The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-03-20, Page 8*THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE FARMERS TRU R Phone 237 WIN> G0fcRAL f^ADS OF ING SOLICITED* ble Rates . Exeter, ’fy""*"................... ■ ■ 1 ■ —r; Miss Ruth “Wildfong Is ’Visiting her aunt Mrs. T. N. Northcott, of Stratford. Mr. Robt. Gambrill, of Flora, vis­ ited under" the parental roof during the past week. Mrs. John Gould has returned to her home at Sexsmith after spend­ ing the winter wjtli Mrs. Nortlieott. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer motored to London on Sunday and visited with Mr. Beer’s sister, Mrs. Young, and his mother. Mr. J. S. Grant, local baker, while up early one morning last week lis­ tened in to a radio message between New York and Commander Byrd in New Zealand. It was 6-30 a.m. on Tuesday morning at New York and Byrd gave the time as 10.30 a.m. Wednesday at New Zealand, it being the fall of the year. Exeter AfarAets Wheat $1.08 standard 55c. y 60e. Manitoba Flour $4.40 Model Flour $4.00 Pastry Flour $3,70 Feed Flour $2.25 Bran $1.85 Shorts $1.90 Creamery Butter 42c, Dairy Butter 39c. Eggs extras 25c. Eggs, first 24c. Eggs seconds 23c. Hogs, $12.00 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH r --L Bey. 3f, Bernhrtl Rhodes, A»* Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.D.C.M., Organist 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—-“Herod the Tetrarch 7 p.m,—“The Estimate o£ Waster” On March 24tlx Dr. Sherwood of the Western University, will ture in Caven church. locals __________5 Traquair & Lindenfield are hold­ ing an anniversary sale. See their full page advt. for bargains. _____________ _ The regular meeting tfjZthe Wo­ men’s Institute /will be^fteld Tuesday April hst a^the home oi‘ S. Grg^ity^'Mr. Morley will the musing. All members be present. evening, April Mrs. J. address are requested The branch of the bank of Mont­ real at Ailsa Craig has been closed, the business having been taken over by the Bank of Commerce. Have you tried our new pancake flour? It make!)delicious partakes. Try some with »ew maple ?Jgyrup. Have you gofjyour sivjSply of calf meal to enter the Baby-Beef compet­ ition for the F^ll Fa^'? Better start feeding right ^j^v' Harvey Bros. All old-country boys wishing to play football should^ send tlieir names to Walter fiJ'aCtliews, care of box 279, Exeter ^'The first practice will be heldytff^^&»'FaiF:Gi‘dunds on the evenMg’of March 31st. All players are requested to be there. Come to the Boxing Match ovei’ the Ford Garage, onJSdfurday, March 22nd, at 8 p.m. Contestants are: E. Watson vs-. Diplr’rlarris^,Fred Clark vs. Hugh ^latliRg^h^^eopsard Welsh vs. Walt^^^fcd^f.^'’ Keferee Wal­ ter Mat^tWs-—10 rounds, silver col­ lection. $. Jf^-a. Taylor safe Apply to 3-20-2tc FOR SALE—ColopyJEjfouse aZthe Apnjy Ed. 20-2tp. FOR SALE- r in first class dbn^'ition Times-Advocate^F new Exeter Post QffWel Beaver, Creditoil NOTICE — We that all contractii^g gr for seed peas as ter March 22nd. Signed Ca request ers will ca|F s possible^l- z CannerZ Ltd. X20-2tc.zENT—150 acres Lot 3. vuu. Lot 11, Con. 6, in Hay To^nsll'ip. Apply to Mr. Hilton Ford, i|?I^y P. O. Reas­ onable terms. 3-14-4tc. - —. - •—A. ! j FOR months Hern, ton R. SALE old.' THUItSDAY, JIAllOH SO, J»3» R. N. ROWE WILL SOON BE Goods CHESTER ROOM S LOTS WE IIA1 HANI) I ®s St. UnitccWChurch J Instr: ’Vocal isor Phone 20.T Funeral Director & Furniture Dealer $200. * ’XW up. OUR CK England A FULL ) MEET AM Theory ert Street, Box IGO EXETEK, ONTARIO ELD SI )F SM <L PIECES CllVCJ any distance, own (Honor Grii Piano,’ V^lihjJffarmony, Shidio • Nl on, NEW SPRING GOATS We have always something new to show you as ever/ week we are placing new numbers on our racks. We alsojshow a fine range of tweed coats for children $6.50 $7,50 &.............. ■ "" T JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D. McTavish. Pastor W. R, Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leadey a.m.—“Living peaceably will all Men” Romans 12:18. p.m.—Special Catechumen Class conducted by the pastor. p.m.—“An Outcast—but Still God’s”. 4th in the series 0 “Jottings from Job.” Job. lt3:15. 