The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-11-21, Page 2THURSDAY, NOVEMBER et, 1029' THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 50 YEARS AGO On. Monday last Mr. T. Bissett of this place, sold a handsome span at draught horses to Mr. White, of Rogcrvi.11e for a good price. On Monday last there were 1,000 turkeys shipped from Exeter station for the Old Country, Of this nuns- ber Mr, James Pickard :supplied 400. On Saturday afternoon Arr. Jos. Case, of Hay, was sitting in a buggy opposite Mr. B. V. Elliott's law or- rice, when his horse made asudden Start and threw him out. The horse ran as far as the Iiolsons Bank where it ran against Mr. John Drew's team which was tied, scratching the side •of one of them and Causing them to break the tongue of the wa- gon to which they were attached. Mr. Case was not much injured in the fall. Won at Last During the last two weeks con- siderable interest has centred in the shooting matches for what is known as the Dyer Cup, which has been in possession of the Exeter Gun Club for several years. Up to the Pres- ent year, however, the members were allowed merely to hold the. Cup, but early in the present season they determined that it should he - come the property of any nlelnber° who could win it six successive times. .Each member became anx- ious to become its owner, but the fortunes of the gun varied, and none of them was fortunate enough to beat six opponents in succession un- til M1'. John Heywood, of Usborne, undertook the task and on Saturday'. last he defeated the sixth. man, Mr. Thomas Bissett, by no means a mean competitor, as the various matches at which 11e has .been winner attest. In fact, he is considered the crack shot of the neighborhood. As the contest was to decide whether Mr. Heywood should own the cup, the interest was excited to such a pitch that a large number of spectators visited the ground to witness the shooting. The two men were ties ,until the last bird which Heywood killed and Bissett missed. The score was Bissett 7 and Heywood 3, The following Is the list of the matches Which Mr, Heywood has -t:ontested for the Cup: Heywood 9, Simpson 8; Heywood 7, Lake 3; Heywood 8, 13issett S; Heywood 6, Bright 5; Heywood 7, Fairbairn 5; Heywood 8, Bissett 7. In the evening the baud was. en- gaged, and a procession being form- ed, AIr. Heywood was conveyed home by a number of friends in the vil- lage..They were cordially reeeived and un excellent spread laid before then,, to which ample justice was done. A „umber of neighbors eome to assist in the rejoicing. Mr. Jas. Oke was appointed chairman and song and speech passed away the ev- ening very pleasantly until the near approach of morning warned them to leave. Those who distinguished themselves in singing and speechify- ing on the occasion were, F. G. Simp- son, .Jas. Oke, Win. Iiyndman, Wm. Bowman and Geo. Mace and the Misses Heywood also added to the pleasure of the evening by singing. After a final toast to Mr. Heywood, drank in his excellent cider, the company separated. Along with other pleasing Occur- rences. in and around Iiirlcton was the wedding of Mr, J. J. Gilpin, of "Brookside", Granton and,. Miss An- nie AP. Herr, of Mitten oli Wednes- day evening. Rev. J. L, Derr, father of the bride officiated, 2.5 YEARS -AGO - Mrs. 13. V. Elliott, who has been. in a very low state of health for spine time, is we are pleased to nate daily improving. 1\ir. Chas. Birney, section, foreman while working on .,the track last week bad the misfortune to have one of his fingers badly jammed ,from which he suffered considerable pain. Mr. Percy Westaway and Mr, Crawford, .of. London, spoke to the Sunday School and also to the ev- ening congregation of Main St. Meth- odist church on Sunday last. Messrs. Geo. Samwell, S. Martin, W. Bawden, R. S. Long, J, G. Stan - bury, A. E. Hodgert, James Grieve, Thos. Gregory and Dr. Browning are the delegates of Liberals from Exe- . 11 I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I1IIIII1II111I1I1111I 1 I I IIIIIIII111I1IIIIIII III9I1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111(11111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIII1!IIIIIIIII1IIIIIMI R �+...t;im Campaign .� tiara r" ' ..�5 'lam 0.X?1A...,c •+v .... - .