The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1934-08-16, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THirnSDAY, AUOTS’J 10, 1934 HENSALL have they vi.-it- with Mr, and Mrs. Marik Drysdale spent Fnuay in -ixnidDH, Miss Minnie Reid has returned home after a pleasant visit with friends in Forest. Mjss Elsie Heywood has returned after spending her holidays at her tome at Farquhar. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton were vis­ ited on Sunday by- a number of friends from Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Simpson' returned from London where visited friends for a week. Mrs. Lee Wilson, of Exeter, ed for a few days last week Mr. and Mrs. IL O. Dayman, Miss Evelyn Corbett, of Hay Twp visited lor a few days last week with her sister, Mrs, Roy McLaren. Mrs. J. McArthur of London, has been visiting with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ar­ nold. Miss Elaine Peek, of Clinton and formerly of Hensall, is spending a couple of weeks visiting with friends in Hensall. Mrs. Jones, of London, visited for a few days with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mi's. James Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. John Swan and chil­ dren, of Detroit, have been visiting with Mr. Swan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Swan. Mr. and .Mrs. Stanley Lockhart and gon, John, of Detroit, visited on Saturday last with their aunt, Mrs. John Murdock. Mr. and Mrs, Laughton, of Tor­ onto, were recent visitors with Mrs. and Mrs, upon for help. We Xave always found you kind and obliging neigh­ bors ready to rejoice with us we rejoiced or to mourn with us in nt5u ' visjted w'ith 'Mr,' time of adversity. . . It 'has been your great joy privilege to be blessed with a lUVA 0 v „„„ ily of six children and how your joys Miss A-dd’ie Gaiser visited in Toledo, ( Ohio, recently. Rev. and Mrs. J. W- Johnson are spending their vacation at their summer home at Bright’s Grove. Mr. Johnson’s work was taken last Sunday by Air, Earl Christie, of Exeter, There will he no service next Sunday evening and the follow- j ing Sunday, August 26th Air. Jo>hn- . son expects to be present again. I Air. and Mrs. Fred Eilber and son .of Detroit, are visiting the former’s parents, Air. and Mrs. A. King.I Airs, Riga Haist, of Elkton, AWch. when and fam- CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. Huxtable, of , “L. and Harry Beaver last week, , Airs. Wilkie McEwep and daugh­ ter Joyce, Mr. Freeman Morloek and Ham- IMrs.THE I -fa: pgr i Redpath GRANULATED SUGAR, ......10 lbs. for 56c GROCERY SPECIALS ' SUGAR KRISP CORNFLAKES .... AUSTRALIAN PEACHES.................. GOOD COOKING RICE...................... SELE.CT PINK SALMON.................. SCHNEIDER’S PURE LARD ...... P & G NAPTHA SOAP....................... PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP........... ...........................pkg. 7c. ......... per tin 15c. ♦.............5 lbs. for 23c. ....................per tin 10c. . ................ per lb. 11c. ..... 10 bars for 29c. .... 3 cakes for 14c. 1 LARGE CAN BAKING POWDER—1 GOBLET FREE .............. . .......................... 25c. Alymer Tomato Juice ..... . . . per tin 5c.Choice Sweet Corn ....................2 tins 19c. Kolona Coffee ..................... . per lb. 29c.Choice Tomatoes . ...............2 tins for 19c. Pic Nic Plates......................, per dozen 9c.Pure Clover Honey ............10 lb. pall $1.10 Peanut Butter in bulk ..... 2 lbs. for 25c Fly Coils ............................... per doz. 19c. No. 3 Peas................... . .,2 tins for 23c.Fresh Jelly Beans .......... per lb. 19c. Ginger Snaps....................... . per lb. 10c.Water Melons................... each 53c. Fancy Sweet Mixed Biscuits . . per lb. 17c Cocoanuts............. .................. . . . each 5c. