The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-12-19, Page 5THE 'EXETER TIMES•ADVOCATE
7.HVI SP" DECEMBER 1.9, 19201,
g jj lot 4 tOaninterr.
fJ1.INTON,. ON .'.tl lip
that lras made it p �. sible for our scores of dents to :obtain and
hold positiona demi ding 4 -high standard efficiency..
-T11161113. 1S. A POSI`T'ION, '.VAI < G FOR TOU
Courses: Secretarin Couunereittl, S '`ogrepiile, General .01..11e0.<
Civil Seeviee, oruruer'ciui Te ers Courses artd Slrceiol
- Courses urrang, a.
. You cannot' attend better echo
Why not attend this?
School Reons M day, January 6th, 1930
r M. A. STONE,
. Com, Specialist;
r information. Phone 198."
• 13. F. WARD, M.A.
lee -Principal Principal
• dedicine
the Univ
and Sur
tvvo dooi
Phone 5(i
R. I. P. D s; GALL
graduate e t Faculty of
and Ma, or or Science, of
rsity , Western Ontario.
of loge of Physicians
o = of Ontario. Office
ast of Post Office.
BBesidenct} 114
Specializi in PI e
1116N, ILL : NT.
+,telephone Ill( Main Street
L. D. S,
Miss Eliza Newell spent the week-
end with friends in Exeter.
Miss Nellie Carmichael, oL' Deeter,
is assisting in the drug store !during
the Christmas rush.
Mfrs. Alvin Hoskins, of Detroit, is
-visiting at the home of her father;
lir. Lawrence Hofferman.
A cheque for $250 was paid over
-to the town treasurer as a rebate on
the street lighting for 1928.
Mrs. G. Horton, of Saskatchewan
and 11Irs. Sam Horton, of Calgary
are visiting relatives in town.
'The .public library will be closed
.on December 26th so as to allow the
librarian a well earned holiday.
' Miss Jean Elder of London is
spending a few days at the hone of
her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Eld-
Mrs. Lee Haddon, of Hamilton, is.
visiting with friends: In town and is
also helping at the post office dur-
ing the Christxnas rush.
Next Suday special 'Christmas' ser-
vices will be held in all the churches
aitd special Christmas. music will be
furnished by the choir.
The scholars of the United church
Sunday School will hold their :annual
Crhistmas entertainment in the. Town
Hall on Monday evening. A splen-
peograrn will be provided.
A representative from Toronto
was here for a few days lately to
check up the trouble and has made
a :recommendation to the Toronto;
'4 -Commission. The manager hopes
to. have the troubles satisfactorily
• .elided in a few days.. •
•Tbe members o1 the Carmel Pres-
byterian Church intend holding a
:Christmas Concert in the Town Hall
on Thursday evening, December 26.
A fine program is being prepared
aid will consist of choruses, drills,
pantomines, solos, etc and a short
play will -be given entitled, "A Kiss
in the Dark." '
The firemen nave erected their
annual Community Christmas Tree
u front of the Town Hall. The tree
is nicely decorated with coloured
lights and has a handsome appear-
ance. Sonta Claus will arrive here
Monday around 2:30 p.m. and will
have a present for every boy and girl
and will have one also for the chil-
dren who are unable to come.
Tho A.Y.P.A. of the St. Paul's An-
glican church held their meeting on
Monday evening last. The meeting
was presided over by the president
Mr. T. Simpson.. After the minutes,
roll call and general business, the
.scripture lesson was read by Mr.
