The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-10-04, Page 8THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1934 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE SJWRfiTKESS begins with the coiffure. Try a Bonaf Permanent Wave in the most dis­ tinctive styles dictated by the fash­ ions of today. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded Phone 231j Exeter; Residence 30r31 Crediton One Door South of Times-Advoeate H. Rfl. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Markets Wheat 93c. Oats, 3 Sc. Malting Barley 68c.' Manitoba’s Best $2.90 Model $2.80 Welcome Flour $2.70 Low Grade Flour, $1.55 Bran $1.30 Shorts, $1.40. Creamery Blitter 24 and 25c. Dairy Butter 19-22c. Eggs, extras 23c. Eggs, firsts 18c. Eggs, seconds 15c. Hogs, $7.50. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. Moore Gordon, B.A., B.b. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Rev, Denny organist; Bright, of London, Representative of the Britsh and Foreign Bible Society 7 p.m.—“Being Thankful’’ Wednesday, October 10-th, W. M. S. Thankoffering Meeting at 8 pan. The special speaker . will be Miss M. H. Williamson, of Bhil Mission Field, India. 'Members of the W. M. S. and their friends are urged to attend. I IM Showing some very smart styles at popular prices. You will be surprised j at such moderate prices $3.75, $4.95, $7.95 BUSINESS CHANGE Mr. M. II. Sanvagc, proprietor of the People’.; Shoe Store, has dispos­ ed of his business to'Mr. William H. Partlo, of London, who has al­ ready taken po,.sessior. Mr. Hazel Sunday with Mr. F. Bloomfield. Leu Chamberlain and Miss Bloomfield, of London, spent I I i LOCALS ! I I HMMHI —W IMW»O —I <1 ■*! ■■ H MW t HMW4 The James St. W. A. will hold a Cc eking Sale and Afternoon Tea on Saturday, October 6th at 3 o’clock in Mr. Senior’s vacant store door north of his studio. LOCALS one 2te. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A, E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader — Treat yourself to a — THANKSGIVING DINNER at “Melville Iitn” d'n SUNDAY AND MONDAY, October 7th and 8th Thank!-giving- Dinner nil! be served from 11.30 to 1.30 and from 5.3u to 6.30 Price 59c. , Your phone order would be appreciated, phone 61w was . a.m.—'Message of Thanksgiving’ p.m.—(Sunday School #Pew expects ELECTION EXPENSES Re expenses of JAMES BALLAN- TYNE in the election of June 19th. His expenses were $715.26. This is. to certify that this is cor­ rect as far as I know J. M. Govenlock, Financial Agent Wm. Frayne, Returning Officer, Electoral District of Huron FOR QUICK SALE—McLary’s El­ ectric range, good condition, origi­ nal price $190., used 3 years, also child’s make, phone ■bed with mattress, Simmon’s Apply at Times-Advoeate or 267. ltc. Blank writes: For twentyMr. years I suffered with a corn. Cress Corn Salve removed it. At Brown­ ing’s Drug Store, Exeter. WANTED’—A position as house­ keeper, either in town or country. Practical nurse if needed. Apply Tim es-Advo cate at STRAYED—From Lot 5, Con. Hay, dark roan heifer, two-year-old, marked in right ear. Any informa­ tion gladly received by P. Dunsford R. R. No. 1, Exeter, phone 35rl7, Dashwood. 5, Mr. Alex Neeb, of Goderich, a caller in town on Tuesday. Monday next, October1 Sth will be Thanksgiving Day and a Public ’ holiday. Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Down spent a couple of days with Misses E. and P. Down of London. Mr. Harry Strang returned on Tuesday’ to his studies at Guelph Ag­ ricultural College. Mr. and Mrs. John Beaver, of St. 1 Marys, visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Beavers on Sunday. •Miss Harriet Knipe, R.N., of De­ troit, visited for a few days with her sister, Mrs. W. D. