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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-02-27, Page 5
Symbol of Service, You cannot attend . gtclpxd ot Konmurce CLINTON, ONTARIO Offers You a Practical Businej that has dents to a high si THERM Courses/ Ol'i'idf, Civil Ser Cou4c and Spc^ a bettar Schoolj^F made it possible for oiurtJsqores of stu- lobtain and hold po^rons demanding pidard of efi’iciencj^F^ is a posmoNjraiTiNG fob you Secretarial, Cjdninercial, Stenographic, C’oinmercial Teachers’ . 1 Courses arranged. Why not attend this? STUDENTS MAj Write to-day^T information. Phone 198 M. A, STONE, B, F. WARD, B.A. Com. Specialist, Vice-Principal Principal to see him of of somewhat so ago, is DR. R. I. P. DOUGA X Honor graduate of F Medicine, and the University Member, of C and Surgeons two doors eas HE Pkone 56 K aster o cience, ? WesdfTrn Ontario. llegejF&f Physicians ntario. Office Post Office. L, ONT. s ltcsidence^ 114 DR. J. A. McTAGGA L. D. S, Specializin|\in 5$Ste Work ONT. Main Street HEN 'Telephone 10 T London. Rajuiie, of Seaforth, on Tuesday. Case*.is at present visit- HENSALL Miss Hazel Hudson spent the week-end in Mr. Milne was In town Mrs. A. L. aug friends in Detroit. Mr. Richard Davis, of Exeter, was an town on M'onday on business. Miss Elva Shaddock left here last week‘for a visit with.frien'ds in Chi cago. Mr. W. D. Sanders, of Exeter, was in town Tuesday taking in the Seed. Show. Milton Love held a very success- lul sale of live stock on Saturday last. Mr.'and Mrs, Colin Hudson spent Sunday* visiting friends in Egmond- •ville. Mrs. James A. Bell is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. P. Campbell, of Windsor. Mr. Keith McLean, of Seaforth, was in Town Tuesday taking in the Seed Show. Mrs. Roy Palmer is at present visiting, with her sister, Mrs. Thomp son, of Toronto. Mrs. L. L. Knight, of Kitchener, is visiting for a few days, with her friends in town. .. Mrs. . James W. Bontliron is at .■p’resent .visiting With friends sand relatives in Detroit. Mr. Joseph Coombes,. of Blyth, visited friends in the village for a lew days last week. ’Miss Dorothy Munn, second dau ghter of Robert Munn is at present in the Clinton Hospital. Mr, J. W. Ortwein is making con siderable improvements on the house lie bought on King St. Mr. John McDonald left this week lor California where he will spend the next six months. .Mrs. Youngblut, of Waterloo, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ’-Bonthron this week. Frank Farquhar was in Hamilton on Saturday last attending the fun eral of'his brother-in-law. Mrs. H. Warner and children spent the past,week or two with relatives at Teesw;ater and vicinity. Miss Mabel Whiteman, of Kippen, ihas been” the guest of Miss- Emily Morrison for the past week. Mr. Floyd Smith, of Detroit, mo tored over. Saturday and spent the week-end with his parents here. The many friends of Miss Kate Bell are sorry to hear she is confin ed to her- home through illness. The Canadian Chautauqua intend giving concerts here on the 13th, 14th 15th and 17th of March. ’ . The many-friends of (Air. Gordon Murdock arc sorry to hear that lie as not improving growing weaker. The decorating of the auditorium of thq’United cliurcli is going on this week and will thke a short time with skilled decorators at work. '•The mail couriers are rejoicing in the fine weather of the past week, being such a change from what they liave been going through for past * months. A Pancake Social will be held in the basement of . the St. Paul’s An glican eliurch under the auspices of the Women’s Guild, on Shrove Tues- xlay, March 4th, commencing at 5 y.ni. The church services in the United church on Sunday last were held in the basement of that church owing to the auditorium being repainted and decorated. Messrs. John Smith and Morris Farquhar and Roycd Welsh ’went on hiking trip to Graiid Bend on Sun day. They walked there and hack in about eight hours the trip. The auction sale of the late Mrs. Janies ■ was held on Saturday was largely attended and good prices realized. Mr. Hedgins, of Toronto, was iii town Tuesday to see his old frlen'd Thos. Murdock but ©wing io Mr, Murdock’s serious cohdltipn wds uh- alile to see liim, Mr. H6d£in*s many friends are pleased again. T. Murdock, although better than a week or still very weak and confined to his bed and room, but it is hoped that with warmer weather coining in he may take a decided change for the better. Mrs. D. B. McLean, who spent the fall and winter months in different parts of the west with her relatives and friends, is now as far home on her return trip as St. Thomas vicinity, where she is at present iting