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF VINEGAR, PICKLING SPICES, ZINC RINGS, GLASS TOPS, ETC. SEALER RUBBERS, are extending even into the third generation, Alay theirs be a goodly heritage and may they ever rise up and call you blessed. To mark this happy occasion of your twenty fifth wedding- anniver­ sary, we have gathered here to-night and us a slight token of our affec­ tion and esteem for you, on having leached this milestone in your his­ tory and we trust that you and yours may be long spared to be a blessing to one another and to the community at large. bors and friends, Middle School Results of Ilen«all Continuation SclioOol Alexander, J.—C.H. 2; Alg, Phys. C; Chem. 2. Bell, E.—E.C. C; Alg 1; Geom Phys.>2; Ch. 2; F.A. 3; F.C. 2 Bell, M.—■E.C. C; C.H. C; F.CCrerar, S.—E.C. C; A.H. 1; Geom 2. Farquhar, J.—E.L. C. Filshie, L—A.H, 1; Alg. 2; Geom. 2, Phy. 1, Chem. 1. Fee, AL—-F C. 2. Follick, M.—E.C. 2; E.L. 1; C.H 3; Alg. C; Phys 2; L.C. 1; F.A. 2 F.C. 2. Forrest, E\—E.C. 2; EL. 2; A.H. 1; Alg. 2; Chem. 2; F.A.’l; FC. 2. Glenn, H.—E.C. C; AH. 2;‘Alg. 2; Geom. 2; L.A. 3; L.'C 2; F.A. C; F.C. C.Koehler, S—E.-C, C; E.L. C; H. 3; Alg. C; L.C. 3; F.C. C.McAllister, J —E.C. C; E.L. C.H. C; Alg. 2;'L.C. 2. McKenzie, A.—EC. 3; E.L. 2; H. 2; Alg. 1; Phys'. C; L.C- 1; F.C. 3.•Aliunn, H.—A.H. 3'; ■Signed <m behalf of your neigh- jS vjSiting with friends and relatives onto, were recent visitors ■ Laughton’s parents, Mr. C. A. McDonnell. Air. and Airs. Daniels. ■ j- - - Sparlcs and Mrs. Alclntyre. Airs. Edd. McQueen and daughter Miss Elva are spending a week at the Beach O’ Pines, the guests of Air. and Aid's. A, J. Sweitzer. Airs. N. P. Warrener and daught­ er, Miss Eveline, .of Pontiac, Mich., and formerly, of Hensall .spent a few days last week with friends in town. Mr. A. J. Hart and children, of Toronto, who have been visiting for the past few weeks with her par­ ents, Air. and Mrs. A. F, Foster has returned home. Mr. Wm, Fee and sisters, Misses Mary and Sarah have returned home after enjoying a motor trip. They visited friends at Stratliroy and several other points. Mrs. Edna Twitcliell, of Detroit, and Miss Phyliss Waters, of Mi'Ch,, left last week for their homes after a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twitchell. Alisg Irene Cornish, of Tliornloe, New Ont., and Misses Doris and Thelma Milligan, of Red Water, New Ontario, were recent visitors Mr. .and Mrs. Fred Kennings. Mr, Wm. Lemon and family rented Mr. ’ :: formerly occupied by Alias Augur and the late Al'rs. Augur and have moved iti and getting nicely settledMr. and Mrs. Lome Scott and' daughter, Bliss Marian, of Toronto, I are spending their holidays with- Mrs. Scott’s parents, Mr. and Airs. G. C. Petty, also Mrs. Scott’s sisters J.w. ___ „, Airs. Ballantyne and Miss K. Scott. Fr j Eat 2, E.L 2 E.C. Airs. F. Robinsoit and sister, Aliss; g, B. Hist'. C Amir TY nxVn 1 rl ~ n 1 r. 1 4 FI Y ZX XT x \ Mr. and Mrs. Daniels, of Brant­ ford, have returned home after vis­ iting- for a few days, with Mrs. Jas. 1.Sangster, AL—E.C. 2; F.C. C. have Robert Eacrett’s house Jin the village. Miss Lulu Moriocik and Miss Bea­ trice Dobbs have returned from their tour through the Western provinces and Western States.IM'i's. Almeda Daferner and daugh­ ter, Mrs. Elinor Foster, Lansing. Mich, and granddaughter, Shirley Ann, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Haist a few days this week,Airs. Daferner gave a very inspir­ ing talk in connection with the Ev­ angelical Sunday School on Sunday. -Air. and Mrs. Neville, of London, and granddaughter, of Cleveland, spent the week-end with AH’, and Mrs. Fred Kerr. Mr. Freeman Morlock and Miss A'dd'ie Gaiser spent a few days in Toledo, Ohio, guests of Alisg Pearl Gaiser who returned home with them.