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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-07-03, Page 4
r4 TIIITRSDAY, JULY 3, JO3Q THE EXETER. TIMES-ADVOCATE Presented with Cane | JJiiV Geo. Mawson, Ronoml) Afte fTtuU’hhig foj' 4Q years-?-PM'c at £?lH‘ingbank in liis Honour* Rsidents of School section No. 5 Usborne, together with a number of jolji hoys and girls, pupils of Mr. ’Mawson held a picnic at Spring- l>ank pn Saturday in honour of the .retiring teacher, Mr. Geo. Mawson, i*yhp for the past eighteen years has ' Ueeit the teacher of the school and iwho has completed forty years in the reaching profession. Between two sindi three hundred persons sat down i®1 the tables which were sumpt- riowsly provided with good things to «at and following the noon meal the three trustees Messrs. Harvey Per-i Ikins, Clayton. Frayne and Clarke 1 JFisher together with Mr. Mawson mounted one of the tables and the sad-dress which follows was read by.Frayne and the presentation -of I on rl orl via titn cs vti n rl o .Kvr ATl’ J ■Fisher. Mr. Mawson was taken by' #tuprise and was deeply affected by sth©' expression of appreciation. He ma,d,e a very fitting reply thanking the- ratepayers for the handsome <jiff and for their kindness and co -operation during the years he had i Sack race (men)-—George Frayne, f Garnet Hicks, Lloyd Frayne. ’ Candy race (men)—Arthur Fray ne, George Frayne, Roylance West cott.: Ladies’ graceful walking—Mrs? Luther Row-cliffe, Mrs. Rufus Kestle- Mrs. Gordon Heywood. Local News •Don’t forget' the softball game on Friday night. Lucan vs. Exeter, Miss Margaret Taman is visiting with relatives in Detroit. •Mrs. Jos. May spent a few days last week visiting in Staffa, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Aidworth spent a few days last week at Washago. Dr. spent Dr. spent , Mr. ja gold-headed cane was made >by Mr, visitin. Wm. Lawson, of Toronto, the holiday with’ his parents. Geo, Hind, of Walkerton, the holiday with his father. Ed. Lowry, of Toronto, is ,g his parents- at the Central Hotel. Mr. and Mrs, Williams, of Wrox- eter, are visiting with their daugh ter Mrs. Lowery at the Central Ho tel. Misses Margaret Martin and Mar- 'feeen with them. He was pleased with -saret Ellerington are visiting with •lhe success of the pupils of the past Mr- and Mrs. R, G. Gillies in Ham end h® hoped the school would have IHon. seven a brighter future. Persons were present from Toronto Strathroy, Shirley, Chatham and this community. Dur--”-''u- ■thq; afternoon sports were enjoyed which included bdll games by the men and the women. Mr. Mawson was born in McGill ivray township receiving his early education at S. S. No. 5 and his High ^School training at Parkhill. He se cured his teaching certificate at the Utrathroy Model -school and after* a 'Sbrief teaching experience attended 4he Toronto Normal in 1892. During 3.US long teaching career he has -taught in only four schools; No.5 5<nd No. 10 (McGillivray where’he re mained eight years; No. 2 Hay where , 'She was for eleven years from there agoing to Usborne. I Mrs, Wm. Gardiner and IchJriov of Meaford, are daughter visiting with her parents Mr. and (Mrs, Sam. Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller and lit tle daughter of Stratford, visited the former’s aunt, Mrs. Geo. Kerslake, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bloomfield and sons, Murray and Fred, of don, spent Sunday with Mr. and Lloyd Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lloyd and ily, of Toronto; Mrs. Miller and son, of London, visited at the home of Mr. L. Day. Mr. iS. M. Milroy and family, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson, Lon- Mrs. fan'i- " While teaching1 of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr, an Usborne Mr. Mawson has madeland Mrs. Jas. Weekes. ROUND OPEN TO AL SILVER TROPHIES A TEST PRIZES DANCING MONDAY, JUL FIDDLERS’ CO STEP DAYCI SQUAIt 7th Archife Cunn|hgham and hi^Royy^ Marines AN .........ENJOY YOl BE SUR VISIT !NATURAL 2SORT ■ENING FOR OLD CANADA’S M SUMMER attended the picnic were Mr. and Mrs John W. Taylor and son Frank. Mr. and Mr. and and Mrs. Hector Taylor and Grant, and Mrs. Mr. and family Reg 'Taylor and son, Mrs. Chas. Kerslake McTAGGART the ■old Mrs,, Roy of Sarnia, Mollard, Colling moved to his Lambeth Monday and moved in to Tuesday. his new Mrs. M. home so ■■ hospital our church stands for, and all prob-, lems pertaining to our community; life, which haa made it a pleasures tp work with you- We would ask . you, Mr, and Mrs. Snell to kindly; $ accept these gifts as a meagre tor ; ken of our lasting memories of Slut-*- fa church. In parting with you, we can but . trust that as you leave • our midst and go into your new home, and en- ter your «new field of labour. H©‘ ,t who holds our- every destiny may ip. , your life grant you the. desire In your ! heart and later a happy entrance in to the land beyond the vale of time* GREENWAY. The members of the Orange Lodge will worship in the United Church next Sunday afternoon, when J$ev. S, J, Mathers, the new pastor, will preach. Rev. J. M. Colling preached his farewell sermon on Runday to a very large congregation and Mrs, Colling assisted the choir and sang an inv presslve solo. The good wishes Of the -whole -community go with them to 'their new home at Lambeth. Mrs. Fostou, iof Detroit, was- a guest of Miss Dorothy Belling last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rastus Kenning and Mr, E, Kenning, of Ann Arbor, Mich, and Mrs. Kenninger and children, of’Pontiac, |Mich„ are guests of Mr. R°Ck an4 °ther °f jmotiok ^examinations. Mr. Jas. Kydd, of Hamilton and ■ daughters Clara and Mrs. M-cKim spent the First with his brother Mr. Wm. Kydd and other friends. Mr. Garfield Sheere and daughter Miss Hazel and Mr. Brock, of Brant ford, spent Sunday with the former’s mother Mrs. M. Sheere, of town." Mr. Fred Ellerington and his son Will motored to Toronto Sunday to see the former’s sister Miss Mary Ellerington who .still continues very low. Mrs. Wilbur Hunter, of Salva dor, Sask., arrived this 'week and ---------------— «vc- will visit with her sister Mrs. Geo. payers of School Section No. 5, Us- Hunter and other relatives in the "borne, ve take this opportunity to community. express our sincere appreciation of I Mi’, aud Mrs. J. H. Messer, of To- yotir faithful devotion to your duties r-onto visited with the latter’s par as teacher in our school for the many ents Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Horton, you have been with us. As a They will also visit' the former's par- siight token of our high esteem for, ents at Bluevale. -A- number from this community X on, th,s were In Strathroy on July 1st tak- cane with our best wishes for your • • w • l- ■,•health and happiness in the future ' nW , “J" estl“atea Unrwo. di thAOA B”:that there were 10,000 people inDuring all these years we believe qfrathrnvyou have missed one -or two days,!St atl roy that day’ which is a record to be proud of and 1 Mr' a71d Mrs' Wilbur Philips and a record reached bv but a very*few son stewart« o£ Owen Sound, motor-. All the more is this outstanding’iea down and visjted <>ver Liie holi- when distance, conditions -of roads days with the f0™er’s parents Mr. and weather are taken into considjand Mrs- B- philiPS- eration. In addition to your faithful appli-' College, St. Thomas and Miss Jean ■ nation to your teaching duties, we Layering, of Toronto, are visiting wish to express, our appreciation of with the former’s parents at the your gentlemanly character and de- Main Street parsonage, liortment which is no- small contri-] bution to the education -equipment of your pupils. , ( hava e e deeP1y# regret that you This is.Mr. Goulding’s second year, 6 deci.ded ta retire from your ac-;as he took a