11 New Spring Dresses SHOWING THE VERY NEWEST. STYLES. " YOU Wil LIKE THEM. THEY ARE EXCLUSIVE, DIFFERENT AND ONLY JUST AR­ RIVED. IF YOU ARE HARD TO FIT LET US TAKE YOUR AND HAVE ONE MAE^E SPECIAL. IEASURE RICE you WANT TO PAY. TMENT FROM WHICH TO TVALUES 5c., 50c., 75. New Spring Qurtains and Curta NO MATTER WHAT FIND HERE A WIDE ASS( ARE SHOWING EXCELLE Nets $1.00 YOU WILL IOOSE. WE 3Miss Madeline Stewart, of London, spent the week-end in town. Mr. Trueman Elliott cthis week moved his furniture to London. Mrs. Albert Morlock, of Creston, visited Mrs. Sweitzer last week. Miss Flossie Hunter is spending a few days inzTonawanda and Toron­ to. Mr. Sid Sandors spent the week­ end in Toronto and Hamilton business, Mrs. N. S. Eaton and visiting the former’s Burke’s Falls. A large number of _ _ have already returned with melodious notes. Miss Florence Norry, of London, visited with her parents Mr. Norry on Sunday. Mr. Frank Taylor was in to last week returning with Durant Six. Mr. Thos. Seaforth, spent the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Yellow. Mr. Dwight Evans, of Fort spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Acheson. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johns have moved from Huron street to an apartment in the Metropolitan Build­ ing. Mrs. Herman Foster, of Winchel- sea, fell down cellar on Saturday night breaking a bone in one of her arms. Miss Annie Yelland, who has been ill in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, following a second operation, is im­ proving. Mrs. S. agent, of end with Sweitzer. Mr. Grant Sanders, motored up Friday and week-end with his lather Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Melville and little son, of London, )veek-end with Mr. ‘’Pickard. There has been a fairly good run of sap during the past week and con­ siderable maple syrup is finding its way into town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waal are mov­ ing to London from their farm at Cromarty. Mr. Milton Young is tak­ ing over the farm. Miss Pearl Wood was in Hensall on Sunday where she assisted as solo ist in the re-opening services of the Hensall United Church. Mr. Chtas. Foster, of Granton, re­ turned home from St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital on Tuesday having spent some time following an operation. Miss Francis Pearce and friend, Miss Webster, of London, spent the week-end with the former's Mrt and Mrs. W. C. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred G. and little daughter, of motored over Sunday and ..with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart. Mr. Hugh Creech and Mr. Sidney Clunis, of Western University spent the week-end .with the former’s par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech. Mr. Howard J. Dignan, who will this year graduate from the Toronto University, has accepted a position ^’Science Master at the Port Hope High School. Mr. John Kernick, who has been oh an extended visit with his family in the West returned to town last week and is visiting with his sister Mrs. Andrew Hackey. '“Messrs. E. C- Moir and W. A. El­ liott, of St. ' Catherines, motored up and spent the week-end in town. Mr. Elliott was formerly teller with the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Mrs. AV. H. Thornton of “Windsor had her household effects moved to Exeter last week and in future she will reside Handford Recd. Mr, and family, of relatives in Exeter on Sunday. Mr Grieve recently disposed of his drug' store at 'Strathroy health. The many friends Coates, of Usborne, son Jack parents 7 on are at spring birds their and J. Toron- a new Livingstone, of near with Erie, J. Sweitzer, transport London, spent the week­ lies mother Mrs. Lydia of Toronto, spent the Mr. S. M. MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Mooyliouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist & Choir Leader, . a.m —‘Certainty or Uncertainty’ Which Shall it be? 3 p.m.—Church School 7 p.m,—A Paradox Our song service of old familiar hymns. 7.30—Wednesday evening. Prayer Service. The Y.P.S. will be in charge The W M. S. will hold their birth­ day party Friday, March. 21st at 8 o’clock. Children of the Logie Miss- sion Band free. Mrs. (Rev.), Mc­ Intosh, of London, will give an ad­ dress. Then I-Iensall Ladies Quar­ tette will assist in the program. 