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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-04-11, Page 6
•mvuww. ■UWRSDAY, APRIL 11th, " I? Stephen Council | ■’The council of the Township of 8 SSlephen convened at the Town Hall. «Credlton, on Monday, April 1, 1929, M 1 p.m. All members wore present. SMiautes of the previous meeting read and adopted. Moved by Mr. W. Sweitzer, second ed by Mr. E. Gill: That By-law No. 40G of 1929 be ting a By-law for aiding in maintain any indigent inhabitant, or pei i’ound. in the Municiixility liavin Ivey, read three times be signed b Reevq and Clerk and the .Seal o of 111 Corporation be attached there to. Moved by Mr. W. Dearing, second- ifeti 1-y Mr. I. Tetrc-an:- That the following Road Fore- jmau’s pay sheets be paid, viz: Road 1, Nelson Baker $9.50; 3.,, Nelson Baker $8.00; -0021 Baker $5.00; rd. Baders .$18.00; rd. 3, $13.f25; rd. 4, George ird. 5, Alvin C. Baker Robert Gower $12.10; TYmrley $8.25; rd. 10, JJ1J.25; rd. 17, We Td. 18, Augusuts 1 21, William Baker Roy Hodgins $24.5 *Tr».ebner $18.50; .Schenk $10.80; rd. 4U.C0; Albert Morlock $3.00; road 19, Thomas lisaac 815.00; rd. 8, Jo- C. Finkbeiner ?6‘.50; rd. 20, A. $28.25. Total $265.82. ."The following orders were passed: •32. R. Hopper, burial expenses of Mrs HSjfilier, $30.00; Peter Mclsaae, bur- .aal expenses of R. Taylor $30.00. The council adjourned to meet jngain at the Town Hall, Crediton on JMay 6th, 1929, -at 1 p.m. Henry Either, Cler rd. 23, 2, William Lewis Daw Hirtzel .$15. .$13.20; rd. rd, 9 Thoma Wm. Becker sley Isaac .$9,75; .atta $8.97; road .$14.00; road 22. 0; rd. 27, Frank rd. 6, Henry 7, Robert Gower ZION L (Intended for last week) ■&n Thursday evening of last week ^.ambers of Zion church and of the school section met at the home of Wellington Brock to honor Miss SNora Godkin, the popular school teachers, who has resigned her posi tion. A splendid program was pro vided during the course of which "films Godkin was presented with a -complimentary address and several •Jiaii'dsome presents including a ches terfield table, electric floor lamp, fillyer casserole and other articles. The address was, read by Miss Myrtle 3SarJ and Miss Godkin made a very ■suitable reply. Refreshments were served and a jolly time was spent. IMr. and Mrs. Ephriam .Hern spent (Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Myron jgulbert near Luca. Mr- and Mrs. Robt, Taylor and daughter Miss Lyla, visited at the "Swine of Mr. Harold Hern on Sun- •jday. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE BWHMMMN in all thusiast past 3 Buick I eater hlin- Greatest the final judge of . has registered en- of the revolutionary & 1929 McLais-ghlin.- 50 YEARS AGO The regular fortnightly meeting of the Bible Christian Young People’s Association was held in the base ment of the B. C. Church on Tues day evening last when the following persons took part in the program: Miss C. Dyer, song; Miss L. Oke, reading; Misis- E. Hicks, song; Miss Ada Brown, recitation; Mr. ID. Ro berts, song; Mr. J, Pickard, reading; Miss Blatchford, instrumental sel ection, Mr. Geo. Cobbledick tend ered his resignation as Secretary of the society and Mr, E. Spicer was elected to fill the vacancy. The shooting match between the Exeter and Ailsa Craig Gun Clubs will take place tomorrow when the following Exeter gentlemen will take part in the match: P. Curtin, S. Fair bairn, T. Bissett, A. Bright, J. West cott, A. Lake, F. G. Simpson and R. Bissett. Mr. John McDonnell has complet ed the task of assessing the village and we beliove the work has been satisfactorily performed. The total amount of the assessment is $481,- 000. We understand that the propriet or of the Exeter Flax Mill intends to work the product of 25 0 this season instead of twice amount as last year. Mr. George Hackney, of acres ■th ar. the Thames Road, Township of Usborne, has a ening doing cow which gave birth last ev- to three calves; all living and well. 25 YEARS AGO ||nth, McLaughlin-Buick greater than March o£ an any previous March uick history. „ Laughlin-Buick than any ve its price ». because.the uick with its Masterpiece s unquestionably establish- of performance and a new During sales hz last year in all Me More people other car at 1929 McLaug Bodies by Fisher, ed a new standar order of beauty. Get behind the wheel and get die facts! ULRIC SNELL, Exeter x When Better Automobiles Are Btark—M'cLanghlm-Btrlcli WtK But?d Them Several Exeterites “■sugaring off’’ at the Roger Northcott, Hay, on Tuesday evening. Mr. Wm. Hawkshaw purchased the house and lot owned by'Mr. C. Isaac