Clinton News-Record, 1961-03-23, Page 9Thu .4, March 2L 1961 liatan Newa-Record,fa News of Bayfield BY LUCY R. WOOPS U3 RA- W=140 45r3 Touty s At Mrs, Diehrs This Week's Special: 1954 METEOR HARDTOP EQUIPPED WITH • Automatic Transmission • Custom Radio • Power Steering • Power Brakes 95 4. TRUCKS! PICKUPS, PANELS, STAKES 17 In Stock To Choose From NO DOWN PAYMENT UP TO FOUR YEARS TO PAY Name Your Own Terms! Blanket Protection New Winter Blend 2 0 X Premium Ingredients at Regular Price HU 2-6661 HU 2-9013 S CO Ray Hoggarth, Prop. 192 HURON STREET .CLI NTON tation BMW Freel Marie Fraser's new butter recipes-- "Tea-party Treats". Available in quantity for women's groups. A DIVISION OF DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 HURON STREET, TORONTO 5 Live Better Electrically "We never run out of hot water! We've got a new, fast.recovery electric water heater with two elements" Even In large families the new, fast- two-element water heater this week; recovery, two,element electric water Ca your local Hydro today.- heater meets the heaviest hot water demaeciso for oily a few tents a day., Why tilt guarantee thn comfort of a, Constant hot water supply in your home. ;install a otre, 'clean, &monies* Phone 78 ZURICH "THE CAR KING OF HURON COUNTY' Phone 608 EXETER Clinton Area Representative—Don Smith—Phone HU 24435 Mrs.. A. W. Haman an IVIISs. Ruth Hayman, London, were in the yi,lhtge on, Monday, Mr. and M. d. 13- R. Wil- lock, Toronto, were at their cottage on Bayfield Terrace, on Thursday. Master Ricky Penhale spent the weekend with his grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs, Bert Faber, Kipper. Mr. and Mrs.. E. W, London, were at their cot- tege on Main Street for the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Jack .Steacl- roan, Johnny and Janice, Lon- don, were at their cottage on :Saturday, Miss Mary Marks and We- tor Pickard, Toronto, visited her mother and brother, Mrs, Charles Marks and John, over the weekend. Mr, and. Mrs. Melvin 13en- nett and family, .Goderieh, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Pe ale, Bronson Line, Stanley Township. Mrs. George Reid returned to Varna on Monday after having visited her son, Sgt. William Reid and family for a week, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Par- ker, Pam and Jackie, London, Spring Caine in with a big !SLIMY smile on Monday at 3,32 p.m. — but there was an east wind, be it ever so light! were with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William E, Parker for the weekend. Mr. and. Mrs. J. French, Mr. and Mrs, M. Leiper, were the guests .of Mr, and Mrs. William E. Parker ,on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fraser returned home on Thursday evening after having visited with their son AiTa. daughter- in Riverside for ten. days. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pen- hale spent Saturday in Detroit attending the Ice Capades the Oylmpia in company with Mr, and Mrs. Walter Scott, London, Mrs. J, Seotchnier, Sr,, was taken to Clinton Public Hos- petel via ambulance on Friday morning. Mr, .Sccytehmer is st- aying ,with his son Charlie and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Atwood and Timmy, Sarnia, were with Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Feathers- ton on Sunday. Mrs. Harold King who has been visiting here returned to Sarnia with them. Mr. and Mrs. William Par- ker, Charlie and Kim, return- ed to .London on Thursday af- ter having been with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J, Fraser, from Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. J. Pounder and three children, Johnny, Cathy and Mary Beth, London, spent a few hours with Mrs Pound- er's mother, Mrs. Lloyd Scot- ehmer on Saturday, Misses Ruth Turner, Varna, and Olive Martin, Bronson Line, Stanley, students at St- ratford Teachers College, are doing practice teaching under Mrs. William E. Parker this week. Mrs. William H. Johnston, returned home the end. of the week improved in health after having been a patient in Clin- ton Public Hospital for a few days. The mistress at "The Hut" had awakened one morning last week to hear the mating call of the eareinal, The master looked out the kitchen window armi, saw the male bird .shell, log the sunflower seeds and P4tting the kernels in his way bird's bill — ain't love grand: After his 'neglect of the win, ter. From Mrs. J. E. Howard it was learned that she had seen three white swans