with relatives. Robert Green, who has been some years past in the employ of McDonell Bros, garage, lias secured a position in Chatham and moved there with his family last week. Mr. and Mrs. Green, as residents of Hen sall and vicinity, will be much miss ed by a large circle of friends. The Young People of the United church held their meeting on Mon day evening with Miss Pearl Elder in charge. After the devotional ex ercises Miss Gladys Luker gave a very pleasing instrumental after which Mrs. Hess and and Mr. Clark ’rendered a vocal duet. The topic “Self Confidence” was given by Mrs. Sinclair. The very mild weather-and heavy rains of these last few days have taken away nearly all the snow. The water going away without doing much damage. A culvert was wash ed out east of, Slierr'itt’s gateway and for a while Sunday morning the water was rising on south Richmond St., but owing to -the splendid drain age system the town lias the water soon cleared away without doing, much 'damage.. Miss Margaret Murray, a former resident of the village, spent the week-end here. For a number of years Miss Murray was City, going there to nurse, and afterwards sponsible positions in hospitals in that city. in London for several years nursing her mother, Mrs. George Murray, a former resident of the village, now in her 93rd year. Miss Murray was the guest of her friend, Miss Hattie D. Sutherland, ancTher many friends were pleased to meet her again and The A. Y. P. A. of St. Paul’s An glican church held tlieir meeting on Monday evening in the form' of a social. gram Laws for a made easier tive side was taken by Miss Grace Stone and Mrs. Pepper and the neg ative side by Miss E- Johnston and Mrs. Goodwin and the ju'dges being Mr. A. L. Case, Mr. Varley ancj? Mrs. Pepper. The decision was ties for both sides. Instrumentals - were given by Margaret Drummond and readings by Mrs. Peppier" and? a so lo by (Mr. Goodwin. The .main,fea ture of the evening was a presenta tion to the President Mr. T. Simpson, who is about to leave town, with a club bag from the A/ Y. P. A. The address was read by Mrs. Peppier and the gift presented by Miss G. Stone. At the close of the meeting lunch’ was served. The .Death of Mrs. Win. Beavers The was a A but gradually and enjoyed the effects of Taylor which afternoon last THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE on diseases of horses, cfittle, sheep, hogs und fowl. He gave a great deal of information which was ap preciated by his hearers. The Hen sall Seed, Show is doing a lot of good in this district and should be attend ed by every farmer. The following tire the prize winners: Fall Wheat™W. R. Dougall, H. C. Sol'dan, Roy McDonald. Spring Wheat-—Melvin Traquair, TL Truemner. Six Road Barley—W. R. Dougall, Qlivei*..Rowcliffe, Elgin Rowcliffe, Alex Buchanan. Field P£as—II. Truemner, Alex Buchanan. Field Beans-—W. R. Dougall, O. Geiger, H. Truemner. Early Oats—Earl car Klopp. Late Oats—W. R. ward Wright, Oscar Soldan. Timothy Seed—-H. Buchanan. Red Clover—Ed. Munn, Andrew Bell, W. R. Dougall. Early Potatoes—W. Chapman. Potatoes General Crop—-H, Tru emner, A. D. Bell, Wm. Chapman.«« Kinsman, Os- Dougall, Ho- Klopp, Harry Truemner, % A. CENTRALIA and vis- for in New York train for a holding re- one of the She has been- first part of the pro debate: “Resolved that Divorce should not be to obtain.’’ Affirma- her in Miss Doris Essery is visiting grandmother M]rs. Chas. Isaac London, Mrs. (Rev.) R. F. Irwin is visit ing with friends in Seaforth. Mrs. John Kent, ho has been ill for some time is not improving in health as fast as her friends would wish. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. H. McFalls on Tuesday evening in honour of her daughter Leda who was recently married to Mr. S. Revington. The gifts were presented in.baskets dec orated in pink and white and were drawn on a wagon* by Bernice Brown and Freeman Sholdice. Mrs. Rev ington received many beautiful and useful gifts and expressed her thanks in a very capable manner. Lunch was served and everyone present re port a very sociable time evening. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Essery have re turned to their home in London af ter spending some time with their daughter Mrs. W. J- Dobbs. Mr. W. J. Dobbs has rented a farm near Lucan and will move there in the near future. Miss Mary O’Brien spent the week end at her home here. Mrs. Harry .Mills spent a few days last week visiting her son Rex, in Wyoming. GREENWAY STORES = A DOLLAR TAKEN OUT OF THIS TOWN SIGHS “GOODFBYE FOREVER”, WHILE ONE SPENT AT HOME, SIMPLY SAYS “TILL WEJmIEET AGAIN.” ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS 2’S Tender and Green 23c. or 2 for 45c, LIBBY’S PORK ANI 2 FOR 25c. BEANS 20 OZ. LARGE QUEE Special Pint size 37c. OLIVES Try this Jpe, REDJfc WHITE SOUPS a tin or 3 fol* 37c. ........' O I.- I ■■ ,ift■■■WBffWWW■■ ■ HIWIW-W* GULDEN SPRAY CHEESE 33c. a pound. ACTSRED & WHITE EXT) = ‘32 oz. bottles fori 25c. = BITTER ORANG1 = Now in Stock i 50c. a doz. = PRINCESS SOAP FL.Ikes S Pkg. 23c. or 2 for 4 5c. HEAD LETTUCE, LEAF’ETTUCE, CELERY, RHUBARB, SPANISH ONIONS, CARROTS, GRAPES, GRAPEFRUIT &. CABBAGE, ETC. I j I COOKING FIGS ” ■" -o " ................... 2 pounds for 23c. ACADIA CODFISH 1 pound package 17c. f FRESH LAKE SUPERIOR HERRINGS, IlN SALT BRINE 40c. DOZEN DRESSED, HEADS OFF.WHY PAY MORE? NEAL’S BREAD FRESH EVERY MORN ING, EIGHT OR MORE KINDS TO CHOOSE FROM, 10c. A LOAF These Prices Good Only Thursday Frifay and Saturday Feb. 27, 28th, and Mar. 1st HARVEY & HAR Phone 102 “THE OWNER SERVES THE BUYER SAVES”We Deliver ll»r Mrs. W. Sherritt returiied Satur day from a visit with ' friends * in "Windsor and Wheatley. Mr. , and Mrs; Geo. ’ Robertson-and Miss Le ona Fields motored up with her and visited here over the week-end. Mrs. T. Stewardson returned on Thursday from her daughter Marys. The Young Club are to give their play “Dot the (Miner’s Daughter” in Kerwood on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McPherson vis ited their daughter Mrs. Elgin Webb last week. The sympathy of the community is extended to Rev. J. M. Colling whose sister passed away in Alymer last week. Rev. Hill, of Parkhill, ’Occupied the pulpit of the United Church very acceptably as Mr. Coll ing was attending the funeral on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. C. Woodburn has returned home after spending ,a week in Lon don with her son Dawson, who is rapidly recovering from his recent operation. The Pink & "White Tea given in Gmce Church Parish Hall last Wed nesday was an enjoyable affair. The color scheme' was well carried out in the bountiful supper provided. The program of vocal and instrumental ; mu.sic by artists from • Parkhill a pleasant visit with Mrs. Oliver of St. People’s Dramatic Death claimed another of Hen-^nd the local church left nothing to sail’s well-known residents, on Sun day morning wvhen after a linger ing illness Mrs",^Beavers passed away in her GTtlKyear, She was stricken about a year ago with a, trouble in; her . throat and spent some time at the Seaforth Me morial Hospital but .nothing could be done for her. . , Before her marriage"to Mr. Beav er she was Miss Frena Krempien ►and they farmed for a. good many years in the Township of Hay be fore retiring to Hensall a few years ago. She was highly esteemed and lov ed by all who knew her and was a consistent member of the United church. Besides her bereaved hus band she leaves to mourn her loss one daughter Mrs. C. Brawles, of Kitchener. ■ The funeral took-’place from her late residence, Bropk St., Hensall, on Tuesday afternoon, her pastor, Rev. Sinclair having charge of the services.- The remains were then taken to .^Kitchener ‘for interment. be desired. Proceeds amounted to $35.00. Miss Topping spent the week-end at her home in London. Mr. W. Curts, of London, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Curts. Miss Grace Sheppard is staying fewWitli (Mrs. John Shenk for a weeks. MT. CARMEL Monday, Feb. 24 th at 8 a.m. Hensall Seed-, Show A large crOWd was * in town on Tuesday afternoon tb. take in the Seed Show. A lot Oij. 'Splendid grain Was shown and ^several good ad dresses were given, son. the Dr. ent D. Hankin- of Toronto, wO the judge of seeds and also ga£V$ an address. Stevenson, of 'Toronto Was pres- and gave a splendid address On Rev. Fr. Corcoran united in marr iage Miss Oleva Katherine Welten, of Dashwood to Mr. George Rosen berg of Kitchener. A number from h^re attended the funeral of the late Walter Kilgallin at London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hall of God erich. spent the week-end with the former’s brother Mr. T. J. Hall. Mr. Thomas Keogh is all smiles at the arrival of a daughter. Mr. John Hayes of Goderich call ed on friends here on Saturday. .Rev. Fr. Hall of London, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Hall. Mrs. iMitton of Detroit, is spending a few days at the home of her fath er Mr. Ed. Hall who is seriously ill. The social on Friday was well at tended. Mr, John Barry of Centralia is* Vis iting his brother Mr. J, Berry, CREDITON The “Always Faithful’’ Class of the United Church held a social ev ening at the home of Alma Lawson •on Wednesday, February 19 th. The evening was spent in playing games after which refreshments were serv ed. * Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark, of Detroit, visited a few days with the former's, parents Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Holtzmann, of Bald Eagle Lake, Mich., return ed to their home on Sunday, Mrs. Leah Holtzmann and Mr. Clarence Holtzmann returning with them where they will visit for some time with relatives in Detroit. Mr. George Castle, of London, spent Sunday with Miss E. Brown. Mr. Gerald Zwicker, of Upper Ca nada College, Toronto, visited a few days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Zwicker. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Goetz, of Dashwood-, were in town on Tues day of la^t week. Mr. Israel Gaiser is spending a few days with relatives in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eilber left ’’past week for Detroit and Cleveland where they will visit with relatives. Mrs. Elsi Heywood, of Exeter, is spending a few days with her sister Mrs. Edward Fahner at the Central Hotel. . We Brown ness. IMr. Miss Catherine Finkbeiner, of Dash wood and Mr, and Mrs. Solomon Martin and Miss Lylyan Martin, of Zurich visited on Sunday with Mrs. W. Wuerth who is quite ill at pres ent. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wuerth, of Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Wuerth. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Clarke, Miss Laura. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell Clark, of Detroit, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kestle of Exeter. The annual Community Oyster Supper of the men of Crediton and vicinity will be held in Mr's. Clark’s Hall next Wednesday evening, the 5th of March. 'Strong committees have been selected to make a suc cess of this gathering. Major Wood of the London Chamber of Com merce has promised to be present and deliver an address. There will also be, an excellent program con sisting of orchestra selections, com munity singing and solos by our lo cal talent, so the men should all try and be present. If you can’t eat oysters you will not be 'disappointed as Chris Fahner has a lot of fine chicken which he promises will be in excellent condition. Mr. and Mrs. Eli King were pleas antly surprised at their home on Monday, February 17 th, the occasion being1 their 38th wedding anniver sary, when the family gathered to wish them many happy returns of the day. After a bounteous oyster supper was served the evening spent in games. are glad to see Mrs. Harry out again after her recent ill- and Mrs. Wesley Wolfe and A very enjoyable time was spent on Friday evening at the church, when the theii* play a church) audience. tionally well taken. Miss Anna Jeffrey around whom the story winds, takes the part of a delight ful country girl Ruth Wynn, return ing from a visit to New Nork and whose return is anxiously looked for by her father Martin Wynn, taken by *'Mr. Gordon McDonald and her aunt Melissa taken by Miss Potter and much to me interest of her neighbors, one Mrs. Poplin, Mrs. N. Hunkin, whose symptoms, ailments, inquisiteiveness is the source of much amusement as were also the spry darkie maid Lindy Lou, taken by Mrs. Gordon McDonald, Mr. Will Allison taking the part of a young farmer, with more than usual inter est in Ruth, during Ruth’s visit to New York she met a rather attrac tive gentleman in Mr. Vincent, Mr. Will Cann, much - to her father’s dismay iand where the crisis of the story comes out. Rhode, played the part of a happy coquette and city friend of Ruth’s, with a talent for planning match making, and last but not least were the .amusing antics of IMr. Josiah Fissard the umbrella maker, taken by Hal-Brown, in his efforts to at tain the hand of Mrs. Poplin',” but one must .see these delightful play ers and their comedy to know more of the happy endings. Mr. Jim Mc Kellar and Mr. W. McNicol furnish ed the music between the acts to the delight of all. young people presented (one of unusual merit for “Home Ties,’’ to a good The parts, were excep- Miss the Miss Marguerite WHALEN Mr.Thos. Tapp, of Virden, Man., is visiting friends-in this commun ity for a short time. Miss Elsie Gunning is visiting her sister Mrs. Percy Passmore of the Thames Road for a few days. Mrs. D. A. Johnson is in Victoria Hospital, receiving treatment for a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster, of Winchelsea, spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parkinson. • Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Millson and family, of Lucan, were Sunday visitors at the home of Frank Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squire, of Farquhar, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire. Miss Jessie Brooks, nurse