|Mrs. Harry Triebner and family, of Cornwall; Mrs. Robertson., Jim and Gordo.ii Robertson, of Toronto, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Airs. Albert Fahner. Mr. and -Mrs. F. W. Clark and daughter Laura are' spending a week at Algonquin Park. Mr. and Airs. William Brown, of Forest; IMir. and Mrs. William Damm, of Chesley, spent Sunday at the Braun home. Mr, and Airs. Fred Faist, Chesley, are spending a few days^with the former’s parents Air. and Mrs. Ezra Faist. A pleasant evening was spent, at the home of Air. ail'd Airs. Welling­ ton Haist on Wednesday last in hon­ or of Air. and Mrs. Emerson Schroed­ er, of Detroit. A number of the neighbors and relatives were enter­ tained to an ice .cream social. Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder returned to De­ troit on Sunday and were accompan­ ies home by 'Miss Bernice Haist on a visit. Maimed in Detroit The marriage of -Miss Marguerite Domine. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Domine, of Vista Court, De­ troit, and E. Thomas Eilber, of De­ troit, son of Chas. Eilber, Crediton, Ont., was solemnized on Wednes­ day. August 1st, at the First Street Presbyterian church. The Rev. Har­ old AIcDonald officiated at the cere­ mony which took plape at 7 o’clock «in the evening. Cathedral candles- and palms and summer flowers in _ white and shell pink formed beau- 3,itiful decorations throughout the j church. The bride was charming in a gown of white satin made on simple lines and distinguished by a lace jacket and train. Her tulle veil, which fell from a coronet-fashioned cap. followed the train of her dress. She carried white roses and valley lilies. Mrs. James Hendrie Bell, as the matron of honor, was ■ the bride’s only attendant. Her gown was of pale green lace and satin and with it she wore a small hat of ' vet in a darker shade of green, flowers were an arm (bouquet Talisman roses. Russell Eilber, groom’s brother, acted as best man. Mrs. Domine chose a gown of flow­ ered chiffon with which she wore a shoulder corsage of Talisman roses for her daughter’s wedding. A reception and dinner for the im­ mediate families and the bridal party at Northwood Inn followed the cere­ mony. The young couple left for a three weeks’ cruise to the West Indies. On their return they will make their home at Highland Park. 2; C; C c. C. Alg. 3; Chem- C; E.L. C; L. C. ______Sinclair, N.— Phys. 2; Ch. 1; A. 1; F.C. 1.85 per cent, of apers written, were successful. Form I to Form IIArt 2; Alg. 3; E.C1. C, ■C.H. LA. 1; 1; A.H. 1; L.C. 1; F. Alexander, D.-—Bo, 1; 1; Fr. 2; Lat. 3; E.L. Geog. 3, B. Hist. 3. Cochrane, A.—Bot Alg. 1; Fr. 1; Lat. 2; 3, .Geog. 3, B. Hist. 2. Dougall, AI.—rBot. 1; 2; Fr. 3; Lat. C; EL. Geog. 1, B. Hist. 2.Drysdale, R—'Bot. C; 3, Fr. F, Lat.’ F, E.L. Geog C, B. Hist. C. Fairbairn, A.—ASrt C; E.L. C; E.C R; Geog. 2. Foster, J.—Bot. C; Art 3; Alg. C; Fr C; E.L. 2; E.C. C, Geog. C, B Hist 3.Kipl’er. I.—Bot. C, Art 2, Alg. F, E.L C, E.C. R, Geog. 3; B. Hist' CAlcKenzie, G.—Bot. 2; Art C, Fr. E.L 3, E.C. C, Geog. 1, B.Hist Alg.' 2. AIcLean. V.—Bot. 1; Art 2; Alg. , Fr. 3, Lat. D, E.L. 3, E.C. " Geog 2, B. Hist, 2. Peck, R.—Hot. 3, Art 2, C; E.L. Art C; 1; EC. Art 2; Art C. Cl Alg. E.C. C, 2; Alg. EC 3, 1,2, 2, Alg. 1, 3, Geog Amy Reynolds, also their little nep-. ’ Saunderc-ock, G.—Bot. F Art 3, hew, Master Harry Armstrong have ( A.]g Fj Er. F> e<l. c> E,c.’ Cj ge3g returned from a pleasant trip to F g Hist'F Regina and other points west, where Thomson, B.