Clinton News-Record, 1961-09-21, Page 11Miss K. M. Gooier, Toronto,
visited recently with her cous-
in, Miss Margaret R, Jackson,
Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Meredith Young and fam-
ily were Mr, and Mrs. Percy
Riley and Laverne, Mr, and Mrs.
Clarence Crawford', RR 1. Au-
burn, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Popp
and family, i3lytn, Mr, and Ivies.
W. H, Wilson Sr., Mn and Mrs.
Bill Wilson, Jr„ Aria Lee 'and
Ronald all of Sault Ste Marie
and 1YIi. and Mrs, Fred Middle-
ton, Clinton.
Watson Chin •and William
Van lDeursen have returned
to Andrews University, Berrien
Spring, Michigan, after having
spent the past summer at the
home of Mrs, Stanley Jahns-
Arthur Grange of the James
Bay district returned to his
position there after a week
spent with his wife and family.
Miss Belle Kaiting, Winghan,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. W.
T. Robison and other friends
in the village last week.
Miss Margaret Wright, 13r-
antford is enjoying a week's
holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Ro-
bert Arthur and family,
Guests with Mrs. Charles As-
quith last weekend were, Mr.
and Mrs. Reg Asquith, Mr, and
Mrs'. Harold Asquith, Mrs, Don-
ald Oidrieve all of Toronto and
Miss Mary, Cookesville. They
all attended the funeral of the
late Charles McNeil last Fri-
day in Goderich,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ranh -
by, Mrs. Stanley Johnston, and
Mrs, Donald Kai, Erindale, at
tended the Ronson - Raithby
wedding at London last Sat-
Professor Ivan Morgan, Mrs.
Morgan, Mary and Franklin,
Hamilton, visited recently with
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Raithby,
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Mc-
Dowell spent last. Sunday vis-
iting with her sister, Mrs. Carl
Deans, Mr, Deans and family,
at .Guelph.
Mr, and Mrs. Allan Shack-
elton and two sons, Ottawa,
have returned home alitex a
week's visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Anderson and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Daer
and family have taken up res-
idenee in the Raithby home rec-
ently vacated by Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Gardiner and Julie,
Dr, and Mrs. Charles Toll
and Miss Jill, Trail, B.C., vis-
ited this week with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Toll' and Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth McDougall and
family. Miss JIM is returning
to Kingston to enter her sec-
ond year of studies at Queen's
University after a •summer vac-
ation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Wagner,
Glenwillow, Ohio are visiting
with relatives in this district
this week,
A large crowd attended the
reception in the Blyth Mem-
a.yal Hall for Mr, and Mrs.
Cornelis van Vliet (nee Lois
Cunningham) last Friday ev-
ening. Music for dancing was
supplied by the Jim Pierce
orchestra. An address of con-
gratulations was read by Bill
Buchanan and a purse of money
was presented by Jim Mason
and a floor lamp was presented
by Ken Glousher on behalf of
the ohivari gang.
Mrs. John Sclater, Seaforth
is visiting her sister -in law,
Mrs. Edgar Lawson.
Friends in this district will
be interested to know that a
former resident the Rev. Hugh
Joins Reg. McGee & Sons Ltd.
The management of
Reg. McGee & Sons
Limited are proud to
announce that Mr. J.
C. "Joe" Thompson
has joined their sales
staff. Mr. Thompson
has had many years
experience in the new
and used car business.
Joe invites his many
friends and customers
to stop in and say hello
when in Goderich at
his new location and
to be sure to come in
and look over the all
new Dodge, Valiant
and Chryslers on show
September 28.
A. A, Rose, ]M BD, is to he
married at Smith Falls on Oc-
tober 14. Hugh is the son of
Rev, and Mrs, William Rose,
London, (minister of Knox Lin=
ited C'hur'ch here about 18 year
ago) and is .a graduate of the
University of Toronto and Mc-
Gill, Montreal His bride, Miss
Sheila J. Hartford, Valais,
Quebec, is a graduate from. the
Montreal General Hospital
school of nursing.
