Clinton News-Record, 1961-11-02, Page 9FARMERS We ere shipping • cattle every .Monday tor _VnIted Co-operative pf QntariOL ON eoliolt your patronage. We will pick ;item op et yeer farm, ?Igoe Plriclhi-E COLT,-4PT not later than Aaturtlay nights., Seaforth Farmers Cooperative H, S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 669 W 1 iiiiiir**********titiketri APPLICATIONS RECEIVED THROUGH YOUR LOCAL AGISNT OR SOLICITOR OR WRITE DIRECT NAME (Please Print In Fad) ADDRESS Please Print CITY OR TOWN Plea's'S Print CHEQUE ENCLOSED I] Please Indicate DESCRIPTIVE FOLDER DESI RED 1] saying yes or no to the pne name on the ballot, The same method it then used at county level to elect the county representative to the. OFA. Yes, it is, a lot of trouble but just remember that a good many people lost their lives to give ne this method of governing ourselves and it should be worth some incon- venience to preserve the fruits of their sacrifice, Having done this you Are still not free' from responsibility. It is still your duty as well as your privilege to make sug- gestions at all levels ,through resolutions. If this is done we will be as close to true .demo- =tic government as is possible in large society, But let it be fully understood that the opportunity to nominate is just as important, if not more important, than the right to vote. If your leaders provide the opportunity for you to speak and you say nothing they are justified in thinking you have nothing to say, A good example of this fail- ure of farmers to speak was the hearing on crop insurance that was held in Markdale last Fri- day by the Government Crop Insurance Committee. In spite of personal invitations to a large 'number of representative farmers and organization lead- ers only four attended. Are farmers in favour or opposed? NEW Self-Storing DOOR & WINDOWS Converts from Storm to Screen Door in an instant. You will be amazed at the QUALITY and PRICE of these Windows and Doors. We Specialize in Repairing Aluminum Doors or Windows that are accidentally broken. RUSSELL JERVIS Sales & Service Bus. HU 2-9390 Clinton Res. HU 2-7774 Ont. 38tfb ginea ENGLISH DINNERWARE FOR ALL CITIES@SERVICE CUSTOMERS 4-PIECE SETTIN ONLY REGULAR PRICE $2.29 (with minimum gasolene purchase $2.50) As a special bonus to their customers, Cities Service stations are offering this famous-name English dinnerware at less than half the regular price ! Here is dinnerware you'll be proud to place before your guests—beautiful and elegant, in the best of taste! START NOW TO BUILD A COMPLETE 52-PIECE DINNER SET With each gasolene purchase (minimum $2.50) at Cities Service stations you can Obtain any one of the following gackages: • 1. four-piece setting (dinner plate, fruit dish, cup, saucer) • 2 bread And butter plates And 2 soup dishes • 16-PIECE STARTER SET (4 four-piece settings) $5.95 For those who wish to build their dinner set quickly ! Not carried by your station, but available direct from Cities Service—without gasolene purchases is the "completer" set of 4 pieces—cream jug, sugar bowl, salad bowl, large platter—for only $3.00. Further details about the "completer" set are given in the leaflet enclosed with your initial purchase. (proldneat salts Tex Extra) * The dinnerware pattern shown is open, stock and will be available to cities Service customers for an indefinite period at the prices quoted above. AT CITIES SERVICE STATIONS DISPLAYING THE ENGLISH DINNERWARE SIGN 990 990 keep 'em healthy STOPS SCOURS IN HOURS Terramycin A&D SCOURS TABLETS Save money by preventing stunted and unthrifty animals, Terramycin A & D Scours Tablets provide potent antibiotic action against the widest range of Scours-causing bacteria plus the vitamins most needed by newborn and sick animals. Terramycin starts to work instantly In the stomach and intestines against harmful bacteria that cause scouring ,and also gets animals back on their feed more quickly, Terramycin is also absorbed into the blood stream where it continues to fight infection throughout the system. Added vitamins promote) appetite and avoid