The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-05-30, Page 1*«■ (ESTABLISHED 1873 a.m. B I'-'cM•>»■William Mr. Jo. 1.00 each. ^4* #•» /.*■ colors peach, 'blue, nd $3.00 on sale at give you, a real ’ 1.00 a garnrxent ea. 'ilk Underw^r^^fe r'silk knit night go' Regular price $2.71 good quality buttpnless^Athleti® combination in. all. sizes a at Grandr 19 th. The chief Ernest» La?* moderate., ¥ ‘BIG B’ Brand Work Shirts at $ 1 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 30th, 1929 FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR; NO. <2887 rii Xhis Store will Close ait 12 o’clock, noon, each'Wednesday during June, July and August. We want'to clear out every coat in the next 10 days. In order to do so we have put the price of every coat’ at less than cpst’price* We stilLhave a’Splendid Rango of Navy and Black Tricotine Coats, as well as SmaYt -Tweed Styles as"low as $7.95 for This Season’s Styles. Come in early. ■* ’ ‘ • S, W ' *'■■** ' . : • 4 it ' . . ’ --------- A—---------------------•— ,tV *All Linen Towelling at 18c arid 29c yd. LOT NO,1—^5 Webs pure linen handjand roller towelling, absolutely * linen, well worth 25c, a'yard'.4, Ouy clearing price. 18c. a yard^ NOT NO. 2-ri^lO Webs extra heavy-iinerj tea arid hand towelling 22 in|n'es ‘-wifle^in colored checks and .stripes. A regular 35c. quaJUfy’at ’29c^a yairdrj' • t- . . ■ are]the/; best Work Shirte we know of for.lffie money, coIors,Khaki, Navy, Light. BJueXand Bjack ;and. White, all sizes a| Men’s Athletit iJtidjeswear at $>00 suit Why pay more fp^*^our A,tMetic combination? We cai for meh arid 65c;‘'for noys. Saleof EXETER COUNCIL %,r < Monday, (May 27. 1929 The CourL of Revision foi- the As- s issment Roll of thet Village of Exe­ ter was'held in the Town Hall. Members present: - Reeve, C. Snell, Councillors Bierling, Francis and Rivers. ‘*The above mamed took and subscribed-to, the necessary oath of ..■of fice as members of - the said court, the <Repvc acting as chairman. The following list of appeals were read: Messrs. Owen Geiger,and Son, claiming wrongly assessed,, for busi­ ness. Mr, Victor ..Hogarth, over 'as- sessed on dwelling property. Exe­ ter Salt "Works Company, Ltd, plant having been destroyed by fire’, May 11, ask for an adjustment.' William Lodder” asked to be assessed fox* busi­ ness tax. .: The appeals were heard. __ ~ „ rieph Davis on behalf of Messrs. O. Geiger 1 & Son addressed the Court 'and in a letter as submitted gave reasons why the assessment in their opinion was wrong. The Court det rcided to allow the assessment to ■stand arid confirmed the same on motion of Bierling and. Francis. Car­ ried. Mr, Hogarth was not represented. The Court decided that the assess­ ment as made was favorable with other assessments of the Village, therefore the assessment was con­ firmed on motion of Bierling and Francis. -Carried, V Exeter Salt Work Co. Ltd. was not represented. The Court upheld the assessment but would suggest a re- ■' ' ' , Mo- NIGHT GOWNS—Real qu^l* mauve, white and rosej $1.69each.': ' VESTS AND BLOOMERS—Id match, good rage.of cj $2.59 a suit. | ALSO 6 S. SIZES—In Stanfii clear at $2.79 a suit, i the better quality sj lore. Regular, prid 5 t *::T • ■ ’ ’ ' <* ’ * ' td’s heavy Movasi a , ■• .•■’** & ................... .............................!