The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-08-31, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1033
Notice to Villagers
The Toivn Trustees announce that
there will be Fire Drill on Labour
Miss Maybclle Miller, is visiting pay, s6pt. 4th, at 9:00 a.m. All fire
at the home of Mrs. Robert Bon- fighters are as.ked to be on hand. It
thron. m/ th J T? ZVo «
Mrs, Wilson Carlyle is visiting -this |j.y ,out t^g recenf]y purchased hoseis the intention of the Trustees to
week with friends and relatives in
Miss Jean Appleton, of Exeter, is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Chas, Jinks,
Miss Francis Anderson, of Kippen
is spending a few days visiting hei-
i'riend Miss Annie Carlyle.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLean, of
Hamilton are visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore.
Mr. and Mrs. Atchison, of Rocks-
borough, visited on .Sunday at the
the home of Mrs. Harry Jacobi.
Miss Eleanor Fisher, of Winni
peg, visited last week at the home
of Mr. John Workman and family.
Miss Robinson has returned to her
home in London after a pleasant
visit with her sister Mrs. A. Arnold.
Miss Norma Douglas has returned
to her home in Hyde Park after a
pleasant visit with friends in town.
Mrs. John Johnston and daugh
ter Miss Margaret visited friends In
London and Hyde Park on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie, of
Toronto, are visiting at the home
of the former’s mother Mrs. A. Mc
Misses Verda Watson and Gladys
Passmore have returned home after
a pleasant visit with the former’s
parents at Londesboro.
Rev. and Mrs, Young are return
ing this week after a pleasant trip
to Ottawa. Mr. Young will occupy
his own pulpit on Sunday.
On Friday evening September 18
Mr. and Mrs. Haboush will present
a musical travelogue “The Seven
Wonders of Jerusalem and Galilee’’
which will be illustrated by
pictures and slides.
The Arnold Circle of the
Presbyterian Church intend
a garden tea on Mrs. Henry Arn
old’s lawn on Saturday afternoon
from 3 to 6. Everybody will be
welcome and a good time is looked
forward to.
Rev. Wardlaw Taylor, of Toronto,
preached very acceptably in the
Carmel Presbyterian church on Sun
day last,
duet was
and Mrs.
ing next
be held in the evening again.
At the St. Paul’s Anglican-church
Mr, and Mrs. Hy. - Dyer, of De
troit, visited with Mm and Mrs. E
K. Fahner and left her.e for Toronrc
to visit with relatives and take in
the exhibition.
Mr. John Taylor, formerly of
Exeter, is confined to his bed and
under the doctor’s care with a re-
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the .Post Office, in
Zurich, last three days of week.
At the morning service a
rendered by Mrs. Dougall
W. A. McLaren. Cqmmenc-
Sunday services will also
Rev. M. B. Parker occupied
pulpit in the morning and in
evening Mr. Claude Hunter, a
dent conducted the service. At
United church Rev. A. Sinclair
charge of the morning service
a solo was given by Mr. W. O. Good
win. Next Sunday evening the ser
vice will begin at 7 o’clock instead
of 7.30.
The evening service at the United
Church was withdrawn on Sunday
last owing to the service which was
held in the afternoon. Mr. Stephen
A. Haboush delivered a very in
spiring address on “My Shepherd
Life in Galilee’’ which t^eld the in
terest of a large congregation. The
church was filled to capacity. Mr.
Haboush spent twelve years as
a shepherd in Galilee and appeared
in his native costume.
Sarnia Wins First
of the
a 3-game series
Saturday, Aug-
Sarnia Red Sox, winners
ively defeated the
Caps in the first of
played at Sarnia on.
ust 26th by the score of 12-3.
, The Hensall boys were decidedly
“off cblor“ making,,no less than 9
errors compared with the winners-
two misplays, although Hensall out-
hit their rivals 13 to 11. Poor base
running and errors at crucial points
was largely responsible for the In
tercounty champions defeat.
•Sarnia started strong with two
runs in the first inning, the first two
bathers’ up hitting homers, after-
wliich they failed to tally until the
lucky 7th when they scored 5 runs
and drove Welsh from the box, he
being replaced by Carrick. Three er
rors and a hit gave them another
three runs in the eighth.
