The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-05-01, Page 4A THURSDAY, MAX 1OSO THE EXETER TJME^ADVOCATE •(•■MMeHHSBSMMHHHSBHHSBBBSSBSBSHSHBSHBHSM “More than Pleased” So Our Customers Say, Ask any McCormick'Peer- ing owner about his separator and you’ll get the best kind of McCormick-Deering *» »» T1 «Ball-Bearing Cream Separator ODAY there ar| many Deering skims dose, turns mers easy, and is easy to wash who are using l^cCor- • and clean. mick'Deering Cream f>epara-Stop in and look over the McCormick-Deering Cream Separators on our floor- We handle all six sizes— from 350 to 1500 pounds milk per hour. Hand, belt, proof that the McCormick- of electric drive, * I. G. WELTIN UASHWOOD, - ONT, s TELEPHONE NO. 4 x.. .... I ■■■! H I ........ JhUGAN CAR ROBBERY A daring car robbery was staged Lucan on Saturday when someo’ne /unlocked tlie garage of Mrs. 'Irving ; XUbson, apparently with a skeleton •_ :2key/ drove the car out, locked' the door again, and drove away, TWO RECORDS ESTABLISHED Her 90th Birthday Is celebrated by Dlrs, William Beav­ ers, who is One of three survivors Of fmnily of ten—-still quite no five. Qn ^Saturday, April 19th, Mrs. William Beavers celebrated her 90t*h birthday. She lives nn Lot 16, Con­ cession 4, Township of Blanshard, the same farm to- which a bride in June, 1865 band, William Beavers, vember, 1910. Mrs. J. she icpme as , Her bus- died in No- A. Kirkby, St. Marys, is the eldest child; Joseph M., who lives on Lot 16, Concession 5, Blanshard, is the next oldest; George £., who lives with his mother is the next, and B. W. F„ of Exeter,; is the youngest. Beedes her own. family, Mrs. Beavers also reared a neice, Myrtle .Senn (Mrs. J. W. Brown of Gormley) whose mother died wjien she was five years of age;, and also a .grandson, Lloyd '.Beavers,1 now of Detroit, whose mother (Liz­ zie Kemp) died when he was 17 months old. These honor and re­ spect her as their mother. Mrs. Beavers has nine grandchil­ dren and thirteen, great-grandchil­ dren. As long as she was able it was her .delight to have them all to­ gether at her home, Is Quite Active ■ Last summer Mrs. Beavers attend;’ ed the Senn re-union held in Mo­ hawk Park, .Brantfdrd, motoring there and back the same day. She also motored to Goderich last fall. Both of these outings she enjoyed as much as many a woman 20 years, younger might have. Four years ago her children and grandchildren presented her with a radio, which has been.a great pleas­ ure to her ever since. While she is not convenient to church, since the Salem church was closed some years' ago, she still enjoys, two sermons each Sunday on her radio. Mrs, Beavers loves to have caller? and is especially pleased,when any of h'er old friends or former pastors call on her. -She still enjoys receiv- g letters and has her writes GODERICH MAN HONOURED .■ Dr, J. B. Whitley,’ of Goderich, ■svas recently honored Ijy being elect­ ed President of the Ganadian Na­ tional Trotting and- Pacing Associa- tion-nnd«=hto&^coinplimentary banquet was con- *eld Jja. uG0derich{ Dr. Whitley presented yri-th aVsilver casket 'taming a solid' gold stop, watch. The Canadian National Railway established a- new record on Sunday by liiaking the trip from Toronto to Montreal a distance of 334 miles in 360 minutes. This schedule is the fastest in the world for a train of the same size and weight. At the same time a new two-way telephone Service was inaugurated ' whereby telephone conversation could be car­ ried oh from the moving train. and some 60 calls were placed from the train to various places on the North American continent and , to Great Britain, phone < ly. i. * The conversation over. the could be heard quite distinct- W. C.T. U Local News This is May Day," Mr- Eber Hedden lias returned to Port Huron, Mr. and Mrs. jps. O’Brien are vis­ iting in Toronto, Miss Rose Dearing visited in Staf­ fs over (Sunday, Miss Velma Lowry is visiting with friends in Listowpl. Mp, Moses Amy is sporting a brand new Ford