The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-10-23, Page 5fl THURSDAY, OCTOBER W<L 4930
that ha
gvljool at
ss Training
obtain gud
Offers /on a Practical Busi
for Ou/* scores of students
a higw standard of offiency
ffiaCie it possible
fsitions demandng
articulars write
B. F. Ward, R.A,
attend a
/Stenographic, Commercial, Secretai
Sei/vlce, Commercial Teach
You canno
School Ope
is Course a
General Office, Civil
Special Courses arranged,
etter School.
mber 2nd, 1930
M. A. Stone,
Com. Specialist, Vjce-Prin.,
Phone 198
.......................................- - i jmaili liiiiiiimiBii ■■■ wJiiwwwiwMiX —
Mr. Dan. Truemner visited in Zu
rich recently.
Mrs. John Appleton who has been
ill is improving.
Dr. and Mrs. Orme, of Toronto,
were in the village on Monday.
Mr. John Baird is yery ill at the
home of Mr, and Mrs, Sam, Sims.
Mrs. Witmer, of Exeter, spent a
few days last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Esli Heywood.
A brief temperance program will
be given in next Sunday's session of,
the Sunday school.
Misses Sarah and Agnes Lindsay,
of Lucknow, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. H, K. Eilber for a few days.
Miss Melinda Edwards, of London,
called on her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Edwards on Sunday afternoon.
Mrs, Charles Martin and daughter
Mrs. G. Luke, of Hamilton, spent a
few days, with t’he former’s sister,
Mrs. M’agdalena Eilber.
Mr. and Mrs-, Harry Parsons and
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heywood and
family of Exeter spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson.
Miss Jean Baynham was taken to
St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on
Monday to undergo an operation for
appendicitis and appears to be doing
The Young Peoples’ Society of the
United church -’will meet on Friday
evening in the basement of the
church. The paper, "Canada’s Five
Greatest Women" will be given by
Russel Finkbeiner,
We are pleased to learn that
young men who were injured in
automobile accident east of the
lage on the night of the fowl
per are doing nicely,
very thankful that the
no worse.
Father G.
afternoon in
services will
cept Mrs. Sophia Oakes-, were at his
bed-side. Obituary will be in next
week’s issue. ✓
E. L. C. E. rally next Sunday ev
ening at the Evangelical church.
The young people have full charge
of the evening service. Several in?
teresting addresses will be- given and
special -selections of music dedicated
to the success of the rally. We look
for co-operation from the members
of the congregation. Rally offering
, will -be received. Miss Alva Smith,
The monthly meeting of the
Women’s Institute as held October,
14tli in the Institute Hall. The Vice.
President, Mrs. D. Mclsaac occupied
the chair. The Ode as sung in the
opening and folio-wed with the Lord’s
Prayer. All took part in a chorus
entitled, “My Old Kentucky Home"
At the roll call each member respon
ded by giving some ‘benefit derived
from the Institute. Mrs: Art’ Amy
and Mrs. L. England were appointed
delegates to ’the Western Ontario
Convention to be held , at London
November 4, :5 and 6th. A commit
tee as appointed j;o arrange for a
play for the raising of some necess
ary funds, Mrs. E. Fahner, Miss C.
Morlock, Mrs.- Wm. -Smith, Miss La
vina Smith, Mrs. H. K. Eilber, Mrs.
M. Telfer and Mrs. D. Mdsaac. A
paper prepared by Mrs. W. M. Sip-
pell was ably read by Miss- Lavina
Smith, subject, "The Institute Ode."
Mrs. Jack Wein gave a demonstra
tion on making oatmeal cookies.
Following the social half hour re
freshments were served, the hostess
es were Mrs. M. Telfer,
Morlock :and Mrs. J. Wein,
of thanks was given them,
of the National ‘Anthem closed
meeting. t „
I Fa,-
5 for 25c.
Finest Quality
18c. a lb. or 2 lbs. for 35c.
7 lbs. for 2SI
10 lbs. for 25c,
2 tins forjE3c.