—Bot 3', Art 3. Alg. 1, they visited relatives for several >Fr, 3 Lat< 2 E.U. R, EC. C, Geog weeks.Mr. and Mrs. E. ,K. Hutton intend' shortly moving to Guelph. Mr. Hut­ ton has been assistant .at the C.N.R. for some time and during their so­ journ in Hensall have made many friends, who widh them success in! their new home. __ _ The many friends of Miss. Louise a ^ain^^rGeom"if Lat72,"Fr7 2' 2, B. Hist. 3. Traquair, J.—Bot. 3, Alg. C, Hist. C. Form II to Form III Zoo> 3, Phy. B. Southron, H Zoo> 3, Phy. C, Arith. F, Gram. F, Geom. C, Fr. F, C, vel- Her of the E.L. 3, E.C. 3, C (Lat. 1) I Carlisle, Ar—Zoo. 2, Phy. 2, Ari. Drummond, who underwent an °P“ i e'-l 2 E C 2 ’eration for appendicitis dn Seaforth) ’c’rawford' L_(Zoo 3, Phy. Hospital last week for appendicitis ■ Arith 2 G1.’am; Cj Geom. 3, E.L will be pleased to hear she is- nm- (E c c ’§ /Eat -jJ proving and expects ■ to be able to ' Davidson,I A'.—Zoo. 2, Phy. return home t'he end of tillsweek. I Arith 3 G1'.am> c GeGm< 2, Fr. Mr. Wm. Lemon, proprietor o£eLCECC2 (Lat. 1) the Commercial .Hotel has disposed) T __lzo'0 n phv C Arithof the hotel to Mr. Eccelson, of Mit-1 c> ^omT’C, Fr. R,’ EX. R chell and Mr. Eccelson is taking (q q rEat 1) immediate possession. Mr. and Mrs.) ‘nVvq’dalp^ k'_.Zoo 1 Phv. 2,Eccelson were former residents of [ Aritg c GramTc Geom 1, Lat. C, Hensall and ran the same hotel a t p « E'r o E C 2 few years ago and their many Eider ' K—Zoo.'2,’Phy. 2, friendg are glad to welcome them - ~ ’ -■ - . _ . _ back to Hensall again. | Mr." and Mrs. Fred Corlbett were ( pleasantly surprised on Friday ev­ ening, August' liOith when about fifty neighbourg and friends gathered at their home to celebrate theiir silver wedding anniversary. Tlhe evening was spent in games cards and danc­ ing and a most dainty lunch was served. A pleasing event of the ev­ ening was the presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Corbett of some beautiful presents all in silverware. A cabin­ et of silver containing silver kniv’es', forks, spoons, etc., a silver cream and sugar set, sandwich tray. The .address was read by Mr. ,C. Black- well who was groomsman at their wedding twenty-five years a.g© and the presentation was made by iM(r. Alex Mousseau. Mr. Corbett, altho’ taken completely by surprise rose to the occasion and in his usual breezy way with a few well chosen words, on behalf of Mrs. Corbett and himself thanked their friends* for the beautiful gifts after which I all joined in singing "For They Are I Jolly Good Fellows.” Following is the address. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Corbett,— It is- twenty-five years to-night since you established in our midst your new home. A home that has been throughout all those years the very soul of hospitality and a lead­ ing centre of hospitality. You have contributed not a little to the wel­ fare of this community sparing neither time nor talent when called 2, c, 1, F, , ____, __ __ _ .. _. Al’ith. (3., Gram. 3,' Geom. 1, Lat. 3, Fr. 2, I E.L 3, E.C. 3.Gram.Filshie, A.—Zoo. 1, Phy. 1, 1, Geom 2. Lat. 1, Fr, 1, Glenn,' W.—Zoo. 1, Phy. 2, 1, Gram. 3, Geom 1, Lat. C. E. L. 2, E.C. 3,McQueen, D.—Zoo. 3, Phy. 3, Arith 2, Gram. 3, Geom. 1, Lat. C, Fr. C', E.L. 2, E.C. C. Manns, K—Zoo. C. Phy 2, Arith. F, Gram. F, Geom. 2, Fr. F> E.L. C( E.C. 3, C (Lat' 1).Pierce, G.—Zoo. 2, Phy. 2. Ari. 1 Gram. 1, Geom. 3, Lat, 2, Fr. 2, E. jj 2 E C R* Smale, I-^Z'OO. F. Phy. C, Arith. 3, Gram. 3, Geom. C, Fr. R, E.L. R, E.C. 3, 2 (Lat. 1)Walker, H.—Zoo. C, Phy. C, Ar. (3, Gram. C, Geom. 2, Fr. R, E.L. 3, E.C. 3.Traquair, J.—Zoo, 3, E.L. C, C. Arith. Fr. C, Pierce, G.—Zoo. 2, Phy. 2. Ari. 1 SHIPKA 0, E. ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT. Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver i—j". ....'.L: ?