Peppier after- which Mrs. Goodwin
gave a reading entitled "Interest. of
entisic in the dome." A musical
number was given by Mrs. Peppier
and the remainder of the evening
was spent in singing the Christmas
The last meeting of the Hydro
-Commission for the year was held
.on Friday evening last with all the
members present and a lot of busi-
ness transacted. The local commie -
shaft have had. some trouble over not
having ettouglr ]ower some times for
the electric stoves during the rush
hours of the day. The manager eX-
Veined that the step-up tearrsforrners
now in nee to take Care of the rush
hours would cause too crutch trouble
.at night when the power use was
Council :1ieetiti
The hist meeting of the village
.eotrncil for the year was held on
Monday evening with all the urom-
berg pre' ut. The minutes of the
last meeting were read and adopted
on motion of Petty and Cameron. A
yuiniber of adjustments were asked
for in the way of rebate on dog taxes
but the council thought it better to
lertve the meeting till the new coun-
cil in January so as to give those
a chanuC who wish to appear before
the council in person or .send in a
'tveitten notice of being wrongfully
A nrtthei' of accounts were pre-
sented and ordered paid. Tax col -
teeter Hemphill was Present and
made a report .to the Council. He
stated that there was still some
$1,000 of taxes still unpaid but the
most of it would be paid within the
next Yew, days. On motion of Ort••
wein and Sangster the roll way' ex-
tended to finish- collection,by Janu-
ary 13th:'
Before the council; adjournment
Reeve Higgins thanked the council
for their hearty co-operation during
the year -and stated that during the
7 or 8 years ,as councillor and reeve
of . Iiertsall he never worked with .a
Council *bete there was less strife
than there was, this year. It would
be, intp"oseible for a reeve to .give his
best to the municipality that he re-
presented without the help of hie
council :and no. ono knows what a
hearty co-operation means in a conn-
cil till he occupies the Reeve's chair
. Two municipal drains have beer,
put in this year at a very low cost;
a lot 'of gravelling. has been done;
the town pumps and water tank have
been practically rebuiit.,and a great
amount of other work done. Al-
though 1 mill extra was charged uP
to the' village for the provincial
Our rate this year was 1 nrlll less
than last year which is a record for
our council.
Councillor Petty also spoke for a
few minutes touching on the splen=
did co-operation this year and hoped
that the electors would see fit to
give the council an acclamation for
The council then adjourned.
There is to be an entertainment
and Christmas Tree at the church
on Friday evening. All the chilclen
have made a special attempt to hove
an interesting program.
itir. and Mrs. Howard Wright and
children visited Mr. and Mrs. H.
Kaercher on Sunday. ,
The W.M,S. held - their monthly
meeting in the church Tuesday last.
A good attendance were present,
1lfiss Edna Brintnell; of Seaforth,
is hone spending a few holiclay:s with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Brintnell, of Chiselhurst.
b'[r. Frank Hall was in London last
week on business.
Mr. Edward Hogan, of .Edmonton,
Alta., is visiting his brother bIr. J.•
Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Morrissey and
sons Jack and Cyril attended the
funeral of a friend at London on Sat-
urcl ay.
Miss Ellie Iloulahan, of Detroit,
is visiting at her home.
Mrs. Catherine O'Rourke received
the news of the death of her aunt
Mrs. Sweeney whose death took place
at the home of her daughter Mrs.
J. J. Ryan of St. Thomas last week.
Mr. Alonzo /McCann has engaged
Robert Denny to work on the farm.
Miss Aileen Boland left last week
for Detroit where she will train. at
St. Joseph's "Mercy Hospital.
We have the parts and experienc-
ed mechanics, Try our Ford service.
Sandy :Elliot. Genuine Ford parts
all models 1912 to 1929 carried -itr
Our local cream haulers have had
some -difficulty during the recent
block -up with heavy roads, Mr. Joe
White being obliged to leave his
truck in the country until :Sa,turdoy
aftern 0on.
On Friday evening of this week
the Eatnclay School will hold their
annual Christmas Concert Tree in
basement of the church, Admission
adult classes 25c.; intermediate 15c.
and smaller classes free of charge.
M'r, and Mrs. Richard Hicks and
family, of Flint, Mich., are holiday-
ing with their parents.
rehr. John Kent has been confined
to his home through illness for the
past week.