Gascho scored for Hensall in the
fifth when he hit a double and cross
ed the plate on Hawkins’
Carrick hit a long homer
right in the, eighth and
again tallied in the last
Schaffer, although hit freely, played
a heady game for Sarnia, keeping
the hits well scattered and-receiving
excellent support.
Batteries for Sarnia—iSchkffer &
Parsons. For Hensall—-Welsh, Car
rick and Joynt. Umpires G. Forque
and T. Bonk, London.
Sarnia ...... 4 0 0 0 Oi 0 5 3 x—12
Hensall ..... 00001001 1—3
to deep
Ladies Aid of the United
met at the home of Mrs. Wm.
on Thursday. There was a
good attendance. ,
Rev. and Mrs. Turner and child
ren have returned home from their
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fairservice, of
Lohdesoro, -Mr. and^Mrs. 0. J. Ste-*
wart, Exeter spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. G. G. Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sadler are a.t-
tending Toronto Eixhibitioh.
currence of heart
many friends are
speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs, H.
Miss Bernice are
their summer cottage at Grand Bend
H. Smith and
hoping for
K. Eilber
and Mrs
Pohl and
one day. He was accom-
Eldon Smith. The boys
bet and added an extra
to have a swim, making
Mr. and Mrs. W.
family, of Toronto,
their holidays with
Nelson St. Clair.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Baby Glen, of Detroit, visited a few
days this week with Mr. and Mrs
Wm. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Nel
son St. Clair. s
While on a two weeks vacation
with his grandmother. Mrs. Mary
Wentzel, Frederick MacDonald, of
Detroit, accepted the dare made by
his father to walk to Ailsa Craig and
return in
panied by
won their
two miles
the trip 23 miles. They claimed they
refused any rides and their blistered
feet was the- evidence. The next trip
will be London so Frederick says.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Pohl, Mr
and Mrs. Otto Pohl, of Detroit, Mrs
M. Brinker, of Parkhili', have re
turned home after spending a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. William
Smith, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
St. Clair. Mrs. R. Pohl and Mrs. M.
Brinker are sisters "of Mrs. Smith.
Occupies Crediton Pulpit
Rev. Samuel Finkheiner of
South Dakota conference of
Evangelical Church occupied
Crediton Evangelical pulpit Sunday
evening. He is one of the old boys
of Stephen Township and is a broth
er of Mrs. Rosina Stahl, Crediton
and Chris Finkbeiner, of Shipka.
FannerT’aged Eighty rebuilds Fine
Barn Blown Down in Storm
The large barn that was razed by
the windstorm of June 7th was
again erected Saturday afternoon on
the premises of John Fahrner, just
north of the Vil'lage of Crediton
Seventy-fiye men worked with en
thusiasm under the direction ot
Harry B.eavei’ & Son, carpenters
Twenty-five women served dinner on
the lawn. The old barn was 60 by
40. The storm insurance had been
dropped a few months previous tc
the accident. Much of the old tim
ber was again used and the lumber
for the siding floor and roof was
sawn from logs taken from the
owner’s woods. Mr. Fahrner is 80
years old and still feels the effects
o,£ bodily injuries sustained in the
storm, but had managed to save his
life by crawling^to the house on his
hands and knees while the heavy
steel frame of a windmill crashed tc
the ground a few feet back of
and Betty, of Windsor
week end with Mrs. Brok-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. ED
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Brokenshire
spent the.
Mrs. Robt. Carruthers is confined
to her bed with heart trouble. We
.Vi’ish her a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Lizzie Fraser, of Detroit
visited last week with her niece and
nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis
Mr. Isaac Sims, of Exeter, visltea
a few days the last week with
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sims.
Mrs. Henry Motz is visiting
daughter, Mrs. Wm. Heatherly :
Mrs. Frank Scheiding in London.
