
Mr. Edward Avery, of St. 'Thomas,
called -on Mri and Mrs* w. 3. Brock
on Sunday while returning from vis
iting his mother in Mitchell who
celebrated her ll0(lst birthday on
Village' of Exeter
Public Notice is hereby given that
a meeting of the Electors of the Vil
lage .of Exeter will be held in the
Town Hall, Exeter, at the hour -of
12 o’clock noon on FRIDAY, NO
VEMBER, 23, 1934, for the purpose
of making and receiving (nomina
tion's for the offices of Reeve and
Councillors; one member of the Pub
lic Utilities Commission .and four
members of the Board of Education
And further notice is 'hereby given
that in the event of more candidates
being proposed for any particular
Office than required to be elected,
the proceedings will 'be adjourned
until Monday, December 3rd, 1934,
When the polls will be open at 9 a.m.
closing at 5 p.m., at the following
places as fixed by village by-law viz:
Poll No. 1, Poll. Booth Miss A Hand
ford’s residence Main St.’; D. R. O.,
Ed. Treble; Polling Clerk, W, J.
Carling. Poll No. 2, Polling Booth
Town Hall, Main <St„ D.R.O., J. A,
Stewart; Polling Clerk, Walter Har
ness. Poll No. 3, Polling Booth, W*
G. Medd’s Office, Main and Wel
lington Sts., D.R.O., G. Anderson;
Polling Clerk, A. Gam-brill. poll No
4, thos. Webster’s residence, Wm,
St., north, D.R.O., Rd. Welsh; poll*
ing Clerk, John Kydd. All Electors
are hereby requested' to take notice
ahd govern themselves accordingly,
EXefer, November 7, 1954,