Clinton News-Record, 1961-05-18, Page 10r:000. 1O•--C.ljnt! News.,Record-,Thuro',, May 18, 1901 F. of A. Supports Composite School If Agriculture is On the Course (Dy J, Carl Hemingway) Warren Ztubrigg, 'presidenit. of Horan Federation of Agri- culture, expressed some cowmen at rile May sheeting about the small 'amount of seeding ac- ooanp1ished to date las 'reported by the different directors. There was a lengthy discus- sign, eon the development of a comPositte sehool for the Coun- ty. Since the Federation (in conk etion with the Coumtty Women's Institutes) instigated this 'action tthrug'h a resolution to County Council education committee and ,since the Fed- eration has for years been de- manding ecp el eprpeetunity of education for rural young pep- ple, the meeting approved the idea et as eeeepoeite school pro - Added agricultural training is a definite part of the program. The meeting endorsed the resolutions of the Huron Cowi- tyCream Producers which re- quested, briefly, that a consum- er subsidy be paid on,, butter of 10 cent's per pound; that cream producers received a WOOL Any Government Deficiency Payment will apply only on properly graded wools. Secure the utmost by patroniz- ing the organization that 'this possible. SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine without charge from RUSSELL MANSON (Shearer) Zurich,, Ont. or by writing to Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited 217 Bay St, Toronto, Canada payment equal to the 25 reins now being paid; on manufaotur ing milk; that the ban on the sale of margarine coloured 'to imitate butter be continued, Harvey Taylor, chaitmnar;l of the Co -Op Insurance Commit- tee, reported sales continleing art record levels in the county. He also indicated that a cou a- ty-wide 'canvass of all farmers would be undertaken in the near future for the purpose of making fanners aware of the extra risks that are involved in operating a 'farra business. Robert McGregor reported that .the beef producers at .their annual meeting approved a vol- untary deduction of 10 cents per (head of cattle, to be at- taehed to the bi•11 of lading when cantle are to be sold. The money eo raised will be used to finance the organiza- tion and promote the sale of beef. Albert Bacon, Be/grave, re- ported that the new method of sale for hogs which had been in operation) only a few days seemed to be resulting in wide fluctuations in price.. This is likely to cause serious dissat- isfactionr among farmers, he stated. Alfred Warner, Bayfield, re- ported that sales of FAME shares are progressing favour- ably but an effort is being put forth' to find canvassers that cavi give time enough to cover the territory more quickly. It is hoped that the objective of two million .db]tars can be reached by November 1. This would make it possible to have pilatnite in operation 'next sum- mer. With the increased mar kertings of both hogs and Battle for 1962 it is urgent that we do everything possible to pro- mote the sale of the products; Plans have been fairly well completed for the annual 'dairy Princess contest to be held ,at the Clinton Spring Fair. Alli we need now is more coivtesrt- anfts. engine wear -and -tear with Imperial Esso lubricants • MARVELUBE • ESSOLUBE HDX • MINERALUBE • MOBILOIL • ESSO M.P. GREASE and other high quality lubricants for all requirements Harold M. Black HU 2.3873 CLINTON ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST "Quiet Time" On Pon Messer's Jubilee Organist Ray Ca d r and vocalist Marg Osborne combine talents for a "quiet time" song on Don Messer's Jubilee. Along with Don Messer and his Islanders, Charles Chamberlain and the Buchta Dancers, they are seen each Monday night on the CBC -TV network, and on the CBC Trans -Canada radio network Monday, Wednesday and Friday. News of Varna Correspondent: FRED McOLYMONT Phone Clinton HU -2-3214 Mrs. George Reid as at pres- ent a patient 'in Clinton Public Hospital.. Miss Lola. Chuter of Brant- ford spent the weekend at lobe home of her parents', Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Chuter. The executive of the United Church Sunday School held a meeting last Thursday night viten plans were made for hold- ing a Vacation School early in July followed by the Sunday School Anniversary. Mother's Day Mother's Day was observed id the United Church last Sun- day with the pastor, the Rev, T. J, Pitt in charge. A bap- tismnal service was 'held when Daniel Dale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon' Johnston, and Janice Dale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stephenson Stanley Council Discusses Much At May Meeting Donald Brodie, who recently purchased Ray Pepper's farm on Concession 3, Stanley Town- shipasked at council meeting on May 1 for action soon on a drain on his property. Council approved attendance this month of Bill Taylor at a school for road superintendents in Toronto. Approval was given an a- greement which Stanley is pl- anning to enter with the Town- ship of Tuckersmith with re- gard to the Brucefield Fire De- partment. 