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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-05-29, Page 3
• (SEAI/ED TENDERS addressed to ED ti pis of tment, I Engin- ori, Ont. ISHERS now bring r Families, Friendr on And now for leafy June!* * * What success have you had with your garden * * * * * ♦ * * Are you going to follow the example of the clergy who, during an election, have nothing to do with either politics or religion? £he undersigned, and endorsed “Ten- for South Pier Reconstruction, ••.Goderich, Qnt.”, will be received un til 12 o’clock nepn (daylight Saying) Friday, June «, 1030, for the irecoi)- structiou of the superstructure *o£ the South’ Bier, in' concrete, fqy a length, of 300 fept, at Qoderich/Alu- ron County, Ont. . Plans and form or contracLlan bo seen and specification and 1W tender obtained at' this Depjp't - at th© offices of the Distri seer, Customs Building, Lo . 'Toronto Builders ExchangfTand Coir ^truction Industries, • 111 Toronto, Ont., also at the, (Gpdericli, Ont, r .Tenders will not be cdihsiderecL uir ■less made on printed f($t'ms supplied by the Department ai in accord ance with conditions- ejfhtained there in. •Each tender must by an Accepted cheq -ed banfc, payable to Ministe of Public; ____ __ _ .. 10 per ^ent. of th,f amount of the tender onds of ithe1 Dominion of •Canada oY to CAN ADVA Bri in Capa forward It h e Relatives Easy Te For full de j.\d. Dint. 3 Canadian Pac B RE-UNIONBay St., ost Office, e accompanied on a charter lie order of the ,’orks, equal to .. bonds >fif the , Canadian National Railwaji- fompany will also be accepter as security, <1 cheque it requijjbd to •ticld amoun|, NOTE—1 tained at th| ing an acadj: -of $20.00, i .........l„_r __ •fhd Minister'^f public-Works, which will be retulnid if the intending bidder submitA? regular bid. By order, . - N. DESJARDINS, • ■ Secretary .Department of Public Works, - Ottawa, May 16, 1930 or bonds and make up an can be ob- Dejjfartment by deposit- fed Cheque for the sum the order of - SEALED TENDERS addressed to *ihe undersigned, and endorsed “Ten- •<dey for North Pier .deconstruction, eGoderich, Ont.”; will be received un til 12 o’clock iwop (<say;fght saving) Friday, June 6, 1930, foi^the recon struction in concrete, or£the super structure of the North JPier, for a ‘length -of 4-84 feet, at Goderich, Hu ron County, Ont.. I? Plans and form -of contract can be seen and specification Mid forms of tender obtained at thisgDepartment, at the offices of tlj'e D^trict Engin eer, Customs Building, ‘Toronto Builders ExcnWge and Con struction Industries, . _ ■ . ’Toro\to, Ont., also at tile Post Office, fGodertlch, Ont. Tenders will not be Considered un Tess majlo on printed jjgirins supplied by the -tot, 04 Bay St., [in accordance ned therein. e accompan- lue on a- chaf- ondon, 'Ont. __ cpar.tment an with conditions cont , Each nder must ted. by unaccepted ch fered banfc payable t> the order of •the Minister of Publw Works, equal to 10 per c^t- of tlic^amount of the •ffender. Z ...... Canada or National Rai^vay CoH be accepted ai&securi .a cheque if re uirei .odd amount. NOTE—Blue • tained at this Department by deposit ing an accepted cheque for the sum pf $20.00," payable to the order of the Minister of Public. "Works, which will be returned if the intending bidder submit a regular bid. By ordet, N. DESJARDINS, Secretary Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 16, 193 0 of t io nds o Dominion of the Canadian pany will also i1, or bonds and o make up an willMitchell High School board spend $500.00 on purchasing ahiew power lawn mower. Permits have been granted for the -erection of two new talking| picture theatres for Goderich. The estimat- >ea cost of one is $47,000 and the Qilior $35,000. Telephone Operator Had a Serious Nervous Breakdown , Miss Rena Shields, Owen Sound, Ont., itritesi— “I am a telephone Operator, .and-a few months ago I had a very ••.serious nervous breakdown, A<My nerves were so bad I could not • sleep at nigllt, and I had a great deal .of paiil in my heart. 