The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-10-09, Page 2-l-nviiSPAV, ocTOBTir. 9th. mo THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
Big Crowd at Kirkton Fair
•Kirktcm Fair on Tuesday and
Wednesday 'OT last week was a decid
ed success. The. weather was fine
*uid a large crowd was present to- en
joy the excellent exhibits and the
^special attractions. The indoor ex-
Jiibits were exceptionally good,
4)iere b'dng lteen competition in all
.classes and the quality of the work
^displayed was excellent. In the
jeoot, vegetables and fruits there was
;i good variety and some very fine
a»roducts were on exhibition.
The showing of live stock also
brought out some very fine animals.
.Kirkton always has a good showing
fad’ horses and cattle of a quality
equal to that shown at the larger
Tairs. There was also a splendid
showing of pigs and sheep.
In the Baby Beef competition
■O’Neil Bros won first for open to all
with the other winners as follows:
N. Heal, W, Coates, W» Coates, Jas.
3,’ark, N. Heal and;C. D, Paul. Baby
jBsef from Blansliard, C. D. Paul;
Ushorno, Wm. Coates and 2nd, J. T,
Hern.; Fullarton, Normal Ileal, Jas.
■JPark, N. Heal.
Kirkton .school carried off first
prize in the public school parade
.and drill with Mt. Pleasant second.
Sebringville Band provided some
lively music throughout the after-
The foot race for boys under 12
was won by Robert Sterling, 2nd G.
'Webber; Girls, Marie Ryland and
Jmureen Ross tie.
Relay Race—Robt. and William
Rundle 1st; Morris and Ward Hern
2nd; Chas. Grey and Alfred Baker
Farmers’ Trot
JNoira. Patehen, G. Buggs, St.
Marys .................................. Ill
Jiine Gratton, Clarence Shier 3 2 3
JBlack Knight, Ray Ross ..... 2 3 2
JGord4 Donald, Hal. Brown..... 2 11
Teddy McKenny, G. Riley .... 1 3 3
SBflly Chillo, C. Mills ........... 3 2 2
Following are the prize winners:
Gt'neml Purpose
Foal, Wm. Arthur, Manson Bros.,
Chas. Jones; 3-year-old, Bert Rundle
2-year-old, H. V. Crago; 1-year-old,
Wm. Arthur; single delivery, Robt.
Morris & Son, John McMaster; team
in harness, Wm. Decker, Fred Car-
J»ert; best horse in class, W. Decker.
Brood mare, Wm. Bowden; foal,
Win. Bowden;- 4-year-old, Arksey
■Bros.; 3-year-old, Norman Haines &
2nd, Wm. Bowden; 2-year-old,. H. V.
drago, Geo. Squires; team in har
dness, R. J. Scott; best horse in class,
R. J. Scott.
Heavy Draught
4-year-old, James <Scott, Arksey
Biros.; 3-year-old, Stewart Dow. W.
Ratcliffe; 2-year-old, -Stewart Dow,
Wm. Ratcliffe; team in harness', Jas.
Scott; best horse or colt, Jas. Scott.
Judge—T. F. Hardy
Brood mare, F. Ellerington, AV. J.
McPherson, Hal. Brown; foal, Hal.
Brown, AV. J. McPherson, Wm. Ar
thur; three-year-old, Dr. Campbell,
W. J- McPherson, Wm, Arthur;
single roadster, Robt. McLaren, S. J.
Miller, Harold Berry; span roadsters
Wes. Maguire; saddle horse, George
Kemp, A. Rundle, John McElroy;
sweepstakes, Robt. McLaren.
Brood mare, F. Gunning; foal, F,
Gunning, Manson Bros., F, Ellering
ton; single carriage horse, S. J. Mil
ler, E. J. Willert; span of carriage
horses in harness, Cecil Elwood;
sweepstakes, S. J. Miller. Lady
driver, S. J. Miller, E. J. Willert;
boy driver under 18, E. J. Willert;
best turnout, Robt, McLaren, S. J.
(SHORTHORN—One-year-old bull.
Jas. H. Robinson; milch cow, Jas.