coach. Mr. Burton MacDonald, of Brus­ sels, is again in Exeter, Mrs, Jas. McFalls, of London, ited with friends In town. Mrs. Andrew Hackney is ill , Mrs. Jas. Brooks is waiting on her Mr, VIS- and and Mrs. Arthur Jones visit­ ed in Toronto for a few days last MOVK INTO NEW HOME Mrs. C. E< Tuckey has returned to Exeter from London where she has been recuperating for several weeks. They north deuce J. W. Rupture Expert Here It*e? have indyedt from their farm of Exeter irito their new resl- recently pnr-eh’dsed from Mr,. Taylor, Do you suffer ffionx r so, your big opportunity l$s arrived., Mr, Reqvely t rupture expert, will The T. U. __ ____ Church on. April 2 8th, with the pres­ ident, Amy exere. were differ . ___ read an Easter Message taken from Luke 24. Miss Murray reminded the members of the ' importance of this part of the meeting and that it was, recommended at the convention held last fall in Windsor, that more time be given at each meeting to the read ing of the (Scriptures and the study | of the same, accompanied by prayer ) and. singing of hymns. Miss Murray I also read” a poem from the April White Ribbon Tidings “My Ships at Sea” ., written by Rev. G.’A.‘ Leich- Jiter of Toronto', where the three graces, Faith, Hope and Love are i pictured as ships sailing nut. to seal There was a motion put through | that a public meeting be 'held, when the prices will be given to the suc­ cessful contestants in the recent tem­ perance campaign held in the .Sunday School, Miss Murray, Mrs.’ Christie and Mrs. Moorehou.se to be a* commit­ tee to arrange date and the details. Mrs. Medd "took charge ,of the clip sheet on Citizens’ Duty, different members taking part. Since we en- ijoy ^he protection of this great Can­ ada of’ours, what duties do we owe the state in return? It is the duty of good citizens, not only to obey the laws of our country and our province .ourselves in our- daily life and con­ duct but "to use our utmost diligence to see that all laws are duly observ­ ed 'and/impartially enforced, ” and that a. spirit of wholesome regard for law and o"rder is cultivated all through«the fund.”. We owe it to future* citizens that we hand down to them unimpaired the liberties we I ourselves received as a heritage’ our ! free institutions pf universal educa-'. tion at public expense, of constitu-. 'tlonai'goVernment and religious free­ dom; aftd that We should .train them, for citizenfehip. Gladstone was train­ ed to ststtecruft from,a boy.’ Where, only twelve his father began, a sys­ tematic coufse of instruction in the scienc'd of government. A& a man his steadfast aim was to bring Chris­ tian ideals iiitd polities atid to re- Doceas'ed had been an I aoncile politics with the Sermon on regular meeting .of the W. C. was .held in the Main .Street call on her. ing and writin; correspondents to whom she weekly. Mrs. Beavers is.the eldest of the three surviving members; of. a family of .ten. 'One brother, Philip Senn, of Brantford, 'and Mrs. |Mary Foster, of Caledonia, who visited Mrs. Beavers in her home last August. ■ Unique Family History The history of Mrs. Beavers quite unique. Her father’s mother was stolen by the Indians when she was a girl five years old.. 'She, along with a younger, brother and aunt, were in a ibusii making maple syrup in the State of Pennsylvania, When they were (taken by a band of Indians who were passing that way. ‘The aunt was elderly, and not be­ ing able to keep up in the march with the Indians, was done away with the second day of captivity. After she was gone there was no one " the But is to look after the little boy, so third day he was murdered. the girl became a favorite with the Chief and was given favors and was. well looked after until she became twelve years of age, when she was ransomed by a German, gentlemen, , Miss Murray in the chair. Mrs. had charge of the devotional ises, several helpful hymns sung, prayers were offered by . - ---- .