Mr. Mervin Brokenshire, of Fer
gus, spent 'Sunday at the home ot
Mrs. W. Anderson. Mrs. Brokenshire
and three children who have ..been
visiting here the past two weeks ret
urned home with him.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherly, of
London, and Mr. and Mrs. R.
daughter spent Wednesday
and Mrs. Wm. Motz.
successful flower ’show
in the United Church Mother-
on Wednesday, August 23rd
150 entries. The flowers were
judged by Rev. Mr. Brown, of Lucan
and David Rowcliffe, of Exeter. The
chief prize winners were Mi's. Mor
gan, Mrs. H. Fanson, Mrs. Hotson
and Dr. Campbell, of Kir-ktoh. There
ivere some fine gladioli. The show
was held in the basement of the
church and in the evening a concert
was given in the church. Rev. Mr
Hdgelstein, of Fullarton, took the
chair, Several songs and musical
numbers were given and short ad
dresses were heard from Mr. W. K
Harrison, St, Marys; Rev, Than!er
of Kitchener; Dr. Campbell, of
Kirkton and Rev. Mf. Anthony, of
Motherwell. After the concert, which
Whs well attended, refreshments
were served by the ladies of the
church, The show was held by the
Fullarton and Kirkton Horticultur
al Societies.
Mrs, Earl Guenther and son, Ray
; spent the week-end with her par
ents in London.
Miss R.
spending a
M. Reid.
Klump and
tored to Detroit and spent
Mr. D. and son.
Tieman spent a few days
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oestreicher'
and son of Chicago and Mrs. A. J
Brunner, of Kansas City, spent the
past week with their parents, Mr.!
and Mrs. G. Oestreicher.
Mr. and Mts. J. Kellerman and
Grace Czar and Harold visited rela-
tives in Listowel on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Fisher and son
and grand-daughter, of Capac Mich
visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Kell
erman last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wildfong
and Mrs. Hamacher, Ed Hamacher
and Jack Walper spent a
in Detroit.
Miss Eileen Schroeder
to Detroit, aftei’ spending
tion with relatives.
Miss Laura Mae Reid was pleas
antly surprised on Wednesday af
ternoon when Mrs. M. Tiernan enter
tained the Beginner’s Class of the
Dashwood E v a n g e 1 id a 1 Sunday
School in honor of their assistant
teacher, Miss Laura M. Reid. About
45 were present and during the af
ternoon she was presented with a
duster shower arranged as a bride
A dainty lunch was served of ice
cream and cake by the hostess Mrs
M. Tieman, who is teacher of the
Mrs. Dr. R. H. Taylor entertained
at a bridge on Thursday evening In
honor of the bride-elect, Miss Laura
M. Reid.
Dr. and Mrs. Broughton and fam
ily, who spent their vacation with
Mr. and Mrs. J, Kellerman have re
turned to their home in Toronto.
Mrs. Donehey returned to- hei
home in Chicago on Wednesday af
ter spending a week with her moth
er, Mts. Goetz.
Avery, of Mitchell, is
week with Miss Laura
Maurice and Howard
Miss Selma Rader mo-
the week-
Dr. Lome
in Detroit
few days
her vaca-
_ Pickling Season is now at it’s best. Let us fill your orders
1 icklinsf beaSOIl wit^ ^ie vinegars, pickling spices, sealers, zinc
° rings, rubber rings, etc.
for 45c.
Special New Cheese
2 lbs. for 25c.
! Fancy Pink Salmon
1 per tin 10c.
Peanut Butter
2 lb. glass jar each 29c.
FIVE POINT MARMALADE, just like mother makes, ....................40 pz. jar each 35c
Schneider’s Pure Lard
1 lb. carton each 11c.
Good Sweet Corn
3 tins for 25c.
Vanilla Extract
8 oz, bottle each 15c.
1 lb. tin RED & WHITE COFFEE and one Etched Glass Tumbler...............
1 tin FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER and 1 Rose Sherbert Glass for .25c.
Fresh Dates ..................... . 4 lbs. for 25c.Red & White Toilet Tissue 3 rolls for 23c.
Lily Chicken Haddie . .. . 2 tins for 25c.Sunlight Soap,................... 5 bars for 24c.
Rice Krispies ............................ 2 for 19c.Big Five Cleanser ................each 5c.
Fancy mixed Biscuits . .. . . 2 lbs. for 25c.Handy Ammonia..........• .. . . . per pkg. 5c.