—■ YOUR LIVER’S MAKING YOU FEEL OUT OF SORTS Wake up your tiver Bile —No CnloUiel needed Whcfl you feel blue, dopreaaed, bouf on tho world, that's your JivOr wliich isn't pouring its daily two pounds of liquid bilo into your bowels. Digestion and elimination ard being Mowed tip, food is accumulating and decaying insido you and making you feel wrotcheii. Meco bowel-movers like Aaltd, oil, mineral water, laxative candy of chewing gum, or roughage, don't go far enough. „ You need A liver Stimulant. Carter’s Little Liver Pilln is the best one. Safe. I’nrcly vegc- Mrs. L. Schroeder, who has spent the past three weeks in Parlkhill at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mason .returned home last' week.(Mr. Earl and Miss Dorothy Ratz have returned home after a motor trip to Manitoulin Island.Misg Pearl Keys entertained her Sunday School class at her home on Friday afternoon last.■Mrs. A. McDougal and family of London, who have spent th© past three weeks at the home of her par­ ents, iMr. and Mrs. L. Schroeder, have returned home.Mrs. George Lawson and gon, Gerald, of Exeter, visited last week with relatives here.Mr. and Mrs. George Sheppard, of Parkhill, Mr. Howard and Miss Olive Shepard, of London, visited Sunday with relatives here. There will be no preaching service or Sunday School on Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Sam, Hanna and Mrs. J. ReW, of Seaforth, visited on Sunday with relatives here, Mrs, Georgo Lawson, of Exeter, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. A. Reyes,Mrs, Slake and daughter, Mar­ garet, from Welland, Ontario j&mnt MT. CARMEL The death of Michael O’Rouiike took place at the home near Khiva on (Tuesday morning, August 7th, after several months ’ illness, aged 72 years. He is survived by four daughters, Sister Clarec, of Order of St. Joesph, London; Mrs. Barry, of Detroit; Mrs. Corie O’Brine and Mi's. Charles Ragier, of Mount Car­ mel; two sons, Gerald and Dennis at home. The funeral took place on Thursday at 10 a.m. with Requiem aw. Those from a distance who at­ tended the funeral on Thursday were Sister Clarec and fir. Delores of London; Mr. and Mrs. J. Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Barry, Miss Nora Collins, Mrs. Mulligan, Mr. Hubert Mclsaac and sister, Mrs. Theodore Collins and mother, all of Detroit.Mrs. Thomas Love, of Detroit; visited at the home of .her brother, Mir. Joseph' McKeever for a few days last week. Miss K. Moir, Messrs. F. Kelly, of London, Hubert' Moir, of London called 'on friends here on Sunday. Miss. Mary McCann is visiting friends at Detroit 'for a few weeks. Master Tom Ryan, son of Mike Ryan met a pan’nful accident last week while unhitching a team of horses from a (binder. In some way ■the team stepped up and his heel came in contact with the knife of the 'binder which cut hig heel bad­ ly. Tom will be land up for several weeks, Mrs. Brady and daughter, Mrs. Roach and two small sons, of Ham­ ilton are visitors with Mrs. Brady’s sisters, Misses Carey. IMir. and Mrs. R. Etue end of Detroit, called on Mrs. parents, Mr. ana Mrs. James on Saturday. family Etues Carey KlfcKTON IMrs. Harold Tufts and son man, of Toronto; are spending this month with Mrs. A. Tufts. Master Douglas Gtey and sister of Staffa, are holidaying with their aunt Mrs, Roy Francis.Mr, and Mrs. Brown, of Toronto, spent the first part of the week With Mi’s, Tutts. b „■Miss Laura Johnson, of Goderich, visited at the home of Mts. Lou Nor Misses Muriel Robinson, Jean Hocking, Reta Mol lard, Verna Ken­ nedy, Minerva Moore,' Wanner Gal­ lop, Myrtle Priuham and Thelma Marshall are holidaying at Grand Bena this week.Mrs. H. Greason and little son Jadit, of Mt. Elgin are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gregory. Mr. Oliver McCurdy gave a birth­ day party in honor of her little Reta Smith. She had seven guests.Our boys and