Welcome Couple
Mr, and Mrs. Guy Cunning
ham were guests of honour last
Saturday evening at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Joe Verewey,
when they entertained 25 fr.•
fends and neighbours. Mr, and
Mrs. Cunningham moved to
the village last Friday, Cards
were enjoyed and Leonard Ar-
chambault read an address and
Joe Verewey presented them
with a table lamp and other
Martha Group
The Martha Group of the
Woman's Assocetion of Knox
United Church met last week
at the .home of Mrs. Bert Craig.
The leader, Mrs. Harold Web-
ster, was in charge of the pro-
gram. The devotional period
was taken by Miss Elma Mut-
els .and Mrs. Bert Craig. Fel-
lowing the meeting Mrs. James
Hembly was presented with a
gift from the group.
Ida White C.Q.C.
The first meeting of the fall
season for the Id'a White Gr-
oup of the Children of the Ch-
urch was held in the Sunday
school room with the president,
Marion Youngblut in charge.
Mrs. Donald Haines was at the
piano. Scripture was read' by
Eddie'Haines' and Joyce Leath-
erland led in prayer. Roll call
was answered by naming one
thing they had done during the
The leader, Mrs. Wilfred
Sanderson told the story, "The
Hole in the Roof." It was about
a little bay on an island in 'the
Pacific Ocean where there was
only one Bible for all the res-
idents on this island, and the
great joy when the supply ship
came once a year with a large
chest full of Bibles, one for
each family.
Horticultural Meeting
The executive of the Hort-
icultural Society met last week
at 'the home of the president,
Mrs. Kenneth Scott. The min-
utes were read by Mrs. Davies.
Plans were discussed 'to do
some fall planting of bulbs to
help beautify the surroundings
of the new Memorial Commun-
ity Hall.
Mrs. Ed Davies and Mrs. Bert
Craig were appointed delegates
to .the District meeting to be
held in Lucknow, the latter
part of September. A special
open meeting is planned for
October with a special speaker.
Mrs. Robert J. Phillips pin-
ned a lovely corsage on Mrs.
James Hembly and Mas:. Scott
presented her with a gift on
behalf of the Society. Mrs.
Hembly has been an :aotive
member of the executive for
the past five years. She and
Mr. Hembly will be moving soon
to Dublin where he has been
transferred to be manager of
the Imperial Bank of Com-
merce, in that village. Mrs.
Clayt. Dixon
Auto Supply
... on
Make of Auto.
Chrys. Desoto
Dodge Plymouth
Ford Meteor
Ford Meteor
Make of Auto.
Nash Statesman
Make of Auto.
Ford Meteor
Ford Meteor
Ford Meteor
Ford Meteor
Make of Auto,
Carman Ghia
Year Style Colour
1957-8 4 dr. Maroon
1955-6 2 dr. Grey
1952-54 2dr. Blue
1955-6 2rdr. Red
Group 1--- Si 1.95
(Values to. $29.50)
Make of Auto. Year Style Colour
Chev. Pont. Olds. 1946-48 4 dr. Red
Chev. Pont. 1949-54 4 dr. Green
Chev. Pont. 1949-52 2 dr. Maroon
Chev. Pont. 1953 2dr, Blue
Chev. Pont. 1955-56 2 dr. • Green
Chev. Pont. 1955-56 2 dr. Red
Chev. Pont. 1955-56 2dr, Blue
Chev. Pont. 1957-58 2 dr. Green
Buick Olds. 1952 4 dr. Green
Buick Olds. 1951-2 4 dr. Red
Buick Olds. 1951-2 4 dr. Green
Chrys. Prods, 1941-52 4 dr. Black
Dodge Plymouth 1949-54 4 dr, Blue
Dodge Plymouth 1952 2 dr. Red
Dodge Plymouth 1953-4 2 dr. Blue
Dodge Plymouth 1953-4 2 dr. Red
Dodge Plymouth 1955-6 2 dr. H.T. Red
P, .'tri2s'
Group • 2 -�- $5,95
Year Style Colour Make of Auto.