2 large tins 29c.
jjrwegian Sardines) . , , . Per tin 15c.
.........Per lb. 25c.
. , 2 tins for 25c.
,., 3 tins for 25c.
,, . Per pkg. 19c.
.........Per lb. 45c.
.... Per tin 15c.
...........5 for 25c.
...........Per lb, 37c.
..... Per tin 25c.
NEW PACK CORN.............
* -J
^ fA’cl ephone Main Street
'Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks visited
friends in Exeter, on Sunday.
Mr. Donald McKinnon, of London,
spent' the week-end at his home here.
Mr. Lester Fisher, of Windsor,
spent the week-end at his home here
Miss Hazel Morenz visited at her
jhome in Dashwood • over the week
Mr.and Mrs. Fred Corbett spent
.Wednesday visiting friends in Strat
. Mr, Roy Smale who has. been vis
iting at his- home here has returned
to Windsor.
, Mr. Wm. Lemmon,, of the New
.Commercial Hotel spent the week
end in Toronto.
Miss Helen Smith, of Detroit, is
listing with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and
daughter Lois visited over the week-
jend at their home here.
Mr. Frank Smale, of Detroit, vis
ited over the .wqek-end with, his.,
brother, Mr. Geb. Smale.
Mrs. W. A. McLaren linder^’ent
an operation for the removal of her
tonsils on Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Devlin, of
Stratford spent Saturday at the home
■of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett.
Mrs. Richard Blat'cliford has been
■confined to her room through illness
iiaving a slight attack of pneum-onia.
Mr. Andrew Lammie, of Detroit,
.attended the funeral of his brother-
in-law, 'Mr. Geo. Case here on Friday
The Arnold Circle, of Carmel
Presbyterian Church held a sewing
.liarty- at Geo. Walker’s on Monday
Mr. ,Wni. McKay, of Hagersville
a former' resident here was in town
3ast week visiting relatives- and
Dr. ease, of Toronto-, -was here- at
tending- the funeral of his brother,
the late Geo. Case, on Friday after
moon last.
Mrs. Etta Miller who has been visiting her father Mr. Richard
■ Blatchford has returned to her home
in Windsor.
Master Harry Armstrong who un-
. derwent an operation for appendicit
is at Simcoe General Hospital, is im
proving- nicely
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Callahan and
daughter, of Detroit, visited oveT the
week-end with relatives in and
around town.
Mrs. Pierce who has been in poor
'health for some time is. not improv
ing and is at’ present being taken
care of by Mrs. Saundercock.
Miss Margaret McLaren who is
attending the Western University at
London spent-the week-end at her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. McLaren
Mrs. John Dinsdale, Mrs. Fred
'Simmons and.son Jack and Mrs. Cal
las left on Saturday morning last to
spend the winter in Santa Barbara,
A largely attended meeting of the
Executive of South Huron Conser
vative Association was held here on
Friday evening. Every part • of the
Tiding was well represented.
Mrs. Wm. J.’ White Was in Toron
to last week visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Jas. Ehby. Mr. Ebby Was man -
' si-ger -of the A. and P. store in Tor
onto and is this week being trans-
t’ered to COllingwood.
Messrs. Thos. Welsh, Fred Hess,
and David Cantelon have purchased
a piece of property at the Pinery
Inn and intend erecting a couple/of
, bouses oh the property. Mr. I-Iess
and Mr. Welsh were there last week
erecting the first cottage. ,
Smith—-Hurst Nuptials
• A very interesting event took place
in Peffer’s on Saturday at 11 a.m.