Ppre Cocoa in Bulk . . .............per lb. 15c.Fresh Salted Peanuts . . .. . . . per lb. 15c.
Ready Cut Macaroni . . .... 2 lbs. for 11c.Sunkist Grapefruit .................5 for 25c.
/ “Quality always higher than price.”
Phone 102 We Deliver
Centralia Chopping Mill will start
to operate the full week after Sept.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
family, of
itors with
Mr. and
Florence Hartford and Miss Vivian
Campbell, of Preston, were recent
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson
and Jean are holidaying at Grand
Mr. Wm. 'Skelton and Mrs. James
Blair entertained their Sunday
School Class to a weiner roast at the
river on Wednesday evening of last
Mr. Walter Mitchell returned
home on Sunday after spending a
week with relatives at Toronto.
Miss Evelyn Clarke, of
and Mrs. Harold Murray,
fax, spent Monday with
Mrs. Fred Penwarden.
Miss Agnes Anderson returned tc
her home on Sunday evening after
having an operation in Victoria Hos
pital, London. Her many friends are
glad to hear she is improving nicely
Miss Edna Cochrane, of Hillsgreen
has been in attendance.
Master Jack Cook has returned
home from St. Tho,mas where he has
been visiting with relatives for the
past few weeks.
Mrs. James Taylor and daughter
Miss Lilia, of Belgrave and Mrs
Martha Anderson, of Preston, visit
ed last week with Mr. and
Miss Thelma Cook of iSt.
is visiting with Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham, Jr
visited with friends in Thorndale
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith and
family are holidaying this week at
“EEiEE” cottage, Grand Bend.
Miss Mary O’Brien, of London
visited for a few days last week witn
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. O’Brien
Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton and daugh
ter of Ailsa Craig, visited with
es Wilson on Sunday.
Mrs. Robert Smith visited
Mr. and Mrs. Miles McCabe in
ton for a few days last week.
Miss Cora Maltby, of Galt, is visit
ing with Mr. and Mrs. D. Maltby.
The Service in- the church here on
Sunday morning, was in charge oi
the members of the Women’s Asso
ciation and the W.M.S. The service
was opened by Mrs. Wm. Bowden
followed by prayer by Mr. D. Hodg
son. The Scripture lesson was read
by Mrs. Wm. Baker, The morning
discourse was taken by Miss Flossie
Davey, Mrs. George Hepburn and
Mrs. Herman Fowe, who in a very
capable manner gave interesting ad
dresses on ‘/Women of the Old and
New Testament and of the Modern
Mason ano
Exeter, were Sunday vis-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pen-
Mrs. A. Bighten, Miss
of Hali-
Mr. and
Mrs. A
Mrs. B
Miss Alice Passmore, we are glad
to hear was able to come home on
Monday from St. Joseph’s Hospital
Mrs. Gunning, of Whalen is stay
ing with her daughter, Mrs. P. Pass-
Mrs. A. Gardiner and family and
sister, Mrs. A. Duncan and Kenneth
were recent visitors for a few days
at Grand Bend.
Miss Doris Remnant is holidaying
with her mother, Mrs. A. Campbell.
S. S. Picnic
The Sunday School -of Thames
Road United Church held their an
nual picnic in Mr. J. T. Allison’s
Grove on Wednesday afternoon oi
last week. There was a large atten
dance. About 2I5D sat down to the
tables. The weather was ideal and
t all report a very enjoyable time. A
. ball game was held and the sports
of the afternoon were keenly con-
! tested. The races resulted as fol
lows: 5 years and under, Rossie
Hodgert, (Jean Cann, Dorothy Squire
7 and under, Donald Kernick, Ger-
' aid Campbell, Marie Fletcher; 9
years and under, Mildred Hodgert
Helen Selves, Muray Passmore; 11
and under, Isabelle Colquhoun, Or
land Squires, Helen Morgan; 13
and under, June Taylor, Wilfred
Hunkin, Lawrence Anderson; young
ladies’ race, Grace -Darling, Eliza
beth Thomson, Kathleen Wiseman;
married-ladies’, Mrs. J. Selves, Mrs.