� mmmos magmm COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE Through the co-operation of the Business Men listed below, we will reproduce to 'bring about a better business relationship between resident and merchant in the community in which to live. . Yca{'b;Yt. Igortam _ hr,A'lawat eK.;.,r,t7,4ratr5.vs^ The Canadian Bank of Commerce Heartily Endorses the BUY -AT-HOME CAMPAIGN Support LOCAL Merchants and Help Our Town GROW Shall Savings Accounts Welcome M. R. COMPLIN, Manager = Travail. . L ndenf ield GENERAL HARDWARE - Tinslnithing & Plumbing Varnishes — Paints — Oils Telephone 27 R. HOPPER FURNITURE — and — FUNE:AL DIRECTOR Telephone 99 FRED RADETIIGE JEWELLERY & CUT GLASS WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS .= Clock and Watch Repairing E JOS. SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHIC -- and - -_ ART STUDIO We put the `Snap' in Snapshots aeigemia Go Mo Ar istrong = EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY — and — GAINSBOROGH HATS S. FITTON Sight 1.10*14 Mat rar Wir Irons IMOMIO .001.00.0 OPTOMETRIST Examined and Glasses Fitted Children's Sight A Specialty Telephone 75w ti. To ROWS SCRANTON COAL & COKE. BRITISH AMERICAN Gasoline and Oil Telephone 40 WM. ANDREW Salesman foe J'. R. W tTHIN.S CO, Hamilton and Winnipeg Liuiinents, Tonics, Spices, Toilet Articles, Flavorings Poultry and Stock Tonics Telephone 43, ....,,ram.. ....:.. Middleton's Bakery "I110 glome of 73etter Dread" CAKES PASTRY CONFECTIONERY Tefeplionc 52 a series of educational articles endeavoring town, and thus bring about more progressive ,= J. blit n.` PSY+?:M,...r.s,AY.,0. •. F.4t..bi.ti'.:...,1t.4,.. gNY'....� tiv`n. •. , V.; : • '•, .. B. W. F. Beavers rownhig's Drug Store. TOILETRIES — DRUGS -- STATIONERY — OPTICAL ROOMS — TELEPHONE 113 Getting Your Money's Worth When you spend your honey you naturally want to get all you can, that is everybody's right. Only those who are commonly re- ferred to as having "more money than sense" throw their money away. All others are careful to see they do not get the worst of any bargain. But one has to be able to look farther than the end of his nose if he is to .be sure that he is getting his money's worth. That is the_ctefence of those who buy outside their community, in- stead of patronizing hone merchants. This is old theory, the resi- dent of any community makes, (through extensive buying,) the low price possible. Then increased patronage to their• merchants gives talose same merchants a bigger haying opportunitiy, thereby maintaining a lninimun price for good standard merchandise. The price buyer always, thinks ate is looking out for No. 1 and he says it is not his fault if the merchant in his community is not malting any money and is forced out of business. Ise, overlooks the fact thee he is likely to be as hard hit as anyone else when the mer- chant closes his doors, but it is a 20 to 1 shot that the buyer is tee one who loses, and all because he did not believe in his com- munity merchants sufficiently to support thm. You never bought anything for nothing in your life. Don't try it now. Think it over. orrnamirerwararre SANDY ELLIOT USED CARS FORD NEW CARS WE SPECIALIZE ON FORD SERVICE TELEPHONE 64 N. W. TREWARTHA Mr. N. W. Trewartlia; dealer in new laid eggs and milk fed poultry, is one of the more recent.to link up with the business in terests of Exeter. Mr. T'rewartlla recently' took over the new laic,. egg business of ,Mr. C. F. Hooper and to the egg business he has added live and dressed poultry. There has been a great change in this line of business in the past few years and the present. sys- tem of grading ensures better prices for the farmers. Mr. Tre- wartha runs the Exeter bra11ch in connection with the Clinton business. He is an ex -Warden of Huron County and a former M. P. P. His business turn -over each year means hundreds of thou-' sands of dollars to the farmers. At present fancy price.; aro being paid foe new laid eggs. Poultry and Eggs WANTED: SELL US YOURS' Will grade your flock and take away the culls and pay top Market prices. • IR. E. POOLE)! V'IN('HELSEA & KIRKTON Harvey Bros. General .Millers MANITOBA'S BEST - MODEL and WELCOME Flour • :A11 Hinds of Feeds' Telephone 35. 