The Young people of the cotenttrn-.
ity met recently at the homes of Mr.•
and Mrs. Murray Neil, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Smith, Mr. and Mrs. 'meet Bohr-
owthen. Mr. and Mrs. Neil were pro-
sented with a Chesterfield table, 11Ir,
and Mrs. Siitith with a buffet mir-
ror and fern stand, Mr. rand We.
Ilowden a wieker chair.., Tlie been -
lugs were spent in games and dance
We are ;glad to TWA that i11r°.
Kenneth Simpson will be able to re-
turn to his honte the latter Viet of
this week.
We are sorry to report that 'Mr's.
Magdalena Either is on the sick list.
\Mrs Lloyd Hey acrd sou )'reder-
lett ere visiting for a few weeks in
Detroit with relatives.
Miss Lily Either, of Cleveland,
spent :Monday with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Cltas. Either.
Mrs. Albert Morlock and Miss C.
Beaver attended the funeral of their
aunt it1 Hamilton last Thursday.
Ivir, Lester Mcisane, of Detroit and
Miss Helen Melsaae, of London spent
Sunday with their parents Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Mc:Isaac.
iter, Elgin Woodall, of Detroit,
spent Sunday with his parents M,'.
and Mrs. Jgseplr Woodall.
..bir. Henry Either attended the In-
surance meeting inBensali last Sat-
Mr. Albert Moriock 18 busy these
days erecting his machine shop on
bis premises.
Mr. Henry F, Silber returnoci to
London on Monday to complete his
plumbing job.
Mr: and Mrs. John N. Merlock
have moved into their new home 011
King Street, We Welcome them to
our town.
The Christmas Concert of the
Evangelical Sunday School and con-
gregation will he held Wednesday,
December 25th in the auditorium of
the church at 8 p,m. .A. miscellan-
eous program ,by the primaries and
juniors will first be given and a sac-
red pantonine followed by the inter-
esting cantata "The Song in the Air"
by the Young people. The entire
Program promises to he interesting,
entertaining and instructive. Every-
body- is cordially invited to attend
this sacred concert.
" In the service next Sunday even-
ing at the Evangelical church the
male choir of twenty voices will sing
a Chrsitmas selection. The choir
and possibly other individuals will
also contribute to the 'evening ser-
vice. This will be a very sacred and
enjoyable Sunday pre -Christmas ser-
vice. Come prepared to sing a
number of old-time Christmas Car-
ols. ,We expect a large congrega-
tion if the weather permits.
The annual Christmas party given
by the Evangelical Dorcas Band
brought out forty of its members.
At 8.30 p.m. the teacher of the class
W. M. Sippell took the chair and
opened with brief devotion. A part-
ly sacred surprise program was ren-
dered at which every one was to re-
sPon:d. There were a number of
real new surprises. The Dorcas.
class boosters would have won the
prize if one had beeu offered. Very
interesting readings; . a humorous
duett and a solo were given and a
closing contest. The distribution of
Christmas gifts with bliss Lillian
Haist -as holly old- S,aint Nicholas had•
its usual fascination and the social
conriiittee brought out a bounteous
helping of sandwiches, cake and cof--
fee. A vote of thanks was given to
The White Gifts will be received
in next Sunday's session of :the Sun-
day School. A representative from
each class will bring their class of-
fering to the platform, the evening
of the concert. The sunt total w
be announced. The gifts will be di-
vided among the cliartiable institu-
tions. of our Province.
Rev. Lorne W. Brown, former-
ly of Crediton, who recently moved
from Stamford, Conn. to take charge
of the Hollis Presbyterian Church,
Hollis, Long Island, N.Y., was on
Wednesday evening of last week in-
stalled as the new minister of the
church. The .order of the service
was as follows: O'gan prelude; hymn
number 465; call to worship; prayer
of invocation; scripture reading. Ro-
mans 12, by Rev. M. A. Cayley; North
Avenue Presbyterian Church, New
Rochelle, N.Y.; Anthem "Seel: Ye the
Lord"; sermon, Rev. Dr. Geo. Ste-
wart, First Presbyterian Church, of
Stamford, Conn.; Constitutional ques-
tions, Rev. Andrew Magill, Moderator
of the Brooklyn -Nassau Presbytery;
Prayer of Installation, Rev. W. P:
;Moody, Director of Religious Educe-
iton, Brooklyn -Nassau Presbytery;
Charge to the, minister, Rev. W. P.