<=>-----—ent members and Mrs. Amy j until she mar aged ■was ried Mrs. Beavers' grandfather, 'Jo­ seph Senn, who was a Swiss weaver, Mrs. Beavers’ grandfather on her mother’s side, was Captain Keeley, who lived in Dublin, Ireland. Mr.s. Beavers, while failing in health and strength, is still interest­ ed in all current events, is still read­ ing the Daily Globe, and has the use of all her faculties, does her own housework and can still be consider­ ed by her friends as 89 years young., cl Zu- 3 Ox Son, ltc. LOST—Between London ch a. new Goodyear ti , Return toj^ n 5 Zurich. case & ^LONDONERS ARRESTED FOR HURON ROBBERY - i .Two Londoners have been arrest- by Provincial police in connec- ' stion with the. entering of a general ' -.store in- Goderich and a hardware jstore ,in Clinton. About $75. worth .’ef merchandise, said to be identified the description of the goods miss- . ing- in the two .stores which were robbed, wds recovered at 73 Elm­ wood Ave. where the men reside, fi, «i'&e store breaks occurred about two A weeks ago when about $200 worth yjof Hardware' and dry goods were i' cioleii. The two men arrested will febe' removed to Goderich to stand “■Stria!, A clue was secured when one I -the stolen articles was disposed j Hhf ^^’^jpawn. shop: ’ » r, ; --.x . . ■ |irHE .LATE .JOHN LOVE . < 'The funeral of John Love, was held to Nairn cemetery >,Zconducted'by R,ev. A. E. Hannahson, :' aSbist0d by .Rev, Moore,. of Strathroy r'.-ind' Rev. D> M; • Guest of €he West r WillUnis .United church. The pall- ^peafers, were “^Wilfred* Love, of Gufilpli; '■Jus Love, of Exeter, Fred Love. LVest Williams,' Dr. R. SteWart, fl’oronto and Thomas McGregor, F.jr&lt. Frifehds from, a distance Leading the funeral were; Miss Mar­ garet Love, Ailsa Craig; Misses Jean < nd Helen Love, Buffalo; Miss Pearl |mVe, \Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Gowley, f Narnia; Dr. R. Stewart and Mrs. U-thwart, Toronto; Mr fen Love, Hamilton; ;^.13^.Love, Hamilton; Neil Love, of f fsGesfiurg^ Mich.; Mr, 'JiOYb, Exeter; Laughlin Love, Kif- ■ bienef; Mr. arid Mrs. Will Love, of iiasrklijli; Mr, and Mrs. Ewen, Lon- Thomas MpGregor, ;nd Mri rind Mrs. Willard Jfcdfonaj Mr. -Love was (! t. Mrs. Willard Eastman, t Love was born in the Town- /lijo nf East , Williams in. 1847, His .ireuts, who came out from,, Scot- .nd, wore aihOtig the earliest s6t- jarb of .the township, and about 76 4ars ago the family moved to the lytn -on the 10th concession, which Ba since that time' been the Love winestead. r.......'/ Wfclid' for it years and during that1 the Mount. &ne was attended by his two Sisters. I was .a Libera! fit polities, and a' ___ member:of the Centre Boad rirs arid slaves and i'esbyterian church. He was- at’ riders.,.Frits Wittels. ri-oub times treasurer, teacher o£ “The-man believes the Sttriday. ScbooL John -Love of Haihil- An- , of of , of at- and Mrs. Dun- iMr. and Mrs. and Mrs, Louis London; Eastman, a brotliex ;tyoitften phefor iov* pro* CANADA’S GREATEST ASSET IS HER CHILDREN A rough survey of Huron County a. . _ „_re are ap- tWo hundred crippled ----- . . . -- , ., . ---------- for- 9 add weWeita&it lunes are .fcurb'd ratiior tlirifi made.” i «»u the''StfridaY .SobooL r-^Itoger W. Babson, '»• ' Lan attend, develops the fact that tlier proximately 1 Z./../ children in this county. Expert surgical Opinion, __ experience of those engaged in help­ ing these children at other points, agree that about sixty per cent, of these unfortunates can be cured if given proper' attention. This means examinations by ex-, perts followed by a course of treat­ ment t'hat the majority of individuals cannot afford. The Lion’s Club of‘Goderich has undertaken to raise funds and hold a clinic at an early date Where a thorough examination of these cliil-l drOn will be made by experts, with­ out cost -to the parents. As a first step towards raising the funds necessary to finance this clin- I ic, the Goderich Lions’ Club are putting on an old time Mammoth Minstrel show under the personal direction of