Clinton News-Record, 1961-05-18, Page 6ARTICLES FOR SALE SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special care. Phone for an evening appointment, HU 2- 9525 or alla 2-7054. Anstett Jewellers, 53-tfb BARGAINS BARGAINS-Half price articles, slacks and T- shirts, and numerous articles 45e up to 1.49, See us for your baby needs. Hollmdie Imports, 55 Albert Street, Clinton, 20b CUSTOM WRINGER WASHER This will definitely be our last shipment of this model of Custom Wringer Washers to be offered at $92.00 ACT NOW-THIS SHIPMENT WON'T LAST LONG! AUTOS FOR SALE 1956 FORD V8 Automatic, two,-tone white and blue. 4-door, Ex- cellent condition. Phone Bay- field 82 after 7 peri. ' 20p 1957 MERCURY 4-DOOR Hard- top, power equipped. Custom radio, in excellent condition throughout, priced very reason- able. Phone Goderich JA 4-9621. 20b 1957 CHEV. 4-DOOR SEDAN, two-tone, whitewalls, radio, two new snow tires included, 27,000 actual miles, Will accept trade. Phone Herb Bridle, at HU 2- 3445 before 6 p.m. or 9448 in evenings, 20p ARTICLES WANTED CASH for your old gold. Anstett Jewellers, Clinton, HU 2-9525. 7tfb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LICENSED WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT STORES. Coin- °prated, Modest investment. We finance up to 90%. Compare our complete program and profit more. Write for details. ALD CANADA, LTD. 336 Wellington Road S., London, Ontario. GEneral 3-3171 18to22b LOST AND FOUND LOST -A LOADING .SHUTS for small truck between Elmer Townsend's and Porter's Hill. Finder please contact Eeriest Townshend, phone nu 2.91,07, 20b LOST -A BUDGIE, turquoise blue, answers to the name of "Tico". Flew away Saturday morning in vicinity of Queen Street. Finderphone HU 2- 7337, Mike Jennings. 20b *- MISCELLANEOUS WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb FILTER QUEEN SALES and Service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Reeondi- tioned, cleaners for sale. Bob Peck, Varna, phone Hensall 696 r 2, collect. 17p-tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured-don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. 20-tfb Dolt-Yourself RENT These Machines 3 Floor Polisher 3 Floor Sander and Edger 3 Electric Rug Shampooer with wet and dry vacuum 3 Hand Electric Sander 3 Duo,Purpose Hand Sander BALL & MUTCH CLINTON 30-tfb NOTICE TUCKERSMITH Municipal Dump will be open until fur- ther notice every Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 1to 5 p.m. J. I. McIntosh, Clerk. 14tfb NOTICE Seaforth Bowling Lanes OPEN ALL SUMMER FOR YOUR BOWLING PLEASURE. .,,,Automatic Pin Setters and Snack Counter. OPEN BOWLING- Thurs., May 18-7 p.m. - 12 p.m. Friday, May 19-7 p.m. -12 pm. Sat., May 20 2 pan, - 12 p,m. Sun., May 21-1 p.m. - 5.30 p.m. and 8.15 p.m. - 12 pm. Mon., May 22-1 p.m. - 5.30 p.m. and 7 p.m. - 12 p.m. Wed., May 24-2 p.m. - 5.30 p.m. and 7 p.m. - 12 p.m. * * * * * * Anyone wishing to bowl in * * a Lady's or Men's League * * for the summer - * Phone Seaforth 350 * * * * * For Reservations Phone 350 SEAFORTH BOWLING LANES 20b ARTICLES FOR SALE BABY'S DRIB reettrese, large size, phone HU 2-7275. 29b, USED ROTARY ANTENNA for saie, $35, Apply Becker Trailer Court, Clinton, 20p Carefree Heating - Champion Fuel Oil. Phone HU 2-9411, A. G. Grigg and Son, 38tfb ALUMINUM DOORS and Win- dows. Don C. Colquhoun, RR 5, Clinton. Dial 1-IV 2-3297, 1.-tfb MONEY. CLINTON COMMUN- ITY CREDIT UNION Limited. 20b TENOR 4-STRING BANJO, in good condition. $35. Phone 20bHU 2-7433, AWNINGS Boat covers and tarpaulins. Ken Ferguson, phone Bayfield 11. 