■ I II .UH I W'.......... I I. IH1M I H.II FOR THE HOT.WEATHER-feoys’ blouses, ' wash dresses, middies, «c. at very rea ' New Straw Hats , — IN --7’\ I ► LOWEST PRICES ‘ ; vests and bloomers to $4.00 a suit on sale at Regular $4.25 a suit to rash suits, overall suits, girls* enable prices. A Dr. Scboll’s Foot Expert at tins store on Thursday, June 20th Phone 32 M MAY 25 ti Number Number> I] 62, Straight Sau 69, French Frye 455, Frying Pit Al Phone 32 of 2 sizes Pots E GOODS AND SAVE MONEY PHONE YOURHARDWARE 'NECESSITIES. TO NO. 27. BODY OF EXETER YOUTH RECOVERED cd Sauce Pans iind Cake Pans The occupants of -the latter were shaken up but were not The windshield Mr. and cttles Empire Shopping _ h-to JUNEftt , ‘lEmpire Shoppefs are: Empiy^Builders Pans Number 1 set consisting of 1 ea< 1 set consisting of 2 ea // $ . " ’ 10 quart Wearever.... Sf , . XVearCvcr Wearievei^Daisy Tea Preserving I Dish Pans Make Pota BUY CANAD card of ’Thanks / Mr, an,d Mrs, Carmen Da to express their people of -this unity for kindness and assistance extended .\Uiem —r/-<. in their misfortune. • ^■t Sire- tile I to (Ahb QF aud Mrs.' , Kcnneith"' MbNi'col friends >and •< r MARRIAGES DIXON—-McF ALLS—- At Hamilton Hoad FiAsbyteripil manse, London by Rev. Dr, durtis, Miss Greta iMadolih McFalls, daughter of Mrs, > J." and (he late Wilbur McFalls, of Exeter, to; Mr, William Orville *, .Dixon, .spn of Mr. and Mrs. G .Dixon, of Alisa Craig. W. Mr, .. „ wish to thank their............ neighbor^ for the kindness and sym* ^athy’ shown them during Mr.* Mc-ENGAGEMENT ‘Nicols sickness and for the. flowers{■ also the neighbors who canw with their teams and put In the crop. Don’t guy tlio-fat man who wears a belt and suspenders. He is an ar-* dent advocate of safety first. , Th< engagement is announced %f. Evelean isobel, only daughter of Airs. H. Fur roll/' Toronto,. and the late Arthur C. Farrell, to T/ Beverley Acheson, of Toronto, second son. of Mr, and Mrs. W« T. Acheson, Exeter, Ontario. Tim marriugfe to take place very quietly the middle of June. An auto accident occurred in Exe­ ter North oil Saturday evening when a car , driven 'by Geo. ; Winegarden was-run into by -a car driven by Mr. Albert Devine,, of Stephen. Mr. Wipe­ garden., was/driving north followed by. an other car and was in the act of turning into his place on the left side -of. the road and Mr. Devine be­ ing, blinded by the light of botli ears did not notice the signal given, by Mr. Winegarden and crashed into the car. car seriously injured, was shattered. A fend,er on Winegarden’s car was crumpled the axle bent. • ? ' FROM LAKE ERIE The body of William Stanbury, Mr. and Mrs. John who aged. 2’2, son of Stanbury, butcher, of Exeter was drowned in Lhke Erie, near Pt. Colborne 4 weeks ago from a scow, Was recovered on the evening of May 24-th, on the-beach at Sherkston, six miles east of Pt. Colborne. Mr. and Mrs'. St-anbury left immediately for tlie scene. The remains were taken to Palmerston, interment taking place on Monday. . f Anita BrintnoJI, 7-ycar*01d -.daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Brlntnell, is Seriously ill with plural pneumonia The teachers of the High School staff spent , the holiday at the re­ spective .homesMiss 'M. E. Bayne, at Newbury; Mifes.R. Hills, at Dub­ lin and Miss HUisei^' at Toronto. .bate of 2-3 of the yearly tax, •tlon by Francis and Rivers. ’‘The name of Mr. William Lodder was allowed to be entered on the roll for an assessment of $100.00. Motion of Rivers and Bierling. Car­ ried. „ , All appeals having been consider­ ed and dealt with the Court was clos­ ed on mbtion of Rivers and Francis Carried. Jos. Senior, Clerk of Court - The Municipal Council met at the plose of . the Court of Revision. Ab­sent Councillor Christie through ill­ ness. . , ■’ The minutes of the meeting held May 13 th were read and approved. Letter from the Agricultural Re­ presentative’s office, CJinton, Mr, G. A. McCague giving notice of the weed inspectors meeting, to be held at Clinton, Tuesday, June 4th at 1:30 pjcIock.The letter and circular were turned over to Street Commissioner Bissett. i\.A, .oircularr*lette.rw.with'’copy-' of a-' proclamation from the mayor of the City of Toronto,, Mr. Samuel Mc- •Bride', .re Magna Charta Day urging that a -similiar proclamation be made observing the 15th day of June as the anniversary and a public holiday and also', that -Sunday the 17th’ of June be observed -as Magna “Charta Sunday. Action deferred, . waiting action as taken by other municipali­ ties of the province. Mr. William Lodder asked per-r mission to erect an electric sign for Grant’s Bakery in front of their business stand. Granted. ,Mr. Wm. Collingwood was grant- of one dollar per cleaning street and RUNS IN PATH OF EXETER MOTORIST AND LOSES LIFE- . *!