flying north on March 12, OA Saturday morning hundreds of small birds which looked like Spar- rows alighted and were feeding in her lane. On closer inspec- tion, she saw that they were red polls. At the same time, Mrs. Ro- bert Blair saw ,an equally large flock come down en the school lawn. They seemed to be feed- Mg greedily on grass seeds, etc. Evidently they were grating to the sub-arctic after a winter in the northern Un- ited States. They stayed ar- ound all day Saturday. Mrs. Howard, also states that the red polls do not usually appear until towards the end of April. She has .heard the song sparrows and other song birds trilling the news of sp- ring. Thinking of the 'birds and spring on Monday afternoon, the Mistress heard a musical trill outside her window at "The Hut". "Quick!" she cal- led to the master, "Look out the window and see what bird is singing." He looked, There was no bird in sight. A differ- ent cadence of notes. was heard — Yes, you've guessed it, from CKNX radio station. Anyway it sounded cheerful. a TB is caught from someone who already has the disease. A cough, a sneeze, a kiss, or an eating utensil can transmit the TB germ, (Mrs Maude liedden Legion bingos will commence Saturday, April 1 in the Legion Hall. Jackpot will be $100, there will be two door prizes. Don Kyle, on the staff of the Bank of Montreal here, has beer transferred to the Grand Bend branch. Mrs. Jack Hudson was admit- ted to Clinton Public Hospital on Friday suffering a fractur- ed hip sustained in a fall at her home when she took a weak spell. Ross Kercher, Kippen, the corresponding secretary of ,toe London-St. Thomas Branch of the Radio Electronics Technic- ians Association, won a prize offered at the annual banquet in London, when over 70 mem- bers attended. Hensel]. Legion Ladies Aux- iliary sponsored a successful St. Patrick's bake sale and tea in the Legion Hall, March 18, well patronized and proceeds gratifying. Conveners of the bake table were Mrs. Gordon Munn, Mrs. Harold Bonthron, Mrs. Byran Kyle and Mrs. William Smale. Tea table con- veners were Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. Harold Campbell, Mrs. Jack Simmons, Mrs. John Skea, Mrs. A. E. Clark. Kinettes Meet Mrs. Robert Reaburn was hostess at her home March 14 for the Kinette meeting. Presi- dent Mrs. Ross Jinks presided, and a 100 percent attendance was recorded. Members held a bake sale with auctioneers, Mrs. William Mickle and Mrs. George Beer. May 27 was the date set for the annual spring rummage sale. Mystery prize was won by Mrs. Reaburn. Next meet- ing to be held at the home of Mrs. George Sawyer. Exeter. 90th CONSECUTIVE SHORTHORN SALE Sponsored by the Western Ontario consignment Company at the Fair Grounds Stratford, Ontario Thursday, Mar. 30 10 Bulls Mahy Performance Tested and eligible for Government Bonus 30 Females From sortie of Ontario's top Shorthorn herds. These Cattle are sound and healthy, carefully selected as to size, type and bloodlines the herd improving kind. Write for Catalogue to; L. J. wHrre, Sales Mgr., I3oX 241, St, Marys, Ont, Remember: You get More for your money with Shorthorns. 12b Mayfield. Correspondent) The Trinity Branch WW1-. an'a AuxIlliary met at the home of Mrs. Carl Diehl on Tlmrs- - day afternoon with an attend- ance of eight. The president, Mrs. Emerson Heard, ealled the meeting Ito, order. It was opened with the singing of -"Forty days and for- 'ty nights" with Mrs.. E, A, Featherston at the Plane. Mrs. William R. Elliott read St« Matthew 15: 22-32. Rev, E. J. 9, Harrison conducted the Litany, In the absence of the sec- retary, Mrs. T. Castle, Mrs, R. J. Larson read the minutes of the last meeting and Mrs. Die- hl recorded this one, Mrs. Larson 'als'o gave the financial report, Mrs. Ktruckey read an inter- esting letter from Sister Dor- othy Dykes telling of her work. in Nigeria, Also a personal Christmas greeting from her, Mrs. Heard reminded mem- bers of the annual Diocesan meeting to be held in the Chi urch of St, John the Evangel- ist, Kitchener, April 25,20, and asked all members to bring their thankofferieg boxes to the next meeting. Mrs. P. Weston, Dorcas sec- retary, displayed a pretty quilt made for the Mohawk Institute and was authorized to purch- ase lining as required for ex- tra quilts, Mrs. Heard was asked to ar- range a showing of the study book slides if possible, with Mrs. H'ggins. Mrs. E. A. Featherston, in the absence of Mrs. Higgins, read, the topic, "Worshipping