18-21b ONE DINING ROOM SUITE; 6 chairs, 1 table, 1 buffet. Mrs. H. Berry, phone HU 2-7572, 20x COMBINATION record player and 24" Silvertone TV console, excellent condition; baby's high chair and crib with mattress, Phone HU 2-9273. 20p BOY'S STANDARD BICYCLE $10; pair white swim fins, nev- er worn, men's size 7 - 814. $5; green tweed rug with Dad $18. HU 2-7268. 20b AGAIN THIS YEAR outside white paint, $2.99 a gallon. T. A. Dutton Appliances, Bruce- field, phone HU 2-3232, open evenings till 9 p.m. 18tfb ELECIROLUX SALES AND SERVICE. Cleaners and polish- ers. Also reconditioned clean- ers and repairs. Bert Harris, 109 Newgate Street, Goderich, phone JA 4-7917. 35tfb HOME FREEZERS Saturday Special FROM OUR STORE ONLY Old Fashioned Cake Donuts Reg. 50c doz. Special 43c doz. Boston Cream Pies Reg, 60c Special 54c Stock Up for the Holiday Weekend Pies - Cakes - Rolls - Cookies Sweet Goods Sandwiches Taste Better made with Bartliffs Enriched Bread Friday Special FROM OUR STORE ONLY Strawberry Cream Cake Reg. 65c Special 59c Bran Muffins Rag. 40c doz. Special 37c doz. loommoommooftwonmareromminorommatommml Bartliffs Bakery HU 24727 Limited CLINTON Bakery and Restaurant Phone HU 2-7652 or HU 2-9519 20b MOTORS AND PORTABLE POWER TOOLS REWOUND and repaired. Parts for all pop- ular makes, single or three phase. Reasonable prices. Art Levett and Sons, 139 Erie Street. Phone HU 2-6640, 35tfb KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY- Expert re - upholstering, re- finishing and repairing of all types of furniture. Full range of materials. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Call Groves Electric, Eli 2-9414, Clinton 8tfb AUTOS FOR SALE FOR TRUCKS COME TO THE, CAR KING THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS: HIGH SCHOOL GIRL will baby sit during daytime in summer months. Phone HU 2-9094, 20b HELP WANTED FEMALE STEADY EMPLOYMENT for women to do general work In hotel. Apply in person to Hotel Clinton, Clinton, 20b WOMAN WANTED from 9 p.m. to 7.30 eat. three nights a week for lady invalid, Phone HU 2- 9284, 20b AVON CALLING-Serve rural customers in Millet Township for pleasant and profitable work. Write Mrs. E. Bell, 84B Albert Street, Waterloo. 20b HELP WANTED MALE DUE TO INCREASE Of busi- ness, We require 4 young am, bitious men, earing $100-$125 per week; ear essential. Phone Alvin Riley, Seaforth, 445W. 20-1-p AVAILABLE AT ONCE: nearby RaWieigh Business, Geod oppOr- Trade well ettehlished. Experience helpful but not es- sential. Write at enee. Raw, leigh's, Dept. E-169-102,‘ 4005 Richolleu, Montreal. 20b PET STOCK BLOND COCKER SPANIEL pups for sale. Six weeks, old. Phone HU 2-9136, 20.1-2-b Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, In Memoriams, Engagements, 3o a word; Minimum 75c. REPEATS- 2c a word; Minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNTS.- 1,4 Off if paid by Saturday foltowing last Insertion. BILLING CHARGE 100 added on second bill. FREE- Births, Marriages,- Deaths, DEADLINE o'clock noon, Wednesday DIAL HU 2.8443 NWEAR SPORT SHIRTS Long or Short Sleeves. New Patterns, New Materials, New Colours. Sizes 10 to 16 years. $1.98 up Cotton Wash PANTS Sanforized shrunk. Checks, Plains or New Random Cords. All Sizes, All Shades. from $3.95 up See Our Boys' Items of Quality A CKNX WIN -A-DRYER STORE Pickett 81 Campbell Limited OPEN PRIIDAY EVENING AFT A AMER JOB .40. HIRE GOOD HELP I' Page 6-,Clinton News-Recard--Thursday, May 18, 1961 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that By-Law Numbered 1 of the Board 'of Trustees of The Roman oath- olio Separate School for the Town of Clinton, was passed on the 28th day of April, 1961. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the said By-law was passed for the purpose of borrowing moneys to provide for erecting, equipping and fur- nishing a three room school. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the amount of money to be borrowed for the provisions aforesaid, is the sum of Seventy Thousand ($70,000,- 00) Dollars to be secured by twenty year debentures of the said Board dated the 1st day of June, 1961, and that the said sum of Seventy Thousand ($70,- 004.00) Dollars to be borrowed pursuant to the said By-Law, the interest thereon and the said Debentures shall be and are by the said By-Law made a charge upon the said school house property and all the other real and personal pro- perty in the said Board and up- on all separate school rates of the said Board until the said Debentures and each and every of them together with interest thereon shall have been fully paid and satisfied. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the said Deben- tures will bear interest at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum from the date thereof and shall be repayable in accor- dance with the following sche- dule of payments. SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS Year Principal Interest Total 1 $2,000 $4,200 $6,200 2 2,000 4,080 6,080 3 2,000 3,960 5,960 4 2,000 3,840 5,840 5 2,000 3,720 5,720 6 3,000 3,600 6,600 7 3,000 3,420 6,420 8 3,000 3,240 6,240 9 3,000 3,060 6,060 10 3,000 2,880 5,880 11 3,000 2,700 5,700 12 4,000 2,520 6,520 13 4,000 2,280 6,280 14 4,000 2,040 6,040 15 4,000 1,800 5,800 16 5,000 1,560 6,560 17 5,000 1,260 6,260 18 5,000 960 5,960 19 5,000 660 5,660 20 6,000 360 6,360 AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the, said By-Law Numbered 1 is on file at the Office of the Secretary-Treasur- er of the said Board, Clinton, Ontario, and may be examined between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon, Mondays to, Friday, inclusive. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 2nd day of May, 1961. The Board of Trustees, of The Roman Catholic Separate School For The Town of Clinton. Victor Finnie, Secretary-Treasurer, 18-19-20b ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 2 APARTMENTS, eelr-contain- ed, unfurnished, gas equipment. Phone HU 2-9682, 40tila APARTMENT FOR RENT, partly furnished, frig. D, A. Kay, phone HU 2-9542. 20b HEATED APARTMENT, living room, kitchen, one bedroom and bath. Available now. Apply McEwan's Store. 6tfb AVAILABLE NOW, 2 bedroom house, modern conveniences. On Highway 4 at Kippen. Apply Lloyd Lovell, Kippen. 18tfb 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, available May 15. School Apartments. Ceriel Van Demme. HU 2-6685. 19tfb 7-ROOM HOUSE, 1% miles east of Kippen on paved road. Hot and cold water. Available now. Apply J. Sinclair, Kippen, phone Seaforth 657 r 41. 20p GROUND FLOOR, unfurnished one bedroom, . self-contained, private entrance, available nw. Phone 9085, 170 Victoria St. IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE, 4-bedroom brick house, garage Centrally located in Clinton. Apply John Bosveld, realtor, Goderich, 40 Wellesley Street, phone JA 4-8762. 18tfb 4 ROOM APARTMENT, un- furnished, livingroom, dining- room with hardwood floors, kitchen, large bedroom, private bath heated with gas. Phone HU 2-9090, 17tfb FIVE ROOM UNFURNISHED downstairs apartment complet- ely self-contained, automatic heating, basement, garage and garden. Centrally located. 