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Eilbei* and Mrs. Sam’l'Eilber, of U-bly, Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz. Miss Ella Link has returned home after visiting for a month in Wind­ sor. Ubly, Michigan and Detroit. Mrs. Geo. Anderson has returned home from London after visting for two weeks with Dr. and Mr, Henry Strang is this -week attending a Knox College Board of a member. •Miss Florence Down, been visiting with her J. W. and Mrs. Down' Oshawa on Monday. Mr. Reg. Beavers and Cook, of -Sarnia, spent -the with the former’s parents Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Mrs. Harry Carey, who Mns. Walsh, in Toronto meeting of which lie is has Rev. who father .returned <to Mr. Maurice week-end Mr. and Thames Road Farmers Club are booking orders for chestnut coal and No. 4 coal. We have a few orders for Alberta coal and orders will be accepted from anyone to make up a car. We -still have a quantity of twine on hand.—P. Passmore, Sec’y. FOR SALE—Choice young pigs, 7 weeks old. Apply to Geo. R. No. 1, Hensall. Dunn, R. APPLES FOR SALE — Red£, and Snow apples ready, spies three weeks later. Call at my place and get your supply. Fred Middleton, Clinton. 10-4-2tp McIntosh are now House for Sale or Rent in Exeter •—tthe residence of the late Wm. Bagshaw on Huron Street, one acre of land and fruit trees. Apply to Mrs. Fred Hogarth, phone 18rl5, Crediton. FUR COATS, FUR JACKETS— made to measure; also .relined, re­ paired, remodeled and -reglazed at low prices. Expert work; also dress- niaking.Wanted—old seal coats. Ap­ ply to Mrs. Norman Hockey 2tp WANTED—An unlimited of light and heavy, cheap Apply to Frank 'Taylor. number horses. STRAYED—Onto lot 16, con. 10, Usborne, an aged ram,, Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply to J. S. Simpson, R. R. 1, Kirkton. storeFOR SALE—Quantity of _ shelving and good cherry top count­ ers, will be sold very cheap. For particulars apply to T. Stephenson & Son, Ailsa Craig, 2tc. FOR SALE—Dark, solid oak din­ ing table, round, width 3 ft, 8 inches and length 7 ft. 10 inches, 5 leafs, 5 round legs; large mahogany plat­ form nocker, good as new, half price white iron bedstead with springs. 1 —- . 4tc.Apply to Mrs. H. parsons. Used Used Electrc FOR SALE electric washer, copper electric washer, wooden range, very cheap. * W. J. Beer Lub. tub SALE—The brick house andFOR land where the late Susan Atkinson lived oh William Street, Exeter. Apply to R. N. Creech. FOR SALE OR RENTr—l On Am drew St. in -the village of Exeter, a •solid brick house, about three acres of land. Can be bought at very low price. Fine place for chickens or onion growing. In village of Granton, nearly new solid brick houige on one fifth of an acre of land. Fully modern, hydro, hardwood floors, good heating equip- ineh'L running water, hath, etc. Pric­ ed at half original cost. Act quickly if Interested, I have also a client wishing to rent a house or bungalow, must have modern conveniences. Is re- sponsible party and would take lease.C. V. Pickard, Kxeter Phone 16 5 11 3 : 7 p.m.—“What the from the Pulpit.” Come and enjoy the Song Service. Monday—Y. P. S. Thursday 7.30 p.m.—Prayer Meet­ ing and Bible Study. Sunday, Oct. 6—Communion Service JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. J. H. Stainton, B. A., B.D. Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader HARVEST HOME ANNIVERSARY Under the auspices of the Women’s Association. 1'1 a.m.—IRev. E. F. Chandler, B.A., B.D., Kippen p.m.—-Sunday School p.m.—Rev. Geo, Kersey, B.A., of ■Mitchell will conduct the service and be accompanied by Miss L. Hazel Brandon, Organist and the choir from Mitchell. Wednesday—Prayer Meeting Thursday—Y. P. Society. 