H. Robinson, Beer Bros., C. D. Paul;
two-year-old heifer, Jas. H. Robinson
Beer Bros., Norman Heal; one-year-
old heifer, Beer Bros, and 2nd; bull
calf, Beer Bros.; heifer calf, Jas. H.
Robinson; best male animal, Jas. H.
Robinson; best female animal, Jas.
H. Robinson.
JERSEY—Milch- cow, Wm. Rat
cliffe, Russel Morrison; one-year
old heifer, T. Brock, W. Ratcliffe;
2-year-old heifer W. Mor-ristfn & 2nd;
heifer calf, Mrs. J. Moore, Rundle
Stewart; best female animal, Wm.
Dairy Cattle Judge—John E. Turner
HOLSTEIN—Aged bull, Milton
Evans; milch cow, Geo. McIntosh, D.
J. McKay, Geo. McIntosh; two-year-
old heifer, Geo. McIntosh, D. J. Mc
Kay; one-year-old heifer, Geo. Mc
Intosh; bull calf, Geo. McIntosh,
heifer calf, D. J. McKay. Geo. Mc
Intosh; best male Janimal, Milton
Evans; best female animal, George
HEREFORDS— O’Neil Bros, of
Denfield swept the list.
GRADE CATTLE—Milch cow, C.
Atkinson; one-year-old heifer, C. D.
Paul; steer calf, C. D. Paul; best
animal in class, best female, Charles
Atkinson. -
Son first and second; ram lamb, S.
J. Pym & Son, C. Routley; ewe, C.
Routley, S. J. Pym Son; shirling'
ewe, S. J. Pym & Son* C» Routley;;
ewe lamb, S>. J. Pym & Son and 2nd.LEICESTER—John McNay swept:
this list.
Thompson swept the list.
LINCOLNS—Ram, Thus. M. Snow
den, J. F. Linden; ram lamp, J. F.
Linden, Geo. Penhale; ewe, George
Penhale, J. F. Linden; ewe lamb, J.
F. Linden and 2nd.
SOUTHDOWNS—J. Kennedy took
5 firsts and 2 seconds; J. K. Thomp
son, 3 seconds.
ing swept the list with 5 first and 5
GRADE—Ewe, J. McNay, J.,E.
Pringle; shearling ewe, J. McNay* J,
E. Pringle; ewe or weather lamb,
J. Kenendy, J. K. ‘Thompson; fat
sheep, J. Kennedy, Clarence Rout-
ley. »■
Pen of sheep—J. Kennedy, J. K.
Judge—David H. Kelly, Shakespeare
YORKSHIRES'—Aged boar, Jas.
Watson, J. E. B, Pringle; boar lit
tered 1930, J, Watson and 2nd; s'ow,
Jas. Watson, J. E, B. Pringle; sow
littered in 1930, Jas. Watson, Hilton
Pringle swept the list.
BERKSHIRE—Aged boar, *J. E.
Pringle; young boar, R. N. Spence,
T. M. Snowden; sow, J. E.-Pringle;
sow littered in 1930, T. 1VI. Snowden,
R. M. Spence,
TAMAVORTH—D. Douglas & Son,
swept this class, Manson Bros, tak-
2nd for young boar.
Pen of 4 bacon hogs, Jas. Watson,
D. Douglas & Son, Hilton Truemner.
Judge—Chas. Harvey
ANGONAS—Cock, M. Blackler, J.
B. Sterling; hen, M. Blackler, T. C.
Shean; cockerel, M. Blackler and
2nd; pullett, M. Blackler, T. C.
2 D. Douglas & Son; cockerel, D.
Douglas & Son T. C. Shean; pullet,
D. Douglas & ‘Son and T. C. Shean.
AValkom, T. C. .Shean; hen and pullet
T. C. Shean and 2nd; cockerel, J. E.
Pringle & 2nd.
P. ROCKS—Cock, hen, cockerel,
'pullet, D. Douglas & Son.
Douglas & Son, Geo. Graham, hen,
cockerel, pullet, D. Douglas & Son
and 2nd. Columbian Wyandottes,
G. Graham, 4 firsts and 2 seconds.
A.O.V. Wyandottes, cock and hen, G.
Graham. R. I. Reds, D. Douglas &
Son, 4 firsts and 4 seconds. Black
Minorcas, cock, D. Douglas & So.n.,.