girlg softball went to Enrbro Friday night defeated Woodstock the score 14-9 for Kirk ton. Mrs. Geo. Vickers and daughter Leneta, R.N., of Chesley. Mrs. S. N. Shier 'of Bryanston spent Sunday with (Mir. W. Hazlewood. Don’t forget the decoration ser­ vice at Kirkton next Sunday, Aug. ID th. We welcome A. Paul and mg spent the England. The gardens niece little team and being Mrs. hav- home Mr. and Mrs. R. Switzer past two months in The gardens ana lawns are look­ ing much improved since the recent rains as we have had rain the past six Thursdays. Mrs. Thede, of Port Elgin, is visit­ ing at the home of her daughter Mrs. ~Geo. Kemp. ELIMVILLE of Strat- his cous- don. We are pleased to report that Ross Guenther, who was injured in an automobile accident last week is improving nicely in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Dr,°’and Mrs. Taylor have return­ ed after spending a week's vacation at Wasago Beach. The Lutheran Ladies’ Aid held a very successful quilting in the base­ ment of the church on Wednesday afternoon. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the circus in London on Wednes­ day. Mr. and Mrs, Milford have returned to Detroit spending two weeks’ vacation their parents. Mclsaac after with *WINCHELSEA Fiet- week Mr. and GREENWAY Master Russell Hunter, ford spent a few days with in Master Elgin Skinner recently. Mr. and Mrs. A. MoF'alls and Bon­ nie, of Biddulph, visited at 'Mr. and Mrs. Will. Bradshaw’s on Sunday. Miss Birdine returned home with them.Messrs. Fred and Chas. Long and Mr. Harry Munch spent Sunday in Milverton. They made the trip on the latter’s motorcycle. Mr. Wm. Horney ,of Owen Sound, Mr. Wm. and MiSg Violet Westlake of Hurondale visited at Mr. J. Herd­ man’s one days last week. Rev. and Mrs. Smith, Lois, Aus­tin and Gladys, of near Woodstock, renewed acquaintances here last week. Their old friends were pleased to see them again. Messrs. Jackson Woods and Dick Cornish attended the re-union of war veterans in Toronto.The Misses Jamieson, of Blan- shard, spent last week with their cousin, Mrs. Harry Murch. Mrs. Lily Hanna and daughter, Miss Annie Hanna, of Kingsville, spent a couple of days at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Thomas Bell, returning to .Seaforth on Thursday with Mr .and Mrs. Sam. Hanna. Miss Lorena Johns, of Toronto, is spending her holidays at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. Johns. Mrs. Jas. Squire and Miss Violet Squire, ‘of Woodham and Miss' Mar­ jorie Earl, of Zion, were visitors'at Mr. J. Herdman’s on Thursday last. Quite a few from this vicinity at­ tended the Band concert in Exeter last Sunday afternoon and enjoyed it very much. Miss Bessie Bell, R.N., who has been holidaying at her home here left this week for Toronto where she has a (position in a hospital there. Master Ronald and Norma clier spent .a few days last with their grandparents, Mrs. John Fletcher, of Exeter. Miss A.nnelda Sholdice. of Centra­ lia, spent a few days last week with Berdiuo Clarke. Visitors through the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis, Mr. and Mrs. James Turner, and daughter, Gladys, of Saintstbury Miss Gladys Skinner, of Elimville, Rev. M. H. and Mrs. Elston and son Allan, of Dundalk. Miss Elaine camm. of Brantford, is spending two weeks vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Camm,Mr. and Mrs. Walker Kerslake and Genevieve, Mr. and Mrs. True­ man Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Thos-. Seers, spent Sunday at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cannn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Camm, Mr. Jack Camm and friend, of Michigan, called on Mr. Richard Camm on Sat­ urday Last. Mr. and Mrs. John Prance and family visited with