4 “I tried several medicines^ but did .ij.pt gqt intich; relief untjl a- friend jadvifsecl mo. to. try Price, 50 iiind. dealers, xjf fn-iefe by 'Toronto, Ont. I only took, qno box and part of the second, and I ani VOry thankful I took them as I ndw sleep soundly and havo no more pain is in my heart.” oeiits a box at dll druggists or •mailed direct on receipt The T. Milbum Co., Ltd., apply:—-> MERON Colonization Railway, Toronto ISH SSOCIATION W. C. T. U. The regular meeting of the W.C.- T.U. was held in James St. United church on May 26tli with ten.mem bers present and Miss Mui’ray pre siding. In the absence of the Evan gelistic superintendent Miss Murray conducted the devotional service. Two helpful hymns were sung, .sev eral members led in prayer and the lesson was taken from John 15. The minutes of the last meeting were read and dopted. The Treasurer gave a very encouraging report of the amount of money on hand, and it was moved that the amount con tributed to the Budget Fund be $2 per member. It was cecided that, an effort be made to bring in as many members as possible and Mrs. Jaques was appointed an outpost tor Elimville to look up members. Mrs. Christie for her district, Mrs. Beav ers , for Centralia and Miss Murray for the Thames Road. It was mov ed and carried that $5 be sent to Miss Davison for the Sailors’ Fund, and also t,o the Travellers’ Aid. An appeal is sent out for help for the fund for the Travellers' Aid which is doing such a good work in our cities. Will all those having cou pons given with Surprise Soap, iMa- gic Baking Powder, -Magic Soda and Gillett’s Lye and who wish to- help with this work please send or take them to Mrs. Yeo-Down, of Exeter. The clip sheet,' “Does Prohibition prohibit?” was taken up, Through out His life on earth Christ was the Divine Representative of Truth and He found arrayed against*’ Him. all the agents of deception and guile until by lying Witnesses they cruci fied Him. In all reform in society truth is our one great weapon of defence and advance. Let us turn the searchlight of trutn upon the great experiment of Prohibition that is being tried out in the neigh bor state south of us. We are con stantly being told in newspapers an'd -magazines that Prohibition is a failure, but does this look like it? The state of Pennsylvania purchased fifteen years ago 600 acres near New Home for Ine- offered for sale need for it. With of the saloon, drunkenness of disappeared •Cumberland for a briates. It is now because there is no the disappearance nine-tenths of the the country likewise Fewer arrests for drunkenness have been made each year since Prohib ition than the lowest numbei^ in any of the last nine years before prohib ition. In spite of a 15 per cent, increase in population in Massachu- settes there is crease in T. Stone, therhood said, “As this broad land I see prosperity, happiness and sunshine where form erly I saw -only squalor and misery.” All this resulted from prohibition. TIenry Ford says, “Prohibition -is here to stay and it will work.” The law is imperfectly enforced perhaps as yet, but enforcement will get tighter as time goes on. a 35 per cent, de arrests. The late Warren Grand Chief of the Bro- of Locomotive Engieners, I travel cast and west over see prosperity, Clandeboye branch of the AV. at the Cl an de officers held the. meeting for May home of Mrs. E. Williams, boye, when the election of took place. Mrs. Ward I-Iodgins was president; Mr.s. J. Paton nd Mrs. C electod is. fi Vice-President and Mrs. C. Carter second Vice-President, while, Mrs. Young was re-elected sec’y.-treas. A numb.er of Aieatlis of institute members made rearrangement of several committees accessary. The general committee men|bers for the ensuing year Brookes, t Mid W. J. Hodgin ljains. • When, the Hided, an amusing guessing contest was held, resulting in first prize for Mrs. C. Ellwood, second prize for Mrs.^OWOll; dird third prize for Mrs. J<Tecl (Fenton. 