Mr. Charles Meakin, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 15th, 16th and 17th. • Ydu ‘will be asked during the next few days, to purchase a ticket. , .The show itself is well- worth the price of admission, but we would ask you to 'consider the worthy object for which this money is being raised •and if you find it impossible to at-1 tend the performance t>n any of the Shove date, BUY A TICKET AMY- WAY and give it to some one who and the for- one day nrite^ Central Hotel t xeterBROTHER DIED AT SOO Mrs. Eliza Willis received word* last week that her brother, Alfred Robertson, aged 74 years, had pass­ ed away Thursday at Sault St. Marie [ following a lingerin l is the within John, about ceased widow jind her brother William, of Port El­ gin are the surviving members of eleven. Mrs. Willis is 83 and re­ markably smart and active. She Is , g illness. This in the family as her brother passed away ago. The de- second death a short time of Goderich, two months leaves to mourn his loss his and two sons. (Mrs. Willis mH! be pteasecHfto n to any e his iliance n 10 .week. The r’--" returned to their homes about the town. Mr. Hy, Huston has been confin­ ed to his home through illness, but is improving. Mrs. David McNicol, of Marsden, Sask., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Lawson. Mr, George Toombs, of Toronto, visited with his cousin, Mrs. R, Me-: Innis during Easter week. Mr. Fred Hatter, c -------- =---- visited over the week-end with his as Mr. .Patton was generally regard­ father Mr. Tlios. Hatter. (Mr, I...- j. v*vj xjdiuciM, ui - ...... ■’ Brussels, .spent Srunday with the lat- a .years . ag®’ ter’s sister, Mrs. R. McInnis. Mrs. Myrtle Kuhn and son Au­ brey, of London, visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grant. j Miss W. A. Frain of the Exeter1 hood. Public School staff spent the holi-:~ '' Purple Martins have again down town frequently and is possess-; J ed of a very bright and. happy dis-' position that makes her a. general . I favorite wherever she calls. 1 PARKHILL MAN SUICIDES John. Patton, of Parkhill, retired farmer and one of the best-known and most-respected -residents of the district, was found dead Tuesday { with his throat cut. The news of of Ailsa Craig, tragedy caused great surprise | ed to be in excellent health and was and Mrs. Percy Tyerman, of financially well to do. He was I days with relatives at Brussels. Misses Nora McInnis and Roberta Tinney spent the holidays with their friends at St. Marys and London. Mr. Wm. C. Davis sang a solo, en­ titled “Face to Face” in the Trivitt Memorial Church Sunday evening. Mrs. R. G. Gillies and son Bobby, of Hamilton, are visiting, the form­ er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. .S>, Martin. Mrs. W. T. -Goodison, of Sarnia, was - a visitor over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taman, of town. Master Murray |Madge and Miss Marjorie Madge, of London, spent the Easter holidays with relatives in­ town. " "Mr. cently injured his motorcycle, ground. I Hensail 0<Jd I Divine worship" ____ _ and a number of the Exeter brethren I Will visit' with them. ' '■ Mr. .Sam. Rennie, of Hensail, as­ sisted the" James St. United church choir -on Sunday morning and. sang an obligato in tile- anthem. Mrs. I’ seriously ill qt her nurse in attendance-. Mrs. Bishop and sister of London, were called day. Edwin Elliott, a native of Clinton, but for the past 3 8 years a resident of North Oxford Township, near In- gersQll, died Sunday in his 80th year.' Mr. Kirkwood , Hutton, an em­ ployee, at the CfN.’-R. depot, had the misfortune to spill some acid on the back of his 'hand with the result that it ate through the skin and the arm is swollen. Mrs. James Crockett her home at St. Johns after visiting for a few ;home of Mr. and'Mrs. S. two ladies being sisters, Mr. and .Mrs. "Wilbur family and Mr. S. I He - was married but leaves no I family. Mrs. Patton has not been in good health of late. Mr. Patton ir farmed in the district for some years spending his life ill the neighbor- 1.