Harvey Parkinson; hen. D. Douglas
6 Son and 2nd; cockerel, D. Douglas
& Son, H. V. Crago; pullet, H. V.
Crago and 2nd. White Leghorns,
cock, F. Triebner, D. Douglas & Son
hpn, D. Douglas & .Son and 2nd;
cockerel, Mat. Thompson, Eph. Hern
& Son; pullet, Mat. Thompson, Eph.
Hern & Son, Brown Leghorns, hen,
T. C. Shean and 2nd; cockerel, D.
Douglas & Son, T. C. .Shean; pullet,
T. C. Shean and 2nd. Jersey, Black
Giants, cock, T. Brock, Silas Shier;
hen, Ira Marshall, T. Brock; cocker
el, D. Douglas & Son, S. J. Pym &
Son; pullet, Ira Marshall, S. J. Pym
& Son.
Pen Barred Rocks, Mrs, Ewart
Pym, Mr. E. Hern & Son.
Turkeys, Geese and Ducks
Turkeys Bronze, Thos. M. Snow
den, 4 first and 1 second. Turkeys,
White, Thos. M. Snowden, 4 firsts, 1
second. Geese, Toulouse, D. Doug
las & Son 4 first, 1 second, J. E.-. B.
Pringle Isecond. Geese, Emden, D.
Douglas & Son, 4 firsts, 2 seconds;
J. E. B. Pringle, 2 seconds. Any
other variety geese, J. E. Pringle, 4
firsts and 1 second. Ducks, Pekin,
D. Douglas & Son, 4 firsts 4 seconds.
Ducks, Aylesbury, D. Douglas & Son,
4 firsts and 4 seconds. Ducks, Rouen
Hen, T, M’. Snowden 1 and 2. Young
drake and duck, J. E, B. Pringle 1
and 2. Duck any variety, old, J.
Grieve, D. Douglas & Son. Drake,
young D. Douglas & Son. Duck,
young, D. Douglas & Son.
Guinea Fowl, T. M. Snowden, J.
E. B. P.ringle. Chinchilla rabbits,
T. C. Shean and 2nd.
Judge-—A. H. Sweitzer
Sheaf of wheat, Chas. Atkinson, A.
Doupe, Robt. Morris & Son; fall
wheat, bushel, Ira Marshall, Robert
Morris & Son; oats, bushel, Mat.
Routley, Ira Marshall; sheaf of oats,
Amos Doupe, Robt. Morris & Son, B.
Thiel; barley, bushel, W. A. Rodger,
Jas. Sterling; sheaf of barley, Ben
Thiel, Amos Doupe; White beans,
large, Mrs. E, Doupe, Mrs. James
Robinson; White Beans, small, J.
O'Brien, Jas. B. Sterling; Sweet corn
Golden Bantam, A. Wisemen; Indian
Corn, Mrs. G. Heywood; Sweet Corn,
white, F. Doupe, N. Clarke; ensilage
corn and ears, N. Gardiner, I. Mar
shall; ensilage corn, I. Marshall, N.
Judge—P. Coates
Rural New York potatoes, Fred
Doupe; Green Mountains, Robt. Rat
cliffe, Frank Triebner; Irish Cobb
lers, Frank Triebner; Swedish Tur
nips, J. E. Pringle, Newton Clarke;
heaviest turnips, J. E. Pringle, New
ton Clarke; field carrots, Mrs. Gar.
net Heywood; mangolds, long red,
AV. I-I. Sweitzer, John ’Brien; Man
golds, Intermediate, Mils. G. Hey
wood. N. Clarke; Mangolds, yellow
or red leviathan ‘A. Doupe, John
O’Brien; Mangolds, Globe, Mrs. Gar.
Heywood H. V. Crago; sugar man-
,golds, Amos Doupe, Ben Thiel; Heav
iest Mangolds, Amos Doupe, Harry
White; garden carrots, long. Mrs.
G. Heywood, J. E. B. Pringle; gar
den carrots, intermediate, T. Wash
burn, J. E. B. Pringle; garden car
rots, short, Ray Francis, Mrs. Gar.
Heywood; parsnips, Ray Francis. AV.