the ents, (Mr. and Mrs. Greenway on Sunday. Master Harold Davis is holidaying this week with his: cousins, Stanley and Clifford Hicks at Centralia. Rev. and Mrs. Smith and family of Woodstock, called on friends in this vicinity last week. Misg Ella Frances spent a few days last week with friends in Lon­ don. Mrs. Herman Foster spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Parkinson in Blanshard latter’s Bullock par- at Next Sunday Col. Daziel, who is second in command of the Salvation Army in Canada will preach in the United Church. Come and hear this noted speaker and accordion player. We are glad to report taat Lyle Woodburn is recovering from the accident he had last week when he was kicked by a horse. Mr. W. McEwen and Mr. W. Leonard, of London, were guests with Mr. David gather icli. Mr. visited Curts last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLinchey and family spent last Thursday in Marys. Mrs. J. Snowden ig a gue.-t with 'Mrs. Dean Brown. There will be a good time at the Mission Band Ice Cream Social on August 16th if you are there. We are glad to gay Allan Steeper is improving. He had the misfortune to fall off a horse ond suffered a tincture to his skull but he soon will be able to be around again. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moon visited with Mr. W. J. Brown last week. 1 Rev. G. Webb, of Toronto, preach­ ed an interesting sermon in the United church on Sunday ofternoon. Two special numbers were rendered by the male choir which added much! to the service. Mrs. T. Stewardson, who has been quite ill at the home of her daugh­ ter (Mirs. Geo. Bullock, is able to siti up for a few minutes each day. Mrs. J. Turner has returned from a visit with her daughter Mrs. G. Hodgson, of Brinsley. Mrs. Sheffler, of Detroit,is visit­ ing her brother -Mr. Erwin Eggart. Messrs. A. Gollen and Bill Bui-* lock are running one of James, Ger- omette’s threshing machines. The Romphf orchestra played at the Pinery Inn last Friday evening. Several relatives and friends have motored to London to visit Mr. L. Woodburn who is in St. Joseph’s Hospital since his accident. We congratulate Mr. Thos. Bul­ lock who celebrated his 80th birth- doy last Tuesday and wish hijn' many happy returns of big birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gratton, ofl London; Mr. Leslie Ireland and/ Lyman Gratton, of Grand Bend, spent Sunday at J. Hotson’s. attended Eagleson and to- the race- in Goder- and Mrs. _ with (Mr. and Mr Inch, of London, ' -- c. ir.H. St. Dr. DASHWOOD H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Black, Dash­ wood. first three days of at office over the Post Zurich, last three days of week and Office, m week. Toronto,,MV. Sam. Witzel, Of spent a few days with Ills mother Mrs. Witzel.Miss Nelda Fassold has resigned her position at the Post Office. (Mil's. R. Armstrong, of London visited- her mother Mrs, Mclsaac who is quite 411 at present. Mr, and Mrs. Reithen Goetz and week-end with.Mr. and Mrs. son Albert spent the friends in Sarnia.. IMiss Olga Fisher, visiting her parents. Mr, and Mrs. J. daughters, Muriel, and Mrs. Price, of . __ _ wore Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman. Mis9 Rita Fassold who underwent an operation for appendicitis, in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, returned home last week. Mrs. Finkfbeiner and cathorn are visiting in Sarnia.■Mrs- Hamacher. of London, is Procter atid of Kitchener, Palmyra, Pa., ing , her ALWAYS the big vahie ill cereals—-Kellogg’s Cotn IHakcs are today a bigger value than ever! Quality arid flavor that can’t be equaled. Many servings for a few rents. Your grocer is featuring Kellogg’s Com Flakes —buy now1 Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario*