Clinton News-Record, 1961-05-18, Page 8SQIected-granulated
Page 8,-CIInton News -Record, --Thursday, .May 18, 1961:
News of Bayfield
Mrs. Alice Johxston and, Mrs.
Keith Gerniuhand,t raiade a ibus-
i eyss trip to London on Mon -
°barles Bell returned to C)ina
ton Public• Hospiltal on Satur-
day, and is improving,
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Young,
Port Huron, visited .Mrs'. Char-
les Bell on Sunday,
Miss Alice •Dxouin and: Miss
Adelle Finnett, Detroit, Were
at their cottage from Friday
to Tuesday,
Miss Doris Chuter with her
parents Mr and Mrs, Chuter,
Preston, ,spent the weekend gat
their coattage.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W, Oddleif-
aon, London, are spending this
week at their home in the vill-
Mrs• Jack Cliff visited in
London and Sr Thomas from
Thursday to S'atur'day of last
Miss Ada Bingley, Detroit,
with her niece Margaret and
her husband spent a few days
at the Steven cottage this
Mr. and Mrs. James Brian
Grine have returned from:their
wedding trip, and will reside in
Bayfield for the summer mon-
Mr. and Mrs. R. Jenkin and
-children, Maly and Billy were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs,
John Lindeay and family over
the Weekend.
Mrs, L. Green has returned
to the village and opened her
cottage anter spending the win-
ter with her daughter in Thor-
Canon Langford: and his
daughter Mrs. Rance Bricker,
Waterloo, called on Mrs, R. H.
F. Gairdner on Saturday. They
came to open their cottage on
the South Shore.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Phiimey,
Detroit, the latter a sister of
Jack MacKenzie and Mrs, Jos.
Richardson, visited in Bayfield
and Goderich on Saturday. On
Sunday they were dimrner
guests of Mrs. Richardson.
Mrs. J. H. Cobb who on
Tuesday drove to Toronto to
:attend the funeral of a friend,
visited also in Oakville and res
e -
turned to her home on Sun-
Guests of Mrs. S. H. Bryant,
at her cottage on Monday
were: Mr. and Mrs. S. Critch-
low arid' Mrs. John Brown,
London; also Mrs, Gilbert
Worth, Winnipeg.
Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Mit-
chell ,and Miss Elaine Mitchell,
London, occupied their recent-
ly purchased cottage on Louisa
Street for the first time aver
the weekend.
Mr. ,and Mrs, John E. Cun-
inghame and family, Liverpool,
N,Y. were at Cedar Nest, the
Cuni'nghaane summer cottage at
Cameron and Tuyle Streets,
over Mother's Day weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. George Telford
are now residing in one of the
Brisson apartments on Main
Street, George, who is work-
ing with the Department of
Highways, returned Ione fol'
the Weekend„
Mrs, A, J, Deseck (nee Betty
Brandon), and her children
Phillip, Dianne and Steven, o.f
at, Claire Shores, Michigan,
WAS in Bayfield on Saturday,
recalling days of her chtildheed.
She as the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, A, C. Brandon, Clinton.
Mr, and Mrs, R, Roy Fitz-
simoms; Sylvia, Perry, Karen
and Kelso attended the annual
church service of South Huron
District Masonic Lodge in
Granton United Church on
Sunday evening. Rev.. Guest
was guest speaker,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cam-
meron, Detroit, and a guest,
also Miss Mildred Cammeran,
Thram,esfozd; called on friends
and relatives in the village cm
Friday. Miss Helen Carnaner-
on is at the present time on a
travelling tour in Europe.
Dr, and Mrs. W. L. Archer,
Ottawa, with their daughter
Kathleen and son Barry, visit-
ed Mrs. Archer's mother .and
farther, Mr. end Mrs, A. W.
Hayman aver the weekend,
They .carne to celebrate Mrs,
Hayman's and Kathleen's birth-
day on Sunday,
Mrs, Emmerson Heard, M•rs,
Jack Stewart, Mrs. Percy Wes-
ton, Mrs. Brown Idiggins, Mrs.
R. H. Lawson, Mrs. William
R. Elliott, Mrs. R. H. F. Gaird-
ner, B.ayfiield; and Mrs. T.
Chuter, Varna, attended the
sparing Huron Deanery meeting
in St. John's Anglican Church,
Brussels, on Monday.
Keith Stirling, Sarnia, who•
name to spend Mother's Day
with his parents Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Stirling, recalled mem-
ories of his school ideas in Bay-
field, as he stopped in the store
of his childhood, "Edward's
Store", which is now known
to all as "Ye Old Country
One of Bayifield's Guides,
when asked if she had any
news,, replied: "Only last night
we learned Vhat our Lieuten-
ant, Jean Lindsay will not be
with us. She is giving up her
work. It was such sad news,
some of us had tears in our
eyes." However, Mrs. Maynard
Corrie is to fill her position,
and will be warmly welcomed.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson,
Science Hill, entertained in
honour of all the mothers in
the Sturgeon family at a din-
ner party on Mother's Day.
Kenneth Sturgeon, Hespeler,
who had been with his grand-
parents in Bayfield for the
past two weeks, returned to
his hoane on Sunday.
LOL No. 24 of Bayfield, held
a very successful and enjoy-
able evening in their hall re-
cently. Twelve tables of euchre
were in play at which the win-
ners were: gentlemen's lone
hands, Jack Stewart; high,
James Campbell; low, William
Casme' Drive -inn
Featuring The ALL-NEW
Newest and Greatest Taste Sensation in
Sandwich since the Hamburger.
2 pan. to 4 p.m. Saturday & Sunday
Bayfield Liars
Lose Travelling
Lion to Zurich
Special guests et the May 9
meeting of Bayfield Liens Club
were Deputy District Governror
Lion Russel Grainger; Lions
Leroy O'Brien, Ed Gascho,
Geroge Deiehert and 13=-
2ns: all of the :Zurich Club
who • captured the 'travelling
Lion end tools it home With
Dulrhng theafter - dinner
meeting, final plana were made
for the 14th annual fro/10 in
Bayfield on July 26. Members
were appointed to )lead the
various cornanittees.
A new Lion, Walt. Pearson,
was introduced by Lin; ]rank
MacF.adden end was inducted
by, Deputy Governor R, Graing-
er, who also presented a key
membership in Lions Intealrna-
tional to Lion Fred Arkell.
Mr. Grainger spoke to the
club on the four pminie func-
tions of Lionism.
McDool; ladies' lone hands,
Mrs. Alex 1VtcMichael; high,
Merton 1Vlerner; low, Mrs. Jan
Kimberly Marie, five -months -
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William, Parker, Jr,, London,
was (baptized in Trinlity Church
on Mother's Day by the rector,
the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison.
Thegodparents were Mr, and
Mrs. Tom Perihale, and the
.baptism anade a fitting prelude
to the morning service for that
day. Children in the choir
sang the hymn, "When Mothers
of Salem, their Children
Brought to Jesus."
Mrs. Willis Van Egmond,
Clinton, guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Fraser, great -Mint of the
baby was present. After the
service, Mr. and Mrs. William
Parker, Sr. entertained in hon-
our of the important event at
dinner, grandparents, god -par-
ents, family and the rector.
A Bayfield robin may wand-
er if spring is not only a little
late this year, but decidedly
peculiar. Her last year's nest,
beilt on a vine -covered trellis
on a house on the Main Street,
was not affording sufficient
privacy to encourage the start
of a !family. A passerby, see-
ing the empty nest, placed in
it a newly laid robin's egg,
found in another yard. Thus
was too much for Mrs. Robin's
maternal instinct. At last re-
port, she was braving the star-
es of all, and had gamely taken
over the job of foster mother.
Congratulations go to Ted
Turner, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Turner, Bayfield, who
marched off with three top
shooting awards May 10 during
the annual cadet ,inspection at'
Clinton District •Collegiate. Lt.
Col. A. W. Landin presented
Cadet Regimental Sergeant
Major Turner with a silver cup
and the Strathcona Crest for
the best shot in the Corps.
Cadet Turner also received an
award for having the highest
score in Dominion of Canada
Rifle Association competitions
in the area.
Trinity Guild
The May meeting of Trinity
Church Guild was held at the
home of Mrs. William Parker,
on Tuesday, with 12 members
present. The rector, the Rev.
E. J. B. Harrison opened the
meeting with prayers .and
Scripture reading. In the ab-
sence of the secretary, .this re-
port was read by Mrs. Parker.
Mrs. Merton Merner's treasur-
er's report showed a good bal-
ance. A social hour followed
the business meeting, with Mas.
R. J. Larson -assisting the hos-
tess in serving delightful re-
Knox WMS
The Women's Missionary So-
ciety of Knox Presbyterian Ch-
urch held their monthly meet-
ing on May 10 at the home of
Mrs. H. M. Ormond with every
TO lLttttc 3nn
re -opens for fhe season
fhe holiday weekend
Saturday, May 20
• . Dine in an atmosphere of gracious Old World Charm . , .
For Reservations phone Bayfield
Lunch - - - - 12.30 fa 1:30 p.m.
Sunday Noon Dinner - 1.00 p.m.
6.00 to 7,00 p.m.
Twenty Years Loyalty to Studebaker
Two Huron dealers for Studebaker -Packard of Canada, last week received
their 20 -year service awards "In Recognition of Loyal Business Association".
From the left, Robert Dalrymple, proprietor of W, U. Dalrymple and Son,
Brucefield; Paul J, Demeter, district sales manager, Simcoe, who presented
the awards and Graham Arthur of Graham Arthur iVIotors, Exeter. The scene
is the modern showroom of Dalrymple's, Brucefield.
(News -Record Photo)
member present and two visit-
ors. Mrs. Russell Heard, sec-
retary and Mrs. Bruce Menexy,
!treasurer gave their reports.
Mrs. William Talbot presided
and presented the topic of the
day. An invitation to attend the
senior women's society meeting
in Carmel Church, Hensall, on
June 10, was extended to the
Birthday Party
Mrs. R. Roy Fitzsimons en-
tertained in honour of Karen's
tenth birthday on May 12.
There were 15 small friends
besides her brother Kelso;
Marion Francis, Kathy Weston,
Calvin Scotchmer, Terry Me-
Clinchey, Buddy Sturgeon,
Lorne Merner, Coleen Merner,
Kelvin Merrier, Bradley Turner,
Rhea Sturgeon, Monica Gem-
einhardt, Brenda Makins, Brian
Makins, Linda Pierson, Mary
Lou Castle.
Bride -Elect Honoured
Mrs. John Lindsay entertain-
ed 30 friends and relatives en
Wednesday, honouring Miss
Elaine Shane, zuricli, bride -
elect of her nephew, Jack
Dunn, son of Mr. and Mrs,
Burt Dunn, whose wedding
will take place May 20.
The evening was spent in
games and conteers after which
an address was read by Mils.
Donald Campbell and Ellen
Lindsay, daughter of the hos-
teas presented a clock to the
young couple.
Assisting Mrs. Lindsay dur-
ing the social hour were Mrs.
Kenneth Brr+a'nl ilom, Mrs. Jack
Seortchmer, Linda Scotchrner
end Ellen,
Mother's Day Tea
On May 11 the Trinity Club
at Bayfield, sponsored a Moth-
er's Day Tea in the period set-
ting of the One Hundred Year
Old Inn. The guests were wel-
comed by the president of the
club, Mrs. W. E. G. Bell'cham-
ber and Miss Ruth E. Hayman,
hostess; then shown into the
gracious parlor. They were
escorted to the .dining room. by
Mrs. R. A. Simmons.
The tea room was a profu-
sion of colour with the yellow
blaze of daffodils, vieing with
the flower-like hats worn by
many of the guests.
The small side tables were
centres with bouquets of daf-
fodils, jonquils, forsythia, hya-
cinths and white violets. Artis-
tically arranged flowers provid-
ed background for each window
and the walnut sideboard. The
tea tablecloth of sheer organdy
with delicate pastel appliqued
flowers, was centred with cry-
stal drop candlesticks and a
pyramid arrangement of white
daffodils and yellow centred
jonquils, and white violets.
Mrs. R. H. F, Gairdner, Bay-
field and Mrs Fred Middleton,
Middleton, poured tea for the
first hour and Mrs Percy Wes-
ton, Bayfield, and Mrs. A. W.
Hayman, London and Bayrfield,
for the second hour.
Serving the guestas were Mrs.
Ross Middleton, Miss Bertherka
Situatgeon, Mra John Land, M.
Brown Higgins, Mrs, Roy Fitz-
simons, Mrs. Alf, Scatchmer Jr.
and Mrs. R. S. Roddick, Equal-
ly busy behind the seenes Were
Mrs. Fred Arkell, eonvenrex,
Mrs. J. E. Irony, Mrs, Len
Pounder and Mrs, Fred MITA.
Presiding over the ticket sale
at the door, was Mra. Maynard
The Trinity Club wishes to
extend its sincere thanks to all
the Iadies Who came from Godo -
rich, Clinton, RCAF Station
Clinton, Brucefield, Middleton,
Bayfield and district, The door
prize was Won by Mrs. Ia. E,
Smith, Clinton,
Church Time
Comanencing Sunday, May 21
and continuing throughout the
summer months, morning pr-
ayer will be .held in St. James
Church, Middleton, at 9.30 aan.
On Sunday, May 14, the Rev.
E. J. B. H•ar'misan conducted the
order of service of the Public
Baptism of infants at St.
James Church, Middleton, for
Edha Christine Wise, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wise
and for Patricia Ann Faryna,
daughter of AC2 William Step-
hen Faryna and Mrs, Faryna,
RCAF Clinton.
The God -parents for the Wise
infant were Mr. and Mrs. How-
ard ,Clark, Toronto (by proxy)
and for the Faryna infant, Cpl,
and Mrs. William Chalmers,
RCAF Clinton.
St. Jaynes W.A.
The Women's Auxiliary of
St. James Church, Middleton,
met Wednesday evening, May
10• at the home of Mrs; John
Grigg , with 15 members and.
two visitors present.
The meeting was opened by
the president, Mrs. Milton St-
eepe with the prayer "For Ev-
ery Day" by Clara Bernhardt,
followed by routine prayers.
Mrs. Arnold Miller gave the
Scripture reading from. Isaiah
55: 1-13. Mrs.. O. Cole read
the minutes and roll call was
answered by the word "hope".
Mrs. Dutat gave the financial
Correspondence was received
re the workshop at Huron Col-
lege May 26-28; also re the
Spring Sessions of the Deanery
of Huron to be held in St.
John's, Brussels on Monday,
May 15 at 10 ra.m. A letter of
thanks from Mrs. Alfred Hudie
was read by Mra. Cole.
A newcomer, Mrs. Steenstra,
on the former Harold Tyndall
farm was welcomed to this
A complete and: lovely Dor-
cas hale was on display at this
meeting. It is destined for the
Indian School at Cardston, A1-
The president expressed a
vote of thanks from all mem-
bers present to the splendid
Dorcas committee headed by
Mrs. Arnold Miller and assisted
by Mrs. McCullough and Mrs.
Keith 1Vlaller.
Mrs, Ross Middleton on be
half of the Trinity Club, Bay-
field invited the ladies to tea
to be held at Miss Haym;an's
"The Little Inn" on Thursday
from 2 to 4 p.m. Mrs. David
Deems game two splendid po-
ems, "In God's Hands" and
"Man is a Bridge".
Mrs. Fred Middleton was the
special speaker for the evening
and delighted her audiemice
With a, vivid description of win-
ter in California, in Los Angeles
Her lecture was illustrated
by a unique and effectiVe
method, e. large easel was
mounted With h imp of the
area discussed and surrottircding
the map were coioured snnap-
shots of the va;rrieus highlight's.
Her dmfonnative talk covered
a large area; and many phases
of life int the Los AingeleS area,
from the spaoibus grounds of
the University of L.A., the
'CENt)ERS will be received by the undersigned
until Monday at moon, Jure 5, 1961 for Crushing
and Hauling 12,000 yards of Gravel Crushed to
pass through WI screen, grovel to be taken from
2 pits in township, Work to be completed by Novem-
ber 1. Marked cheque for $200 to accompany tend-
et. Lowest or any tender not necessarily .tI cepted,
R. 8. THOMPSON, Clerk,
ROY TYNDAI..L, Rood Superintendent.
Sunkist plantation at Santa
Clare (with lemons large as
grapefruit), the fabulous homes
of the stars at Hollywood and
Malibu. Beach, the breath. -tak-
ing sunsets and the distinctive
abundant flora of California,
hibiscus, geraniums, bird of
Paradise flower, lupins and pop-
pies and geraniums, etc., in
jungle -like profusion and ev-
erywhere irrigation and every-
day brilliant sunshine.
Mrs. Cole moved a vote of
thanks to Ma's. " Middleton.
Mrs. Steepe in also thank-
ing the speaker expressed` the
hope of all present in inviting
her to continue her talk at the
next meeting as it was all of
great interest to her winter-
bound audience.
Mr. Harrison closed the meet-
ing with special prayers from
the litany, after which the
hostess served a lovely lunch.
Fol1owinlg lunch, a brisk sale
of plants, bulbs, etc., was con-
ducted, concluding a very in-
teresting meeting.
Tax •PrepayrentReceipts for 1961
The Township of Tuckersmith Will pay interest
at the rate of 6% per annum from June 15 to De -
comber 15 on all prepaid taxes. Certificates and
full particulors may be obtained at the clerk's office,
Tuckersmith, RR 3, Seaforth,
4, I, 1. McINTOSH, Treasurer,
RR 3, Seaforth, Ontario,
Balance on hand, January 1, 1960 $15,117,45
Rent of 3 Schools for Election 24.00
Legislative .Grants 12,703.98
Tuition Fees from SS No. 13 .,680.00
Township Levy 11,008.62
Instruction, Salaries $15,702.30
Instruction, Supplies 2,430.01
Administration 1.,029,61
Plant Operation 3,285,95
Plant Maintenance 693,38
Auxiliary Agencies 198,28
Fees to other Boards 240,00
Transportation 1,287.50
Capital Outlays
Extraneous Payments 75,
Balance on hand, December 31, 1960 14,257,02
A, J, MUSTARD, Secretary -Treasurer.
Take Advantage of Gingerich's
ais ad Service
Phone 34 Phone 585
In Clinton Phone HIS 2-7042 for particulars
are 'way ahead!
uron Street — CLINTON — Phone HU 34813
The Finest Fertilizers For Your Good Forth