—L. A few years ago lie- and Mrs. ■ Patton retired from active farm life I and have since been residing in Parkhill. A razor was used in end- jing his life. Eldon ’Kliding, who was re- f l’Olll to be when thrown is again able attendFellows will next Sunday evening Norman' flockey has keen ' L~r home with a Her mother, , Mrs. Cake, here Mon- an em- returned to on Monday days at the Martin, the Martin and G.Bawden were in Goderich Sunday celebrating the birthday of Miss -Susanne Bawden at the home of Mrs. L. Salkeld. Dr.. P. L. Tye, of Milverton, D.D.- GjM<, will pay his official visit to Lebanon Forest Lodge, A.F. & A.M., on Monday, May, 12th. It is expect­ ed that a large number of brethren and visitors will be present. • Mrs. Wm. Kuntz returned home' Sunday after spending a. week with! her children in Windsor With her sister, Mrs. Detroit. Her sons -____ «uu. John, of Windsor, brought her home by. auto. • Miss Etta Jarrott', formerly of Kip­ pen, a teacher in Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston and motored back with Dr. Johnston, Hamilton. Mr. and Mr.s. Johnston also went to Hamilton for I a few days. At the Salvation Army services on Sunday, Mr. Winegarten, veteran member from Brantford, took part in the services. Lieut. Butler, who is in command of the local Corps, re­ cently had charge Of a special Week­ day service in Seaforth. A number of telephone men were in town last week and one of the meh entertained a few Citizens by longing by his toes from one’ of the telephone wires. He collected a Charter each fi'Om , several citibehs before doing the stunt. Mr, and Mrs. Frank ■ job ns and two sons of Toronto motored up on Friday last bringing with them the former’s mother, Mr& W1, Johns, Who had spent the Easter week in ijam- ______Mr. and Mrs, - - ' *________________td TO- and Bertrand Harold also , of and ilton and Toronto; C.L. - Johris and family returned ronto Sunday* . Miss end in Miss Eva Pearce spent the iweek- London. M. Weeks lias returned home after visiting in Guelph. ■ Misses Grace and Ruth of Hensail, spent Sunday Marjorie Pearce. Mrs. Peter Frayne and Chapman, with Miss Mrs. Peter Frayne and’ daughters Miss Lena and Mrs. A. J. Renhale visited in London over the week-end. Miss Genevieve Kerslake, of Cen­ tralia, spent Easter week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fletcher. Mr. Wm. Middleton has added a new stucco building to the rear of lij,s. bakery for room. Mrs. M. spending a .ley Snell. Mrs. G. Anderson and Miss Thel­ ma Baker spent the week-end with the former’s nephew, Dr. Walsli, Of London. Mrs. Wm. Vale visited her daugh­ ter Mrs. Wm. McDowell, of Ci'umlin during Easter week and also visited in London. Miss Mary Grafton has returned to her home in London after spend­ ing Easter vacation with Mr. and Mrs. G, Cochrane. I Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hess and 'Mr. Hy. Howard and'sister Mrs. English, ! ot‘ Hensail, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard on Sunday. i Mr troit, __ week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. aud Mrs. G. Anderson. Mrs. S. R. Prebble, Frank and Jean, of Ilderton, spent a couple of days last week with the former’s mother, Mrs. J. Hamilton. A committee has been formed in Main St. Chui’cli to determine the advisability of organizing a social club in .connection with the church. (Mrs. S. Hardy, who has spent the winter with her son-in-law and her daughter, Mr. and. Mrs. A. Ingram, of Detroit, returned home1, Saturday last. Mr. and-Mrs. Joseph Follick mot-, as he has been crowded a animat monstr. This r opening cured ca month?. ’ ly demon your per,s< do not spi ! fully satisfJ&J with Mr. Real ing. Don’t let away from date. _ give free ex-- sffferer and to de­ mous appliance,. ill contract -the- 15 days and has, •om three to six pliance is positive­ to you right oa. ut any charge. You. epiiy unless you ar^ hat it is the