critical vitamin deficiencies. Prevent Costly scours damage, maintain weight and condition by using Terramycin A & D Scours Tablets. Recommended for calves, cattle, pigs, lambs and fur-bearing animals. Always have a supply on hand. Full directions on package. Available wherever animal health products are sold siNg Pfizer Iteseareb Contributes to More Profitable terming ist DOSIA Terramyein ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS Arthilal 'Formula' * Obtriley .Perfoitria- watt Anti7 Oetirt 77 Now Liquid Te-riarocin for 1144,0114 * A 4 D Scouts tale& • Terrarnyck ibetitibtibibeirdretibilitdoe Mr. and Mrs. Orville .Jones recently visited with friends in Lucknow. Mrs, Scott Robinson, London, visited her mother Mrs, Rheta Charles on Saturday, The stores in Hensall will be closed on Remembrance Day from 10 a,m, Ito 1 p.m. Miss Dora .Alair, Clinton, is visiting with Mr, and Mrs, C. L, Jinks, and with Mrs Aida Simi ors, Mrs. W, J. Rogers and Bren- .da, Erindale were -Weekend vie- Aare With Mr, arid Mrs, Stanley Alex Mousseau was admitted to St, Joseph's Hospital, Lon. don, on Sunday where he will undergo an operation, Mrs, Spearman, Joan and Jack, and Mre..Spearrna,nrs mo- ON HAPPY PHILOSOPHER BY "TED`r RYDER CURLS WHO TRY TO BE WALKING ENCYCLOPED SHOULD REMEMBER: REFERENCE BOOKS ARE NEVER TAKEN OUT! then, left .,severe.I. weeks ago vane up residence in Dresden, Mr, and Mrs, loss Jinks, Gail and Billy, spent the week- end in St. Thornas, Dr. R. P. Dougall, Toronto, Was a Weekend -"visitor with his brother, W. R, Mrs. _John Glenn has taken up residence in, Eaceter with her sister, Miss Nettie •MeTag- gart. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Hay and family visited over the weekend with relatives in don. Glenn and Darlene Hayter, children of Mr. and Mrs, Mere vyn Hayter, Varna, had their tonsils removed et _Clinton Public Hospital last week. The Misses Margaret and .Emmaline Smillie, Toronto, are visiting with Mrs. James and Mr, and Mrs. R., M. Peck. LAC and Mrs,- James Jenk. ins, Judy and Gordon, Vancou. ver, BC, have taken up resi- dence in the Fink Apartments. LAC Jenkins has been posted to RCAF Station Clinton, Members of the l'Onette Club enjoyed a theatre party in Lon- don last Tuesday in Corninern- oretion of the 5th anniversary of the organization of their club, Miss Evelyn Hyde, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Alex Hyde, Kippen was successful in ob- taining her R.N. degree. She received her training in Osh- awa General Hospital. Mr,- and Mrs. N. Hildebrand and their granddaughter Lori, Wheatley, spent the weekend with their son-in-law and' dau- ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook and ,Carolyn. The public relations meeting 'of Henson. Women's Institute will be held Wednesday, Oct- ober 8 at 8.15 in the Legion Hall. Roll call, "A service our WI could render." Special gu- ests will be Hurondale and Zurich branches. A splendid program has been arranged. The Scouts and Cubs looking smart in their uniforms and with baskets of delicious well polished apples canvassed the village on Saturday and did a rushing business disposing of Miss larbara Sohwalm who underwent eye surgery over the weekend in St. Joseph's liosPi- tal, London, returned home Monday, The operation was performed by Dr Charles Thompson, eye specialist. L. J. McCloy, Scarboro, son. Hine-leasWhoats Mberen4nadpptlirifiedG virrgee- President of Jackson and Lewis Firm Ltd., Toronto, where he has 'been on the office staff for the past, ten years, I.l°Yt Ret edd d era r eCeak e t h t hter ines was .admitted' e General Hospital, St, Cather- Mee with a heart condition, which he was stricken with while working At McKinnon's factory in that city. Lloyd is the son of Mrs, Catherine Kea- den of town. $gt. Ronald MacKinnon, in- structor with the Army at Camp Borden for the past four years, has been posted to Ger. many, Mrs. IVIacKirmon, Taint and Gary, flew to England wh- ere they will stay with Mrs, MacKinnon's parents, Ron is the son of Mr, and' Mrs. D. E. MacKinnon of Hensall, Hensall Firemen were called