God on Sunday" wed "Pray- er." Mrs, C, Diehl read a greet- ing from Mrs. J. M, Stewart in St. Petersburg. Rev, E. J B. Harrison read an article describing KEEP Christian Democracy at work In Japan as organized by Dr. Paul Rusch. The rector said the closing prayers. Correspondent) Rebekahs Meet DDP Mrs, Lillian Grumett, Seaforth, Huron District 23 of the Rebekah Assembly of On- tario, made her official visit to the Amber Rebekah Lodge, Hensall, Wednesday, March 15 and was presented by Jr. PNG Mrs. Glen Bell. Noble Grand Mrs. Ernie Chipchase presided. The be annual meeting will be held in Seaforth, April 12, at 3 p.m. Jr. PNG Mrs. Glen Bell was appointed rep- resentative to this meeting. PNG Mrs. William , Caldwell, alternate. The lodge appointed Jr. PNG Mrs. Glen Bell as scholar and PNG Mrs, Archie MacGregor as representative to Grand Lodge Assembly to be held in Toronto in June. PNG Mrs. Alex McBeath, alter- native representative. Mrs. Grummett spoke to the meeting on "Brotherhood". Mrs. Charles Reeves and Mrs. Percy Campbell, representing Seaforth and Exeter lodges spoke briefly. Birthday greet- ings were extended to Mrs. Thomas Kyle and Mrs. Jack Corbett. For a social hour which fol- lowed 15 tables were in play for euchre and winners were: ladies, Miss Coward, Kirkton; Mrs. Roy Pepper, Exeter; Mrs. Jack Corbett; gentlemen, Ross Richardson, P. L. McNaugh- ton: Garnet McFalls, Exeter; door prize winner was Mrs. Faith Pinsent, Hensall. (Intended for last week) Carmel WMS The March meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held Monday, March 13, in the church school room. Mrs. Len Purdy read Scripture pas- sages and Mrs. Basil Edwards offered prayer. Mrs. Archie Hoggarth gave the Easter mes- sage and Mrs. Malcolm Doug- all offered a musical number. A minute's silence was ob- served in memory of the late Mrs. D. J. Lane, Clinton. East- er was the theme of the meet- ing. Evening Auxiliary The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church convened Mon- day evening with Mrs. Ron Mock extending a welcome to the 41 members and guests present. The devotion, in keep- ing with Palm Sunday, was taken by Mrs. James Taylor who read an article on "When tempted togive up." Seripttire passages were read and prayer offered by Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. 3. C. Goddard reviewed two chapters of the study book, "The Turning World." Mrs Clendon Christie read an article on Christian citizenship, the theme "Temp- erance." A motion was passed to for. ward the quarterly allocation, Four or five carloads of mem- bers are expected to drive to Mitchell to look at the addition to the Sunday School at NM,. ehell United Church. "Spring is sprung The grass is riz I know where The best cars is." THE (AR KING OF HURON COUNTY HAS THEM! ore Than 75 Other argains! 1111.. '60 STRATO-CHIEF, tom radio, ers, low mileage Pontiac windshield 4-door, cus- wash- Sedan si nes r71 '60 Sedan, driven rich man. Renault Daulphine only 3,600 miles by a Code- Owner's name on request. '59' 2-door, this one-owner car has Dodge radio Deluxe. ' low-mileage,discs,sea s1A75 '59 Rambler Deluxe Sedan, air conditioned aw whitewalls, wheel dining delight re- $1 heater, 1 695 '58 Chev Biscayne, equipped aculate car formerly owned by a member the clergy Sedan with radio. This of $1,875 im- '58 Stratochief, matic drive, washers, etc., Pontiac equipped radio, low mileage with auto- windshield 2-door $1,575 '57 Pathfinder with custom er, finished in Pontiac Sedan Deluxe, equipped radio, rear speak- gleaming green $i I i I ,,,,,5 7 Deluxe 2-door, Immaculate one-owner car, custom only 'S7 Volkswagen radio, $ 995 '56 Studebaker Champion Deluxe, equipped overdrive, locally owned, only 40,000 miles driven with $995 '56 Buick Sedan, automatic drive, owner's name on request. Special radio, new tires, '55 2-door, automatic walls, wheel in colonial cream Buick discs, just drive, refinished white- Hardtop 95 '55 motor, only Laurentian,,custom dard transmission, Pontiac Convertible radio, sten- nearly new $1 , 050 The Car King Guarantees You FREE GAS HOME If We Can't Make A Deal ! PEARSON MOTORS LTD. Spring Came to BOOM! Robins, Red Polls, All. Signs" Show Proof (BaYfield correspondent) ewe of Hensall FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage, We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE e.',OLLECT net later than Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. Se Hunt, ,Shipper Phone 713