Soper, Huguenot itlemorial Church,
Pelham Manor, N.Y.; hymn number
433; Charge of the People, Rev.
Frederick T. Steele, general+secretary
church Extension Board, Brooklyn-
Nassau Presbytery; Hymn number
336; Benediction; Organ Postlude.
B. E.
Y, W'inehelset
turas fruits, peels,
es right, right at
The Christmas entertainment on
Friday night of this week December
24th in the United Church. A good
prograln is being prepared; so don't
miss it.
Rev. J. M. Coiling was in Loudon
on Friday broadcasting at C,iGie
11Irs. Coiling was with him.
Quite a number took in the dance
at Tltedford on Friday evening last,
Mr. Peter Eisenbaeh is finishing
Up the sawing of the logs in the
Do your C'hristina.s shopping, at
home where you get valtte for your
A white Christmas Will be observ-
ed next Sunday. It you feel like
helping being your gift next Sunday
Morning, At the service Rev, J, M.
Coiling will give his sixth in the
series of the greatest things in the
Bible. Be sure it hear hint.
qi11111I11111111111111111I11111111111111ii 1111i1111i ii1111111011i11111111111MIIIIIIIi11II1i1i iii111i1111111111111111i11111111I110111 11111111
Wishing You A Merry Christ
Finest Quality
Good even assortment
2 pounds for 45c.
Regular 10c. size for 5c..
While t: ey last.
25c, per bunch
Ogilvies -
Per pkg. 40c.
ith every 1 Ib, tin
at 70c.
We are offering
1 lb. of SU
. 1 • I, , , 39c, a dog,.
Oranges ,'t, 59, 74 and 89.c. 'a dozen
Red E ,. ' rot. Grappes -2 2 lbs. for 29e,
Tabl • aisins , . , , , . 1 lb, pkg. 35c.
Sh ed Almonds ., , , , .. , , :59c.' a 'lb.
flow Pineapple Rings . , - 70c., lb,
Red Cherries in Syrup 1,.2 1f . for 25c.
New Dates . , ... , ,_... 3 lbs. for 27c.
De -Luxe Jelly Powders .5 pkgs, 25c.
Don't overlook our Golden Spray
Cheese .at. 33c. lb. the finest made,
CHRISTMAS •;• NDIES-T largest range of Christmas Candies in
Exeter Call and be convinced,
CHOCOLA i ES -Fan Boxes, ranging from 10e. to :$5.00 '
Phone 102
IIIIIlI111i11i111111IIIIII111111IIIII 1111
"' ality Always Higher than Price,"
We Deliver
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L :S., D.D.S.
DE ; .AcG SU ' EON e
At office 1 Iiar eib Block, Dash-
wood, first i' ire:. days df week and
at; office ov " ie Post Office, ID
Zurich, last ee days of week.
,Please keep in mind Blackhush S.
S. No.' -11 School concert to be held
in the school on the evening of Fri-
day, December 20. The concert will
consists of songs, dialogues, drills,
etc. Keep this date open for a good
time. Admission 25c. and 15c.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ahrens, of
Elmira and Mr. Wm., Mussehl, of
Elmwood,. have returned home after
attending t°he funeral of their uncle
Mr. G. Nadiger. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Schulty, of Mt. Clemens and hir. and
Mrs: Dan Normyle, of Kalamazoo,
Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, of
Galt and Walter and Harold Nadiger
of Cass City, (Mich., Have also return -
i d home after attending. the funeral
of their father and grandfather.