similiar course in To- tive teaching duties -among us, cxr 3)est wishes go out to you for a wellj ®arned rest, and that the contribu tion y-ou have made to society during -the many years of active service may unfold-to give you joy and happiness •during the evening of your life. I Signed on behalf of the trustees •tfind ratepayers. Yours Very Truly Signed: Clarke Fisher, Sec'y. Following were the results of the -races: Girls, ■Go'dbolt, Boys, Kestle, SCestle. Girls, nrol Fisher, Iva Fisher, Helen West- pcott. Boys, 10 years and ’ under- wer-n'e Heywood, iland Webber. Girls, 14 years ^St-one, Geraldine jFislier. Hoys, 14 years "Frayne, Robert- Webber. Young men’s race—George Frayne '-Garnet Hicks, Lawrence Stocks. Young Ladles’ race*—' Mrs. .Win, Ethei'ington, Mrs. Edgar ^Rundle. Trustees1' race—Clarke Fisher, C. JFr.ayuC, Harvey Perkins, ‘■’Tarried women (young)—Mrs. R. Wulding, Mrs. Harold Jeffrey, Mrs. ^Gordon Heywood. Married men (young)—Gordon /Heywood, Edward Westcott, Alwyn ■Dayman. 'Three-leg'ged race (ladies)—Violet .Frayne and M Edgar Rqudle, MMrs. h. Jeffrey amd..$rrs, W. Ether- Ingtou. J Three-legged race (men)—A. Day- /Kfnati and Gordon Hoywood, c, Prout .Harold Jeffrey. jins home in Exeter* He is auditor <or the town -books, a trustee of JMain Street Church and a teacher an the Sunday School. He is also a «xast president of the West Huron *Teachers Association. Mrs. Mawson’s anaiden name was Miss Mary Daun- jeey and they have one daughter Mrs. Elmore Tuckey, of London. Mr. and -Mrs. Mawson intend taking a trip ■through the West this coming sum-1 an er. Following is the address: TL'0 Mr. George Mawson, Dear Mr. Mawson, On -behalf of the trustees and rate- FAMILY PICNIC The. third annual reunion of McTaggart family occured at the homestead near Chiselhurst, on Mon day, June 30th with a large number present. There were representatives from Pontiac, Mich., Saline, Port Huron and Detroit also from 'SOa- forth, places. .. . . _ games occupied the afternoon hours. Rev. G. E. McTaggart, Saline, Mich., delivered ah address also Dr. A. L. Bell of Pontiac. A ball game and a horseshoe tournament engaged the attention of the older members pres ent. The following officers were el ected for the ensuing year:- Rev. G. McTaggart, Pres.; Fern Welsh, Sec retary and Treasurer. The next re union was voted to be held in tile city of Port Huron on the 4t-h July 1931. The president appointed a committe of three on program foT next year, Mrs. (Rev.) A. L. Bell, Mrs. Walter Perkins and Mrs. WTar- ren McTaggart. ’ Miss Ruth Moorhouse, of Alma Mr. W. R. Goulding is taking a summer course in .school music at the Western University in London. £1Ve.. te,a'?lling duties among us, our. ronto-. last year. I Mrs. Thos. Harvey has been visit- I ing^ with Mr. and Mi;s. A. D. Bus well and family, at Lucknow and - they brought her home on Tuesday, Mrs. Buswell and daughter Helen remaining here on a visit., Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Parsons, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Par sons, Mr. and Mrs. C. Parsons and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith and son and Mis's I. Wallace, of London, [were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Heywood over the First. Messrs. Joe and Raymond Fraser, JMdss Marguerite Fraser; also their mothei’ and two grandchildren Miss Betty and Master Raymond, of De troit, visited .with the former’s bro- I ther Mr. William Fraser ‘ovei’ the ] week-end. Mrs. Fraser is remain ing for a couple . with friends. I Dr. J. W. and Detroit, attended . former’s sister, Mrs. Wm. Ford, of and under—Harrv'Sntralia’ formerly <>f Usborne on Fravne Drvnm1 Tbursday of last week and after 7 e, Orville visiting for a few days here they ‘were accompanied home by Mr. and m i pd- Tapp and Mrs. Arthur ^Violet ftayne IPrancls »" a 6 years and under—Pauline Marie Heywood. 