1 ADVERTISE -- in the -- TIMES -ADVOCATE Cunningham & Pryde CEMETERY MEMORIALS Telephone 41j Milo .Snell Cl ,evrolet SALES, ane, SERVICE Phone 100; Night phone 209 SOMETHING NEW Edison Needle Iic'eorcl Plays 011 all needle Phono- graphs. Sells' for a dollar; double aided and long playing. l{HAR TIIEM AT PO\\'ELL:'S ON ','Ilii' *1:5 I'1-fONOGIt.tPE POWELL'S Variety STORE Phone Das. Servico lulity phone Night Service 153j HURON GARAGE, EXETER PONTIAC and BUICK SALES nd SERVICE � REPAIRS, ACCESSORIES, THIES, OILS, G. et. CAR WASHING F'4,ert Mcelhanicltl. alk, I3;leetirleal Service on ,nil makes of can's. OPI ft'IAL ON's;ATUO MOTOR. LEAGLJ: SERVICE STATION S1iop T''oreman, L. Pollen Proprietor, tli'te Snell 0 • Hardware TINSMITHING PLUMBING PAINTS STOVES AND FURNACES Telephone 86 5. B. TAYLO The Jeweller HIGH-GRADE JEWELLERY =_ DIAMONDS Watch and Clock Repairing J. 13EER Automobile Accessories ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Everything in Radios Telephone 109 Amer , G. A. HAWKINS GENERAL HARDWARE PAINTS and OILS SCREENS, Etc. Telephone 29 SOUTIICD al A BROS. General Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings Ladies' Ready-to-Wcar Boots and Shoes Groceries and China .._ Harvey's Grocery YSTEM ERVICE ATISF•ACTION Telephone 102 N. W. TREWARTIIA Dealer in NEW LAID EGGS —and — MILK FED POULTRY Direct Fi•om the Farm Heals Pim Blotches A penetrating A Fac rashes, ltqultl l) skin ant (x'.t,1182I tee merit 0 money pack; W, s, tick relief .f sseptitroub ),Itsh ay lrrlt STAN' this v.A es uick septic Liquid pimples, r2' the pure cooling,* loath tee sxors A:3 ISa bottle w111 nro�e untisepttc, or yottLl airin heo,ith.. blotches, ,t Ing ten, ,mous , gives DRUGGIST EY, ter to the Toronto Convention this week. Mr. fined Mrs. D. iSpicer and Miss AIay, of Brantford, attended the Mit- chell -Andrew ,nuptials at Elimville on Thursday last, Mr. Thos. Penhale ,of London, on Wednesday morning while assisting in threshing and while in the motif of the barn fell through an, opening to the floor below, a distance of 15 feet. Dr. I-Iyndman was called and found that, besides a severe shaking up 111x. Pennate sustained a fracture of the shoulder. Dr. Rollins and Mr, Hugh Spack- man are in attendance at the Con- servative Convention In Toronto this week, Grigg Stationery Store IQ School Supplies, with special attention given to school- libraries 'I'elepllone 37 RQSS-TAYLOR LUMBER CO. Planing Mill—Lumber Yard Wholesale '& Retail Prices ort Summer Cottages Telephone 48 ' PUBLIC UTILITIES .w COMMISSION -.. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES PLIANCES �, WIRING AND SUPPLIES Telephone 127 SIMONAM �iIIIIIIII1111IIlIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111I111111111111111I1111I11IICI111111111I1111111II1111III111l1111111IIIIiill11111�IIIIIIIlIlllllllllll�illllllllillllllllllllllNllllllllIII1IIllllllllllll1111IIIIf111111I1I�E 15 YEARS AGO Mrs. Wren and Mrs. Newcombe, who have been visiting their brother Mr, D. Gillies, ,.returned to their home in Hamilton the latter part of the week accompanied by Miss Myr- tle, who will visit for a time. Mr. Oscar Anderson left recently for Elnlvale, where he has taken a position on the Lance, A nleetiRhg of the curlers of Exeter was held in' the Commercial House on 'Thursday evening, last when the following officers were elected for the current year: T. A. Newell, W. J. Heaman, Jos. Senior, Geo. E. An- derson, Rev. D. W. Collins. Mr. John Dauncey, of London, has purchased the residence of Mr. Jos. Ogden on Andrew Street. Mr. Ogden is going on a farm near Elimville. Mr. W. Luker has sold his farm in Usborne to Air..Sanhuel Hicks who recently had his• barn destroyed by fire. This makes Mr. Hicks. the owner of 450 acres of farm land. The 'building south of Varvey Bros. mill, which Mr. Leavitt: is re- modelling is nearing colapletion and when finished will be an up-to-date picture theatre. On Saturday last at the Exeter station a car loaded with flour was overturned while shunting. The flour had to be reloaded into another car quite a bit of it being damaged. II 2 :i'ON IiA )i"—McLELLA iv A quiet wedding took ,place at the home of elle bride's parents, Staffa, on Tuesday, November 12th when Rev. J. Elder officiated at the mar- riage of Rhoda Isabel, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLel- lan, to Mr. Roy Edwaid Buttonham, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wn1. Buttonhant, of ll'illgh'ove, Ont. The bridal chorus was played by Miss R. Buttonham, sister of the groom. The bridesmaid was Miss Alta Atkinson, cousin of 111e bride, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, daughter