On December the llth one of the
oldest and most widely known resi-
dents of Dashwood in the person of
G. Nadiger died :at the hone of his
son Edward in his. 7 Sth year. The de-
ceased was born in Petersburg, Ont.
and .came to Dashwood 47 years ago
and lived here ever since. His wife
predeceased hint eight years ago and
one son John sixteen •years ago. He
leaves to mourn two sons and three
daughters and 10 grandchildren one
brother and one sister. The funeral
was held from Lutheran church
where services were conducted by
Rev. Ness. Interment was made in
the LuthOr-an cemetery.
Last week mention was made of
the death of 'Mr. John England who
died in St. ,Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
don, on December -the 5th, 1929 ag-
ed 67 years, 11 months and 1 day.
The deceased had been ailing for
several weeks suffering from gan-
gerine. He was taken to the Lon-
don Hospital where the leg was am-
putated. The ' deceased was twice
married, his first wife being Re-
becca Schrader who predeceased hint
the following year. Irl 1896 he was
married to Caroline Older and for
33 years they lived on the Goshen
line before moving to Zurich three
years ago. Besides Itis widow he is
survived • by one brother Henry, of
Dashwood, three sisters, Mrs. Jacob
Link, .Irs. Daniel Fatist and Miss
Mary England, all of Dashwood.
The funeral was held on Sunday,
December the Sth. interment in the
Exeter cemetery.
Christmas concert in the United
church on. Christmas eve. Don't miss
the fine Christmas pageant and the
other items.
Mies Dorothy i)elling was in Lon-
don last week,
:Mrs. English has returned froth a
week spent in London with ]ler
daughter Mrs. Troy Shepherd,
Mrs: Allister, one of the oldest
residents suffered a severe stroke
last weep. Several members of her
fancily from Michigan have come to
help care for her.
School cottoerts are creating' an
interest in the neighborhood.
Last Monday evening the members
cif Grand Rend 'rutted church joined
With the local church and listened
with greet profit and interest to a
masterly address by Rev, I3reihner,
tie llrucefield. The pastor Rev, 3.
("`olliftg presided and the ladies
served lunch.
Next Sunday the C'hristnlas mess.
sage will be given 111 the United
church lit sermon and song and the
White Christmas will be observed
as in recent 7o3r3.
The Ontario Department of Agric ure
Extends to you The Season's Gr ,;' tangs
and invites you to attend c e
Short Co ''rses
Agricult re and H 1 e Economics
To bel d in
�Y 7:
R •
Tuitio> fre.,:,' °No text books required -
Courses ,'n,;r` •griculture-TOWN HALL
Courses in Home'' conomics-MR. SENIOR'S HALL
For further particulars and complete outline, of the .
courses write:
G. A. McCAGUE Agricultural Representative, Clinton, Ont.
Dr. John Roger and Mrs. Roger
have been visiting friends here left
on Saturday for Whitby.
1liessers. Amos Doupe, J. Walker
and R. Selves were in Goderich this
week as witnesses on the Dawson vs
Dawson case.
Mr, and Mr. Walter Hazelwood
went ,to London on Saturday on
their way to Detroit where they will
visit for a while with their family.
Mrs. S. Shier spout a few daye
this wieel. with her daughter in
.The roads are in .poor shape for
motheing. Two cars got into the
ditch near the school house.- For-
tunately no one was hurt.
The public school held their con-
cert on Friday afternoon with a
good attendance. The children did
exceptionally well under the trate-
ing of Miss Gunning and Mr. W. R.
Goulding. •
The funeral o1 tate late Mrs. John
Berry was held from St. Paul's An-
gilican Church on Wednesday after•
noon. Mrs. Berry passed away ort
•Saturday, following an operation ii
Toronto. Rev. bit•. Bulteel, of the
Anglican Church, and Rev. ilii. Bell
of the United Church had charge of
tate funeral service. The church
was packed to the doors with sor-
rowing friends and acquaintances,,
Mrs. Berry leaves her husband, one
brother and one sister to mourn her
We have tate parts and experienc-
ed mechanics. Try our Ford service.