46 Princess St. West, phone HU 2-9005. 20p FIVE BEDROOM HOUSE, re- cently redecorated; new oil furnace; new bathroom, hot and cold running water; new kitchen with built-in cupboards. Apply Malcolm Davidson, RR 1, Bruce- field, phone Hensall 686 r 23. 19tfb e...••••• ACCOMMODATION WANTED WANTED an unfurnished house, adults, permanent residents. Apply Box 82, Clinton News- Record. 19-20p SMALL APARTMENT, furnish- ed, from June 15 to September 1, Airforce couple with two children. Reply in detail to Mr. J. V. Forestell, 143 Oxford East, Apartment 1, London. 19tfb Wanted To Rent 400 to 500 square feet of OFFICE SPACE in or near business section in Clinton. Write to Box 20, Clin- ton News-Record. 20b TYPEWRITER, portable. Im- ported Optima. 88 character keyboard, silent carriage re- turn, solid construction, keyset tabulator. Only $89.95. Clinton News-Record, 56 Albert Street, Clinton. 15tfb FULLY FURNISHED TRAIL- er, 8 x 16; mahogany console table; Easy washing machine; walnut occasional table; wicker bookholder; frame barn 20'x30' to be removed. Phone HU 2- 9173. 20p WALNUT VENEER Bedroom suite, waterfall design, double bed, dresser and four drawer chest; spring and spring-filled Mattress complete, also white enamel kitchen sink and law- cets. Phone Herb Bridle, HU 2-3445 before 6 p.m. or 9448 in evenings. 20n, FOR REPAIR SERVICE Eavestroughing & Plumbing MODERN Gas and Oil Furnace Sales and Service Chuter Heating and Electric '58 DODGE 1-TON PICKUP, V-8, 4-speed transmission, positively like new, $1,375. '60 G M C LONG BOX, STEP SIDE-Sold new by us. '60 FORD LONG BOX, WIDE SIDE-Complete with stock racks and tarp. '59 GMC LONG BOX, WIDE SIDE-Only 24,000 miles. '59 BEDFORD PANELS (2). '59 caEv 3%-TON STAKE, Only 21,000 miles, complete with tarp, etc. Positively like new, '57 DODGE 1/4 -TON PICKUP, Recent new motor, $875. '57 CHEV %-TON PICKUP. '55 CHEV 1-TON PICKUP, Excellent Workhorse. '55 FORD 4-TON GRAVEL 6- yard box. '54 GMC CHASSIS and CAB. '53 FORD 3-TON, 14-foot stake, loading chute, etc. '53 DODGE 1/4 -TON PICKUP, Only 40,000 miles. '53 CHEV 2%.,TON, 12-ft. stake, rack .and tarp, CHEV 31/4 -TON, 15 ft. stake, excellent shape. REAL ESTATE LOT ON EAST STREET, 66 x 165 feet, phone HU 2-7088. 1.6tilb 3 BEDROOM COTTAGE for sale, on Cutter Street, QiI fur- nace, hardwood floors, modern kitchen, 3-piece bath. Apply Lloyd Moore, Clinton. 20p BUSINESS PROPERTIES, farms and homes. Build a home to suit your pocketbook on the Nu-Way house plan, Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, Agent for Kernehan. Phone HU 2- 6692 for appointment, High Street, Clinton. Salesman Lloyd Moore, RR 5, Clinton, HU 2- 9572. lltfb HOUSE AND FURNISHINGS FOR SALE Mary Street. Well-Built, com- pletely furnished, seven-room brick house and frame barn. House has three bedrooms and bath up, Household effects in- clude antiques and several cords of seasoned split wood, Will accept reasonable down payment and first mortgage at 5% interest from responsible party. Consideration will be given to parties interested in purchasing a large amount of household goods, or house and all or part of contents, Address inquiries, including your telephone number to N. G. McNeil, Box 329, Clinton, On- tario, for appointment. Or tele- phone Kalamazoo, Michigan, Fireside 35615 after 6 p.m. for additional information. 