Clinton News-Record, 1961-11-02, Page 3About 1930
This early photo of Mr.
Jefferson will jog the mem-
ory of those of his students
long graduated from Clin-
ton Public School. Mr. Jef-
ferson became principal
here in, the fall of 1927 and
continued until the end of
June, 1956.
Program for
Jeff's Day
Saturday, Nov. 4
This Grade S class was the last one at Clinton Public School
under Mr. Jefferson as principal. Graduating in 1956, some have
now entered the business world in Clinton (four are bankers) and
some are married. Others are in Grade 13 this year at Clinton
District Collegiate Institute, and still others have moved away
from town. (MacLaren's Studio)
In Modern School by 1953
Mr. Jefferson had the pleasure of being prin-
cipal in the new school for three years, from its
opening in the fall of 1953 until his retirement in
1956. Equipped with complete kitchen (here "Jeff"
files away a bottle of cream) ; the new school was
a great improvement over the old one on Ontario
Street. For the last few years in the old building,
some classes were held in church basements and
rooms were almost hopelessly overcrowded.
9.00 a.m.—Formal investi-
ture of George H. Jeffer-
son as Honourary Mayor
of Clinton, by Mayor W.
J. Miller in the Council
Chamber, Town Hall. The 1,
public is welcomed to at-
Presentations will
be made.
George H. Jefferson
The town of Clinton paid signal honour to George H. Jefferson last week, through the mayor
and council when proclamation was made that on November 4, this former public school principal
would be named honourary mayor of the town for one day.
This is the first time that Clinton has honoured one of her citizens in this fashion, and will make
Mr. Jefferson one of a very few men to be honoured with a special day by the community. Among
those in the past were Dr. Gunn who founded Clinton Public Hospital, and Dr. J. W. Shaw, for his
lengthy service in the medical field here.
Starting at nine o'clock on Saturday morning when Mr. Jefferson will be invested with the hon-
ourary title of "Mayor of Clinton" in the council chamber of the town hall, the day will continue
with open house at the Clinton Public School, and an evening of program and presentations in Clin-
ton Collegiate auditorium. All former students and friends are invited.
ayor For a Day
Th4.111.1 Nov. 2, 1961—Clinton News-Record—Pogo 3
George Jefferson, Now Retired
This is a recent photo of Mr. Jefferson taken
for publicity purposes last week by Mrs. Muriel
Trott, published in the Stratford Beacon-Herald.
Since his retirement Mr. Jefferson has become a
familiar and appreciated guest speaker at many
gatherings, contributing much through his love of
poetry, and his touch of humour along with his
deep appreciation of the foibles of mankind.
Final Class of Grade 8 3 to 5 p.m.—Open House at
Clinton Public School.
All former students and
friends will be welcome.
No planned program, but
guest book will be avail-
able, name tags issued.
Coffee will be served. A
good time to renew old
acquaintances, and meet
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson.
7.45 p.m. — Appreciation
Program in the auditor-
ium of Clinton District
Collegiate Institute. Lots
of room for everyone.
Everyone welcome. Again
registrations will be ac-
cepted, and the guest book
available. The program
will be fairly brief with
presentations, entertain-
ment and more presenta-
tions. Mrs. John Robin-
son, mistress of cere-
Social hour to follow.
Another good time to
meet your old school-
mates and Mr. and Mrs.
Jefferson. Coffee and
lunch will be served.
Past Master of Masonic Lodge
Active in the work of the Masonic Lodge,
Right Worshipful Brother George H. Jefferson is
shown here with R. E. Thompson, RR 2, Clinton.
Both are past masters of Clinton Lodge A.F., and
A.M. No. 84. Mr. Jefferson served in this capacity
in 1949 and was District Deputy Grand Master in
Fine Record of Service
To Clinton and District
"A great Christian gentle-
man — a leader in the com-
munity, one who in his work
here and since his retirement
has never lost interest in every
worthwhile effort in Clinton."
That is the expression of ad-
miration given by the group of
interested citizens in Clinton
who gathered together late in
September of this year with the
earnest desire of showing their
appreciation in some tangible
way, for George H. Jefferson.