on William St. last week. Mr'. Hawkshaw has recently sold a splen did residence in Seaforth. Mr. W. J. O’Brien, of London, who recently accepted the position -of Commercial Master in the High School Department here, arrived in town last week and commenced his duties on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Walker, who resides on the London Road south of ■town, met with a very unpleasant ac cident on Sunday while returning from church. They were driving a favorite old pony, which is about twenty-three- years of age, but al though not a colt he took fright at something on the road side and shy- ling, threw both occupants into the I ditch, with the result that Mr. Walk- ler sustained a compound fracture to, his* nasal appendage, while Mrs. Walker received a badly sprained wrist and was otherwise shaken up. Mr. John McDonald left Tuesday ■morning for Perry .Station. Mr. Nelson Northcott; fireman on the- Stratford-Owen Sound the G. T. R. is visiting at in town. Mrs. Alex Box and little , , netli and Mr. - Marshall Box' return ed -on Saturday from Barwick, New Ontario, where they spent the winter with Mrs. Box’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Peterson.- enjoyed the home of Mr. Presentation and Address On Thursday ^evening of last week neighbor^ ajtd *i friends numbering 125 took possesion of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frtuik Coates, of Us borne, as a surprise op the eve of their moving to Exeter. During the course of the evening Mr. and Mrs. Coates were presented with an ad dress and an electric table lamp, electric iron and electric,‘toaster. The address being read by Mr. "Clinton Sweet to which Mr. Coates made a very feeling reply, A very jolly ev ening was spent and refreshments were served. The following is the address: Centralia, Murch 28, 1929 and Mrs, Frank Coates, Centralia. 1 Dear Friends:— ’ ” Having learned with regret that you are about-to*leavp our neighbor- we, your friends and neighbors, have assembled here this evening you farewell. During the years you have lived among have learned you, and you by all of us. that you are away, and that we may often see you in your new place of residence. We hope you will often come back among your old neighbors, wheifever you have an opportunity. We ask you to accept of our goodwill toward wish for you in your new life, health and happineiss and pros perity in your new enterprise, Signed on be'half of your neigh bors. Gtyv Sxeivr yJinttif-Atorute I Established 1873 and 1S87 g Published every Thursday morning, •at Exetep, Ontario* SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per yea? ltf. advance. . RATES—-Farm. or Real Estate fos| sale 50c. each insertion foy firsg- four insertions. 25e. each subsaw quent insertion. Miscellaneous ar ticles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, orj Found 10c. pei’ lino of six words. Reading notices & Card of Thanks vertising 12 and Memoriam, with extra verses 25 c. lQc. per line* 50c. Legal ad-t Sc. per line. 14 one verse 50&t each.. , Member of Tho CtwiatTiar* Weekly j Newspaper Association. .jMr. >■» to bid many us, we resp,ect missed to ldve and will be greatly We are glad to know not going very -far this token you, and home long NEWS IS< SPREADING " from coast to coast, that Mrs. Sybilla Spahr’s Tonsilitis is the most , suc cessful remedy to treat Cough, Bron chitis, yVhoopipg Cougli, Colds, Ca tarrh, Sore Throats and Tonsil ills. Absolutely is guaranteed. ’ Howey’s Drugstore. ME. ryrsr-KM Tniit-a-fcives” Stopped Pam and Dizsi It seen way “Fru w GLADMAN &^ANBURY $ BARRISTER^, SOjflCITOBS, Ac<! I Money to Loa-Ji, Investments, Made,?' ‘J ; for u-s®' of oils; I nt charge' J ON HENSAIify Safe-Deposit ’ Clients r CARLING <•■MORLEY .^J BARRISTERS, LOANS;i^INI £ JDICITORS, j ESTMENTS, INSUfjANCE Office: Carling 1 exet: '■'1 ?ck, Main Street^ L ONT.- DR..M. C. G. FLETCHER PHYSICIAN ..C SURGEON Graduate' o.f Facigiy o-f Medicine,,. .....Ontario, Mem«» Physicians'and 1 Member of tha*1 University o'f* her of the CoMe^e o Surgeons, of Ontaltio British Medical Ccfoi Phone 6 ice 4f t&e • Dr. H.. K; Hyndman} Dr. G. S. Atkins DENTAL. S Late District Denta District Number RGEON- Officer o<£ ASTilitieJ. .e. London-, Ont. Office 34w 7 Office open We Telephones House 345 ies^ay afternoons . until May 19 29 MAIN Si?.,- EXETER, ONT^ <4 © Dr. G. F. Reston, UD.S,D.D^ 3NTIST „ J .rling £] Office . . ' ' Gas’ j ■ ■ ONT. "I ss J w7-5 EXE- Office over Extraction 15 YEARS AGO in- 4 Ont, In the Morning * Agent for branch of his home S$IMON DOW McConnell T. ALLISON, I. BJKOOK .trying time a godsend tin Hehsall where he . DAYMAN CALLS PROMP Corner df Main Office in C. D. EXETER D. S. 7 .go to, bed be- , terrible dizziness, writes Mrs. trying time DR. E. S.STEINER VETERINARY SURGEONS Graduate of the “Now I am never without them ** the house and wish to thank you for What they did t# me.