out Friday afternoon to the farm of Gordon Munn in Hay Township to extinguish a trac- tor fire. Mr, Munn had filled the tractor with gasoline from the gas tank and when he st- arted it, 'it caught fire. The tractor was badly damaged by fire and will not be usable until repaired. Had the wind been in the right direction the dr- iving shed would' have caught on fire. Dr. Gerald R. Collyer, Lon- don, formerly of Hensall, med- ical director of the London Life Insurance Company, was' el- ected president of the Associa- tion of Life Insurance 'Medical Directors of America at its 70th annual meeting in New York City. He suceeds Dr. James R. Gudger, medical dir- ector of the Mutual Life Insur- ance Company of New York. Don Spearman moved his printing business to Dresden on Monday, his home town. Mr. Spearman came here from Dresden two years ago, taking over the Hensall Observer which he published until the end of August of this year. Then publication of the paper was taken over by Herb Turk- heim, Zurich, also publisher of the Zurich Citizens News. Mrs, George Hess, and Mrs. W. S. Shepherd, visited on Sun- day with Mrs. Gertrude Powell, Exeter, and attended evening anniversary services in Main Street United Church, Exeter. During the service two brass flower vases were dedicated, a gift of Mrs. Powell in, memory of her husband, the late Wil- lis S. Powell. Mrs. Powell and her late husband have been members of the church for 53 years, WI Workshop Twenty WI members attend- ed the district worshop in Hen- sail, October 27, on the theme, "WI Procedures". Mrs. R. J. Penny, Kingston, conducted the workshop and discussed at length the new Institute Hand- book. Miss Isabelle Gilchrist, Clinton, Huron County home economist brought greetings. Kin Meet Hensall Kinsmen at their dinner meeting on Thursday, decided to sponsor two hockey teams: midget and bantams, this year. The 'Christmas tree project was discussed and trees will be on• sale later. Plans for the Hallowe'en party Tues- day were finalized. One guest was present from Exeter and one prospective member. Ross finks won the raffle President Bill Fuss chaired the meeting held at the New Commercial Hotel, Fine Bazaar The evening auxiliary of the United Church sponsored a very successful bazaar, bake sale and tea in the church schoolrooms Saturday after- noon. Many from Hensall and surrounding districts attended, Many lovely articles suitable for Christmas gifts were offer- ed for sale. Over $275 was ,Porrespendentt .MRS, N, t,,,ONO Phone -1001s411 27B .W Mr. and Mrs, Norman Rick- ert visited Sunday in Listowel with Mr. and Mrs, M Wahl, Mr. and Mrs.- Harry Van, Wierren and family visited Sun- day with friends in Strethroy, In a Christtnas rake draw on. Saturday night at Pickett's. store, Mrs. Carl iVfeCtinchey, Clinton was the winner. Mr. and Mrs, William Jones and family, St. Thomas, visited recently with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Jones end sons, and M Jane, zurr. CichSvai.sril ert visited Sun day evening with Mr. _and Mrs, Harold' Jones, Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Brit- ton, Dublin, were Sunday vis- itors with Mr, and Mrs, Elston Dowson and Robert Thomson, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Van- Wierren .and family, visited friends Strathroy on Sun- day, Mr, and Mrs, John Doig and Miss Kathryn Feltzer, Grand Rapids, Mich., 'were at their old home on 'the weekend pre. paring for the sale on Satur. day, November 4. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Jones and boys visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Whiting, Parkhill and on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Art Ashworth and Carol, Derifield, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McLean and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mc- Lean attended the Hunter- Mignotte wedding reception at the Green Forest motel in Gr- realized for the new Sunday School building fund, Conveners were: bazaar table, Mrs. Robert Reaburn; tea table, Mrs. Robert Cook, Mrs. Don Joynt; produce, Mrs. Ed Corbett; recipe