• The sympathy of this community goes out to Mr. and Mrs. David Row- .cliffe because of theii" tragic exper­ ience on the morning of the 24th; when a little four-yfear-old boy dart­ ed out from the curb on the provin-1 cial highway about half a mile east of- Louisville, Ont., near Chatham, and was run down by Mr. Rowcliffe and died a short time afterwards. Mr. and Mrs, Rowcliffe were on their way to Windsor to visit their daughter, intending also to visit for a short time with Mr. and Mrs, E^rl Hodgson, of Chatham. While tra­ velling along the highway they no­ ticed two boys ^walking along .the. side of the road' and Mr, Rowcliffe sounded: his horn. An auto was ap­ proaching from the opposite direction and just as Mr. Rowcliffe was close to the boys the younger of the two darted across the road, His actions yvould indicate that he ‘was trying to get across b.efore the other car ap­ proached and failed to notice the ap­ proach of Mr. Rowcliffe, Mr. Row­ cliffe applied' both the ordinary and emergency brakes and his car swerv­ ed .around in -the road and was fac­ ing at right angles and when the driver of the approaching car brought his auto to a stop'it was only three or four feet from Mr. Rowcliffe’s car, thus avoiding a second collison. The unfortunate lad was Harland Findlay, son of lM!r. and Mrs. Gordon Findlay, of Northwood, who was in company of his brother Gerald', aged seven. Mr.. Rowcliffe immediately took the .child to the home of its par­ ents and a doctor was called. The lad passed away shortly afterwards. Cor­ oner Dr. T. L, MCRltfehie immediate­ ly impaneled a jury and after view­ ing the remains adjournment was made until the date of the inquest. Mr. Rowcliffe was detained for a time but in. view of the circumstances he was allowed to' so without bail promising to appear at the inquest which will be held Thursday in Chat­ ham. - * Out of sympathy for theii' fellow­ townsman the • Exeter Chamber of Commerce gent-<a. wreath of flowers to t-he home of the deceased' ‘ - 1 DIXON—McFALLS NUPTIALS — ‘ A pretty wedding took place at the Hamilton Road Presbyterian manse, London, when William. Orville Dixon son of Mr., and Mrs. C. W. Dixon,uof Ailsa Crai-g, was united in marriage to Miss Greta Madolin McFalls, dau- ghtfeof-?Mrs. -J/- -and- the,.-late Falls, of Exeter. Mrs. H. S. Nether- cott, of Hyatt Ave. and' Mrs. C. Smith, of Hamilton Road, London, were the attendants. Rev. Dr. Cur­ tis, pastor of the churqh, performed the ceremony. Mr. an-d Mrs, Dixon will spend their honeymoon-visiting at Sarnia and Port Hur/m, after which they will make their home at Mooresville. We Can Help Yoil tQ See Our meth complete a Office hour/ 9:3 1:30 to 5 Bve g by Appointment' w S.FITTON - Phone 75w OPTOMETRIST^ , \ ...........— LIBERAL PICNIC AT GRAND BENIjr The South Huron Liberal Associa-- tion is holding a picnic Bend on June speaker will be Hon. .pointe, minister of. Justice, thd sif^ ver tongued orator 'of’Quebec. Ast?' sociated with him Will be? Hom Q* Elliott, minister of Public Works, Hon. E„ D- Euler, minister of Nar- tional.Revenue together with the lo­ cal member Thos. . McMillan, Mi.^*.