L. Thompson, Mrs-. Jas. McCollough
fat ladies’ race, Mrs. J. Hodgert
Mrs. N. Squire and Mrs. John Stew
art, all tie; young men, Jrs. Millar
Campbell, Ivan Stewart; young men
Ivan Stewart, Thos. -Farron, Will
Allison, Bill Lamport; married men
Jas. Hodgert, Alvin Passmore, Or
ville Cann, Arthur Campbell; three-
legged race, Wm. Allison and Wm
Lamport; Wm. Stewart and Stewart
Campbell, Thos. Farron and Archie
Etherington, Arthur Rhode and Wm
Coward; three-legged rajce, Wilfred
Hunkin and Fred Selves, Gordon
Anderson and Ivan Stewart, Lloyd
Ballantyne and Jas. Millar, Rd. Eth
erington and Everett Millar; three-
legged race, ladies, McNichol sisters
Mrs. J. Selves and Mrs. E. Thomson
Jean Ballantyne and Anna Hackney;
wheel-barrow race, Grace Darling
and -Fred Selves, Lily Millar and
Wm. Lamport; wheel-barrow race
Elizabeth Thomson and Elmer Pass-
more, Lloyd Ballantyne and James
Millar; wheel barrow race, final
Grace Darling and Fred Selves
Elizabeth Thomson and Elmer Pass-
more; hop, step and jump, Alvin
Passmore, Thos. "Farron;
broad jump, Len. Walker,
Farron, Alvin Passmore;
jump, Grace Darling, Jean
standing jump, Ivan Stewart, Len
Walker, Thos. Farron; standing
jump ladies, Grace Darling, Jean
Duncan; pole vault, Wm, Lamport
Alvin Passmore; clothes pin rajce
Will Stewart and Jessie Montieth
Archie Etlierington and Mrs-. John
Selves, Wm. Lamport and Mrs. S
Coward; ladies’ clothespin race
Grace Darling and Elizabeth Thom
son, Jean Duncan and Arthur Rhode
filling bottle, the east side won;
lady kicking slipper, Beatrice Knight
Elizabeth Thomson; nail driving
Grace Darling, Mrs. Parker
etid with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gus. Morrisey and Mr. Michael O’J
Mr, and Mrs. p« Visgar and fam-
M. Avila and Sister
of London, spent the week-
Visgar’s aunt, Mrs. J
Mrs. Frank' Coughlin at-
funeral of Mrs. Cough-
ily, of Detroit, spent a few days
with Mrs.
Mr. and
tended the
lin’s mother, Mrs. Murray, of Wil
ton Grove on Monday.
Miss Marjory Regan, of London
spent Sunday at her home.
Mrs. P. Hall and daughter, Miss
Angela Hall accompanied by the
former’s niece Miss McLoed, of De
troit, spent the week-end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Fleming.
Miss Nellie Carey returned home
after three weeks visit with her sis
ter, Mrs. Brady, of Hamilton.
training, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon
don, is
her home here.
Dennis Quarry,
a few days last
of his sister, Mrs. Mat Doyle
family, of
this place,
last week.
Miss Josephine
Watford, was the
Glavin last week.
One of the largest crowds known
gathered at the camp services on
Sunday evening when between U5-00
and 200 0 people came to hear Step
hen Haboush, the Shepherd Boy of
Galilee, with his wonderful message
on the 2'3 rd Psalm.
Mrs. Martha Allister, of St Marys.
W. P. Lovie
of Toronto, is
week’s vacat-
Mr. and Mrs.
Hilda Dietrich, nurse-in-
spending her vacation at
is visiting with Mrs.
and also her daughter
Miss Bernice Webb,
spending a couple of
ion with her parents,
Stephen Webb.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Love, of Thed
ford, visited the former’s parents
Mr. and Mrs. John Love, on Sunday.
of Detroit
week at the
Charlesworth and
formerly oi
on friends here
guest of Miss
and Mrs. J. Hutchinson
large number from here attend-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm
friends in
of Pa,rk-
with Miss
Miss Ruth, of London, spent
week-end with
Mason and Mr. and Mrs. H. Eagle-
Mrs. L. Dietrich and family spent
a few days last week with
Kitchener and Preston
Miss Nola Hutchinson,
hill is visiting a fev aays
Ila Mason.