1949-51 4 dr.
1937-39 2 -dr.
1947Dodge Plymouth
Group 3 - $11.95
Year Style
1941-2 4 dr.
1941 ..•. 2dr.
1949-52 2dr.
(Heavy 12 Gauge Plastic --- Values to $19.95)
Year Style Colour
1958 2dr.
1957 4 dr.
1958 2dr.
1957(300) 4 dr.
1957 2dr.
1959 2dr.
1959 4 dr.
Make of Auto. Year Style Colour
Buick 1955 4 dr, H.T, Clear
Buick Olds. 1957-58 4 dr H.T. Clear
Chev. Buick Pont. 1961 4 dr, Clear
Dodge Plymouth 1953-57 2 dr, Clear
Dodge Plymouth 1957 2 dr, Clear
(dipped rests) 1958 4 dr, Clear
Group 4 a $1.95
(Fronts Only)
Year Style 'Colour Make of Auto, Year Style Colour
1958 2dr. Grey Ford Meteor 1950-1 2dr. Clue
Clear Buick Olds. 1954-56 2dr. H.T. Clear
I,'lr�r�oc, di,i*
'Hentbly thanked the .Society
for the gift. Lunch was served
by the •hostess, ,assisted by Mrs.
Robert J, Phiflips,
St, Marlt's Guild
The Guild of St, Mark's An-
glican Church met at the home
of Mrs. Fordyce Clark with a
large attendance of members
and visitors. The hostess led
the meeting and gave the de-
Luktevotion. al thoughts reading the
22 chapter of the Gospel of St.
The topic on the Beatitudes
was given by Mrs. Roy Daer.
An interesting report of the
work -clone by the women in
the Diocese of Huron was read
by Mrs„ Thomas Haggitt,
The president, Mrs, T, Hag-
gitt presided for the business
meeting. The minutes of the
previous meeting were read by
Mrs. Ed Davies and the treas-
urer, Mrs, Gorden R. Taylor,
gave the financial statement,
Roll call was answered by nam-
ing a favorite Parable. A let-
ter from the Unitarian Relief
was laid over for another meet-
Mrs. William Clarke showed
interesting coloured slides of
local scenes, A card of symp-
athy signed by all the mem-
bers will be sent to the rector's
wife who had recently received
word that her mother had pas-
sed away in England.
After a successful auction
conducted by Mrs. Davies lunch
was served by the hostess as-
sisted by her daughter, Mrs.
Lawrence Nesbit and Mrs, Or-
val McPhee.
Harvest Home
Sheaves of oats arranged in
the 'forms of two crosses, bask-
ets of flowers, fruit and veg-
etables formed an attractive
setting for the Harvest Home
Church service last Sunday at
St. Mark's Anglican Church.
The rector, Rev. R. F. Meally
was in charge of the service
and Walter Pickford was the
guest speaker. Mr. Pickford
has been a lay reader for some
time and will enter University
this week to study to be a
minister of the Gospel.
Mr. Pickford gave an inspir-
ing message on the text, Bles-
sed is the Nation, and remind-
ed the 'congregation that Har-
vest time was the time to re-
new loyalty to Gad and thank
Him far His many gifts. He
stated that God's hand of bles-
sing had tinily been on Canada
and that Canadians should be
thankful for the abundance
which they enjoy.
The choir was directed by
Mrs. Norman McClinchey and
special music was given by
Walter Buttel and James Law-
rie, Blyth. They sang two du-
ets, "God was There" and "Be
Still and Know that He is
God." They were accompanied
by Miss Alice Rogerson, Blyth.