Mr. Jefferson was principal
of Clinton Public School frOm
1927 to 1956 and in that time
earned the respect of nearly
1,000 pupils who passed thr-
oagh the school, They held him
in awe during their junior
years, learned to know him
in Grades 7 and 8 and then
after graduation spoke of him
fondly as "Jeff" when they
,alked of him. But in his pres-
07220, this teacher was Mr. Jef-
ferson, always,
11/1-. Jefferson was a teacher
of the "old school", a native
of Boat Wawariesh TownshiA
and a graduate of Goderich
Model School. He taught three
and a half years in his home
township before a term at St-
ratford Normal School and then
taught in Fordwich.
As principal of Clinton Pub-
lic School from 1927 on, he
watched the community
through the depression years,
War .time and the establish-
ment of RCAF Station Clin-
ton, weathered the increase of
enrolment in post war years
until the old public school build-
ing was filled to overflowing,
and then had three years in
the new building, which even
as claSseS moved inside in 1953
was getting another addition built on,
The post war years were
difficult due to over-crowding
and the school rooms of On-
tario Street United Church and
St. Paul's Anglican Church
were put into use for junior
grades. The accommodation was
inadequate but the work got
done somehow and the Grade
8 classes continued to do cred-
it to Mr. Jefferson's teachings.
Now 70 years of age, Mr.
Jefferson remains active and
is a sought-after speaker am-
ong all kinds of groups and
organizations, His love of po-
etry and a gift of memory al-
low him to recall many of the
verses from school readers.
One which he quotes quite of-
ten is "Abou Ben Adhem."
In 1957 a grOup of young
men presented Mr. Jefferson
with an engraved plaque bear-
ing a verse of this poem. It
is hung in the entrance hall of
the public school.
Since retirement Mr. Jeffer-
son put in some months as a
civilian employee at RCAF St-
ation Clinton. He also served
as president of the Clinton Re-
tarded Children's Association
about three years ago. He now
is secretary of District No. 5
Retarded Children's Association
of Ontario.
Mr, Jefferson is a member of
Wesley Willis United Church
and has served there as an el-
der, He is a past master of
the Masonic Lodge and District
Deputy Grand Master of both
the OddfellOvvs and the Mason-
is Lodges of Clinton.
A longtiine member of both
the Clinton Public Hospital
Board and the Clinton Publie
Library Board, he .is now
tired from both, giving up his
positions in favour of Younger
A Look at Bygone Days
This 1929 school picture was taken by a Kit-
chener photographer, and the pupils are posed in
front of the old public school building. George Jef-
ferson, principal is there in the back row, in front
of the school entrance. Other teachers to his right
are, the now deceased Myrtle Armstrong, who mar-
ried Adam McBride; Vera Pepper, now Mrs. Frank
McGregor; Miss Doherty, who married Clyde Car-
ter, London, and Viola Fraser, now Mrs. Willis Van-
Egmond, RR 1, Clinton (Three other teachers, Mrs.
Agnes Farnham, Miss Hattie Courtice and Miss
Maud Wiltse, were absent). This is only a small
section of the large picture, which was supplied by
Tom Turner, RR 2, Clinton.
Served on Clinton's
In addition to his other interests, Mr. Jefferson
also served the community well as a member of the
Hospital Board, Feb, 1943 to Feb, 1960. This was
the hospital board of a few years ago: from the left,
seated, G. M. Counter, ErrieSt Walton, Frank Fing-
President of Society for Retarded
About three years ago when the Clinton Re-
tarded Children's Association was formed, George
Jefferson was the first president, and served the
group well in that capacity. Here with him are
Mrs. Donald Kay, left, and Mrs. Douglas Bartliff,
also officers of the group. (News-Record Photo)
Hospital Board
land, Harry Ball, Mrs. M. Shearing, Miss Hilda
Smith; standing, N. W. Trewartha, tor. W. A.
Oakes, Arthur M. Knight, Harold C. Lawson, Mr.
.Tefferson, William Morlok.
(Neta-Record Photo)