50 percent of main- tenance and operation cost is to be paid by the township of Tuckersmith. This agreement was to be presented at the May 2 meeting of Tucker - smith council. Stanley Council approved payment of $5 fee for member- ship in the Ontario Firemen's Association. Coverage for the 18 men on the Brucefield fire brigade will he obtained under the Workmen's Compensation Act. Legal advice is to be sought by the Clerk with regard to action possible toward collect- ing trailer fees. The village of Bayfield will be advised that the trustees are responsible for advising the clerk, Mrs. Harold Elliott whentrailers are parked, and to whom the $10 monthly fee should be charged. A subdivision plan submit- ted by Albert Hess, Zurich was considered. This plain, was first seen by the council of 1957, and asp et the applicant has Y not complied with all condi- tions required. The name of Ecum Serum, about 90 miles northeast of Halifax, is an Indian phrase that means "red bank", pre- sumably from the coast's red clay soil. Introducing MARTIN SENOUR VILLA BRAND PAINT LATEX - $1.39 qt.- x$4.75 gal. SEMI -GLOSS -$t.bv qt.- $5.95 gal. This Special until May 31 WEKEND SPE(IAL CHARCOAL BEAVER BRAND 5 -Ib. Bag 39c for your Bar -B -Q ONLY AUTO SU PPLV HU. 2-7034 were baptised. The choir, under the direction, of Mrs, Robert Stirling sang a suitable an- them, Varna WMS The Thank Offering meeting of the Varna Woman's Mission- ary Society was held in the church on May 4, with the Goschen ladiesas guests. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. Robert Taylor, With Mrs. Robert Stirling at the organ. The theme of the worship service was "Spring" with ape propriate hymns. Scripture sel- ections were reao by Mrs. F. McClymotne and Mrs. J. Post - Il. Prayer was offered by Mrs, Pott. Mss. R, Stephenson and Mrs. William Taylor sang a duet. Mrs Watson Webster, president, gave a hearty wel- come to the guests and ex- pressed pleasure art 'having the friends from the sister church present Miss Jean McKellar gave a reading about Dr. Albert Sch- weitzer and Mrs. A. Wallis an instrumental organ solo. Mrs. Robert Peck and Mrs. Elmer Hayter sang a duet. All these items were well received by all. Mr. Pitt showed some New- foundland pictures of St. Johns and vicinity, and also a few local pictures. Mrs. Gordon Hill thanked those who had made the evening so enjoyable. The guests were received by Mrs. W. Webster and Mrs. Lee McConnell. The offering was taken by Mrs. William McAsh and Mrs. H. Broeze who also acted as ushers. Lunch was served by Mrs. Lyle Hill's group. Maybe you should aim for, a 305 -day lactation and 12-mtmith calving intervals instead of longer freshening and milking periods. A just -reported Can- ada Department of Agriculture study showed this: cows milk- ed far 12 months averaged 7,550 pounds of 4.1% milk. Those that were milked 10 months averaged 8,780 pounds of 4.4% milk. NEWS OF HOLMESVILLE Oorresp9n4ont -- MJ 8, F. M00T .T,OT14fl eer. and Mrs. Hairy Wilt arcs Were in London on Sunday, and tttended the Christeningferviee of their granddaughter, Teresa. May Pipe, int!ant daughter of Mr, and Mres. Barry Pipe, Mx, C. Magee of Lapeer, Miah., is (a Patient in Clinton n Fublio Hospiital, Mrs, Magee is the another of Mrs. Gordon Sit-. eepe, and was brought to C1- inton•, by ambulance 'following the dearth of her husband, The sympathy of the com- munity goes to Mrs. Gordon Slteepee in the sudden passing of her father, the late Mr. C. Magee of Lapeer, Mich., and whose funeral took place from the Beattie funeral home, Cl- inton, qn Tuesday, Family Day A specialservice for Family Week, was ;held oin Mother's Day in Holanesville United Cil- mete The minister, Rev. E. J, Roulston was assisted by Car- man Tebbutrt, Sunday School supei'.imtenderut, The Scripture lesser were read by Miss Car- ol Whitby and Robert Flaeiiu- har. A story for the children was told by Mrs. Ninian Heard. The offering was received by Mrs. Frank McCullough and lefiss Dawn Grigg. WMS Meets The (regular meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of Holmesville United Church was held in the Sunday School row, with Mrs. Lloyd Bond and her group in charge of the program. Mrs. Bond gave the call to worship and Mrs. Ken- neth Harris led in prayer. Scripture was read by Mrs, Or- ville Blake. The Thankoffering was re- ceived by Mrs. Kenneth Tre- wartha and Mrs. Frank Mc- Cullough gave the prayer of dedication. In the absence of the presideintt, Mrs. Les Jervis, the first vice-president, M's. Lloyd Bond conducted the bus- iness. The nninutes of the April meeting were read by the sec- r°etiary, Mrs, Harry Cudmore, Mrs. Tiffen, president of Huron WMS Presbyterial, has accept- ed the invitation to speak at tihe Autumn Thankioffer'hig service on October 18. It was decided to pack a