The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1929-03-28, Page 2f. F THU1WAX MARCH 28tl», 1929 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE her marriage tos take » ; controls than if he we hear the voice in violent impatience, as ‘If Jones is for it I am Then Jones more firmly The hydro was turned on recently in Bayfield. After a tended’ ov waste oi.tr minds in It is right to of Wesley-Willis presented their cl DISTRICT NEWS her life, retiring to Seaforth in 1900, said deceased WT'r Mnrrnw rliprl flip samp WAI* 'f-ha n-t-irlnvaio-nMr. Morrow died the same year. Inspection CLASSIFIED ADS OF 250 YEARS AGO a prolonged illness that ex- rcr a year there passed away Wilson, of Seaforth. i’» section foreman on and ’is left to mourn the loss of a loving partner. Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett, of Mitchell, entertained a few of- their friends on Friday evening, it being the seventh anniversary of their marriage. During the evening they received several beautiful gifts. The engagement is announced of Anna Camilla, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Peter McGrath,'of St. Colum­ bian, to Angus Lewis Kennedy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Kennedy, .of Tuckersmith,. The place in April. The Girl’s t. Club Church, Clinton, pastor, Rev. J. E, Hogg, with beautiful Geneva gown, to replace the one previously presented by club, which was destroyed when church was burned last June. the the EXETER Estimates gladly furnished for any job, in any J Grade of Seaman Kent Oak, Maple or Birch^x Mrs. William ]VIorrow died at home in Seaforth, Ont,, recently. Mrs. Morrow had been an invalid for the past six’.years but her con­ dition was only considered serious, the last few weeks.' The deceased had lived in that vicinity most of The death occurred in London at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F, Clatworthy, of Cordelia Trewartha, wife of Arthur ’Whittingham, of Clinton, at the - age of eighty-one years. Her husband and three- dau­ ghters survive. Rev. C. J., Moor­ house, of Exeter, conducted the ser­ vices assisted’ by Rev. A. 'E. Doan. Another early settler passed 'away in the death of Henry Vietor, of Mitchell, in his. 82nd year. Deceas­ ed had resided for many years in Logan Township until shortly after the death of his wife twenty-two, years age, ■ he retired ' to Mitchel]" where he has since resided.’ * Two- daughters survive. Mr. G. A. McCagne, lias been* ap­ pointed Huron’s new Agricultural Representative he is a graduate in ■animal husbandry of the Ontario Agricultural College, aiid has for the past nine months been assistant to .Mr. Paterson and has a pretty good idea of the work. Mr; G. R; Pater­ son is being transferred to Peel Co., with headquarters ait Brampton. The worst flood in, Steaforth in twenty-five years occurred this spring when the southwest corner of the town, along the railway,’ be­ came covered with water. Two fam­ ilies had toqinove out of their homes and it was impossible to keep some of the furnaces going. Mr. W. D. Hoag was a heavy loser when thirty- nine hives of bees were all drowned. IF* stand behind the cars we sell ROSS-TAYLOR CO., LTD NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' RE WILLIAM TREBLE, late, of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman^ deceased, CREDITORS AND jlTHERS HAV­ ING claims against t . are r the undersign^! sol Administrator or before the Stlk da after which estate will regal’d only notice shall Dated this 2 Oth A.D., d then e estate of the hired to send itors for the said estate, on of April, 1929, assets of said ributed, ( having claims of which ave been given, day of March, 1929, CARLING & .MORLEY Solicitors for Administrator Exeter, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS RE JAMES BYRNE fMcELREA, ‘IdCe* of the Township of JUsborne, in County of Huron, Fari CREDITORS AND O ING claims against th .said .deceased, ire, rec full particulars V sue undersigned Solfcitoi ministratrix *of tUb sa before the’.first clay after which date ih r, deceased. HERS HA.V- estate of the ired to send Claims to the for the Ad- estate, on or f April, 1929, ----- ------T---- assets of said estate wilt pe distAbiited, having re­ gard only jtd. the yainis of which notice shall then have been given. Dated this 13th day of March, 1929. CARLING ’& MORLEY Solicitors for Administratrix ’ Exeter, Ont. EVEN at ordinary prices, a Used Car gives yee more miles of’ automobile transportation for your dollar than you can get in any other way—be* jeause the original,owner has. stood the heavy first** year depreciation. Now, we offer you a double bargain • . Good JJsed Cars, at phenomenally low prices! We want ito clear out our entire stock of usted cars to make jway for new Chevrolets coming in. It would cost us money to carry them and store them until sum-« mer. So we’re turning that money over to you| making it worth your while to BUY now. Look at the cars • • and the prices ; • and you’ll agree you’ve never seen such values ih UNUSED TRANSPORTATION. It’s an opportunity that * you may never get again. , Hensall E¥ROI£T DEALE Wc.as.a.jtaa NOTICE TO CREDITORS RE JOHN WILLIAMS, late of th© Township of Mc'Gjjlivray, in the County of Middles^, Farmer, de­ ceased, CREDITORS J^TD OTHERS HAV­ ING claims agaifht the estate of the said deceased Jfe required to send full particiilarsjbf such claims to the licitors for the Ex- e fiaid estate, on or be- stfday, of April, 1929, ite the assets of said ■ distributed, having re- the claims of which, hen have been given, th day of March, 1929. NG & MORLEY undersign^ ecutor of fore the fi after, whicl estate will gard only notice shal Dated this CARL Solicitors for Executor Exeter, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS RE ALEXANDER MURDOCK, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, gentleman, de­ ceased. ^creditors and Others hav­ ing claims against -ifie estate of the said deceased are i .... . ’ _ __1 full* particulars of s/ch claims to the undersigned Execmfors of the said "estate, on%or befo$ the first day of April, assets buted, hav claims have been : Dated this ifctlf day gf March, ,1929. THE C(ANA,I$/ TRUST COMPANY, of quired to send , after# which date th© id es g r of te will be distri- ard only to the notice shall then „. Notice—Whereas one J.ohp .Stuart/ of a. tall stature, black browsra wart ‘iipdn his cheek, in -a black periwig an cl. black suit, has been lately in­ structed to sell several pieces of black ^worsted, crapes, hair chamb- lets, black philemot, and sky-color­ ed mohairs, with which.goods he is run away and cannot yet be heard1 of. Whosoever gives notice of the man and goods to Mr. Howard, Milk Street Market, shall h-av.e forty shill­ ings reward..-;—-London Times, 1680. LOST—upon th 13 th. Inst, a little blackamoor boy in a blew livery, with a silver collar about his neck, in­ scribed “Mrs. ,Manby’s Blackamoor in Warwick Lane.” "Whoever shall give notice of him to Mrs. Manby, or to the “Three Cranes!” in Paternos­ ter Row, shall be well rewarded for his peynes.—London. Times, 1664. YOU CAN’T HIDE A GRUDGE Do you carry grudges? Cast them aside. Your burden in life is heavy enough without them. DO you boast of your grudges as a sign that you are< a freeman? Don’t do it. Though you may have created your grudges and- though you may feed them, they are your masters. You may carry youi4 grudge uphill through life, but it will carry you only down. How often the street in Smith cries: ' against it.” Smith’s mind were his closest Mend, ! It Is not worth while to energies and vitiate our hate ahd resentment. K ,......J.__ hate evil, but merely pity evil mem If you have been wronged*, forget, Why keep the injury fresh? You suffered enough at the time. Do you long for revenge or to “got even” with some enemy, actual or imaginary?, You magnify his triumph You. continue his ascendancy. You hypnotize yourself within Ills spell, It doesn’t pay. Marty happinesses are shared by I the least fortunate of us, and many misfortunes befall the happiest of us. the hours of retrospect and prospect •land prospect ih other than the hap- Ipiest memories andr thev brightest '/ hopes that charity .and love can sum- jmon. Jxdcutor 44*6 Richmond St., London, Ont. By CARLING & MORLE-Y, its Solicitors, Exeter, Ont. rs for the Ad- You are never far away front a John Taylor motoring when ‘Have your tires thoroughly overhauled inside and out —now. Kot onit Royal Master ' in a thousand willtvcr puncture. Not one in five' thousand Kilt htow out Under two years of Service. The proper place to have it done is at a Dominion Tire Depot. Here you will find a specialist — trained, in the Dominion Tire Factory, He knows how tires are made. ’He keeps in touch with the newest methods and devices in tire repairing —> and 1ft checking all injuries before! they cause serious results, Now is the time to see this man—then, you’re ready for Spring. NOTICE TO CREDITORS RE REBECCA WILLIAMS, late of the Township of McGillivray, in the County of Middlesex, W^owi deceas­ ed. CREDITORS AND OTHERS HAV­ ING claims against e estate of the Said," deceased are ‘quired to send, full' particulars of sjlch claims to the undersigned Eolici _ „„ niinistrator on the laid estate on or .before the fir] after which d1 estate will be gard pnly to t notice shall theif® Dated this 13th dl da ’ ,of. April,- 1929, e t le assets of said Ijuted, having re,- daims of’ which ave bien given. of March, 1929. CARLING & MORLEY Solicitors for Administrator Exeter. Ont. Royal Master NOTICE TO CREDITORS > RE JOHN FORD, late or the Vil­ lage of Exeter, in the County of Hu­ ron, Gentleman, deceased./ CREDITORS AND OTHERS HAV- ING claims against the estate of the / said deceased are required to send-J full particularssuch </aims to the/ undersigned Solicitors or the E^ ecutors pf the skidestyue, on or be* fore the. first day,of/April, 19291 aftbr which date! the/assets of sai$ ■estate will be disVib/ted, having re­ gard only to the! claims of wluph. notice shall then li$ye been give$. Dated this 13th da|/o£ Match, 19/29 CARLING <53? MORLEY Solicitors for Executors Exeter, Ont. ^Ah-h