H. iSweitzer; blood red beets, long,
Mr,s. G. Heywood; blood red beets,
round, J. E. Pringle, Mrs. Oscar
Pfaff; cabbage, flat, Mrs. G. Hey
wood; cabbage, red, Mrs. G. Hey
wood; cauliflower, Wm. Ratcliffe;
celery, J. E. Pringle, John Grieve;
citron, round, Mrs. Wm. Denham, M.
Blackler; pumpkin, Mrs. Wilson
Morley, AV. I-I. Sweitzer; watermel
on, Arksey Bros., Wilfred Doupe;
muskmelon, Mrs. G. Heywood, John
Grieves; table squash, Wm. Harding;
onions, white, F. P. Johnston: on
ions, yellow, Arnold Wilson, Thos.
Washburn; mammoth squash, Mrs.
G. Heywood; cucumbers, green, J.
E. Pringle. Wm. Harding; onions,
red, F. P. Johnston, J. O’Brien;
Hubbard squash, Arksey Bros., John
Grieves; cucumbers, ripe, Wm. Rat
Apples, Fall Varieties
Duchess of Oldenburg, Jas. Sterl
ing AV. Ratcliffe; Sweet Pear, Mrs. A
Doupe, Mrs. 0. Pfaff; Gravenstein,
Jas. B. Sterling, John E. P.ringle;
■Wolf River, Jas. B. Sterling; Frank
Triebner; Blenheim Pippin, J. B.
Sterling, AV. Ratcliffe, Maiden’s
Blush, Mrs. C. J. Drown, Mrs. I-I.
Berry; Alexander, ,F. Triebner, J. B.
Sterling; Wealthy, J. B. Sterling. J.
T Horn; Culvert, J. B. Sterling, Mr-:.
Wm. Denham; Cayuga Red Streak.
J. Morphet, Eph. Herns & Sons; SC.
Lawrence, Harvey Parkinson, Wm.
Ratcliffe; Fall Pippin, Mrs. H. Berry
Mrs. O. Pfaff; Bell Fleur, J. E. B.
Pringle, W Ratcliffe.
Winter Varieties
Baldwin, J. B. Sterling, Mrs. E.
Pym; Fallawter, J. B. Sterling, F.
Tiebner; Golden Russett, J. B. Ster
ling-, F. Triebner; Roxborough Rus
set, J. B. Sterling, Wm. Ratcliffe;
Mann, F. Triebner, J. B. Sterling;
King of Tompkins, J. B. Sterling, T.
Triebner: McIntosh Red. J. B, Ster
ling; Northern Spy, F. Triebner, J.
B. Sterling; Ontario, J. B. Sterling,
F, Triebner; Pewaukee. Mrs. AV.
Denham, Mrs. G. Heywood; Rhode
Island Greenings, Jas. B. Sterling, F.
Triebner; Rlbson Pippin, J, T. Hei,n.
J. E. Pringle; Snow, F. Triebner. R.
Francis: Talman Sweet, J. B. Ster
ling. F. Doupe; Collection of apples,
J. B. Sterling, F. Triebner.
Crab Apples
Mrs. Jas. Robinson, Mrs. II. G. Berr£
Child's dress or romper suit- made'
from old garment, Mrs. Geo. Ryland;,
pair of hand-knit mitts, Mrs. James
Robinson. C. D. Paul work apron 0$
cap, Mrs. Ewart Pym, Mrs. Geo. Rj>
laud; plain pair of pillow cases, lid,-*
made, Mrs. AVm. Rico, Jessie Jaques;'
home-made soap, Mrs. Ewart Pymn.
Mrs. James Creighton; bedspread,,
applique, John Griev^* ...........•
ed dress or pullover suit, Mrs. Geo..
Ryland; ladies’ smock, Mrs. Ewart
Pym; rag floor mat, hooked, Mrs. 0.
Pfaff, Jesse Jaques; pyjamas, home
made, Miss E. Marriott; best labor-r
saving device, home-made, Mrs. H.
G. Berry, Mrs, Geo. Ryland; - ladies^
dress, housework, Mrs. Geo, Ryland,..
Mrs. Berry.
Ladies' Work—Fancy '
Ladies night robe, embroidered or£:
cotton, Mrs. Jas. Creighton, Mrs. H.