11 at per yd. 25c New Sp^jng Clothing] WE ARE FEATURING FOR SP . FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN. RANGE OF NEW PATTERNS G THE “ROYAL Y$RK” CLOTHES WE ARE .SHOWIN A SPLENDID /<ICH ARE TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE. . WE GUARANTEE New Spring ASK TO SEE OUR NEW WALL-PAP1! BRIGHTEN UP THE INTERIOR OF YOUR EW ROLLS WILL WE HAVE ALSO A FEW ROOM LOTS LEFT AT 98c. &TR1VITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. 3. 3. Fenton, B.A., Rector Miss K. M. MacFanl, Organist Third Sunday in Lent 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon. Subject: “What is wrong with the world today?” ■p.111.—Sunday School and Bible Class. Bible Class in the church, p.m.—Evensong and Sermon .The subject: ‘‘Saint Augustinus Con­ fessions.” Third in the series of sermons on some “Great Spirit­ ual Books of Christianity.” ft,m.—Wednesday night. Lenten Lantern Slides. These Lenten Lectures are getting better and better. Don’t miss them, they are worth coming to see. NOTE—-Holy Communion at 11 a.m. on First Sunday of the'month and at 8 a.m. on the Third Sunday of the month. 3 7 i 8 Specials in Groceries for Thursday CANNED PINEAPPLE 2 for 28c.GINGER SNAPS 2 lbs. for 25c. and Saturday Glad man spent the and Mrs. R. E. Pure ORANGE MARMALADE Large Jar 34c. POST TOASTIES 2 for 19c. Red Cohoe SALMON 1 lb. tin 29c. TOILET PAPER 7 rolls for 25c. The English boys’ football team has again organized for the season. A meeting was held Saturday even­ ing. Walter Matthews was elected captain; Ted Moyle, secretary and Wm. Lutman, treasurer, practice will be Grounds on 31st. Mr. W. H. the pleasure recently from 'Messrs, of Old Wives, Sask., and James Kil­ patrick of Kippen. The former came East to visit -his mother Mrs. James Logan who died recently in Hensall. Mr. Logan is^a former pupil of Mr. Johnston anfrhe always comes to see him when he comes East. MAIN ST. W. MJ. S. The Women’s Missionary Society of Main St. Church held their regu­ lar monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon, March 13tli. Miss Mur­ ray had charge of the opening exer­ cises. Mrs. Pearce, the president then took the chair and final ar­ rangements for a birthday party, to be held March 21st were made. A' very interesting talk on the spread of the gospel in Europe, was given by Mrs. Mollard. The devotional leaf­ let, ‘‘Miracles Then and Now,” was road by Mrs. Skinner and a leaflet on the “Easter Thankoffering” was read by Mrs. MaWson. The meeting clos­ ed with special prayer for Miss Mui-'— . . ■ Piano ‘ Supeij I Studio, I I_______ the The first held at the Fair evening of 'March In order to reduce oux; bigg stock of furniture we will gi^' the biggest bargains ever of ed in Exet . ---------------- from $99 tol$165 and woj to $75 up, ollie Pup, male, 3 Ross Gran- 2tp. Gfiin^Zpigs. Phone Kirkton 4-13 ifR. No, and of having a Mrs. Johnston had ihort visit John Logan . Chesterfield- ‘ FOI about H. Morlock, CredfSpn R. R. L SALE-^-fj. Shorthprn ready ^dr sfcv^i f Bulls ?Apply AV. ^<-13-4tp. Entries will be reeled for Exeter Agricultural Soci^ty^iield crop com­ petition up to Ap^rl 1st.—R. G. Sel> don, .Scc’y. 3-13z-,-2tc. “X nage on ®ooms and nt water in a$cl drive shed Brick coinage on y, Ohydro, hardfandw bank harp C-- ___ ___ also goodl-^en house, good Apply Mm.' E. A. Marshall,, , 3-13?|<------------------------ SALE—A co mm odioj$r bri ck situate 0$ the Wc$F side of ;r, Ontario, equipp- FOR SALE Victoria St., containin, bath; 1 house; wired; ‘ cellar. Exeter FO'R cottage Main Street, Exetjbi, ed with bath ahdfelect^'lights, hard and soft water, dpso t<l f. es with suitabl®-grinds. _ ,, th er particulars terms apply ’0 Carling & Mortf' Solicitors, Exjrfer, Ont. h frame hous- For fur-- Sitewart Detroit, visited Be Easy c cost. Couche tresses way shall mattr lamp in stor are the bigg ever get. ining-room ^"Suites room sj$£es $40 airs e sprin ess than and mat-; price. Mar- $16.75. Any $10.00. These argains you will lin, our Missionary in Ericsdale, Manitoba. T4ILOMNG EXHIBIT rmp Top Clothe^ da-e known all over Canada for tlieir smart appearance and their wonderful valu|t Every claim made for them .is backed bf two and a half mil-_ satisfied customers.?W, we invite y<i to call at our store see Samples of?