In the marriage of Muriel .- Haist,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David
Hurst, of Mornington to Mr. Floyd
Smith, of Detroit, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Smith, Hensall. The cere
mony took place at Trinity church
an the presence of quite a large as
sembly. The Rev. A. J. O’Neil, of
Atwood, officiating. The bride was
charmingly gowned in white satin
“and carried a bouquet of roses and
s .fern and her travelling dress was
brown with hat and shoes to match.
lingering illness, Mr. Geo. Case in
his 75 th year, Mr. Case had been
in poor health for several years but
was able to be about till some three
weeks ago when he took to his bed
and gradually weakened till lie pass
ed away. He was born on the Lon
don Road between Exeter and Hen
sail and spent his life there on the
farm up to about 15 years ago when
he moved to Hensail an'd since then
with his son Garnet has conducted a
coal, flour and feed store. They al
so own the weigh scales and for the
past two years owned the Hensall
bakery. Mr. Case was highly re
spected, honourable and upright in
his dealings and will be missed by
the whole community. He was an
enthusiastic bowler and when well
was often seen on the local green
enjoying the g’ame. In politics he
was a conservative and was a mem
ber of the Anglican church. Besides
his widow he leaves to mourn his
loss two. sons, A. L. Case, C.N.R.
agent at Hensall and Garnet, who
has associated with his father in the
business: two sisters, Mrs. Geo. Moir,
of Verdun, Man. and Mrs. McTaggart
of Exeter and two brothers, Dr. Case
of Toronto and Mr. Peter Case, of
Exeter. The funeral, private, took
place- from his late residence, Hen
sall on Friday afternoon Interment
in the Exeter cemetery. The Rev.
Mr. Parker, Rector of St. Paul’s An
glican Church having charge of
r* «• 9
Our beautiful summer weather
took a very sudden change when we
were visited by a s'evere snowstorm
over the week-end ’accompanied by
strong winds.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCulloch ar
rived home on Friday after spending
a week in Detroit with friends.
'' Rev. Mr. Rhodes, of Exeter Caven
Church occupied the pulpit in the
Presbyterian church hero on Sunday
last.,' - • ' . » ...........
Quite a number from this vicinity
attended the Provincial Plowing
Match near .Stratford. • We are
proud to boast that a number of our
Crom'arty boys carried home first
prizes including t'he silver’ cup as
well as a trophy also that Fred „Har-
burn won first in singles in ^-horse
shoe pitching.
DE L XE JELLY POWDERS f............................
CREAMERY BUTTER /.............................
Hand-Dipped j
Perl Pound -35c. * f
The more you eat the more you want.
Per pound 39c. ’
. the
. the
They can be
accident was
K. Braun
his 91st year.
be held Wednesday aft-
Tlie sons and daughter ex-
died Monday
These Prices Good Oi Thorsmy, Friday, and Saturday, October 23rd. 24th and 25th
We Deliver
the an-
The sudden change in the weather
is the chief topic of conversation. ,
-Mrs. Cecil Foster and little daugh
ter, of ParkhilJ visited Miss Denna
Mason. Z
Mrs. Roy/7Sheppard,’ of London,
spent last [week1 with her parents,
Mr.and Mrs). R. English; * ;
Mrs, Ann'ie Hicks is in London
with; her sifter, Mrs. Paxman, who'
has ben ill. '•
Mrs. Arthur Mollard, -of Windsor,
has been visiting relatives in’ this
vicinity. \
iMrs. Flynn, W-Qrediton,. has Jbfen "
visiting her daughter -Mrs. -E.' Bul
lock? - . V- --^'
Murray Luther spent the week
end with his parents Mr. and Mrs.
IL. Luther, of Exeter.
The dense fog last Wednesday ev
ening prevented a good number from
attending the annual fow-l supper in
the United Church. However, those
who, came were well rewarded, the
supper and the program left noth
ing to be desired. The vocal piano
and violin music and readings were
all well rendered and much enipyed
the proceeds amounted tofi
was held recently in the schoolroom
of the church, with Mrs. Geo. Thomp
son and group in charge of the pro
gram. Mrs. Arthur Brooks and Mrs.
J. Essery, conducted the devotional
exercises. Missionary papers were
read by Mrs. Geo. Hicks, Mrs. W. II.
Connor and Mrs. Geo. Thompson.
Mrs. Her. Powe gave an interesting
talk on a Chapter from the Study
Book. The president, Mrs. A. V.
Robb, was in the chair for the busi
from the
theMiss Ella Robinson is under
doctor’s c'are.