Mr. S. Smith spent a ,few days last
week in Detroit.
Mr. Vincent Kenney and mother
Mrs. C. Kenney and Mrs. Webster,
of Detroit, visited a few days last
week with Mr. and Mrs. B. MoCann
Miss Tena McCann has returned
home having spent the last few
months in Detroit.
Miss Adene Eagleson entertained
a few of her friends to an ice-cream
party last Wednesday evening.
ii Mrs. Chris. Dietrich and family
spent Sunday with friends in Zurich
Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Pfaff, of Hen
sail, spent the week-end with friends
in this neighorhood.
Mr. Wm. Witzel has rented his
farm to Mr. J. Wein & Sons, Dash
wood, for a term of three years.
Wein takes possession this fall.
father, Mr. Clifford Sher-
Mrs. J. Carruthers and
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mur-
We regret very much the depart
ure from our vicinity of Mr. and
Mrs. Tlios. Love, who have taken up
residence ih Parkhill.
Misses Chrystal Hayter and Mar
ion Sherritt spent last Thursday with
the latter’s
Mr. and
family and
ray and family spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott at Ravens
wood and Ipperwash.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood Gill and
family visited over the week end
with friends in Appin.
Misses Ila and Buelah Hodgim
spent Thursday with their aunt, Mrs.
Robt. Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Miller, of Detroit
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Newton
Hayter on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wright,
and Mr, Willis Hayter,
add Miss Helen Hayter,
are holidaying with Mis. M. Miller
at their cottage “Lafif-a-Lotte’
Grand Bend,
•Misses Ruth and Helen Love
ited at Grand Bond last week.
Miss Lillian
of Detroit
of Parkhill
ed the camp meeting at ,Grand Bend
Sunday evening, which was the
largest in its history. The speaker
was Mr. Haboush, a shepherd of Gal
Mr. and Mrs. Fallis and Miss Mur
iel Fallis took a motor trip through
Huron County last week and visited
friends at different points.
Mr. J. McPherson was in London
on business last week.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Selves and Mr
and Mrs. Buchanan, of Chiselhurst
visited Mrs. C. Rickhorn last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Brophey and
Ravelle, of Tilbury, visited relatives
here for a
Mr. and Mr,s. Barry, of Hamilton
visited Mr.
their new ______ ______ _
and Allan fearry are remaining
a few weeks holiday.
Mr. Clare Harris
few days.
Lovie while en route to
home in Sarnia. Bruce
and Mr. Ivan
Harris, of Fordwich, visited Mr.
Mrs. Russell Pollick.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tufts
Mr. G. Brown, of Toronto, Mr.
Mrs. Trueman Tufts and family
Mrs. S. Tufts and Mr. H. Greenstreet
of Kirkton, were guests of Mr. W.
J. Brown last Sunday.
Rumour promises the
wedding bells this week.
Saturday evening when
Shank was turning into
Mr. Kenneth Lovie, who was follow
ing him saw there was danger of
striking his car so turned to the
ditch and in trying to miss the tele
phone pole lost control of his car
which turned over. Mr. Lovie’s arm
was cut by the glass but Mr. and
Mrs. Shank were unhurt.
Mi*. Dawson Woodburn has been
successful in completing his course
for musical instructor in schools
Mrs. English, Mrs. Roy Sheppard
motored to London on Wednesday to
spend the day with friends from
Mrs. Frank Steeper entertained
her class of .girls on Monday.
Mrs. Annie Hicks visited Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson jHicks in Parkhill last
Miss Mufiel Fallis, Mr. Claude
and two friends are visitors at the
Century of Progress, Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Harlton, Mrs.
Robertson and Mrs. Sherritt motor
ed to Walton last Thursday to visit
Mrs. Neil, They hlso visited Mrs
Jackson and family at Seaforth.
Miss jean Topping, of London
spent the week-end with Miss Erma
Rev. James B. and* Mrs.
and fahiily, of Leamington,
relatives here last week.
The intermediate Class
are having a social evening
day, September 1st. Games with re
freshments, watermelon and cake
promise a good time for 10c.
Miss Mary Cofbett is Visiting
ftfends in Fordwich.
music ot
Mr. John
his home
Visited •
of boys
on Frh