6 years and under—Billy Raymond Heywood, Jack 10 years and under—Fer- -La- Jack Frayne, Le- and under—'Gladys Armstrong, Belva of weeks to visit Mrs. Harrison, of the funeral of the TAYLOR FAMILY PICNIC The ninth annual Taylor picnic was, held at Sprigbank on Saturday last with about 100 members of the family being present from Sask., Tor onto, Watford, Shakespeare, Port Huron, Exeter, Zion and- other places It was a very enjoyable get together Mr. John W. Taylor, of Exeter is the oldest living member of the Taylor family and was -elected Honorary President; Pres , EH Taylor, ■ Wat ford, first vice., Hector Taylor, Ex eter; sec'y. Dr. Harold Taylor, Lon- J »on. Among those from'Exeter who Hensall, Exeter and other A splendid program and HAMILTON REUNION HELD AT CROMARTY With 112 members of the family gathering from Toronto, Chicago, Exeter, Mitchell, Us'borne, Hamil ton, Listowel, Stratford, Durham, Morden, Man.; Bright and Walker ton, the annual reunion of the Ham ilton family was held Saturday at Cromarty, at the farm of William Hamilton. the most successful in everyone joined in excellent program. A sacred service monument in the tery began the program, everyone repaired to the farm of Mr. Hamilton, for an enjoyable so cial afternoon. Softball and horse shoe pitching formed the chief sporting events. In the evening a songs and speeches Among those on the Mrs. Whitehead of Toronto, erly Miss Pearl Steinhoff of Strat ford, who sang several sol-os. James Frances, of ^Bright also rendered a vocal solo, Mrs. Norman Hamilton, of Galt, a solo and Mr. T. L. Hamil ton, of Listowel, a solo and an ad dress was given by George Barr, of Toronto. Jack Scott of ■ Toronto, was chairman for the program. The committee in charge of the re-union consisted of John E. Scott and Wil liam Hamilton both of Toronto. This family comprises the des cendents of Mr. and Mrs. Frances Hamilton, who came from Glasgow in 1820 to settle in Lanark county, moving to Cromarty in 18-51. The reunion was one years, carrying out of as an at the Hamilton Cromarty ceme- After this program oi took -place, program was form- REPORT S. S. NO. 7, USBORNE The following is the report of the promotion examinations for S. S. No. 7, Usborne. The names are in or der of merit. Sr. IV—Cecil Wright, Wellington Brock, Thelma Jaques. Jr. IV—Blossom Wright, Edith Earl. Sr. Ill—La Verne Rodd, Verna Jaques, Mary Earl. Jr. Ill—Oliver Jaques, Laurene Hern. Sr. I—Ross Skinner, Fern Rodd, Margaret Jaques, Ivan Johnson, M. Rodd. Primer — Hazel. Hern, Audrey Rodd, Arthur Hern. M. McNeight, teacher REPORT S. S. NO. 10, USBORNE The names are in order of merit. The names are placed in class to which they are promoted: Sr. IV—Harry Stone. Jr. IV—Melvin Glanville, Heywood, Annie McLean. Sr. Ill—Jeanette Stone, Glanville. Jr. Ill-—Fred Selves, Letha ___ ville, Gerald Glenn, Lorne Passmore. 2nd class—John Westlake, Helen Morgan, Alice Passmore, Raymond Layton,. Dennis Layton/ Dennis Hey wood. 1st class—^Marjorie McDougall, G. Stone, Aimer Passmore. Primer — Aniie Morgan, Helen Selves, Doreen Layton, Helen Mc Queen, Margaret Glennp.jeari McDou gall, Roy Heywood, , ■ , Number on roll 27;’ avbrngo at tendance 22.89. L iMary Thomson, teacher GRAND BEND Two very large crowds greeted Rey, J. Morley Colling tp hear his farewell sermons Sunday. Mr.’ ami Mrs. Wm» Middleton, of !Exeter, visited Mr. ami Mrs, J. W. Holt ou Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Disjardine visited Mrs. Dlsjardine’s father and mother at Chatham on Sunday, Miss Muriel Fallis, of iSarnia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Abney Mallard. Mr, and Mrs, Melvin Dodds, of Buffalo, visited Mr. and Holt over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Ray, spent Sunday with Mr. A. The summer resort has taken on a new aspect and is a moving city with people. Come and enjoy yourself with the crowd. Rev, J. M. new home in Rev. Mathers