K. Hyndman; Ladies’ night robe, in
silk, Mrs. H. G. Berry; ladies’ hand
made bed jacket, Mrs. O. McCurdy;,
table centre, white embroidery, Mrs^.
Jas. Creighton, Mrs. I-lyndman; table
centre, colored embroidery, Mrs.^^L^
K. Hyndman, Mirs. R. Pearson; lil>-™
vary table runner, Mrs. Hyndman,.
Mrs. E. C. Cameron; buffet set, Mrs..
J. Creighton, Mrs. O. McCurdy; tea;
cloth, embroidered, Mrs. J. Creigh
ton, Miss E. Marriott; tea cloth, cro
chet trimmed, J. Grieve, Mrs. J. Rob
inson; pair pillow slips and sheets,,
fancy, Miss E. Marriott, Mrs. Hynd
man; fancy apron, Mrs. H. G. Berry.
Mds's Marriott; pillow slips, crochet
trimmed, Miss Marriott, Mrs. O. Mc
Curdy; pillow slips, embroidered,.
Mrs. Jas. Creighton, Miss Marriott;!
dresser cover, fancy, Mrs, J. Creigt--
on, Mrs. H. G| Berry; child’s dress,
embroidered in colors, Mrs. Ewart
Pym; child’s jacket and bootees,
Mrs. Hyndman; handkerchiefs, Mrs-
J. Robinson, Mrs. E. Ross; shopping
bag, Mrs. Hyndman, Mrs. Wickwire;
home-made costume slip, Mrs. Jas.
Creighton, Miss Marriott; Bath tow--
el, trimmed, Mrs. H, B. Berry; Miss-
E. C. Cameron; tea cloth, cut work,.
Miss Marriott, Miss E. C. Cameron;
bedroom towels, crochet insertion,.
Miss Marriott, Miss E. C. Cameron;
guest, towels, colored, embroidery,
Miss Marriott, Mirs. Jas. Creighton:
specimen embroidery, Daisy loop”
Mrs. J. Creighton, Mts. Hyndman;
Irish crochet, Miss Marriott, Mrs. J.
Robinson; tatted centre piece, linent
centre, Mrs, J. Robinson; cushion
complete, embroidery, Miss Marriott,
Mrs. H. G. Berry; Cushion complete,
any other style, Mrs; Berry, Mrs.
F. nJ. AVickwire; Roman cut work,,
finished article, Mrs. Hyndman, Mrs.
McCurdy; work done by lady over-
70 years of age, Mrs. E. Pym; .Mrs.
J. Robinson; best '5 useful styles <of
Needlework, different materials, Mrs
H. G. Berry,"^Miss Marriott: tea cosy,
made up, linen, Mrs. Hyndman;
bridge set, embroidered, Mrs. I-Iugli-
Berry, Mrs. J. Ceighton; Afghan, ahr
style, Mrs. O. Pfaff, Mrs. J. Robinsq®.
silhouette cross stitch, Mrs. HyndV
m'an, Miss Marriott; drawn tlrreaa’^-
work, Mrs. E. C. Cameron, Mrs. F..
J. AVickwire.
Oil painting, landscape, from nature,
Mrs. J. W. Batson; Oil painting,
landscape, from copy, Mrs. J. AV. Bat
son, J. Grieve; oil painting, marine,’
from nature, Mrs. J. W. Batson; oil'
painting, marine, from cony, Mrs. J.
AV. Batson, J. Grieve; oil painting-,,
vegetable or fruit, .J. Grieve, Mrs.
AV. Batson; oil painting, animals,
from copy, Mts. Batson, J. Grieve;
oil painting, portrait, Mrs. AVickwire,.
Mrs. Batson; water color, scene,
copy, j\frs. AVickwire, Mrs. Batson;
water colors, scene from natue, Mrs.