At the evening service the
rector, Rev. R. Meally was the
speaker and spoke on Thanks-
giving and told' the congrega-
tion to always be thankful to
God for all His gifts and re-
minded .them of ,God's promise
to Noah that while on earth
remaineth there would be a
seed -time and harvest. Elliott
Lapp was the guest soloist and
sang, "How Great Thou Art",
and "My Task", accompanied
by Miss Margo &rane.
Presbyterian WMS
Mrs. Donald Haines, presided
for Knox Presbyterian Church
Woman's Missionary Society
meeting in the Sunday school
room. Mrs. Duncan. Mackay
was at the piano, Scripture was
read by Mrs. Mackay and' the
meditation was given by Mrs.
Wilfred Sanderson on "The
Christian as a Citizen", follow-
ed by prayer by Miss Minnie
The offering was received by
Mrs. Frank Raithby and the
chapter of the study book "to-
gether we provide education
and medical services," was
read by Mrs. Wes Bradnock.
Minutes were read by the sec-
retary, Mrs. Alvin Leatherland.
Plans were made for the
Thankoffering meeting on Oc-
tober 15 when Miss E. Som-
erville, Goderich will show her
pictures of her trip to the holy
land. Invitations will be extend-
ed to the other churches in
the village to attend .
An invitation was accepted
to hear Miss Hazel McDonald
at the . Arthur's Circle meet-
ing and also an invitation to
i elgrave on October 3. The
training school will be held in
Blyth far leaders of children's
groups was also discussed.
The leader of the COC group
Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson asked
for members to save cereal
box tops with the big G on, so
the children can make money
with them, They were ,also
collecting used stamps, Ro'lI
call was answered by each
naming a prophet named' in
the Bible. Reports of the Hur-
on Presbyterial held last week
in Blyth was given by Mrs.
A, Leatherland and Mrs. Ed
Davies. Mrs, Alfred Rollinson
closed 'the meeting with prayer.
Lunch was served by Mrs, Ch-
arles Stewart.
R3'7ViJ' C `TON ST
Thum, Sepia, 21, 1961-,-,Clinifhn News -Record, --Page 11
Curling Club
At Seaforth To
Spend $iOOOO
The Seaforth Curling Club
is Making an addition to their
rink to cost approximately.
$10,000, This will provide a
bigger lounge and; increased
locker fa'cili'ties,
Playing .at Seaforth last win-
ter from Clutton were 30 men
and ten ladies. Anyone wishing
to curl this winter at Seaforth
please phone or contact Garnet
Crowe, Idti 2-3242 or Fred l{rlr
liott l"IU 2.9450.
Harry Williams spent the
weekend in Detroit attending
a Masonic meeting, While there
he attended the New York-
Detroit baseball game,
AdzBill Fink
* engineered
for your
Auburn Girl Marries
RR 5, Goderich, were married on Saturday, Sep-
tember 9 in Auburn United Church. The bride is
Marlene Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Easorn, RR 1, Auburn, and the groom's parents
are Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baer, RR 5, Goderich.
(Photo by McDowell)
Miss Lanunie Retires
Miss Greta Laramie, Hensall,
a very faithful and efficient
organist of Hensall United Ch-
urch for over 20 years has
tendered her resignation which
became effective this week. No
successor has been .named as
yet for the position.
Arnold Circle
The Arnold Circle of Carmel
Presbyterian Church met Mon-
day with the president, Mrs,
B. Beaton extending a wel-
come to Mrs. MacDonald. The
worship period on thetheme,
"Obedience" was taken by Mns.
Gerald Bell and Mrs. Donald
Members answered the roll
call ith' the, verse "Obey." A
motion was passed to purchase
the study book and' 75 church
calendars. Thirty- one visits
were reported.