home here on All are pleased to know ‘Luther was able to return quickly 'from St. Joseph’s in London and is feeling -fine. A very interesting evening was held at the Casino, Grand Bend on Friday evening, June 27tli when the citizens of the district assembled to .do honour to the brave fisherman who rescued the three men caught in the storm on Lake Huron, one • year ago. •Several prominent men of the dis trict .gave addresses extolling the bravery of the men and presented them Certificates of the Royal Can adian Humane Society for Bravery. Ross Gray, M.P., was. chairman and those who spoke were Rev. Mr. Colling, Mr. Trewartha, Mr. F. Mc Millan M.P.; Mr. H. Either, Ex-M.P. and Harmon Gill spoke in behalf of the men effecting the rescue The Annual Fiddlers’ Contest is to be held on Monday, July 7th. Silver trophies and prizes are to be award ed. It is open to all and- there will be round and square dancing. A very enjoyable evening for young and old. PURSE OF GOLD GIVEN PASTOR The congregation -of the United i Church filled the auditorium of the Sunday School to bid - farewell to Rev. Mr. Colling, his wife and daugh ter Pauline, -before ther departure to Lambeth. Ezra Webb,, chairman, of the Board of Stewards, presided over a brief program of songs, duets and addresses. The regret at Mr. Colling’s departure from the com munity was expressed -by William Oliver, W. Patterson, Miss Kelso and J. W. Holt. A well-filled purse of gold was presented to (Mr. and Mrs. Colling, Mrs. Emmery Disjardine reading the address and J. W. Holt making the presentation. Two weeks ago the. ypung people of the church and com munity presented the departing pas tor and Ills wife with a silver tea set. Since coming here, four years ago, the United Church, under the pres ent pastorate, made steady progress. A beautiful new church now adorns the Main Street of Grand Bend, while all departments of the church are in a flourishing condition. Rev. Mr. Colling will be succeeded by Rev. S. J. Mathers, from Essex. Following is the address: Grand .Bend, June 22, 1930 Rev. J. M. and Mrs. Colling,— We have gathered here tonight to spend a few hours, in pleasant fel lowship with you, on the eve of your departure from our midst. Mr. Colling during your four years as pastor of Grand Bend Church, we feel you have helped us as a con gregation to walk Zionward, because y-our 'own feet are firmly -placed on “higher ground.” Our souls have been richly fed with spiritual food as we have received your messages from the pulpit. In material things, the splendid condition in which you leave Grand Bend United Church is due in no small way to your ability in leadership, augmented by your untiring zeal in advancing to 'tide full est every interest of our church, here locally and in the Presbytery of which we form a part. Mrs. Colling, you have used your splendid musical ability faithfully and well in our Master’s service. ‘As a congregation we wish to let you know, that your willing rendering of your time and ability in the service of song and praise in our church has been deeply appreciated. As mem bers of the choir, we -too voice- our appreciation of the leadership and training you have given us, thus, making us as a choir a more valuable asset to our church. ■ , Our best wishes go with you -both and your little daughter Pauline In to your new field of labour Master’s vineyard. At the life’s journey We know your reward for .service will be done” from the lips, of our common Master. When our work here in our’ Father’s earthly kingdom is done, we hope to all join hands again in service in the “Church Trium phant”. Let this gift from the Grand Bend Church representing the congrega tion, the W. )M. S., the W. A., and the choir, convey to you (both our appreciation of your service to our Cliurch, and -our deep and abiding lOVe for you' "both. ■Signed: Ezra Webb, Chairman of Board of Stewards; Mrs, Roy- Holt, Choir ^Manager; Wm. Patterson, Sup er, of the Sunday School; Mrs, Ed- Ward Gill, Pres. W. A.; Mrs. John Gill, Pres. W.M.S.: Thos. Love, or behalf of the Session, their frjends, Quite a number from here attend ed the Piano Recital given by pupils, of Miss Nola Disjardine at Grand Bend on Friday evening. ( The Strawberry Social at Grace church on Wednesday evening was a splendid success. After a bounti ful supper the ball game be tween Shipka and the local team was eagerly'watched the score being 20 to 11 in favor of - Greenway. The interesting and humorous play “The Family Upstairs.” given by the Ailsa Crajg young people was a fine pic ture of human nature and was ex ceedingly well rendered. Proceeds amounted to $120.00. Six pupils from the north school and four from the south wrote the entrance examinations, last week. We wish them every success. Miss Corbett and Miss Topping have been re-engaged in their re spective schools, foi’ next year and have gone home for the holidays. Miss Walker, who has taught in the west school has resigned and her successor has not yet been appoint ed. The W. M. S. and all interested in Missions are requested to- attend a special meeting in the Grand Bend church .on Thursday evening to hear Dr. Margaret McKellar, of India speak. On Friday evening of this week the induction of Rev. S. J. Mathei's by t-he chairman of the Presbytery, Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, assisted .by Rev. Hagelstein and Rev. Gale will tak'e place in the United Church. The members and adherents, of both Grand Bend and Greenway churches are urged to be present'. Last Thursday evening at the close of a meeting of the Board of Stewards Mr. C. Woodiburn acted as chairman and called on local talent for a .short' program and then Mr. and Mrs. Colling and Pauline were asked to go to the front and an ap preciative address was read by Miss Mae Wilson and Mr. J. B. Nichol, clerk of the session .presented them with a purse and Mrs. Goodhand on .behalf of the Women’s Association presented "Mrs, Colling with the au tograph quilt made recently. Rev. Colling in his gracious reply ex- ptre&sed thje-ir appreciation of the happy four years we have spent' as pastoi- and- people and thanked all for their^kindness in the gift all through the term. Lunch seiwed REPORT S. S. NO, 2, STEPHEN* The fallowing is -the report of S'„- S. No. 2, Stephen for the June pro- _____ Jr, IV to/Sr. IV—Audrey Yearley 6'5; Roy Lamport 71. Sr. Ill to Jr, IV—Mary Lampprt S2; Nelson Lamport 83, Jr. Ill to Sr. Ill—-Eddie Yearieyr 62; Chas. Rollings (failed). ISr, II -to Jr. in—Doreen Baker 80. Jr. II to Sr. II—Ruby King 92; B, Morlock 90. 1st—Grace Hill. 80; Le Roy RoJL ings 60. ' Primers—Jean Jones, Rhena Year— ley; Matthew Morlock, Helen L. Hayter, teacher her Guer . k rench wa AUCTION SAL HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has receive struction to sell \by Public Au on Wellington Street, Exetei SATURDAY, JULY 5th at 1.30 o’clock sharp the fo 3-piece Chesterfield wicker rocking Chairs, 2 smal 1 end table, Ch|sterfield ta 9x11, large table|9-pce. -dini suite, walnut finish; large ror, floor mats, and dresser, 2 s tresses, 4 chairs, table lamps, 4-bu trie range, high ensils, porcelain top kitche table, verandah swi%g, 2 ar exte vise, , tool owing, two tables e, rug. room. 11 mir- ut bed. 2 mat electric ey elec hen ■ ut- ca binet i chairs, ion lad- pipe cut- , 9 foot ng chain, mandrels, and rub- Fairbank^.- nut finish. flower stand, 30 der, pipe vise, bencl ters, hammers, smal logging chain, 14 ft. 12ft. heavy chain, 2 pump jack, 4 inch lea$h ber belting, 2 cant hoofcs 4-ton wagon scales, steel bed and dresser. TERM'S—CASH ;M'R-S. EDNA RANSFORD,, Proprietress- FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer MORTGAGE SALE 4o£” CHOICE JUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTIES ed Rene Clara Glah- STAFF A and was at in our end oh richest’ ’’Well •Mr.s. J. A. Norris, of Winnipeg, is visiting with tier daughter Mrs. H. Currie. Mr. and Mrs. T. Worden, of Sea forth, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomp son of Raglan, visited with .Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Miller recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Leary and Miss Iva and Mn Howard' Leary spent a few days at Hamilton and Niagara Falls and Buffalo. On Thursday evening of last‘Week a large number of tlie'Staffa tjtfited Church people gathered at' the home of Rev. and Mrs. Snell to- present them with a mantle clock, electric floor lamp, and linen table cloth. After the gathering- had assembled Mr. Robert Morris was voted to the chair. Following community singing Miss- Verna Kliendfeldt gave a piano instrumental after which Mr. and Mrs. Snell were asked to come for-' ward; and .the following address, was read by Miss Norma Wilson and Mrs. F. Bruce, Mrs. A. W. Norris and Mrs. ■tMrs. L. Harburn presented the gifts although Mr. and Mrs. Snell were taken completely by surprise, Mr. Snell made a very fitting reply and invited them all to visit them in their new home in Beiimiller. Lunch was served and a social hour was spent together. The address was as follows; ’ Dear Mr and Mrs. Snell; ■ \Ve the mem’bers. and adherents of .Staffa. United Church, knowing of your early removal from among us, have met together to show our re spect and' esteem for you. The in spired pen has written “there is a time and a season for every purpose” A time to meet and a time to part, a time to be glad and a time to be sad. It has been a pleasure meeting with you. and while the time has ben short, that brief period has been enough to jjrove to us that you !posse’ss those sterling qualities, which are characteristic of a noble man and woman. We will truly miss you Mr. Snell for ysmr mhny services, -kindness and congeniality, particularity among the young poople; and you Mrs. Snell, for your many excellent qualities and assisting so generously with your splendid musical talent. We appreciate your broad vision of what The undersig to sell at F ed has been instruct- ublic Auction, at luncrcial Hotel NSALL on — JULY 4th, 1930 he following property? —Lots 30, and 31 .cm®* e of Queen Street iro- s property extends to* 1 Highway and is am tion for a gas station. .—Lots 1, 2 and 5 oir of Lorne Ave, HensalL mfortabie cement blocfe table, well built, with-- 1.30 PARC the Sou Hensail, the ProV&nc excellentaio PARC the East . There is. house an good gard The pr.o Power of will be prod rties are offered under le in a Mortgage which - ced at the sale. TERMS 10 pei’ Cent, down and balance i.® 20 days. For further particulars apply to<> GLADMAN & STANBURY Hensail and Exeter Solicitors for Mortgagee ■ BRIDGE TENDERS Settled tenders will l|e received by the Council of Hay Township up to two o’clock p.m., Julyj7th, 1930, for; construction of 20 ______ bridge opposite lot lp, con. 6, Parr Line, Hay.Townslfp' will supply steel, cementland grivel. Contractor®-' to do excavating.Ians, etc., cans, be seen at ■ ffice/.of undersigned- Lowest or any^en^er not necessarily accepted. Ac tenders to A. F. HESS, Hay Township, Zurich, Ont, 6-26-210^ concrete- VOTERS’ LISTS, .1930 Municipality of Stephen Townships. County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of thc. Vot-■ ers’ Lists Aci. and that I have [host-*- ed up at my office at Creditor iob- the 23rd day of June 1930, th s list of all persons entitled to vote i i th©’ said Municipality at municipal tions and that xsuch list re; there for inspection. . AND I hereby call, upon all v ster& ■ to take immediate have any errors or rented according to lawXthe for appeal beimg July 1930. Dated at Credited, this Cf June, 1930, HENRY SILBER, Clerk 'ft.f stephen Twp. Credlton, Out» elec-* tains- i’ocefedingjs to missions day cor-, day of