bale, the same to be sent to First United Church, Vancou- ver, where Miss Helve Howatt is a WMS missionary. The Provisionlal committee appoint- ed are Mrs'. Les Jervis and Mrs. Lloyd Bond, representing the WMS. Rev. Roulston ap- pointed out a few facts con- cerning the new organization of United Church Women and Mrs. E. J. Roulston defined the duties of the provisional com- mittee. Christian Steward hip topic was taken by Mrs. Barrie Wal- ter. Mrs. Elmer Potter gave a reading, "When. You Stop I Growing You Are Dead," and Mrs, Kenneth Trewartha gave a reading "We are All Broth- era", The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Lloyd Bond. WA Meets The Woman's Association of Hoirneville United Church meet- ing followed with the president, Mrs. Nin'ian Heard' in the chair, and giving the call to worship Mrs. Heard read the Scripture lesson, and Mrs. Jack Yeo gave the comments on it. The min- titee of the April meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs, Wrilliam Norimare Mrs, EdWaa'd Grigg asked' to be relieved of her duties as social convener, and Mrs. Orville Blake was appointed to take her place, and Mre. Reg Miller was put on the committee to take Mas. Blake's place. Mars. Ninian Heard and Mrs, .Task Yeo were appointed the provisiionel committee for the WA. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs, Frank Me- CutllLough. Reports of the WA Presbyrterria9 held recently at Cavan United Church, Win- throp, were given by Mrs. Jack Yeo and Mrs. Reg Milder, An invitation to Turner's United Church on May 17 was accesptt- ed, The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Nhiia'n Heard, An auction sale of planus and novelties was held with Rev. E. J. Roulston as auction- eer, and Mrs. Frank McCul- lough as clerk, Hostesses for the day were Mrs, Reg Miller, Mrs. John Grigg and Mrs. E'd'- ward Grigg, LET'S BE FRANK ITV A��Y'TsitflE'}T/A//�/��+ O /1115 1 aVea ... WHEREVER HE GOES. TO TELL ABOUT THE GREAT SATISFACTION HE HAS RECEIVED DOING. BUSINESS WITH NARY WILLIAMS 11112.6633 RR#2 CLINTON WHITE ROSE EATING OILS- GASOLINE GREASES -MOTOR,OILS' N FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United ••Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 773 or 669 W 3 1 DANCE TO The "LINCOLNS" of London AT THE BayFieId Pavilion (In Jowett's Grove -1/2 mile North of Bayfield) FRIDAY, MAY 19th and 26th monomemumnalera PRE -MIX CONCRETE SERVICE We deliver right to your project, at the right time to save you time, trouble and money. We mix to your specifications. C. A. McDOWELL Construction Co. Ltd. PHONE AC 8-6961 CENTRALIA Win a Pool Like to win a Four Oaks swimming pool in- stalled free anywhere in Ontario or one of 14 other prizes? For details see THE TELY Datifelrvr DECOR There's crisp new beauty to the Olds look for '61. And it's the sweeping shape of tomorrow — the years -ahead design that will stand the test of time. It's the look that only Olds can x give you! V`` What a team! A fiery new Skyrocket engine that's all business — harnessed to a Hydra -Matic Drive that features the unique Accel-A- Rotor Action. The smoothest, swiftest, most economical 1e- take -off you've ever com- manded! Slip Into an Olds- mobile! Admire the flawless distinction of •.. every appointment. No other car can match Oldsmobile's gracious- ness — in fact, few cars in its class can even approach it! But this insistence on ex- cellence is not new ... it's Olds! Dynamic 88-::..::: ;:;•a:>s ".? ::k ::I Celebrity Sedan` •:4 .iT:!'>:.: r:: :v:.v:>'.:i.:>:{O»•..:': h,. a{., rY'{.>:{f`:»f�. ................::.:. ::>':: ro':. v::..;.:{{{:>:::::.....:..:..:•....::n.\•:.u.:.....:..:..n:::.v>::♦n•::::>\...}.:•::{:...:,.w::;:::.,:vx%'.:{4:. �:::: :v: :•::.......::::::.:..: •. :n<.,v,.::•;;:{:.iti:?;^'•:. v: %•>?i»i.,{,.\ ..:n>:.:J:......., rviC......nw.n•n.. n...... n...... IT'S SPRING... aivhere agthi! ,,, ..h::i: e::'e r e <.,.: ee : •.. w•f'.w x•4 { }i n, { h3,Y •r .,�.., .:,.ti>' { >i✓ `; \: '`t',.•` is S:: :`: `i `: i. `•T.:f {ti::: <s:::>: � :: Illustrated: Distinctive 98 Holiday Sedan Whitewall tires optional at extra cost A Genersi Motors Value OSS -26 r6 OFE000 BALI OE Oldsmobile value unmatched value! When you buy an Olds you enter a world of daringly, dramatically advanced motoring, Here is a car that carries you In incomparable confidence through its long life — and returns more to you when you trade. Oldsmobile is an Investment! Olds also offers... NE .... everylnch nn OLbSINo6iILE Big -car action ... Small -car conventmce ... beautifully combined in a totally -new thrift Car ,— family -sized F•85., Available in eight models, sedans, otopes, station wagons and the brilliant F-85 Cutlass! Dysanlo 88 Convertible Coupe F.85 Catlett Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. h Yew. Friendly Chevrolet - Oldsmobile .and Envoy Dealer Ontario Street -- Phone HU 1-9321 M W rs 8A7r/./ Ma;tru CNRCK YUUR CAR CHECK YOUR DRIVING PREVENT ACCIDRNTs