The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-04-11, Page 8?S— THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, APRIL 11th, 1020 ST Q 1028 Ford T«dor ...... 1027 Whippet Fordow 12,000 miles .... Chevrolet Cox Star Coupe , yord Tudor . u Ford 11)2 Ford 102 w " ■ ’■ '• . ■. cue Exeter Markets Wheat $1.30 Oats 55 c. Barley 65 c. Manitoba Flour $3.00 Blend Flour $3.75 Pastry Flour $3.65 Feed Flour $2.15 Bran $1.85 Shorts $1.85 Creamery Butter 4Sc. * Dairy Butter 40-43c, Eggs 24c. Eggs, pullets 21c. Eggs, .Hogs CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH III —O seconds 18 c. $11.75, W1025 < 102$ *■ 1025 * 1024 ' Your ...$600.00 $050.00 $27f5.0Q $150.00 $225.00 .$150.00 ord tourings with new licenses o $75.00 Save! Rubbers, flags, Papers and Magazines. We will call for them on Saturday, MlW 4th.—Home and School Cub. ‘ 4-4-2tc. 10 a.m.T—-Sunday School. Services as usuMWll $m. and p.m, conducted' by REV. B. A. McLEAN, JL.B«, of Toronto 7 *’b =s $800.00 $175.00 ve 1920 licenses JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH "OF CANADA " Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding* A.T.p.M. Organist and Choir-Leader Sunday School Annive Services Special Tsayy ■ Bhi =3 Rev. Church, speaker ing services. . ’ I # M. C. Parr, of Victoria St. Goderich; will be the special at both morning and even- I Ford Dealer, Phone 64, Exeter « ;......- ....-...rr,7-^'ssa LOST—In Exetey/ on Tuesday a ‘ ‘ . Finder Times-Advo- 4-11-lte. ’ gold'Admiral ^nFs watch, rewarded, Ap^kr to Tim cate. IF __ -— j,...■ WANTED — A pother’s helper. Apply at Times-^j^ocate, 4-U-lc posraW’^v^ifc- ' . er, Box6, He^KalL 4-11-tfc, Don’t forget thd?e are lots of ex­ cellent rush seatf at 35c. at the Opera IIouSe^Apfl 17 and 18, the A. Y. P. A. W “Capt. Racket." Funny? Well, 1 list come and see. Open Session of the Sunday School in the afternoon nt which Mr. Parr will also speak. Special -music by the choir and orchestra. Presenta­ tion of seals and diplomas. RED—Stenograph- GRASS FARM FORWENT—If not . rented Will take ^att^l to pasture by the season. Ap|ly/rto Thos. Laing, Exeter. 4-11-tfn. The regular mee and School c home, of Mrs April 12th a egate to the social evenii to be present. g of the Home 1 be held at the ; Grant on Friday, Report of del- E. A. also music and All members urged Special offering in the interests of th© Sunday School is asked for from the congregation. Let every member of the congregation show their in­ terest in the work of the Sunday School by "being present at the ser­ vices. FOR pig£S. . Con. 2, sail. SALE—-Sow with 10 York Appiy^nMpFB. Hyde, Lo.t.8, Stanley, splione 11-SG, Hen- 4-11-ltp.____. f _ SALE—,/ug-brick houseFOR with all modernf;^provements. Ap­ ply to C. B’. 4-4-tfc. FOR SALE^-Refistered Short­ horn bull, 14 nion^is old. Apply to Times-Adyocate|../^ J’ 4-ll-2tc GOOD STORE 't/ RENT—Good opening for butmig?vor barber. Apply at Times-Advoc4$l 4-11-3tc; NOTICE—,T^’a^|or discing and plowing'. ApIilwY®' Bradshaw, Elim- ville. IF , 4-11-ltp. FOR SALE —*Sti Glen Mary and Sena per 100; if dels- 100 extra. Nathfejt Doupe, Kirkton. erry plants, r Dunlop; 75c. )y mail 5c. per 4-11-tfc. sale . or the sea- HOLEPROOF SILK HOSIERY In all the newest colorings for spring. Splendid value for the low price of each $1.00 CIRCLE BAR SILK HOSIERY We recommend this make of hos­ iery as we know they give good satis­ faction. Full fashioned, in .all .the new shades.. .At per pair $1.50. ‘ CHILDREN’S- UMBRELLAS ‘ /Jr Just the thing for boys ami girls go- , ing to school. A wide rapige of hand­ les, Special at each 9SK. i< - x=a ► CUFF SETSNEW COLLAR AN A lovely new assortment of collar and cuff sets thjt arc moderately priced. PASTURE FARM#For rent, or cattle takenrin for -seioi. Apply to Mt Pearce, Exeter. IF . 