20-1-b Four exceptional good buys in Clinton; 4 apartment brick home, in ideal location for the retired farmer or person seeking guar-, anteed income. Free living with a good income. Centrally located lovely red brick home, bright livingroom, diningroom, spacious kitchen, 2 piece bath upstairs, 4 nice bed- rooms, sunporch, 3 piece bath, hot water heating, double gar- age. Can be bought very reas- onable. On Huron Street, a very good 4 bedroom home, down pay- ment only $2,000. On Rattenbury Street, 5 bed- room, 2 bathrooms, hot water heating, only $7,500. We have a choice list of farms for sale in Huron County. JOHN BOSVELD REALTOR 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich, Ont. Ph. JA 4-8762 Salesmen: C. Buruma, Clinton HU 2-9287 Joseph McConnell, Seaforth Phone 266 19-20b REM. ESTATE TWO STOREY white brick house on Dinsley Street, Blyth, with modern kitchen, dining room, den with fireplace, living room, four bearooms, new 4-pc. bath, front and back stairs. Full basement with forced air furnace. Insulated, newly wir- ed, recently decorated. Large workshop with hen house above. Situated on 2% lots with sever- al fruit bushes. Early posses- sion. Roy McVittie, Blyth, ph- one 201. 20-lp TENDERS WANTED Tenders Street Construction The town of Exeter calls for tenders on the construction of 532 feet of street. The work contemplated includes the ex- cavation and placing of gran- ular backfill according to speci- fications. The contractor to fur- nish all the necessary tools, ap- paratus and equipment and to do all the work, and furnish all material (except corrugated pipe). Specifications and ten- der forms may be secured at the Clerk's Office, 394 Main Street, Exeter or from B. M. Ross, O.L.S., Goderich, Ont. All tenders to be in the office of the Town Clerk on or before 5 p.m. Thursday, May 25th. C. V. PICKARD, Town Clerk, Exeter, Ontario. Village of Hensall TENDERS WANTED SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to and until 6 o'clock p.m., Sat- urday, May 27, 1961, for the Asphalt Paving of Wellington Street from King Street to Mill Street Approximately 1,100 feet long, 22 feet wide to be placed on in two courses. The base course to be one and three-quarters inches thick of coarse material and the top course to be one and one- quarter inches thick of fine ma- terial, Contract prices to be submitted by the ton; work to be commenced as soon as pos- sible. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For fur- ther information apply at the Clerk's office. EARL CAMPBELL, Clerk, Village of Hensall. 20-1-h PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments In this area. George W. Cox, HU 2-3870. 17to2lp tab CUSTOM WORK FOR. YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING needs, call HU 2- 9433. Hawkins Hardware. 2tfb DIAMON DS CLEANED and checked free of charge. Anstett Jewellers, Clinton. 46-tfb BRICK, STONE and all types of masonry work, Reasonable rates. Peter Jansen, 84 Kirk Street, Clinton. 19to23p WELDING-Repairs, Ornamen- tal Railings, Flower Stands. John Hamilton, 293 Albert St- reet, Clinton. 38tfb LAWN ROLLING by experienc- ed operators. Reasonable rates. Phone Henry Young, HU 2 9496. 15tfb HANDMADE PICNIC TABLES, lawn chairs, valance boxes made to order. Phone HU 2-9522. 20-1-p GARDENS PLOWED and culti- vated with hand powered culti- vator; reasonable. Apply Eld- red Ernmersori, 168 Maple St. 20p HAVE YOUR GARDEN work- ed the fast economical way, by roto-tilling. Reasonable rates. Phone HU 2-7265, John Wise. 19-20p SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR your room? We do all kinds of painting and decorating at law rates. Phone HU 2-7261, Associated Painters, Clinton. 19-20-21-p SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used, all work guaranteed, write or ph- one Louis Blake, RR 2, Brus- sels, phone 442 w 6 Brussels. 