Mrs. Doupe, Sr., is staying with
Mr. and Mrs. A. Doupe.
A large number from this com
munity attended the provincial plow
ing match near Stratford.
Death of Mrs. RoJM. Melville
death of Mrs. Robt. Melville, pf Los
She was a sister of Mr. Dave Brown
■and Mrs. Jas. Gardiner, of Kirkton;
also one other brother who lives
with Mrs. Gardiner, Mr. John Brown
formerly of St. Marys, who is an in
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, of
London, spent a few days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jeffrey.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Green spent
Sunday with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. McDonald.
Mr. McDonald
time of writing.
The Rev. Mr.
will have charge
this appointment’
Jas. Anthony is taking* anniversary
services at Lucan. *
was received here of the
Cal., at the age of 91 years.
of Mr.
H. H. Cowen
D.S., D.D.S.
rtleib Block, Daah-
thtfSe days of week and
the Post Office, in
At office
wood, first
at office
Zurich, laftjfhrse days of week.
Hayter and daughter
are visiting friends in
Mr. R
Cairo, Mich.
Mrs. Goetz returned home on Mon
day after a pleasant visit in Chicago,
Mrs. Wm. Snell, who spent the
past two weeks in Detroit has re
Mr. and Mrs. R. New and Mr. C.
Buehlow, of Chicago visited with
Mr. and Mrs.,Hy. Hoffman on Tues
Several from here attended the
plowing match at Stratford last
IMjr. Earl Witmer, who underwent
an. operation, for appendicitis in St.
Joseph’s Hospital, London, last week
is progressing very favorably.
We use only genuine Ford parts
who repair yaurJFord car. Satisfaction guaranis;—Sandy Elliot.
on Sun
in spite
a very
in the
Miss Clara
A vote
The Anniversary'services
day were a splendid .success
of the inclement weather,
congregations were present
morning and evening. Rev.
Shaw, of Nile, preached splendid
sermons, liis text in the morning be
ing "The Salt of the Earth" and in
the evening "Our Father in Heaven."
Music was provided by the choir. In
the evening Miss- Hazel Earl sang a
solo. The Stewards asked for an of
fering of $100 and over $110 was
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Peart and
family, of Rockwood, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs-. Melville' Hern.
’ Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbert and
........................ . I family, of Lucan, were Sunday vislt-
Trhe bridesmaid Miss Helen Smith, oflors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern.
'■Omar, Miclu, was dressed in fawn I Mr. and Mrs. LitL of ^Goderich,
lace and wore a corsage bouquet of' ‘ "
roses. Mr. and Mrs. Smith left Sat-
. mrday for Eastern parts of Ontario
a,nd on their return will reside
Deatti of Mrs. Goo. Case
There passed away at his home oil
■South Richmond Street, Hensall, I Mr, a
<ettrly Wednesday morning after a. aninv
with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington
rm Sunday.
Kila Sanders, o£ Exeter, vlsit-
ed with her aunt Mrs. Whl. BtookS
over the week-end.
Mr. Robt. Langford, son and daugh-
of Granton, were the guests of
and Mrs. Garfield Brock for the
Miss Helen Coughlin, of London,
spent the week-end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. F. Coughlin.
On Saturday evening while Joseph
Ragier was milking cows one of the
animals kicked him and broke a bone
in his leg. Drs. Racey and Misener
were called 'and set the fracture. Jos.
will be laid up for a few weeks.
Mrs. Mclsaac, accompanied by her
daughter and son-in-law called on
the former’s sister, Mrs. O’Rouke and
other relatives in the neighbourhood.
Mr. Alonzo- McCann purchased the
100-acre farm formerly owned by P.
Glavln last week..
Miss Mary'Flaherty accompanied
by her mother, of London, called on
friends here last week. •
Mr, and Mrs. James Carey spent
the week-end with their daughter
Mrs. Mitre, of Simcoe. "
Miss -Sadie Queenin, of Lucan, cull
ed on friends in this neighborhood
on Sunday.