right, ou. A consultation will cost yQu.noU*- this opportunity get you. Remember the. NOTICE Warning to n n Borjr s Act ALL CORK MUST El UNDER ( BURNED 5 STUBBJ® 'HER JBE R OTKED EFo|tE THE 20 th F »Y NEXT. AND STALKS^ PLOUGHED^ UP OjjjFALD GINN Wnspector GODERICH, ONTARIO AN3> DAY- MORTGAGE SALE —-of --- REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the/powe^C j^ortgagei-' contained, in a certain there will be offered' forT sale j Public Auction at the Central Hotel, Fenn, of Parkhill, is few days with Mrs. Wes- and Mrs. J. Findlay, of De­ motored over and spent the ■half the Coun meas Es — on' ONDAY, M xeter 4 !7I, ; Commeii/ihg at 1.30 south wj^t corner of the west-*., f Lot W'in the 18tli Con. ©E ' 'ownshj®'’ of (Stephen, in thei-- uron contaning by ad-r venijjPt 7 acres more or loss, the late Wm. Nichol. •10 per cent. cash. Bai* ance in, -30 days. Further particular^' on day -of sale. FRANK TAYIOR, Auctioneer--------------------------j/ TENDERS WAITED Tenders for the onstruction following MunicipaJ/’Drains in Townships of H will bl received up to M-onday, tender!; will Hall, ZuricR WlI|DFi yards |incl WE 1904C Pla of 1111 J. Roger, O.LJS., Mitchell, Ontario* Five per cent, of contract to accom­ pany tender/ Lowest or. any tender not necessarily accepted. A. F. Hess, Zurich, Ont, Clerk, Township of Hajj 1 O - ot-* the- Huron County^., the undersigned fay 5tli, 193 0, whenu? g" opened at the Tow® at four o’clock p.m. , D Rain, 20730 cu bid tog branches. ?t4nch swamp drain, cub^fc yards. .Sjjetc., may be seen at office* ^signed or at office of Mr*. > ored to Sutton on Lake Simcoe last! Eletclie week Where Mr --urtd a position in a. hardware store. He left Monday for his new position. ' The Vagabond Orchestra, of Wing- liam, put on a dance in the Exeter Opera House on Friday evening last and drew a large crowd. They are returning again in a couple of weeks. The ladies of the missionary .so­ cieties of the United .churches in this district attended the Presbyter-; ial convention in Seaforth on Wed-1 nesday. Presbytery was held in Eg- mondville the same day. I week where Mr.,Follick has secured cubic yar< PROTECTED BY GROUP LIFE INSURANCE The London and: Lancashire Insure anoe Company announces that co­ operative group life insurance is now in force in its various offices throughout Canada. Female mem­ bers of the .staff are Insured foi‘ a flat amount, while male members {receive increasing protection with each year of service during a period 6f ten years. The. .group has been underwritten by the Confederation' Life Association and includes tlm staff of the head office for Canada, located’ in Toronto, branches in Moil* trea.1, Winnipeg, Vancouver and ISL John, and' the following associated conipauiesi London and Lancashire Guarantee and Accident Company, Merchants Fire insurance Company, Quebec Eire Assurance Company and Queen City Fire Insurance C6. the following associated London and Lancashire Pym Drai estimated to be in p.m., Sat be accon for 5 pe tender, not nec Henry S NOTICE 'L’O DRAIN CONTRACT Tender struction Drains in anied rk, 495®* $1606.50., accepted. J Clerk, Hensail R. R. 4-10-4tc.. le hand .asked for, i Of Fletciier __ the Townshiii of^Jsborne. Drain, new estimated ca , repair, cubic yds.,- 'Tenders- ^the Clerk at 1 3, 1930 and to a marked cheque the amount of the hejgPwest or any tended" golfers all remind its,Lives of golfers all remind us, We can top and slice and hook, And' departing leaving behind us Words you won’t find' in a book! All that man really knows to Un­ true conies to him from within. i USBORNE & HIBBERI FIRE INSURANCE Head Office, Far President Vice-Pros. FRA DTRKC JOHN MVTUAJJ ompaNy lar, Out. SIMON DOW » McCONNELL- ORS J. T. ALLISONS Wm. brock AN S SINCLAIR RO)jT. NOllRi/. SERY/Centralia, Agent porne/and Biddulph OLIVER ARRIS, Munro, Ageht HlbberC^FjUlar.ton and Logan .TURNBULL S ecr e ta ry-Tte a? u re r Box 9$, Exeter, Ontario GLADMAN & STANBUBY Boncitorg, Exeter fof‘ *