Sandy Elliot, Germine Ford pttt•ts
all models 1912 to 1929 carried -in
Mr. and Mrs. Will Elford and
fancily visited relatives at Wellburn
on Snnclay last,
Mrs, Maud Heyw.00cl, of Exeter;
was renewing acquaintances in the
Vicinity last week.
Iteniember the Public School con-
eert to be given in the church on
I rictay, December the 20th, cont-
nthncieg .nt 7.30 promptly.
Mr. 'Wilfred ,Tonus is still seriouee
ly i11 at 'Victoria IZospitel, London.
Mr. Joshua Johns, his father, has
been stayltil, with him for some days.
b:tr. Earl Jolritstol't is .allsnrilest
it's a girl.
Mr. W. flatten is also smiling for
it's also n girl,
United serviees' of church and
Sunday School will be held Sunday
afternoon at 2 p.m.
The annual meeting of Zion Sun-
-day School was held recently. The
school are winding up a successful
year. The finances are in a healthy
condition there being $77.00 in the
treasury. The election of officers•
for next year resulted as, follows:
Supts., Eph. Bern, Wellington
Brock; Sec'y., Ward Hern; Assist.
Sec'y., Thomas Hern:; organist, Ha-
zel, Earl, Mrs, W. .Batten; Temper-
ance Sec'y., Ross Hern; Missionary
See'y., Mrs. W. Brock; Cradle Roli;.
Mrs. A. Jacques; Teachers, R. E.
Pooley, Harold Hern, Wm. Bern,
Mrs. Warren Brock, Mrs. R. E,.
Pooley, Mrs. J. T. Bern, Mrs. M.
Hern, Miss Hazel Earl.
The December meeting of the W.
M. S. was held at the home of the
President, +Mrs. Frank Gunning on
Thursday :afternoon of last weeie
with the President in charge. Mrs.
Thos. Gunning, Mrs. John Hazel-
wood and Mrs. Frank Gunning led,
in prayer. The scripture lesson.
Luke 2; verses 8-20, was read re-
sponsively with Mrs. Melville Gunn-
ing., The . devotional leaflet, "Re-.
gions Beyond" was react by Mrs!
Harvey Squire. The business. for
the year was finished and the re-
ports given. The annual meeting
was then held and the following of-
ficers Were elected: Pres., Mrs. V.
Gunning; 1st Vice -Pres., Mrs. John
Hazelwood; 2nd Vice -fres., Mrs. W.
Morley; Ree. Sec'y.,,Mrs. Milton Og--
clear; Corr. Sec'y., hits. 'Harvey'
Squire; Treas., hire. alert Mossir,
Christian Stewardship Sec'y., hire.
Plies. Gunning; Finance Com„ Mrs.
T. Gunning, Mrs. Mossip, Miss Bessie
Marley, Mrs. Melville Gunning, hits.
Edgar Squire; Strangers.Sec'y.,
Albert Gunning; Assist., Mrs. D. A.,
Joltt'on, 111issionary Monthly See'
M're. Frank Squire; Supply Sec's,
Mrs. John Hodgson; Assist., 'lits. (l.
Squire; Temperance See'y., airs. W.
Morley; Supt. of Little Light Mare
era, Miss Elsie Gunning; Literature
See'y., Mrs, Harvey Squire; Press
See'y,• Miss Elva Morley; Mite Box
Sec'y:, Airs. Freeman Arksey; Pian-
ist. Mise Bessie Morley; Assist, Miss'
Verna Hazelwood.
fire meetings will be held itt tine
Moines with lunch as usual. *Plans
will be made for meetings and the
lunch conttuitto,oa for the ceittiutz
year. ' P?ay er' by Mrs, 1). A. Johnsoit
closed the meeting. Tea was then;.
Served and ail enjoyed it pleaSnnt the
joytblis tlltro.