'Aryltjrtgemouts were completed to take tt,Il members free to go to the annual’.district convention to ibe hold at Nairy in J.une. Refreshments wore sowed at the close of the meeting by the hostess J and luncl\. comniittoe-—-Mrs. L. Mc- l Falls, MrsVC. Carter, Mrs. W. Hod- Jgin.3 and *Mtrs. G. Young, I THURSDAY, MAY 29, W *7” Food” eautiful. It gives. THE: EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE EDITORIAL # fl * * >> * THOSE FIRECRAdiERS Word has come that two or three nasty accidents have result* ed X'rojn the use of firecrackers. One firecracker Was thrown onto a car with the result that the top was burned through. Still an other firecracker found its -way to the top of a house with a four thousand1 dollar fire as the consequence. Still another youngster, on amusement bent, threw a bunch of ignited crackers under a spirited horse. A serious accident followed. Sometimes fun is dearly bought. . ' • t • And then about the wool crop—has it made you rich this seas on? It seems queer that the waving of fashion’s magic wand should be allowed to* ruin -a great industry. Yet that Is precisely what fashion has nearly done with thfe wool trade. Twenty years ago folk wore a great deal of woll.en garments. It was a sign of luxury for silk to be worn as an urnlie. Now the person, wearing woollen garments is considered as being either poor or a bit stingy. In those good old days one could get a very satisfactory pair of stock ings for* fifty cents. Nowadays, if one is to be at all up-to-date, his purse groans when the hosiery needs are being considered. The result is that the Australian farmers and the. New Zealand farmers are cutting their sheep farms in two and the Canadian farmer con siders himself lucky to get ten cents per pound for- liis wool. Fa shion has done it. ' ’ ' # fix fix fit fit fit KRY NOT? Why should not farmers organize themselves for fire-fig'hting. Here is an instance that illustrates what we have in mind. In, a certain village that was prosperous till a railroad stole its good times, the citizens had procured a hand fire engine that could be driven by 'eight workers, A few hundred feet of hose was attached thereto with a suction hose that would go a considerable depth into a well. Many a fire was held in check my this simple apparatus. Here is a case in point. A nearby farmer’-s outbuildings were arranged in the shape of One year after threshing liis large strawstdek occu- For some reason the stack caught blaze was detected in its incipient stage, the little engine the scene and tlye buildings saved though fhe stack was the ground. should not some such engine be found in every school section, under the.care of someone whose duty it is to see that the engine is kept in good working order? One small fire would pro cure a dozen such outfits. Fires are costly experiences. A scant dozen large conflagrations reduces an ordinary company's surplus to the danger point. a horseshoe. pied the hollow of the shoe, fire. The rushed to burned to Why A Letter from China ■ Mrs. Wm. Walker, of Exeter N., is in receipt of an interesting letter from her son, Rev. John Walker, who recently returned to West China as a missionary. This letter will be read with interest by Mr. Walker’s many friends. Penghsien, Sze China, April 4, 1930 Mrs. Wm. 'Walker, Hay, - P.O.,,Ontario Dear Mother,— Today I am back five years since we UP for the furniture ing a few days with here. I wake up here in the old house and wonder whether five years can have slipped away. I look out the in left and the Penghsien, it. I came am spend- old friends A Real “Beau Health is alwa^g color to thQ c to the movements of the body. Health1 of food. ShredjKd Wheat with milk is the Food supreme^—contains all tl^Fvitalizing elements of the whole heat grain in a digestible form—iroij for the blood, calcium for bones and teeth and proteins for building healthy tissue. Delicious with fruits. jks and sprightly vini if •'(■ THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEATCOMPANY, LTO, ’ WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT' SHREDDED i GIVE MEAL STUDY * 4 ■ T.O1TKE S E EE C T ION OF FEN’CE Our spare room bed has been set up in the guest room all the time, so all I had to do was spread out'my blankets and go to bee, The lawns are not in such are the flower's, like home just there had been come back here to live, next year. The -things w© left in were