of the Hon. Wil- liam Atkinson, of British Columbia. She wore a frock of pale green geor- gette chiffon and carried a bouquet of American beauty roses. The groom Was assisted by Mr. Henry Gartcle, of Carlisle. At one o'clock the bride entered the living .room with her father and took her place amid a bower of ferns and yellow Mums; her long dress was made of ivory ,silk crepe with yoke, a skirt of all- over silk lace and her long veil was fashioned of silk embroidered net and belle and held to the head with a cornet of rose point lace and orange blossoms. She carried a show- er bouquet of Butter -fly roses, Illy of -the -valley and ferns.. After the ceremony anti reception the happy couple left antic, good wishes for eastern Ontario and Quebec. For travelling the bride wore a French beige Georgette and lace dress with hat and shoes of darker shade, also wearing a Persian liinlb coat. On their return they will reside in Ram- ilton. Ije Exefrr Liluo i-ADuuratt Established 1878 and 1887 Published every Thursday morning,. at Exeter, Qntario SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year DS. advance. RATES—Farm or Real Estate for sale fide. each insertion foie, first four insertions, 25c, each, subse quent insertion. Miscellaneous &r- titles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, or Found 10c. per line of six words:. Reading notices 1.Oc. per line.. Card of Thanks 50c. Legal ad-' vertising 12 and 8c. per line. rill Memoriam, with one verse 50c. extra verses 25c. each. Willesden Magistrate: "Are you old enough to be married?" Yonne' man; "Yes, but not silly enough." rtr tet tkt Stranger—"So you etre the post- master, storekeeper, justice of the peace and constable of this town?" Native—"'A cesih'! You might su; I'm the :tfu' s oliili of Buckeye Cor- ner." OSIiO NI) fir ].iifli3HRT MUTUAI. 1IRii INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office. Far mbar, pat. President STM 11 DOW Vice -Pres. FRANK IUcC NNELL 7) RECTORS ANGUS STNCL '`IR, J. T. �e .t.TS0l1, ROI3T. N011I. S, WM, l;JOCK AG} VTS JOHN ESSE11Y, Cei ra.lia, . gelit fair Usborne and iddul It Otd.VER HARRIS, u M o llibbert, Fullarton a W. A. T11iN13UI. Socreta ry-'t'rcastlrr-. • Igor. 98, Exeter, Ontorfe CaLrtl)M,l.lkN & STAbiI31Iii. Solicitors, Exeter gent to;' obalt Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Professional Cards • GLADMAN, & ' ANBURY, 7�tARIi)�STERS, LICI:CORS, &e,. Money o Loan nvestnlents Made, Safe -De CI EXETER surance os' Vault for use of our s without charge LONDON HENSALL•. CARLING & MORLEYV TS, • I3ABRISTEIIS, SOLICITO LOANS, I VEST\r IN RAN Office: Carlin HI ..:, Main Street,,, t, ONT. Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D:.. DENTAL SURGEON Office opposite new Post,' Office Main St., Excillrl Telephone/4'' Office 31:w ,r';` House OFFICE CLOSE EVERY WED NESD$Y .41-`7,RNOON UNTIL DEC113Et 18tH Dr. G. F. Roulston, DENTIST Office over Carling Law Of e EXETy ' ONT. Morley bR. E. S. STEINER'' VETERINARY SUR %ON Graduate of the 0ntarir veterinary': C Rego• DAY ND ,IGIIT CALLS PROM TL TATTENDED T . ;i Corner of aianrl Ann Streets Office in", C Snell's Block Et ER, ONT. JOHN WARD CIHItOPRACTI OSTEOPATHY ELECTRO -THE APY .- ULTRA. VIOLET 'f REcA.._tEENTS PI,SON 1 70 MAIN ST., EXETER,, ARTHUR WEBER LICENSEDAL'N.l'IONIiER Icor Huron `ncl Middlesexcl FARM SALE., A S' hCIALTY PRICES tEA . NABL1� SATISFACTIE/UARANTEID Phone 5 Dashwood R. R. NO. 1, DASA\VOOIJ - FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED tl•'1✓ C/P�,I�G4NElER. ForOWi<iHuron Odlesex. FARM SALE n: PECIALTY Prices Reasonalll :and Satisfaction: Guap n teed EXETER I'. 0. or RING 13S OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED PJ;'l'CTIONEER Honor Graduate CareyJones' Auc- tion School. Spgcial ,(Iourse taken, in Registered Live St +;7c (all breeds),° Merchandise, Real Estate, F'arrxn. Sales, Etc. Rate ' in keeping wit% prevailing prices. Satisfaction as- sured, write Oscar Iilopp, Lurich, or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. T Ontario : uitabI . Cite "\A'atcll for lir Ligigtilonse" Thep septa '.Ste C. . N;.,.ON E A HPE i'; ONTARIO' e 243 SAVE MO EYI By 44,t - BUYING SF -INGLES NOW 2x4 Pine Scan'tl'ing fr Colony houses, Hen houses •i' or other I � b h • lclings at $a#.Qtl x M. FERTILIZER itt I est prices. CI WORTHY Vhone 1 GRANt0N, ONTARIO