Batson, Mrs. Wickwire; water colors,
flowers in vase or bowl, Mrs. AVick
wire, Mrs. Batson; water colors, fish
or game, copy, Mrs. AVickwire- water*
colors, any original object, Mrs. H-
G. Berry, Mrs. AVickwire: sepia, any
subject, copy, Ben Thiel, Mrs. Bat
son; pastel, landscape scene, copy,
Mrs. Batson: pastel, marine, view,
copy, Mrs. AVickwire, Mrs. Batson;
pastel, animals, copy, Mrs. AVickwire,
Mrs. Batson; pastel, any subject,
Mr*-. T’<'<~"on: crayon, charcoal scene
from copy, Mrs. Wickwire, Mrs. Bat
son; caryon or charcoal, portrait or-
animal, Mrs. Batson, Mrs. AVickwire;’
pencil drawing, any subject, Mrs. J.
Batson, Mrs. AVickwire; pencil draw
ing geometrical designs, Mrs. Bat
son, pen and ink sketch any subject,
Mrs. Batson, Leonard Harris; brass
work, A. Cole; new craft., not, listed,
Mrs. Batson, A. Cole; stencil design,
A. Cole, Mrs. Batson; basketry, Jes
se Jaques, Miss Cameron; amateur’
photography, Mrs. Batson; tinted
snap shots, Mrs. Batson, Airs. AVick
wire; penmanship, Evelyn AVynn, M.
Collings;' painting on china, figure?
work, Mrs. Batson, J. Grieve; paint--
ing on china, realistic, A. Anderson,
J. Grieve; painting on china, luste*
work, Mrs. Batson, J. Greve; figure
work, J. Grieve.
Crab apples, red, J. Wilson, Mrs.
Wilson Morley; Crab apples, yellow,
Jas. B. Sterling.
Lomi’sird, John Grieve, Jus. B.
Sterling; Pond’s Seedling. J. B. Ster
ling; Bradshaw, W. Shier. Mrs. Wm.
Atkinson; Collection of Plums, J. B.
Duchess, J! B. Sterling, Mrs. A.
DouiJe; Sheldon, J. B. Sterling, Silas
Shier; Bartlett, J. B. Sterling, Mrs.
Wm. Rice; Clapp’s Favorite, J. E.
Pringle, Mrs. Wm. Rice; F. Beauty,
Mrs. E. Doupe, Jas, Hyatt.
Concord, John Grieve; Niagara,
Mrs. Adam Doupe, Dr. Campbell;
Rogers, J. Grieve; Deleware, Mrs.
Wm. Atkinson.
Dairy butter in crock, Bella Mill
ar, Lloyd Walkom; Dairy butter in
prints’, Mrs, J. Moore; dairy butter,
fancy display, Ben Thiel, AV. E. Flet
Judges—K, F. Crago, M. Alice More
Acrolinium, Straw Flower, 'J. T.
Hern, M‘rs. G. Heywood; Antirrhinum
Snapdragon, David Goulding, Arthur
Cole; Aster, pink, Mrs. Heywood;
Aster, purple, D. Goulding, Mrs, G.
Heywood; Aster, red, 2nd Heywood;
Collection of Asters, Mrs. C. J.
Drown, Mrs. Heywood; Aster, white,
Mrs. Heywood, W. Hazelwood; As
ter, pink, Mrs. Heywood, D. Gould
ing; Aster, mauve, D. Goulding, Mrs.
Heywood; Aster, purple, D. Gould
ing, Mrs. Heywood; Collection of As
ters Mrs. Gar. Heywood; Cosmos,
single, Mrs. C. J. Drown, Mrs. Hey
wood; Cosmos, double, Arthur Cole,
Mrs. Wm. Rice; Dahlias, decorative
type, Arthur Cole, Mrs. Heywood;
Dahlia, show type, Mrs. Heywood;
Dahlia, pompom, John Wilson Ar
thur Cole; Dahlia, collection, Mrs.
Wm. Rice; Diantlius, or Carnations,
Mrs. Heywood, Wilbur Wynn; Glad
iolus, 1 spike, Mrs. C. J. Drown,
Mrs. R. Sweitzer Gladiolus, 2 spikes,
Mrs, Heywood, Bella Millar; Glad
iolus, 6 spikes, Mrs. Heywood, Mrs.
Wm. Atkinson; Gladiolus, collection
Mrs. G. Heywood; Gypsopia, Peren
nial or Baby’s Breath, Arthur Cole,
Thos. Woshburn; Sweet Peas, col
lection Mrs. Heywood; Matthiola or
Stock, Mrs. W. Atkinson, Mrs. C.‘ J.