^ and all the' other Ontario Ministers* and many of Ontario’s outstanding; M. P.’s, All are cordially invited t<> attend and hear national interests discussed by these able exponents at Liberalism. Come arid bring yoiMT lunch basket and enjoy- a half holi*- day at Grand Betid en* June ;19th. J ■ ~ ~ 'T~' ' f^ome %Jjieatre ed an- increase week for labor etc. Motion „pf Bierling and Fran­ cis. Carried. The following and ordered paid: Grigg Stationery Cd., books library $63.45; Geo. At­ kinson, labor $7.50; P. Coleman, t. labor $8.25; Thos. Sanders, labor' $6.00; John Parsons, labor $19.50; Edward Coombes, labor $15.00; G. Smith, labor *$4.50; Wm. Johns, t. labor pt. salary $9 0.00; William Col­ lingwood, pt. salary $30,0(^. Cemetery accounts.—-Wm. Smith labor $27.00; Percy Webber, labor $'30.00; Benjamin’ Makins, t. labor' $9.00. ■ - Passed on motion of Bierling and Rivers. • Carried. ; The officers of the Salvation Army asked -for the privilege to hold a tag day on. Thursday the 30th of May for the benefit of the Army. Granted. Adjourned by Bierling. Jos. Senior, Clerk. accounts were read BLOOD POISON Mr. Jack Hedd'en, of Kitchener, came home-for the 24th to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hedden. He complained of a pain in his foot which had been struck while at his work a few days before and on be­ ing examined by Dr. Fletcher he was put to bed at once blood poison hav­ ing set in. He was removed, from the hospital to his home Wednesday morning. ‘The HEAD M USUAL COMEDY] ■WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY t May 29th and ,30th FRIDAY-AND SATU _ May Bist and ............. BOEING- FEATURE Thrilling Moments in RingHistoiy Lupino Lane Comedy “ONLY ME** Admission: Adults 40c,■ Childyeii 26c inciudihg- tux CHARLIE MURRA ‘■■-r-'ih BIRTHS WHITE;—Iii Exeter/^an.’Saturday, May 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. \y. White-, a son, John Walter (Jack) THAR—In .Biddulph, on Wednesday, May 22hd, to Mr. and Thai', a son. STEPHEN—In UsbOrne, day, May 16th to; «Mr. Chas, stephen, a son Murray.) ELLIOTT—In Exeter on _ ;. day, May‘22iid, to Mr* and Mrs. Jack Elliott, a daughter." JOHNS—in Usborne on Wednesday, May 22nd, to Mr. ami Mrs, Lloyd Johns, u daughter (i?atricia Eve­ lyn.) EASTMAN—On Saturday, May 25lh - at Clinton General Hospital, to Mr, and Mrs. Bitner Eastman, of De-, troit, twins,' a'son- and daughter. Mrs. John on Thur's* and 'Mrs, (Thomas Wethies- THROWN DURING RACE AND FRACTURES THREE RIBS Mr. Frank Taylor had. a narrow escape from serious injury when he was thrown at the Mitchell races on May 24th. The horse he was driv­ ing stumbled, turned a somersault and Mr. Taylor was thrown over its head for a distance of about thirty feet. He managed to crawl to his feet, and get back to the horse before any of the spectators arrived. The horse was badly tangled up in the harness and was facing the wrong way in the shafts but it remained quiet until staightened away. It went out the next heat and Won the' race being driven by Mr. son Jim. IL - Jimmie D in the 2:18 class, won the first two heats third in the third. In the was out. to win and when around the traqk he was position and pulled out to go ahead: The second driver did the Same thing and the cart struck the leg of Jim­ mie th The horse stumbled and turned a somersault. The-hind feet caught Mr, Taylor and lifted him off tfie sulky and threw him over the horse’s head. The corks of -the horse’s shoes ripped out the seat of Mr, Taylor’s pgnt^ a.ftd» underwear and left'their marks on1 Mr, Taylor. He and’tho horse-*were lucky to• es­ cape as well as they did. Mr, Tay­ lor is able to be around but lm has A very sore side, - i’. Taylor’s Mr. Taylor was driving He liad and. was fourth he halt way in third Mr. Chas. Birney, wiw has been ill is able to bo around again* WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY June- Sth and 6th ’ * . * • c eve Game calle® at 5.30 StrathrcV d. Exeter Strathrify team. Corn* good game. Admission 25 and 15c. *