book, Mrs. Wal- ter Spencer; bake table, Mrs, Ian McAllister; candy, Mrs, Ernie Chipchaee. Several cash donations were received. Tea tables were very attrac- tively centred with varied col- oured baby 'mums. Members of the auxiliary would like to express thanks and apprecia- tion for the splendid co-opera- tion afforded in this project. Baseball Banquet The IOOF Baseball Banquet will be held in the Hensall Ar- ena auditorium Friday, Novem- ber 10 at 7 pm. The 1960 World Series will be shown. Harry E. Moore, Detroit Tig- er Area Scout will be guest speaker. Tickets axe available from any of the committee or at Bert's Snack Bar. Zurich CWL Members of St. Boniface Catholic Women's League, Zu- rich, met in the town hall, Zurich, led by the president, Mrs. A. Grenier. All members were encouraged to attend the Deanery Meeting in Hesson this year in order to get a better understanding and ap- preciation of the working of the CWL. A spiritual bouquet was ar- ranged by the spiritual con- vener, Mrs. Harold Dietrich, and sent to Father Doyle, on the occasion of Ms 30th' an- niversary to the priesthood. A letter read from the In- stitute for the Blind and a motion passed to make a don- ation. Plans for the annual penny Democracy has been a pop- ular word for many year but wonder what it means to most of us. Does it simply Mean going to vote for one of the candidates on the ballot on election day? If you didn't have any opportunity to name the candidate you haven't much choice, have you? Let's start over again, De- mocracy originated in the small community where every mem- ber had the opportunity to ex- press himself. However as our area of government grows it becoanes increasingly impossible to have each member express his opinion. We then turn to the delegate system to give us some measure of control over our government. The same thing applies to large organizatione'. The annual meeting of the OFA will be held in the Royal 'York, Toron- to. How can we, as farm mem- bers of this province wide or- ganization, retain democratic control? If we follow the recommended procedure of this organization we will begin with our •township units. At the annual meeting of this unit it is 'possible for every member to attend and it is within his reach. Here the member should have the op- portunity to vote to elect the representative of his Choice to the larger county unit. To be truly democratic the nominations for this person will be by secret ballot. This pro- vides the candidates for the election to follow, and you do then have 'the opportunity to vote for your own choice. Bal- loting should continue until one has a clear majority. Unless this procedure is followed we are only a step or two from the Russian system where you only have the opportunity of sale which is being held Nov- ember 25 in the Community Centre, Zurich, were finalized. Mrs. J. Dietrich gave an in- teresting commentary on her recent trip to Germany. Al- though she was thrilled •to see her homeland and relatives a- gain she still thinks Zurich, Canada, is •the best place to live. Mrs. Jack Bannister gave useful hints on starting African Violets, and using used deter- gent containers as flower vases. Next meeting will be held Nov- ember 13 and all ladies are en- couraged to be present to ar- range final plans for the penny sale. Luncheon was served by Mrs. Bedard and her commit- tee. ' A I YEAR TERM INVESTMENT PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST FULLY GUARANTEED Interest Paid Semi-Annually by Cheque Crown Trust Company 200 Queens Avenue London 5 GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES e,:•., 1411116a. 'i4‘ •-• ,1::•111.1._.._.' McCULLOCH SPEED-TIP BAR • Get faster, and smother cutting plus longer chain life with this new lightweight anti-friction bar. • Roller bearing tip reduces • friction • Deliveft mere power to chain • Narrow bar reduces binding • Durable one-piece construction iMinttrantraarikal Priced From $112.50 up Come In Foe A Free Demonstration WELLS AUTO ELECTR1C. "The originai tune-Up shop" KtNO STFilaEt HU 2-3851 _ • •