in far better condition than we expected. It will not require- much repairing to put our furniture in shape, but as for the linens and bedding, I have not opened up the tin-lined boxes as yet. This morning I was out to See Bobby Hugh’s (little son) grave. The roses are just about -ready to come out'. The monument has been, taken into the caretaker’s house dur ing the -troubles but al], -else is un- ' There are several "graves Qnr in the Christian plot, not there five years ago- and some of the Christian faces are gone. Our schools are well .filled with students this year. There are over fifty- boarders in the Exeter District schdfll. • The girls’ school ,a‘ipi? kind ergarten^ are also .well patronized.' It is4 possible again to go out any where preaching and get a fair hear ing. So public opinion is mdre fav ourable again. We are planning to take full advantage of this opportun ity, for no one knows when the tide may turn again and the opportunity lost. The Christians are looking, forward to an advance all along the line. There are other changes in the city. The streets always were wider than those of other ‘Chinese cities, but they have added four feet more, and levelled them so that wheeled traffic can run. There is a wide road to Penghsien, but they have not kept their bridges in sufficient im pair for motor cars to run. Ricshaws can make it however and Thursday I cartie up in six hours. Mrs. Walker and the family ate at Mrs. Plewman’s. Donald is gett ing back to work at school, and is enjoying the new bunch. He did hot want to leave Chungking, but now is happy again, and says if he were to go back anywhere it would be to Dungannon. , We have been since September letters written. Love good .shape, neither but the place looks the same. another 1 I wish family , to Perhaps the attic I window and expect to see Donald and the goats on house has not been Svay, and our furniture had not been touched. tne fawn. harmed in any I Pesky Pimples Painful Boils Caused By Bad Blood Boils and pimples are caused by bad blood and there is' only one way to get rid of them, and that is to get to the scat of the trouble by using- a good, reliable blood cleansing medicine such I. such I are as follows: Mrs. T. , W. - Roving ton, Mrs. s and'Mrs. Wm. McWil- business- session was This preparation has been on the market for over 50 years, and is t-ho most reliablo remedy for all troubles arising from a bad condition of the blood. It removes all the impurities’ from the system, and.leaves a clear, healthy skin devoid of all eruptions. Mr. D. <T. Fitzsimmons, North Ray, Ont., writes:—4‘For five years I Was troubled with bbils and pimples and tried everything any one would recom mend, but found nothing did mo any good. r f “Ono day when I had three boils on my legs, and my face badly broken out in pimples, a friend recommended Burdock Blood Bitters. I got a bottle and in a very short, time everything was cleared away, and I felt twice M good as X Over aid. ’ ’ Flit up only by The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. .so busy travelling it is hard to get front US dll Jack A clear sighted person is the one who can see his own faults first. « * * * * # >K * * The average man will buy a suit When he can afford it, but he’ll buy a* new automobile any time.-— Thd Brantford Sun. To-day the successful farrier overlooks no detail that will enable him d profit through the scientific control of respect he finds fenq/of vital importance and crops. In this Becau countless farmers have given real study to the probl of selecting fence—-more ‘“OJIBWAY” ZINC INSULATED Fence, made by Canadian Steel Corpora- Limited, is in use in Canada than any other make. S^firdily constructed of finest material and heavily ZINC SULATED, it resists corrosion to the Utmost. Easily Erected, good looking and long lasting, it is made in vary ing styles to meet every requirement. Near you is oiie of our dealers. Ask him to assist you in selecting the “OjIBWAY” Eence most suited to your needs CANADIAN STEEL CORPORATION LIMITED Mills and Head Office i Ojibwiy, Essex County, Ontario Warehouses: Hamiltdri and Winnipeg w 1