The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-01-26, Page 8THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, JLQ88 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE FAT GIRLS OUT OF FASHION Women of all Nations Slimming AH over the world Kruschen Salts is appealing to girls and women who are striving far ait attractive free- from-fat figure. Here is the method they are fol­ lowing to banish fat and bring into blossom all the natural attractive­ ness that they possess; every morn­ ing they take a half-teaspoonful ol Kruschen Salts in a glass of warm water before breakfast. They do this every morning without missing one-—for “it’s t daily dose that takes -off the fat.' When Kruschen is taken daily, every particle of poisonous waste matter and harmful acids and gasses are ex­ pelled tfrom the system. At the same time the stomach, liv­ er. kidneys, and bowels are toned up" and the pure, fresh blood con­ taining Nature's six life-giving salts is carried to every organ, gland and nerve and fibre of the body, and this is followed by “that Kruschen feeling" of energetic health and ac­ tivity that is refle-ted in bright eyes cheerful vivacity, and v figure. Exeter Markets Wheat 42e. Oats 20c. Burley 30c. Shorts, 85c. Bran, 80c. Midlings 90c. Manitoba’s Best $2.25 Model Flour $2.00 Welcome Flour $1.60 Malting Barley 32c. Feed Flour, $1.00 Creamery Butter, 26-g7e. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs, Butter 17 c. extras, 11c. firsts, 9c. seconds, 7c. $3.15. 1 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH s Rev, J. Bernard Rhodes,, M« Minister » Miss Lena Coates, A.L.O.M, Organist^ I 11 a.m.—“The Testing of Abraham” | 2nd in series The Dynamic of Faith ’ 10 a.ift.-—iSunday School SQ a. 7 p.m.—-“Trumpets, Lamps and Pit­ chers” 2nd in series ^Night-Scenes from ths Old Testament. * JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. J. H. Stainton, B.A.,B.D., Pastor W, R, Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-LeaderLOCALS The Women’s Institute will hold their regular meeting^ on ‘-Tuesday January 31st at 2.30 -pan. at home of Mrs. J, S. Grant. the af- • ••Genuine Peter Pan Prints... 6 only pieces of genuine Peter Pan Prints. These are worth 50c a yard. Good patterns, wonderful washers. Clearing at per yard 3Oc. 36 in. STRIPED FLANNELETTE yd. 20c. In light and dark shades a splendid flannel for comforters, etc. 1 POUND DAISY BATS 35c. A nice fluffy while cotton bat, very suitable for comforters. Lebanon Forest Lodge No. 13 3 A .F. & A. M. will hold an “At Home” in the Exeter Opera House on Friday, January 27th, to which the members and their wives or lady friends together with visiting breth­ ren are invited. Tickets 5 0c. Tickets may be secured from any of the following committee: H. K. Eilber. Crediton; Geo. Thompson, Centralia; J. W. Batson or J. M. Southcott, of Exeter. TO THE PUBLIC I wish to inform the public that 1 have taken over the Blacksmithing Business of J. S. Dignan & Son and solicit the continuance of your pat­ ronage. I wish to thank those who have patronized me since I started in business here ten years ago and assure you I will strive to serve you still at the Dignan shop, sure all of Mr. Dignan’s customers good square deal at the old' stand. HILLARY HORTON Mrs. Jonah Sims has returned ter visiting her sister in Atwood. Mr Donald Gladman, of Western University London, was home Tues­ day, Mrs. Chas. Randall, of spent the week-end with Mrs. F. Tay'-or. The latest Carmel Crisp”, Grant’s Bakery. Miss Mary Tapp is visiting in Lon­ don at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J Lutton, Miss Hardy and Mrs. Taylor, of London, visited ner on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. betli, spent the and Mrs. R. Skinner. Mrs. Laura Elston has returned tc London after spending some time ai the home of Miss Mary Tom. Mrs. Geo. Jaques is recovering af­ ter having her tonsils removed at Dr FLetcher’s hospital last week. Reeve B. M. Francis is in Goderich this week attending the opening ses­ sion of Huron County Council. Mrs. Keith McLaren and two chil­ dren, of Cromarty, spent Tuesday with Mr. Und Mrs. Ed. Kestle. Mr. Reg. Beavers of Fort Erie, vis­ ited his parents Mr. and Mrs. B. W F. Beavers over the week-end. Lamport, who has been time, is visiting with her Snell at Dr. Fletcher’s in popcorn 5 c. per i London Mr. and “Anne’s bag at' with Mrs. R. Skin- W. Skinner, Lam- week-end with Mr I also as­ ci MASONIC MANUAL—Would the party who borrowed, please return tc Dr. J. H. Browning. FOR SALE—175 choice Barred Rock pullets, 10 months old. Laying heavily. Reasonably priced. Hogarth Hatchery. ltf FOR SALE—2 dresses, 3 upholster­ ed settees, 3 rockers, 3 fancy chairs washing machine, wringer, 4 oak diners, 3 extension tables, broodei complete, 3 wash stands, 3 phono­ graphs, electric radio, 3 sewing ma­ chines, 5 new step ladders, etc. AU in good shape and cheap. —Powell’1 Exchange. CAR FOR SALE—A real bargain in a good used car. If you are plan­ ning to buy a used car this is a snap Fifty dollars takes it. Apply at the Times-Advocate. USED CARS WANTED—Will pay cash for good late model used cars Sandy Elliot. FOR SALE—Steel range, 1 heat­ er, 1 extension table, 6 kitchen chairs, 2 sideboards, 1 sewing ma­ chine, set of scales 40 lbs., 1 kit­ chen lounge also a house to rent. Ap­ ply to A. L. Richard, R, R. Exeter or telephone Crediton No. 1 18r21. If you wish to buy or sell ■See R. E. Pickard. a farm FOR SALE—Goose down $1.00 a pound. Apply at Times-Advocate. FOR SALE 1 top buggy, newly painted, good as new. A real buy. 1 Oat Crusher, one year old, 12 in roller. Make an offer. 1 Fordson Tractor, in Al shape Come and look this one over. 1 Oliver Tractor Plow, two furrow We will guarantee this plow, and you can buy it right. 1 Quebec Sulky Plow, single fur­ row, foot left at $10.00. 1 set Oak Wagon Wheels. A snap Four wheels at $5.00. We still have a number of trade-in Cream Separators, come and get the parts you need ffee before we scrap them. AU new farm equipment at greatly reduced prices. New Cream Separa­ tors as low as $50,00. International Harvester Co. Ltd., EXETER, ONTARIO p.m.—-Rev. Dr. Millson. p.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Rev. Dr. Millson Every night next week there wil' be services in the church at 8 o’clck Song .service at 7.45 with Dr. Millson representative of the Dept, of Evan­ gelism and Social -Service of the United Church as special speakei each night. The Young People are urged tc unite in these services of the week. f mninwinn iitm 1 a^mum jiiwm irri wnuntrunMaBUMj—mi imiug MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. JE. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—The Minister -Sunday School ■Jesus and Zaccheus —Y. P. S. 11 3 p.m.- 7 p.m.- Monday- Thursday Evening—Prayer Service TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss a.m.—Morning Prayer11 3 p.m.—Sunday School and Rector’s t Bible Class p.m.—Evensong7 I. O. O. F. SOCIAL EVENING Mrs. S. G. ill for some sister Mrs. Hospital. Mrs. Air. several days at Dr. Fletcher’s Hos- I pital, has returned to her home in Usborne. ; Mr. and Mrs. George Grant arc the close.' attending the funeral of the latter’s uncle, Mr. F. T. Swartz in Kitchen­ er to-day, Thursday. Members of the I. O. O. F. with [ their wives and lady friends held ? j social evening in the Lodge Hall on Friday last and over eighty persons attended. The evening was prin-; HunKm, who was ill f01, clpally taken up In progressive eu-, j chre while crokmole and ch-ecK^rs 'were enjoyed by others. The ladies brought cake and sandwiches and ' coffee and ice cream was supplied at Presentation^of beautiful I prizes were made to the winners: Ladies’ high, Mrs. Jas. Bowey. men’s high, Ted Moyle and B. B. Prints and Ginghams at 15c. per yard We are clearing a number of pieces of prints and ginghams this week. They are good quality and sold regular ht 25 to 35c. yd. Get your share at this price before they are all cleared. NEW PATTERNS IN STAMPED MATS See our North Window for New Pat­ terns in stamped mats PRICED AS LOW AS EACH 25c.' CHATELAINE PATTERNS Are becoming more popular every day, They retail at the low price of 15c. New Wabasso Prints in Fast Colors These prints are all vat dyed and are guaranteed fast colors. You will like the new patterns and colorings. The price too f is cheaper this season at per yard 19c. T BOYS’ BLOOMER SUITS In 14, 15 and 16 years. These Suits sold as high as $14.00. A wonderful school suit-at a very low price TAKE YOUR CHOICE $1.98 MINER RUBBER BOOTS The best value in the trade for the money every pair guaranteed PER PAIR $2.98 Remnants!Remnants! One table lot of remnants of silks, prints, ginghams, curtain nets, flannellettes, towellings etc. These are real bargains . Take your pick of any end for 49c. SPECIALS IN GROCERIES EXTRA SPECIAL—SUNKIST ORANGES, Large size SPECIAL SPECIAL 1 SPECIAL Granulated Sugar Choice Quality Rice Choice Quality Corn 10 lbs. for 48c.5 lbs. for 25c. 1 4 cans for 25c. 25c. per dozen Medium Sized Prunes.............per lb. 10c. Ready Cut Macaroni..................2 lbs. 13c. Maple Leaf Peas........................ 3 cans 25c. Magic Coffee (freshly ground) . . 