Drown; Phlox Drummondi, J. Squire
Thos. Washburn; Phlox Drummondi,
fringed, Mrs. Heywood; Phlox Drum
mondi, collection /Arthur Cole; Phlox
Perennial, Arthur Cole, Wm. Hard
ing; Petunia, single, J. Grieve, Mrs.
H. Berry; Petunia, double, J. Grieve,
Mrs. H. Berry; Scalppiglossis, Thos.
Washburn; Salvia, Evelyn Wynn;
Scapiosa, Pincushion Flower or S.
Scabious, J. T. Hern, Dr. Campbell; i
Tlaget'es, Agrican Marigold, Janies |
Squire, Mrs. Heywood; Tagetes, Fr.
Marigolds, J. T. Hern, Mrs. Heywood
Nasturtium, collection, W. Hazel
wood, W. Rice; Verbena, A. Cole, J.
Grieve; Pansy, 1 bloom, Dr. Camp
bell, R. Ratclife; Pansy, collection,
Dr. Campbell, R. Ratcliffe; Zinnia,
Dr. Campbell, Mrs. Heywood; An
nuals, collection, Arthur Cole, T'lios.
Washburn; Perennials, collection, A.
Cole; Basket Cut Flowers, Mrs. Gar.
Heywood, A. Cole; Hand bouquet,
A. Cole, Mrs. Wm. Rice; Rose, one
bloom, E. TIern & Sons, Dr. Camp
bell; Roses, best collection, Mrs. G.
Heywood, Dr. Campbell; Bouquet in
vase for living room, A. Cole, Epli.
Hern & Sons; Bouquet for Dining
Table, R. Ratcliffe, D. Goulding.
1Jouse Pla nt s—Flcwenn g
Amaryllis, Amos Doupe, Mrs. Wm.
Atkinson; Begonia, fibrous, James.
Routley; Begonia, tuberous, double.
Mrs. H. G. Berry; Begonia, Tuber
ous, single, Mrs. H. G. Berry; Ger
anium, any otho.r variety, T'. Wash
burn, Mrs. G. Ryland.
HopHe d’^hiViS-^Eoliage
Asparagus, Plumosus, T. Wash
burn; Asparagus. Sprengeri, C. D.
Paul; Begonia, Rex Variety, Mrs. C.
J. Drown, C. Routley; Begonia, any
other leaved variety, W. H. ISweitzer,
Jas. Routley; Rubber! Plant, John
Morphet. J. Grieve; Collection of
Foliage Plants, Jas. Routley, Mrs. G.
Ryland; window box, AV. AVynn; Jer
usalem Cherry Tree, Arksey Bros.,
Jas. Squire; House Rose, Bella Mill
er, AV. AVynn.
L a di es’ Work—Use ful.
Quilt, pieced cotton, Mrs. W. Rice,
Mrs. O. Pfaffcomforter, wool filled,
Milton Luther, A. Cole; comforter,
down filled, Mrs. Ewart, M. Luthe.;
bedspread, fancy, Mrs; Ewart Pym,
Mrs. C. J. Drown; ladies’ sweater
coat, Mrs. Jas. Creighton; sport
shirt, Miss Elizabeth Mariott; rag
mat, braided, J, Grieve, Mrs. 0.
Pfaff; rag mat, crocheted, J. Grieve,
Ben Thiel; pair of hand knit socks,
Judge— Mrs. N. J. Dore, Exeter
.Continued on the next page
Four Doses
Bad AHaek of Cholera
Mr. AV. jyuooper, -Maugliah, Alta., writes:—1 ‘A.
year ago la&t spring I arrived in Canada with my
family, and one of my boys, aged six, was suffering-
very mnch with cholera. AVhon we arrived I had a.,
few hours to wait, and told one of tho attendants at.
tho station about it, and he asked mo if I had over-
tried’Dr, i’owler’s Extract of AVilcI Strawberry. X.
had novor hoard Of it in England,’so ho told me X.“
could get it in A\rinnipog, I am pleased to say X"
had only to give tho child four doses and ho got-
woll and was quite cheerful by tho next morning.