3 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. ML A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middletnlss has been confined to her home since her cent automobile accident was for the -first time cn Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stanbury tended the funeral of the former’s cousin Mrs. Ira. Johns at Turner’s Church Tuckersmith on Tuesday. Mr. and -Mi’s. Harry Gould, who spent the summer -at -Grand Bend, have moved into Mr. Edgar F’anson’s house on Huron Street for the win­ ter. Miss Elizabeth -and Miss Emma Hamm, returned to their home in Brantford on Tuesday after visiting with Mrs. E. A. Amy for the past week. Mrs. C. A. Southco-tt and Mtltes Stella and Mrs. M- Sheere returned Saturday after visiting for several days with Rev. R. E. Southcott at Mt. Brydges. Mrs. Emma E. Scott, of Bloom­ field, N. J., has been visiting tor the past -week with her sister Mrs. Wm. Kuntz and other relatives at Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Ern . three -children and Mr of Toronto, visited with Frayne and other relatives week-end. Miss J. S. Pearce and in Stratford the Provincial convention W. C. T. U. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisher, of Lucan and Miss Marjorie Shannon, R.N., of Harriston, visited with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher on -Sunday. Mrs. George Chambers of the Thames Road and Mrs. Newton Baker of town are visiting with their brother Mr. Isaac Hill and other relatives at Creditcn, Mr. and Mns. G. C. Freckleton and family, of Lucan, who were former residents of Exeter have moved from Lucan to London and now re­ side on McClary avenue. Mrs. Th,os. Handford and daughter Mrs. Labelle Finn, of Ingersoll, called on friends in this community on Saturday and Sunday and visited with Mr®, C. A. Southcott. Mr. George Dew. of Iowa Falls and Mrs. Harrison, of Boone, Iowa, are visiting with the former’s sister Mrs. and Mr. John Hunter and other rel­ atives in this communiy. Mrs. Thos. Hunkin, who has been ill for several days in Victoria Hos­ pital, London, was sufficiently im­ proved as to be (brought to the home of her daughter Mrs. Benson Tuckey on Tuesday. Mr. George N. Willis, o-f Dondon, formerly of Exeter, received word on Sunday of the death of his -sister- in-law Mrs. Frank H. Willis, of Springside, Sask, The funeral was held on Monday, Dr. and Mrs. Snell and Mr®. Gor­ don, of Toronto, .and Mtes L. Bow­ man, of Preston, spent Sunday and Monday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Southco-t;t. Miss Bowman Is re­ maining on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers were at Walton Monady evening where -Mr, Beavers gave an address at the Duff United .Church on the oc­ casion of their Fowl Supper in con­ nection with the anniversary of the _ . - . .... ___church. Mr. Beavers, who was a* Misses Kathleen and Lillian Kestlo commissioner to -the -General Uoun-Jwas enjoyed, Mr, J, M, southcott! oil at Kingston, spoke on the wotk 8ave an Interesting talk on “Lavs, of the laymen of the chureh, | the law of Christian Living.” * re- ■out Johnson and ;. E. Johnston, Mrs. over P. the w.C. are Murray, Mrs. Miss Ella Shapton this week attending of the 10 11 a.m,—Sunday School —Morning Prayer & Sermon ■Evensong and Sermon a.m.- 7 p.m.— Winter Coats Special for Thanksgiving $11.95 up Two Season Guarantee Ward’s Ladies’ Wear Come and see our stock You will want to buy. PERMANENT WAVES with Deep Natural Waves .and Lovely Curly Ends I). S ALTER Phone 245 Your Home will be Warmer, Clean, Cheerful and Bright if you BURN D. & H. ANTHRACITE “We Aim to Please” Jas. Pl Bowey Phone 157 or 229 “insurance of All Kinds” LEAVITT’S THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY October 4, 5, and 0th “VIVA VILLA” With WALL-ACE BEERY all Star Cast with thousands ■ofan others in Metro- Goldwyn - Mayer’s giant of screen triumphs MONDAY—-THANKSGIVING DAY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY GEORGE WHITE’S SCANDALS it begins where the world famous $10 Broadway show left off Rudy Vallee, Jimmy Durante, Alice Faye, Cliff Edwards, Geo. White and his 300 chorus and dancing beautie® COMING— “IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT” Clark Gable & Claudette Colbert .....