Mrs. Jock Morrissey and Jack Hall
spent the Week-end 'at, Detroit. ■
Mr. Joseph Campbell, of Detroit,
is spending a few days.,at the’home
of his brother Jerry Campbell'/
Mrs. Lightoeler, of Seaforth, . is
visiting her cousins Messrs,
and Charles Johns.
Some from here attended
niversary services at Zion
ment last Sunday.
Mr. Garnet Wilson is recovering
satisfactorilyvfrom his injuries .re
ceived in a mdt’or car accident re
Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jones, of
London, visited last Saturday with
Mrs. Henry Johns who is improving
though slowly.
A very large number
community attended the-
,Plowing Match last week.
Mrs. Chas. Johns and
neth Johns were in Pt. Albert last
Wednesday attending the W. M. S.
sectional conference.
Preparations- are under way for a
big fowl supper -to be held here on
November the 12tli.
Miss Aleatha Ogden, Mr. Charles
Blake, and Mr. Mervyn Wilson of
London, visited at the home
and Sid. Wilson on Sunday.
Last Thursday afternoon
pleasant meeting was held
church here when nearly fifty ladies
from James St. Church, Exeter W.
M. S. visited our auxiliary furnishing
a delightful program. The President,
Mrs. Chas. Christie occupied the
chair, dispensing her duties very
capably. After the opening exer
cises Mrs. J. T. Miners read the
Scriptures lesson and gave a splen
did explanatory talk on the same fol
lowed by a reading bearing on the
subject by Mrs: (Rev.) Down, who
gave another reading later. Mrs.
Christie also gave one; Mrs. Batson
rendered a very unique left hand
piano selection which was greatly en
joyed. A chorus and a playet-te on
Mite Box Giving were given by a
number of ladies; a quintette by
Mrs. Williams, -Mrs. Roy Goulding,
Miss Vera Essery, Miss Betty Grant
and Mrs. Lindenfield which was very
good. Other numbers were given to
complete a most enjoyable program
all being of high quality and well
rendered. Rev. Mr. White closed the
meeting with prayer after which a
social time was spent while lunch
was being enjoyed all agreeing
a profitable afternoon had I
Misses Melinda Edwards, ,
Ogden, Gordon Ballingall and
and Mrs. Jas. Ogden, of London,
ited on Sunday at' the home of
and Mrs. Sid. Wilson.
. vis-
We use -onlA’
and Mrs. Wilson Morley andMr.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Morley, spent the
week-end with friends’ in Brantford.
Mrs. Mervin JohnStoip and son,
Neil, spent the past week in Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Milson spent
Sunday in Exeter with Mrs. D. Sweet.
Several from this community at
tended the ploughing match last
week' near Stratford.
Mrs. Ed. Schaefer and
London spent a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. Herb L
Anniversary Services will lie held
in the church on Sunday October 26
Services at 10.30 a.m. ad 7 p.m. Con
ducted by Rev. A. V. Robb. Kirkton
Choir will furnish the music.
family, of
last week
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Willis
family and Mr. and Mrs. Miles
Cabe visited with friends in Wiar-
ton over the wek-end.
Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson
and Jean spent the week-end with,
the latter’s mother, Mrs. Durham, in
Mr. Herman Hodgson left last
week for Guelph where he will take
a course in the 0. A. C.
The members of the United church
Sunday Schol paid their annual vis
it to the County Home in Clinton on
Tuesday evening of last week, A
good program was put on and an en
joyable evening spent.
Mr. Lome'- Hicks, of Windsor,
spent the week-end at his home here
Miss- Evelyn Chirk spent the week
end at her home in Goderich.
The monthly meeting of the W. M.
S. of the, Centralia Xhiited Church
is very poorly at
Brawn, of Lucan,
of the services in
next (Sunday. Rev.
nuine Ford parts
ore e^r. Satisfac
tion guaranteed.—‘Sandy Elliot.
to repair yoift
Mr. and Mrs. Clemens Tro jaw and.
Miss Mildred Guenther, of Kitchen
er, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Win. Sweitzer this week.