4-11-ltc. » ------;---------... ' FOR -SALE—V^i^Oled chair. Ap­ ply Miss Annie Sa^derS, phone 2’34w 4-11-ltc. -------y—— ■ SALE—Sisr Heifers due to Apply W° Ear>l Parsons, 4-11-ltc. FOR - freshen. Exeter FOR SALE—A Bri t used piano 10 years guaranteed,^heap for quick selling, cost $6|0,rffiew. Easy pay­ ment may be agr/iiged. Apply Mrs. Gambrill, Exeter^4-11-ltc. frOR SALE— Sev ranging from 14G0t five to eight ye®.r trade. Frank ^afer Tujtl j/al teen 1600 old. horses pounds; Sell or 4-4=tfc. FOR ,SAl/-^Ti heavy wagon, new, ted set britchen • h seed oats. Apply to R. Hedden, Ex­ eter. 7 4-11-ltp. [hope Anderson al^o brass moun- .arness; 300 bus. ------*7^—^ FOR SALE^-lj ■so four in good rich, R. ?!------ft"!""" "----- JS23|Ford Coupe, al- whdeled| cq,ttle trailer both shape. |^Sply John Deit- R. No. 2] Dashwood. v 4-4-2tp. FOR $2.00 per bUshi , Falls, phone 23^JMExeterJi SAL^--f§e6d( peas. Price Ipply to S. Mc- 4-4>2tp. ........... ' 1 11 Ji'OR SALp^lJ storey brick Veneer house/ s|ven rci.bms, kitchen, woodshed, pantry,’^od cellar, bot water furnace,- minf and soft water, stable and garage, good1 , garden. Apply to E. A. 7od cellar, hot and soft water, Follicle, Exeter. 2tp FOR -SALE—Gream separator, 3- burher coal oil stove with oven, brass bed, bed tod f ehalr^, rocker, 2Nlo|nges. Apply at Times-Advocate. ‘ V ‘ ‘ * iresser, 4' parlor 4-4-2tc. FOR SALE—About; 30d^bU^hel of '•fji^se oats'are F seed secured Apply to Jos. , Kippen, Etensall If you wish to blijft seW or rent a farm Sde it. fi. pick|rw Exeter, -uj. Jiuaru uatiery, Apply Ao, W.- J. Beer; 3-28-tfn. Empire seed oa one year grow from Rochester Bayman,' R. ■central phone ^OK'^^^X-AYWi/iiard Battery, Slightly used. Apply Ao, W.-J. Beer, • NOTIGS—-I Wijf bl Shipping hdgS from ■tVinchelseaXpVfJ'y Mbnday, For Pooley, 14 r7, ldter/ 3-28-3tc, - • Ar f I entral!a,62room ery convenience 1 good orchard; eh house, Pos­ hly Mrs. H. B. 2-14-tte prices phone r. Kirkton. Waiter E ■4 froR SALE^-At brick cottage with one hdfe 6t land wi .garage, stable, session In April. Harnioh, Hehsall, . :- 'r '1, 1 « ibitri TAXI SHIVICE s; also country prides, Heated 66 Win pi^et ail tra driving at moderat sedaii WELL and 180. Wife. Mr. J. AV. Powell spent Monday in' Clinton. Mr. Ervin G-reb is home from De­ troit for a few days. Mr. C. Lee, of London, spent Thursday last Ju town, Mr.'Marvin Howey is the new jun­ ior at'the Bank of Montreal. Mrs. Gus Ferguson, of Toronto, visited with her father, Mr. James Sweet. Mrs. J. S. Harvey and Miss Gladys spent the past week with relatives in Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle visit­ ed with relatives in St. Marys on S lin’d ay. Mr. Sandy Elliot has erected a large electric “Ford" sign in front of his garage. Mrs. Hy. Welsh, who has been con­ fined to her bed for several is improving. Miss Gertrude'Francis has ed home after spending the holidays in Detroit. Mrs. G. Anderson' has returned from London, after visiting for a few days with Dr. Walsih, Mr. and Mrs, Flowers, of London, ! spefrt Sunday visiting with the lat-' ter’s sister, Mrs. Mooney. ” A number of young people motor­ ed to London the latter part of last week and. took in “Dumbolls.’’ ' Mr. Laverne AVells left Monday for St. Thomas where, he has iaken a position with the Bell Telephone Co: Mrs. AV. S. Howey was called to London, Sunday owing to the illness of her -mother, Mrs. (Rev.) E. A. Fear. Rev. and Mrs. Borden Cunningham and babe, of St. Thomas, visited rela­ tives in town on Thursday of last week. ‘ _ Mr. Victor Kestle has "purchased the house on AVilliam Street which was built last year by Mr. AVelling- ton Hern. : Messrs. Harold Taylor and Ted Moir, who are at present working as builders at Corunna, Mere home for- the week-end. Mr. E. French and neice Mrs. E. Hearts, of Toronto, spent the week­ end visiting the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Follick. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Simmons returned to AVindsor on Thursday after attending the funeral of the former’s brother Melville. Do it now! “Capt. Racket” the A. Y. P. A. play in the Opera April 17th and 18th, at Howey’s?