-I------................J. .... 'the Young People*® Society / of Main iStreet was well attended on Monday evening, the meeting being under the leadership -of Mr, Koch. After several hymns a vocal duet by CORTICELLI THISTLEBLOOM YARNS In all the best selling shades. This is a wonderful yarn and is very popuar, 18c. or 2 for 35c. CIRCLE BAR SILK HOSE Showing the New Fall Shades ini ser­ vice weight and chiffon PRICED AT PER PAIR $1.00 LADIES’ SWEATER COATS In Black or Brown. A special value in a medium weight all wool coat EACH $2.25 NEW CHAMOISETTE GLOVES In two very smart numbers in popular pull-on styles. In grey, brown or black 69c. AND $1.00 New Fur Collared Coats In a large range of the newest styles and materials to choose from for Misses and Wo­ men. Let us show you our values before you purchase that new coat. NEW FELT HATS FOR MEN Snowing the new smaller shapes in four new shades PRICED AT $1.95 COLLAR-ATTACHED SHIRTS The best value that we know of. Well made and good fast colors. Priced at $1.19 or 2 for $2.25 BOYS’ ALL WOOL SWEATERS These sweaters are outstanding value. They are all wool and come in V neck or with collars SPECIAL AT 98c. SWEATER COATS In button V neck style. These come in red, black, blue or green and are trim­ med with white stripes. EACH $2.75 Stanfield’s Underwear for Men One ,of the best wearing and most satisfactory makes that you can buy. We carry a complete stock in both combinations and two-piece garments. GROCERY SPECIALS Special EXTRA SPECIAL COOKING ONIONS 50 lb pkg 59c SLICED PINEAPPLE Very Choice 2 tins for 23 PASTRY FLOUR Good Quality 2 BLUEBERRIES For Pies 2 tins for 23 CORN SYRUP At Low Prices 10 lb. pail - - 65c 5 lb. pail - - 35c 2 lb. tin - - 17c 25c 3 TEA Our Own Blend Black or Mixed for for Extra Choice FLOUR—WE HAVE A GOOD QUALITY BREAD FLOUR—PRICES VERY LOW Southcott Bros. SS KSfl GANG AT WORK - ! The Bell Telephone Co. have a gang of about -twenty men at work ’ in town putting cables for their wires! underground and restringing wires at the reai’ of -the stores in the busi­ ness seeton In the course of a few weeks they will remove their poles from the -Main Street. Reunion event to forward EVERYONE CAN HELP The Old Boys and Girls in 19 35 is now an assured which everyone will look and for which everyone is requested ■to work heartily. The Finance Com­ mittee has been received all over town most enthusiastically and the citizens have, with very few excep­ tions, backed the celebration gener­ ously. Those who have not yet given their support will have this yeek to speak, to a member of the canvas committee, Everybody should have some small share in this, the biggest event in Exeter’s history. The Invitation Committee is partic­ ularly anxious to obtain the names and addresses of all Old Boys and Girls. Here is where every family in town and all readers of The Times-AdVocate everywhere can as­ sist. Mr. B. W. F. Beavers, Chair­ man of the Invitation Committee would be glad to have your list at once. Smart New Furnishings FOR FALL Shirts with ties to match ....aZe, Mufflers, in the new patterns in light shades and , dark grey, blue grey and brown $2.00 $1.00 $2.50 Sweaters, Sweater, V-Neck Turtle Neck 2.50 PHONE 81 W. W. T A M A N EXETER, ONT. SUPER SPECIAL!* Ladies’TOPCOATS .. . ■Rl 79"Master Cleaned, Tailor Pressed, at Marvo System of Dry Cleaning - THE FOLLOWING AGENCYS WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU W. W. Tainan, M. C. Sleamon, J. M. Ross & Co., S. Rannie Exeter Centralia Lucan Hensail M. W. BOWMAN, DIVISION REP.ALL GARMENTS INSURED