29c. lb. Maple Leaf Tomatoes, Krge tin . 2 for 19c Large size Lemonp ............... 1-2 doz. 15c. Good Baking Butter........................ 15c. lb. Large Meaty Prunes...........2 lbs. for 23c. Southcott Bros. For M, ___ _______________ .... ... M Francis drew the prize. Ladies’ con­ solation went to Mrs. West and Miss Grace Christie; men’s consolation tc Mr. Geo. Penhale. Mr. Ed. Treble was winner of the lone hands with six. Mrs. Victor Kestle has been con-’^E^ncis tied and in the cut fined to her bed suffering from ear trouble. Miss. Ina Jaques R.N., was in attendance a few days. Members of the Exeter Women’s Institute have been holding weekly meeting for sewing and have provid­ ed four quilts for relief purposes. Gerald Glenn, of the Boundary, is confined to bed at the hgme of his grandmother, Mrs. Peter McTaggart taking both a .rest and treatment. Mr. and Mrs. -S. Stevenson and daughter Helen, of Birr, are visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. G Jaques. Mr. Clarence Simmons, who has been working as lineman with the Bell Telephone Co., has purchased the residence of the late Mrs. Down- ie south of the river. Rev. J. B. and Mrs. Rhodes wer? in Toronto at the beginning of the week for a meeting of the Assembly’s College committee of which Mr Rhodes is secretary. Mrs. Bloomfield, Roy Austin, Miss Marguerite Bloomfield and Mr. Rae Clark, of London, called on Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd Sunday on their way to Chesley. Mr. Wm. Kydd ac­ companied them. Mrs. G. Saul and daughter Thelma and daughter-in-law Mrs. F. Saul and Mrs. H. Saul, all of London and Miss M. Comfort R. N., of Memorial Hospital, St. Thomas, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hockey last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Westlake and family, -of Wyoming, and Mrs Louisa Westlake, of Strathroy, vis­ ited over the week-end with Mrs Rd. Murphy and Miss Mildred Mur­ phy. Mrs. Louisa Westlake is re maining for a time. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hubert Jones and daughter Gwenneth were all down | with the flu for several days with Miss Margaret Johns R. N. in attend-} ance. T' sume his duties on Monday and others are making satisfactory covery. Rev. P, G. Price and Mrs. Price } Missionaries on furlough from Ja­ pan, wi'l be special speakers at the Sunday School anniversary Main St United Church on Sunday, February Sth. Mrs. Price was formerly Miss’- Alma Dempsey and a former scholar of Main Street Sunday School. , I A St. Y. P. S. met on Mon- with a large percentage present. The meeting the leadership of Mr PRESENTATION The Main day evening of members was under Gordon Lamport. The topic was very interesting as presented by Rev. El­ liott. After the regular meeting a few games were indulged in aftei which lun'ch was served. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wild- fong were presented with an End Table and Book Ends. The presenta­ tion was made by Misses Violet Gambrill and Merna Sims and fallowing address was read by Wm. Balkwill Jr., president of society: Mr. and Mrs. Wildfoug, ' Exeter, Ontario. Dear Friends: We, the members of the Young People’s Society the Mr the W. FL GOULDING A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James Street United Church Instruction in Vocal Organ TheoryPiano Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 123, Phone 193 EXETER. ONT. “FOOD FOR THOUGHT” Don’t wait for your ship to come in “Plan for if’ by] “RETIREMENT INCOME POLICY” Let us serve you JAS. P. BOWEY Exeter SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Phone 229 Mr. Jones was able to re- possible help I the re We wash, polish, paint, afid repair cars. Have yours done now.—’Sandy Elliot. W. C. T. U. The regular meeting of the W. C T. U. \Vas held in Main St. United church on Thursday, January 19th Miss Hogarth, the Evangelistic Supt conducting the devotional exercises At present over 600 names have been signed in the petition that has beer t circulating. It was decided that the prize money be sent to the different Sunday Schools represented by the winners of prizes in the recent Tem­ perance Study Course. Mts. Martin and Miss Dignan favored with a duet Rev. Mr. Elliott gave a talk on The Oxford Group Moyement. He was very fair in his remarks and showed up both sides. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES A special two weeks evangelistic campaign is being held in the James Street United church with cottage prayer meetings in the afternoon each day. The opening service was held on Monday evening, the speak­ er for the occasion being Rev. J. W- Down. There was a good attend­ ance. On Tuesday the speaker was Capt. Barrett of the Salvation Army; to-night Rev. Silas McFalls will be tile speaker; Rev. Mr. Stainton will preach on Thursday evening and Rev, Mr. Elliott on Friday evening. Commencing Sunday for one week Rev. Dr. Walter B. Millson, of Tor- t onto, from the Dept, of tSiocial Ser­ vice and Evangelism will be in charge of the services, The cottage services which are being held in var­ ious homes are being fairly well at­ tended. The pastor Rev. J. H, Stain- „„ .ton is putitng forward a splendid ef- Rev. A. Elliott, Hon. Pre? fort to make these services a sue- W, E. Balk'.will, President cess. Main have gathered here this evening, in your honour, for a social time and tc show our appreciation for the help which you, Frank, have given this society during the years which you have been a member and officer and for your untiring efforts in the work of this society. We cannot express how wel‘ pleased we are to have you, Mrs Wil-dfong, a former member of this society return to this- community We hope that you both will contin­ ue to- be members of our society and that we shall be privileged to enjoy ourselves together Christ. We acknowledge you -have given us we are sure that you will, whorever us as willingly and Cheerfully as ever. As -a token of our sincere apprec­ iation we wish to present you with these gifts. May God’s richest blessing rest upon you and may you be spared many years of health and happiness together. The members of this society ex­ tend to you hearty congratulation? and best wishes for your future hap­ piness. Signed on behalf of Main Street Y. P. S„ . the help which in the past and ft Big Reductions In all Lines of Gent’s Furnishings, SUITS and OVERCOATS In order to reduce our stocks previous to Stock Taking we are offering Special Bargains in all Lines.I W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT, Coming up from London on Sunday a motorist counted 69 old license plates and 22 new ones. The rate was three to one in favor oif the old Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hedden, Mr’. Gerald Hedden, Miss Geraldine Hed­ den and Miss 'Gertrude Layton, Lon­ don, called on relatives on Sunday. A heavy windstorm passed over this section on Thursday of last week Two of the hydro primary lines broke in front of the James Street church and the power was off for a couple of hours. CHECKER TOURNEY A checker tournament was at the Huron Garage on Monday ev- held ening with eight play ers pr ssent The results of the games we re a s fol- lows: games win 3 dr aws total A. Brintnell .......14 8 3 19 Jas. Sweet ..........14 9 3 21 Cliff. Brintnell ....14 6 2 14 Ivan Hirtzel .... ..14 6 4 16 J. M. Southcott ..14 9 0 18 A. Ryckman ..... .14 6 2 14 Ed, Westcott ......14 3 3 9 Will be heldThe next tournament in the town hail through the court­ esy bf the firemen on Monday, Feb­ ruary i5th. SISTER DIED Mrs. Hannah Sanders, of Stephen received word last week of the death of her sister in Wingham, of Eliza Grace Pomeroy, widow of the late Charles Baker in her 84th year. Of a family of 15 Mrs. Sunders is the only surviving sister and Mr. Jas. Pomer­ oy, of London, the only brother. z Among those who attended the fun­ eral on Friday were: Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triebner, and daughter Doreen, Mr. John Triebner and Mrs. Albert Falir- ner. MILD WEATHER This section has been enjoying spring-like weather. Some crows were heard in the vicinity last week. On Thursday last some of the roads were so soft that one of the rural route couriers had to use a horse instead of his car. The same day three boys at different times went through the ice at the river. Fortunately the water was not deep where they broke through or more serious conse quences might have resulted. They got wet to the waist however. On Saturday one man was out with a fishing pole, Xn some instances the cattle and horses are out in the fields.