^ It’s a scream. Mrs. AVm. Ferguson and son Jas. and Miss Ila Westcott, of Toronto, motored up dnd spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mbs. Rd. Coates Mrs. Sid Sanders, who recently '.underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, Londoii, returned home last week, and i.t getting along nicely. Miss Lily Payne, Wlio Has* been Spending'tlie past week with her parents, Mr. returned to tlie week. Mrs. Fred moved their household effects into Mr. John Taylor’s hous.e recently vacated by Mr. Hamblyn. AVe wel­ come them to our midst. Mr. A. E. Fake, of the Ross-Tay­ lor Co., has been off duty for1 the past throe weeks. He is again able to be around but on the advice’ of his physician intends taking a few weeks to recuperate. Mr; R. N. Creech, who has been cOlifiiied td the house for the winter, has bee*, out a couple of times en­ joying short walks on bright days. It Is hoped that he Will regain his, .strength with warmer weather. The last reutalnihg verandah on Main st, was torn down last weak when the one in front ef Mr. Sylves­ ter TAylor’s Jewellery store was de-J mollshed,.- It had become in a bad state of repair and dangerous to ped-* dstrians. This ' verandah was the .principal home of .the purple martins ■ in town as nesting boxes wore fitted up in it for tlieni. As these birds are desirous residents it is hoped that will that they MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. CL J. Moorhouse, Pastor Organist, Miss ,E. Huston . a.m.—-Mr. E. S. Livermore,, B-A. will address the teen-age members of the congregation. p.m.—Church School, p.m.—Mr. Livermore will again speak. These are tlje re-oponiifg-1 services, in connection with the re­ decorating of the school. Mr. Livermore is a young lawyer from Aylmer who is devoting much of liis time to young people’s work. Prayer and praise service TIiuts- day, night at 7.3 0 p.m. 11 o 7 weeks. return- Easter Melville. Get your tickets for a ■ — • • and Mrs. A. J. Payne, London the forepart of Stewart and family have ®oineotiO sufficiently interested make provisions for them so they may have a home when return, It is often difficult to get smart Coats for children., .This year we arej fortunate in securing a fine range in tweeds and powet twills |hat are real chic. \ Values from $7. 00 to $lj^00 =s ’=sa 36 inch WIDTH .BLACK SILK A good weight, of fine ?AILETTE‘ -en weave and a beautiful finish. Thislsilk gives satisfaction. Special per yard $1.29. CHILDREN’S RIBBED STOCKINGS In one and one rib. A great stock­ ing for boys and girls for school wear. Colors black and sand, all shades at per pair 25c. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH - Rev. Walter Jones. Rector 1 2nd Sunday after Easter 11 a.m.—Matins and sermon. 3 p.m.—Sunday School . 7 p.m.—Evensong and sermon.. The men of Trivift Memorial" will m&et in the: parish hall on Thursday evening at S o’clock. ) 1 M * £ f TO >IIC PUBLIC M X, Having- disposed of our-’ grocers business to MrdrFrrmk Qooioo v.'/ Wish , to expresJour* thdnks to tli<?. many ] port,, du been in bespeak gf$r Mr. Coates your -contin­ ued pa nage.. All accounts now du and may be settled at residence on Wm. Street-j-C. Ford. to Mr.#Frank Coates w6 tromaFfor thfeir loyal' supV e three years we havS ness in Exeter and wie are our W: T 4' •Dr. Graham washes to announce that owii|g to Jrs leaving Exeter on May 1st, fany^ccounts owing aftef Arpvil 15t| will be given to a collect added.,. Jf- ■ “ ---------------4Fwith costs of collection HOGARTH HATCHERY It is now time about your brooder this se'ason. We our" machines and needs. __ feeders and be here i talk over our prices, very reasona SERVICE. ' of. Hogarth’s Purple and Mona Meal, Liver Meal. OUr carlo all po few d to be thinking chicks etc. for e now running an supply your of brooders; try supplies wilt s. Come in and ds and ask fo^ will find them d wo give you’ o carry a stock Mash, Royal: Lay Mash, Bone. Fish Meal, Cod'Meat Meal Oil, Charcoal, Alfalfa Leaf; OWing to our space being crowded' last.week nothing was said of the' concert that was put on in the Opern^ House by Mr. Bert