|the new fabrics and is for Spring! in this well-known Over 20 0 difi^rent materials offer e widest rangl to select your new or topcoat from® if you buy here!i’y cloth is gualahteed fine all-wool! meats are degtyle lea del g is done| lay until 1 All g nized All tail Don’t in now. tailored throughout Signed hy men reco^ s on this continent, by master craftsmen, he rush is on! Come any suit or topcoat, ure and guaranteed W. R. GOULDINGF Organist and Choygrhaster Jani A. T. O. M. rg'an Theory lusic in Schools Box 57, Phone 192 ^xeter, ont JAMES STREET W. M. S, FARM FOR RENT •—lot 9, Concession lias a frame lions about 20 acres f ply to Alonzo He] Glad man & Stanlrary, Exeter, Ont. 2-20-tfc. R SALE teplien. It bjfhk barn and ploughed. Ap- n, Crediton, or K with her sister Miss A. and her son Mr. Silas Mrs. Latimer Grieve and Strathroy, visited with -----Z-HOUSE AND LOT JFOR On Victoria St. AlrJy to J. Exeter. F • SALE— Rollin d ,^0-tfc. —gT If you wish to buy owsell a farm Pr house see R. E. Pward, Exeter. HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY FEEDS ply of feeds ate now more han ever and your needs tarter Mash nsed Grow Mash, Chick ,eef Meat, Rone .Oyster Shell, canJutte’Miink, etc. our du complete in Chick Feed, Lay Meal, Alt Grit, Coud be prompt .. ,F It Is: ritfuz/ime tohave the hens oHn/Dfled from your UtjCRt CULLING dull ___ ____ _________flock. 1,0'0. iwns. We aro oasii/lipyois of poultry. Call us when yi/t/iave poultry to Sell. OUf has JukV7 arrived Iors> w shii>nien| of leg bands All sizss and co- owing to ill- of Mrs. Maurice who has been seriously ill with pneumonia, will be pleased>to know that she is improv­ ing. MisS'.Mary . Grant R.N. nur'sirt'g'her. A Mr?“and Mrs. Fred Mallett and Mr and don/ spent Sunday at the home 0 Mr. ‘ “1 M ' can- , „ J__________ _ coil-Herald.) Rev. D. McTavish was in Hensall Sunday morning conducting the re­ opening exercises of the I-Iensall United Church following the redec- Orht^on of their awdiferhnn by the McCausland Company of Toronto. Mr. W. F. Abbott who recently un­ derwent. tin operation in London Dbs- pital, hut who lias been home and nrohitd for several weeks was confin­ ed to his bed for several days with his old trouble but is again able to , be up. 1 Mrs. Frank Mallett Sau, of Lon. and Mrs, L, Freckleton, at Lu- —(Lucan news in Stratford Bea­ The James St. W. M. -S. held their regular meeting in the church base­ ment on Thursday, March 13th. There was a splendid attendance, the president presiding. The meet­ ing opened by singing and all re­ peating the Lord’s Prayer in unison. An interesting welcome was given to the new members and associate helpers. A duett by Mrs. G. Wil­ liams and Miss Essery-was much en­ joyed. Correspondence: A letter from Mrs. (Rev.) White-of the Elim- ville Auxiliary accepting the invita­ tion to visit James St. Auxiliary for the May <,meeting; also a letter from Mrs. Andrew asking that a bale of quilts and second hand clothing be sent in by the 14th of June. It was decided to do the quilting in the church basement on tile first Wed­ nesday in April, the supply secretar­ ies looking after the needed mater-* lais in the meantime. An Interesting program was then 'put on by tlje March group with Mrs. H. Perkins presiding, openihg by use of hymn 84 and all repeating the 23rd Psalm; Scripture reading by (Mrs. George Westcott; devotional leaflet Mrs. W. Frayne; leaflet entitled “lie is Count­ ing on you”-by Mrs. C. Godbolt; Pa’s Missionary Raper read by Mrs. H, Perkins; the Study Rook reading by Mrs, Frayne; a chorus was also given ■by ladies of the group, Meeting closed .with .singing and prayer. SPRING CLEANING TIME HER IS, DINING ITES, BUDDING AND OPPER DLL DIRECTORi? FURNITURE DEALER Pliohe Of). Friday, March 21st,. will be the first day of spring. One of Bayfield’s oldest residents in the person of Alexander Cameron passed away Wednesday mdrning of last week in his 90 th year, He had been confined to his bed for about three weeks. DOROTHY E. GRA ^0$n ■JI D-fzr hi’'! ? * L. C. nstruc SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE /........... .U?? 3 DOUBLE EDGE ................................4 Perfect jedge GuavZiteed UGG1STW. S. ODLE, Ernest C.JWa rvey GEjfERAl/ Ijgj LANCE BROKER presenting Mutual Life of Canada Life, Fire, Automobile, Etc* Rev. A. Sinclair,, of Hesnsall, con­ ducted the service in the James St. United church on Sunday and de­ livered a very interesting address on the hymnoiogy of the church giving the history apd circtnnstanees uttdei* which some.z of the most, tnvoriie hymns were written.