Mrs. R. A. Orr was appoint-
ed Cradle Roll secretary to re-
place Mrs. William Fink who
recently took up residence in
Fred McClyniont
Phone HU 2-32143
Mr. 'and Mrs, Fred Brent and
family, Kerwood, called on Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Keys on Sun-
Mr. Lloyd Keys celebrated
his birthday to .a family dinner
on Sunday.
MMS and WA
A joint meeting of the Varna
United Church Woman's Mis-
sionary Society and Woman's
Association was held in the
church on Thursday, Septem-
ber 14, Mrs. Anson Coleman
had charge of the worship per-
iod and was assisted by Mrs.
Gordon Johnson, Mrs. Ralph
Stephenson and Ann Stephen-
The president of the WMS,
Mrs. Watson Webster presided
over the business period of that
organization, Mrs. Anson Cole-
man gave a talk on the last
chapters of the study book.
Mrs. Charles Reid took the
chair of the WA meeting. It
was decided to .hold a church
supper in October, It was also
decided to have a bazaar late
in October. A request was re-
ceived from the South Huron
area school boards to supply
refreshments at their fall:meet-
ing in Varna, The ladies agreed
to comply with the request.
Lunch was served in the
basement by the east group,
Township South
Alex Sparks is visiting his
son in Marion, Indiana.
Mrs. Blanche Cox is .a pa-
tient in Clinton Public Hos-
Mrs. Ernest Townshend ' had
the misfortune to fall and
break her shoulder and was
hospitalized for two days, but
is home again.
Mr. and Mas, Andrew Sloan,
Sheffield, w'er'e visiting the
latter's sister, Mrs. James R.
Stirling for a few days last
The fanners are busy har-
vesting their beans since the
fine weather came.
MRS. WIL1 TJfl 4IoWI'.C`.I'
Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt, RR 1,
Clinton, has picked up her ,$3
credit note at Sutter -Perdue
Ltd, hardware, She held the
lucky ticket of two weeks •ago.
Last wee'k's ticket -1756•• -wild
the number drawn on Tuesday
evening--.1810-.are the lucky
numbers yet to be claimed,
`they are worth $3 at the store.
Clinton. Mrs. Trevor Wilson
will assist Home Helpers. Mem-
bers are reminded that Glad
Tidings subscription's are due,
and donations for supply to the
Indian School are due.
Miss Lorna Taylor, London,
will be guest speaker at thank -
offering meeting in October.
Hostesses will be Mrs. John
Baker and Mrs. Don Mousseau.
Worship will be in charge of
Mrs. Ed. Fink and Mrs. Ruby
Bell, Miss Hannah Murray pre-
sented a report on the presby-
terial held at Blyth. A pot-
luck lunch was served.
Call us for an
we can help you
with your
ESSO Oil and ESSO Oil Heating Units
Rural Home Heating
Fi, Plumbing Heating
1 1n & Electrical Wiring
84 Wellington St. -- Clinton
PHONE HU 2-7682
Kitchen Clocks
from $5.49
Lawn Sprinkler
Reg. $6.95
for $4.99
&II11! i,t, iI
14 -INCH
Push Brooms
Special $1.69
Hunting Lantern
2 Cell
Special 99c
BEG....694 box
Prepare your flower beds now
for early spring blooms. Your
choice of Giant Tulips
Parrot Tulips - Hyacinthes
-Narcissi -.Crocus--Muscary
Cinadoxa and Snowdrops.
Top Value.
Garden Hose
50'-7 year guarantee
Baby Bath
Special $2.17
Step Ladder
Reg. $21.50
Special $14.50
Lunch Boxes
Black Plastic Men's
Special $1.49
Bali and Mutch
Phone CLINTON Hunter 2-9505
For only $89.95
a complete Portable
Typewriter, with
88 characters, tab stops,
and many other features.
Product of
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Clinton News -Record
56 Albert Street Clinton
The Optima
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The small machine
with the large output
Adequate for
most offices.
Also the smaller
( olibrfrd
only $59.00