** Price 25c. a vial at all druggists or dealers, or mailed direct oh receipt of price by The T. MUbtjra Lti, Toronto. Ont. d ntario- V^crmarjj .4 PECIALTY NABLE RANTKE® Phone Dashwood R. R. NO. 1, I>ASHW<M® .NIGHT Y^ATTENDED’ TOj’ Ann Streeta fell’s Block i, ONT.would surely-get ief- that I did.’’4 le’r has this.won- icine—2£c. and' USBORNE it H1BBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office. FWauhar. Out. President Viee-Pres. FRA direct ANGUS SlNCLAW'jr ROBT. NORRiS,' ■ 4 "‘' JOHN ESSBRY, C,v. Usborne‘and OLIVER IIAilrilS, Mud Hibbert, Fullerton an W* A. TURNBULIJ Secretary-*r‘reastir6r Bdx 98, jEXeter, Ontdrlfi QL.ADMAN A STANBURY Solicitors, Exsttr Bad Taste in Mouth W38f! DR. WM. L&LAWSON L. D. S. D Office in Old Cd freial BfcaftJinjfy ■ PhoneMain St., Exeter. UNG' 139 son, Ken- bl 1 Sati's£actio$ J 1 The masterful desi of the new-style this attractive car as the outstandi country’s leading style specialists^ Only among the costliest cu3tori find adequate comparison with and perfection of appointmen this and inexpensive Will "Finger-tip Control”—the gr ce since the self-! ’ distinguish 1 creation of the uilt cars can you? e artistry of finish vhich characterize: -Knight $ix- estadvancein driving' er, is an outstanding Mr. Geo. Anaerson has moved to the dwelling on Victoria Street recently vacated by Mr. John Chari-' ton. ' • ’ Mr. William Mitchell, who has been living at Grand View, Man? for isome years returned here last week and intends residing'here. ' Mr. John Moir, of Usborne,. hits sold his'beautiful farm in Usborne to Mr. Jas. Gould, of Hay Township, who gets possession at once. The farm consists of 50 brought $4000.00. Mr. E. Christie was and Clinton last week judged the light horses in the spring. Stock Shows. A large number of enthusiastic baseball players and fans met in the sample room of the Central Hotel on Friday evening last when a club was organized with the following officers, W. J. Heaman, G. L. Waugh, R. N. Creech, Frank Boyle, Harold Bissett, T. Boyle, W. E. Bradt, E. H. Axt, -and Hank Parsons, Its. Godin ilmost a miracle.—the i-tives-” benefits wo men suffering at tho change of life. “I was obliged to cause of the pain and weakness B. “During this Onesime Godin-, of Paquetville', N.B. “During this .‘Fruit-a-tives’ proved to me; and.now I;am in perfect health. Every woman should.’fol- low my. example’and'-take ,‘Fruit-a- -tives’, and they - the wonderful r Try -it. '.Your d derl’ul fruit m 50c. a box.. feature! of this new ”70B.” There Knight straine patents By the as the i average Willys-Kn Roadster S Sedan $13>. re thousands who otored car but by the neceissa double slecve-va tthi3 distinctive us try’s finest ex r prices. hti 70-B Sedan 20, Tourin Prices. ave always desired a: til now have been re- r higher coaS of the e engine. w Six will be welcomcdL pie of co3tly-car style at. When you wake up in the morninjf with a furred tongue and a bad, bitter taste in your mouth you may be rare , that your liver ia not functioning ! properly and requires attention at once. Mrs. S. J. Canning, R.B. No. 1, i Severn Bridge^ Ont., writes:—4‘On rising in the morning I found I had a ; bad taste in my mouth which I later found out was due to the bad state of iny liver. The clerk in. tho drug store suggested that 1 try ■ I in the famous Purity Flour Cook Book. Have one in your kitchen. Sent for 30c stern Canada Flour Milla Co. Limited Toronto 01 'U *aeut* JOHN.’WARD | CiHROPRACT osteopathy; ]. ELECTRO-THERAPY’ & U3MU3&A* j VIOLET T ' SAT3IENT& tj P&« 0 MAIN ST., EXjETJEB ARTHUR WEBER licensed- Auctioneer: For Huron; aiWl Middlesex FARM. SALEWA PRICES RE^ SATISFACTION G WILLYS-KNIGHT FRANK-TAYLORS LICENSED' UCTIONEEB;'. For Huron afikl JJfitldlesex FARM SALES ^SPECIALTY Prices ReasonaT Guarani EXETER P. O. or gent fo? Logan OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED MUCTIONEBK Honor Grdduat^pareY Jones’ Auc-. Special course taken o.ck (all breeds); Estate, Farm. iA keeping witfe Stisfaction as- write Oscar Klopp, Zurich tion School, in Registered Live Merchandise, < Sales, Etc. i prevailing prices.. shred, \.N1_ 2___ . or phone 1S-93, 'Zurich?,. (Mt. 1874 , 19^9k’ The London Life t*OLiCi^]S A^* A8>' sSiOLB * ■■ w. c. iTSABoia; j Exeter. Fhowilsdw Residence* Aim