of Vic toria Hospital has returned to duties having spent three weeks cation at her home here. Friends were pleased to see D. Johnson Sr. out again on Sunday having improved as much as to be able to teach the Adult Bible Class again. Mr, Johnson had been quite ill for several weeks. The play entitled “Sonny Jane’’ put on 'by Woodham young people will be given in this church on Fri day evening, February 28th at 8 p.m. Miss Viola Grose, of London Tp., is the guest of the Misses Evelyn and Alma Parkinson for a few days. her va- Mr. was GRAND BEND Grand Bend Jack Rabbit Club are closing theii1 season with an oyster supper and dance at the Lakeview House on Wednesday, March 5th, for which an admission fee of 50c. will be charged. Mrs. John Holt and Miss Enid are spending a few days in Sarnia. Miss Edytli Loviei is visiting in ■Sarniat for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Baird went to Sarnia Monday to see Mrs. Baird’s brother Mr. Stubbs, who is ill in the hospital. Rev. and Mrs. Colling returned Monday of *Rev. Rev. a very ing in the United Church in the ab sence of Rev. Colling. Mr. and Mrs. Sfeacott, of Detroit, spent the ewek-end with ,Mrs. E. Brenner at the House. after attending the funeral Colling’s sister in Alymer. Hill, of Parkhill, preached able sermon Sunday morn- Mr. and.'. ‘ B rentier5,. bird has says that , With the few Almost every kind of come to the park which spring is not far off. warm days recently it won’t be long ‘ before the sap is running. - Mr. Len. Tuttle '’.and Miss Mary Lauflaud, of Detroit, visited at Mark Wild’s over the week-end took a little joy ride down in pines with Mr. and (Mrs. Wilds and Mrs. Bert Holt, their new a Flying Cloud, struck a piece of icy road and turned over twice. The ' car was damaged somewhat the glass being broken. (None of the occupants were seriously hurt but all received a severe shaking up. Mr. Tuttle was not used to driving much on the country road. ELIMVILLE Mr. . and the and car, THAMES ROAD Mrs. Jas. Hodgert is confined her bod suffering from pleurisy. Miss Marjorie Hackney training at bany, N. Y. The cars the Thames rather muddy. Several young meh of “The Club’’ held a dance at the Hall, with a good attendance all seeming to have a good time. Rev. Mr; Elder, of Cromarty, will be in charge of the services Spring Festival on Sunday, March 9th and on Monday-—well, look fdr the bills for further announcement. to nurse-m- Seaforth, leaves for Al- , shortly. and trucks can run on Road, though in places near Zurich. McLaughlin at- of the former’s McKellar in W, KHIVA Miss Marguerite Knight spent the week-end at her home in Strathroy. Ml. and Mrs. Alex Neeb spent last Sunday with friends Mr. and Mrs. Jas. tended the funeral cousin the late Robt, Williams on Thursday, Mr. and iMfs. Wm. MaSoh last Sunday with friends • in ton, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tilley spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. R. Davey. A nuntbev from here attended the farewell party for Mr, and Mrs. H. Shade on Friday evening. spent Credt- Mrs. Case Miners, of Sarnia, is visiting relatives in our neighbor hood at present. •Mr. Walter Johns, of Western University, spent the week-end at his home here. The very mild weather of the past . week has cleared away the snow- very rapidly, cars are running but the frost has not lifted yet. Broken, culverts and washouts, are the order of the day. Mr. Will Stephen has purchased the farm, stock and implements of Mr. Alonzo Walker near Woodham and will take possession this week. Mrs. Chas. Johns returned home. Saturday evening after spending a' week with her sister Mrs. Whaley in St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns and baby visited relatives in St. Marys- on Sunday last. We were visited by our first thunderstorm on Monday night and the telephone line shows the effect at time of writing. The regular meeting of the W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. Fred Delbridge on Wednesday evening of last \Veek. A fairly good number ' were present, although the roads were in bad condition. The honor ary members were,.also visited to at tend this meeting. Mrs. C.’ God- bolt, 1st “Vice-Pres., was in charge, SMiss Mae Clarke sang a solo and leaflets were (read by several and a social hour spent at the close. The executive of tho W. M. S. met on Monday evening of this ‘week and arranged the program for each meeting for the coming year, This plan Was carried out last year and proved very successful, each meet ing being member, increased and attendance doubled^ The next ( March tth in charge of a different1 The interest was gteatiy! meeting will bo held o*