Johnston, who was here for. three nights with hiSt magic and sleight-of-hand tricks, On? account of the holiday season the; crowds were - not as large aS they; might have been, but Mr. Johnston, ahd liis artists were able to enter­ tain those present with his jegerde-,' main and other acts of interest. j WANTED stomL nn opening in this a man or company ich With farmers well-known and ^al^h' No-Buckle c is an excellent the right man dash in on his good-will with already has 76,000 farm- ts supplied 1^0' outlay ivlng de­ tract with y and te- Wo ha County ifoi in close to sell’ th advertised v Harness. ' opportunity or company connections up a p uct will ■the. er.s. atid lot ____ , tails as to prcsen farmers lu this cod f'o rences td— :R, D, KWEKSON, GUN, MBR. James M. Walih Co. Limited OKILBzl, ONTARIO JURE LINEN ROLLER TOWELLING Tms is an excellent all linen towel- liilg^' uli _ 2dc. per yard; 5 yards for $1.00. “ f PURE LINEN TEA TOWELLING In mauve, pink, blue or yellow r check. ; Good height, good weave and a splendid towelling for drying dishes Special at per yard 30c. /1 Will wear and, wash well. Reg­ price per yard 25c. Sale price 4 s=s =5: = ■ t NEW COATS EVERY WEEK WE HAVE SOMETHING NEW TO SHOW Hi' O. Sodthcott is in Toronto this week and will bring home with him some of the newest Styles and materials in Coats and Dresses. J Try our fresh ground Rex Coffee at per lt>. 65c. Get your Dutch Set Onions early.. . They are scarc.e at per lb. 15c hydro Electric Wiring/ajid irlt^ong, guaranteed workmanship a® Reasonable prides. Repairing stove^/find motors, a spec? laity. Estimates , gladly furnished tree. ' * 7 ERN. DAVIS ■<r / 1 Illi III =S5 Mrs. Wm. Sweet, of Olds, Alta., in renewing her subscription to the; Times-Advocate says that the_• papej? has come to their .home for many years and that they do not wish Jo miss any copies as they look forward every week for it. They are havmg real spring weather and Some ofjthe farmers were on the land seeding the latter part of March. J The New Trench Coats ARE VERY POPULAR / All sizes at $9.50, $12.50, $1^.00, $18.00 THE BlI^TER COATS ARE S LINED Electric Wirjng and I Woi iman ' Exetct James Str J ip Guaranteed SOJPHENNESSEY Ontario Telephone 145 NOTICE! TO HYDRO WATERWORKS iIn future a] able at the hours during 10 a.m. to ; i date, which is 1 Will be strict . Publ 1 acc ND USTOMERS nts will bo pay- Office. Office rnent period from. Last discount’ tfe 12 th of’ the mohtli, enforced. Utilities Commission ONTARIO BREEDING STATION- ’ Under supervision’ of Poultry De­ partment O. A. . C>, (Juelph. specialize in Barbed Robks. bird, on our fan and blood tested, spector. of Pdrfor for matihg chicks and chicks. SUNNY I We arxed RobkA [Every m is chll^d, banded* 1, jy Government lii- e trdj leSt’Amder Record Mce' lipervisioti. Write gt dull prices on day old week old Started stSE FARM R/K. No. 2* Sehforth ‘ 3-14-5tc. SAFETY JU S RPEN SINGLE DdUDL V W. (any .make) R SLADES .Uo.t.o.oii.......... t Edgb GuaranteedCOLioRUGGlST j I> • 1 Spring i Twee/ Coats :. ■ ' '' • y • ' , . $15.00 | $18.06/ $20.00 | NECKV^EAR IN ALL THE | LATEST JMAIIES AND DESIGNS NDERWEAR ' CTS; ALSO COMBINATIONS w. PHONE 81w NEW 2-PH2CE, .IN EXETER, ONT, FURNITURE AND FUNERAL SERVICE Ei-hestC. [iNS Reprjfeentlng GENERAL arvey CB BROKER ALL THEV.ATF/T EQUIPMENT R. N,lRD WE AND T EWALMERS DINNEY PHONE, BUSINESS SOW. HOUSE 20j. EXETER. ONT. ELLIOTT’S CORN .<■ Phone You need Just Nort elropolitan GROCERY 5 for Service lathings we sell, your patronage,Wo need We have anything you wantWe have anything you want iu thb tine of fancy cakes* bandies* com oil-and vinegar. MutqalLjfe of Canada Automobile, Etc. W R. GOULDING Plano Vc Supervisor. 6 Studio, Main ic —........ , At i. a Organist and Jarae? ,$t. U oirmaster Ctiurch bin Itt Organ Ic m School* Box 57, phone 19» TER, ONT. Theory THE NEW STORE Furniture and Underlying HONOR GRAB EXAMINA Day, Night a Phbne E. R. if modern PER ION d S TE OF/5NTARIQ day calls ' t 99 ’ QUIRMENT KINDLY & ATTENTIVE SERVICE