10 - 35p TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR THE SALE and Removal of the former Eb- enezer Church, Maitland Con- cession, Goderich Township. Tenders to be in hands of the secretary by June 1, 1961, and building to be removed by Sep- tember 1. Irvine Tebbutt, sec- retary of the board, RR 2 Cl- inton, HU 2-7474. 19-20b SPRING CLEANING TIME: Do it the easy way, call Super- ior Maintenance Service now, for your window cleaning, floor maintenance, wall washing, jan- itor work, changing storms and screens, small repairs. H. Mc- Nally, 88 Osborne Street. 19-20p EMPLOYMENT WANTED Notice To Creditors In the Matter of FLETCHER T. TOWNSEND, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 23rd day of May, A,D. 1961, after which date the assets will be distri- buted amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given, DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 28th day of April, A.D. 1961. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 18-19-20b Village of Hensall TENDERS WANTED SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to and until 6 o'clock p.m., Sat- urday, May 27, 1961, to Excav- ate and remove 12 inches of earth and refill with 8 inches of pit-run gravel and 4 inches of crushed gravel. Approximately 350 feet on Nelson Street, 700 feet on York Street, 350 feet on Albert St. Prices to be submitted by the cubic yard. Lowest or any tend- er not necessarily accepted, For further information apply at the Clerk's office, EARL CAMPBELL, Clerk, Village of Hensall. 20-1-b AUCTION SALE Of Property and Household Effects from 54 Mill Street, Clinton, on SATURDAY, MAY 20 at 1:30 p.m. the following House hold Effects-Sherlock Manning piano and bench; Chesterfield bed (new); wal- nut table (small); Windsor rocking chair; Chesterfield chair; walnut china cabinet; walnut secretary; 3 wall mir- rors; table lamps; trielight; Ax- minster rug, 9' x 10', with under pad; occasional chair; mantel radio; walnut bedroom suite of bed, highboy and combination dresser-wardrobe; walnut sin- gle bed and dresser; Inner sp- ring mattresses; 5-pc. chrome suite; arborite top kitchen table; G.E. refrigerator with large freezer tompartment (new); G.E. 2 brush floor polisher; G.E. electric kettle; food mix- master; Maxwell power lawn Mowers; dishes; cooking uteri- ells and numerous other articles. Property-.--At 3 p.m. the pro- perty will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid. On this property is a five room frame house with full basement, oil furnace, 3-pc. bath and built- In kitchen cupboards. TERMS: cash TERMS ON PROPERTY: '10% down on date Of sale.,--5% In 30 days with balance are ranged on a Mortgage Mr& Mary Parker, Proprietress Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 19..20b Choose from: REVCO GILSON RCA WHIRLPOOL WESTINGHOUSE KELVINATOR ALL IN STOCK AND READY FOR DELIVERY Priced from . . . $229.00 T. A. Dutton APPLIANCES BRUCEFIELD Phone HU 2-3232 Open evenings till 9 p.m. 14-tfb Sutter-Perdue Ltd. Quality Hardware & Housewares Electrical Appliances & Supplies CLINTON HU 2-7023 20b ONE SMALL FRIG. needs min- or repairs, $10; medium size oil heater with pipes, $10; Address Bldg. G. Apartment 1, RCAF Station Clinton, phone HU 2- 9577. 20b A Good Selection Of Older Model Pickups PEARSON MOTORS Phone 608 - Exeter Phone 78 ZUrieh 20b QUALITY SEED BEANS for Sale American Certified No. I SANILAC American Certified No. I MICHELITE Contracts Available Harriston Fertilizer at Attractive Prices Order Now E. L. Mickle &Son Ltd. Phone 103 Hensall, Ont.